Danielle + Thomas
Danielle + Thomas NOVEMBER 7, 2020 MANTELLS MOUNT EDEN
Danielle’s Vows Tom, you are my best friend, and you make me happier than I could ever imagine. I promise to always be there for you and to support that wild creative mind of yours, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you, and I promise to always tell you when your hair gets too curly and needs a cut! Tom, you have taught me to live life to the fullest. The last 10 years together have been incredible, and I can’t wait to see where our next chapter takes us. I love you with all my heart. I, Danielle Maree Woolley, choose you Thomas Jeffrey Asche to be my husband.
Thomas’ Vows Danny, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confidant, and my greatest challenge. You are a puzzle I enjoy putting together, learning by getting it right and learning by getting it wrong. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible, even when your Taurus like stubbornness gets the better of you and I have dodge your charges like a gymnastic matador. Thank you for putting up with my all weirdness, sometimes inappropriate sense of humour and allowing me to constantly drag you to the movies. I, Thomas Jeffrey Asche, would be honoured to have you Danielle Maree Woolley, to be my wife, you make me a better person and I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together. In the wise words of Academy award nominated actor Adam Sandler, in the classic romantic comedy The Wedding Singer – “I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad, Carry you around when your arthritis is bad, All I wanna do is grow old with you.”
Simon - MC I’m stoked to be your MC tonight. I do just want to put in a little disclaimer, Tom and I share a similar sense of humour, so if I say anything unfunny or offensive, please feel free to blame him. So, Dani, it seems you have pushed all of right buttons and locked Tom under your naughty little fingers. He is a mighty fine gent if I do say so myself. Even though his eye pops out from time to time, and you may get a spicy kebab, it is all worth it because he is truly one of the best people I know. Honestly, you two incredible people belong together. It’s been awesome to see your relationship grow over the years. I love you both a whole bunch. May the force be with you always.
Mum + Dad Here’s to the past- for all that you have learnt. Here’s to the present - for all that you share. Heres’ to your future – for all that you can look forward to together.
Cam Tommy, I have watched you tackle so many hard times with such a positive and unbreakable attitude that I know you will bring to your marriage. Together you and Danny will be able to handle anything life throws at you. Danny thanks for loving Tommy as much as we all do! Welcome to the crazy Asche family!
Donna When I think of you, Tom, & words which might describe you, I think of Humour, Courage, Honesty, Integrity & Vision. They are strong characteristics. You have faced more valleys than most of us, (deeper than those in the Lord of the Rings) & with Courage have climbed out of them. Although you have less sight than most, you have greater Vision......a fantastic asset. Your production title, One Eyed Entertainment highlights this and one eyed is surely what you are when it comes to your passions. You found Danny & have remained one eyed about her. Today’s “peak”, shared with Danny, is truly wonderful. Tom & Danny, I’m sure there will be the odd valley to clamber through (we all have them) but there will be many more peaks & I’m excited to know that you will be facing those in such a wonderful partnership. So good to share a future with someone you love. I am so privileged to have you, Tom, in my life....the best bear hugs ever, best laughs, movie appreciation classes & of course wonderful food & wine sessions.
Penny + Jeff This wedding is also a very special event for Penny and I as most of you know what a rocky road & journey through life it has been for Tom but here he is today, 30 years old and getting married. we couldn’t be happier, and we are so proud of what tom and Danny have accomplished during the last 10 years together and now finally bringing this special day together. We would like to make a special mention to Danny for taking Tom on!!
Mike Back in December last year, I’d just returned from overseas, so Tom and I were well and truly overdue one of our regular man dates. Tom said he had this one all organized and he certainly wine and dined me. We had a stunning steak dinner before he popped the big question… Mikey, will you, be my bestman? So, Dani, I like to think, I know how you felt that day in Jasper when Tom got on one knee! Obviously, it was a resounding YES on both counts, and here we are today. They say a person is known by the company they keep, and tonight is a reflection of the important role you both play in the lives of all of the wonderful family and friends surrounding you right now. So, cheers to you guys! Tom, I speak for everyone when I say, we are immensely proud of you and everything you’ve achieved over the years. You have had more than your fair share of challenges, and it hasn’t been easy. But you’ve always been graceful, light-hearted and an inspiration to me. You always bring a smile to the faces of those around you, as your passion and enthusiasm for life and for the film industry is infectious. You are the perfect example for the famous quote; if you find a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life!
Thomas Danny, I consider myself the luckiest man in the world right now. From the first time I saw your beautiful eyes serving popcorn at the cinemas, till the time I saw them walking up the aisle just before, I am still enamoured by you. Always fascinated by your quirky sense of humour, your unconditional love for animals, I only hope that one day you’ll love me, the same way you love our cat, William, that little asshole gets all the attention. Coming home and seeing your smile always makes my day. Mike, Chris and Kyle, thanks you for being here with me and helping calm my nerves. I couldn’t have asked for three better Groomsmen. I love working with you guys, whether it’s being creative, having a beer, travelling, playing minigolf or bro’ing in out in a spa. I love how weird we are together, and how genuinely easy it is to get on with you guys. With our warped sense of humour, and how dirty we can make almost any situation, it’s always an adventure. My mum and dad, Penny and Jeff, through thick and thin, you guys have been by my side, and for the last 10 years, our side. From the love and support, hospital visits, to multiple dinners and trips up to Mangawhai, we can’t thank you enough. Danny and I are very blessed to have you guys in our lives. For those of you who don’t know, mum and dad are living the retired life up at Magical Mangawhai so were very thankful that you guys cancelled your game of golf to be here today. Danny’s parents, John and Kathryn, thanks you so much for all your support over the years and putting up with this goofball and all his shenanigans. I’ll never forget getting drunk at Danny’s 20th and scampering away up the driveway to hide so I didn’t vomit Infront of everybody, but none the less just made it to the top of the driveway and vomiting all the way down the driveway. Mission failed. Woke up the next morning to poor John with a bucket of water rising the driveway down. Not a good early impression. You’ve raised a hell of a daughter, one of the most compassionate, loving, gorgeous and generous people.
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