Leaving it all on the court
A player jump up nearly to the top of the net during an intramurals game in the McKay Gym during Fall Semester 2021. Students said they enjoyed the competition and the students who came out to watch and support them. Photo by Mark Daeson Tabbilos.
Happy Campers take first place in Fall 2021 volleyball match up BY CHARLOTTE KELSEY
his intramural volleyball season has come to end with the two final teams, the Keikis and the Happy Campers, going head to head to see who would reign as intramural champions for the Fall 2021 Semester. It was a close game in the Cannon Activities Center, but the Happy Campers came out as this season’s winning team. Josh Brown, a sophomore studying economics and who played for the Happy Campers, said, “It was a tough game, but we played our hardest and won! We gave it our all tonight, and I am so proud of my teammates. It was a great season!” The Keikis team Captain Gunther Vaden, a senior studying education who also works for Seasider Sport and Activities, thanked everyone who came out to support the teams. “One of the greatest parts of this season was the support shown by the students,” he said. “We really felt the love! Although we didn’t win, we gave it our all and made some amazing memories.” The game remained close in score as each team tried their hardest to be the winners. The gym was full of students who all came to watch the game. Cheering and holding signs, students supported their friends on the team. During the regular intramurals volleyball season, games were played in the McKay Gym. Kelly Frazier, a freshman studying education
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said she came to support the teams at every volleyball game. “I’m gonna miss coming out to the games every Wednesday. I also love coming out to be with friends and support the teams. I would encourage all freshmen to come watch the intramural games. It’s a great way to get involved and make friends.” The game ended with everyone in good spirits and with each student excited for what’s to come next season. Gage Norman, a senior studying supply chain and who played for the Keikis, said, “No matter the turnout, I was just proud to be a part of such a great team with my best friends. We made some amazing memories this season.” He urged every student to play on an intramural team at some point throughout their BYUH experience. BYUH’s Seasiders Sports & Activities webpage says intramurals and other events “are intended for the BYU–Hawaii ohana. This includes all students, faculty, staff. Spouses and dependents over the age of 18 may participate but need to obtain an ID card from the Aloha Center. They must also fill out a YSA Card Endorsement Form. Members of BYUH Student YSA Wards may also obtain an ID card from the Aloha Center.” •