Hayley + Brian
Hayley + Brian JANUARY 9, 2021 H A W K E S B AY
Love is BY BEANIE RIDLER Love is many things Love is the strong arms, lifting you over tumultuous rivers and deep ravines Love is the gentle hands rocking you to sleep, rubbing your back and soothing your soul Love recognises no boundaries and can be curbed by no other emotion Love is imperfect and all the more pure for it Love is the symbol of the promises you will help the other to fulfil Love is not only the spark, but the ember left behind glowing brightly, a constant. With love no longer must you walk this road alone With love you will learn more, explore more and grow fur ther than ever imagined In the hardest of moments, as well as the best Be the arms, uplifting And the hands, soothing Let your love be unbound, uncurbed, and unadulterated Let it teach you to breathe, expand and settle, As you walk this road together
Brian’s Vows Hayley, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, a person whom I can share my feelings with, good and bad. And you are my great challenge. But most impor tantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine. And more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in a way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be par t of your life, which as of today becomes our life – with me as your husband.
Hayley’s Vows Brian, I take you to be my best friend, my sidekick and my husband, today and forever. I vow to travel beside you through all life’s adventures, and I promise to always bring the snacks. I promise to always have your back and to laugh at your jokes even if they’re not funny. I promise that as your wife, I will not keep score, even though I am totally winning! And to love you unconditionally even through life’s biggest challenges. Finally, I vow to grow old with you even if your still playing x-box but promise to always have fun and never really grow up. And in the words of Dr Seuss, “You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” Thank you for making my dreams come true.
Mark’s Speech A lot of people would say that Hayley’s had me wrapped around her little finger, I’ve refuted that many times but I think in reality it is the truth. She was a spirited wee thing (where’s Ann) stamping her foot saying “you can’t tell me what to do”, we heard that a few times and informative instructions. If you will bare with me I’ll read one of the instructions I got coming home after working late one night, I think she was around 7 years old. “To Dad! I’m just going to bed. Mum’s feeling sick and I’ve just tidied up ever y room. Mum’s in bed asleep now (‘asleep’ is a difficult word to spell). Because I’ve tidied ever y room, don’t mess anything up.” Here’s the clincher… “by for now, Hayley!” (with a couple of emojis). I’m sure you’ll capture a few of those over the years, Brian. The other thing I really remember that stuck in my mind about Hayley is the enquiring mind. One day she came up to me and said “Dad”, well actually she called me Mark a lot so “Mark, what are bottoms made of?” You know there is a ver y easy answer to that, ask you mum! I can say along with your brother Cole, she’s been the absolute love of our lives and it is a great day to see the bonding of the families. Also a call out to Hayley’s friends. As a parent you really want your children to have good friends and what a great set of friends that Hayley has had over the years. There’s always the sensible ones, like Hannah (had to get that in there!) and Ashleigh who was also a leader in that respect and always kept an eye out for Hayley. And to the Irish Dancing fraternity especially Emma who is here today. Hayley always looked up to you (the big girls) and is even back dancing now. So this is a tribute to the girls who have been friends with her for a ver y long period of time. And to friends from other walks of life, like Anmar who was the chef of the house (I think Hayley went vegetarian after you left the flat). But in all honesty when I glance around, it is from all different walks of life that Hayley has had these friends over the years and like I said, as parents we’ve always appreciated that. There are also quite a few that can’t be here today, but are in mind and spirit I’m sure, Hayley. Right, to Brian. So when did we hear Brian come on the scene? It was a funny call I had from Hayley actually, she was on her way to the airpor t so I asked her who was taking her and she said, “oh this friend of mine, Brian is his name he’s a builder.” The plane was at 10.30am so I thought to myself, what sor t of builder do I know that just downs tools at 10.30am to take someone to the airpor t? So I then thought ok the name’s out there now, it won’t be long before she introduces us. But what we do see in you Brian is a real genuine love for our daughter, reflected today and over the last few years as well. So it’s not just that I borrow your thicknesser and other tools from time to time, but you will obviously make a great compliment to our family and being formally recognised into ours today and likewise Hayley into the Moore’s. So with that it is our privilege as parents, and I speak on all the parents behalf that we raise our glass and toast Hayley and Brian.
Ashleigh’s Speech Hayley, I can’t believe the day is finally here. What a privilege it has been to grow up beside you and be par t of so many special moments in your life. To watch you grow from a small girl on our first day at college To wild times at Otago To helping each other find our paths in our careers Seeing you find your soul mate (that’s you Bee!) And you both spreading your wings to explore the world To your wedding day, and what a stunning bride you are. Even though we’ve gone from sleepovers on school nights to seeing each other once a year (if we’re lucky), I will never stop watching from a far and being so incredibly proud of the amazing women you have become. And to Brian, thank you for taking such great care of my best friend and quite literally building her the life that she deser ves. I wish you both nothing but love and happiness and I can’t wait to share more special moments together. In my hear t always, Ash.
My Bee BY MARY MOORE - MOTHER OF THE GROOM A mother’s love for her son is never diminished, even though it can be put to the test a million times by mischievous deeds! I love your mischievous ways! I love your sense of humour! I love your serious. I love the way you love me and others. I hugged you when you were a baby, often and a lot. I hugged you when you grazed your knees. I hugged you when you were sad or unhappy. I hugged you when you were successful at anything you tried. And I hugged you when you didn’t succeed. In fact, I hugged you for any reason at all. Now I pass that job onto your beautiful bride Hayley. Hayley, I am absolutely stoked that you are taking on this hugging responsibility. Hayley, I love the way you love my Bee. My Bee is now your Bee. And my arms are open wider to hug you both forever!
Shane’s Speech Hello ever yone for those of you that don’t know me, I’m Bees best mate. You might be thinking 2020 has been a tough year, I’m only 36 years old and look like this, but due to this Covid stuff I obviously can’t be here tonight, so we have the old boy standing in. Before I get into it, just a bit of housekeeping, make sure you enter the pool through the right gate and no speeding down the driveway. Obviously, this best man speech is a little different to most, not being here I guess the easy par t is telling Hayley she looks beautiful, the bridesmaid’s look lovely, the flowers are amazing, and the food was to die for. I don’t actually have to be there to say all that, Hayley I know you will look absolutely beautiful as ever, Bee you are a ver y lucky man. Who would have thought going out on the town in old ripped rugby jerseys with food down the front and used chewing gum behind your ear would pay off and you would land such a beautiful wife. Hayley, I wish you and Bee all the happiness in the world. Bee and I have been best mates his whole life, and we have done a whole lot together, a lot of which is not wedding speech appropriate. I did want to share one stor y though about how we use to “shimmy”. So, Jim and I strapping young lads, off to The Beach Boys concer t at the mission. Shimmy in over the fence, walk out the front gate and realise they give us a ticket not ripped, so we jump the fence again, walk out the front again, full ticket. After doing this numerous times we sell the tickets and make a pretty good profit and have a great night. So, Jim if you’re looking around and see some faces in the crowd you don’t know, don’t worr y I just sold an extra few tickets. Please raise your glasses and toast to the happy couple, Mr and Mrs Moore. I love you guys, wish I could be there but that’s the beauty of best mates, we don’t have to be together to be close, enjoy your night...before Tim tells ever yone to leave. Oh and congratulations on graduating from “when are you getting married” to “when are you having kids”. Mr and Mrs Skutch
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