Soulcraft #3

Page 24


Hey Ace! Welcome on board! What’s the story behind M.A.D.?

.A.D. struck a chord to me immediately the first time I listened to the opener of their 2019 EP. I remember trying desperately to get more details for this band but there was no social media accounts, so the only info I could get was from the Edgewood Records website!

So, in the middle of 2019 my previous band Break Away had been broken up for a few months and I got the itch to do another band but I wanted it to be completely different than what I had done previously. I got in touch with people I found equally as talented as they were available and asked them if they wanted to do a band that sounded like Only Living Witness, Corrosion of Conformity and Sam Black Church. We’ve evolved in sound since last year, but that was the mission statement. I wanted to explore some darker themes than I had previously, as well. I think so far away, from the state of the world, things have panned out well.

So, their take on crossover / metal / hardcore / doom is amazing. Only Living Witness, Leeway, Life Of Agony, Corrosion Of Conformity, Black Sabbath, you name it! The band has recently signed to Triple B Records, so expect a bigger hype coming soon! They deserve it, though! M.A.D. was the first interview I did for this zine and I am really proud to have em on board! Talked with Ace, who used to play in the straight edge hardcore band Break Away, about M.A.D., Break Away, crossover, his podcast Forum Of Passion and his love for 90s hardcore / metal.

Who’s playing in the band? What happened to the Break Away vibes? M.A.D. is in a totally different mood, more of a thrashy / crossover hardcore mayhem than the straight edge hardcore vibes that BA was. It’s been 2 years since the demise of Break Away, by the way…

Pictures by @nickcapturesva


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