Sacha + Ma t t
Sacha + Ma t t MARCH 26, 2021
WA N A K A , N E W Z E A L A N D
Zara’s reading TO LOV E I S N OT TO P O S S E S S by James Kavanagh To love is not to possess, To own or imprison, Nor to lose one’s self in another. Love is to join and separate, To walk alone and together, To find a laughing freedom That lonely isolation does not permit. It is finally to be able To be who we really are No longer clinging in childish dependency Nor docilely living separate lives in silence, It is to be perfectly one’s self And perfectly joined in permanent commitment To another-and to one’s inner self. Love only endures when it moves like waves, Receding and returning gently or passionately, Or moving lovingly like the tide In the moon’s own predictable harmony, Because finally, despite a child’s scars Or an adult’s deepest wounds, They are openly free to be Who they really are-and always secretly were, In the ver y core of their being Where true and lasting love can alone abide
Tyler’s reading Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in par t and we prophecy in par t, but when completeness comes, what is in par t disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror ; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in par t; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Leah’s reading M O S T I M P O RTA N T LY L O V E BY R U P I K A U R
Most impor tantly love like it’s the only thing you know how at the end of the day all this means nothing this page where you’re sitting your degree your job the money nothing even matters except love and human connection who you love and how deeply you loved them how you touched the people around you and how much you gave them
Matt’s vows
I, Matthew William Lobb, take you Sacha Fleur Coghill to be my wife. From this moment I take you as my best friend for life. Sacha, you have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, and my greatest challenge. But most impor tantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So, I am truly blessed to be a par t of your life, which as of today becomes our life together. As you stand before me today looking as beautiful as you do, I will from this day, promise to continue to catch you if you should stumble, carr y you over ever y threshold and fall in love with you each and ever y day. Today, I take my place as your husband, your biggest suppor ter, your ver y own cup of tea maker and the future father to your children. As the Savage Garden song goes… I’ll love you more with ever y breath Truly, Madly, Deeply.
Sacha’s vows
I, Sacha Fleur Coghill, take you, Matthew William Lobb, to be my husband. My back up dancer. My spor ty spice, and the person I can rely on to make me smile. I’m not always the best at expressing just how much I love you, so, just so you know... I love you more than rewatching Greys Anatomy from the beginning ever y winter, I love you more than a cup of tea in bed ever y night (although please don’t stop doing that), I love you more than watching Harr y Potter at least once a week, I love you more than Larr y (not as much as Fred though, sorr y). I love you with all of my hear t, you are truly my best friend. Today, we stand here before all our friends and family, sharing the happiest day of my life. I want nothing more than to share my future with you. Today, I promise to give you all of me, my fears, feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to continue to love you, in good times and bad, completely and forever.
Father of the Bride’s speech
Hi I’m Paul and this is my better half Lisa – Father and mother of Sacha. Welcome ever yone and thank you for being here on such a fabulous day. Thank you Allan and Liz for making this wonderful place available to Sacha. Welcome also Karen & Denis, Matt’s parents. Denis will follow me with some words of his own. Thanks to the Bridesmaids and their suppor t of Sacha today. There have been some bits of pressure! But they made it. Sacha, mum and I are so proud of the woman you have become. I don’t think you would be the person you are without the guidance and suppor t of your mother. So much has happened over the years and I won’t go into all the details, I suspect Ruby may later! Although I’d like to clarify something I said a couple of weeks ago. The Police did come to your unofficial 16th bir thday par ty when we were at a conference in Auckland. We had a full repor t from next door neighbors Rosa and Wal. Enough said! We have, as your friends have, always enjoyed your company and the fun and excitement you add to an occasion. You dedication to your role as father Xmas each year and the excitement of handing out gifts to all of us is a highlight. Welcome to our family. Although the odds are still not in our favour. We are still out numbered. I remember our deep and meaningful conversation in the early hours of the morning in that pool in Bali. Not sure if all of what we discussed was taken on board given the beer, bourbon and whatever Tyler was pouring for us. But I’m always here for another deep and meaningful it need be. I’m here also to help you get you full driver’s licence, in a manual transmission car, so you are not always under pressure to get home before your 10pm curfew at night. A healthy marriage is when you both talk about what’s great and what’s not so great, the things that annoy and frustrate. Talking about it will help you both find the right solution. Matt, don’t be surprised if more times the not Sacha has the right solution and path to follow. That just the way it is. Can ever yone be upstanding and raise your glass to a happy couple.
Ruby’s speech I’m Ruby, and I’m lucky enough to be sharing this beautiful day with ever yone here tonight. I’d just like to thank ever yone who has helped make today so special. I feel that usually people talk about when they first met the bride, sacha and I met at highschool, I can’t recall the first time exactly, but all I know is that from as far as I can recall, we have been by each others side. The Coghill’s have welcomed me into their home over the years, including lovely nana and grandpa in Wanaka. There have been many times where I’ve felt like an extension to the family. From the surprise 18th at their house to the many weekends away for the car racing. This has meant I see where Sach gets some of her qualities from. So I know you’re quite a funny guy Matt, but I guarantee that Lisa and Paul will give you a run for your money. Those of you that know Sach, will see the fun loving, strong willed, bubbly and determined woman that we know and love. Sacha has always been the person I can go to as the voice of reason. Sometimes it might be the honest truth, but that is not a quality many people have. At the same time, Sach is a friend that is filled with love and light. One of my favourite things is when Sach laughs till she cries. This is something that has really increased since you’ve been around Matt, I can see you make her so undeniably happy. Having someone so uniquely special to us means that the man she ends up with really needs to scrub up to the mark. Well Matt I’d just like to point out, you truly do meet the mark. And don’t scrub up too bad either. With living away I haven’t been there to see the daily growth of your relationship but I’ve seen the positive changes that have happened. Matt said that he appreciates your directness and the direction you give him and I also believe Sacha has grown with the suppor t you have given her, Matt. Even if you’ve probably given her a few premature grey hairs already. Matt I’d just like to acknowledge, you’ve played your cards right from the get go. Having the dogs, Larr y and Fred has been a real draw card for ya. Another good move was when we met for the first time, the three of us went out for lunch and you snuck off and bought lunch for the three of us. I thought wow this man is a right gentleman. Although, even if you played your cards right, I think Sacha may have also contributed to your hand of cards. I know she plays hard to get sometimes, but lest we forget that she may have pursued you. I’m sure I’m not the only girl here who is hopeful that the next bank appointment they cancel on, ends up being their future husband. Today has been about celebrating your love for one another. Sacha I feel you have met a true gem of a man that adores you to pieces and Matt I feel you have met a woman who will love you fiercely with all of her being. I want to wish you both all the best for your future together. I’m confident that you will both suppor t one another through all the roller coasters of life! I cannot wait to watch your love grow even deeper for one another.
Nicks’s speech Firstly, Sach you look absolutely beautiful and you have put together an amazing day so far and no doubt it’ll carr y on through the night. Matt… you look half as good as Sach but thanks for the free suit. For those who don’t know me, my name is Nick and those who do, you’re probably thinking what rubbish am I going to say here but I’ll keep it as shor t and as PG as I can. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing matt for roughly 24 years so that’s about 150,000 live performances of that fucking NSYNC dance – we get it mate you remember a dance from 20 years ago, time for a new gig. Me and Matt met in the school yard of St Bernadette’s school. Matt was this little kid, bowl cut with coke bottle glasses. I was this talk, dark and handsome lad. Our friendship grew quickly from out of school and before we knew it we were up at 122 Mulford Street both getting bullied by Dion in the back yard, so that was pretty sweet thanks mate. After clocking primar y school, we moved to the big lights of Kavanagh college. This is where Matt really got into his work. We’re talking no more glasses, blonde streaks in his hair, mono brow that he “accidentally” shaved off, it was real bad boy look. Matt wasn’t the best at school, but neither was I to be fair. It got to a point where Matt was interrupting the class that bad a teacher locked him in a cupboard for the class. I won’t name the teach, but it was Ant Harris, sorr y Harr y! We didn’t leave school with much of an education, but we left with a lifelong group of friends with all the boys over there. Lads. Our first-year flatting was an interesting year. I’ll just read out a list of things: moros, chocy milk, savs (skin off a must, imperials, palm buns and ham, oven fries, chicken tenders and BBQ sauce. Most of you will think I’m catering for an 8-year-olds bir thday but that was Matt’s diet for most of that year. To be fair, me and smoothers were having a family feed of BK each so our flat was in top shape. Over time, Matt got into the banking world and eventually met his beautiful bride Sach. I believe she came to you as a client but had to cancel her first appointment. I don’t blame ya, if I found out Matt was dealing with my money, I would have changed banks completely. I knew early on you were the one for Matt. Not because of how happy he was and the way he spoke about you but mainly because you are one of the only people I know that has managed to get him to eat his veggies and branch out from the list of food I just read out, so I thank you for that. Matt you’re not only an average second grade cricketer, a runner up prem 2 coach, you are the best guy I know. You would struggle to find anyone that has a bad word to say about you and that’s a lot with the amount of people you know. I thank you for looking after me over the years and I’m incredibly proud of you mate. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and if there are kids in the future, Sach please don’t let Matt feed them. We have all seen how Larr y’s teeth have turned out. Love you b
Matt’s speech
Thanks to ever yone for coming and joining me and Sacha on what already has been a wonderful day. Firstly, I would like to thank the bar staff and caterers (as you know I am a massive foody), the food was lovely – you are all lucky you didn’t get ser ved chicken nuggets and chips. Thanks to George for donating his mother to be celebrant, Trish provided us with much needed guidance throughout the process. Thanks to Allan, Liz and the Dippies (amazing space and view). Thanks to Dion for taking on MC reigns, you’ve done an awesome job (just remember you may be a better mediocre spor tsman than me, but I will always be the better enter tainer). To our siblings and their par tners and our niece and nephews we really appreciate your suppor t over the last 4 years and today. You all have played a big par t in getting us here and we cannot thank you enough, I feel we need to give a special round of applause to Harper, Jordy and Lachie. To Ruth and Blair our witnesses, if we are as half as happy as you are at your age, I will be happy, as you inspire us with your love for one another each and ever yday. Paul – there’s not many better father’s/fathers in law’s around, free business mentorship, personal labourer, psychologist and driving instructor. I still remember the first time we met… I was ner vous as Sacha informed me, he was a car enthusiast and I can’t drive a manual and still held my restricted license. But my ner ves were calmed when he had the footy on and said “good game between the Crusaders and the Hurricanes here”. This is when I knew he was making an extra effor t with me as it was actually the Chiefs playing the Hurricanes. Lisa, again our ver y own gardener, taxi driver, accountant and dog whisperer. The suppor t you have shown Sacha in the lead up to this wedding has been amazing and I know how much it has meant to Sacha to have you on speed dial. The bond between mother and daughter is always tight and I feel yours is something special. Mum, you have always been my biggest suppor ter and I truly appreciate all you do for me. I know if me and Sacha are ever in trouble or require anything you will be there at the drop of a hat. I know I am star ting my own journey now with Sacha today but I will always be your monkey on your shoulder. Dad, I know Sacha is in good hands and it’s because of you. The qualities I have got from you, to treat women with respect, spoil them rotten and ensure she laughs ever y day. I see how happy you make mum and that’s the husband I aspire to be. You have had a tough year health wise and to see you here enjoying a beer with Sacha and I on our wedding day means the world to me. Thank you Bridesmaids, you don’t know how much your friendship means to Sacha. Thank you to each one of my boys. Sacha, you deser ved today to be perfect with the blood, sweat and tears you put into this. I cannot claim a thing on the organization of this event, and you have out done yourself. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and if what we have achieved in the last 4 years is anything to go by it is going to be something special, but as my vows stated I just wanted to let you know…… I’ll be your dream, I’ll be your wish, I’ll be your fantasy I’ll be your hope, I’ll be your love, be ever ything that you need I love you more with ever y breath truly, madly, deeply do I will be strong, I will be faithful ‘cause I’m counting on A new beginnin’ A reason for livin’ A deeper meaning, yeah I wanna stand with you on a mountain I wanna bathe with you in the sea I wanna lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me
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