DR Tutorial Pieces

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Tutorial Activites

Direct Response Kiarna Harvey 13291334

Week 1 - Bond Begging Letter Week 2 - Greener Grocer Feedback Form Week 3 - Ikea Coupon Week 4 - Nike Buck Slip Week 5 - Reverse Storyboard Week 6 - Gold Coast Marathon Radio Ad Week 7 - Wiggle EDM

Begging Letter

Originally, I had no idea where to start with a begging letter. I wanted to persuade someone to donate without physically asking for a dollar amount. So often we are bombarded with advertising asking us to 'donate', therefore we are very easily desensitised to it. The letter is personalised to each individual; stating their name, the number of years since graduation and the degree they took. I used a more subtle approach to emotion by guiding the recipient to feeling important. I wanted them to believe that this donation will benefit not only future students at Bond, but themselves also. I kept the emotional ties to a minimum as it is still a professional letter and thought too personal could get borderline creepy. This begging letter aims to be relatable, and persuasive in a non intrusive way. The reader is left reminded that this donation is worth it as it is their reputation that will benefit. It is up to the recipient how much they wish to donate.

Bond University

Feedback Form


The Greener Grocer

Originally, I designed this form as a card you received after purchasing with the Greener Grocer. I wanted to do something different to the IGA example given (win gift card, do the form online). I decided to create a bigger incentive to ensure more people would come back with the form. After lots of thought, it became obvious that this was not going to work. Reasons: •People would lose it •Forget to fill out by the time they got home •Hard to monitor; people could fill out multiple times resulting in falsified results. •Technology seems to be the way to go in today’s age. Therefore I altered my original design. The card is still given at the end of a purchase, directing customers to The Greener Grocer’s Facebook page. I opted for the Facebook page over the website as this gives The Greener Grocer the opportunity to build a stronger social presence. The survey can be fan gated, requiring consumers to like the page before they take the survey. This also allows The Greener Grocer to collect valuable data on their customers. Once they have conducted the survey, the customer can ‘Share’ with friends on there own page, guiding more people to The Greener Grocer Facebook. To stop people entering the survey who haven’t shopped at TGG Capri, for the purpose of the prize, the survey would need to be set up where they have to enter a unique code given on the receipt with purchase.


Coupon A card designed to slip into each bag with purchase, or have sitting on self serve checkouts. As a thank you for shopping with Ikea, the customer has the chance to join the company in an exclusive interior design workshop.

BACK The card directs the customer to the website where they will find more details: Limited places in workshops (20 people) Each category of workshop only has one a month Must book your spot online, to book spot you have to enter details for data collection and use your receipt id.




When asked to make a coupon for Ikea I instantly thought experiential. Ikea (store, products and brand) is designed to be very experienced based. Therefore this lead me to the idea of an interactive interior design workshop exclusively for shoppers. I added a stronger line on the front of the slip to grab attention "BECOME AN INTERIOR DESIGNER IN AN INSTANT".


Buck Slip I love the Nike brand, and their powerful advertising. I really liked the “Find Your Greatness� campaign they ran in 2012. For this activity I adapted that campaign, and created 3 different versions of a buck slip. One to go out with purchases of female shoes, male shoes, and youth shoes. This fulfilment offer guides consumers to purchase again with Nike when they get home; this time on their online store. Each buck slip has a unique code (i.e. NIKERUN1, NIKERUN2 etc.) for the customer to use their 10% off. After seeing other people's work, I was unsure of my designs. However after reconsidering and looking over it, I was quite happy with what I had produced. I like the natural colours, each with a slight pop of colour. I like the imagery I have chosen as it best represents each age demographic the different slips are aimed towards. The typography is positioned based on what suits the image best.


Reverse Storyboard

In a far away kingdom....


Radio Ad

After recently having my mother, and a close family friend of mine, compete in the Gold Coast marathon, I really wanted to take a pathos approach to this radio ad. The pain, struggle and effort that goes in to the full 42.2km run is mind blowing and something really superhuman. I wanted to plant a seed in the listeners head that got them thinking about doing something superhuman. I thought by using a real life example, and hearing the story being told made the 60 second advert more relatable to the listners.

Gold Coast Marathon Client: Gold Coast Airport Marathon Name: Ignite Your Greatness Time: 60 Seconds SFX



Feet hitting the pavement [hard and heavy]. [Slow fade in] Crowd cheering [talking to herself, sounding exhausted] Left foot… right foot… just keep moving. I’m almost there. Just around that bend is the finish line I’ve been sweating for. [Slow fade out] of crowd cheering [Reflecting on her experience to the listeners] I thought I’d be dead in the end, but it was the other way around. I just felt [pause] more alive. They complain about the pain in their knees… the ache in their back… the throbbing of the feet. But I knew nothing would compare to the pain of giving up. Each marker will keep you pushing. [Recapping her marathon] You’ve done 5k, you can make it to 10. You’ve done 10k you can make it 20k! You’ve done 20k you can make it to 30! Okay… home stretch. I can make it to 42 kilometers! I am superhuman. [Talking to the listeners] Nothing, [pause] nothing can compare to the greatness overwhelming your body in the end.



Ignite the greatness within you. You are superhuman. [fade in] short jingle [Sped up] Gold Coast Airport Marathon. Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July. Register your spot now at goldcoastmarathon.com.au [Fade out] short jingle

Email Offer Draft

Subject Line: Cherise, are you Triathlon ready?

After revising my draft copy, I realised that confusion could occur with the two different discounts. The colour tones of orange didn't quite match up either, and I decided that due to the limited time offer, the subject line should be more urgent.


Subject Line: "Cherise, get Triathlon ready in the next 60 minutes, and we'll treat you to an extra 15% off our already great prices

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