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July 2024



We are halfway through the summer, and our family is loving every second of splashing in the pool, hanging out with friends at the movies, shopping downtown, summer sales, and traveling for family vacation time. Summer days are the best, and we are holding on tight to each week we have together before school gets back in session.
One of our favorite weeks of the summer is the 4th of July week. Gathering for a festive holiday with our family and friends includes red, white, and blue everywhere, yummy grilled-out food, melting s’mores by the campfire, and watching bursts of fireworks light up the sky. Celebrating America’s birthday with a bang is a must-do this summer.
Another exciting celebration that July brings for my family is our youngest son’s birthday! Each year, July is kicked off with his birthday party, too. Luckily, over the years, we have coupled his birthday with our annual July 4th party, and it not only makes both celebrations much more memorable but also saves us some time and money when organizing the events each summer.
Do you have an upcoming birthday party to plan? Are you overwhelmed with the thoughts of planning your event? Let us assist you in getting started, and hopefully, it will help save you some time and money this year. In our feature article, Save Time, Money & Even Sanity By Hosting a Sleepover Party, the author gives some clever ideas to help with stress-free planning and savings in your wallet. One tip is to reuse decorations you may have saved from previous gatherings. With the 4th of July and a birthday at the same time, we utilize the festive 4th colors for both events, make or buy a cake and cookies with red, white, and blue designs, and set aside a few fireworks for a birthday finale. The theme is easy to run with, especially this time of the year. We always find stores that stock this theme with streamers, pinatas, paper products, balloons, and flowers. To get a bigger bang for our buck, we salvage the decorations that still have life and store them away until next July.
Check out our second featured article, A Festive Mess: 17 Creative Birthday Activities For An Unforgettable Party. The author reminds us not to be afraid to make the party a bit messy. Kids love to make a mess, so why don’t we join them? What if I tell you that the party kids can get messy and also take home a perfect parting gift, all while saving you some money? Instead of a bag of candy as a parting gift, which can quickly add up, how about a small art activity that goes hand-in-hand (no pun intended) with the party theme? For my son’s birthday, we bought inexpensive white t-shirts, paint, and paintbrushes. Each guest enjoyed painting their hand blue and pressed it to the shirt where the American flag’s stars would be. Next, each kid added a few extra brush strokes, making the flag’s stripes. Ultimately, it was a perfect July 4th t-shirt, personally made by each party guest. Parents loved the idea as a take-home gift, and I was able to keep the party budget in check, all the while creating a fun and unique activity. Also, don’t forget to look at the 2024 Birthday Party Planner, where you can find local businesses that offer party space, decorations, entertainment, and more. Party planning just got so much easier with the July issue of Auburn Opelika Parents in hand!
From one parent to another, happy party planning and Happy 4th of July!

1601 Academy Drive
Auburn, AL 36830
Phone: (334) 821-2430
Dr. Stan Cox Head of School
Dr. Mary Anna Martin-Smith Lower School Principal
Ms. Donna Lloyd Upper School Principal
Mrs. Lynn Waldrip Chief Finance and Operations Officer
Mrs. Leigh Smith Director of Admissions & Advancement lsmith@lee-scott.org
Students enrolled at Lee-Scott Academy for 2023-24

Call or email Director of Admissions Leigh Smith today at (334) 821-2430 or lsmith@lee-scott.org to schedule a campus visit.
In 1981, two independent schools, Lee Academy of Auburn and Scott Preparatory School of Opelika, merged to become Lee-Scott Academy. The strong traditions of academic excellence and emphasis on Christian values of both schools continue as the hallmark of LSA. Originally located on the campus of Lee Academy, steady growth in enrollment lead to the 1996 construction of our present campus in Auburn. Enrollment for the 2023-24 school year is approximately 788.
The 2023-24 Lee-Scott Academy faculty consists of 83 professional staff members; 65 percent of these members have advanced degrees, including 4 doctorates.
Lee-Scott Academy holds dual accreditation from the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and Cognia. It holds membership In the Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) and The College Board. Lee-Scott Academy has been selected as an Apple Distinguished School.
Admission to Lee-Scott Academy is selective and competitive. The admission process consists of a review of academic records, including standardized test scores, and an interview process. Lee-Scott Academy enrolls students without regard to race, sex, religion or ethnicity.
Lee-Scott Academy Warriors’ athletic teams compete in 11 different sports in the Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) and will soon be moving to the Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA). Each sport includes Junior Varsity and Varsity level programs. Lower school students can participate in Pee-Wee football, cheerleading, and basketball programs.
Lee-Scott Academy’s fine arts program is consistent with our mission of developing the total person. Research over the past several decades supports the significance of fine arts education curriculum in encouraging the development of higher order thinking skills such as creativity, problem-solving, effective communication, self-discipline and critical thinking. Our fine arts programs attract large numbers of participants because they are of high quality, and just plain fun. Upper School fine arts offerings include art, drama, chorus and band. Our students at all levels consistently bring back superior ratings and blue ribbons from district and state AISA and other regional competitions.
Lee-Scott Academy is a college preparatory school offering a quality education in an environment where students are protected, nurtured, and challenged with biblical, Christcentered principles that promote the development of the total person. The pursuit of excellence in academics is the hallmark of the Academy, complemented by opportunities to participate in programs that encourage student success.

Lee-Scott Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its admission policies or its academic, athletic, or other school programs.

Teaching Your Children to Have a Growth Mindset
Now that school is out and children are home for the summer, many parents have reached out to me concerned about their children’s lack of motivation. The first thing I help parents understand is that motivation is natural. We all do what we like and will work for what we want. Instead of focusing on motivation, it is vital for parents to spend time helping their children develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that we can improve anything through effort, learning, and persistence. A growth mindset will forever shape how your children approach challenging situations, cope with failures through flexibility, and develop resilience.

Consistently have something that they are learning. If you notice a “weakness” in your child, look at it as a skill and help them develop a plan to practice the skill until it is mastered. Help your child stay focused on how far they have come instead of allowing them to feel defeated and discouraged.
on electronics, it is going to be difficult to get them to transition to hard tasks. Selfdiscipline leads to a healthy sense of selfaccomplishment and a strong work ethic. Have them focus on something bigger than themselves. Teach your children to diligently observe the world and focus on how to make it better. Encourage them to look for needs and attempt to meet them. Teach them to ask others how they can help. This basic character development is slowly fading from our self-centered society. Have your children help elderly neighbors, make cards for sick friends, clean a highway, be a member of a team, etc.
A growth mindset is not natural and takes a tremendous amount of work to develop. Parents must lead this effort through intentional modeling, shaping, and engaging. Here are a few helpful hints you can use to teach this life altering mindset to your children.
Constantly have a goal that you are helping them work towards. It is important to learn that “hard work leads to good rewards.” The goal could be purchasing an item, making a video, or reading a novel. It does not matter what the goal is, just help your child set one and follow through until completion. Teach them self-discipline. You can help your children develop this by providing a structured environment. Force your children to work first, then relax every day. Remember Newton’s Law of Motion, “An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.” If you allow them to wake up and spend time
Encourage spending time with people who make them better. Take time to find people who help your children strive to be the best version of themselves by encouraging every attempt they make to do the right thing. Watch movies, read books, and listen to stories about people who have overcome difficulties through persistence. Make failure a normal thing in your home and teach your children that it is a normal part of the process of becoming their best. These are not things that you simply say to your children. You must make these experiences that you establish and maintain until your children have fully internalized their own growth mindset. Raise children who never stop learning to be the best person they can be.
Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit www.worksofwondertherapy.com.

Lake Martin Songwriter’s Festival

Join us on July 26, 6:0010:30pm, for a special night on the Town Green as we join forces with the 4th annual Lake Martin Songwriters Festival for some great music from some very talented songwriters.
Check the website often for the musical lineup and more information. The festival begins July 24 through July 28 at various locations and various times. Russell Crossroads, 19 Russell Farms Road, Alexander City. Visit www.russelllands.com/blog/event/ lake-martin-songwriters-festival/ and lakemartinsongwritersfestival.com for all the details on this amazing weekend!
Summer Swing: Back to School Bash: July 30
Float-in-Movie: Jaws
If you’re brave enough to enter the water, join the Samford Pool Staff as they screen the ever-popular 1975 film JAWS on July 13. Enjoy a movie under the stars while relaxing and floating on a tube or lounging on the pool deck. Participants are encouraged to bring their favorite inflatable from home, as none will be provided. Concessions will be available throughout the evening. FREE admission with Splash Pass or $2 per person. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Samford Pool, 465 Wrights Mill Road, Auburn. 8-11pm.auburnalabama.org/parks

Summer Music Series

Enjoy a final concert as we bid summer farewell! Free and open to the public. The Opelika Band Boosters will prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for a nominal fee from 6:15-7:30 p.m., ideal for a family picnic. The Rocky Brook Rocket, a vintage train with long, rich history gives complimentary rides from 6:30-7:00 p.m. Come out early! Bring the whole family, a quilt or lawn chair and relax on the bank of Rocky Brook Creek for an evening of musical fun, fellowship and relaxation. Municipal Park, Opelika. www.opelika-al.gov/544/Park-Bench-Activity-Guide
Phenix City Amp 4th of July Fireworks

Join us at the Phenix City Amphitheater for some Fourth of July fun! 4:00pm Eastern Time and Free! The evening will be filled with live music, food truck court, beer garden and fireworks show. Music featuring: Silverada, The Dirty Roses, And Taylor Hunnicutt. Fireworks begin at dark thirty! Phenix City Amp, 508 Dillingham Street, Phenix City, Al. phenixcityal.us/ events/4th-of-july-celebration-at-the-phenix-city-amphitheater-3/

St. Dunstan’s Summer Music Series is back for a fourth year. Come out to the St. Dunstan’s front porch each Thursday from 5:306:30 p.m. in July to sit under trees and listen to some talented local musicians. Bring your cooler, your family, chair, and enjoy! This event is free and open to the public. 136 East Magnolia Avenue, Auburn. www.stdunstansauburn.org
Finding Nemo Jr.: July 19-28
Join the cast of Finding Nemo for a vibrant underwater world that comes to life on stage with music, family, friendship, and adventure. Marlin, an anxious and over-protective clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his son, Nemo, who longs to explore the world beyond their anemone home. But when Nemo is captured and taken to Sydney, Marlin faces his fears and sets off on an epic adventure across the ocean. With the help of lovable characters such as optimistic Dory, laid-back sea turtle Crush, and the supportive Tank Gang, Marlin and Nemo both overcome challenges on their journey to find each other and themselves. Springer Opera House, 103 10th Street, Columbus, Ga www.springeroperahouse.org/springerproductions/finding-nemo-jr

2024 Back-toSchool Sales Tax Holiday
Alabama will hold its 19th Annual Back-to-School Sales Tax holiday, beginning Friday, July 19 at 12:01 a.m. and ending Sunday, July 21 at midnight. This event gives shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain school supplies, computers, and clothing free of state sales tax. Local sales tax may still apply. For more information, contact the Sales and Use Tax Division at 334-242-1490. alabamaretail.org/resources/salestaxholidays/back-to-school/

Cheers On the Corner
Cool off this summer at Cheers on the Corner, July 26, 6:009:00pm. During this sips and bites trail, guests will be provided a small pour of wine or bubbles paired with a savory bite from restaurants like The Hound, Acre, Draft House, and more. This event has been a sell-out in previous years, so buy your tickets early. Attendees will receive a souvenir wine glass and get to enjoy the tastes of downtown at over 20 stops. Entertainment District Even with Live Music. Must be 21 years or older to purchase a ticket. Tickets are $45 in advance and $50 the day of. “This event is one of our largest fundraising events for our Merchants Association...so the money that we make off of this ultimately goes back to further supporting them, and it also allows us to have free community events,” said Jessica Kohn, downtown Auburn coordinator. www.downtownauburnonline.com/events
Family Discovery Hike at Kreher Preserve and Nature Center: Water Systems
Join our guides on July 9, 3:30-4:30pm, at the Kreher Preserve and Nature Center, for an educational adventure as you and your children take in the many sights and sounds of the Nature Center. Each month features a different topic chosen from a variety of seasonal themes. This is a great way to safely explore the outdoors while learning about the plants, wildlife, and ecology of our area. Hikes are for families with children ages 5 to 12. Kreher Preserve & Nature Center, 2222 North College Street, Auburn http://kpnc.auburn. edu/programs/guidedtours

Heros in ACS
In celebration of School Lunch Hero Day, Auburn City Schools wanted to express gratitude to all the men and women who go above and beyond to feed students. From preparing meals to ensuring students feel welcome, school nutrition professionals make a difference in the lives of every child who comes through the cafeteria. Not only do they adhere to strict nutrition standards and navigate student food allergies, but they also offer service with a smile and a kind word. Did you know? The ACS Child Nutrition Program, with its 59 dedicated employees, serves a staggering 1.1 million meals every year across our school system!
AHS Class of 2024
Auburn Classical Presents Showcase

ACA held our annual Spring Showcase alongside families and friends. The work and diligence our students carry throughout the academic year was evident and fruitful as each grade presented. A very big “job well done” to each and every ACA student! We are so very, very proud of each of you!
The Auburn High School Class of 2024 is comprised of 707 graduate candidates with more than $26 million in scholarship offers! The 2024 Graduation Commencement Ceremony took place May 23, in Duck Samford Stadium.
Auburn City Schools is proud of the Class of 2024 and all their accomplishments:

- 6 National Merit Finalists - 5 National Merit Commended Scholars - 6 National Merit InstitutionalEndowed Scholarship Recipients
- 1 Presidential Scholar Nominee
- 194 Total Number of Colleges/Universities Represented - 61% of the Senior Class was Awarded Scholarships - 37 AP Scholars - 11 AP Scholars w/Honor

- 6 United States Service Academy Appointments (1 Air Force Academy; 3 West Point; 2 Naval Academy)

ACS Students Attend Science and Engineering

Seventeen students from across Alabama, including four from Auburn City Schools, attended the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), held in May in Los Angeles. With more than 1,500 students from 64 countries, regions, or territories competing in the event, Annie Bao, Will Bao, John Parsons, and Kevin Yan earned the right to compete at this prestigious event by winning a top prize at the Greater East Alabama Science and Engineering or the Alabama State Science Fair earlier this spring.
John Parsons won the Soumyanath Memorial Award, presented by the family of Krishnamurthy Soumyanath (1957 – 2010), for the best project in Computer Engineering, “Detecting Forest Fires and Park Visitors in Distress Using Radio Systems.” Dr. Soumyanath was an Intel Fellow, and this prize honors the memory of an energetic and adventurous individual who inspired and mentored many young people to excel in all aspects of life. Will Bao won the Grand Category Third Award titled “MATS050 — Machine-Learning-Driven Discovery of Novel Acoustic Metamaterials for Broadband Noise Mitigation.”
Both prizes included monetary awards of $3,000 and $1,000, respectively, for Auburn High School. ACS is proud of these students for representing science and engineering on a national stage!

Trinity Christian Student Awarded for Artwork
This spring, Governor Kay Ivey, invited all fourth graders in the state of Alabama to participate in an art competition. The students were asked to use any medium they would like to capture either the state flower or the state bird in a piece of art. Our own Sherri Kate Robinson won 2nd place for her beautiful chalk, drawing of an Alabama Yellowhammer. Sherri Kate, her family and Mrs. Waters were invited to the Governor’s Mansion to attend an awards ceremony and tour the mansion.

St. Michael Catholic Celebrates End of School Year
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie... they might have the best day ever! On the last week of school, Mrs. Goodman’s PreK4 class read the book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”, baked cookies, and dressed the part! What a great way to end the year!

ACS Board Recognized Varsity Soccer Champions
The ACS Board of Education celebrates the 2024 Soccer State Champions and a national award-winning teacher. The Auburn High School Girls Varsity Soccer team won the 2024 AHSAA Class 7A State Championship against Hoover with a score of 1-nil. The Lady Tigers closed out their season in spectacular fashion with a regularseason record of 21-3-1 and the first-ever Blue Map trophy for girls’ soccer at AHS! The NEA Foundation announced Kimberly Johnson, an interventionist and resource teacher at Auburn Junior High School, as the recipient of the 2024 NEA Member Benefits Award for Teaching Excellence, one of public education’s top honors. Mrs. Johnson was presented with the award at the Salute to Excellence in Education Gala in Washington, D.C.
Baseball Camp Hosted at AHS
With more than 170 rising 1st-8th graders in attendance, the 2024 Tigers in Training Baseball Camp was hosted at Auburn High School. With Varsity players leading the way, young athletes got an exclusive inside look at the Auburn High Baseball program. The emphasis was on hitting, fielding, and throwing through a series of dynamic drills and activities. This camp is always a great opportunity for future stars to learn, grow, and have a blast. ACS is always thrilled to see so much talent and enthusiasm as the next generation of Auburn Tigers benefit from the mentorship.

Congrats to ACS Retirees
A retirement and service pin ceremony was held at the ACS Board of Education meeting and more than 40 employees were recognized! This event starts a new chapter in the lives of those who serve in ACS, from marking 20, 25, and 30 years of dedication to celebrating those embarking on new journeys in their retirement. ACS is grateful to have veteran educators who have been instrumental in shaping the future by positively impacting children daily. While it is always bittersweet to see our esteemed colleagues retire, we are filled with gratitude for their service and dedication.

LSA Recognizes DARE Essay Winners
At the 4th-6th Grade Awards Day, students were
recognized for all their accomplishments throughout the year in their classrooms and in PE. Officer Jon recognized the winners of the DARE essays as well among 5th Grade. With 6th Grade off to the Upper School, we’re already looking forward to the amazing things this group will accomplish. Congratulations on such hard work!
Dean Road Students Celebrate Moms
Summer Learning at ACS
Educators are working diligently to provide remediation and intervention for elementary students to succeed this summer! Auburn City Schools’ Summer Reading and Math Camps start next week for students who need extra support in preparation for the next grade level. These camps will focus on personalized instruction, engaging activities, and targeted lessons to reinforce essential skills in reading and math. The goal is to ensure every student feels confident and ready to tackle new challenges in the upcoming school year. ACS thanks the teachers and coordinators for making summer fun and productive for young learners.

Dean Road Elementary School hosted a Mother’s Day Tea to honor all the incredible moms in our community. From the delightful sweet treats to the heartwarming musical performance by our talented students, the event was a true celebration of love, laughter, and engaging conversations. Each special guest was presented with a framed silhouette of their child and handprint finger paintings of bluebirds that read, “You’re the ‘tweetest’ mom ever.” In celebration of motherhood, ACS wishes everyone a wonderful Mother’s Day this weekend!

ACS Youth Cheer Camp

The 2024 Youth Cheer Camp kicked off with over 300 little girls jumping, shouting, and showing Auburn pride. Auburn High School’s Varsity Cheerleaders worked with young athletes, teaching them the basics of cheerleading while fostering confidence, building meaningful relationships, and having a ton of fun. It’s heartwarming to see the energy and enthusiasm as these future cheer stars learn and grow together.
Seeing the next generation of cheerleaders train, with the talented Varsity team, is inspiring. Let’s cheer them on and celebrate their spirit and determination! Go Tigers!

LSA 3rd Graders Present at Showcase
From intricate artwork to self-written narratives, the Lee-Scott Academy 3rd Grade impressed their friends and family at their end of year showcase with a display of all their hard work this year. It has been a year to cherish in these classrooms from the first day of school to now!

Pick Elementary’s Teacher of the Year
The Alabama State Department of Education hosted a spectacular event at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival to honor the dedication and excellence of educators during the 2024 Teacher of the Year Awards Program.

Among the remarkable finalists, Pick Elementary’s very own Deana Hooks was recognized for her outstanding contributions to education, making it to the Final Four! Deana’s passion and commitment to her students truly shine through, and her impact extends far beyond the classroom. Congratulations, Deana, on this well-deserved recognition! Her dedication is inspirational and serves as a shining example of the incredible work happening in public schools every day.
LSA Congratulates Teacher Excellence Award Recipient

The Lee-Scott Academy Teacher Excellence Award is made available by the generosity of LSA parents who have established this award to recognize outstanding teachers who have worked with their children. To be considered for the award, a faculty member must maintain a consistent record of outstanding teaching performance and implement effective and innovative teaching methods which demonstrate exceptional abilities to motivate student learning. The 2023-24 LSA Teacher Excellence Award Recipients are:
Mrs. Karen Bryant
Mrs. Ryann Fligel
Mrs. Diana Gibbs
Mrs. Jamie Payne
Congratulations to these excellent teachers!

Mentoring ACS Students
Johni Broome, the All-American Basketball player for the Auburn Tigers, was a special guest speaker at J.F. Drake Middle School. Johni’s visit wasn’t just about basketball; it was about life lessons. He emphasized the importance of respect, hard work, and staying on top of school assignments. His message on overcoming adversity, being a good teammate, and staying coachable resonated deeply with our students. Thank you, Johni, for taking the time to motivate and inspire the next generation! Your words will leave a lasting impact.

Mr. and Miss. LSA Announced
The 2024 Mr. and Miss LSA, as voted upon by their senior classmates and Upper School faculty, are Miles Zachry & Kate Dickerson

Mr. and Miss LSA must be wellrounded students with interests in a variety of extracurricular activities, must have maintained above-average grades in all academic areas, must have demonstrated an active role in leadership, and must possess good personal character, dedication, and personality that make them respected among classmates and teachers. Congratulations to Miles & Kate!
OHS 2024 Academic Signing Day and Senior Awards Day
Opelika High School recently hosted an Academic Signing Day for those seniors receiving academic, athletic, military, and performing arts scholarships. In addition, Awards Day was held to present seniors a variety of local scholarships. Thank you to the members of the community for sponsoring the scholarships for our students. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

AR Readers Celebrated at LSA
The end of the year means celebrating a job well done by so many Lower School students on their AR reading scores! Students that met their goals all year long celebrated with Mrs. Moore and inflatables inside the gym today. Great reading, LSA!

Opelika’s Primary Schools
Welcome ‘Pete the Cat’
OCS welcomed one groovy visitor at our primary schools. Not only did we have the honor of hosting James Dean, the creative genius behind Pete the Cat, but he also shared his artistic abilities by demonstrating how he draws Pete himself! But that’s not all - James Dean’s visit was filled with inspiring words about following your dreams and embracing your uniqueness. “No matter what happens, just keep walking along and singing your song.”
Trinity Christan Announces Valedictorians

After final grades were entered and calculated, Cole Middleton and Susanna Washburn are tied as co-valedictorians for the Class of 2024, and Connor Hammett is ranked a close second as salutatorian! This is unprecedented at Trinity Christian School, but it is a testament to the abilities of these top three students. Congratulations to all of the students of the Class of 2024!

Field Day Celebrations at SMCS
Field day 2024 was a blast! What a great way to start our last week of school. Thank you to our parents and teachers for all of your help, it couldn’t happen without you!

Congratulations to OHS Track Team
Tierra Agee: 7A State Champion, Long Jump with a jump of 18ft 5 inches
Kyndall Brundidge: 7A Runner-Up, Triple Jump with a jump of 38 ft 1 inch
Davian Jones: 7A Runner-Up, Triple Jump with a jump of 47 feet 1 inch & 3rd Place, Long Jump with a jump of 22 feet 9.25 inches Way to represent Opelika! We are so proud of all of our track athletes! Go Dawgs!

Lee County Young Leaders Celebrate Another Successful Year

The Lee County Young Leaders program held its 2024 graduation ceremony, and seven students from Auburn High School were in the class. Throughout the school year, these students joined other high school students from across Lee County monthly to learn about different aspects of the community, including public safety, the judicial system, economic development, health and human services, and state and local government. During the program, Mary Margaret Buck was awarded a four-year scholarship to Auburn University for her individual participation and contribution to the Young Leaders program this year. ACS congratulates Ty Barnes, Will Bao, Emily Jiang, Mary Margaret Buck, Suyeon Shin, Harper Olsen, and JD Dallas for being community leaders!
OCS Welcomes New Principal
Opelika City Schools proudly welcomes Mrs. Kristen Williams, as the new principal at Opelika Middle School. “We are excited to welcome Kristen Williams as the new principal of Opelika Middle School,” said Dr. Farrell Seymore, Superintendent of Opelika City Schools. “She is a compassionate educator with the highest of expectations for students, staff, and herself. Her leadership capacity coupled with a strong background in curricular development and student outcomes will be assets to Opelika Middle School and our school system.” Mrs. Williams has been an assistant principal at Auburn Junior High School (AJHS) since July 2021. Prior to her position at AJHS, she was an assistant principal at South Girard School in Phenix City, AL from June 2020 to June 2021, and an instructional coach at Phenix City Intermediate School from June 2019 to May 2020. Williams began her teaching career at Dadeville High School in 2012 but spent seven years at Opelika High School as a teacher of AP Government, AP Macroeconomics, and social science courses. “I am thrilled to return home to the Opelika City Schools family and would like to thank Dr. Seymore and the school board for this incredible honor. The middle grades are a pivotal time in a student’s life, and I strongly believe that relationships are the foundation for growth and success,” said Williams. “I look forward to fostering strong relationships with those I will serve and embrace this opportunity to lead OMS in the tradition of Opelika City Schools commitment to excellence.”
Congrats to the LSA Graduating Class
The Lee-Scott Academy graduating Class of 2024... Congratulations to our graduates and their families for such an accomplishment. They have provided so much to our school and our community. Over $3.175 million in scholarships have been offered to these young adults to attend 11 different universities. One will enlist in the military while others will begin their careers or participate in missions. Thank you to Dr. Susan Hubbard for joining us for such a special night and her charge to our graduates. Our prayer is that the Class of 2024 will lean on what they have learned during their time as Warriors and pursue excellence in all they do! Congratulations!

Muffins with Mom at SMCS
We love to celebrate our St. Michael Catholic School moms. Thank you for your love, dedication, and support. Happy Mother’s Day!

OCS Hosts Superintendent Art Show
This year’s Superintendent Art Show, hosted at the Opelika Art Haus, was a huge success. The artwork displayed was a testament to our students’ creativity and talent. A huge thank you to our community members who joined us in celebrating this diverse array of artwork. Your support means the world to OCS!
Drake Middle School Wins National Award
J.F. Drake Middle received the 2023-2024 Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools® award for the second year in a row! This distinction directly reflects the unwavering dedication and collaborative efforts of DMS students, staff, and the entire school community. The recognition of a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools® award is a testament to the campus community’s commitment to a positive and nurturing learning environment. National Showcase Schools undergo a meticulous selection process each year, evaluating essential performance indicators, collecting campus data, and seeking feedback from staff and students. The outcomes reflect the successful integration of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Process, showcasing each campus’s unique culture and climate. Auburn City Schools proudly commends DMS for its exceptional efforts to consistently create a secure, connected, and enthusiastic learning environment for our students!

Lee-Scott Academy Awards Day
Between Senior Awards Day & Graduation, Lee-Scott Academy was able to give out specific awards and honors to individual graduates in the Class of 2024.

I.J. Scott Award - Margaret Lyle & Wesley Matthews
Nancy Plant McLeod AwardMadison Meals & Travis Pham
Spirit of a Warrior - Skylah Harris & Miles Zachry
Ben J. Kirk Award - Isabella Lowery
AISA All-Academic Team Members:
Isabella Lowery & Emily Yang
AISA Student-Athlete Awards:
Madison Tausch, Kate Dickerson, Margaret Lyle, Wesley Matthews
Senior Masters Award Winners:
Isabella Lowery (Math, Science), Christine Chang (English), Mia Grace Roberts (Senior High Art), Sophia Pugh (Social Studies), Emily Yang (Senior High Band)
Senior Distinguished Warrior Winners: Miles Zachry, Blythe Walls
AP Scholars: Isabella Lowery, Christine Chang, Mia Grace Roberts, Sophia Pugh, Emily Yang, Ethan Kim, William Singleton, Travis Pham, Brandon Hepworth It was a special season to celebrate this class of 61 young men and women!
TCS Congratulates Graduating Seniors
Trinity Christian School announces its senior graduation class of 2024. TCS is proud of all their hard work, determination, and perseverance. Good luck to our seniors on their next chapter.

Auburn High School Congratulates Graduates
Congratulations to the Auburn High School Class of 2024! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. As graduates, you’ve shown resilience, determination, and the spirit of excellence. Celebrate the memories you’ve made and the friendships forged as you close this chapter of life, and look forward to the journey ahead. ACS wishes all 707 graduates the best in their future endeavors!

OCS Celebrates Bryson McGlynn
Congratulations to Bryson McGlynn, the MasterChef Season 9 winner! Bryson is a 6th-grade student at Fox Run School. His culinary skills have amazed us all season long. He was greeted by students and faculty, cheering for him, as we all celebrated his accomplishment!

Opelika City Schools Welcomes Baseball Coach
OCS welcomes Bart Butler as new Head Baseball Coach at Opelika High School

Bart Butler has been named the new head baseball coach at Opelika High School. “We are thrilled to welcome Bart Butler as the Head Baseball Coach at OHS. His experience coaching championshiplevel teams speaks volumes to his ability to develop student-athletes both on and off the field. Additionally, as a resident of Opelika, he is invested in the success of our schools and our athletic programs. We look forward to the positive impact he will make on our program,” said Kelli Fischer, Opelika High School Principal.
Butler has been a baseball coach at Central High School in Phenix City, AL for the past ten years. He served as Varsity Assistant Head Baseball Coach from 2018 to present, head coach for 9th grade in 2017, head coach for 7th and 8th grades in 2016, and head coach for 9th grade in 2015. Prior to coaching at Central High School, he coached at Sweet Water High School. “My family and I are excited to be joining the Opelika Bulldog family. Over the last 10 years, I’ve witnessed the unbelievable community support shown to both the school and the athletic programs, and I can’t wait to be a part of that,” stated Butler. “We are ready to work tirelessly to build a
LSA 3rd Grade Student Wins Art Award
Congratulations to Lauralee Moore for her 3rd Place finish in the Alabama Governor’s Mansion Art contest for the 4th Grade students of Alabama. Lauralee was presented her award by Governor Kay Ivey and she and her family were honored with a tour of the Governor’s Mansion! Congratulations on a great job, Lauralee!

Congratulations to the 2023-24 OCS Retirees
OCS hosted a retirement tea at Fox Run School to honor the employees who are retiring this year. We appreciate your dedication to the children of the Opelika City Schools!
Pictured front row: Veronica Hubbard, Margaret Purnell, Alice Meadows, Janet Powers, Lisa Morgan, Leanne Bugg, and Paris Mixon. Pictured back row: Nancy Murphy, John Lofland, Kathy Bailey, Amie McGuire, Lauri Tickal, and Debbie Burnham. Not pictured: Walter Lynn, Allison Haynie, and Connie Smith.

Parents’ Night Out Raises School Funds
Auburn’s Best After School Program and Summer
Camp hosted a parents’ night out at Auburn
Mixed Martial Arts this spring. The theme this Quarter was Ninja Obstacle Course. The kids had a lot of fun and we were able to donate proceeds to Jeter Primary in Opelika.
Please send school news and photos to: Kendra@auburnopelikaparents.com.
Congratulations to OHS Senior
Amari Bynum proudly signed his cross-country scholarship to Southern Union State Community College!

ACS Child Nutrition Program Receives Awards
Auburn City Schools
Child Nutrition Program Director Dr. Ashley Powell won an Auburn University College of Education Alumni Award! Dr. Powell’s dedication and commitment to education shines through her three degrees from Auburn University. She ensures cafeterias across the school system are staffed and prepared to serve students. All 14 schools recently received a rating of 100 during health inspections for Food Establishment Scores. ACS is proud to have her leading the way for Auburn City Schools at the local, state, and national levels!
SMCS 4th Graders Get Hands-On Learning
4th graders created a STEM learning project by making solar oven cookers as part of their Culmination of Engineering Design unit. They all want S’MORE projects like this!

St. Michael Catholic Takes Learning Into Nature
Students at SMCS had the best day at the Kreher Preserve & Nature Center. They were able to explore the nature playground, take a hike, and learn about food chains and food webs; all while enjoying the beautiful day in God’s creation! We couldn’t have asked for a more fun and educational day!

LSA 5th Graders
Attend 4-H Science Center Program
It was a week of fun for the Lee-Scott fifth graders at the Alabama 4-H Science Center! With canoeing, archery, rock climbing, studying, fishing, learning survival skills and participating in team building challenges, this group of fifth grade students had an incredible week bonding together. Thank you to our chaperones and the fifth-grade teachers for making it a fun experience for our students!

a positive influence
“Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12

Birthday parties can be expensive, if you don’t watch your bottom line. And parties at home can quickly add up to the same amount you’d pay to throw a party elsewhere.
But, surprise! You can throw a twenty-four hour slumber party for your child’s birthday that won’t break the bank or cause mom and dad to have a nervous breakdown. Here’s how:

Use Evite. Save on follow-up calls, postage and invitations by using Evite.com for your party invitations. The site offers a wide variety of digital designs and costs nothing to use. All you need to do to round up e-mail addresses for your party guests. After everyone has RSVP’d, you can easily follow up about party details such as what to bring, allergy or medication needs, and pick-up times.

Don’t decorate. Think home protection rather than party decorations and invest instead in plastic tablecloths, eco-friendly plates, napkins, straws, and silverware. If you want to make the sleeping room a bit more magical, why not pull out a couple strings of Christmas lights and twinkle up the windows? If you want a birthday banner for your guest of honor, make the creation of one with whatever craft items you have on hand, the first order of business. Just spread the craft supplies out on the table and have the kids jump in.
Give goods, not goodies. Gather small gifts for your guests that go with your sleepover theme and avoid the usual sugar-overload and tiny trinkets that go home in a traditional goodie-bag. Check out local dollar store or dollar aisle at your local department store for ideas. Manicure or pedicure kits might be perfect for a nail art party. A pair of minibinoculars would work for a spy-themed party. An eye mask makes a good choice for a spa party. And rock star sunglasses are a fun touch for a Karaoke party. Give the gifts to guests as they arrive to put a smile on their face and get them engaged in the fun.

Pizza is perfect. It’s not really a slumber party without pizza, and this is good news for mom and dad. Pizza in bulk is cheap and satisfying but if you prefer to cook yourself, make everything the morning of the party and simply reheat at dinnertime.
Make the cake (or go with fondue). Bakery cakes can be costly and superstore cakes are often inexpensive but low quality. So why not bake your child’s favorite cake at home instead? Since you won’t have to transport the cake you can make it as little (cupcakes), wide (sheet cake), or tall (layer cake)as you like. And you can also make it as heavy (pound or Bundt cake) or light (sponge or angel

food) as your guest of honor prefers. Or skip the cake and go with chocolate fondue instead! Dunk pieces of pound cake, strawberries and bananas into 8 oz of chocolate chips melted with 1/3 cup of half and half.
Give progressive gifts. Instead of spending on the party separately from your child’s gifts, combine the two. Make some of you party purchases tie-in with the party theme. This way your party is not a one-shot expense with nothing left to show for it afterwards. For example, your nail art, spy, spa, or Karaoke items can be opened as gifts. Group games, like Twister, also work well. Or wrap a new DVD to watch around 9 pm to help everyone decompress before bed. An assortment of Mad-Libs can offer something silly to do once everyone is in their sleeping bags.

Fill tummies for better sleep. Offer a midnight snack with a glass of milk. Ice cream sandwiches make a nice midnight snack when contrasted with homemade hot chocolate. Or get a roll of slice-and-bake cookies or scoop-able cookie dough, and fill the house with fresh-from-the-oven before-bed bliss. For the uber-ambitious, make the dough the morning of the party and refrigerate until bedtime.
Breakfast on the cheap. Pancakes from scratch are inexpensive. Cook up some bacon or sausage for protein and put everything in the oven to stay warm while you work on cranking out pancakes with a choice of bananas, blueberries, or strawberries cooked in.
Kick ‘em out of the house. You need a chance to tidy up before parent pick-ups begin. So have everyone get ready to go and then send everyone out for a game of tag or dodge ball while you clean up.
And there you have it. A perfectly fun, budget-friendly, and only slightly exhausting slumber party that everyone will fondly remember for years to come.
These days author, journalist, and writing coach Christina Katz prefers to sleep over at the hot mineral springs spa, but she still fondly remembers her first sleepover with pals.

Meredith and Caleb Doster have been married since 2008 and together have eight amazing children. Except for John Conner (5), the rest of the children are girls - Cadence (14), Ellie (11), Selah (9), Jane (7), Lydia (4), Olive (2) and Leah (15 months).
This family of ten loves summertime in Auburn and chooses to spend most of their time outside, including at the park. The family also enjoys serving their community, alongside their church, Parkway Baptist.

The Dosters use 1 Corinthians 10:31 as a foundational verse for their family. They encourage their children to discover their talents and use their gifts to ultimately serve and glorify the Lord.
“In this season of motherhood, I am finding joy in returning to slower living with my children. We have taken up sourdough baking, learning to ferment and kombucha, small gardening in the backyard, and caring for our chickens,” shared Meredith. “I am cultivating a love of learning new things in the kitchen together that will hopefully outlast me into our lineage of grandchildren!”

When it comes to dinnertime at the Doster homestead, eating around the table together is important. Each family member

also helps play a role in getting dinner prepared, set, and cleaned up.
“Dinner in our home is usually around our table. It’s a time when we try to facilitate conversation with our children, speak on Bible topics, and instill values into them. We want a culture of togetherness, and eating around the table does just that for us,” Meredith said. “Dinner together is a beautiful reminder to slow down and enjoy each other daily!”
Meredith decided to share her Spaghetti Casserole because it is a dish that stretches to feed several people. Not to mention it is cost-effective, easy to make ahead of time, and freezes well. She continued to share that a casserole is an easy option when blessing a family in bereavement or postpartum.
“This recipe was handed over to me from one of my best friends, Mary Smith. It was passed down to her from her motherin-law. It has become a staple in our home, because as a large family, to find something everyone enjoys is a rarity,” Meredith explained. “All ages love it, and I believe, as moms, it’s a great service to our friends to share recipes that are working for kids of various ages! It builds community and we are all out here cooking for these kids daily! There is no need to reinvent the wheel if something works well.”

Spaghetti Casserole
• 1 lb ground beef
• 24 oz jar of spaghetti sauce of your choice
• 8 oz small curd cottage cheese
• 8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
• 8 oz vermicelli or thin spaghetti noodles
• 8 oz sour cream
1. Preheat oven to 350°.
2. Bring water to boil for noodles and cook according to package directions.
3. While boiling/cooking noodles, brown ground beef (season to liking with salt/pepper) and drain beef fat.
4. Once the noodles are complete, strain them and place in a mixing bowl with the sour cream. Stir to mix, and then place in the bottom of casserole dish as a smooth layer.

5. Mix cooked beef, spaghetti sauce, cottage cheese, and about 3/4 of shredded mozzarella in a mixing bowl and layer on top of noodles.
6. Top the casserole with the remaining shredded cheese and bake for 25 minutes. Let rest for 2-3 minutes before serving.
7. Serving suggestions: side salad or other green and rolls! Makes one 9x13 dish, 12 servings.
Gabriele has been married to her husband Daniel for 17 years. Together they have three incredible children – two boys, ages 16 and nine, and a sweet girl who will be two in August.
Gabriele is a full-time Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. When she isn’t spending time with family or building her business, she supports her husband who is the Lead Pastor and Planter of Forward Church in Gulf Shores.

A Festive Mess:


By Christina Katz

I don’t mean to brag, but my husband and I have thrown quite a few awesome birthday parties over the years. However, when reflecting back over all the parties we’ve thrown, it’s clear to me that the most memorable parties were not the most elaborate or even the most expensive. They were simply the messiest.
Messy and birthday parties go together better than you might imagine. After all, what could be more festive than a little bit of parent-approved pandemonium? Here is a list of seventeen indoor and outdoor ideas that won’t break the bank.
1. Take aim, color. Mark off a square play arena outdoors with five-foot tall Bamboo garden stakes and blue painters masking tape. Fill squirt guns or squirt bottles with non-toxic watercolor paints, don a pair of clear swim goggles, and let the kids decorate each other dressed in white t-shirts and leggings or sweats. The only rule is no one leaves the field until the paint is all spent.
2. Take a whack at it. Fill a store-bought piñata 2/3 of the way full with cooked, welldrained spaghetti. Then add small plastic toys, foil-wrapped granola bars, and plastic wrapped candies. To extend the fun, hang the piñata on a pull cord threaded through an eyehook so you can pull it up and down as kids swing at it with a bat or broom handle. Secure a tarp underneath with duct tape (indoors) or camping stakes (outdoors) for easy cleanup.
3. Eggcentric art. Break the tops off real eggs and pour the yolks and whites into Tupperware to make quiche or a soufflé later. Keeping empty shells in the carton, fill each with acrylic paints of various colors. Outside or in the garage or basement, hang a large canvas against a sturdy wall or fence and let the kids take aim and fire until they make a masterpiece. Use plastic drop cloths to catch the splatters as needed.
4. Franken-beauty. Make natural facial masks out of banana, avocado or cocoa. Sit guests around a large table in pairs to take turns applying masks to each other’s faces. Be sure to have some hand mirrors handy so everyone can see what all the squeals are about.

5. Construction junction. Supply lots of sheets, blankets and pillows for fort construction. If you can mount a few Hula Hoops strategically around the room, they come in handy. You might also supply bandanas and bungee chords. Be sure to inspect the results for hazards. Keep food and drinks strictly separate.
6. Reach for the foam. Play messy Twister in the yard by mixing foam shaving cream and food coloring. Wear clothing that can get stained. If no one wants to worry about clothing stains, simply use white shaving cream for the same effect.
7. Pudding slide. Make about a gallon of chocolate pudding. Drop large spoonfuls of pudding onto a Slip & Slide. Have guests take a running start down a low-grade slope. To make slide more slippery, have guests sprinkle it with water from a sprinkler can or set the hose sprayer to mist. Add more pudding or water, as needed.
8. Slime ball. Find an online recipe to make nontoxic slime and let guests prepare it. Then play a game of hide the bouncy ball in the slime. Use a blindfold and a timer to see who can find their party favors the fastest. Enjoy the groans.
When people with extraordinary talent and passion are given the technology, the facilities, and the support, they achieve great things. The discoveries taking place today will help shape the future of treatments and lead to cures – benefitting not only our patients and families, but people across the country and around the world for years to come.
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9. Picasso footsie. Roll out a long sheet of paper and pour puddles of acrylic paint at one end. Have each guest step in one color per foot and walk across the paper. Switch to the other side of the paper to balance out the look. Hang art on a fence or wall to dry.
10. Musical silly string. Put half the group in the middle on a plastic tarp. Encircle guests with the other half of the group. Turn on the music. Have the inside group move in one direction and the outside group move in the other direction, while spraying the inside group with silly string. When the music is turned off, switch groups.
11. Pasta fling. Cook one box of spaghetti per party guest. Get some five-gallon buckets and fill them 2/3 of the way with water. Add enough flour to thicken the water, then add spaghetti. The only rules are: use your own spaghetti, no bucket-dumping, and no touching-just throwing. Put them in the square play arena and get the heck out of the way.
12. Mud puddle fun. On a sturdy table at playing height, fill a small kiddie pool with dirt and just enough water to make mud.
Add digging and pouring toys for an hour of industry for young guests.
13. Duck-Duck-Dump. Have kids sit in circle for a game of Duck-Duck-Goose. But first, hand them a cup of water and a halfcup of flour to pour over each goose’s head.
14. The opposite of tiny bubbles. Make bubble mix with ten cups of regular Dawn Dish soap and five gallons of water. Let it sit overnight. Do not agitate the solution as you pour it into a small wading pool slightly larger than a Hula Hoop in diameter. Have guest don a pair of clear goggles and stand in the middle of the pool without splashing. Let two party guests lower a Hula Hoop over the guest and then pull it straight up into a giant bubble.
15. Three-legged color run. Set up a start and finish line for a short jaunt. Tie the legs of two guests together and have them wear clear swim goggles and white play clothing. Have other guests stand on the sidelines and throw color from bags of nontoxic Holi colors (the type used for Color Runs, available online). The winners take on the next pair of challengers until everyone has run. The most colorful pair wins.

16. Sloppy volley. Divide guests into two groups. Put a line across the center or your play arena like a tennis court. Everyone has to stay on their own team and wear swim googles. Place a table of supplies within reach of the backcourt. On the table, supply large bowls of chilled mashed potatoes, Jello, pudding, and cooked oatmeal. Tint food with food coloring if clothing can be stained. On your mark, get set, food fight!
17. Trashion runway. For a couple of months before the party, don’t discard your reusable recyclables. Spread them out evenly in tarps with plenty of clear tape, masking tape, painter’s tape, and Duck tape. Pair guests up into design teams. Give a time limit like one hour. The assignment is to design a runway-worthy fashion for each team out of only the trash that’s been supplied. Have a runway show afterwards to display the results.
Like most parents, Christina Katz’ first instinct is not necessarily to throw the messiest party. But she’s learned that sometimes it’s fun to throw tidiness out the window and for the sake of big birthday fun.

Opelika SportsPlex
1001 SportsPlex Pkwy | (334) 705-5560
50-meter heated pool
360° zero depth splash playground
Covered seating for 675 people
Concession stand
FREE with SportsPlex membership
$4/guest fee
Flournoy Aquatics Center
213 Carver Avenue | (334) 705-5550
Giant corkscrew slide
Splash Playground
Splash Pad

Recreational swim area with zero depth entry
Training lanes
FREE with SportsPlex membership
$4/guest fee

Cakes/Finger Foods
Bruster’s Ice Cream
2172 East University Drive, Auburn Ice cream cakes and pies loaded with personality. 334-821-9988
Cakeitecture Bakery
124 South 8th Street, Opelika Baking and decorating mixed with architecture and construction...with imagination, the potential is endless!
334-246-3002 www.cakeitecture.com
Crumbl Cookies
2638 Enterprise Drive, Opelika Crumbl offers gourmet desserts and treats ready to be delivered straight to your door. We also offer in-store and curbside pickup from our locally owned and operated shop. Our cookies are made fresh every day and the weekly rotating menu delivers unique cookie flavors you won’t find anywhere else.
334-203-4783 crumblcookies.com/alauburn
Dairy Queen
2019 Pepperell Parkway, Opelika
DQ® Treatzza Pizza® / DQ® Cakes / DQ® Blizzard® Cakes / DQ® Mini Blizzard® Cakes.
Everything Sweet
106 North Ross Street, Auburn Offering cakes and cookies for all occasions. Also, ask about bringing the party to you with cake and cookie decorating classes.
334-728-1430 www.everythingsweetauburn. com
GiGi’s Cupcakes
3794-G Pepperell Parkway, Opelika Cakes and cupcakes for all occasions. Create your own Birthday Box.
334-275-4331 www.gigiscupcakesusa.com/ pages/opelika-alabama
Great American Cookies
1627 Opelika Road (inside the mall), Auburn Cookies for special days...just choose design and add your message.
334-821-4553 www.greatamericancookies.com
O-Town Ice Cream
700 2nd Avenue, Opelika
4 Party Plus Rentals
Rentals include inflatables, slides, games, concessions, characters and more. www.4partyplus.com
Alpha-Lit Auburn
Offering the highest quality marquee letters to customize your event. www.alphalitletters.com/auburnmontgomery
Opelika Parks and Recreation
ad on page 29
1001 Andrews Road, Opelika
Rent a party space. Offering multiple gymnasiums, parks with pavilions, game rooms, ceramic studio pools and splash pad. Please call or visit our website for more information.
334-705-5560 www.opelikasportsplex.com

Kona Ice
Party truck will bring tropical shaved ice for a sweet, cold treat.
334-707-3650 www.kona-ice.com/local-site/ kona-ice-of-auburn-opelika-columbus/
Space Walk of Auburn
Offering a selection of space walks, wet/dry slides, obstacle course, games and more. 334-887-5437 www.herecomesfun.com/branches/Georgia/auburn-columbus
Auburn Backyard Entertainment
Delicious decisions...there’s a story in every flavor. 334737-5700 facebook.com/otownicecream/
The Yard Milkshake Bar
147 North College St, Auburn
We offer premium ice cream and are widely known for our over-the-top milkshakes! We also offer eight flavors of edible cookie dough and over 50 topping options! Tag us on Instagram for a chance at a repost of your beautiful milkshake creations! www.theyardmilkshakebar.com
We offer movie screens, projectors, audio, karaoke, black light mini golf, spa parties and more. facebook.com/auburnbackyardentertainment/
The Great Indoors
We are a small event company specializing in indoor camping experiences for sleepovers, backyard movie nights, and picnics.
Auburn Parks and Recreation
425 Perry Street, Auburn
Rent a party space. Offering multiple gymnasiums, parks with pavilions, game rooms, ceramic studio and more.
334-501-2930 www.auburnalabama.org/parks
Outdoor Parks
Kreher Preserve and Nature Center
ad on page 15
222 North College Street, Auburn
The Kreher Preserve & Nature Center is a wonderful destination for themed nature-based birthday parties! Trained teacher/naturalists provide age-appropriate programs for children and youth. Each party includes a 20- to 45-minute program with hands-on activities and animal encounters, 30-minute nature hike, and t-shirt for the birthday child (1 per party). Many themes to choose from including Nuts for Nature, Frogs and Fun, Radical Reptiles, Incredible Insects, Art in Nature, and Warm for the Winter. Also, Critter Caravan can come to you!
334-707-6512 www.auburn.edu/preserve

Opelika City Parks
1001 Andrews Road, Opelika Brand New Pools Now Open! Aquatic Pools, splash and slide areas, Floral Park, Municipal Park and Springvilla Park. 334-705-5560 www.opelikasportsplex.com
Auburn City Parks
425 Perry Street, Auburn Outdoor pools: Samford and Drake, Bowden Park, Felton Little Park, Town Creek Park, Hickory Dickory Park, Kiesel Park, Martin Luther King Jr Park, Moores Mill Park and Sam Harris Park. 334-501-2930 www.auburnalabama.org/parks
The Montgomery Zoo and Mann Museum 2301 Coliseum Parkway, Montgomery
Sights and sounds of the zoo makes for a perfect spot for a party. Pavilions and playground area. 334-240-4900 www.montgomeryzoo.com
Decorations/Invitations/ Paper Goods/
Check It Out!
239 North Gay Street , Auburn
Costumes, balloon bouquets and arches, party products, gifts wooden cut outs, sorority gifts and more. Check-It-Out offers balloon deliveries, balloon decor, gift baskets, flower arrangements, cake & cookie deliveries, sorority merchandise, and large bulk deliveries.We offer the largest selection of balloons in every shape and size. 334-826-0308 www.check-it-outballoons.com
Hobby Lobby
2570 Enterprise Drive, Opelika Party supplies, invitations, crafts and more. 334-745-2730 www.hobbylobby.com
Lynn’s Hallmark
1627 Opelika Road (inside the mall), Auburn Party invitations and unique gifts. 334-887-9889
Michaels Store
1550 Opelika Rd, Suite 8, Auburn Party supplies, invitations, crafts and more. 334-246-2804 www.michaels.com
Party City
2534 Enterprise Drive, Opelika One-stop store for all your celebrations. 334-745-1568 www.partycity.com
Matthan Brown Photography
ad on page 21
Family, wedding, events, senior portraits, professional headshots and more.
334-663-4136 www.matthanbrownphoto.com
Memories in Motion Photo Bus
The combination of our beautiful VW Bus, the Ultimate collection of props, and photo booth shenanigans will keep your guests interacting, laughing, and coming back for more! www.memoriesinmotionphotobus.com
Picture Perfect by Candy
Full service studio, specializing in contemporary artistic portraiture of children, tweens, teens and families.
334-663-3343 www.pictureperfectbycandy.com
Places to Party- Fun Zone
Hey Day Market ad on page 12
211 South College Street, Auburn Hey Day Golf Club: Swing into action at Hey Day Market with our new Putt Putt Course! Grab your putters and score cards for five thrilling holes of minigolf on The Greenspace! Putt your skills to the test and enjoy an unforgettable experience with friends and family. Join us for a day filled with laughter, challenges, and excitement at Hey Day Market! www.A48:K60heydaymarketauburn.com/
Great Wolf Lodge
150 Tom Hall Parkway, LaGrange
Offering indoor water park fun and dry-land adventures for the entire family. Our resort near Atlanta features kid-friendly activities, dining options, an adult-friendly wine down service, and more all under one roof. Your stay includes access to the 93,000-sq. ft. water park’s pools and slides, kept warm at 84-degrees year-round. 844.473.9653 www.greatwolf.com/georgia
Rock ‘n Roll Pinball
815 South Railroad Avenue, Opelika
We are Family and Party Friendly. Amy Briggs will work with you to set up the most fun, economical, and easy party experience you will ever have. 28 Modern, Classic and Vintage Pins, 2 Multicade Video Arcades playing over 500 games, a golden tee game, drinks/snacks, private party room and more!
334-363-7625 www.rocknrollpinball.com
Auburn Escape Zones
1234 Commerce Drive, Auburn
Work as a team to unlock clues and escape the room. 334-329-7088 www.auburnescapezones.com

719 Opelika Road, Auburn
Make birthday party memories that will last forever. We custom-build every kids party with the best in bowling, arcade games, and signature menus that are made to “wow.”
334-887-6573 www.bowlero.com/location/ bowlero-auburn-al
Cyber Zone
107 North 9th Street, Opelika
CyberZone Entertainment features some of the best attractions in the world! Including an all new laser tag and equipment, VR experiences such as Hologate and Kong VR, relaunched Esports Arena, and the latest and greatest arcade video and ticket games. CyberZone Entertainment Center has the dedicated party spaces and an expert planning team ready to accommodate birthday parties for kids and adults of all ages.
334-737-5000 www.cyberzone334.com
Good Times
750 East Glenn Avenue, Auburn Entertainment center offering guests 16 boutiquestyle bowling lanes, 30 arcade games, 2 escape rooms, 2 party rooms, and a full-service restaurant & bar.
334539-3131 www.goodtimesbowling.com
OWA Parks and Resort
101-N South OWA Blvd, Foley
Featuring 23 theme-park rides and the region’s biggest indoor water park plus Big Water Bay’s outdoor wave pool with surf simulator, Coastal Curl. Just outside the ticketed areas is Downtown OWA—pedestrian-only streets filled with dining, shopping & entertainment choices. 251-923-2111 www.visitowa.com
Sing Sing Karaoke
3794 Pepperell Parkway, Suite A, Opelika Sing karaoke for your party. Rent small to large private room space.
Surge Trampoline Park
2506 Pepperell Parkway, Opelika Indoor trampoline park with multiple areas to explore.
334-737-5599 www.surgeopelika.com
Places to Party- Skating
Columbus Ice Rink
400 4th Street , Columbus Ice skating party packages, complete with activities and a private area to eat and enjoy the rest of your celebration.
706-225-4500 www.columbusicerink.org
The Skatin Rink
128 Fob James Drive, Valley
We provide an awesome skating experience with music, games, and a friendly atmosphere. Special appearance by our mascot too! 334-756-ROLL www.theskatinrink.com
Places to PartyArtistic/Creative
Buff City Soap Auburn
312 West Magnolia Avenue, Auburn
Book your Buff Event! Make Memories And Custom Mini Bath Bombs With Friends, Family, And Co-Workers. Offering Kid’s Birthday Bash, Ladies Night Out, or create your own event. 1.5 hours of hands-on party time reserved in the Makery. Your guests will experience Makery Magic firsthand, learn all about our handmaking process, and make up to 5 custom Mini Bath Bombs of their own! 334-521-4222 www.partywithbuff.com
Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art 901 South College Street, Auburn
An exciting environment to hold social gatherings, presentations, performances and birthday parties. 334-844-1484 www.jcsm.auburn.edu
Opelika Parks and Recreation: Ceramics Party
1102 Denson Drive, Opelika
Please check with main office for more information. 334-705-5547 www.opelika.org
Places to Party-Fun Zone
Auburn Putt Putt & Event Center
891 Co Rd 395, Auburn
Auburn’s Highest Rated Wheel Chair Accessible Putt-Putt Golf Course and Event Venue. Contact us to book our venue for your next event or birthday party. At Auburn Putt-Putt we offer a full covered area with tables, chairs, grills, and stone brick ovens. Perfect for hosting any event such as birthday parties, family reunions, or organization retreats.
334-444-0497 www.auburnputtputt.com
250 West Glenn Avenue, Auburn
Offering six semi-private simulator suites with comfortable seating that can be reserved for up to 10 guests. Come experience the state-of-the-art immersive sports game simulators featuring golf, football, and more.
334-752-7005 www.bunkersauburn.com
Opelika Rage Room
1510 2nd Avenue, Opelika
Break things for your party. Release inner stress and have fun breaking items in our rooms. Check out the new splatter rooms too.
334-777-6688 www.opelikarageroom.com
Places to PartyMartial Arts
Auburn Academy of Martial Arts
323 Airport Road, Suite J, Auburn Be a black belt for the day with games and fun. Break a board too.
334-502-7221 www.auburnacademy.com
Auburn Mixed Martial Arts
2515 East Glenn Avenue, Opelika
Birthday kid is a black belt ninja for the day and break a board.
334-887-0818 www.auburnmma.com
World Champion Taekwondo
300 North Dean Road, #6, Auburn 90 minutes of supervised fun including martial arts instruction, board breaking and games. Birthday kid will cut the cake with a real sword! You can expect non-stop games, activities, challenges, and even learning some martial arts the whole way! Call or visit our website for more information.
334-329-7117 www.martialartsauburn.com
Places to PartyRestaurants
Brick Oven Pizza
2520 Enterprise Drive, Opelika Create own pizza from scratch. 334-745-0223 www.brickovenonline.com
Burger King 1740 South College Street, Auburn Indoor playground. 334-466-8961
2052 Tiger Town Parkway, Opelika Indoor playground. 334-741-7112
McDonald’s Ronald Drive, Auburn Indoor playground. 334-821-5303
Niffer’s Place 917 South Railroad Avenue, Opelika Fun atmosphere for parties. 334-787-5989 www.niffersplace.com
Auburn University Kid’s Club
392 South Donahue Drive, Auburn Party with the Auburn tigers! Packages for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Swimming & Diving, Volleyball and Equestrian.
334-844-9526 www.auburntigers.com/kidsclub
KidStrong Auburn
1530 East Glenn Avenue, Auburn KidStrong parties are the ULTIMATE celebration experience! Get ready for 90 minutes of nonstop party time, guided by not just one, but TWO professional coaches!
334-780-1118 www.kidstrong.com/locations/ auburn AOP

Influencer Does Not Equal Expert
An influencer does not equal an expert. Remember the good old days when you had a question or concern; you would turn to someone who was an expert in the field. Someone with a degree or at least years of applied world expertise. I was listening to Brene Brown’s podcast this morning, and something she said really stood out. If I am being honest, everything Brene says stands out to me, but this comment made an impact, most likely because I have been having the same feelings. She has created a beautiful podcast series around social media and AI, asking the question, “Are we really ready for this stuff?”
Brene took a year off of social media, and one of the catalysts for her break is that she has been navigating her mother’s diagnosis of dementia. She mentions she was inundated with “experts” on social media telling her various “fixes” and “cures” for her mom’s dementia. One of those cures involved eating more quinoa and blueberries. And when you have a loved one suffering or you are looking for answers, having access to thousands of “experts” at your fingertips feels like movement. It feels empowering. It feels like hope. Until it doesn’t. It begins to breed confusion, exhaustion, and overwhelm. Not to mention the frustration that begins to feel a bit like, “Who lets these people snake charm their way into people’s lives?”

experience or self-driven research. There are so many individuals who are experts in what they do and do not have a degree in the subject matter. But what happens is the sheer overwhelm of fly-by-night influencers with a few months of “expertise” and just enough charisma, relatability, and aesthetically pleasing content to gain popularity. In other words, it looks pretty on the outside, but probably not much experience underneath. This can be dangerous. We must take a look at authenticity versus credibility. Influencers are known for their authenticity and relatability. It is a key factor in their success. However, authenticity does not always translate to credibility. While influencers may have personal anecdotes and experiences to share, their opinions may not be based on thorough research, scientific evidence, or professional experience.

influencers. Instead of blindly accepting their recommendations, it is crucial to verify facts, seek other expert opinions, and consider multiple perspectives before taking an influencer’s advice. We know that experts are individuals who dedicate their time, education, and experience to a particular field. They possess in-depth knowledge, skills, and qualifications that allow them to provide accurate and reliable information. One of the best things we can do as a consumer is to recognize the vast difference between influencers and experts. We can make informed decisions based on reliable sources of information rather than being swayed solely by the popularity or charisma of influencers. Another beautiful thing we can do as consumers AND parents is to discuss with our teens these concepts. They are a huge consumers of social media, and tend to believe most anything that influencers are selling them. Teaching our kids to rely on experts for their information will serve them now and as they grow into adults. In other words, be careful of the snake oil swillers of today’s generation. They are the same as they were hundreds of years ago...just dressed in prettier clothes and no longer have to knock on your door to get into your home.
Anyone can become an “influencer”. Social media platforms have provided a space for individuals to showcase their talents, hobbies, and personal experiences. I do not ever want to discount personal
As someone who has a social work degree and now works as a family and teen coach, it is frightening to me the number of online “coaches” who do not have a degree and do not have years of experience or certifications in marketing their counseling skills to families. I do not have a “degree” in the specialty of social media conversations and safety that I bring to the table within my sessions. However, I do have over a decade of experience working with families around these issues in private settings. And I did not include this specialty until I had years of work behind me.
This brings me to the importance of critical thinking. It is essential for consumers of social media to exercise critical thinking when evaluating information shared by
Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.

Tuesday, July 2
Tuesday Night Ride and Grill
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM, Chewacla Park, 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn If you’ve been thinking about coming out to our Tuesday rides, but weren’t sure about the distance or pace, trust that you can handle it and come on out! We would love for everyone who joins us on night rides to be a member of CAMP. By signing up you help support local trail efforts and your membership fees are tax deductible. Being a CAMP member has a number of benefits and only cost $39 a year. Visit here for more information. www.facebook.com/CAMP.SORBA/
Summer Swing: Crossroads
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Municipal Park, Opelika For over 39 years this horn-driven group of local professionals has been delivering their eclectic mix of Soul, R&B, Motown, Rock Classics and Americana in the styles of Marvin Gaye, Sam & Dave, Al Green, Van Morrison and many others. www.opelika-al.gov/544/Park-Bench-Activity-Guide
Wednesday, July 3
Opelika Freedom Celebration

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM, Opelika High School, 1700 LaFayette Pkwy, Opelika Join the Opelika Parks & Recreation and Opelika community at the Freedom Celebration at Opelika High School on July 3rd! This event is packed full of fun including seeing the Silver Wings Parachute Team, music by Route 66, concessions, and a firework show at dark. There will be hamburgers, hotdogs, popcorn, musical entertainment and activities for the whole family.
Thursday, July 4
4th of July Fireworks and Concert
Concert featuring Taylor Hicks. Fireworks at dark in the Kowaliga Bay area of Lake Martin. This annual event is one of the best fireworks shows in the southeast.
July 4th Boat Parade
10:00 AM, Kowaliga Beach, Lake Martin Boats decorated with flags with an Independence Day theme parade from Kowaliga Marina to Childrens Harbor. Judging takes place and awards are given for the most decorated boats in different categories. www.lakemartin.com
Annual 4th of July Celebration (FREE to the public) 5:00 PM Duck Samford Stadium, 1840 East Glenn Avenue, Auburn Celebrate Independence Day with the entire Auburn Community! Enjoy great food and treats for purchase, giveaways, free inflatables, children’s activities, and live music. Gates open at 5:00 p.m. Fireworks begin at 9:00 p.m. The rain date is Friday, July 5th. (334) 501-2941
Friday, July 5
13th Annual Arti Gras
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Russell Crossroads, 19 Russell Farms Road, Alexander City Make your 4th of July celebration special with a unique piece of art, ranging from jewelry to pottery and more. Bring your friends and family to discover the diverse offerings at this maker’s market!
Food Truck Friday
5:00 PM - 12:00 AM, Downtown Opelika Spend your first and third Friday of every month, where you can enjoy dinner and drinks from downtown restaurants, bars & breweries, and up to five different food truck partners each week. Enjoy your brews, bites, and beautiful downtown Opelika.
Saturday, July 6

Star Spangled Beach Party Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Ga Celebrate summer days and starry nights with our weekend-long July 4th Star Spangled Beach Party! Enjoy three days of family adventures on the sunny shores of Robin Lake Beach with beach volleyball, putt putt, and water activities like stand-up paddle boarding. Play all day on floating obstacle course Aqua Island. Each day ends with a bang thanks to our nightly Fireworks Extravaganza; a spectacular salute to summer. www.callawaygardens.com/beach/events/4th-of-july/
Audio Book Adventures with Auburn Oil Co
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Auburn Oil Co Booksellers, 149 E. Magnolia A. Auburn Every other Saturday morning, walk around downtown Auburn with your favorite booksellers and fellow readers while listening to your audiobook. It’s free and open to anyone who wants to come build community with us! Meet at the store at 8 a.m. to get your power walk on! When you get back, they will offer you a 15% discount on your coffee order! So, grab your headphones and your walking shoes and join Auburn Oil Co. on this fun adventure! www.auburnoilbooksellers.com
13th Annual Arti Gras
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Russell Crossroads, 19 Russell Farms Road, Alexander City Make your 4th of July celebration special with a unique piece of art, ranging from jewelry to pottery and more. Bring your friends and family to discover the diverse offerings at this maker’s market!
Tuesday, July 9
Family Discovery Hike: Water Systems
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM, Kreher Preserve & Nature Center, 2222 North College Street, Auburn Join our guides for an educational adventure as you and your children take in the many sights and sounds of the Nature Center. Hikes are for families with children ages 5 to 12. http://kpnc.auburn.edu/programs/guidedtours/
Summer Swing: Martha’s Trouble
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM,, Municipal Park, Opelika For over 39 years this horn-driven group of local professionals has been delivering their eclectic mix of Soul, R&B, Motown, Rock Classics and Americana in the styles of Marvin Gaye, Sam & Dave, Al Green, Van Morrison and many others.
July 10 – August 24
The Summer Show: Black/White +1 Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center, Auburn An invitational exhibition featuring works in a variety of media limited to the use of black, white and one specific color. (334) 501-2963 auburnalabama.org/arts
Thursday, July 11
Chris Brown BJCC, Birmingham www.ticketmaster.com
July 11- August 11
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Alabama Shakespeare Festival, 1 Festival Drive, Montgomery This delightful and merry musical — embracing country-western, calypso, and Elvis-style rock — will have you singing in your seat and long after you leave the theatre!
Saturday, July 13
Second Saturday at Pioneer Park
9:00 AM, 6500 Stage Road, Loachapoka, Al On the second Saturday of every month, a group of history re-enactors gather at the LCHS Museum in period attire to demonstrate their arts and crafts. Blacksmiths are working at the forge, spinners and weavers are in the textile room, the gardeners are in the gardens, crafts and seasonal activities are scheduled, and someone is always cooking up a meal in the fireplace or outdoors.
Float-in-Movie: Jaws
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM, Samford Pool, 465 Wrights Mill Road, Auburn If you’re brave enough to enter the water, join the Samford Pool Staff as they screen the ever-popular 1975 film JAWS! Doors open at 7:30 p.m., concessions available for purchase and pool floats available first come first served.
Tuesday, July 16

Summer Swing: James Brown Trio 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM,, Municipal Park, Opelika For over 39 years this horn-driven group of local professionals has been delivering their eclectic mix of Soul, R&B, Motown, Rock Classics and Americana in the styles of Marvin Gaye, Sam & Dave, Al Green, Van Morrison and many others. www.opelika-al.gov/544/Park-Bench-Activity-Guide
Thursday, July 18
Sundilla Presents Jeff Black in Concert
7:30 PM, Pebble Hill, 101 S. Debardeleben, Auburn Free coffee, tea, water, and food will be available, and the audience is invited to bring their own favorite food or beverage. www.sundillamusic.com
Wine 102: With Hanna Brown of Alabama Crown
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM, Auburn Oil Co Booksellers, 149 East Magnolia Ave. Auburn Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a wine list? Confused by those bottle labels? Doubtful that people really taste things like passion fruit and potting soil? We’ve got just the experience for you. Learn about the mighty grape in the most unpretentious classroom, with Hanna Brown of Alabama Crown, where she will help you decipher what to swirl, sip, and shoot. Find out what the fuss is, and leave with a core sense memory unlocked. www.auburnoilbooksellers.com
Friday, July 19
Food Truck Friday
Details on July 5.
Air Supply
7:30 PM Montgomery Performing Arts Center, 201 Tallapoosa St, Montgomery The trademark sound of Russell Hitchcock’s soaring tenor voice and Graham
Russell’s simple but majestic compositions created a unique sound that would be forever known as Air Supply. www.mpaconline.org
July 19-21
2024 Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday
12:00 AM Alabama will hold its 19th annual back-toschool sales tax holiday, beginning Friday, July 19 at 12:01 a.m. and ending Sunday, July 21 at midnight. This event gives shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain school supplies, computers, and clothing free of state sales tax. Local sales tax may still apply. For more information, contact the Sales and Use Tax Division at 334-242- 1490 or 866-576-6531.
World Deer Expo 2024
BJCC, Birmingham Get ready for the ultimate sportsman’s paradise and the country’s largest 3-day hunting consumer show. The expo features a weekend full of fun for everyone who loves hunting, fishing and the great outdoors. www.bjcc.org

July 19-28
Finding Nemo Jr. Springer Opera House, 103 10th Street, Columbus, Ga Join the cast of Finding Nemo for a vibrant underwater world that comes to life on stage with music, family, friendship, and adventure. www.springeroperahouse.org/springerproductions/ finding-nemo-jr
Saturday, July 20
21st Annual Lions Lake Martin Charity Poker Run Lake Martin The entire day is filled with boating, fun, family, and friends while raising money for local Lake Martin charities. The route may vary yearly, but the start is typically at Kowaliga Marina and ends at The Ridge Marina for food and awards. www.russelllands.com/blog/event/lions-lake-martincharity-poker-run-3/
Audio Book Adventures with Auburn Oil Co Details on July 6.
The Black Jacket Symphony Presents Journey Escape
7:30 PM, The Amp, Lake Martin We are excited that the Black Jacket Symphony is coming back to The AMP for a second summer! This year they will bring Journey’s Escape album to life, and they will share other great Journey hits before the night is over! www.thamaponlakemartin.com
Sunday, July 21
Wayne Newton: Up Close and Personal Montgomery Performing Arts Center, 201 Tallapoosa St, Montgomery Legend. Icon. American Patriot. World renowned, record-setting performer. The Midnight Idol. Mr. Entertainment. No other name or person is so defining, representative or synonymous with Las Vegas and the entertainment capital of the world than Mr. Las Vegas himself…Wayne Newton. www.mpaconline.org
Tuesday, July 23
Summer Swing: Fedoras
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Municipal Park, Opelika For over 39 years this horn-driven group of local professionals has been delivering their eclectic mix of Soul, R&B, Motown, Rock Classics and Americana in the styles
of Marvin Gaye, Sam & Dave, Al Green, Van Morrison and many others.
Thursday, July 25
Zach Williams’ Backyard Picnic
7:00 PM Sweetland Amp, 110 Smith Street, LaGrange, Ga Zach is planning a backyard jam session and he’s invited some friends: Josh Baldwin, David Leonard, and along with Josiah Queen. Bring your family and friends to the biggest backyard blowout of the summer to enjoy music.
Friday, July 26
Lake Martin Songwriter’s Festival
Russell Crossroads, 19 Russell Farms Road, Alexander City Join us for a special night on the Town Green as we join forces with the 4th annual Lake Martin Songwriters Festival for some great music from some very talented songwriters. www.russelllands.com/blog/event/lake-martin-songwriters-festival/
Cheers on the Cheer
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Downtown Auburn Cool off this summer at Cheers on the Corner, an annual taste of downtown Auburn. During this sips and bites trail, guests will be provided a small pour of wine or bubbles paired with a savory bite from restaurants like The Hound, Acre, Draft House, and more. You will also receive a complimentary souvenir glass. www.downtownauburnonline.com/events
Tuesday, July 30
Summer Swing: Back to School Bash
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM,, Municipal Park, Opelika www.opelika-al.gov/544/Park-Bench-Activity-Guide
August 1-31
Itty Bitty Auburn
It’s time to break out the thinking caps and magnifying glasses for Itty Bitty Auburn in celebration of Alabama’s birthday! Participants can pick up a worksheet for the scavenger hunt at any Parks and Recreation facility or find it on the City of Auburn website, printed in select newspapers and on Facebook. The worksheet features 20 itty-bitty sites throughout one secret location in Auburn. 334-501-2940.
Saturday, August 3
SportsPlex Tri for Kids Triathlon/Small Fri Tri Sportsplex, Opelika Run, Swim, Bike! Participants will compete based on their age as of 12/31/24. 5-yearolds may participate in the Kids Tri or the Small Fry Tri. In order for a 5-year-old to compete in the Kid’s Triathlon they will need to do a paper registration. Paper registration deadline is 7/19/24. www.sportsplextriforkids.com
Tuesday, August 6

Idina Menzel 8:00 PM Gogue Performing Arts Center, Auburn University Broadway actress Idina Menzel’s world-famous voice can be heard as Elsa in Disney’s Academy Award-winning Frozen, the second highest-grossing animated film of all time. The song “Let It Go” became an instant international phenomenon, winning the Oscar for Best Original Song and the Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media. www.goguecenter.auburn.edu
Monday, August 12
Auditions for Disney’s 101 Dalmatians Kids Auburn Area Community Theater Jr., Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center, Auburn We are bringing back the classic animated tale of kidnapping villains and courageous puppies as adapted in this “fur-tastic” musical adventure! Please be prepared to sing 30 seconds of an acapella song, preferably something from a Broadway musical, and to present “Sides” (lines) for ONE character. Sides can be found at the website. auburnact.org
August 15-18
AACT Presents Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center, Auburn Enjoy this Tale as Old as Time! Based on the Oscar- nominated motion picture, this is classic story of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. Meet the enchanted household, Lumiere and Babette, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and of course, Chip! Come be our guest! www.auburnact.org
Every Thursday
St. Dunstan’s Summer Music Series
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM, 136 East Magnolia Ave, Auburn Come out to the St. Dunstan’s front porch each Thursday to sit under trees and listen to some talented local musicians. Bring your cooler, your family, chair, and enjoy! This event is free and open to the public. www.facebook.com/saintds.org
Every Saturday Market Days
Uptown Columbus, GA Each Saturday, three blocks along Broadway host over 100 local and regional vendors. Visitors can expect to find fresh and organic produce, home goods, jewelry, unique crafts, and delicious baked goods. Market Days is the perfect Saturday activity for family, friends, and visitors. Don’t forget to bring your furry pals to get in on the fun.
O Grows Community Garden
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 1103 Glenn Street, Opelika
The O Grows Community Garden hosts a Saturday Farmers Market featuring local farmers, bakers, and makers! Visitors to the market can also tour the community garden and greenhouse, participate in kids’ outdoor science and art activities, attend storytime at 10 a.m., and help feed our resident goats! www.facebook.com/opelikagrows
Every Saturday (May 18 to August 31)
City Market
8:00 AM - 11:00 PM, Town Creek Park, 1150 South Gay Street, Auburn City Market invites the community, growers, and consumers alike to join us every Saturday from May 18 to August 31 from 8 - 11 a.m. The purpose of City Market is to help local farmers, growers and artists to sell their fresh, local and handmade products to community members. www.facebook.com/citymarketauburnal/
Every Sunday
Super Sunday Rides
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Chewacla Park, 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn www.facebook.com/CAMP.SORBA/
Please check with each venue prior to attending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate and up to date.

Micah Melnick

AOP: Tell us about the BigHouse Foundation. What is it, how did you get involved, and what role do you play there?
MM: BigHouse is a non-profit ministry that serves foster and adoptive families. I am actually the Founder and Executive Director. While in college, my parents became foster parents, so I was exposed firsthand to the world of foster care and adoption, and it absolutely changed my life! Once I met the kids and families in this system, I wanted to do all I could to serve them well. BigHouse celebrated 15 years in February, and we have served over 30,000 children in Alabama. In 2023, we opened our space, the BigHouse Retreat, a dream of ours for 10+ years. It encompasses our offices, boutique, workspace, playroom, family room, kitchen, and awesome backyard for our programming and for our families to utilize! We love it!
AOP: How do you balance the role as Executive Director at the BigHouse Foundation and being a wife and mother?
MM: This is not easy! I often feel like I’m failing in some aspect. However, I try to give myself grace and cut out the expectations of perfection that so easily grip us these days. My biggest aid in being able to do all the things is my husband, Blake. He is an incredibly hands-on dad and husband. He is a really great support for me at home and BigHouse. He is a sounding board, accountability partner, encourager, and friend and truly tries to help balance the load in our home and at BigHouse. I absolutely couldn’t “do it all” without him.
AOP: How do you encourage your children to get involved with the foundation? How do you teach them to show kindness and empathy?
MM: Our kids don’t have much choice when it comes to being involved at BigHouse. Sometimes, that’s a good thing, and sometimes, they probably wish they had a choice.
Overall, we try to encourage our kids to be helpful and good friends by giving them opportunities to practice, and BigHouse events have been great for that. They are able to help with set up and clean up, as well as welcoming new kids and being inclusive. Sometimes, the kids we serve have a hard time, and that may be expressed through their behavior. This has been a great opportunity for my own children to learn that giving support and grace to their peers when they are struggling is the loving thing to do.
We want our kids to see and define others as people first, not just their behaviors, abilities, or situations. Being exposed to all types of children and families in authentic ways, instead of just encouraging our kids to feel sorry for these kids in these situations, makes a difference.
AOP: What values do you prioritize in your parenting?
MM: We prioritize our faith in Jesus and the importance of his love and sacrifice in our family. We also believe in authenticity; we want our kids to see the same parents behind closed doors that they see going to church, leading an organization, or teaching at Auburn. We try to teach our children to value relationships and to love others by modeling healthy friendships and relationships.
Honesty and being trustworthy are incredibly important to us as parents as well. Showing respect and being worthy of receiving respect are also important. We want our kids to treat others how they want to be treated.
AOP: How has your own mother played a role in your motherhood journey?
MM: I have always been very close with my mom, and she has helped me see the kind of mom I want to be. She added so much color, creativity, and fun to my childhood, and I hope I am doing the same for my kids. My mom loves my husband and kids and is supportive of the choices we make for our family. She has been a great cheerleader for me throughout my motherhood journey!
AOP: What advice would you give to someone who is considering foster care for their family?
MM: I think my advice for someone considering foster care might be the same as my advice to any mom - find your people. Specifically for foster parents, find others who can support your journey and understand the unique challenges you will face. Foster care can be a really lonely space, so connecting with other foster parents is helpful. One of our biggest missions at BigHouse is to build relationships and create a community for foster parents to thrive in.
Rapid Fire Questions:
1) Sweet or Sour? Sweet
2) Books or Movies? Books
3) Breakfast or Dinner? Dinner
4) Inside or Outside? Outside
5) Two words to describe yourself? Determined Dreamer
Micah Melnick is the Executive Director of BigHouse Foundation in Opelika. She started this non-profit alongside her husband, Blake, while they were in college. Blake and Micah have four children - Anderson (14), Maggie(9), Myers (6) and Lucy Grace (1). The family enjoys swimming, grilling, and traveling. Micah thoroughly enjoys planning memorable vacations for her family.