Contents 04 Messages
33 Inter-cultural Relations
11 Council of Organizations Cluster (ICR) of the Ateneo (COA) Ateneo Lingua Ars Cultura (ALAC) 12 COA Executive Board 13 COA Recweek Core Team
14 Business Cluster (BC)
Ateneo Assoc. for Comm. Technology Mgt. (ACTM) AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University Ateneo Junior Marketing Association (AJMA) Ateneo Lex (ALex) Ateneo Management Association (AMA) Ateneo Mgt.of Applied Chemistry Assoc. (MACA) Ateneo Mgt. Engineering Association (MEA) Ateneo Mgt.Economics Organization (MEcO)
23 Faith Formation Cluster (FFC) Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League (ACIL) Ateneo Christian Life Community (ACLC) Ateneo Student Catholic Action (AtSCA) Youth for Christ - Ateneo (YFC-A)
28 Health & Environment Cluster (HEC)
Ateneo Environmental Science Society (AESS) Loyola Mountaineers (LM) Ateneo Peers (PEERS) Pre-Med Society of the Ateneo (PMSA)
Ateneo Student Exchange (ASEC) Ateneo CELADON
37 Issue & Policy Analysis Cluster (IPA) Ateneo Debate Society (ADS) Ateneo Economics Association (AEA) Ateneo Project for Asian and International Relations Union (APAIR) The Assembly Ateneo Statistics Circle (A-Stat) Development Society (DevSoc) Enterteynment para sa Tao, Bayan, Lansangan at Diyos (Entablado)
45 Media and the Creative Arts Cluster (MCA)
Association of Comm. Majors (ACOMM) Ateneo Musicians Pool (AMP) Collegiate Society of Advertising (COSA) Loyola Film Circle (LFC)
Contents 50 Performing Arts Cluster (PAC)
Ateneo College Glee Club (ACGC) Blue Repertory (BlueRep) Company of Ateneo Dancers (CADS) Tanghalang Ateneo (TA)
55 Sector-Based Cluster (SBC)
Ateneo Consultants for Organization Development and Empowerment (CODE) Ateneo Gabay Kaingin Kythe Ateneo Musmos Ateneo Special Education Society (SPEED) Tugon
63 Science and Technology Cluster (STC)
Ateneo Chemistry Society (ACheS) Ateneo Electronics &Computer Engr. Society (AECES) Ateneo Mathematics Society (AMS) Ateneo Psyche (Psyche) Ateneo Biological Organization (BOx) Computer Society of the Ateneo (CompSAt) League of Ateneo Physicists (LEAPS) Management Information Systems Association (MISA)
72 Confederation of Publications (COP) Guidon Heights Matanglawin
76 Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila Dept. for Student Leadership Development (DSLD) Department for Student Welfare and Services (DSWS) Ateneo Commission on Elections (Ateneo COMELEC) 80 Applying Orgs 81 Non-COA Organizations 82 The Org Bucket list 84 Org Calendar of Activities 88 Acknowledgements
Fr. Jose Ramon Villarin, S.J. University President Ateneo de Manila University Dearest Students, My warmest welcome to the Ateneo de Manila University! This year, we are celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal, national hero and one of Ateneo’s most distinguished sons. He was a man of excellence in many ways- not only as a doctor but also a thinker, writer, missionary and patriot. As you discern which student organization to join, let Jose Rizal Rizal inspire you. He is the ultimate example of a man who gave much of himself in pursuing his passions. Whether it is a socially oriented organization that you wish to join, an arts group, athletics, a business or science-related organization, consider this as an integral part of your education, and open your minds to the valuable lessons you will learn outside the classroom. As for those who have already dedicated a considerable amount of time for their organizations, I thank you for inspiring others and for pursuing excellence in your respective fields. As you do so, it is my hope that you also foster a culture of generosity and spirituality within and, when possible, outside the university. In this year 2011, my first year to serve you as Ateneo de Manila’s 30th President, I pray for a most exciting and enlightening experience for you all.
John Paul C. Vergara, PhD Vice President for the Loyola School Ateneo de Manila University To our dear students, Now that you’ve settled into your first semester schedule, it’s time to consider exploring the different student organizations we have here in the Loyola Schools. If you are attending your first RecWeek, our Council of Activities (COA) is home to 49 student organizations divided into nine clusters. Whatever your cause, or your interests, or your goals, there is probably an organization, or “org,” that will be right for you. Why join an org? To hone skills, to meet friends, to build up your network, to help others, to get a taste of a future profession…whatever your reason, I suggest you give it a try. Org life has a rhythm and flavor of its own, distinct from your academic one. It allows you to see a different aspect of college life which, for me, can make your Ateneo experience more complete and balanced. Please make the most of this week. Take the time to go around the different orgs, ask questions, go for interviews, compare, consider, and JOIN. If you wonder how being in a certain org can affect your college life, the only way to find out is to join that org. If you think a certain org can help you discover some hidden talents or hone existing skills, give it a try. If you want to be in the company of people with similar interests, whether it be climbing mountains, singing your heart out onstage, or working with children, go for it. Here’s to a memorable year with your chosen organizations!
Rene Salvador San Andres
Associate Dean for Student Affairs Ateneo de Manila University
College life is probably the most colourful stage in a person’s life- full of possibilities, and full of opportunities to decide on the kind of person that one wants to be. College life is incomplete when spent only within the confines of the classroom or the library. Some of life’s most important lessons are found not in the classroom but in the real, vibrant world outside- of people meeting people and experience testing the limits of concepts and theories. This is what organizations and extra-/co-curricular activities offer. Join an organization and experience a real well-rounded education!
Christopher F. Castillo Director Office of Student Activities
Wonderful things lie beyond the walls of the classroom. The experiences that await you in the world of organizations will give lessons you’ll constantly practice, memories you’ll fondly reminisce, and people you’ll forever cherish. We, your formators from the Office of Student Activities, want you to have all these. We are here to mentor, guide, and support you as you go through the wonderful journey of discovering yourself and others, honing your skills and talents, and being the leaders you are meant to be. All you need to do is thrust yourself with arms out-flung, ready and eager to embrace all these experiences. The OSA Team thanks and congratulates the Recruitment Week 2011 Team, the COA Executive and Central Board, the Sanggunian, and all the student groups for collaborating to make this event a great success! Ad marojem Dei gloriam!
Mark Andrew Copuyoc
President Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng Ateneo
My fellow Ateneans, Welcome to the annual Recruitment Week! I’m excited for you to join new organizations (orgs) this school year. I really believe that your Ateneo experience will not be complete unless you have found the perfect org for you. It is through your org experience that you will learn a lot about Atenean values such magis, cura personalis, Lux in domino etc. My advice for you is to keep joining orgs until you have found the right one for you. Then, as the Jesuits would often say, “fall in love, stay in love and it will decide everything.” So, go open your hearts and fall in love with your org. Make new friends. Establish bonds that will last a life time. Experience adventures and cherish moments that will deepen your college experience. But most importantly, have fun along the way! Hand-in-hand with the bliss of org life is the challenge to excel. Org life challenges you to step up and contribute beyond personal convenience. It asks you to be of service to your fellow org members, to the Ateneo community and to our country. Be the driving force that will bring your org to new heights. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
Kenneth Isaiah Abante
President Council of Organizations of the Ateneo There are five simple reasons why you should join and be active in any Ateneo organization in this year’s COA Recruitment Week: ChromaZone: 1. Because Ateneo gives one of the best, if not the best organization life in the country, marked by a contagious depth of service and an exciting breadth of diversity where you are given the space to discover your passions and hone your skills. But this is only if you look hard enough and be open enough to the experience.
2. Because organizational leadership is what makes or breaks employment opportunities. Employers are attracted the most to students who are both academically excellent and active in organizations. Don’t wait till that point of regret where you’d ask yourself why you didn’t try. Join and be active in orgs. Read this entire manual. Explore org choices in your first year. 3. Because at the same breath, orgs teach us to be active not for the resume but for the people our orgs serve. And this whole new dimension of service and depth of joy you’ll experience are something definitely worth exploring. In your org journey, you’ll soon realize that commitment is not breadth, not the number of orgs you join; but depth, the quality of involvement you have with them. 4. Because for many Ateneans, it is through orgs that they meet the ones they love the most and the ones they feel most at home with: their life-long friends, their most cherished memories, their reason to go back to Ateneo after graduation, or their reason to love and grow. 5. Because orgs are the birthplace of heroes and leaders -- If you take a look at the portfolio of our country’s Atenean leaders in business, science, the humanities or any other field, you’re bound to discover in their past an org or two that have formed them and affected them deeply. Ateneo org life has been a tried and tested success and happiness driver for many, many years. Your Ateneo life will definitely not be complete without joining and being active in any of 49 organizations, who assist one another in growth to form a united Council. Be an org member! Be a COA member! Welcome to the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo Recruitment Week!
Yves Kristine Garcia & Shyla Francisco Project Heads Chromazone: COA RecWeek 2011 What is your passion? Some of you might have easily answered the question, while some might still be uncertain of what it is. But in a way, as you gain new experiences and discover new things, you would realize that there is still something within you waiting to be uncovered—something that org life would help you find. With 49 accredited student organizations under the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo, other student groups and the unaccredited organizations, you’re sure to find what you’ve been searching for. Organizational life opens up a whole new dimension that helps you to exactly do that. Organizations serve as avenues where you can meet new people, know yourself better, and develop your leadership capabilities. And so this year, we are proud to present the COA Recruitment Week dubbed ChromaZone. ChromaZone is all about the limitless possibilities that a student can be, as one grows in his/her chosen organizations. It challenges the students to feed their imaginations, express themselves and colour their world. This is where students get to translate their passion into action. Take the first step to finding that passion. Dare to enter ChromaZone
Council of Organizations of the Ateneo You won’t complete your college life in the Ateneo if you don’t join an organization. In the diversity of Ateneo org life, you will not only be formed as a leader and be trained in specific skills; it is also here that most active org members have found life-long friends and memories that will last a lifetime. It is also a widely accepted fact that academic formation is meaningless without corresponding practical and extra-curricular background: and this role of organizations is so critical to Ateneo formation, that Associate Dean for Student Affairs Mr. Rene San Andres has dubbed it the “Laboratory of Life.” This is also the reason why most employers favor students with excellent involvement and defined leadership positions in their college organizations. Each of the 49 accredited student organizations is a testament to the above statements. Each Ateneo organization has a particular field, sector, skill or core competency that it seeks to address and improve -- all in the spirit of service and the goal of social relevance. The diversity of cultures, of people, of passions and the dynamism of this life is an excellent adventure free for every Atenean to explore. The Council of Organizations of the Ateneo, as the confederation of the 49 accredited organizations of the Ateneo, helps protect that diversity and the general welfare of the organizations. We, through our Central Board, Executive Board and Executive Teams, give formation programs that build the skills of the Executive Board members of the organizations; help in administering the organizations through policies, information dissemination systems; organize projects such as the Recruitment Week for the organizations; and represent the organizations as liaison officers to offices and external groups and as official delegates in different LS-wide, nationwide and even international events. And as long as you are part of an accredited organization, you are part of this COA family. To every Atenean: this is your chance to make your Ateneo life more meaningful and exciting. This is your chance to complete your Ateneo life! So join and be active inan Ateneo organization. Engage your passions to empower the nation. Be an active org member! Be a COA member!
COA Executive Board 2011-2012
Kenneth Isaiah I. Abante Chief of Staff
Joseph Erico P. Teoxon Secretary General
Carolyn Suzanne P. Barba Finance Officer
Eldridge Myles L. Tan Vice President for Special Projects
Charla Larraine S. Tsoi Vice President for Organization Strategies and Development
Irwin Angelo M. Amago
Vice President for Training and Development
Denzel Jullian C. Dy
Core 2011
Yves Garcia project head
Shyla Francisco project co-head
Beng Villanueva promotions head Marian Albano promotions deputy
Lea San Juan finance head EJ Argayoso finance deputy
Ingrid Salud programs head Kim Luces programs deputy Diana Dizon programs deputy
Bianca Bueno sec head Rosy Adriano sec deputy
Sam Libunao logistics head Juan Senga logisticsdeputy
Tricia Mallari marketing head Macky del Rosario marketing deputy
Martin Arciaga manuals head Kevin de Guia manuals deputy
Business Cluster We do good business. We are breaking free from the notion that business organizations are driven by profit. Instead, we are committed to engage in holistic nation-empowering activities. We form people who will do good business. We develop competent and socially responsible business leaders who exemplify excellence through the fulfillment of our organizations’ vision. Everyone’s business is our business. In the business cluster, we make it our business to color your world with integrating marketing communications, global leadership development, marketing, entrepreneurship,product development, corporate decision management and investment management that will aid you in becoming the future business leaders of this country.
Michelle Cruz Sec-Treasurer michelleanncruz@y.c
Mico Suba Cluster Head
Association for Communications Technology Management
APP FEE: Php 100
The Ateneo Association for Communications Technology Management (ACTM) is the home organization of CTM majors. It provides ACTM members opportunities to grow in various fields with its interdisciplinary approach to business and entrepreneurship. On its 14th year, the Ateneo ACTM overhauled its executive systems in the hope of seizing closer ties with its affiliates and thrusting a more multifaceted relevance to society. The incumbent theme of “Prism” dares to embody the association’s capacity to hone its members and flaunt their potentials as advocates of Integrated Marketing Communications. Through forging themselves under the strength of empowerment, CTM students can finally bring out the best in themselves. The Ateneo ACTM promises to do all these in the pursuit of Magis. IMC Competition
The IMC Cup is an annual event by ACTM in which students from different universities areinvited to compete in a setting where they can showcase their IMC skills.
Camp IMC Camp IMC will be a 3-day event composed of an overnight workshop that will include seminars and intensive training in the field of IMC and participants will be required to submit an output a week later to showcase their learning from the workshop.
Numina is a weeklong integrated marketing campaign that presents itself in the form of an exhibit comprised of digital art made by participants from different schools and the culmination of this project is the competition of these works.
• Miguel Escueta was once EVP for ACTM • ACTM is a proud member of Federation of Advertising Organizations (FAO) under the arm of Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA).
Rem Del Rosario
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AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University APP FEE: Php 100
AIESEC Ateneo de Manila University is a university-level branch of AIESEC, the largest student organization in the world. We belong to a network of 110 countries and territories, and alongside other AIESEC branches, we engage in impactful operations and projects with the purpose of leadership development. Our means of developing leaders is by providing our members with the opportunity to go for the AIESEC Exchange Program, and to take up leadership roles within the organization. The Exchange Program allows our members to take up the exciting challenge of working abroad and immersing themselves in a different culture, thereby expanding their worldview and giving them a more global mindset. Our leadership roles provide our members the opportunity to manage teams in executing our different business operations and issue-based projects. Through these, AIESEC aims to develop its members into leaders who will eventually work for the betterment of society through the values they have gained in their stay in the organization. This is what AIESEC has to offer. This is the AIESEC Experience.
AIESEC Exchange
The Global Community Development Program and the Global Internship Program allows young people to find personal or professional development through a cross-cultural impactful experience.
Carlo Enrico Rivera
VP of Talent Management
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AIESEC Conferences
AIESECers from around the country and around the world gather in national and international conferences to interact and learn from each other, meet new people who are passionate about the same things, and ultimately have fun.
Projects Based on Exchange (PBOXes)
An initiative geared towards direct impact on society’s most pressing issues by creating an accessible learning environment and executing a sustainable project with the help of international volunteers.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Each AIESEC country has its own signature AIESEC dance. • Mick Jagger and Kofi Annan were AIESECers. • We want to save the world…no really!
Ateneo Junior Marketing Association
APP FEE: Php 100
AJMA is the Ateneo’s premiere organization with the biggest pool of talents and the most exciting, groundbreaking projects. Several prestigious bodies such as the Philippine Marketing Association have regarded our core competencies of marketing education and practice as some of the best in the country. Our tradition of excellence spans a mélange of successful and well-attended events. In AJMA, we encourage the use of marketing as a means for creative problem solving. We emphasize learning that goes beyond the academe, blurring the limits of the possible. We provide our members with only the best training and practical outlets in real-time situations for the application of the marketing skills they have learned. Through opportunities to learn first-hand leadership, communication, and people skills, we transform people interested in the marketing field to be movers and shakers in the Philippine society. Here in AJMA, we help make things happen for you. By continuously being EDGE-y, challenging the EDGEs of marketing, and boasting our EDGE over others, we will make history. Join AJMA, and be one of those who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.
Ateneo Intercolegiate Marketing Seminar (AIMS)
AIMS is a rigorous and prestigious marketing seminar that caters to giving the top 50 student marketers in the Philippines an out-of-
classroom practical marketing case along with talks and mentoring from some of the biggest marketing professionals in the country.
AJMA Shindig
AJMA masters the prowess that marketing can bring as we celebrate a night of music, fashion, and glamour in the biggest, hottest, and most highly anticipated party of the year!
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Starting off with 60 members, AJMA now has the largest membership base in Ateneo history with over 1,400 members strong! • This year is all about the AJMA EDGE—fresh, cool, exciting, out-of-the-box, ground-breaking, totally unexpected, and totally cutting-EDGE.
Jacqueline Kawsek President
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Ateneo LEX
APP FEE: Php 100
Ateneo Lex is Ateneo’s Premier Business-Law organization. To date, Ateneo Lex remains to be the only organization in all of Ateneo oriented towards the various fields of law, most particularly to corporate law; business, through the various income-generating activities; and social responsibility, through various outreach and community-based projects. Ateneo Lex aims to form competent and responsible graduates sufficiently equipped with the fundamental knowledge of business and law grounded on the principles of business ethics through project management who will effect positive contributions towards nation building. Ateneo Lex aims to serve as a venue for the members’ personal and professional growth and development by empowering them through leadership and involvement in dynamic projects grounded in the organization’s core competencies of business, law and business ethics. But at the end of the day, Ateneo Lex is as much as a family as it is an org. We believe in an environment of accepting everyone as a part of our family. A family to create memories you would never want to forget because at the end of every day, the most important thing would always be having the time of our lives. Business Law National Students Summit A two-day national conference comprised of business students from all over the Philippines wherein various activities on significant business, law and leadership matters will take place.
Janelle Tanlim
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Law School Forum This event will take interested members to the leading law schools in the country: Ateneo, U.P., and San Beda and will consist of mock classes, talks, and tours of the said institutions.
Lex on the Beach The annual year-end party of Ateneo Lex where members can enjoy and interact and celebrate the success of the previous year in a summer-beach theme.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • “Lex” stands for law in Latin • Our mascots are called Gruffs, not Lex Monsters
Ateneo Management Association APP FEE: Php 100
For over 32 years, the Ateneo Management Association has been the premier entrepreneurship organization of the Ateneo de Manila University. It has produced excellent leaders in the field of business. AMA is also the home organization of one of the largest courses in the university, catering to the needs of BS Management and Management-Honors majors. In AMA, Management students find their home. AMA’s mission as a student organization is to encourage endeavors of concrete value for the benefit of Management students, while dedicating itself to the cultivation of the entrepreneurial spirit by providing students with venues for the learning and actual practice of entrepreneurship. With entrepreneurship as its core competency, AMA engages itself with projects that are geared towards nation building, such as social entrepreneurship efforts, and empowerment of its members through business innovation and opportunities. The JSEC Challenge
A food bazaar which enables aspiring students to test their entrepreneurial skills; winners of the challenge will be awarded with prestigious slots in the JSEC, where they’ll be able to run their food stall for one whole school year.
The ACADS Program
ACADS is a series of academic seminars, tutorials, talks and distribution of reviewers initiated by AMA in collaboration with the School of Management for the benefit of Management majors.
AMA Week
AMA Week is a week-long event filled with fun activities and spectacular events which celebrate the organization and highlights the skills and talents of its members.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • AMA is now 32 years old! • Mr. Rudy Ang, Dean of the John Gokongwei School of Management (JGSOM), was a former AMA President.
Leo Camacho
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Management of Applied Chemistry Association
APP FEE: Php 100
With the increasing opportunities posted by science and technology, man became one of the most powerful catalysts in today’s world. Equipped with the knowledge of chemistry and business, MACA aims to develop people who are capable of instilling transformation and innovation in society. As young aspirers, members are given the chance to build character and hone their skills as they engage in today’s industries. Armed with resourcefulness and creativity, they hold the key which unlocks the chamber that holds society from its deathly hollows. To be a full-blooded MACAn will merit you freedom from unwanted spells and open your eyes to the secrets of successful business. Ready your potions and raise your goblets as MACA makes another comeback this year! With bigger events and more fun-filled activities, MACA will surely make you masters of your own fate. New Product Development Academy (NPDA) The NPDA features a business competition wherein students from different schools would learn the skills needed for new product development and innovation and apply them in developing a business plan.
Paul Ivan Chan
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Product Venture Boot Camp (PVBC) The PVBC is a project which involves the development, production, and marketing of products by the GK community with the help of teams from MACA and its partner org, ACheS.
New Product Development Consultancy (NPDC) The NPDC functions as a consulting service for members of the LS community who need assistance in formulating and developing their products for a business venture.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • MACA joined the RobinSOMS Supermarketing Challenge in 2010 and became 2nd runner-up and the judge’s choice award. •MACA’s tie up project with ACheS, KIMIKABUHAYAN, won as the breakthrough project of the year by the COA Awards 2011.
Management Engineering Association APP FEE: Php 100
With an assortment of new projects and big events coming up soon, the Management Engineering Association (MEA) proves to have another exciting school year ahead for its members and the whole LS community! Through its various activities that aim to cultivate important business and managerial skills, MEA has formed competent and socially responsible leaders throughout the years, and continues to do so by providing areas of opportunity for growth and development. MEA prepares its members for the challenges of the corporate world by helping them develop their business and management core competencies through academic support, leadership training, and project implementation. The organization aims to instill in its members a discipline of Corporate Decision Management (CDM) and an advocacy for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Office of Corporate Decision Management
A venue wherein MEA’s core competency, CDM, is put into practice by offering the organization’s consulting services to offices within and outside the Ateneo
Office of Corporate Social Responsibility
A project tasked to carry out MEA’s advocacy through (1) SLATE magazine – a magazine that promotes CSR, (2) a CSR Seminar and Bazaar Competition, and (3) a CSR Exhibit at the end of the school year
CDM Workshop and Case Analysis
A workshop followed by a competition which aims for members and outside school groups to have a deeper understanding of Corporate Decision Management
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • MEA is a home to more than 650 members and is the third largest organization •“MEAmore!” is the battle cry of the organization
Tel Ang
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Management Economics Organization
APP FEE: Php 100
Here in the Ateneo Management Economics Organization (MEcO), we believe in integrity and excellence in every aspect of every project we venture toward. In recent years, our quality and consistency have been tested and rewarded. MEcO was recognized as the JPES Best Organization (2006-2007) and the COA Organization of the Year (2007-2008), which also prove that MEcO has successfully capitalized on its core competency – investment strategies and responsible financial and economic investments as it envisions a community of student-investors committed to being agents of social change. For twenty two years, we pride ourselves in being student-investors for others. NSInC
NSInC is the flagship national conference dedicated to discussing investment-related issues that the country is now facing, or may face in the future.
Kaiza Yu
VP for HR
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Stox+ OS
Stox+ OS is an online stock simulation tournament wherein participants are challenged to create the most profitable investment portfolio using the right mix of “stox”.
Midas, heights and advance are MEcO’s community serviceoriented projects dedicated to improve literacy for micro-entreprenerus, to teach business for small scale businesses and to give courses catering to Loyola School Employees.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • “Bull Market” is a term that signifies that the market is on the rise. As such, the organization’s mascot is Bull because that’s the way MEcO is headed, up. • MEcO is the only organization that’s invited to both SOSS Week and SOM Week. •MEcO is now 22 years old!
Faith Formation Cluster The Faith Formation Cluster (FFC) is the official cluster of all faith formation organizations under the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo. It is composed of four faith formation organizations namely the Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League (ACIL), Ateneo Christian Life Community (ACLC), Ateneo Student Catholic Action (AtSCA), and Youth for Christ – Ateneo (YFC-A). The FFC aspires to create an outward culture of openness, fellowship and servant leadership that is geared to form Christ-centered individuals, rooted in the spirituality of St. Ignatius. The diversified core competencies of the organizations such as catechism (ACIL), Ignatian Spirituality (ACLC), social action (AtSCA) and creative evangelization (YFC-A) truly allows for a holistic development of the Atenean. We take different roads, but all of these lead to only one destination, and that is God. In the frenzy of our daily lives, we are often left searching for things that make sense, for things that give us purpose. This is what the Faith Formation Cluster can offer. Our organizations, through our core competencies, form Ateneans who pursue spiritual maturity in the context of prayer, community, and reaching out to the less privileged, for His greater glory.
Nikki Alcantar Sec-Treasurer
Dominique Manahan Cluster Head dom2_smiley@y.c
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Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League APP FEE: None
“May hilig ka ba sa pagtuturo? Natutuwa ka ba sa piling ng mga bata? Nais mo bang ihatid si Kristo sa iba? Sumabay ka na sa isang biyaheng ibang klase at sumali sa Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League (ACIL). Mag iisang daan at anim na taon nang naghahatid ng mabuting balita sa iba’t ibang komunidad ang ACIL. Nilalayon ng bawat ACILista na sumabak sa aming mga kuminidad at ipakilala at ilapit si Hesus sa kabataan sa makabago at masiglang paraan. Kaakibat ng paghubog sa kabataan ang paghubog ng mga huwarang katekista na may pagmamahal sa kanyang bokasyon, Diyos at Bayan. Huwag lang basta maging Atenista. Maging Atenistang Katekista. Sali na sa Ateneo Catechetical Instruction League!” ACIL Week A week where ACIL shares its apostolate of teaching catechism with the LS community through various fun projects.
Ryan Adalem
Membership Relations Head
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ACIL Caroling A celebration of the yuletide season through sharing the gift of music with ACIL’s generous alumni and friends.
ACIL Silent Retreat A 4-5 day retreat in scenic places usually conducted at the end of the year; a perfect avenue for recreation and spiritual growth.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • ACIL is the oldest organization in the Ateneo; we are turning 106 years old this year! • ACIL is the only organization with its own bus.:) • Ateneo’s current President, Fr. Jet Villarin, is an ACIL alumni!
Ateneo Christian Life Community APP FEE: None
The Ateneo Christian Life Community is a faith-formation organization that aims to prepare its members towards an envisioned and strengthened way of life that encompasses a threefold formation grounded in faith. The Spiritual Aspect aims at enriching the organization’s core competency, which is developing the members’ Ignatian Spirituality through Discernment and Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, as seen in weekly Prayer Sessions & the Annual 5-day Silent Retreat. As the Formation in the CLC way of life entails, ACLCers are called to action through its Apostolate Aspect, wherein weekly area insertions are held for members to partake in Jesus’ mission to reveal the Father’s love by serving and building relationships with our brothers and sisters in Payatas. These activities are integrated into the Community Aspect which makes sure that although formation is personal, the journey is taken with all the members of ACLC through communal discernment. Thus, as Ateneo CLC, we pursue to share this way of life to others, as we recognize the richness of our formation that overflows with graces and calls to be shared. Ateneo Christian Life Community: It’s not just an ORG, it’s a WAY OF LIFE! Welcoming Night
A gathering with traditional welcoming rites to induct applicants as official new members of ACLC.
5-day Silent Retreat
A week-long retreat that members must undergo at least once in their ACLC stay.
Weekly Area Insertions & Prayer Sessions Area insertions scheduled weekly, with three different Apostolate areas visited on five different schedules(areas: Payatas Uno, Dos and A) and a weekly group prayer session
following the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, providing a venue for community sharing and prayer.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Mozart, Jose Rizal, Former President Corazon Aquino and Pope John Paul II were members of the Sodality of Our Lady (the original name of CLC). • CLC is not limited to Ateneo, but is actually an international organization & you don’t have to be “holy” to join ACLC!
Virginia De Villa
Overall Coordinator
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Ateneo Student Catholic Action APP FEE: Php 50
Ateneo Student Catholic Action is a diverse mix of empowered and impassioned individuals who are bound by the same Fire to act together towards the dream of a better nation, carrying the commitment to forge on towards nation-building little by little as they follow their own paths in life. This diverse mix of individuals are leaders who are bound by the same desire to lead people towards God, whose lives are reflections of His love. AtSCA gives its members a wider horizon to look at life with, a greater depth to understand beyondwhat one readily sees, and a loving community to walk and share with all throughout the journey. More than just an org, AtSCA is about living a life of love, passion, and inspiration. Para sa Diyos, Para sa Bayan. State of the Poor Address The State of the poor address is a forum wherein an underprivileged sector in society is highlighted and introduced to the LS community through the coordination with Theology 141 classes.
Johanne Lorren Arceo Membership Coordinator
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Personality Enrichment Program (PEP) A flagship project of the area committee, PEP is a joint collaboration of AtSCA, OSCI, and other LS organizations where orgs will sponsor alternative classes for the children of AtSCA’s adopted areas.
Silent Ignatian Retreat A 3-Day silent retreat held during sembreak to provide AtSCAns the faculties needed for deep reflection and find rest after a semester of academic work.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • A lot of prominent faculty members in Ateneo de Manila Univerity were past AtSCAns, including Mr. Rene San Andres, Mr. PJ Strebel, Ms. Assunta Cuyegkeng, and Fr. Pat Giordano (who is AtSCA’s founder) • It had already been a part of AtSCA’s history that most of its members are dormers, and Friday nights are always reserved for bonding dinners along Katipunan.
Youth for ChristAteneo APP FEE: Php 50
YFC Ateneo is a charismatic community that uses the youth’s unique energy to exhibit our love for God and establish strong relationships with Him. By using music in our worship service and providing workshops aimed at members’ skills and hobbies, we aim to provide the youth with a means of renewing and practicing their faith in ways that appeal to their interests. Furthermore, we are dedicated to promoting the development of our members’ potentials through activities such as prayer meetings, creative workshops (e.g. music and dance ministries), and spiritual retreats. YFC Ateneo is home to as many different kinds of people and personalities as there are Crayola colors! All these colors compliment and mix with each other—the colors essential to the world. But no matter how many or how wild these colors may get, we never forget the basic colors that we come from: our red, yellow and blue: our God. It is these basic colors, this one God, that we celebrate in everything we do, in every way we spread our colors and in every new color we bring to life! Youth Camps
The Youth Camp is your 3 days date with God and the YFC-A community as well! This is the best way to know what YFC-A is all about and what we stand for.
Prayer Meetings
Every first Friday of the month (for 1st sem) and every second Friday (for 2nd sem) YFC-A holds a prayer meeting that aims to spiritually form our members.
YFC Week A week full of evangelization activities and showing the Ateneo Community how great our God is.
• YFC-Ateneo has been to different parts of the Philippines to participate in the International Leaders’ Conference that gathers all YFC’s around the world! Recently, YFC-A went to Cagayan de Oro in Mindanao. This year, we are going to Aklan in Visayas! • A lot of Ateneo Student Leaders are from YFC! Last year’s Sanggu President, Rob Roque, was an active YFC-A member, and also last year’s COA, Kythe and SPEED presidents, to name a few, were active YFC-A members.
Roxy Navarro
Senior Sister
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Health and Environment Cluster Through empowered initiatives in social, emotional, and psychological health, responsible mountaineering, and logical environmentalism, this cluster aims to form proactive Ateneans for the nation’s development. The Health and Environment Cluster (HEC) has four member organizations: The Ateneo Environmental Science Society (AESS), Loyola Mountaineers (LM), Ateneo Peers (PEERS) and the Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo (PMSA). This year, the cluster is lead by a brilliant group of student leaders: a pair of quirky and sensational CHeSTs, Eljohn Yee (CH), Mica Araya (ST) and four amazing presidents of the HEC organizations—Gerald Marin of ESS, Lawreanne Sanico of LM, Ysobel Andrada of PEERS and Kiara Natalie Roble of PMSA. Joining the crew are the sensational HECtangle representatives, Likha Alcantara (AESS), Kathy Hofileña (LM), Diego Santiago (PEERS), and Ruth Hechanova (PMSA). Together, the HEC puts heart into healthy fun in the promotion of its advocacies. Its brings the green back to nature, rainbows over the horizon, and red haemoglobin pumping in the hearts and minds of Ateneans, in the formation of Better Persons for a Better World.
Mica Araya Sec-Treasurer
Eljohn Yee Cluster Head
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Ateneo Enivironmental Science Society APP FEE: Php 100
Color Me Green- join Ateneo ESS today! Students who not only believe in the “going green” movement but also are interested in making a difference for a sustainable environment can find a home in Ateneo ESS (Environmental Science Society). Being the premiere student environmental advocacy organization, AESS is at the forefront of promoting environmental concern in Ateneo, as well as outside (NGOs, academes, government agencies, businesses). The organization holds projects and programs that help concerned individuals cultivate their environmental awareness and aid in translating that awareness into action. This year, we are focusing on creating more avenues for proactive Ateneans to become EcoWarriors who are willing to be part of lifestyle changes and be more involved in the current environmental issues we are facing. AESS needs blue-blooded and green-minded students to join our environmental cause. Because in the end, we only have one world. Eco Tour: Bataan Turtle Walk A 2 day event where we go to the pawikan conservatory and learn about the different sea turtles that inhabit our oceans, go beach patrolling at night for any turtles that are laying their eggs and release baby turtles into the ocean!
Ateneo Environmental Science Society Week (AESS Week) A week-long event where we put up different booths promoting environmental awareness to the whole Ateneo community.
EcoTechnologies A contest among students from different universities showcasing their “green technological inventions” for a greener environment.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Only 3 of the current EB are Environmental Science majors. • The sign-ups for the Eco Tour: Bataan Turtle Walk last year was filled up after only 22 hours!
Mona Celine Yap
VP for Human Resources
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Loyola Mountaineers APP FEE: Php 100
However wide your vocabulary is, or fast shutter speeds are, words and pictures are not enough to describe the beauty of the outdoors. Like a lot of things in life, and life itself, it is best experienced. LM offers you two things. #1: weekends that involve depriving yourself of some personal comforts in exchange for views from summits, beautiful sunsets and sunrises, star-studded night skies, unpolluted breezes, exciting experiences that make normal days seem boring, memories that make you smile on a hectic day. And #2: the company of life-long friends to spend #1 with. So if you’re tired of the monotonous grey of a routine life, then hitch a ride with us and add a splash of color laced with some adventure. What’s stopping you? That’s right. Nothing.
Citizen’s Action for Reforestation Tree planting and interaction with indigenous people
Kathy Hofilena
Public Relations Officer
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LM Open Climbs Open-for-all climbs to scenic Level 1 mountains
LM Week Week long celebration of everything LM, with wallclimbing, photo exhibit, concert and more
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Last year in its 18th year, LM ran for 18 straight hours as the opening of its LM week. • LM won the best org moment award for their Induction Climb photo at last years COA awards.
Ateneo PEERS
APP FEE: Php 100
ATENEO PEERS is an organization that caters to the emotional and psychological wellness of the LS students. The org focuses on establishing a family of peer coaches dedicated to empowering its own members through self-awareness and coaching/facilitating trainings. Our Phase Trainings equip them with the necessary skills to face the challenges of helping others deal with their problems and concerns, and to assist them in finding their own solutions. We help you learn how to listen, so that you too can be heard. ATENEO PEERS believes in our five core values of warmth, empathy, respect, openness and effective listening, as represented by the five colors in our logo. We are as diverse as the spectrum of colors in our logo; we are home to students from all courses and backgrounds, and of different personalities and interests. You will definitely meet someone who shares your hobbies and quirks in our organization. Be part of the one-of-a-kind family concerned most about the students’ lives – about yours. Enrich the lives of others, while enriching your own. Be a PEER COACH! Join ATENEO PEERS! Sailing Along The Big Blue Sea A college transition workshop geared towards helping freshmen adjust to the changes in culture, environment, and workloadin the Ateneo (July 1)
What to know more about what we do? PEERS Week allows the LS community to get to know the org through programs and events related to our core competencies. Its main eventis ExPEERience, a chance to experience the specializations of other student groups for a day. (August)
LoveKoTalk! A series of talks about love in all its forms: about one’s self, family, friends, and of course, about romantic love! (February)
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Ateneo Peers has only had one male president: the founder of the organization. • Ateneo Peers won the COA Rookie of the Year award in 2009-2010.
Mika Generoso
External Vice President
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Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo APP FEE: Php 100
The PMSA is an organization that caters to the pre-medical students and/or health advocates within the LS community. Its five committees (Development and Empowerment, Information Dissemination, Medical Coordination, Logistics and Finance and Social Involvement) conduct various and diverse activities that help its members learn more about themselves and their chosen field or profession. Other than providing pre-medical services and promoting a healthy lifestyle, the PMSA also engages its members in activities that assist their holistic formation that instills in them the ideals of an Atenean doctor and/or health professional. Such examples of these activities are the Sportsfest, Ateneo Gives Back, Caroling, Tambay Week and PULSE. The road to becoming a doctor and health professional need not be a stressful one. Join the PMSA and help us help you make the ride an enjoyable one!
Ateneo Gives Back A medical mission for the nonteaching staff of the Ateneo de Manila University.
Kiara Roble
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Medical Mission Aims to provide basic medical services to PMSA’s (or any other organization’s) adopted community or institution.
First Aid Training Participants will be trained by the Philippine Red Cross to become licensed first-aiders for future endeavors of the Loyola Schools.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • PMSA’s Executive Board is the largest in the Health and Environment Cluster with 18 EB members. • The official PMSA mascot is named Pill. • The last 4 PMSA Presidents were all Bisaya women.
Inter-Cultural Relations Cluster If you want to see a rainbow of people, then join any one of the Inter-cultural Relations Cluster organizations! With Celebrating Diversity as our tagline, you’re sure to experience a palette of different cultures and people! Under ICR, we have • Ateneo Lingua Ars Cultura: the official student arm of the Modern Languages Department. They seek to Bridge, Experience and Celebrate various cultures of the world. • Ateneo Student Exchange Council: with Filipino Culture at its core, ASEC aims to provide Ateneans, other Filipinos and foreign students, an avenue of understanding in order to deepen national identity. • Ateneo Celadon: the official Chinese-Filipino organization of the Ateneo. They aim to promote unique chinese Filipino culture which all of us encounters every day. You want to make your life more colorful and diverse? Then join the Inter-cultural Relations Cluster! We’ll make your stay in the Ateneo as colorful as possible!
Ramon Theodore de Guzman Cluster Head
Jan Christopher Quing Sec-Treasurer
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Ateneo Lingua Ars Cultura APP FEE: Php 100
Annyeonghaseyo there watashi amigo, Wie geht es Ihnen? Vous allez bien naman sana! It is without a doubt that the world is becoming smaller and smaller everyday! Through advancements in communication and technology, people from around the globe are more brought together, and thus we are astonished by the colorful diversity our planet has to offer. The Ateneo Lingua Ars Cultura (ALAC) is a celebration of this diversity. We aim to make the Ateneo community more aware of the world through the learning, understanding and appreciation of the beauty of the dissimilarities innately present between cultures. ALAC lures you to immerse yourself in these diversities through exciting cultural nights, foreign film showings, interesting exhibits and museum tours, and other festive activities. It is like a big history and art lesson, only a million times more fun. Through these endeavors, and with the Ignatian spirit, we also strive to learn more about the Filipino identity and cultivate a universal sympathy that transcends the circumstances of our birth and upbringing. Our motto embodies our passion. We BRIDGE, EXPERIENCE, CELEBRATE. We are ALAC. Turuan Learn how to speak a variety of foreign languages in this unique tutorial program!
Celina Durante
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Articulation: A Night With The VIPs
This year, we will Dress to Express. Meet, interact, and learn from the big bosses of fashion. Learn how language, arts, and culture play a role in this industry.
ALAC Cultural Trip ‘11 Experience another culture as this year, we take you to Laguna and Quezon! Have an awesome time in this insightful three-day fun-filled excursion!
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • ALAC was accredited in 2001 and is the official student arm of the Modern Languages Department. • We have had only one male president. Care to challenge that?
Ateneo Student Exchange Council APP FEE: Php 100
How much do you love being a Filipino? Show some Pinoy pride by joining the Ateneo Student Exchange Council (ASEC), and show the world just how great it is to be a Filipino! Learn about the Philippines with fresh eyes through local trips. Meet international exchange students and show them just how great it is to be a Filipino. Find out more about their cultures, languages and customs as you show them ours. Become an ambassador and who knows, you may just find yourself with the opportunity to go abroad! The possibilities are endless with ASEC. Sign up now!
ASEC Town Square
Let ASEC bring the world right at your fingertips in this one of a kind world bazaar!
Binondo Food Wok
Visit Chinatown and let your senses feast on sights, sounds and food.
Ever wanted to study in Korea, Europe, Australia? Find out how with Jumpstart!
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • The Ateneo Student Exchange Council used to be called the Ateneo Sophia Exchange program, named for their exchange programs with Sophia University in Japan. • ASEC will be celebrating its 45th year next year! • ASEC accommodates more than 60 international students a year!
Carla de Guzman
VP for HR ateneostudentexchangecouncil@
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Ateneo Celadon
APP FEE: Php 100
CELADON is the official Chinese-Filipino Organization of the Ateneo. With projects and events rooted in the illustrious Chinese-Filipino culture that has influenced Philippine history, Celadon hopes to instill its members with a renewed sense of identity in this rapidly changing world. CELADON’s activities cater to a wide variety of interests. Whether you like writing (Chinoy -- the official publication), meeting old friends and making new ones (Alliance of Filipino Chinese Students Convention), having that opportunity to grow as a person and develop as a leader (LDP), or simply celebrating Chinese-Filipino cultural diversity and having fun (Mid-Autumn Gratia and Rose Sale), you’d definitely find a place of your own. CELADON hopes to form culturally-oriented leaders. It envisions leaders who will further its goal of nation-building with a deep understanding of culture. You don’t have to be Chinese to join CELADON. You only need an open mind and an appreciation for the Chinese-Filipino culture that has influenced our daily lives. Mid-Autumn Gratia Festival An event celebrating both MidAutumn Festival and Teachers’ Day fun-filled with awards, entertainment, dinner, and the traditional dice game.
Erick Chua
VP for HR
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Leadership Development Program (LDP) An event which aims to develop and empower the leadership skills of Celadon’s most active members who have the potential to be the future managers/leaders of the organization.
Alliance of Filipino Chinese Students Convention
A bi-annual culminating activity and leadership seminar for student members from all AFiCS-affiliated schools such as UP, UST, UA&P and DLSU.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • The Celadon Logo, made up of a dragon and an eagle, is called the Dreagle! • The Mid-Autumn Gratia is actually a merging of two celebrations: the Annual Mid-Autumn Festival and Gratia.
Issue and Policy Analysis Cluster When it comes to promoting critical thinking and discourse among Ateneans, the IPA Cluster comes to center stage. Featuring organizations which specialize in discussing relevant issues and probing policies, IPA Cluster has been a home to Ateneans who are projected to be dedicated and levelheaded thinkers and leaders of the community. As what the theme of this year’s RecWeek shows, IPA Cluster is characterized by diversity; however, it is geared towards unity and common goals. Through debating, economic analysis and intervention, international relations, statistics, research, developmental studies, policy and political discussions and theatre; whatever means it is, IPA Cluster member organizations take on what it takes to make positive changes and build social awareness. Different colors, different paths, but one culture of discourse! Sa IPA, kaya mong IPAkilala ang iyong sarili. Sa IPA, kaya mong IPAalam ang iyong opinyon. Sa IPA, kaya mong itong IPAglaban. Dahil sa IPA — May isyu kami! Trivia: Black is the traditional “color” of the IPA Cluster. It is considered as achromatic or “without hue”. However and interestingly, a black “pigment” results from a combination of pigments absorbing all colors, that might as well describe the cluster’s diversity and, nonetheless, unity as one awesome cluster!
Ryan Fidel A. Rojo Cluster Head
Xavier Roel Q. Alvaran Sec-Treasurer
Contact Person
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Ateneo Debate Society APP FEE: Php 100
Founded in 1991, the Ateneo Debate Society is Asia’s most-awarded debate institution. The ADS is both a varsity and a service-oriented student organization, having been named one of the Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations in the Philippines for its Debate Education Program. As one of the top debate societies in the world, the ADS has built for the Ateneo de Manila University a global reputation for debate excellence. The ADS is both a varsity team and a service-oriented student organization. As a service organization, the ADS was named one of the Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations in the Philippines for its nationwide Debate Education Program. DEP gained international recognition as the subject of the winning entry for the 2006 World Bank International Essay Competition. Philippine Schools Debate Championship (PSDC) The largest national debate tournament for high schoolers, the ADS organizes this tournament to encourage critical thinking and self-expression in
the youth. The organization will be holding the tenth PSDC this year on November.
Chamber Debates
A joint project with various different departments and organizations throughout the Loyola Schools that helps in critical discussion of the most pressing current issues through debate
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • The organization gets to travel throughout the country and to different exotic locations around the world. The ADS has represented Ateneo in the most Lisha Bornilla prestigious debate competitions held as far as New Zealand, Macau Botswana, VP Membership ateneodebate2012@yahoo. and Ireland. • The Ateneo Debate Society currently outranks Harvard, Princeton and Stanford com University in debate World Rankings, being the only Asian debating institution in the Top Ten worldwide.
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Ateneo Economics Association
APP FEE: Php 100
There is more to economics than models and equations, right? We at the Ateneo Economics Association (AEA) believe so too. For more than fifty years, AEA has molded its members into young economists and leaders who go beyond theories. Leave it to us to explain the economic underpinnings of celebrating Valentines’ in August or something as mundane as chewing gum. The application of economics to daily life has always been our mantra, and the spread of economic awareness, our aim. Constantly guided by Ignatian principles, we also strive to give back to the community through various development projects. Of course all these are done in the spirit of fun and unity. After all, the organization would be nothing without the cool and crazy guys manning it. While still upholding a tradition of excellence by continuing established projects like YES and VIA, AEA’s main thrust for this school year is the addition of perks for its members. Highlighted projects include leadership formation and reinforced academic support. We invite Ateneans to jump into the org and share our passion for economics. Do join, for the benefits far outweigh the costs! Ateneo Youth Economics Summit. Ateneo Youth Economics Summit is a conference for high school and college students all over Metro Manila.
KamalAEAn is a forum on interesting economics-related topics or significant economics news that aims to broaden the understanding of Ateneans in the spirit of discourse.
Valentines in August Reminiscent of a Valentines fair, VIA consists of Valentinesthemed booths and a flower sale managed by the organization’s members.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • AEA once staged a play titled “Batman, Batman I am Sick”. It was written and directed by
Jose Mari Chan, who also had a cameo role. Former House Speaker Prospero Nograles took on the role of Joker. • AMPC or the Ateneo Multi-purpose Cooperative was first established as a project of AEA, known then as the Economic Society of Ateneo.
Meryl Uy
Ateneo Project for Asian and International Relations
APP FEE: Php 100
The Ateneo Project for Asian and International Relations is above all an official international student organization dedicated to the principles of discourse, dialogue and advocacy as established by HPAIR: the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations. APAIR is the local chapter of the HPAIR Network, the international system of HPAIR clubs, making it the only Ateneo organization with ties to Harvard University. Along with other HPAIR chapters, APAIR is committed to fostering global communication, greater cooperation and discourse among the different groups and sectors of society, which include the academe, government, private enterprises and the community of future leaders, which every APAIR member belongs to. Activities include sending delegates to Harvard-sponsored international conferences abroad. Organizing conferences, forums, seminars and workshops for the Ateneo de Manila community and beyond, which critically assess economic, social, and political issues in the international arena. Lastly we conduct International Relations trainings for members, which aims to make them more globally adept leaders. RMAF Forum
An annual event in cooperation with the Ramon Magsaysay Awards Foundation, where the recipients of the prestigious humanitarian award come to the Ateneo to share and talk to the community.
Mon Mercado
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Asia Conference
Ateneo PAIR will be sending delegates to represent the Philippines in the annual HPAIR Asia Conference, which will be held in South Korea this year, to discuss, learn and experience international relations.
NatCon (National Conference): The flagship project of Ateneo PAIR where we invite students from schools all over the country to come together for a three-day conference that aims to develop leadership and promote discourse and dialogue among the nation’s youth.
Since the beginning we’ve been sending our members to international Harvard conferences as delegates to cities around the world such as Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Bangkok, Jakarta, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei and Boston.
The Assembly
APP FEE: Php 100
The Assembly spearheads the Ateneo community’s efforts to developing and enriching political awareness, social justice and critical analysis. Boasting more than a decade of being the only organization that exists solely for the advancement of politics in the Ateneo, The Assembly partners itself today with organizations both student-based and nongovernmental to provide for the Ateneo community an enriched, vibrant, responsible and discursive avenue for political awareness. The Assembly provides a community for every student of politics where they can seek guidance, tutelage and camaraderie under the discipline. The Assembly sees itself as the Ateneo’s prime organization offering the community and its members political awareness, development and consolidation. Politalk
A lecture given by renowned speakers in the field of Politics to educate Ateneans about contemporary political issues in the Philippines and to engage them in taking an active part in organization efforts of informing and educating the public in reference to the framing of national political issues and campus politics.
PoS100 Debates
A debate competition held by The Assembly in cooperation with the Political Science Department, which is open to all students currently taking POS 100 to provide a competitive venue for POS 100 students to exercise skills and apply learning, as well as to improve public speaking, debating, and critical thinking skills.
A semestral activity which will allow Ateneans to gather and to engage in discourse over national political issues and campus politics and to deepen their political consciousness & critical analysis of issues that transpire both in campus and in the national level.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • For four straight years, The Assembly’s president has always been a woman • Last year, The Assembly headed the Socio-Political Committee of the Association of Politcal Science Organizations in the Philippines (APSOP)
Steffi Sales
Ateneo Statistics Circle APP FEE: Php 100
The Ateneo Statistics Circle (A-Stat) is the premier research organization of the Ateneo de Manila University. Since its founding in 2005, the organization has not only exerted efforts to increase statistical awareness in the Ateneo community, but also has rigidly trained its members to apply statistics in practical manners particularly through Research and Consultancy. A-Stat continues to serve its three stakeholders: its members, the Ateneo community, and the Philippine society though statistics. You don’t need to be good in statistics to be part of the organization! A-Stat boasts of its other departments like the Promotions and Publications department, Member Relations department, and the Office of the CFO that ensures that A-Stat members are well-rounded individuals by providing them with corresponding pertinent skills. But in case you want to sharpen your statistical knowledge and apply it in practical matters outside of the classroom, the Academics and Training department together with the Research and Consultancy department will ensure that you are able to do so. TASC Force (The A-Stat Service Cluster Force).
A year-long service that constitutes the theory and application of the org’s core competencies which includes first-hand experience in market, social and customized research, and statistics consultancy.
Get STATed The ultimate game show showcasing the various applications of statistics inspired by classic TV game shows (e.g. Family Feud, Power of 10)
John Carlo R. Chua President
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Battlefield Alpha A two-part statistics competition for LS students.
• We were awarded “Rookie of the Year” when we got accredited in 2008. • For the longest time, A-Stat recognized a person named Gideon Butalig as its first president. It was only recently that we were able to verify that it was Louie Anthony Tan (BS ME ’06) that served as the first president through the help of Louie’s sister Karen, A-Stat’s current SecGen. And until now, we cannot verify who Gideon Butalig is or if he actually existed!
Development Society
APP FEE: Php 100
The Development Society is the organization of development minded individuals who wish to bring about the beauty of the world’s colours. It aims to nurture its members to become development innovators, in accordance with the Atenean value of becoming persons for others. The organization presents concrete programs for students to be active players in the ongoing process of changing the world, for the better. Vision We envision an organization of development innovators, leading the Ateneo community towards the proactive pursuit of the amelioration of poverty through sustainability, uplifting the lives of the poor, in accordance to the Atenean value of persons for others. Mission It is our mission to hone the passions of our members, equipping them with skills, through academic assistance, career and networking opportunities, immersion trips, and exposure to social realities and development innovations, enabling them to be with the Ateneo community in becoming life-long agents of change. Development Studies Conference
In partnership with the Development Studies program, this conference will be the student counterpart of the program’s 25th anniv. to highlight what has happened in the field and what are perceived to happen next.
Networking with Development Agencies This will invite development organizations to provide members with networking opportunities for practicum, and work opportunities.
Field Trip/Exposure Trip This will send members out to the field to give them a feel of development work in the field.
• The triangle in DevSoc’s logo is actually the symbol delta. And the A inside signifies Ateneo. The DevSoc logo means, “Ateneo at the Centre of Change.” • Devvy DevSoc, DevSoc’s mascot is not a bull. She’s a cow.
Veron Oliva
VP for Internal Affairs
ENterteynment para sa TAo, Bayan, LAnsangan, at DiyOs
APP FEE: Php 100
Ang ENterteynment para sa TAo, Bayan, LAnsangan, at DiyOs (ENTABLADO) ay ang natatanging sosyo-pulitikal na pangkat panteatro ng Pamantasang Ateneo de Manila. Bilang isang organisasyon, minimithi namin ang isang sambayanan na tumutubo at kumikilos sa loob ng sistema na nagtataguyod ng karapatan ng bawat tao na magsulong ng katarungang panlipunan at higit sa lahat layunin ng grupo ang humubog ng mga kasaping handa sa pagpapakilos ng sambayanan sa pamamagitan ng makabuluhang pagtatanghal na naghahayag ng kalagayang pampulitikal pangkabuhayan at pangkultura alang-alang sa tao, bayan, at Diyos. Bilang bahagi ng Issue and Policy Analysis Cluster, minimithi ng grupo ang pagbabago tungo sa sarili, sa kapwa at sa lipunan. Hinahangad din nitong katawanin ang katotohanan sa mga usaping kinakaharap ng bayan sa pamamagitan ng mabisa at malikhaing sining ng dulaan. Tindig BagongBayan! Gumunita, Matuto, Manindigan.
Panawagan ng organisayon para magkaroon ang bawat isa ng kakayahang panindigan ang sarili at magagawa lamang ito kapag ang mga mamamayan ay may matatag na edukasyon at pagmamalay sa kasaysayan. Kaakibat ng proyektong ito ang Applicants’ Production an gang Street Theat-
Paul Nicolo Claustro Asst. Coordinator for PR
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er Festival kung saan iniimbita ang ibang organisasyon sa loob at labas ng Ateneo na sumali at suportahan ang adbokasiya ng ENTABLADO at manalo ng gantimpala
Mga produksiyon para sa taon:
Virginia ni J.B. Capino, Si Rizal, ang Dapitan at ang Rebolusyon ni J. Dennis Teodosio, Applicants’ Production, sa panulat ng Imahe|Nasyon: Mandudula ng ENTABLADO at sa direksyon ng mga baguhang direktor ng ENTA, Itim Asu ni Virginia Moreno
Pobreng Alindanaw ni J. Dennis Teodosio at Commonwealth of
ALAM MO BA... • Na naging miyembro ng ENTABLADO si Robi Domingo? • Na gumagaling sa Filipino ang mga sumasali sa ENTABLADO?
Media and the Creative Arts Cluster The Media and the Creative Arts Cluster (MCA) is composed of four prestigious accredited organizations in the Ateneo de Manila University, under the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo (COA): the Ateneo Association of Communication Majors (ACOMM), the Ateneo Musicians’ Pool (AMP), the Ateneo Collegiate Society of Advertising (CoSA) and the Loyola Film Circle (LFC). Each MCA organization has its own specialty, uniquely forming its members into adept artists and communicators. Together, our cluster aims to provide venues that will help the members of the organizations discover and hone their talents in their respective mediums of communication, and ultimately share these skills as their contribution in building our nation. MCA people are known to be the best providers of any thing related to media and the creative arts. Be it media literacy, films, advertising, music, promotions, events ‌ Name it and MCA has it! Our cluster is home to approximately 1,500 members in total. We are indeed a community of creative media innovators! 4 voices. 1 frequency.
Rose Nikki V. Jurado Cluster Head
Ara Z. Cabalonga Sec-Treasurer
Ateneo Association of Communication Majors APP FEE: Php 100
The Ateneo Association of Communication Majors (ACOMM) is the brainchild of a small barkada of Communication majors who, back in 2002, had a vision of enhancing the skills of Ateneo Comm majors for life beyond the walls of the Ateneo. Since then the barkada has grown to over 200 members whom ACOMM has personally helped develop into socially responsible communicators with a multidisciplinary approach and into excellent practitioners in their chosen careers. Now on its ninth year, ACOMM, as the passion-driven home organization of all Communication majors in the Ateneo, continues to color the world of each Comm major through creativity for a cause and social awareness through media literacy.
Crash Course
We party for a cause! Tickets are books donated to an NGO.
Idge Mendiola
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Media Literacy Camp
A big-time event with different school participants featuring esteemed media practitioners
ACOMM’s official newsletter and blog relevant to Comm majors!
• Our ACOMM Alumni include these famous personalities: Bianca Gonzales, Vicky Herrera, and Lia Cruz. • We are the home of astounding UAAP and NCAA courtside reporters and OrSem hosts! • We have our newly-revamped COM studio and ACOMM members will get the chance to play with the “toys” it has to offer!
Ateneo Musicians’Pool
APP FEE: Php 100
The Ateneo Musicians’ Pool (AMP) is an organization where musicians grow more skillful and passionate because of the provided exposure into the depths of the music industry. However, being bigger than the sound, AMP does not just develop musical talent from turning, say, some lone guitarist to a star. Having people who have a soft spot and/or an ear for music, AMP utilizes the talent it has upon focusing on the fortes of each individual. With workshops, gigs, and other events for training and learning, AMP polishes people into artists who shine in their craft. AMP isn’t merely for performing the arts, although such treats are delectable to the hungry and indulgent soul. It’s also for working with music through photography, design, marketing, organizing, and so on. Music is believed to be the universal language, and in AMP, people from different walks of life are brought together because of a love for it; but they stay and work as one to stage concerts and make that memory echo the ineffable musical experience and kiss the soul to a blushing red. Rites of Passage
The newest bands and soloists of the AMP roster gather in a one-night gig that will rock your socks off.
AMPlitude The AMPlitude is the ultimate gig that launches the AMPlitunes CD and the Tube Magazine inside and outside the Ateneo!
The AMP Recital This event has become the biggest and most awaited of all the AMP events in the year, a great tradition that closes the school year with a bang.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Known bands like Chicosci, Kjwan, Itchyworms and Out of Body Special were all part of the AMP roster! • If you hear guitar strings and loud singing, then chances are you’re passing by “The Bench”, located between the Sec B and Sec C foyers.
Mary Anne Collantes
Collegiate Society of Advertising
APP FEE: Php 100
The Collegiate Society of Advertising is the premiere advertising agency of the Ateneo. CoSA offers top-of-the-line services and provides a venue for dynamic creativity. Commonly associated with the color orange, we are known for our psychedelic energy, originality, vision, and innovation. It emanates vitality through excellent projects, passion for creative knowledge, and enthusiasm in delivering quality work. Armed with unconventional ways of getting everyone’s attention, CoSA’s members pride themselves with living through their orange (creative) juice.
Umbrella Party Series: Four teams compete for party-throwing supremacy in the arena known as the Umbrella Party Series.
Josef Ayson
VP for HR
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CoSA for a Cause: CoSA lends a (orange) hand to non-governmental organizations through advertising campaigns.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • CoSA can teach you how to dougie. • CoSA loves your mom.
CoSA Presents: An advertising competition open to all Ateneans. The prize? An internship at an ad agency.
Loyola Film Circle APP FEE: Php 100
The Loyola Film Circle is the premiere film organization of Ateneo. LFC aims to aid their members to become individuals who are passionate in film by exposing them to film and involving them in its three facets: appreciation, production, and critiquing. Through this, we consequently believe that they will become closer to recognizing film as an art and a medium for social discourse.
Ateneo Video Open (AVO)
An annual film competition in the Philippines open to collegiate filmmakers to showcase their passion and talent for film.
Film Criticism Classes
Combination of film screenings and speakers from the Philippine film industry to teach members about critiquing.
Under the Stars
Biggest outdoor school event of the organization that celebrates fun, friendship and film
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Filipino filmmakers Francis Pasion and Quark Henares were part of the pioneers of LFC. • Although LFC is an art org, we still won the IAC Basketball Championships last 2010. • LFC produced this year’s awesome Ofilm!
Jenica Ti
HR Executive
Performing Arts Cluster
The best cluster. The cluster who will bring it. Nauunasalahat, pinaPAClahat-- Performing Arts Cluster.
We do it right and we do it under the spotlight! The Performing Arts Cluster is composed of four prestigious performing organizations: The Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club (ACGC) Ateneo blueREPERTORY(BlueREP) The Company of Ateneo Dancers (CADs) Tanghalang Ateneo (TA) These organizations, distinct as they may be, are tied together by their passion for the performing arts. Be it singing, dancing, or acting, inspiring and powerful messages are carried off stage and into the hearts and lives of many. This year, the Performing Arts Cluster is proud to present its tagline “PAC ‘til you drop!”Wave after wave of performances, we share and foster not only an appreciation for the arts but bring forth an impetus for change. Along with awesome creativity and a love forperforming, a sense of family among friendsbonds the members of the PAC organizations. In your quest for artistic expression and excellence, you’ll find that you’ve not only joined an organization, but you’ve also found a home. PAC ‘til you drop! Eleanor Kawsek Cluster Head
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GabbeyCalma Sec-Treasurer
Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club
APP FEE: Php 100
The Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club (ACGC) is the oldest university chorale in the Philippines, with its beginnings in 1921. It has established itself as a world-renowned and multiawarded choir. The ACGC strives for choral excellence for the glory of God and to serve the nation through their songs. The choir has pioneered many firsts as a Filipino chorale group and as a student organization. The ACGC has carried the name of the Philippines during their International Tours in Europe, Asia, and North America. Professor Maria Lourdes V. Hermo now leads the ACGC as the group’s first female conductor. Under her leadership, the group has released two commercial recordings. In light of the ACGC’s 90th season, the group embarked on a concert-competition tour of Europe, which has seen insurmountable success, with a second-place finish in the 11thInternational Choral Competition in Maribor, Slovenia, a sweep of all the possible prizes in the 47th Montreux Choral Festival, and a victory in the 33rd International May Choir Competition in Varna, Bulgaria, earning the group eligibility to participate in the prestigious European Grand Prix for Choral Singing next year.
ACGC European Tour 2012
Thanks to the ACGC’s victory in Varna, Bulgaria, they will be returning to Europe next year to compete for the Euro Gran Prix title.
CD Recording
A recording of the 2011 Europe tour repertoire will be done over the Sembreak and released around December.
Homecoming Concerts
To celebrate the very successful European tour, two homecoming concerts will be held so everyone can listen to and enjoy the music that GC shared while on tour.
• The Ateneo de Manila College Glee Club is the Ateneo’s oldest university choir at 90 years old. • The ACGC has many notable alumni such as Jose Mari Chan and the members of singing group, The Company.
Miggi Angangco
Ateneo Blue Repertory APP FEE: Php 100
Ateneo Blue Repertory is the premier musical theatre organization of the Ateneo De Manila University. Blue Repertory has always breathed and lived for one thing - passion. 2011 marks blueREP’s 20th year in the sphere of musical theater in the Philippines. In its past nineteen years, blueREP has selected materials that are new, fresh and challenging, and the organization is constantly on a search to innovate and make an impact in theater. The organization regularly works with theater veterans from Repertory Philippines, Trumpets, Atlantis Productions, and other professional theater companies. As always, blueREP carries everything out with the trademark, never-ending blueREP passion. For those who have become part of the family, blueREP is known as a home where members share immense joy, creativity and imagination for musical theatre. Little Shop of Horrors
blueREP opens the season with the popular rock musical-turned film adaptation that opened in Broadway and West End.
Nina de Leon
VP for Human Resources
Carrie the Musical
Newbies this year will also have the chance to showcase their talents in a horror musical based on Stephen King’s novel turned cult movie.
Season Finale
As the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae, blueREP’s 20th anniversary finale kept secret until arrangements have been made permanent! Be sure to be updated this year for official announcements!
• Plays we have done: Pippin, Stages of Love, High School Musical (Asian
Premiere), Footloose (Asian Premiere), Bare, and Hair.
• blueREP has served as a training ground for professional performers like Jaime
Barcelon, Marvin Ong, Bea Garcia, Mian Dimacali, and many others!
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Company of Ateneo Dancers
APP FEE: Php 100
As a Company, we emerge as artists, using movement as our brush as we continuously hone our craft. Each well-coordinated motion is like an intricate wave of the bristles, leaving a prismatic flurry of emotions which enchant and captivate our spectators. The vast and empty stage is our canvas; it is where passions, inspirations and aspirations converge to yield a standing testament to artistry and dance. Music and motion work handin-hand as a kaleidoscope of colors that breathe life into an otherwise dull canvas. No matter how structured or abstract the expressions, they always result in vibrant displays of talent and excellence in Street, Jazz, and Production. We are guided by and devote our efforts to the One Great Artist and Choreographer, in the hope that our artistic display can make a difference in the grand design. Allow us to welcome you into our dynamic masterpiece where every stroke counts. We create. We color. We dance. We are the Company of Ateneo Dancers. Rhythm in Blue
(1st semester) An inter-organization dance competition and showcase concert
Year-end concert (2nd semester) “Extant” (2011), “Credo” (2010), “Refueled” (‘09), “Denouement” (‘08)
Benefit dance workshops, and an organization NSTP-CWTS section for sophomores
• Last year, CADs became the Skechers Streetdance Battle Champions for
the first time. • There have only been two male presidents of the organization since it started in 1994.
Patricia M. Encarnacion President
Tanghalang Ateneo APP FEE: Php 100
Since its founding in 1972, and given formal recognition in 1979, Tanghalang Ateneo has grown from a fledgling band of student players to one of the country’s leading schoolbased theatre companies. Its repertoire of plays is daunting: world classics, Filipino originals, and documentary texts turned into theatre pieces. Its productions are noted for their thought, generosity and energy, while its lingua franca on stage is Filipino and English. Tanghalang Ateneo productions educate and delight; they also stimulate the imagination and provoke thought. Jesuit pedagogy fuses with theatre arts to interrogate the Filipino social world so that students can invent themselves as critical Filipinos – sharp in thought, expressive in action, deep in faith, and attuned to others, fellow players and audiences whose lives intersect with their own. This year, in celebration of the sesquicentennial of the birth of José Rizal, Tanghalang Ateneo invites its student audiences to reflect on heroism – on doing extraordinary acts for a greater cause. Calling its 33rd season “Undaunted,” the company will mount three productions involving people courageously giving without counting the cost. Ang Sintang Dalisay ni Julieta at Romeo (July 2011) In this awit version by G.D. Roke, as in Shakespeare’s masterpiece, the young lovers pursue a love that will end civil strife.
Julia Motoomull
Company Manager
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Rizal: Mga Kuwento ng Bata (September 2011) The play is a devised piece using student reflections of Rizal as basis.
Orestaya (February 2012) A Filipino version of the Theban Trilogy by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the play is a tale of murder and revenge among family members.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • TA productions have earned numerous awards, the most public being the 2008 Aliw Award for “The Death of Memory” as Best Production of the Year. • We have swords.
Sector- Based Cluster The Sector-Based cluster is home to seven organizations, who through different means, cater to marginalized sectors of the society. Through proactive social advocacy and direct involvement, we hope to develop our sectors to become self-sustainable. The sectors of the organizations are youth & youth oriented groups, Ateneo scholars, public elementary students, urban poor children, pediatric cancer patients, persons with disabilities and abused girls & abandoned babies. Our cluster aims to engage the Ateneo community in our advocacies through promoting our culture of volunteerism. SBC gives avenues for Ateneans to be immersed in love and service. Our members develop to become passionate leaders with a vision of a better society for others. Ateneo CODE | Ateneo Gabay | Kaingin | Kythe-Ateneo | Musmos | SPEED | Tugon Join our organizations and be addicted in service! Dahil sa SBC, bisyo ang serbisyo.
David Bryan Lozada Cluster Head david_bryan_lozada@
An Mari Ferrer Sec-Treasurer anmari.ferrer@
Ateneo Consultants for Organization Development and Empowerment *formerly Ateneo Student Trainers STRAINS
APP FEE: Php 100
At the conclusion of every organizational event, Codets huddle around a circle, with arms extended to the center forming a core of tightly-knitted fists as if forming a superhero league of their own. And after throwing in the silliest, cheesiest yet most heartfelt quotes, arms are thrown high up in the air coupled with a most passionate roar of “CODE SERVES;” a gesture habitually done in celebration of yet another triumphant endeavor of the Ateneo CODE. Fueled by highly motivated, trained and competent individuals, CODE takes pride in initiating positive planned change through the practice of Organization Development to youth and youth oriented organizations inside and outside the Ateneo community. Through engagements and interventions, CODE helps organizations maximize their potentials, knowledge, skills and attitudes, sustain and achieve organizational health and instill transformative change. Consequently, Codets are graced with the very unique opportunity of touching people’s lives, inspiring others and being models of learning and excellence. A Codet’s life is truly rich in rewarding experiences, lasting relationships and genuine service, striving towards building the nation, one organization at a time. We’re all about people. We’re all about change. We’re all about organizations. We are the ATENEO CONSULTANTS FOR ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT AND EMPOWERMENT– superheroes at our own league Client Engagements Highly-tailored and contextualized client engagements suited to every client need.
Cam Marcelo
Human Resources Head
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DepEd’s National Leadership Training for Student Government Officers Attended by 7,000 student leaders from all ove the Philippines held at Baguio City ever year
Organizational Development Trainings and skills building for various organizational needs and development.
• CODE is the ONLY student-run Organization Development (OD) centered organization in the Ateneo, and ONE OF THE VERY FEW in the Philippines. • CODE has successfully transitioned from being an OSA arm, to a COA Department, and now a fully functional student organization in its 3rd year.
Ateneo Gabay
For almost 35 years now, bringing color to the world by creating a strong community of scholars-for-others is not what we do. Our work is not addressing the needs of the scholars of the university, may they be academic, merit, athletic or financial aid. It is not our task to color the personalities of our members in line with the Ignatian tradition. Offering holistic formation to our members is not our duty. It is not our job to color our lives by teaching kids at the elementary schools of Balanti and Project 3. We believe that we were not assigned to create such colorful relationships within a family, which we will never forget even after graduation. These are not what we do. More than that, these things define who we are. Kami ang Gabay. Tunay na makulay ang aming buhay. Hindi na kailangan ng sinabawang gulay. On a more serious note, we live a life for others, and forever in our hearts we say, “Pinili kong magtaya, nangangako akong magtaya, malaya akong nagtataya.” Scholars’ Week It is a week-long celebration filled with freebies, talks, game shows, exhibits, etc. Everybody is welcome to join us in this festive event.
Alternative Class Program Be an Ate or a Kuya to our Erya kids on this very special day. Help us bring learning beyond their books. Teach them to dance or to sing or to speak Japanese or anything fun and play and play!
Open Erya Calling all Ateneans! Experience how it’s like to teach English or Mathematics to our beloved students. Witness how doing a simple thing for four hours can change your life.
• Contrary to popular belief, we are not a scholars’ organization but an organization for scholars. The founding members of the organization are all dean’s listers and not one of them is a scholar. • Constitutionally, the members of the organization have more power than the officers. We are the only organization in which any member can join the four day planning and evaluation seminar out of town before each semester.
Victoria C. Dreyfus
Kaingin APP FEE: Php 100
We are a Family, We love, we learn, we live. We teach. BUT we don’t just teach kids. We make kids wonder, We make them question. We make them criticize. We make them apologize and mean it. We make them see their potential and have them achieve it. We make them shape their own futures to what they want to be, not what others think they should be. WE ARE KAINGIN. This is Social Justice through Education We make a difference, now what about you? Kaingin Big Event The Overnight Sensation of Kaingin, this officially welcomes members to the Kaingin Family’s culture and lifestyle.
Justin Gregory V. Peňa President
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Positive Parenting Talk (PPT)The talk is to orient the parents how to supplement their child’s learning experience from the tutorial to their home.
Kaingin Week The culminating project where we show Kaingin to the community with workshops, seminars and an exhibit.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Kaingin had 2 presidents, Alyda and Garnet, who are siblings from different batches. This is known as the Keh Dynasty. • Kaingin is now on its 30th Year starting off as an English Block Project years ago.
APP FEE: Php 100
Imagine your favorite childhood toy, your favorite childhood story, your favorite buddy; times you spent to simply be a kid. Regardless of who we are, one thing we all have in common is our childhood. The fact is, however some kids have to wake up everyday to the idea of fighting for their childhood, fighting against cancer. And so we ask ourselves, how can we invigorate their childhood, considering their circumstances—after all, kids should be flying kites, not fighting cancer. This is where Kythe comes in. Kythe is a Scottish word which means “healing through simple sharing and togetherness”. Our organization is based on a strong foundation of service through hospital volunteerism and the advocacy and practice of the Child Life Program. As a Kyther, you will learn how to share smiles and tears, how to reach out and relate, and how to receive and be a giver of hope. Whatever kind of Kyther you choose to be, you are welcome to bring your passion for service and your love for the kids into our Child Life Campaign. I AM HOPE Campaign A movement of hope for the kids.
Kythe Week The last hurrah of the organization for the school year, featuring “Be Brave, Get Shaved” and Kythe Flying.
Celebrate Life Party Hospital parties held monthly to celebrate and be thankful for another month of our kids’ lives.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Kythe’s mascot is Kapitan Kimo, a superhero syringe for chemotherapy • One of Kythe’s annual activities is “Be Brave, Get Shaved” wherein members and any willing persons can shave his or her head in solidarity with the Kythe kids.
Elijah Adamos
Musmos Organization APP FEE: Php 75
For more than 25 years, Musmos’ journey of guiding urban poor children through the path of self-actualization has been nothing short of a great experience. The fun Saturdays in Katipunan and Cubao have been memorable and edifying steps towards the holistic formation of not only the kids but also of the ate’s and kuya’s – a proof that we, Ateneans, can do magis beyond the corners of the university while having hearts for others too. Every moment we spend with them, we color not only the pages of the childhood chapters of their lives, but also paint with different hues our own storybooks. Every lesson learned, every Story of the Day, every game of habulan… They all count. Because, in Musmos, we believe that where there are children smiling, there is hope.
Weekly Areas Apostolate areas, held weekly in Katipunan and Cubao, provide an avenue for kid’s growth and formation with the help of volunteers of the organization.
Mikaela Fleurdeliz B. Capati Membership Head
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CKrismusmos A celebration of Christmas with the Musmos children in the hope of giving them one unforgettable and unique Christmas experience.
Musmos Week Held once every semester, the Musmos Week is an event wherein the organization’s advocacy will be showcased to the whole Ateneo community.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Task Force Labor was the first name of the organization. It was changed into Musmos later on which is now on its 26th year. • Yeng Constantino performed once during the CKrismusmos event.
Ateneo Special Education Society APP FEE: Php 80
Looking at a special child sometimes stings your heart, doesn’t it? Most people think that they have been deprived of a lot of things. Well, we beg to differ. Here at the Ateneo SPEED, going to special schools weekly will let you see them in a different light. Our area visits and projects bring smiles to the special kids we cater to. And in return, they reflect that happiness back unto us. We play, teach, and bond with the kids, but we also learn a lot from them such as singing, breakdancing, and appreciating the simpler things in everyday life. We train our members to have the know-how’s on special education and on being great leaders who would inspire others to spread our cause. But don’t think that being a SPEED member ends there. From the daily tambays in the SPEED room and random gimmicks to our out-of-town Evaluation Seminars, SPEED is definitely a second home to our members. Making a difference to the different has never been this fulfilling and this fun! Join SPEED now! Sparkle: SPEED’s Christmas Carnival Witness the smiles on the faces of our kids as they experience the joy of Christmas in a whole day’s worth of games and performances!
Trick or Treat The kids parade in their Halloween costumes as they stroll around Ateneo to play fun activities and fill their lootbags with mouthwatering candies!
Splendour Come hand in hand with another SPED org in experiencing prom all over again with your kid-date in an evening of ties and dresses.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Last year, we won COA Org of the Year & COA Executive Board of the Year! • We add “SP” to speverything SPEED! (e.g. spoffs – SPEED officers, sproom – SPEED room, speple – SPEED members)
Natasha Galbraith
Tugon APP FEE: Php 80
Kids, games, and smiles – if this is what you’re looking for, Tugon may be the organization for you! We are a sector-based cluster organization helping abandoned babies and sexually-abused girls rise from their situation through play therapy, ranging from arts and crafts to sports events. We partner with institutions also involved in our cause, and in turn we are able to deal directly with the kids within or outside their facilities. More than just the hands-on experience, Tugon is not just an organization, but also a family – a place to grow. Our members are molded to become future leaders through our training programs, and are bonded through God with every prayer session. Thinking of choosing to stay, choosing to love, for the kids? Welcome to Tugon! National Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Week (NCSAAW) An event tie up with ECPAT, a partner institution, and the NCSAAW committee where the organization and its NSTP components participate through preparing activities for the children of various institutions.
Lex Louis S. San Felipe President
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Tugon Week A weeklong celebration of Tugon and its advocacy through various activities.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Tugon is COA’s org of the year for 2009.
Enough Abuse Campaign (EAC) A major activity to spread the reality of physical and sexual abuse among children and women.
Science and Technology Cluster As a newcomer, you might think that the cluster is dull or monochromatic. Some people might see us as the geeks and nerds who are just drawn to studying and hanging out in the library or laboratories. But when you take a second look at each organization and get to see what they have to offer, you’ll realize that the colors of this cluster can get as crazy as you can imagine. With their excellence in their respective sciences, they can make it as fun and as engaging as you want it to be – parties, amazing races, competitions, talent workshops, field trips, magic shows, area insertions, social involvement efforts and a lot more. If you’re the type of person who wants to paint his/her canvas with a lot of colors at the same time, then our organizations best fit you. Composed of eight awesome organizations, the Science and Technology Cluster (STC) boasts its ability to not just be excellent in the sciences but also help others see science in our daily lives. STC seeks to use science not just in fun and creative projects but also in efforts that can spark positive changes in our nation.
Meryl M. Aquino Cluster Head
EJ Manalang Sec-Treasurer
APP FEE: Php 100
Ateneo Chemistry Society
Only certain Ateneans know how to throw on a lab gown and have a good time, and they all belong to the Ateneo Chemistry Society. ACheS members are among the University’s best and brightest. Having the smarts to take on even the toughest topics in the central science, they also have the skills to sing and write and create amazing art, send volleyballs and frisbees flying into the air, and get an Unstoppable Rampage on 5-on-5 DotA. Far from being stereotypical science geeks in goggles, ACheS members have so much soul that’s it’s often been mislabeled as the party and gimik org of the Science and Technology Cluster. ACheS knows how to strike an equilibrium between having an awesome time and getting down to what it is truly out to do – form strong bonds among its members and with the people it helps and reaches out to through its many Chemistry-related projects. After all, in the world of Chemistry, the strongest bonds formed are the hottest ones, and things certainly get hot when you’re with ACheS. Build-a-Lab Bringing excellence in chemistry to public schools via sustainable projects such as specific tutorials, experiments and demonstrations to supplement their chemistry classes.
Gregory A. Uy VP Personnel
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ACheS Week: Ignition The org’s five-day celebration of the central science, filled with awesome activities and events for the entire Ateneo community.
Ateneo Chemistry Olympiad One of the Chemistry community’s most challenging interhigh school competitions, set to find the best of the best in the next generation of genius chemists.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Unlike most of the organizations in the Ateneo, ACheS actually has two Tambayan spots -- a shared one in MVP305, and another one in the Chemistry building, complete with its own members’ wifi. • ACheS also bears a long and proud history of 48 years as an organization in the Ateneo.
Ateneo Electronics and Computer Engineering Society
APP FEE: Php 100 We go beyond capacitors and resistors. The ATENEO ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING SOCIETY is the home organization of future engineers in the Ateneo. As an organization, we are dedicated to helping our members develop their skills through various activities arranged by our different departments. Through the combined efforts of its members, the organization’s events and projects are |directed into| promoting academic excellence, social responsibility, and transformative leadership as its members express themselves, explore new horizons, meet fellow students who share similar interests, and develop their leadership potential; AECES remains true to its commitment to form ingenious and outstanding innovators who are well-equipped to serve the community through the fields of science and engineering. With members getting involved and invested, everything is made possible. Join AECES and discover your true potential. Interface A Luzon-wide quiz bee competition
AECES Network Team A group of engineering students geared towards bringing forth computer literacy to less fortunate students
Talks and Lab Sessions Where known people in the field of engineering are invited to deliver talks and facilitate hands-on activities
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • AECES almost did not have an official mascot because Resistor Man was deemed a phallic symbol. • One of the suggested names for the org was FECES (Federation of ECE Students), which was rejected immediately.
Charlotte D. Estillero VP for Human Resources
Ateneo Mathematics Society
APP FEE: Php 100
We are not your average calculator We define what excellence is and prove it We integrate minds and differentiate individuals We let the limit of the potential of our members approach positive infinity We maximize our capabilities to minimize social marginalization We set no bounds for what we can do We are the inverse of mediocrity We make the complex real We choose to make a difference We count The Ateneo Mathematics Society: 50th Year of Excellence & Service CampMath
A four-Saturday event that caters to students from private and science high schools whose aim is to promote Mathematics, through various lectures and activities which are not only fun but will also enrich knowledge and foster interest in Math.
Myki Pimentel
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Now on its 13th year, Sipnayan is a trio of epic math contests for grade school, high school and (hopefully!) college students in and around Metro Manila.
MathSaya Similar to CampMath, MathSaya is a three-Saturday event which caters to carefully chosen public high school students who show aptitude for Mathematics. The activities provide avenues to appreciate Math without the pressure of normal schoolwork humdrum.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • The AMS turns 50 next year, 2012! The founder and first president of the org is the Math department’s very own Dr. Jose Marasigan aka Doc Mara. • Last year was a big year for the org! :) Mathsaya won the COA Awards’ Social Relevance Effort of the Year, CampMath won Most Outstanding Project in the Loyola Schools Awards, plus, the Office of Student Activities recognized AMS as one of the four outstanding organizations of the Ateneo.
Ateneo Psyche
APP FEE: Php 100
Ateneo Psyche is the home organization of Psychology majors. With projects grounded on psychological theories and concepts, Ateneo Psyche envisions to promote the relevance of psychology for mental wellness and self and social awareness within and outside the Ateneo community. Ateneo Psyche’s projects cover a wide range of interests, and we plan to grow bigger. Each of these projects are crafted with excellence and passion to give its members what they deserve. Moreover, we want each of you to have Psyche as your home outside your homes. We’re all about psychology. We’re all about people. We’re all about you. Ateneo Psyche. Where people come first. The Better Life Project
A fund-raising party hosted by psychology organizations from different colleges and universities that aims to garner funds for different beneficiaries, as well as promote awareness regarding the current state of the mental health sector of the country.
National Center for Mental Health monthly visits
The visits provide psychological awareness and an avenue wherein Psyche members could interact and talk to the mental patients of the institution.
PsychED Talk Series
The different talks aim to address issues that are personally and socially relevant (such as love, relationships, sexuality, etc.) to the Ateneo community, but are not necessarily covered by any academic curriculum.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • We are on our 8th birthday! • We will create EPIC members (Join and find out what it means to be an EPIC Psyche Member!)
Janelle Y. Ongsiyping President
APP FEE: Php 100
Ateneo Biological Organization- eXplore. eXperience. eXcel.
Biology and Life Sciences majors have always been active members of the Ateneo community, primarily through the various student organizations that they join. As their home organization, the Ateneo Biological Organization eXplore eXperience eXcel better known as BOx was formed in October 2004 to address the need of the Biology and Life Sciences majors for a holistic, immersive experience in the biological sciences. At its inception, it aimed to provide its members with an avenue to explore and experience various sub-disciplines of biology and to excel in their chosen endeavors. Now an accredited student organization of the Loyola Schools, BOx, home to over 300 Bio and Life Sci majors, has gone beyond academic- and research-oriented formation to become, quite simply, one of the most essential and life-changing experiences that a Biology or Life Sciences major could have. By promoting the unity of the entire biology community through its “AdMU One Bio” thrust and helping its members explore, experience, and excel in diverse biological interests, BOx has become a family that knows that the best way to study life is to live it. BioCamp
The first of its kind for BOx, this ground-breaking project consists of seminars, laboratory experiments, and a quiz bee to cultivate high schools students’ interest and appreciation for the life sciences.
Angelica Anne M. Tangco
VP for HR Development
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BioWeek This week-long event gathers all enthusiasts of the natural sciences to participate in different Bio-related activities and games.
The Compendium of Ateneo Flora
This coffee table book provides scientific information as well as interesting facts and trivia about the various flowering plants within the Ateneo de Manila campus.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • BOx was the first organization to have a human auction. • BOx is a founding member of Biology Majors Alliance of the Philippines or BMAP.
Computer Society of the Ateneo APP FEE: Php 100
The Computer Society of the Ateneo (CompSAt) is a group of IT enthusiasts who share the Atenean vision: to be men and women for others. The organization immerses itself in the Ateneo culture by harnessing its passion for IT-- whether in learning IT through attending training sessions, holding, and participating in competitions, using IT through software/ web development to render service to others, or sharing IT through tutorials and outreach programs -- so that its members may reach out to Ateneans and the rest of the Filipino community. As one of those who spearheaded the Philippine Computing Organizations Alliance, CompSAt has gained a reputation for excellence. CompSAt has also received prestige through its members who have won various programming competitions such as the Microsoft Imagine Cup, UP Java Cup and Quizzardry. Our social life isn’t just online. By being a part of the premier IT organization of the Ateneo, you would be geared towards IT skills development, holistic formation, and service for others amidst the technological age. CompSAt members do not only simply develop their IT skills, but also witness and amplify the impact that IT has on people and society. CompSAt Week
Join CompSAt as they showcase the best that IT has to offer in their highly-awaited annual event involving legal software giveaways, geek shirts, a multimedia exhibit and chances to win the coolest technological gadgets.
IT Forums Learn the latest tips and tricks in Photoshop, Flash and After Effects from the experts!
Web/ Application Development Build your skills in web development by creating websites and see your works get published!
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • CompSAt was born out of a collaboration between CS & ME majors. • CompSAt is turning 20 this year.
Joyce Ann Rada
VP for Internal Affairs
Ateneo League of Physicists APP FEE: Php 100
“Physics” – of the basic sciences, it has the best sounding name. And the scariest as well. But as the central and universal science, it is a science for all (contrary to popular belief). That’s where LeaPs comes in. We are an organization that caters to the scientist in everyone – “closet” or otherwise. Beyond being the Physics home organization, we are open to everyone who has ever wondered what makes the universe tick or what the heck Sheldon Cooper actually talks about. We bridge the everyday LS student to what Einstein, Newton, Feynman, Maxwell, Hawking and all the other great nerds intellectuals enjoyed. We encourage people to push their curious mind. We defy gravity and take the Leap. The Real Physics Game (RPG) Play with gravity. Experiment with light. Tinker with magnetism and electricity. Experience Physics as you battle with other teams!
Kevin Caballa
VP for Internals
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Physics Demonstrations Watch Physics in action. Go beyond the theories. Have fun while learning through actual physics “toys”!
Kindergarten Group Sessions (KG Sessions) Satisfy your curiosity and boost your knowledge through lectures and discussions about current Physics issues and trends.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • A former LeaPs President has an asteroid named after him! • We are the only organization with direct access grant to telescopes in the Manila Observatory!
Management Information Systems Association APP FEE: Php 100
As the university’s premier Information Management organization, the Ateneo Management Information Systems Association, or MISA, strives to utilize its members’ skills in information management and technology towards social transformation and awareness. Through our activities and efforts revolving around Information Management, we aim to create an awareness of its importance in today’s fast-paced, information-driven society, beginning with the Loyola Schools community. However, MISA has more color to it than just being merely an IM org. It is also the home of MIS majors, as well as IT enthusiasts of different hues (Non-MIS majors are also more than welcome!). As a home organization, we provide numerous avenues for members to interact, serve, and lead while fostering a fun learning environment and developing their own personal talents and interests. Whether you like programming, writing, photography, digital art, singing, dancing, sports, partying, or event organizing, there is surely a place for YOU in the colorful world of MISA. IM (Information Mgt.) Conference Plus
A conference tackling the latest IT trends where students from Metro Manila gather, to be capped off by an IT Solutions presentation/competition.
IM Week
A week-long symposium about the role of IM and IT in today’s leading IT companies which will also serve as an avenue for MISAns to be acquainted with IM & IT professionals.
YEP (Year-Ender Party)
A grand celebration of MISA’s accomplishments where the most outstanding members and projects are recognized.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • The three hexagons that comprise org’s logo represent MISA’s core values professionalism, servant leadership, and excellence. • MISA has its own dance troupe (MISAyaw), singing group (MISA Musika), and basketball team (MISAbols), which join yearly inter-org events such as IAC competitions and the RIB dance contest.
Ryan Sordan
Confederation of Publications
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APP FEE: Php 100
As the official student newspaper of the Ateneo de Manila University, The GUIDON seeks to serve as a record of Ateneo history-in-the-making and to serve as an organ of journalistic excellence. It is a part of the Ateneo’s Confederation of Publications (COP) published monthly from June to March. The GUIDON has six writing sections, three design staffs and two organizational staffs.
ACED: The GUIDON Workshop A tie-up with the Ateneo Center for Educational Development, this workshop invites students from public schools who are interested in journalism. Selected GUIDONeers instruct and give
them tips on basic news writing, editing, photography, lay-outing, and others. Pressplay A tie-up with The LaSallian, De La Salle University’s official newspaper, this is an annual student press con-
vention in cooperation with the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP). It features seminars in writing, editing, photography, and art. Contests are also held for the participants, composed of other student publications.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • The GUIDON will be celebrating it’s 82nd year on June 22. •Notable alumni: Manuel Colayco, Fr. Horacio de la Costa, S.J., Max Soliven, Luli Arroyo, Jose Mari Chan, Willard Cheng, Ryan Chua, Jeff Canoy
Angelica P. Lim
APP FEE: Php 100
Since 1952, Heights has established itself as an Atenean and Filipino literary and artistic institution, garnering both national and international recognition to stake its claim as one of the best student-run folios in the country. As such, Heights aims to continue and to contribute to the Ateneo and subsequently to the Philippine literary and artistic tradition of excellence through the publication of issues and the sponsorship of the annual Ateneo-Heights Writers Workshop which stands as a venue. In accepting the challenge of producing excellent literary and artistic publications, Heights is geared towards developing a community of readers, artists, and writers, within and outside the University, as a family committed to the growth of their fellow Ateneans and eventually of the whole Philippine literary community. This has been carried out through folios, workshops, talks, poetry readings and various events that celebrate literature and the arts. Ateneo Heights Writers’ Workshop
A venue for aspiring Atenean writers, in both Filipino and English, to have their work read and critiqued by established writers such as Dr. Benilda Santos, Dr. Edgar Samar, DM Reyes, and Mark Cayanan.
Carmela Bautista
Production Manager
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Kuwentong Pambata Project
A children’s storybook project and grant, which is illustrated by resident Heights artists. The Kuwentong Pambata also serves as a venue to strengthen organizational ties and social awareness through story-telling activities for beneficiaries of the different sector-based organizations.
Heights Folio Book Launches
The formal release of the Heights Folios to the public. There are performances of guest contributors and presentations from invited bands as well as an exhibit of the published artworks.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • Heights has received the prestigious Unyon ng Manunulat ng Pilipinas (UMPIL) Gawad Pedro Bucaneg Award and has been recognized with high distinctions by Columbia Univ. • Founded in 1952, Heights will be celebrating its 60th year as the official literary and artistic publication and organization of the Ateneo in 2012.
APP FEE: Php 50
Ang MATANGLAWIN ang opisyal na pahayagang pangmag-aaral ng pamantasang Ateneo de Manila. TANAWIN NG MATANGLAWIN Mapanghamon ang ating panahon. Kailangan ang mga MATANG nangangahas tumitig at magsuri sa paligid. Kailangan ang isang TANGLAW ng katotohanan sa gitna ng dilim na laganap sa pambubulag at pagbubulag-bulagan. Kailangan ang mga kuko ng LAWING daragit sa mga dagang ngumangatngat sa yaman ng bansa at ahas na lumilingkis sa dangal at karapatan ng mga maralita. Basic Mass Integration Immersion upang mamulat sa mga isyung panlipunan.
Rubdob Gabi ng tula, musika at pagdiriwang ng kulturang Filipino tuwing Pebrero
National Situationer Campus-wide na diskusyon ng mga napapanahong isyu.
ALAM MO BA.. • Minsan nang nakatanggap ang Matanglawin ng fan letter na para kay Kuya Kim Atienza kahit na walang koneksyon ang organisasyon sa kaniyang palabas sa TV.
• Hindi lamang pagsusulat ang ginagawa sa Matanglawin. Sa katunayan, back-to-back champions ang Matanglawin sa taunang COP Sportsfest. •Hindi lawin kundi tupa ang mascot ng Matanglawin.
Michaella Aldea
Tagapamahala ng Pandayan
Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila
The Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila, often called the Sanggunian or Sanggu, is the sole autonomous government of the Loyola Schools student body, and its powers emanate immediately from and belong ultimately to the said body. The Sanggunian has two main branches: the Central Board (CB) and the School Boards (SBs). However, in addition to them, the Sanggunian is also composed of Departments, Sectors and Arms. With this, the Sanggunian upholds its three basic core competencies in being companions in leadership and service of the LS Student Body through Representation, provision of Basic Services and Student MoveÂŹment Integration. Students who are interested to join the Sanggunian in order to develop their leadership skills can become a member in one of the following units: TOP 4 OFFICES Office of the President Office of the Vice President Office of the Secretary General Office of the Finance Officer AUXILIARY DEPARTMENTS Department of Internal Affairs Department of External Affairs Department of Public Relations Department of Research and Statistics For more information, you may call the Sanggunian at 09283481686 or email us at We look forward to working with you in leading and serving the student body.
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Department for Student Leadership Development APP FEE: None
You are a leader. No matter who you are, regardless of position, gender, color or age, you are a leader I your own right. DSLD envisions a culture of leadership where through individuals positive changes can be done in their respective spheres of influence. Leadership is not only about the position as it is a lifestyle that we all have. With this, we seek to develop and hone the leadership skills contributing to the formation of each student. Service and leadership is key and the challenge lies with accepting the calling of it. DSLD has 3 arms catering to the different targets and approaches of leadership one may be inclined to. • Ateneo Student Leaders Assembly- to foster a community and a network of servant leaders creating ripples of change. • Dare It Forward- to challenge individuals to become leaders through everyday leadership. • Training and Development- to extend leadership formation to student groups in the Ateneo Loyola Schools student community through specialized training. Bring out the leader in you and be part of the change. DSLD is calling. Are you ready to answer? Ateneo Student Leaders Assembly
The ASLA congress brings together student leaders from the different Ateneo school in the country building its network of leaders to create ripples of change.
Umbrella Project DIF incorporates leadership values in everyday tasks to promote the culture of leadership in all of us.
Leadership Trainings As a service to the community, DSLD provides leadership programs to organizations bringing out the leadership culture in everyone.
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • It’s DSLD’s 3rd year and ASLA celebrates its 10th batch this school year. • You’re sure to encounter a member of DSLD in the different organizations and Sanggunian.
Tony Chew
Department of Student Welfare and Services APP FEE: Php 50
DSWS. Doing Service with a Smile. One of the few acronyms the org is famous for. DSWS is more than an office, it is HOME. This is where we do office work with a twist. We take priority in ensuring that members develop the value of responsibility, passion and more importantly close relations with members. DSWS, is one of the many student-run office in the Ateneo. We take pride in our service and ensure that the Loyola Schools is our main priority. Part of our services are Lost and Found(find your lost stuff), Loans(bibles, calculator, umbrellas, and charging of cellular phones), Promotions Monitoring and Documentation(for your promotional requests), Carpool services(if you want to share a ride and help the environment) and Lockers(for your heavy things).This is surely one student-run office that you will encounter more than once in your Ateneo life. With that, get ready to be all smiles as we welcome you to the DSWS experience. MVP101, where everything happens. SST or Salamat Sa Tumutulong A thanksgiving party for the Non-teaching staff of the Ateneo
Jan Zyron Oviedo
Human Resorce Director
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TBS or Team Building Seminar An event aimed at honing our members into one team
Locker’s Registration Registration of 1254 lockers in Ateneo
DID YOU KNOW THAT... •DSWS is the only student group which has a room in the 1st floor of MVP. •DSWS started out as a post office for the dormers.
Ateneo Commission on Elections APP FEE: None
Being the strong electoral arm of the Sanggunian, the Ateneo COMELEC carries the awesome task of handling all things elections-related. Doing it all because they want it to be free, clean and honest — a major step towards building a strong Sanggunian and Ateneo Community. Last August, the Commission started its very first automated Sanggunian elections – a response to keeping up with the changing times. Busiest during election seasons, expect to see them in the Ops Room having fun while helping each other out.
Freshmen Elections (FreshEl): Coming this August, freshmen can vote for their Sanggu
General Elections (GenEl): This is where everyone votes for their Sanggu for next school year
DID YOU KNOW THAT... • We practically live in the Ops Room every school year! No other student group stays as frequent as Ateneo COMELEC! • Last school year, the election system became automated. This will still be implemented this year. • OAA financial aid scholars can have their service hours credited here. Most of the scholar members get more than their 10-hour requirement.
Ray Lacsamana
HR Commissioner
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Alay ni Ignacio
Eumir R. Angeles Principal
Alay ni Ignacio (ANI) is the student arm of Pathways to Higher Education. It is a summer instructional program for academically gifted but financially disadvantaged students from public high schools. It provides Math, Science and English classes, as well as spiritual mentoring and other cocurricular and extra-curricular activities. In Alay ni Ignacio, we change lives, one diploma at a time.
Daniel Besa Liturgy Comm. Co-Head danielbesa05@y.c
Ateneo College Ministry Group
ACMG is dedicated to God and service through a deeper appreciation of the Holy Eucharist, a wider understanding of prayer and immensely rich encounters with others. ACMGers aim to instill in each one the passion for serving others and living life with the desire to love God. It aims to enkindle in each person their faith and the message that God’s love encompasses all of life.
Kim M. Cabanig President
Baliklaya is a non-political, prison-service student organization. It promotes reformative justice and the prisoners’ rights particularly their inherent right to human dignity. Balik means to go back. Laya is freedom. The organization does not aim to literally free prisoners; it pursues a different sort of freedom, one that frees the prisoners from societal stereotypes and the feeling of lack of dignity.
Blue Symphony Elva Marita P. Sarte Chief of HR
Blue Symphony is the Ateneo’s premiere student-led orchestra. Founded three years ago, The orchestra has a vast collection of instruments: from strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. BlueSymph boasts of its wide repertoire ranging from standards, contemporary pop tunes and OPM, to more classical and religious pieces. We are a family of musicians dedicated to building a stronger culture of music within the Ateneo and committed to forging a community passionate about their craft and talent.
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Also check out the following student groups/ organizations: Monday-Wednesday Tuesday-Wednesday • A College Ministry Group • WriterSkill • Alay ni Ignacio Wednesday-Thursday Wednesday – Friday • Toujin • Baliklaya • Blue Symphony Wednesday and Friday • Ateneo Capoeira Club Monday-Tuesday • Artillery Thursday-Friday • Loyola Ultimate Disc Association • Atenean Car Enthusiasts • STACS • Literary Society • Balay • One Initiative Movement • Musikero • Aperture Society • Ateneo DanceSport Club Monday and Wednesday • Association of Interdisciplinary • Blue Consulting Club Studies Majors • Atenean Car Enthusiasts
SPECIAL THANKS TO: GOD COA Central Board Office of Student Activities (OSA) Office of Administrative Services (OAS) Our Sponsors Ateneo Multi-Purpose Cooperative (AMPC) Facilities Management Office (FMO) Cervini Office Ms. Shella Corpuz of Food Quality Assurance Office Fr. Jett Villarin Ateneo Gabay Company of Ateneo Dancers (CADs) TNTs Frozen Bananas 2011 LSA Press Mang Juny Ningning Nuñez Mrs. San Juan LS Staff and Maintenance And everyone who participated in RecWeek 2011: ChromaZone! :)
Organization Name Website
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non enim nec libero tempus mollis vel non velit. Donec placerat enim fermentum lectus consequat sed sagittis neque bibendum. Morbi consectetur fermentum metus sit amet ornare. Praesent faucibus, sem in facilisis mollis, est mi rutrum metus, ut vestibulum eros nunc et urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse feugiat odio ut purus lobortis quis cursus lacus cursus. Maecenas quis nulla nisl, quis tristique augue. Integer sagittis lacus id magna commodo id eleifend nunc blandit. Nunc lacus nisl, tincidunt vitae gravida eu, rhoncus ut tortor. Pellentesque eu sem a nisl malesuada tempor at ut turpis. Quisque at mauris augue. Nam a neque ut velit molestie scelerisque. Cras ut arcu vel mi fermentum laoreet. Morbi egestas lacinia elit, imperdiet lacinia augue accumsan sed. Nullam pulvinar elit et ipsum blandit at rutrum sem hendrerit. Integer non dolor ut libero ultricies pharetra quis eu eros. Aliquam dapibus eleifend est ac porta. Nulla a malesuada erat. Integer egestas justo lacus. Nunc molestie ipsum sed enim imperdiet eleifend. Morbi.
Contact Person
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Organization Name Website
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non enim nec libero tempus mollis vel non velit. Donec placerat enim fermentum lectus consequat sed sagittis neque bibendum. Morbi consectetur fermentum metus sit amet ornare. Praesent faucibus, sem in facilisis mollis, est mi rutrum metus, ut vestibulum eros nunc et urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse feugiat odio ut purus lobortis quis cursus lacus cursus. Maecenas quis nulla nisl, quis tristique augue. Integer sagittis lacus id magna commodo id eleifend nunc blandit. Nunc lacus nisl, tincidunt vitae gravida eu, rhoncus ut tortor. Pellentesque eu sem a nisl malesuada tempor at ut turpis. Quisque at mauris augue. Nam a neque ut velit molestie scelerisque. Cras ut arcu vel mi fermentum laoreet. Morbi egestas lacinia elit, imperdiet lacinia augue accumsan sed. Nullam pulvinar elit et ipsum blandit at rutrum sem hendrerit. Integer non dolor ut libero ultricies pharetra quis eu eros. Aliquam dapibus eleifend est ac porta. Nulla a malesuada erat. Integer egestas justo lacus. Nunc molestie ipsum sed enim imperdiet eleifend. Morbi.
Contact Person
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Organization Name Website
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non enim nec libero tempus mollis vel non velit. Donec placerat enim fermentum lectus consequat sed sagittis neque bibendum. Morbi consectetur fermentum metus sit amet ornare. Praesent faucibus, sem in facilisis mollis, est mi rutrum metus, ut vestibulum eros nunc et urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse feugiat odio ut purus lobortis quis cursus lacus cursus. Maecenas quis nulla nisl, quis tristique augue. Integer sagittis lacus id magna commodo id eleifend nunc blandit. Nunc lacus nisl, tincidunt vitae gravida eu, rhoncus ut tortor. Pellentesque eu sem a nisl malesuada tempor at ut turpis. Quisque at mauris augue. Nam a neque ut velit molestie scelerisque. Cras ut arcu vel mi fermentum laoreet. Morbi egestas lacinia elit, imperdiet lacinia augue accumsan sed. Nullam pulvinar elit et ipsum blandit at rutrum sem hendrerit. Integer non dolor ut libero ultricies pharetra quis eu eros. Aliquam dapibus eleifend est ac porta. Nulla a malesuada erat. Integer egestas justo lacus. Nunc molestie ipsum sed enim imperdiet eleifend. Morbi.
Contact Person
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Organization Name Website
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non enim nec libero tempus mollis vel non velit. Donec placerat enim fermentum lectus consequat sed sagittis neque bibendum. Morbi consectetur fermentum metus sit amet ornare. Praesent faucibus, sem in facilisis mollis, est mi rutrum metus, ut vestibulum eros nunc et urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse feugiat odio ut purus lobortis quis cursus lacus cursus. Maecenas quis nulla nisl, quis tristique augue. Integer sagittis lacus id magna commodo id eleifend nunc blandit. Nunc lacus nisl, tincidunt vitae gravida eu, rhoncus ut tortor. Pellentesque eu sem a nisl malesuada tempor at ut turpis. Quisque at mauris augue. Nam a neque ut velit molestie scelerisque. Cras ut arcu vel mi fermentum laoreet. Morbi egestas lacinia elit, imperdiet lacinia augue accumsan sed. Nullam pulvinar elit et ipsum blandit at rutrum sem hendrerit. Integer non dolor ut libero ultricies pharetra quis eu eros. Aliquam dapibus eleifend est ac porta. Nulla a malesuada erat. Integer egestas justo lacus. Nunc molestie ipsum sed enim imperdiet eleifend. Morbi.
Contact Person
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