Online Brochure
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
This period is defined by huge migration flows towards Europe and a wide majority of countries is home to more displaced people than
The Project
any time. This leads to multiple challenges for many countries as they try to handle these flows and contribute in the integration of these new citizens. As a result, nowadays immigration and integration are
topics widely discussed both in mass media and among people. The project “New Paths of MInteGRATION” was conceived in a period in which migration towards Europe is a crucial issue with the general aim to train and stimulate young people regarding the topic of migration and integration and constitutes a Youth Exchange project under the framework of Erasmus+ Programme, which was implemented in Athens from 16th to 22nd of November 2016 and was attended by 30 young people, coming from five (5) different countries and organizations. This Online brochure has been formed within the project “New Paths of MInteGRATION” and composes the result of common work, exchange of knowledge and ideas and of the interaction both of the participants and the group leaders. The ultimate goal of this Online Brochure is to be used as a base for empowering inspiration among interested parties for the development of future ideas, activities and projects.
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
KEAN – Cell of Alternative Youth Activities (GREECE) As Greece is one of the first stop of newcomers, we decided to create, organize and implement this project in order to spread awareness among young people regarding the issues of migration and integration, exchange experience, knowledge and good practices and stimulate a reflection on how different countries, facing the same problems, can cooperate on international level.
Meet the Partners
S&G - System and Generation Association (TURKEY) Turkey is home to 2.7 million of Syrians and this is a reason enough to feed great interest towards integration and therewith make migrants part of our society.
Associazione Joint (ITALY) We are a group of young people from Italy, willing to face the European common issue of migration. As Italy is one of the most involved countries, we felt the need to get more aware of this situation and to go through it together, sharing good practices and new paths of integration.
THE CHANGE IS IN YOU (BULGARIA) We are representatives of “THE CHANGE IS IN YOU” organisation from Bulgaria and the main reason for us to join this youth exchange is our common interest on the topic of migration and integration. We would like to be able to share ideas and exchange good practices with people facing similar problems like ours.
KEAN "ACTIVIDADES ALTERNATIVAS" We come from “KEAN –ACTIVIDADES ALTERNATIVAS”, a non-lucrative association which is located in Malaga. The aim of our participation is to increase our knowledge about integration, become aware of the real situation of refugee crisis, unlike with what mass media are presenting and of the way other countries are dealing with refugee and migrant flows.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Turkey has become a major country of asylum since the 1980s and is among the top five asylum receiving countries in the world. It currently hosts the world’s largest refugee population (mostly outside camps and scattered across a vast country), and is also by far the largest contributor to the refugee response in the region. Greece has faced considerable challenges regarding the provision of adequate reception conditions and access to asylum procedures for refugees. Border closures on the Balkans route and heightened border controls by Austria, France, and Switzerland left asylum seekers and migrants stuck in Greece. Most asylum seekers entering Greece came through the Aegean islands, and were processed in EU-mandated asylum centres known as hotspots.
At the moment, Bulgaria has 9 Refugee Centres with 3.837 beds in total. However is not considered to be among the countries of destination for refugees and immigrants, as it cannot provide good working conditions. The Italian immigration policies try to face a situation that it cannot be handled individually. Italy has become a European hotspot due to border enclosure and difficulties regarding the relocation processes. Our methodology in order to manage the situation includes the development of hot spots, camps and welcome emergency projects, all financed by EU and the government.
During the last 20 years, Spain has been accepting immigrants and the migratory flow is high, even though our country does not constitute one of the main destinations for refugees and migrants. CEUTA and MELILLA are the only terrestrial boarders between Europe and Africa. Between the years 2014 – 2016, Spain accepted refugee populations coming from Morocco and Romania.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
2015 Country
Nationalities Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Morocco, Palestine, Somalia, Bangladesh, Lebanon. Nigeria, Pakistan, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Gambia, Syria, Senegal, Mali, Bangladesh, Morocco, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Guinea, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Cameroon, Algeria. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Somalia. Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Eritrea.
2016 Country Turkey
Arrivals 3.100.000
Nationalities Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Somalia. Nigeria, Gambia, Eritrea, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Bangladesh, Sudan, Mali, Senegal. Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Iran. Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Eritrea.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
In 2015, volunteers in Sofia were hanging and tying pieces of clothing to all the trees on the most famous shopping streets for people in need (refugee and homeless population). In addition, nice messages were left on the clothes to show care and respect for those people. Riace, a commune (municipality) in the Province of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region Calabria (Southern Italy), is a worldwide example of successful integration. The mayor, Domenico Lucano, facing the depopulation of his town, developed an innovative approach of welcome and integration of refugees. The first step was to provide to them accommodation, often in abandoned houses of the area (with the permission of the owners). Later, they were also given training and a modest income for a year to get started. “EL ESPACIO DEL IMMIGRANTE” constitutes a social center which is situated in El Raval, a neighborhood in Barcelona shaped by multiculturalism. The Center is managed both by migrants and Spanish citizens under a framework of equality and their principal aim is focusing on the protection of the rights of migrant and refugee populations. Turkey has demonstrated “a forward-thinking policy on higher education,” in order to address the need for higher education access, cater exclusively to Syrian refugees and remove the impediments to higher education access that they had previously faced. Students without documents are allowed to audit university classes; Numbers of those enrolled in Turkish universities increased from 2,000 in the academic year 2013 - 14 to 5,500 in 2014-15. Solidarity Cities constitutes an initiative on the management of the refugee crisis proposed by the Mayor of Athens and launched in the framework of the EUROCITIES network. It aims to constitute the framework under which all cities actions and initiatives are presented highlighting the political leadership of cities in addressing this challenge. Solidarity Cities is structured around four pillars and is open to all European cities wishing to work closely with each other and committed to solidarity in the field of refugee reception and integration.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Change the role of refugees into active determinants of Integration Policies instead of being just recipients.
New Paths of Integration
Development and introduction of new educational projects in schools (including Raising Awareness Workshops by Professionals addressed to Students, Teachers and Parents).
Educational and Cultural Projects in Refugee Camps and Host Centers (including Language Exchange Courses and introduction to the local and national culture).
Provision of Courses and Diplomas (acquired competences) which will be recognized in every European Country.
Make good use of unexploited agricultural fields or empty areas of land / unexploited buildings.
Enhance and include the development of new occupations, thereby facilitating the access to economic independence.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
“Integration is the power that moves the World forward.” Margarita Simeonova Bulgaria
“Integration is…..Fusion!” Francesco Capellini Italy
“Integration is not forced assimilation but accepting and embracing diversity.” Afroditi Kofopoulou Greece
“Integration is protection & coexistence.” Fernando Blasco Campos Spain
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union