FCSHD XCUBE Vol 1 (2006)

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Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development

Volume 01 | April 2006

Yes! It’s finally here. Students of the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development (FCSHD) now have their own medium to express their views. Xcube or X3 is 100% by students for students. You are welcome to send in your works (article, comic, poems, etc) or news about your programme to us. So warm-up those fingers, crank up the creative juice and submit your works to us. Feel free to express your thoughts!

FCSHD SMART? Anyone heard of it? It is a programme where FCSHD students are made compulsory to wear formal attire to class everyday especially on Mondays. The formal attire concept includes the matric card as well. The Xcube team (Lavanya, Menanga, Khairul & Azrol) had an interview with Mr. Mujid, our faculty’s Assistant Registrar regarding this latest programme going on called FCSHD SMART :Xcube

: What is the objective of the reinforcement of FCSHD SMART?

Mr. Mujid

: The objective of this programme is to urge the students to support the university’s dress code. It is also to shape the FSCHD students to become a role model to other students in UNIMAS.


: Does the faculty think the students will follow this new dress code?

Mr. Mujid

: This dress code reflects the students’ self image. Every individual should always be neat and presentable. Well, it does not hurt to be a better person, right?


: How is the students’ response so far?

Mr. Mujid

: There are equal number of students who follow the dress code and those who don’t. Congratulations to those who have realized the benefits of dressing formally. For those who refuse to understand the benefits, they are yet to realize the importance of dressing ‘smart’. A few students were also caught by the Timbalan Pendaftar HEP for not wearing appropriate attire. There are even complaints that lecturers are not following the dress code. So, who is to be blamed? : What are the measures taken to make sure that students follow this programme?

Xcube Mr. Mujid

: The FCSHD Smart was reinforced more strictly since the end of February. Students without their matric cards and proper attire are not allowed into the faculty office anymore especially on Mondays. The success of this reinforcement depends on the cooperation of the lecturers and the administration. And, the best part is, students who dress according to the rules will be spotted and awarded during Malam Raikan Graduan.


: Is there anything you would like to convey to the students through Xcube?

Mr. Mujid

: FCSHD has the largest number of students in UNIMAS. So, let us be the role model of our university. Let us prove that FCSHD students are always smart and neat. Give it a try. Our faculty challenges the students to accomplish the concept of FCSHD Smart.

Catch Xcube Online via FCSHD faculty page at www.unimas.my/faculties /fskpm/index.htm Or email us at: xcubefcshd@gmail.com

FCSHD Students voice out their views on FCSHD SMART: Mohd Nor Ikhram (President of Persatuan Mahasiswa FSKPM) “This programme is actually very good for it gives us a chance to train ourselves in dressing formally, an early preparation for the working world. Let us create an image that FCSHD students are smart students” ……………………………………………… Siti Atiqah (Counselling) “It is a rational measure but it could be a little burden if it is enforced everyday. I like to be formal since it reflects a university student’s image.”

…………………………………. Namini Devi (TESL) “I think it is a good idea. But I do prefer wearing jeans as long as it is not tight and sexy”.

………………………………….. Rabihah (Cognitive Science) “Students in my programme usually wear formally. But I feel jeans should be allowed because some of the jeans do look neat.” ………………………………………………. Mr. Anonymous (HRD) “I don’t understand why old people want teenagers to look like them. We’ll get older soon, but at the mean time, let us be teenagers!” Have your own thoughts on the issue? Email us now!


April 2006 | Volume 1

:: Xcube – FCSHD Students’ Newsletter ::

Do you think your appearance as in what you wear matters? When it comes to university students like us, is wearing smart equals being smart? Most administrators think so. They have tightened up student dress codes as a way of creating a positive and productive learning environment. Some students are not quite happy about it and some even go to the extent of raising huge issues like human rights and freedom of speech. The reality is, sometimes we are what we wear and what we wear can change our life. When your credibility is crucial, in situations such as job interviews and first dates, it is important to make a "good" first impression. We've all heard the expression, “you can't judge a book by its cover". If you agree, it's a good thing you're not in the publishing business. Publishing houses have long since proven that a cover may not tell you what's inside a book, but the cover is the reason that we pick up one or the other off the rack. Until a book is picked up, no sale is made! Right? Yet, the issue here is not about being prejudice or bias. No one would dare to say that you’re less intelligent just because you wear a funky t-shirt to the lecture hall. It’s all about dressing appropriately. We don’t go to gym wearing a tie and we don’t go to lectures like we’re going for a party, right? But, for me, the choice is yours, as long as you feel comfortable and don’t get yourself into trouble. My last words, the next time you start choosing what to wear in front of your mirror, bear in mind that the person in the mirror is the person that everyone in the world will look at – so, don’t be surprised if an old friend bump into you when you’re on your way to a lecture and say, “Why you wear like that? Until then, happy choosing what to wear!

Jipew-Janek © 2006 Copyrights richardaugustinesimon@yahoo.com

Well, no doubt, the “What’s Hot” award of the month should go to Mr. Brontok. This popular computer worm that still rules the PCs in campus appears at the right moment, a time when most of the students are busy with their Final Year Projects (FYP). Mr. Brontok is so cruel that it turns all FYPs into “FATAL year projects”. It spreads fast through duplication of the infected application file (.exe) with a disguised folder icon in every writeable removable drive such as handy drive. Here are some prevention tips as well as ways to get rid of Mr. Brontok.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Prevention and Precaution Always Arrange Icons by “Type”. Identify the folder icon that is an application with 44kb in size. If you found one, do not click the file. Just delete it. Always update your antivirus. Scan removable drive (handy drive) before copying files. If your handy has “Write-protect” function, make sure it’s turned on before you plug it to the computer. Check the PC in labs. Make sure it’s not infected. To check, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to enable task manager. If the Task Manager closes by itself, well, the PC has been infected.





Cleaning without Formatting Brontok will disable all famous antivirus software such as Norton, AVG, Kapersky, etc. Find and install a less famous antivirus that can detect brontok variant. Install WinPatrol (www.winpatrol.com) and disable all active tasks or running process that uses a folder as its icon. Use hijackthis (http://www.merijn.org) to scan your registry and remove all unknown registry entry. Or download Microsoft Malware Removal Tool at www.micrsoft.com Install a new antivirus (updated) and run a full scan. Delete all infected files.

Further details available at Xcube Online or email me at keemanxp@gmail.com


April 2006 | Volume 1

:: Xcube – FCSHD Students’ Newsletter ::

William Goldman is a genius. Of course, on the front cover it says ‘S. Morgenstern’s Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure’ but now most of us die-hard fans know it was really William Goldman who penned The Princess Bride (TPB). The plot is simple, but effective. Boy meets girl, girl doesn’t like boy back, girl suddenly discovers she really likes boy, boy goes to find a better fortune in dangerous lands, and suddenly… Oh, but I’ll leave that for you to find out on your own. Now what’s totally genius about TPB are the comical way Goldman writes, and his immensely original and hilarious characters. There’s Westley (the boy formerly known as Farm Boy), and there’s Buttercup, the most perfect and beautiful woman in the world (or so it says). Then there’s Vizzini, the wicked Sicilian mastermind, and his two sidekicks Inigo (the dashing Spanish swordsman bent on avenging his father’s death) and Fezzik, the gentle giant from Turkey who has a thing for rhymes. And of course, I really couldn’t leave out Prince Humperdinck, the ruler of Guilder who has mysterious plans of his own… So you see? This is absolutely a book not to be missed. I truly enjoyed every little syllable of TPB. And have I mentioned what a genius William Goldman is? – Esther Voon

Some hilarious appetite:





“You must bathe, Buttercup. The boys don’t like their girls to smell of stables.” – Buttercup’s mom ”Just because you’re beautiful and perfect, it’s made you conceited. You think people can’t get tired of you, well you’re wrong, they can, and she will, besides you’re too poor.” - Buttercup “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.” - Inigo “Last year I hit a tree once when I was very mad. I knocked it down. It was a small tree, but still, I figured that had to mean something.” - Fezzik “I tell you what I tell everybody. I cannot help being the biggest and the strongest; it’s not my fault.” - Fezzik “When was the last time you read a book? The truth now. And picture books don’t count – I mean something with print in it.” - Westley

What exactly is a blog? You could be at the Sunday market, wallowing through the wet floors, wondering what that white, icky-looking floating mass in the drain is, and suddenly you hear someone say, “Hey, you already check out my blog ah? I updated it already lar...” and you think to yourself: “Blog? Update? Hah...?!” Yes, indeed... The blog phenomenon has finally hit us. ‘Blog’ actually stands for ‘web log’, and it’s actually one of those places on the net you can go to and blah your feelings and thoughts to perfect strangers. It’s the modern world’s version of a diary, your personal journal, a log, etc., hence the name weblog. What you do is you go and subscribe to one of those websites that offer free blog services (unless, of course, you want to go and pay for one), you log in every few days, and write whatever you want to write. Of course, be very wary that unless you specify otherwise, anybody (and I do mean anybody) can surf around, stumble on your blog, and start reading about your daily particulars. My advice is: Don’t go posting stuff you don’t want perfect strangers or friends or relatives to know. Trust me, in the electronic world, news spreads around pretty quick. Ever experienced one of those moments where some acquaintance you hardly know comes up to you and goes “Wah... I didn’t know your friend’s best friend’s sisterin-law’s old classmate actually cooks her petai with tomato sauce!” and you’re like “How did you know?” and she goes “I read on your blog mah...” All I can say is, “Welcome to the world of blogging!” – Esther Voon

Some sites that offer free blog services: http://www.ebloggy.com http://www.blogger.com http://www.blogdrive.com http://www.friendster.com/blog Famous blog scripts: http://www.wordpress.org http://www.blogmachine.com

Did you know? The Moon is gradually moving away from the Earth and the tides are to blame. Every year, the Moon moves a further 3.82cm from the Earth.


April 2006 | Volume 1

:: Xcube – FCSHD Students’ Newsletter ::

Hmm, is there something you want to share? Having problems with your studies? Or you just don’t know what’s haunting your mind? Well, don’t worry, Xcube presents to you, Ask Karla – the peer helper. Karla has opinions about everything. Just make your keyboard tippy-tappy in the space provided and email your problems to xcubefcshd@gmail.com and let Karla help you out. She’ll get back to you tout de suite.

We students are very busy people and with busyness comes this malady – STRESS. Here are a few tips you can use to keep stress at bay as shared by Victoria Bong. Deal with yourself. Understand who you really are, your strengths and your weaknesses. Stop comparing! You don’t always have to be perfect! Believe in yourself, think positive. Yes, others may say or do things to hurt you, exams and assignments haunt you. But hey, it’s not the end of the world. Keep a journal, a diary or blog blog blog. There’s something about chronicling your feelings that relaxes our minds and soothes our feelings. Write down your goals, hopes and emotions. For the not so tech-savvy, there’s always paper and pen. So write! Relax and have fun! Watching a VCD with friends, shopping at India Street or Parkson, eating out at KFC, or rounding up a few friends for a chat – these are just a few suggestions to relax your mind. The key here is to have fun, do what you like to do. Sleep it away. Ah, there’s a no better tranquilizer than a good sleep. For those who can’t afford to sleep at night due to assignments, catch a nap between free hours. Even a five-minute sleep on the bus back to college, or during breaks in class helps! Talk it out! Get a friend, someone whom you can really trust, and pour out your feelings or problems. If you can’t do it face to face yet, you can always write a letter first, then talk later. Keeping it in your chest will not do you any good. Sweat it out! Exercise is always a great “tool” to kill stress. And the best thing is, it’s free! A walk around UNIMAS, or your college will do you some good. Aspire to perspire! Have a healthy diet. Healthy food keeps your heart and mind healthy too. It’s said that healthy food isn’t always a best in taste, but hey, a plate of rice with a portion of yummy meat or tofu and vegetables you like is healthy enough. So don’t say you can’t find anything healthy to eat!

Patron Dr. Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce Advisory Panel Elaine Khoo Guat Lien Chen Chwen Jen Shaziti Aman

Editor-in-Chief Chuah Kee Man Associate Editors Esther Voon Suk Hsien Mohd Khairul Anuar B. Rahimi Secretary Puah Yann Yann

Content Managers Jenthi Krishna Radha Lavanya a/p Lingan Toh Shu Lim Victoria Bong Promotion and Publicity Audrey Lau Siew Geok Mananga a/p Sinnathamby

Graphic & Photography Azrol bin Adenan Layout Designers Angelina Chan Wan Sian Liew Wai San Webmaster Richard Simon

Suggestions or comments, please email to xcubefcshd@gmail.com Xcube is a students’ newsletter of Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.


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