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Outdoor Living Spaces

Fruit Orchard Forest Garden

Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries

Forest garden understory, herbs small fruit, medicinal plants

Swale for overflow rainwater

Sunny areas, shaded by deciduous trees in summer Direct access into indoor living areas

Existing CB Carport

Bioswale outflow

Nut Tree, shades


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Shades end of drive way PV Panels on roof Gutters for rainwater collection


Low Tunnels

Gazebo  

Chicken Tractor

Solar powered pump for irrigation Seating area

Ex. Apple Trees

Herb Lawn

The Garden Shed

Pizza Oven

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Kitchen Garden


Nut Tree Bee Hives Bocce Court

Rainwater storage

Greenhouse Garden Shed, tool storage workspace, drying area Winter Chicken Coop Reused conc paving (urbanite) from ex. Pad and steps Vermiculture

Compost Area

Urbanite terraces at either end

Herb Lawn


Highbush Blueberries


Herb Lawn

Vertical Garden Cane fruit, squash, and grapes growing on fence

Pine Grove Play Area    

Wild area habitat Treehouse/playhouse tree swings Hammock

Stanhopeutopia A Model for Happy, Healthy Living on One Acre


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