• The National CAF Resource Center (Institute of Public Administration) is the National Organizer of the PEF in Bulgaria
• For this purpose, National Rules for External Feedback have been developed (2018). They are based on the European procedure, developed by the European CAF RC (2009, updated 2013)
• The National CAF Resource Center works with a network of Bulgarian external assessors who are specially trained in PEF. They are civil servants and have practical CAF experience.
• A total of 61 Bulgarian organisations are awarded with the label “Effective CAF User” (in the period 2018-2022)
• Consulting organisations participating in the PEF – in special organised meetings
• Developing and presenting a model/example of the on-site visit’s agenda to the external assessors, as well as a questionnaire with indicative questions according to the different target persons/groups, based on the methodology of the National Rules for External Feedback
• Organizing special meetings with the external assessors to present requirements and recommendations to their work and their Feedback Report
• PHASE 1: Application for external evaluation by the organization – under the IPA’s CAF projects many organisations have had a direct external assessment - without a special request/application
• PHASE 2: External feedback process – PEF REPORT – National CAF RC appoints the external assessor/s for each organisation who must submit to the center his/her PEF Report within 1 month (after concluding a contract for this). National CAF RC pays a fee for the work done after reviewing the Feedback report in the framework of its CAF projects
• PHASE 3: Decision and obtaining the «Effective CAF user» certificateNational PEF Organizer takes the final decision on the label based on the Feedback Report and presents it to the respective organizations in a ceremonial way at special conferences
1. Title of the report, title and data of the organisation, the name of the external assessor/s
2. General Comments
• Key strengths identified
• Key areas for improvement
• Main recommendations
3. Feedback on the 1st pillar (self-assessment process)
4. Feedback on the 2nd pillar (the improvement process)
5. Feedback on the 3rd pillar (principles of total quality)
6. Evaluation profile with the final opinion about the label. Based on the methodology of the national rules (questionnaires and scoring guides)
(based on the review of all assessors’ reports in the period: 2020-2022)
• Objective – based on the PEF methodology (the assessor/s should follow it and apply the objective criteria for scoring)
• Reasonable – to contain a justification for the conclusions and recommendations made (based on the evidence of the research done - documentary and from the on-site visit)
• Analytical – to contain analytical conclusions and recommendations with a view to greater clarity for the organization
• with constructive critique – in the context of correct application of the model
• balanced - to pay attention to both: strengths and areas of improvement
• in the assessment of the 2nd pillar – to have a special attention to the implementation of the Improvement plan
• in the assessment of the 3rd pillar – in addition to the questionnaire with the assessment criteria, should also be analyzed the findings in the CAF Self-Аssessment Report, especially in those sub-criteria that relate directly to the quality principles
• motivating for the organization – in order to continue on the path of improvement