MagLab at a Glance 2014

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2014 At a Glance

A Range of Research Possibilities 1 Lab, 3 Sites, 7 User Facilities, 3 In-House Research Groups & Magnet Development The only facility of its kind in the United States, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (National MagLab) is the largest and highest powered magnet laboratory in the world. LANL LOS ALAMOS, NM


Located at Florida State University, the University of Florida and Los Alamos National Laboratory, the National MagLab expands the boundaries of scientific knowledge and advances basic science, engineering and technology in the 21st century. In 2014, more than 1,400 researchers from academia and the corporate world conducted cutting-edge research using our unique, world-record instruments. The MagLab exists for these users to explore promising new materials, research pressing global energy problems and expand our understanding of the biochemistry that underlies living things by performing experiments in our seven user facilities: Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy (AMRIS) DC Field Electron Magnetic Resonance

High B/T Ion Cyclotron Resonance Nuclear Magnetic Resonance & Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Spectroscopy Pulsed Field

The lab also has a number of important in-house research groups that complement the user facilities through development of new techniques, theories and equipment, including Condensed Matter Science, Geochemistry and Microscopy. The MagLab’s Magnet Science & Technology (MS&T) group and Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC) work to develop the most efficient and the strongest resistive, pulsed, superconducting and hybrid magnets in the world.

We Use Magnets To study


Scientists use our magnets to explore semiconductors, superconductors, newly-grown crystals, buckyballs and materials from the natural world — research that reveals the secret workings of materials and empowers us to develop new technologies.


Scientists use magnets to study energy and the environment. They work to optimize petroleum refining, advance potential biofuels such as pine needles and algae, and fundamentally change the way we store and deliver energy by developing better batteries.


Scientists study the foundational science of protein and disease molecules that underlies the cells and creates life itself. This work could improve future treatment of AIDS, cancer, Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

Graphene Topological Matter Kondo/Heavy Fermion Systems Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Molecular Conductors

Petroleomics Catalysis Dissolved Organic Matter Lithium Battery Imaging Biofuels

Natural products Quadrupolar NMR Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

Quantum Fluids and Solids Qubits & Quantum Entanglement Semiconductors Superconductivity Basic Research

Superconductivity Applied Research Fuel cell membranes Geochemistry Environmental Analysis

Sodium MRI Membrane proteins Metabolomics Biomarkers

lab stats Users in 2014


MagLab World Records

Number of Principal Investigators in 2014

14 368

Percentage of Users that were New in 2014 Articles Published in 2014 in Peer-reviewed Journals Books, Chapters, Reviews & other One-time Publications


450 11

Awards & Honors

Patents & Other Products

Ph.D. Dissertations & Master Theses

13 5 69

MagLab’s Worldwide User Community In 2014, the MagLab’s 1,442 users represented 199 universities, government labs and private companies in the United States and another 132 worldwide.

Scientists come to our unique facilities to use our world-record instruments for weeks at a time.

A DIVERSE group of users SENIOR PERSONNEL: 52%

Annual Visitor Impact on Economy IN FLORIDA IN THE USA



$2,821,673 in economic output 23 jobs created $4,121,581 in economic output 29 jobs created

52 L 3 32 13 +

ATTRACTING visitors from around the world



DC Field - 505 NMR & AMRIS - 482 Pulsed Field - 132 High b/t - 20 emr - 143 icr - 160

24% of Students and 23% of postdocs are female

88+6+213L 60+33+51L What our users say

Very Satisfied: 60% Satisfied: 33% Neutral: 5% Dissatisfied: 1% Very Dissatisfied: 1%

How satisfied were you with the performance of the facilities and equipment?

Very Satisfied: 88% Satisfied: 6% Neutral: 2% Dissatisfied: 1% Very Dissatisfied: 3%

How satisfied were you with the assistance provided by MagLab technical staff?

Every year, the MagLab user research program invests: $7 m on Nanoscience & Engineering $3.5 m on Quantum Information Systems $2.9 m on Optics & Photonics $2.2 m on Superconductivity & Energy Storage Technologies $0.6 m on Brain-related Research The MagLab’s interdisciplinary research environment brings scientists from a variety of disciplines to explore materials, energy and life.

2014 Users by Discipline DC Field

Pulsed Field

High b/T

All user responses were treated anonymously. *All presented figures exclude internal responders.

I think the Magnet Lab is a great place to do research, not only because of its unique resources, but also because you can breathe science in the air! Everything is arranged so that you keep sharing your perspectives and projects with the staff scientists, the postdocs, the students and the visiting users. The lab environment encourages the interaction between all the members, which I think is crucial for scientific productivity.

Paula Giraldo-Gallo, Stanford University, 2014 Pulsed Field Facility user



Condensed Matter Physics AMRIS

Magnets, Materials, Testing, Instrumentation Engineering Chemistry, Geochemistry


Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics 0






Dollars and Cents Economic Impact

L 6 + 27 67

Financial Report TOTAL Budget: $48,397,333

National Science Foundation: 67%

Fiscal Year 2014 Funding

The Maglab

projected to generate

in Florida

in Florida

$121 million

$2.4 billion

in economic output

in economic output

more than

more than

State of Florida: 27%

Private PI Awards: 6%

over the next 20 years,

annually generates

1,200 jobs

25,000 jobs

in The US

in The US

$182 million

$3.6 billion

in economic output

in economic output

more than

more than

Physics & Materials Research: 40% Magnets, Materials & Engineering: 15% Chemistry: 13% Biology & Biochemistry: 9% Management & Administration: 15% Education/Diversity: 3%

1,560 jobs

31,000 jobs



$ industry


12 Labs & institutes


Spin offs


invested by the state



$1 = $6.57


Cross-Sector Partners The MagLab develops partnerships with the private sector to bring new technologies to the marketplace.



economic activity in florida


community & educational groups





The proximity and collaboration that Danfoss Turbocor has had with the MagLab has become instrumental in establishing Tallahassee as the global competence and design center for oil-free magnetic bearing technology.


Ricardo Schneider, President and CEO of Danfoss Turbocor

Building the STEM Pipeline Engaging the community

MagLab Staffing

6,000 visitors at 2014 Open House

1,246 people toured the lab

74 scientists engaged 5 Science Cafés in community outreach reaching 1,117 to 2,000 people people

Engaging students & teachers 5,459 K-12 students had a tour or received outreach



Personnel at FSU, UF & LANL includes employees funded by the NSF Core Grant or State of Florida.

Total MagLab Staff: 725

125 students in long-term mentorship, internship or camp programs

65 schools participated 54% of students in in on-site or classroom long-term programs outreach were female 70% of these schools 29 undergraduates in were Title 1 schools Research Experiences 300+ members of for Undergraduates MagLab Educators program Club

The MagLab’s REU program allowed me to experience what performing scientific research at a high level was really like. Coming from a small university, I was not fortunate enough to have this option readily available. The experience inspired me to pursue a PhD and eventually led me back to Florida State University and the MagLab. Dan Brown, 2008 & 2009 REU program, Wabash College

Senior Personnel: 221 Other Professional: 83 Postdoc: 52 Graduate Student: 165 Undergraduate Student: 74 Support Staff - Technical/Managerial: 89 Support Staff - Secretarial/Clerical: 41

Postdocs, graduate students and undergraduate students make up 40% of the staff. 38% of whom are female Training in the User Program 654 of the MagLab’s users are postdocs or students.

Learn more about the MagLab’s best research from 2014 in our upcoming issue of MagLab Reports. Sign up to receive your print or electronic copy at For a full text version of our 2014 annual report, visit publications-all/annual-reports. WEB



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