Annual report 2017

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KEAN Cell of Alternative Youth Activities

Annual Report 2017

CONTENT Human Rights, Social Inclusion & Integration ....................2 Environmental Awareness, Protection & Education ..........12 Employment, Entrepreneurship & New Technologies.......18 Education ............................................................................23

Initiatives.............................................................................28 Voluntary Activities & Projects .........................................31 Seminars ..............................................................................31 Events ..................................................................................31


Human Rights, Social Inclusion & Integration



Project Number: 035236


Project’s Objectives  Promote social inclusion and ensure equal opportunities for all people in working environments through fostering diversity thinking and implementation of inclusive practices in the companies and organizations;  Launch, host, and manage the National Diversity Charter in partner countries, which will create awareness and promote inclusion;  Develop and disseminate a Practical Guide, approaches, and activities that will support inclusion and diversity and ultimately reduce discrimination and social inequality within the workplace and wider society;  Provide training and professional development to managers, HR, personnel specialists, and adult educators, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and competences to successfully manage and support diversity and inclusion at the workplace.

Project outputs  Raising awareness, informing, and communicating: the Diversity Charter and the Guide;  The Diversity Management and Inclusion Training Program;  The On-line Collaborative Platform.


DIMIAN‘s Target Groups  managers, HR, personnel specialist;  adult educators (trainers of per-service managers);  larger / medium companies.

Key stakeholders include:  NGOs and other organizations working in the field of human rights, inclusive policy, diversity, organizations that provide assistance and support to qualified jobseekers, organizations involved in provision of recruitment assistance to SMEs, centres of research on European integration in the job market;  Governmental organizations, municipalities, policy makers;  Enterprises and employers’ umbrella organizations as well as social enterprises; and trade unions;  Educational institutions;  Employees (those working in the targeted companies);  Research institutions;  EU wide networks, associations and umbrella organizations;  Pre-service managers, HR, personnel specialist.

Project Partners 

KEAN – Cell of Alternative Youth Activities

NGO Diversity Development Group (DDG)

National association “Personalo valdymo profesionalų asociacija – PVPA”

(Association for Human Resources Professionals) 

Center for Social Innovation Ltd

Public Establishment SOPA

NGO Open Centre

Website: Facebook Page:


Structure of provision of basic goods: Social Grocery Store of Municipality of Iraklio Attikis July 2017 – December 2020

KEAN in cooperation with the Municipality of Iraklio Attikis, established and operates the “Social Grocery Store of Municipality of Iraklio Attikis”. KEAN, through the operation of the structure aims to promote social cohesion, address the reduction of social inequalities and fight against poverty and social exclusion, with a view to develop a social protection net and cover the survival needs of the population of the Municipality of Iraklion Attikis which is in need, in order for them to be able to reconnect and reintegrate into the local community.

Co-financed by Greece and the European Union

Project Code: MIS: 5003687

The services and provisions of the structure - “Social Grocery Store of Municipality of Iraklio Attikis” are addressed to the part of the population (individuals/households residing in the Municipality of Iraklio Attikis, including legally resident thirdcountry nationals or/and stateless persons, as well as beneficiaries/applicants of international protection) which cannot meet its needs in basic goods. The “Social Grocery Store” distributes to the beneficiaries food, groceries, personal care products, frozen products, clothing and footwear, books, toys, cd, etc. The structure operates daily - from Monday to Friday – and on fixed working hours, providing support to 400 beneficiaries and the distribution of the products takes place on a steady and regular basis. Website


IAC Information Assistance Centre

July 2017 – July 2018

The Information Assistance Centre (IAC) has been established in partnership with the Municipality of Ioannina and operates with the aim to facilitate the access of refugees, asylum seekers (PoCs) and other vulnerable groups who are residing in Epirus Region, to public services with a view to enhance the perspective of local integration. In addition, the operation of the Centre aims at strengthening horizontal and streamlined information sharing between local institutions and PoCs.

Το έργο «Operation of Information Assistance Centre - Pilot local integration project for PoC in Epirus» συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ύπατη Αρμοστεία του ΟΗΕ για τους πρόσφυγες σύμφωνα με την υπ' αριθμόν σύμβαση: Project Code: UNHCR/GRC01/2018/0000000163

The Centre operates in Aravantinou Street No 6A on a daily basis from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m. and provides support and consultancy services concerning:  the issuance of Social Security Number, VAT identification number and Health Insurance Card, in accordance with the foreseen procedure and the applicable legislation;  the access to Social Solidarity Services and support services for applying for the Social Solidarity Income (ΚΕΑ);  the registration in the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) and the granting of Unemployment Card; 

the issuance of Bank Account;

the enrolment of children in Primary and Secondary Schools;


the protection of their rights.

Website Facebook Page


2017 374 Beneficiaries



Male Female


2017 679 Concluded Services





DAPHNE – JUST 2014 Early Marriage Project



January 2016 – December 2017

The project “Early Marriage Prevention Network” is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. Project Code: JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/HARM/7962

Main Objectives of the Project:

 Foster cooperation between child protection, health and education systems, justice and police to coordinate their activities related to combat the early marriage among Roma communities applying Child-Centred Approach /CCA/;  Raising awareness among different target groups in Roma communities in order to change their attitudes and behaviour regarding early marriage;  Increase the practice at European level in the area of applying CCA to protect children from harmful tradition of early marriage.

Project outputs  4 Analysis Reports (Bulgarian, Slovenian, Spanish, Greek);  1 Comparative Analysis available in 5 languages – Bulgarian, Slovenian, Spanish, Greek, Romani);  1 Training Package (Methodology of conducting sessions with children; methodology for Parents Schools; methodology of conducting the FGC, child protection issues);  Training Toolkit (available in 6 languages – English, Bulgarian, Spanish, Greek, Slovenian, Romani);  Regional trainings for stakeholders;  Regional workshops for stakeholders;  Awareness raising sessions addressed to children;  Parents Schools;  Family counselling sessions for families and community;  Child/youth advisory panels;  4 Regional dissemination events and 1 Final Conference 


Target Groups  Children - involved also in advising on context and cases of child rights violation;

 Families – to understand consequences of early marriage and what they can do to  change situation;  Roma community - changing the attitude towards early marriage is a major key to social changes;

 Institutions – to improve their interaction from the perspective of child rights;  Citizens - to increase awareness of the phenomenon.

Project Partners 

NGO “KEAN – Cell of Alternative Youth Activities”

Opportunity and Protection Association

Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance

European Roma Information Office (ERIO)

Fundació Privada Pere Closa

Ljudska univerza Kočevje

The Leaflet of the project can be found here. Visit the Website of the project:


As far as Greece is concerned, the schools that were engaged in the project and participated in the Awareness Raising Activities conducted by KEAN are the following:

 1st Junior High School (Gymnasium) of Zefyri;  1st Junior High School (Gymnasium) of Ano Liosia;  3rd Junior High School (Gymnasium) of Aspropyrgos.

174 Students

52 Parents

30 Representatives of institutions working on child protection

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Project Code: 2016-3-EL02-KA105-002876

ERASMUS+ LAUGH - Learn Accept Unite to Grow your Horizons 16 – 22 March 2017 (Training Course) 16-22 June 2017 (Youth Exchange) «LAUGH - Learn Accept Unite to Grow your Horizons» constitutes a project under Key Action 1 "Learning mobility of individuals - Youth mobility" of the EU Program, Erasmus +, under the auspices of the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation. It consisted of two (2) parts – a Training Course which was implemented in the city of Athens from 16 to 22 of March 2017 and a Youth Exchange which took place on Lesbos Island from 16 to 22 of June 2017. The program’s aim was to disseminate and promote the values and awareness of public opinion towards migrants and to combat discrimination, to eliminate prejudices, stereotypes and xenophobia, to foster intercultural dialogue, promote and support respect for social and cultural diversity, enhance active citizenship and intercultural and social participation and to develop solidarity and tolerance among people. Through the project, participants gained knowledge regarding the needs and problems of refugees, immigration policy both in our country and in other European countries and the causes which promote conflicts and establish stereotypes and prejudices. They actively participated in various activities such as presentations, discussions, workshops, visits, events, art activities, role playing, group work and exchange of ideas, suggestions and good practices. The ultimate goal of the project was to create tools that will contribute to the awareness of the wider public and more particularly an Anti-Racism Awareness Campaign and an Open Photography Exhibition.

28 4 Countries

Youth Workers & Young People

Facebook Page 864439970463048/ Anti-Racism Awareness Campaign Mv9_PiJeV-0

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Environmental Awareness, Protection & Education

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ERASMUS+ PLANETISE - Practical Learning for Action & Networking via an Educational Tool, Inspiring Study of Environment”

Project Number: 036984


February 2017 – May 2019

Aims of the project:  Implement a pedagogical and motivational methodology that maximizes youth learning and understanding of the environment;  Develop transversal skills through engaging with an educational game;  Provide youth organizations with innovative tools for teaching environmental education to young people;  Promote the participation and active citizenship of youth by developing their sense of responsibility and taking note of the urgent need to pay attention to environmental problems.

Project outputs  Final Comparative Needs Analysis Report;  “Planetbook Game” Trainer’s kit;  Revised National Versions of the Educational Game “Planetbook” (Greece, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Romania);  Edition of the International Version of the “Planetbook Game”;

 E-platform "Planetbook Europe"

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Target Groups  Youth leaders/representatives of youth organizations active in the field of environment, youth, sustainability, energy – in Turkey, Greece, Italy, Romania, Germany, Portugal;  Youth Trainers & Participants;  VET trainers and organizations, youth workers, schools and Eco clubs, NGOs and community centers, educational institutions (incl. Ministries, Regional Inspectorates of Education, Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water), Universities and Colleges.

Project Partners 

NGO “KEAN – Cell of Alternative Youth Activities”

ATAUNI - Ataturk University

Ordu University

MODAVI Federazione provinciale di Napoli Onlus

SAKURA Asociatia pentru Tineret

ASCAJ - Associação Socio-Cultural Alternativas Jovens


Facebook Pages: Planetise Greece Planetise Italy Planetise Portugal Planetise Turkey Planetise Romania Planetise Germany

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Green Itineraries through Neighboring Municipalities

The project is funded by the Green Fund of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy.

November 2017 – November 2018 The aim of the project is to locate and highlight the green routes that exist in the neighbouring Municipalities – Municipality of Agioi Anargyroi-Kamatero, Municipality of Athens, Municipality of Fyli – as well as the abandoned or "hidden" routes and create conditions for their unification. Τhe main objective of the project is to develop a “Green Network”, at designing level (Master Plan), which will constitutes a source of life for the residents, as it will contribute to the following aspects:  Improvement of the micro-climate of the area;  Improvement of the air quality – reduction of air pollution, noise

pollution and light pollution;  Development of biodiversity by introducing species of regional

natural ecosystems into the urban environment;  Improvement of the living conditions of the population and

development of new habits, such as hiking along the routes or cycling. Project Activities 

Record of the spaces/areas/routes that can be Green Networks;

Location of spaces that can serve as unification lanes between the green spaces/areas/routes; 

Meetings with Municipalities, directors and officers of the Technical or/and the Green Services of the neighboring municipalities; 

Informative meetings/sessions with relevant stakeholders and entities of the municipalities; 

Informative meetings/sessions with the residents of the municipalities;

Development of a map (Master Plan) – in cooperation with the municipalities;

Information & Awareness-Raising Activities

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EU Green Week  “Greening Messini: Environment Needs You!” 26/05/2017 to 29/05/2017

KEAN, on the occasion of EU GREEN WEEK 2017 and in cooperation with the Municipality of Messini in Peloponnese organised and implemented the partner event “Greening Messini: Environment Needs You” which consisted of environmental awareness activities and included the workshops "Reduce-Reuse-Recycle", Open Door Events for new green job opportunities & One-Day Conference for Green jobs, skills & green job growth in urban areas with main scope the Sustainable Development of the town of Messini. Municipality of Messini

“Environmental Days in Evrotas”

29/05/2017 to 04/06/2017

"EnViROnmenTal DAyS in Evrotas" took place in the town Skala in the region of Lakonia in Peloponnese-Greece and constituted a weekly event co-organised by KEAN and the Municipality of Evrotas, in the context of EU GREEN WEEK 2017. The weekly event was addressed mainly to children of primary education and included the activities: “Adopt a Tree & EcoGardening”, Open Door Event, Flowers Exhibition, Experiential Workshops of Recycling, 1Day Seminar “The Environment through the eyes of children”. The main goal of this weekly event was the rebirth of an environmentally friendly society.

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 “Green Planet's Days at Municipality of Platanias: Meet Up with the Future!” 07/06/2017 to 09/06/2017

KEAN in cooperation with the Municipality of Platanias (Crete) and under the framework of EU GREEN WEEK 2017, organized and implemented the partner event “Green Planet's Days at Municipality of Platanias: Meet Up with the Future!” which was addressed to children, adults & all local communities.

Municipality of Platanias

The 2-day event included workshops, seminars & open door events aiming at the empowerment of green job opportunities and introduction of innovative methods of training & education for gaining green skills in order to get ready properly for the future challenges in the field of green entrepreneurship.

The Partner Event “Green Planet's Days at Municipality of Platanias: Meet Up with the Future” greenweek2017/

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Employment, Entrepreneurship & New Technologies

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ERASMUS+ Geo Ergon Paideia: Start-up farm - Skills for future Eco farmers

Project 023601



September 2016 – August 2018

Τhe «Geo-ergon Paideia» project purpose is to implement a sustainable strategic partnership between European universities –research centres, municipalities, schools in order to reinforce the concept of agricultural education & sustainable development in rural areas through an integrated interdisciplinary approach. The focus is to attract school students before reaching the level of selecting a particular curriculum/course direction during high school.

The objectives are:  Setting up a series of online open courses on eco-farming & start-up business;  Teaching agricultural entrepreneurship to school students;  Providing learning environment for current/future eco-farmers in innovative entrepreneurship;  Empowering a large number of students, parents, stakeholders to set-up/develop their own business;  Supporting school students, through capacity building, to ensure the sustainability of the natural environment, the development of the local economy;  Development of a network which will include students, stakeholders, entrepreneurs, academic professionals to promote innovation & sustainability in  the agricultural sector in rural regions;  Enhancement of transnational cooperation among schools in Europe.

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The program addresses students attending the second class of lower secondary school (gymnasium), who live in the selected rural areas in Greece and Romania. The educational/training program is organized with the following transnational learning activities:  open courses “Start-up Farm” to school students at the Gymnasium of Geraki/Greece open courses “Start-up Farm” to scb);  open courses “Start-up Farm” to school students at the Gymnasium School Adrian V. Radulesku /Romania;  Experiential learning workshop in Saarbrucken/Germany through a study visit at the research institute IZES & the Bliesgau UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Through multiplier events (Local workshops with stakeholders and Final Event Networking) all interested parts will participate in social dialogue for the development of eco-farming business sector, exchange knowledge, good practices, innovative methods of entrepreneurship.

Project outputs  E-learning platform and collaboration space  Open courses for School students: “Start-up Farm” - Phase I  e-Handbook for Open courses “GEO-ERGON PAIDEIA”  Open courses for School students: “Start-up Farm” -Phase II  Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of network interactions  Network -Cluster of Future Eco-farmers  E – Guide for Teachers and Policy Makers

Project Partners


NGO “KEAN – Cell of Alternative Youth Activities”

University of the Aegean

Research Institute IZES GGMBH

Municipality of Evrotas

Primaria Murfatlar (Municipality of Murfatlar)


Gymnasio Gerakiou

Facebook Page

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Workshops for digital coding skills targeted to female school students in Greece.

The project was funded by EIT - European Institute of Innovation & Technology

June 2017 – August 2017

KEAN, under the framework of the approved project “Workshops for digital coding skills targeted to female school students in a RIS country”, launched and funded by EIT - European Institute of Innovation & Technology implemented workshops for digital coding skills addressed to female school students aged 12-18 years old, concerning the creation of mobile application.

Associated Partners in Greece: Region of Attiki

Each workshop consisted of 10 hours of training which included both theoretical and practical methods.


female school students

50 5


parents involved indirectly

2 ICT Trainers, appointed by KEAN, were involved in the development of the suitable training materials and tools and conducted the workshops.

 Municipality of Alimos & Municipal Social School of Alimos  Municipality of Korydallos &Vocational Senior High School of Korydallos  Municipality of Iraklio Attikis & KEAEDHA  Private School Academy “Manesi ”

Region of Peloponnese

 Municipality of Evrotas & High Schools of Skala & Geraki Lakonias  Municipality of Messini & Public Welfare Institution of Municipality for Solidarity

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In total, KEAN conducted 5 workshops for digital coding skills which were attended by 50 female school students, while 50 parents and other target groups were also involved indirectly such as youth leaders, persons who had an interest in new technologies & digital education, representatives and members of NGOs, Municipalities and community centers, private educational institutions were informed about the content of the project and became more familiar with digital coding.

At the end of each workshop, 1 Informative session for parents was organized in each one of the cities of implementation. During the Informative session, parents were informed about the content of the project and of the trainings and at the same time the female students who attended the workshops were awarded for their participation with Certificates.

Parents became more familiar with the new technologies and were encouraged to discover the added value of the new digital educational tools.

With the Support of:

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Experiential Educational Programs addressed to students of Primary & Secondary Education KEAN, since its establishment, is implementing experiential educational programs addressed to students of primary and secondary education. Through these educational programs, the organization has developed a strong interaction with the schools and a Network – “The Green School's Network”, which is addressed to students, teachers and parents and is constantly updated for activities and events.

Educational Tours inside the “Environmental Awareness Park Antonis Tritsis” The educational tours consist of 2 different interactive, experiential educational projects, based on environmental education and physical activity. The core idea of these projects is to promote learning through a different way, through the combination of knowledge with mild sport activities. This made up a creative way to spread the concept of sports among children while in the meantime they acquire basic and useful knowledge about environment. Children are learning about environmental issues, such as water cycle and the most important plant species of our country, through activities that include dancing movements, running and trekking.

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School Vegetable Gardens – Young Farmers in action During this educational project students are invited to create their own vegetable garden inside their school facilities and have the chance to learn outdoors. The specialized educators of KEAN guide and support the school students on how to build, plant, and maintain a school vegetable garden and both teachers and students are getting fully involved. The aim of the project is to increase children’s knowledge of nature and plant growth, to promote the healthy development and to enhance the role of agriculture in the children’s lives (food chain). Students learn where food really comes from and understand the role of food in life. Moreover, the creation of the vegetable garden teaches the children the values of cooperation and team spirit as the children have to work cooperatively for its creation and maintenance and further develops their observation skills.

School Recycling Workshops for kids

The aim of the workshop is to raise children’s awareness regarding environmental protection and recycling. During the workshop, children learn the value of recycling, the proper way to recycle and how they can reuse materials and have the opportunity to make recyclable paper by their own.

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Workshops against Bullying The workshops are addressed to children aged between 10 and 17 years old and include group work and experiential activities through which children are getting informed about bullying, its definition and characteristics, how to distinguish it from other types of behavior, and how to deal with the phenomenon in case of a future incident.

Learn & Play with Planetbook

Planetbook is the first board game for the Environment, created by KEAN-Cell of Alternative Youth and is also presented in a floor-sized version (36 square meters), including 700 questions of knowledge, which have been undertaken by the University of Athens and specifically by the "Centre for Research, Study and Applications in Environmental Education", concerning the environmental problems of our planet, NGOs for our planet’s protection and the four elements. During the educational program “Learn & Play with Planetbook” children, divided into 4 teams, experience and enjoy playing on the floor-sized version of “Planetbook Game” and get sensitized and aware of the responsibility that we all have towards the environment.

The first educational board game for the environment and the planet!

Under the Auspices of

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910 Children

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KE & AN’s House Center of Creative Activities for Refugee and Migrant Children

The Center of Creative Activities “KE & AN’s House” was developed, organized and coordinated by KEAN, operating from Monday to Friday throughout the year 2017 and located in the city center of Athens, close to Victoria square.

The center was addressed to refugee and migrant children of preschool and schoolage up to 17 years old, who were hosted in accommodation centers in the region of Attica and aimed to contribute to the development of their competencies and personal skills, through artistic and creative activities, experiential workshops, theatrical performances and more and to facilitate their social integration into the Greek society.

The staff of the Centre was consisted of special educators, musicians, theatrologists, child psychologists and social workers and the methodology of the activities was based and focused on experiential and interactive learning.

The activities included:

 English & Greek lessons;  Art Laboratories (Painting, plasticine drawing, clay modeling, PapierMache Creations, balloon Creations);

 Music Laboratories;  Drama Games and exercises;  Recycling Workshops;  Eco-Gardening Activities

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November 2016 January 2017 “Never is too late� Computer Classes for Senior Citizens in the Municipality of Iraklion in the region of Attica "Never Is too late!!!" was a computer learning program, implemented in Municipality of Heraklion Attikis, initiated by KEAN in cooperation with the Municipality and was addressed to those with little or no prior experience in computer usage, regardless education and profession, with special focus on elderly people aged 55 years old and over. The lessons were focusing on how a simple user can use the computer and the internet to perform simple and everyday tasks, such as file storage and management, filling electronic forms, online submission of applications, sending emails, searching for information on the Internet.

60 participants 55 years old and over

This training program consisted of seminars based on experiential learning, where participants came into direct contact with the learning object through practical activities, tasks, research and observation. Each cycle of seminars lasted 3 – 4 weeks and the seminars met for 2hours sessions twice per week.

2 Cycles of Seminars

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Voluntary Activities & Projects Seminars Events

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5 April 2017

Clean-Up Activity in the urban Park “Antonis Tritsis”

5 February 2017

Clean-Up Activity in the urban Park “Antonis Tritsis”

17 December 2017

Painting & Maintenance Activities in the urban Park “Antonis Tritsis”

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Maintenance of Green Spaces of the Municipality of Agioi Anargyroi

Restoration of Public Schools & Spaces of the Municipality of Heraklion Attikis

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EVS – European Voluntary Service Projects

KEAN is an

EVS accredited organisation

Coordinating, Hosting & Sending Organisation

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Young people from Turkey, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain

37 Young people from

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 Personal, Professional & Social Competences

 Language Skills

 Cultural Awareness

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21 March 2017 Poetry Night

5 December 2017 First Aid Seminar

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