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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0
Executive Summary Objectives Keys to success Risks
p.3 p.4 p.4 p.5
Company Description
3.0 Product- Planetbook 3.1 Planetbook U.S. Version 3.2 Statistics of Planetbook in Greece 3.3 Planetbook in Ghana
p.8 p.8-10 p.10 p.11
4.0 Market Analysis- Target market 4.1 Environmental awareness through education 4.2 Environmental awareness through education in the United States 4.3 Poluted Areas in the U.S.
p.12 p.15-16 p.16
5.0 Strategy and Implementation 5.1 Strategy 5.2 Implementation
p.19 p.19 p.20
6.0 Management Team
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1.0 Executive Summary Planetbook, unlike a typical board game, will provide a unique form for education and entertainment through the medium of the board game. Planetbook is the answer to an increasing demand in children's education. The children want: (1) to be educated, and (2) escape from the typical bookish system and engage their learning in a more entertaining way. Planetbook's goal is to provide the children with an educational, entertaining, atmosphere in school regarding one of the most important issues our planet is facing: global warming- climate changes. This business plan is prepared to obtain financing in the amount of $100,000. The financing is required for the production of the game- Planetbook U.S. version, its distribution in the educational institutions of the United States and the communication process. Successful operation and implementation of Planetbook U.S version in year one will provide KEAN with a base of educational institutions in the U.S that will allow it to be self sufficient in year two.
1.1 Objectives Planetbook's objectives for the first year of operation in the U.S include: Educating the community and more specifically young children and students living in the most polluted cities in the U.S. on the importance of issue of the environment and climate changes. Distributing Planetbook U.S. throughout the United States, starting with schools located in most polluted cities. Cooperate with other NGO's which we share the same goals and values in the implementation of Planetbook. CELL OF ALTERNATIVE YOUTH ACTIVITIES
Create a strong communications system for Planetbook.
1.2 Keys to Success
The keys to the success for Planetbook are: The creation of a unique, educational board game that will differentiate Planetbook U.S from other board games related to the environment and future ones.
The establishment of Planetbook that enhances environmental awareness, socialization and entertainment.
Planetbook will position itself as an educational resource for students wishing to learn about the environment and the issues it's facing.
1.3 Risks The risks involved with Planetbook U.S. are: •
Will there be a demand from schools for a board game?
Will teachers be willing to endorse Planetook in their teaching schedule?
Will the nature of Planetbook be adapted easily in the American mentality?
Will there be strong enough communication and media coverage for Planetbook?
2.0 Company Description Cell of Alternative Youth Activities - KEAN is an inclusive youth society. The organization's main goal is to pursue activities leading to the improvement of the quality of life focusing on the protection of the environment including the promotion of new technologies, youth education and youth rights. In KEAN we strongly believe that quality of life presupposes the existence of a healthy participatory democratic society. As such KEAN devotes special attention to include activities that support social minorities and disadvantaged social groups in their fights against discrimination, racism and violence. In short we understand the promotion of 'quality of life' as a broader issue, which includes the protection of the environment, an informed youth with strong education and a participatory society. To succeed in our goals, our strategy is to pursue a range of activities using a variety of methods while placing the highest possible degree of creativity and innovation. In KEAN we believe that we can only be effective by focusing on more than one type of activity and thematic field. Moreover, we understood early on that each geographical area and each different youth-group, has its own priorities and needs to which, we try to respond. As such our recent activities include the organization of a Mediterranean conference on the "Environment and New technologies", the production of a multi-tasking table-game called "Planetbook" which raises awareness on ecological issues as well as promoting the activities of environmental NGOs, the issuing of a monthly newspaper devoted to environmental and cultural questions that concern local societies and the organization of several competitions for youth and activities such as reforestation, visits in natural sites and NGO networking events.
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Since our establishment, we have also been trying to broaden our geographical reach outside our headquarters in Athens, and when possible, outside Greece. That is why, today, we have local active offices in eight other areas of Greece and we have organized several seminars and actions with participants from Greece and Europe. To reach its goals ΚΕΑΝ has established partnerships with many similar international societies and clubs that are inspired by the same values and goals. However, today we wish to become even more active in cooperation with organizations in our immediate neighborhood. That is countries from the region of the Mediterranean and the Balkans. We aim to cooperate with organizations with an established record of activities, whether these are large or smaller ones. Moreover, we are open to cooperating with local authorities - which we have done so in several instances in the past - in order to increase the level of penetration to local audiences.
3.0 Product 3.1 Planetbook U.S Version Games are a fun, simple and active way to introduce concepts, or cement ideas learnt 'in theory'. The games described here offer approaches to dealing with scientific concepts that may be difficult to explain in words, for describing ecological processes and encouraging thought about the importance of conserving our environment.
Planetbook is the first board game about the environment, created by KEAN- Cell of Alternative Youth Activities. There are 700 knowledge questions about the environmental issues of our planet, the NGO's for its protection and Nature's four basic elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire). By participating in the game the players get to know and care for the world that surrounds us as well as acknowledge the responsibility we all have as parts of it.
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The board game is divided into three zones: -Grey zone - pollution and indifference. Questions and facts of the Earth's disasters are raised -Green zone - hope and participation. Respected environmental organizations, such as GreenPeace, WWF, are referred -Saving the planet zone The player that will succeed in climbing up the "tree of salvation", will be able to collect Earth's pieces (pieces of a puzzle of the Earth's image) and therefore, make a better world out of them! GreenPeace,WWF , Student Environmental Action Coalition- SEAC-, Tree People, Worldwatch Institute and Trees for the Future have provided for Planetbook's scientific validity by supplying the information used.
Here is an eleven minute video in Greek about Planetbook: http://www.kean.gr/web/planetbook/2 One of the unique points of Planetbook, is the creation of the 'floor' board game, as seen on the picture below. This form of the game attracts and engages children in such a fun way that creates an unforgettable experience.
Planetbook became very popular in Greece by being distributed by Vodafone corporation-one of the largest telecommunications company in Europe-in over 700 schools around the country. Below is a brief summary of our actions:
3.2 Statistics of Planetbook in Greece Visits in schools (2010-2012) 40 Primary schools 660 high schools 26.000 pupils CELL OF ALTERNATIVE YOUTH ACTIVITIES
6.500 Planetbook delivered for free
56 Planetbook Events in cooperation with municipalities of Greece
Participation in 13 exhibitions and festivals 8 meetings in Offices of Primary and Secondary Education
12 meetings to Environmental Education Centers 15 meetings in summer camps
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3.3 Planetbook in Ghana In summer 2012, Planetbook was distributed in two schools located in Ghana presented by Slovenian volunteer Ines Kavgic. This was a kick-off start of Planetbook abroad, where the results showed that children were drawn to the game. Below are a few pictures of Planetbook in Ghana. Please refer to Appendix I for a full interview by Ines Kavgic.
4.0 Market Analysis- Target Market
After conducting heavy research, there is a big 'hole' in the market. Planetbook is truly the first board game about the environment, including hundreds of questions for clearly education purposes regarding our planet, the environment and climate changes. Providing in-depth encyclopedic knowledge together with interaction and entertainment, Planetbook influences children and adults in a positive way.
Planetbook should be distributed throughout the world, because every single child has the right to education.
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Our first stop is the United States, where the market is enormous. There are hundreds of thousands of schools and many opportunities to expand our service. Planetbook US version, is aiming to children from age 8 and above. More particularly to elementary schools, middle schools and second high schools. The nature of the game is the same as the Greek version; the number of questions is 700 with the only difference that the U.S version of the game has questions referred to the United States and Internationally. Planetbook is aiming to be distributed in schools of Greek homogeneity first and throughout the rest of schools in the United States at a later stage. Our environment is facing a crucial issue more than ever, and our climate is constantly changing. The children need to know from a young age to care for our planet. We can do something to ensure that our children can grow up in a cleaner, safer planet than ourselves.
It has often been said that the kids of today will inherit the Earth of tomorrow. It will surely be one where the challenges of climate change and environmental conservation will be stiffer.
With the right eco-education, we can hope they will hit the ground running. A lot of schools and educational institutions are doing their bit by including the environment as part of the curriculum. Words like 'carbon footprint' and 'global warming' come to them as easily as the name of any present-day rock star.
Who said that ecological or environmental education needs to be bookish? Thanks to interactive games, it can be brought out from textbooks into the fun world. Environmental games that teach kids about animals and conservation make the task interactive.Children can immediately learn that each action has a contributing effect. Plus, these interactive games on the environment make both the teaching and learning enjoyable without losing out on the lessons.
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Planetbook refers to children aged 8 and beyond. According to the U.S. education system, Planetbook should be distributed to Elementary School- 3rd, 4th, 5th grade, Middle School and High School. In the United States, state and local government have primary responsibility for education According to government data, one-tenth of students are enrolled in private schools. Approximately 85% of students enter the public schools. We need to be informed about the market we are entering, therefore we also provide statistics for the American Education system as well as important information about Greeks living in the U.S.
4.1 Environmental awareness through education In order to achieve the acceptable level of global environmental sustainability, the citizens must be empowered with essential knowledge and information. Since educational institutions are the places where the contact of the society is more, it is possible to bring remarkable changes in the mindset of the public. To protect children living in polluted regions, environmental education represents a relevant means of prevention because this type of education encourages learner's awareness of their environment's ambient conditions, as well as their active participation in solving local problems. It is the need of the hour to propose environmental education with the essential elements of moral philosophy. Conventional educational methods are no longer adequate for the real needs of tomorrow.
Source: K.s. rangasamy college of technology 'Importance of Environment Education for Sustainable Development' An important purpose of environmental education is to teach understanding about pollution in order to best protect the environment. Prime motive of the environmental education is to find the level of pollution at the diversified locations and to disseminate the ill effects among people through formal education or non-formal agency. Source: Social Science Research Network 'Environmental Pollution: An Urgent Need for Environment Education and Capacity Building- A case study'
4.2 Environmental awareness through education in the United States As a response to the growing pollution problem in the United States and other countries, outreach programs have been set up by various government agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to promote the awareness and prevention of pollution. This educational strategy is effective at reducing (and even eliminating) pollution so that it requires less regulation, monitoring, and cleaning up.
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Source: Pololution Issues Because of pollution over the course of the last century, the principal types of infantile diseases have evolved a great deal. For children in industrialized countries, environmentally related diseases like asthma, lead poisoning, cancer and certain neurological or behavioral problems have progressively replaced infectious diseases.
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4.3 Polluted areas in the U.S. According to various reports and more specifically to the American Lung Association’s 2012 rankings, the 10 most polluted areas in the United States are the following (also including the total number of schools- elementary schools, middle schools, high schools) :
Public Schools 138
Private Schools 91
45 142
46 81
20 58
111 281
48 169
31 141
Philadelphia 488
Bakersfield, Calif. Hanford, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Visalia, Calif. Fresno, Calif.
Elementary Schools 122
Middle Schools 64
High Schools 40
Even if, in the environmental health field, it is still difficult to attribute the cause of these new diseases to pollutants or specific environmental conditions, we recognize that toxic materials are more harmful to children than adults. Children ingest greater quantities of toxins because they breathe twice as much air, consume three to four times as much food, and drink two to seven times as much water relative to their body weight, than adults. Children are thus particularly vulnerable to pollutants present in the air that they breathe, water that they drink, food that they eat and environments in which they grow, learn and play. To protect children living in polluted regions, environmental education represents a relevant means of prevention because this type of education encourages learners' awareness of their environment's ambient conditions, as well as their active participation in solving local problems. However, ways to utilize Environmental Education in the environmental health field have yet to be developed. The students have to be invited to participate in an educational process, which includes various activities allowing them to construct broader (more developed) ideas on pollution and the pollutionhealth relationship. Source: K.s. rangasamy college of technology 'Importance of Environment Education for Sustainable Development'
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Please visit the following website for a more detailed analysis of the most polluted U.S. cities. CNN Money
http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/real_estate/1204/gallery.pol luted-cities/index.html
USA today has created a map detailing the schools that are ranked worse, indicating the air around these schools had the highest levels of dangerous toxic chemicals. Please visit the following link: USA Today
http://content.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/smokestack/i nteractive/4
Strategy and Implementation
5.1 Strategy To become more particular and focus on one group at a time, we will start with schools of polluted areas in the U.S. and any other educational institution, environmental foundations, corporation even individuals. We will begin the process by contacting foundations and large corporations in the United States. More specifically Multinational Corporations- CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) department Foundations Individual schools in polluted areas Municipalities in polluted areas Governmental institutions Environmental NGO's
5.2 Implementation After a few months of Planetbook being used in polluted area schools, we evaluate the outcome and accordingly start expanding our service to more schools throughout the country. The evaluation will consist of handing questionnaires (either paper or online) including the nature and use of Planetbook in the schools. The questionnaires will be answered by the teachers.
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6.0 Management Team There are four people in the team that will work exclusively for the implementation of Planetbook U.S Version. Two of them will be located in KEAN's main offices in Athens, Greece and one in New York. Stavros Milionis: Stavros Milionis was born in 25th of May,1973, in the area of Ilion. He studied Physics at the University of Patras and was trained in Telecommunications in the city of Munich. He is fluent in English and German.He worked as an Account Manager and Key Account Manager in the largest telecommunication companies in Greece. Today he is serving as a Manager for Public Sector and EU funds. He is the Founder and President of KEAN- Cell of Alternative Youth Activitiesfocusing on the protection of the environment including the promotion of new technologies, youth education and youth rights. He has served as President for the Organization Management and Administration of the Park for Environmental Awareness "Antonis Tritsis". He is a member to the Board of Directors for Ourpark and a Vice President for the Metropolitan Agency Administration and Management of Protected Areas in Attica.
Isabella Georgiou: Isabella Georgiou was living in London for over 5 years where she pursued her master studies in Documentary, Journalism and Communications after filling her studies in Business Management. She is fluent in English and French. While studying she interned in CNN International for a monthly program "The Spirit of" presented by Becky Anderson. In 2009 she returned to Greece to complete her thesis in the story of an Afghan refugee living in Athens.
She then started working as an Assistant Producer for the movie of Greek Director Yannis Smaragdis "God Loves Caviar" for over 8 months and later on worked as a Production Executive for Theasis Presentation and Communication for one and a half years. She has been serving as a member to the Board at the Greek Council for Refugees since 2011. She is now working at KEAN since May 2012. Matina Demeli: Matina Demeli began has attended several journalism seminars at Botsis foundation in Athens Greece. She is fluent in English. She began working at Skai radio in 1993, followed by three years at Mega channel, one of the largest private channels in Greece. In October 2008 she started working at the "Barack Obama for President" campaign in Washington DC. She was also working as a journalist for over 15 years for newspaper Ethnos, Eikones magazine. She is now Kean's US branch Coordinator since August 2012. Larisa Antypa: Graduated from HB School of Dramatics Arts in New York and is fluebt in Greek, Russian and English. In the period from 1190-2000 she was based in Athens, Greece and served as the fashion store manager of Astir Palace Hotel and later on as Promotion Manager at Philip Morris and B.A.T. Worked as an actress and TV Host on ANT'1 and ET1. In 2000 she moved to Manhattan and worked as an Interpeter - Translator for Emporiki Shipping and Memorial Sloan Kettering in Manhattan, for 4 years. She also served as an Interpeter for Fancy Food Expo in New York. In 2008 she worked at Ikseni Productions as a Casting Director. She is involved in noumerous theatrical productions as an Actress and Director. She is currently located in New York and serving as a Program Coordinator at the Greek Cultural Center and as representetive of KEAN in U.S.
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hope earth
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