YOU Don’t Get It GET the flu shot.
Everyone 6 months of age and older should get the flu shot, especially adults 65 and older, children 5 and younger, pregnant mothers, and people with certain medical conditions.
WASH your hands.
Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Don’t Spread It COVER your cough.
Cover you mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands.
STAY home.
Keep sick children at home. Teach them to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread easily this way.
Find More Information at EscambiaHealth.com or 1
greater-pensacola-parent-flu-jan20.indd 1
@HealthyEscambia www.facebook.com/auburnopelika.parents 12/10/2019 8:55:31 AM
January2022 21
Volume 6 Number 11
Columns 2
Publisher’s Note Lynn Knighton
Fun Games That Teach
15 games that teach kids spelling and reading comprehension.
Tweens, Teens & Screens Social media, devices and a focus on what our kids CAN do.
Kids Say the Wisest Things Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA
21 Tweens, Teens and
Kristi Bush, LSW
Dave Says
Which Private School? A three-step strategy to help you find the right fit for your family.
Private School Guide
Dave Ramsey
Our directory of Greater Pensacola private schools with all the details.
Departments On The Cover Cosette Schneider (6), Rose Schneider (10) and Simone Schneider (4) are daughters to Brent and Erika Schneider and granddaughters to Jeff and Mary Schneider. Cosette loves to be creative with art, spend time with nature, roller skating, and playing the ukulele. Rose is active in soccer, loves to bake, and is a big animal lover. Simone enjoys gymnastics and scootering around.
Bits and Pieces 8
School Bits 38
Family Calendar
Greater Pensacola Greater Pensacola’s Foremost Parenting Source
I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season filled with lots of family and friends. After having more limited holiday celebrations last year, it certainly was wonderful to attend more parties, and gather with extended family. One of our favorite things to do as a family is to play games. Every year we make sure we get at least two new games for Christmas, usually some type of board game and a smaller one we can keep in the “game bowl” on the coffee table (cards, Bananagrams, Dog Pile, Bells, etc). Last year we bought Rummikub and Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. I was excited to play Rummikub because I love numbers and felt I could do pretty well. Boy, was I wrong! My kids beat me every.single.time! It is a great game of strategy, math and memory, all skills I feel I have. Apparently, I need a lot more practice. When we pulled out Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza I thought, “This is where I will get them.” After all, adults pay way better attention than kids, right? WRONG! They skunked me at that game too! It was absolutely hilarious though. I laughed until I cried. Win or lose, playing games with the family is always a fun time and great for young brains... and my aging brain! Playing games not only creates fun family memories, but also encourages different skills like math, reading, memory, communication and more. In this month’s issue, we have included Kimberly Blaker’s feature, 15 Games That Teach Kids Spelling & Reading Comprehension, on page 18. She has some great suggestions for games at home or on the go! Speaking of education, the month of January typically kicks off the season of school registrations. Some families are fortunate enough to be zoned for a public school that they feel is a good fit for their child, while some families may be looking into other options. If you find yourself wanting to explore your options, I encourage you to flip over to page 22 where you will find Heidi Smith Luedtke’s article, A ThreeStep Strategy to Choosing a Private School. Once you have your checklist put together, flip over to page 33 where you will find several school options in our 2022 Private School Directory. Many private schools have also submitted advertorials that highlight their school with more details. The advertorials are included in alphabetical order and begin on page 25. I also encourage you to look through the School News. Many local schools send in news each month that spotlight various achievements, accolades, and activities that their students and faculty experience at their school. You will also see that Escambia County School District Elementary Schools Controlled Open Enrollment begins January 31, 2022 for the 2022-2023 school year. Whether you are researching schools, checking out the latest local activities or looking for family game night suggestions, I hope you enjoy this month’s issue. Wishing you and your family a year filled with peace, health and joy!
Publisher Lynn Knighton lynn@greaterpensacolaparents.com Editor DeAnne Watson editor@greaterpensacolaparents.com Associate Editor Alison Rouse Contributing Writers Kimberly Blaker Kristi Bush, LSW Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA Heidi Smith Luedtke, Ph.D. Dave Ramsey Cover Photography Naomi McIntosh Photography Facebook.com/NaomiMcIntoshPhotography @naomimcintoshphotography
President Jason Watson Advertising Sales Lynn Knighton ads@greaterpensacolaparents.com (850) 426-6222 Ad Design Tim Welch
Visit us at www.greaterpensacolaparents.com
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
Greater Pensacola Parents Magazine is founded on the principle that parenting is an exciting, diverse, challenging, and significant role in our community. Greater Pensacola Parents Magazine is a community advocate for families and the parenting process.
Greater Pensacola Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing, LLC. Mailing address: PO Box 6241 Pensacola, FL 32503. The phone number for voice and fax is (850) 426-6222. Greater Pensacola Parents is copyrighted 2022 by KeepSharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in Greater Pensacola Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.
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by Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA
“Who Made Communication So Hard?” (Part 1) development at each stage. This month, we are going to focus on birth to age 6. Talking alone is not how children at this age learn. Think about teaching a 6-month-old to play “peek a boo”. You hold his little hands in yours and go through the motions. One day, the child starts to cover his eyes on his own. It took your words and physical guidance for him to learn. Apply this approach to everything done with a child of this age. Do not simply say what you want them to do. Getting dressed, picking up toys, homework, etc. are all going to require your words and physical guidance for the child to fully understand and comply. We all want an obedient toddler. There is no better way to teach your child to comply than to physically help them follow through and praise them for doing what you asked.
Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit www.worksofwondertherapy.com.
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Steven Covey coined the famous phrase, “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.” Communication is the number one problem I encounter in family therapy. This obstacle was clearly expressed in a text I received from an exasperated teenage client, “Who made communication so hard?” Such a wise question. I simply responded, “Everyone sweet girl, everyone.” Miscommunications tend to occur in families for two reasons. First, parents are not communicating on the developmentally appropriate level of their child. Second, parents are talking more than they are listening. If you want to communicate better with your children, you need to understand how children at each age and stage best receive information. To fully appreciate this, we have to explore the cognitive and emotional
Children at this age are just becoming aware of their emotions and do not know how to communicate them without screaming or crying. It is NORMAL for them to be overly emotional and illogical. It takes time to learn how to communicate and handle these complex feelings. How do we teach them? The same approach: words and physical guidance. When your child is sad that she can’t have a cookie, pick her up and say, “I am so sorry you are sad that you can’t have the cookie, but you have to eat the chicken first.” That way you are teaching her to name her emotion and express it calmly with words. In teaching children to handle emotions you can also use games. Say an emotion and have your child make a face to express it. Have them practice “healthy” ways to express emotions by acting and saying their feelings in appropriate ways. Just say, “Pretend you are angry, what could you do?” Give them verbal hints to use calm words to express what made them angry and then physically encourage them to scribble, take a walk, or throw pillows to get out their frustration. The bottom line to communicating well with children this age…do not just talk. You are going to have to use lots of gestures and physical guidance to ensure they fully understand what you are saying.
episcopal DAY SCHOOL
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Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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PLT Auditions for Disney’s Moana, Jr.
Junior League of Pensacola Hosts Women’s Empowerment Luncheon
Jan. 31-Feb. 1 * 6:30 p.m. Large cast, 18 years or younger, directed by Stephen Lott with music directed by Tom Baroco for Treehouse on the main stage. For more info, call (850) 432-2042 or visit www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/.
The Junior League of Pensacola is hosting its annual Women’s Empowerment Luncheon on March 8 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Pensacola Country Club. Six local women will receive a Women’s Empowerment Award. The purpose of these awards is to build up women who display the traits of what it truly means to be a woman leader in the Pensacola community. We invite members of our community to nominate exceptional women for these awards. All nominations must be submitted by January 15. We are currently accepting nominations for the following categories: Woman in Business, NonProfit; Woman in Business, For-Profit; Woman in Philanthropy; Hometown Hero; Youth Woman in Leadership (ages 15-22); and Mary Raine Hill Award. Nomination and sponsorship forms can be found at https://pensacola.jl.org/ events/womens-empowerment-luncheon/. Ticket sales for this event will begin on January 15 and will continue until sold out.
Gulf Breeze Zoo Welcomes New Baby Orangutan
Gulf Breeze Zoo announces the recent birth of a female orangutan named Isadora who will serve as an important ambassador for her species. Born in September to mom, Indah, and dad, Louie, Isadora is being hand-raised by animal care specialists due to Indah’s lack of maternal instincts toward the baby, causing zoo staff to intervene. The staff’s goal is to introduce Isadora to another orangutan to become her surrogate mother, but for now, she is in the care of zoo staff behind the scenes and will not be on exhibit. Visit www.GBZoo.com.
Pensacola Mardi Gras Kick-Off Event
January 7 * 5 p.m. Jefferson Street Celebrate the beginning of Mardi Gras at the 2022 Twelfth Night Party featuring live music, food, drink and revelry in the city’s largest STREET PARTY! With free public access to the Mardi Gras floats lined up along a barricaded Chase Street just adjacent to East Garden District. Masks in one form or another have always been a big part of Mardi Gras. For 2022, we are continuing the 2021 modern twist on this and inviting our friends and neighbors to “Laissez le masque le faire” or translated “Let the Mask Make it Happen!” We encourage Krewes to decorate their masks and enjoy an outdoor event with their masks. In 2022, masks can and will let Mardi Gras happen! Regular ticket prices for general admission are $60, VIP: $125. For more info, visit https:// pensacolamardigras.com/kickoff-celebration/.
Pensacola Symphony Presents: Beethoven and Blue Jeans
January 15 * 7:30 p.m. Pensacola Saenger Theatre This annual celebration of Beethoven is anchored by the composer’s First Symphony. We will also explore the pairing of music with poetry and verse in a program curated in partnership with Northwest Florida’s former Poet Laureate. Poets Jamey Jones and Charles McCaskill will read their poems aloud as the orchestra performs musical selections from George Walker and Tobias Picker. Tickets begin at $23. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/.
Local Writer Featured in Humor Anthology with Best-Selling Writers
Local writer Mandy B. Fernandez is featured in the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop book, Sisters! Bonded by Love and Laughter, that highlights humorous and heartwarming stories about sisters — and soul sisters. With contributions from eight New York Times best-selling authors, such as Jenny Lawson and Kelly Corrigan, and Saturday Night Live favorites like Alan Zweibel and Laraine Newman, this book brings together dozens of powerful and hilarious stories of the special bond that sisters create in a lifetime. It’s the ultimate humorous guide on sisterhood. Fernandez takes on the theme of sisters as she writes about her “sister from another mister,” Jynell. In her piece titled, “Code Word: Hoobasflagen,” Fernadez tells about the evolution of a code word she created as a child, which was initially created to alert the other sister of danger. This tale captures a young bond that turned into a 40-plus-year friendship due to the creation of a silly word. The book began when Marcia Stewart, an editor from the Bay Area, and Teri Rizvi, director of the workshop, came up with the idea to launch a competition for writers with amusing stories about their sisters after the loss of Stewart’s own sister, Nickie. Hundreds of writers around the world sent in stories and 21 winners spotlighted in the book. Fernandez is an award-winning essayist and short story writer. She is the author of Kazoo Makes the Team, the children’s book about the Pensacola Blue Wahoos’ baseball team mascot, Kazoo. She is featured in the Florida Writers Association and Pensacola Moms Collective. Her work has appeared in numerous publications throughout the Gulf Coast.
Sandy Sansing Makes Contribution to Mission of Gulf Coast Kid’s House
Gulf Coast Kid’s House (GCKH) announces that Sandy Sansing has made a $100,000 donation to support their mission to end child abuse and heal families in Escambia County. “Words cannot express the deep appreciation Gulf Coast Kid’s House has for Sandy Sansing and his family,” said GCKH Board Chair David Peaden. “Sandy has been a longtime financial supporter of Gulf Coast Kid’s House for many years, and he is someone who continues to give back to our community. Thousands of children have come through the doors of Gulf Coast Kid’s House and have found hope and healing because of Sandy’s generosity. Selfless people like Sandy are truly worth their weight in gold.” Sandy Sansing and his dedicated family have been supporters of GCKH for almost 20 years. This philanthropic family has played a vital role in the growth of the GCKH mission by contributing more than half a million dollars since 2005. GCKH’s mission is to end child abuse and heal families through collaborative intervention, family support and prevention education. Learn more by visiting www.gulfcoastkidshouse.org or by calling (850) 512-2754 and (850) 490-9517. Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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68th Annual Youth Art Focus
Pensacola Saenger Theatre Presents Kansas
January 21-February 27 The Pensacola Museum of Art, in partnership with Escambia County Public Schools, presents the 68th Annual Youth Art Focus exhibition highlighting the best work from art students and educators from Escambia County Schools. Escambia County Schools can tour the museum for free as a part of this partnership, and we generally welcome roughly 2,000 students through our doors while this exhibition is on view. For more info, call (850) 432-6247 or visit www.pensacolamuseum.org/.
January 7 * 8 p.m. Originally launched as a celebration of the 40th anniversary of the massive hit album Point of Know Return, the band will perform the album in its entirety. The tour showcases classic Kansas music including hit songs, deep cuts, fan favorites, and will include selections from the band’s latest studio album The Absence of Presence. Tickets begin at $68. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/.
An Evening in Israel
Double Bridge Run
January 13 * 6-7:30 p.m. Pensacola Opera Center, 75 S Tarragona The Global Corner will celebrate this year’s Passport Program with “An Evening in Israel” where we will feature authentic Israeli food and signature Israeli wine and take a peek at this year’s in-school curriculum. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Global Corner’s educational in-school Passport Program in area elementary schools. Tickets are $70 at the door. For more info, call (850) 332-6404 or visit https://theglobalcorner.org/ gc_event/an-evening-in-israel/.
February 5 * 7 a.m. Community Maritime Park This 15K carries runners over two bridges, across Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Sound. It will run from downtown Pensacola with a tour that includes the historic district, and picturesque Bayfront Parkway, a run through Gulf Breeze, and onto Pensacola Beach. There is also a 5K starting at 8:30 a.m. (Daniel Dr., Gulf Breeze, adjacent to the Football Stadium). For more info, call (850) 434-2800 or visit https://pensacolasports.org/.
Now Open!
Join us at the newly opened Pensacola Children’s Museum where we make learning fun! Find our updated hours and site information by visiting HistoricPensacola.org. 7
Autauga County Schools
East Hill Participates In History Fair
Santa Rosa Online K-3 Classes Visit Planetarium
Santa Rosa Online K-3 students recently had a meet-up day at the park as well as a field trip to the PSC Planetarium. They learned about stars, planets and currently visible constellations.
Local Firefighters Visit St. Paul
Students at St. Paul Catholic School had a wonderful visit from several of the firefighters from Station #1. They learned about fire safety and got to check out an engine and equipment up close.
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
This year’s National History Day theme was Debate and Diplomacy in History: Success, Failure and Consequences. East Hill Christian middle and high school students presented outstanding History Fair projects that displayed their hard work and enthusiasm for their chosen topic. Winners will represent EHCS at the Escambia County District History Fair in early 2022. Junior Individual Exhibit winners were: first place: Emma Gleason; second place: Joshua Lawson and third place: Austin Metheny. Junior Group Exhibit winners were: first place: Emma Osborn and Abby Hudspeth; second place: Brooke Stubblefield and Emmy DeLaMare. Junior Individual Website first place winner was Jack Treick. Senior Individual Exhibit winners were: first place: Gracie Hamilton; second place: Lindsay Thomas; and third place: Gwyneth Keene. Senior Group Exhibit winners were: first place: Sophia Bondurant and Bailey Hansler; second place: Abigail Hrabar, Reiss Goldman and Carsyn Clanton; third place: Brianna Creel, Abbey Grace Kughn and Sadie Schrimsher. Senior Individual Website winners were: first place: Christopher Hatsfelt; second place: Mychaela Lingo; and third place: Kharis Young. Senior Group Website winners were: first place: Andy Bosarge, Kessler Ferry and Daniel Lysenko; second place: Drew Blevins, Caleb Waters and Schyler Witter; and third place: Nathan Liechty, Kaleb Roberts and Isaiah Logsdon. Senior Individual Documentary first place winner was Jonathan Lin.
O.J. Semmes Hosts Family Night Event
O.J. Semmes Elementary School hosted a “Fam Jam” Family Night event December 3. School staff welcomed Semmes families between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m. There were games, crafts and books for students and their families to take home. A spaghetti dinner was provided for all participants. Parents and guardians had the opportunity to meet teachers, and representatives from George Stone Technical College, Children’s Home Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida, Parent University, Pensacola Public Library, and several area youth sports associations were in attendance to provide information about services and activities available to Semmes families. Additionally, transportation to and from the event was provided from Pensacola Village Apartments.
Pensacola Catholic High Conducts Operation St. Nicholas
Every year during the first week of December, the campus ministry at Pensacola Catholic High School, spearheaded by Campus Minister Rebecca Carter, conducts its annual Operation St. Nicholas. Students are asked to bring in at least one stocking, filled with items like small puzzles, baby dolls, cars, action figures, Barbies, coloring books, crayons, bouncing balls, small stuffed animals, toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc. Stockings are collected in Religion classes and then during the Annual Christmas Mass, the students process to the altar to deposit the stockings during the Offertory, the time during the Mass when our gifts are brought to the Lord to be blessed. This year’s stockings were donated first to Catholic High’s ‘partners-in-education’ schools, Oakcrest Elementary and Global Learning Academy, to ensure every child had a stocking. The remaining stockings went to other local agencies to ensure they were given to children in need. In the past, Favor House, Ronald McDonald House, Catholic Charities, The Village Hands, Gulf Coast Kids’ House, and the Children’s Home Society have all been recipients of stockings from Catholic High School. A BIG “thank you” goes out to all the students, parents, faculty and staff at Catholic High School who made this year’s collection another great one to ensure the beauty and love of Christmas is shared with children across our community!
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Autauga County Schools
Santa Rosa Online Accepting 2022-23 Applications
Santa Rosa Online/Blended Academy is accepting applications for grades K -12 for the 2022-2023 school year. Santa Rosa Online is an exciting opportunity for the students of the Santa Rosa County School District to move beyond the traditional school setting into the world of online learning. Serving Santa Rosa students in home education, public education and private education, Santa Rosa Online offers online courses free of charge to Santa Rosa students through: Santa Rosa Online, a franchise of Florida Virtual School; Fuel Education (formerly known as K12); and Connections Learning—all fully accredited and established leaders in providing online learning opportunities throughout the world. Santa Rosa Online is located on the campus of Locklin Technical College, a Santa Rosa County school which provides technical and supplemental training and academic education to students. To register or for more info, visit www. santarosaonline.org or call (850) 981-7860.
East Hill Christian Participates in Operation Christmas Child
Every year, the East Hill Christian School elementary classes cheerfully take part in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. We have been so proud of the generosity of our students in their participation in the past and are extremely proud of their generosity this year as well. We had an amazing amount of items turned in—so much that we are able to also donate to foster families for Christmas. We are so thankful for our students and families and for their compassionate hearts!
Please email news to editor@ greaterpensacolaparents.com.
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Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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p t m a s c i P s p L f t p s e s p g t a e
CLA Project Draykon Defense
At the end of every semester, middle school students at Creative Learning Academy are frantically preparing for their Project Draykon Defense. Project Draykon is a crosscurricular approach to a culminating, semester-long project in which our students focus on an area of their own interest that encompasses history, literature, art and music. Project Draykon takes careful planning, but allows our students to enhance their own independent learning and enables them to think beyond the confines of the CLA curriculum. Project re-quirements include a 6-8 page research paper, creative English writing and a handmade artifact. All elements must be centered on the topic selected by the student. The Project Draykon Defense is a scholarly forum that allows students to present their project’s contents and defend their research before a panel of instructors. The student is then required to answer all questions asked by their instructors throughout their defense. The main purpose of the Draykon Defense is to provide students a forum to test their research and ideas. Questions typically tie historical events to modern problems or ideas and forces students to think critically about how the past informs the future. Project Draykon is essential to the learning process here at Creative Learning Academy. Our faculty firmly believes that this type of independent learning and instruction is an incredibly effective way to teach students transferable problem solving skills, give real-world meaning to school assignments, and increase student engagement and rigor.
LEAD Academy Donuts with Dad
Kindergartners at the L.E.A.D. Academy Genesis campus enjoyed “Donuts with Dad” November 5. The students were able to show their fathers around their classroom and talk about all their schoolroom activities. Then they all sat down and had a donut together.
Autauga County Schools
Stuttering Awareness at St. Paul Catholic
Santa Rosa Online Goes Mad with Math
St. Paul Catholic School is incredibly proud of this Spartan! She showed great fortitude and spoke to every class and gave them all pencils to bring awareness to stuttering for International Stuttering Awareness Day. Bravo!
Santa Rosa Online held a Mad Scientist Lab and Math Day. Students participated in hands-on experiments and collaborative math projects. Special thanks to Pace High Bio-Tech classes for their collaboration with SRO students!
Sheriff’s Office Visits Little Flower
Please email news to editor@ greaterpensacolaparents.com.
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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Little Flower Catholic School had a wonderful on-campus field trip with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office! Two K-9 units and four mounted police visited our school and put on a show for pre-K through 1st grade. The students thoroughly enjoyed seeing the show and petting the animals. Our teachers and students were able to learn several facts about the K-9 and mounted units. Thank you to the ECSO for coming out to visit us at Little Flower!
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Pensacola Catholic’s Annual Fall Food Drive is Back on Track!
The annual food drive usually conducted in the fall each year at Catholic High School was delayed in 2020 because of COVID-19 and was pushed to spring 2021. The students were excited to get “back on track” with this year’s drive! Students, parents, faculty and staff donated more than 41,000 non-perishable food items November 1-18. The Student Council, moderated by English teacher Julie Remke, helped to spearhead the drive working closely with all faculty. Items collected were given to the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry, St. Joseph Food Pantry, and the Alfred-Washburn Center. This project conducted every year, regardless of the time of year it is carried out, is in line with all of Catholic High’s core values, and these donations will no doubt make a big difference in the lives of families in our community!
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CA Weis Celebrates New Walking Track
On December 1, C.A. Weis Elementary hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the grand opening of a new outdoor walking track, benches and signage. Core partners and community leaders celebrated alongside the student step team, drumline, track team and special guests. Impact 100 Pensacola Bay Area provided funding for the walking track. C.A. Weis is a collaborative partnership among Children’s Home Society of Florida, Community Health of Northwest Florida, Escambia County School District and the University of West Florida. Together, partners focus on removing tough barriers to learning by bringing together high-quality academics, health care, counseling, support and more— right on-site at the school. Since implementing the innovative Community Partnership Schools Model, C.A. Weis has increased access to healthcare, family education and after-school activities. The Community Partnership Schools model, core partners – in collaboration with local nonprofits, businesses, the faith community and more – work within the school to address the spectrum of socioeconomic barriers affecting students’ educational advancement.
Autauga County Schools
St. Paul Holds Accelerated Reader Party for 3rd-5th Graders
Third-, fourth- and fifth-grade Spartans who met their Accelerated Reader goals at St. Paul Catholic School enjoyed Sky’s pizza pies and mini bundt cakes at a special party to end the first quarter.
LEAD Students Pack Christmas Shoeboxes
LEAD Academy students participated in Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child. Each student packed a box to donate and included a personal note. The students were so excited to give their gifts, knowing that each box will be received by a child their age along with the gospel message.
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Please email news and photos to schoolnews@ greaterpensacolaparents.com
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u Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
East Hill 6th-Grade Science Machines
Sixth-graders at East Hill Christian School have been learning about simple and compound machines and building with Legos! Retired Air Force Master Sergeant Van Lewis demonstrated tools and safety. He encouraged the students by sharing his testimony about working on aircrafts for our country for more than 23 years.
Pensacola Catholic High School Holds Christmas Assembly
On December 3, the students at Pensacola Catholic High School were thrilled to hold their Annual Christmas Assembly. The students and administrators alike were excited to be able to host the event this year after having to cancel last year’s show due to Covid concerns. Students, administrators and music directors from Oakcrest Elementary and Global Learning Academy (GLA) come to sing for the CHS student body and the CHS band and chorus also perform. There is even a brief visit by Santa and some of his elves as they take a break from their activities in the North Pole to stop by to wish the assembly a “merry Christmas!” Pensacola Catholic High School has a special bond with Oakcrest and GLA as they are both ‘partner-in-education’ schools. Catholic High works together with both elementary schools throughout the school year on mutually enjoyable and helpful projects and activities. Some activities in the past have included CHS assisting with running Halloween carnivals, reading to classrooms, conducting Operation St. Nicholas to provide Christmas stockings to students at both schools, and completing special projects during the annual Make a Difference Day coordinated by Catholic High. The partnership with Oakcrest Elementary began in 1994, and the partnership with GLA began first as a partnership with Hallmark and Allie Yniestra Elementary schools in 2005. These two schools merged in 2011 to become GLA and the partnership with them is now in its 16th year. CHS also has another special connection to these schools in that both principals are Catholic High Alumni, Linda Bonifay ’78 at Oakcrest and Judy Garcia LaBounty ’79 at GLA.
Controlled Open Enrollment Begins January 31
Escambia County School District’s elementary schools controlled open enrollment begins January 31 for the 2022-2023 school year. During this open enrollment period you may select three different schools to apply for. You are not able to submit applications for overcapacity schools. Open enrollment closes March 4. For more info, visit https://ecsd-fl. schoolloop.com/schoolchoice.
Autauga County Schools
LEAD Enjoys Thanksgiving Feast
LEAD Academy parents were invited to share a Thanksgiving Feast with their children on November 19. The kids learned about the first Thanksgiving that the Pilgrims shared and enjoyed some of the same foods as well. There was plenty to eat and a fun time was had by all.
Santa Rosa Online Students Display Artwork
Santa Rosa Online students were able to show their amazing talents at the Greater Gulf Coast Arts Festival. Middle school winners were Anna U., first place; Zoe P., second place; Lily M., third place; and Addisen W., honorable mention. High school winner was Connor S., photography honorable mention.
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Engaging in written communication is a necessary skill that kids will need to succeed in all areas of school and life. Reading comprehension is key to understanding what others are trying to communicate. At the same time, spelling helps ensure that the person or people you’re communicating with can comprehend what you’re trying to say and give you the confidence to convey your message successfully. Although children learn these concepts in school, some of the best learning happens during play. When kids enjoy themselves, they can more fully engage with content and even remember and understand it much faster and more completely. Many types of games teach or boost spelling and reading comprehension for various ages and interests and in several formats.
The fun games here can help your kids develop their reading and spelling skills. Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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Board games Context Clues Pirate Treasure is a reading comprehension board game for reading levels 2.0-3.5 (around 2nd-3rd grades). Players read story cards and answer comprehension questions using context clues to move around the board and be the first to reach the treasure. Inference School Days is a reading comprehension game explicitly focusing on the skill of inference. The blue level is for reading levels 3.5-5.0 (around 3rd-5th grades). Players use inference to correctly answer questions on the story cards to earn their diplomas. Dabble is a spelling and vocabulary board
game for ages 8 and up but great for family game night. Each player gets letter tiles and tries to arrange them into five words of various lengths before the time runs out.
Play on Words is a spelling card game
for ages 8 and up. It’s easy to take with you on the go or keep in your bag for travel fun. Players use letter cards to spell out words but can change, rearrange, and steal to make it more challenging.
My First Bananagrams is a spelling game for early learners ages 4 and up. It uses letter combo tiles and lowercase letter tiles to ease pre-readers and early readers into the game by making word creation easier. When your child is ready, upgrade to the original Bananagrams for ages 7 and up.
Online games IXL is an online educational game site with memberships for the pre-k-12th grade. It has many subjects, including language arts, broken down by grade level, topics, and skill plans. It offers specific sections for reading comprehension and spelling, but also related concepts to further understanding. PBS Kids has a website with learning
games aimed at younger children. There is a section solely for reading games that work on reading comprehension, spelling, and more. The site also has parent resources for kids learning at home.
Teach Your Monster to Read offers three game levels for beginning readers up to older children who need practice. Letter and sound phonics practice have increasingly difficult combinations that reinforce 19
spelling. As children improve, they move on to reading and comprehending sentences. The computer version is free from the Usborne Foundation.
Adventure Academy is a multi-subject
learning game for ages 8-13 with games, activities, and interactive play with friends. The language arts curriculum includes comprehension, spelling practice, and more. It offers a monthly or yearly subscription.
ABCmouse is by the same group as Adventure Academy. It teaches subjects to children ages 2-8 through games, songs, books, videos, printables, and more for a monthly or yearly subscription. The language arts curriculum starts with basics and progresses in difficulty as kids learn.
Phone app games iTooch has educational apps designed for each grade from 1st-8th with multi-subject and language arts options. It aligns with Common Core standards and has engaging activities and games to promote learning. (price varies)
Spark Reading for Kids is an app for
children in grades 2-8 to work on reading comprehension aligned with Common Core standards. Learners choose their favorite topics from fiction and non-fiction content, then take tests to assess their understanding. (free with in-app purchases)
Spellbee: Spelling Bee Games is a
spelling and vocabulary app for grades 1-9 with over 70,000 words. Learners can play games and study words by grade level or topic to develop spelling skills and compete on a global leaderboard. (free with in-app purchases)
Khan Academy and Khan Academy Kids (ages 2-7) offer lessons by grade,
Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year!
A+ Spelling Bee English Words is an app for young learners to work on spelling skills. Learners can choose difficulty and mode, then drag letters to make the word for the picture. (free with in-app purchases) GPP
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
topic, or age, including language arts with spelling and reading comprehension. These are aligned to 1st grade standards at Khan Academy Kids and grades 2-9 in the original Khan Academy. (free)
Kimberly Blaker is a freelance writer. She also owns an online store, Sage Rare & Collectible Books, specializing in out-of-print, scarce, signed, and first editions; fine bindings; ephemera and more at sagerarebooks.com.
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Social Media, Devices and What Our Kids CAN Do If you have kids or teens, you probably have some sort of a new device floating around after the holidays. Maybe a computer, iPad, smartphone, tablet or gaming device. According to research by Common Sense Media from 2019, 53 percent of kids own a smart phone by age 11. And 84 percent of teenagers have their own phone. With the pandemic, and everyone being moved into the digital space now more than ever, those numbers have gone up. We have relied on our devices to help us navigate school, work, and keep a semblance of connection with one another. One of the side effects of so much device time means we are normalizing children younger and younger having access to a device. What does that mean for us as parents knowing that we need to protect them in this space? The conversations with our child about online safety can feel daunting. Overwhelming. Frustrating. The internet is a huge space in which our children can get lost. So our natural inclination is to immediately tell them what NOT to do. Why? Because we feel in bringing up all of the “wrong” things they shouldn’t do, our kids will recognize those wrong things and then simply not do them. After chatting with thousands of parents and teens, I can tell you that this method doesn’t necessarily work... for parent or child. Why? Because the internet is noisy, and what kids are seeing and doing will drown out any well meaning parent demands of what not to do. More importantly, teens are simply tired of hearing what NOT to do. They hear it everyday. It has now become background noise to them. A steady hum of annoyance that they shake their
heads, agree not to do the “wrong” thing, and move on with their online life. I always ask students during conferences if they are tired of hearing what “not” to do. I always get a loud, resounding, YES! I then ask if they have ever been told what they “can” do. The majority of them say, NO. If we are going to give them devices, we must tell them what they CAN do. I say all the time, kids are like having a puppy in your home. The puppy will chew on your furniture or it will chew on the bone that you give it. It’s the same thing with our kids in the online space. They are already doing it, we just simply need to re-direct them to a positive, appropriate place to….chew… if you will. So here are a few tips to help you have a “CAN” conversation with your child. Research and then teach them the apps they can use. Common Sense Media has a wonderful list of apps by age to help you find ones that are safe. There are apps for meditation and mindfulness. Kids are incredibly stressed and anxious. These apps are geared to teens and they are wonderful for walking them through anxious feelings. A fun project for you and your teen could be to start an after school or summer business together. Dog walking, baby sitting or grass cutting for instance. You set the business up on Facebook then work as a team answering messages and posting future information. This is a wonderful way to teach them responsibility online, as well as being something you can do together. I tell kids all the time that Facebook may be for old people, but if they want to make some money…then that is the place to be! This will also teach them business skills they need as they get jobs and go to college. Speaking of, if they have Instagram or Tik 21
Tok, and they are getting ready for college, they can hashtag the schools they are interested in. This will give an insider’s view of what the schools are really like. If they play team sports, using their social media to uplift the team is a wonderful way to use their online time. Teach them how to explore the world virtually. Do you have a want to be traveler? The possibilities here are endless. They can “visit” virtually all of the places they want to travel to, make a list, then set goals to see the places in person one day. Help them set up a blog or a vlog where they can begin to showcase their writing skills. Do you have an author in your home? The ideas and opportunities to teach them what they CAN do here are endless. Our kids are inundated with online stressors every day. In teaching them what they CAN do, through conversations about what they are interested in, we can slowly begin to shift the negative direction of online use. They can begin to learn how to prioritize their time, protect their online space, and feel empowered knowing that they decide where to put their virtual energy every day. And what a wonderful way to kick off the new year…with positive, safe interaction online!
Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.
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St Comparing private schools is challenging because each institution offers unique programs in aunique environment. One may present a specialized science curriculum geared toward a future in engineering, while another focuses on developing cooperation and compassion through active community service. The comparisons parents must make are apples-to-oranges at best.
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Faced with so much detailed information about so many exciting opportunities, it’s hard to stay focused on the end goal: finding the best educational option for your student. Approach the school selection process with this three-step strategy to make sure your child’s needs come first.
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Step 1: Assess your Values Start your school-selection process at home. “Ask yourself what you expect of a school and what you expect of your child, in terms of attitude, behavior, motivation and achievement,” says educational psychologist Jennifer Little, Ph.D., founder of Parents Teach Kids. You may want a school that has high cultural or ethnic diversity, or whose students and staff have religious values similar to those of your family. Clarifying your values will help you put schools’ marketing materials in context. Acknowledge practical matters as well. Determine how far you’re willing to drive and how much tuition you can afford. Be honest with yourself about the level of involvement you will have in your child’s school. Many private schools require parents to volunteer a specified number of hours. Create a personal checklist of your requirements and limitations so you don’t overlook important factors.
Step 2: Seek Info For each potential school, collect information on curriculum, student-teacher ratio and academic outcomes. Study data that show how students scored on placement tests for math, English and foreign languages, and pay particular attention to how many students graduate and what schools they attend next. Also, pay attention to accreditation. The National Association of Independent Schools and similar state associations require member schools to uphold rigorous standards and to undergo periodic review. This makes school officials accountable to other educators who are in touch with national standards and teaching trends. Examine course descriptions, materials and teacher preparation to evaluate the quality of a school’s curriculum. Also, ask about choice. You want your child to have a firm foundation in primary subjects and a choice among interesting electives. Kids are motivated to learn when they can pursue subjects they select. Learn about the availability of special programs that interest your child, such as language immersion or music instruction. Visit schools on your short list to evaluate the academic workload and environment. Ask students how much homework they do each night and attend classes to see how teachers affect learning. Do they use readings, lectures or group discus-
TRINITAS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Kindergarten Readiness 7:45-11:00am January 5, 13, 20, 25
Junior Kindergarten Meet and Greet 7:45-9:00am January 11, 19, 24, February 1 Call 850.484.3515 - limited space available
sion? Do students do projects, community service or internships at local businesses or universities? A school’s instructional strategy should match up with its educational objectives and your child’s learning style, Little says. Highly competitive classes can undermine learning for some students. Others might be frustrated by a collaborative approach. Keep in mind a school is more than its academic programs. It is a community of learners. Observe social dynamics among students and ask how teachers encourage cooperation and manage behavior problems. Kids can’t learn when they’re struggling with classroom chaos or feel left out of exclusive cliques. Look at how adults are involved in the school. A strong parent-teacher association ensures that ideas and information flow both ways. Involvement from alumni suggests a strong sense of pride in the institution. Find out how long teachers have been at the school and whether they receive regular professional development. High turnover may reflect bad management. It can also create a poor climate for learning.
Step 3: Focus on Fit “Ideally, you want to match the school to the learner,” says Faya Hoffman, founder of the Washington, D.C. learning concierge service, My Learning Springboard. “A school with a phenomenal reputation may not be the right fit for your child.” Be honest about whether an institution’s approach fits with your student’s interests and temperament. If your child has an Individualized Educational Plan due to learning (or other) disabilities, find out what services are available to meet his needs. Smaller schools may not have full-time staff to provide speech or occupational therapy or counseling services. Speak directly with staff members who provide services your child needs, so you understand how your child will get help. Knowing what to expect sets everyone up for success. Although it may be inconvenient, Hoffman says siblings may need different educational approaches and/or different schools to learn and thrive. Focus on each student as an individual to make the best educational decisions for your family. GPP Heidi Smith Luedtke is a personality psychologist and mom of two. She is the author of Detachment Parenting.
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
we've got good vibes
6th - 8th Grade
Encouraging academic exploration and risk-taking to thrive in a small classroom environment with passionate specialized teachers A challenging academic curriculum that incorporates inquiry based, constructivist, and traditional approaches to teaching and learning. Our teachers are dedicated to helping students discover their individual strengths. Relationship building, chapel, and service learning demonstrate our strongly held belief that character development is just as important as academic development. In mind, body, and spirit EDS prepares students for the rigors of high school and adulthood.
PreK2 - 1st Grade Instilling a love of learning through play, exploration, problem-solving and skill development
2nd - 5th Grade
Our classrooms are inviting and the curriculum is focused on reading and math readiness, art, science, and social studies. We emphasize social development, task management and creativity. The integrated enrichment programs include music, Spanish, library, movement/physical education, technology and chapel.
Engaging and hands-on learning opportunities where students are encouraged to learn through active participation We provide a nurturing environment for all learning styles. Students transition from beginning readers to researchers and from basic mathematicians to problem- solvers, all while developing critical thinking skills, and creativity.
At EDS we dream BIG...
We are driven by the desire to educate the whole child through a commitment to excellence, supporting children in the classroom, on the playground, and beyond.
In fifth grade, students focus on developing study and organizational skills, time management, and decisionmaking. Students engage in an integrated approach to learning. Weaving together literature, contemporary issues, science, economics, mathematics, and writing, students gain skills for living and working in a global community.
Apply Today schedule a tour
Ride the Wave
850.434.6474 | www.edscc.org | 223 N Palafox Street 27
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
K3-12 • Caring Faculty • Challenging Academics • Competative Sports Program • Uplifting Bible Classes & Chapel
• Relevant Technology • Inspiring Music, Drama, & Arts • Affordable Rates • Helpful Extended Care Program
5621 Hwy. 90, Milton, FL
(850) 623-9306 | wfbacademy.org
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
Aletheia Christian Academy ad on page 19
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1700 Woodchuck Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32504 Mission: The mission and purpose of Aletheia Christian Academy is to provide a Christ-centered education to children of Christian families, equipping them spiritually, academically, and physically for today and eternity. Grades: VPK - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Cheerleading, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Softball (850) 969-0088 www.acalions.org
Creative Learning Academy ad on page 16, 25
3151 Hyde Park Road, Pensacola, FL 32503 Mission: Preparing students to learn, lead, and become the creative problem solvers of the future. Grades: 3 years - 8th grade Extra Curricular: In 2022 CLA is celebrating its 50th year of offering opportunities for a variety of academic, athletic, and artistic enrichment. Athletic offerings include volleyball, flag football, basketball, track and field, soccer and independent programs for tennis and swimming. Middle school students participate in elective courses that include Latin, musical theatre, Mock Trial, bookmaking and coding. Additional Info: CLA encourages creative learning opportunities, the practice of integrity and honesty, the development of intercultural awareness and respect, and the support of a caring community. The students are encouraged to think beyond the classroom walls, explore creative ideas, and take intellectual risks. A supportive and experienced faculty help students engage in effective communication and develop collaboration skills in order to become innovative problem solvers. Service learning, leadership, and character education are at the center of student life at CLA. In addition to the core subjects, all students participate in enrichment classes including Spanish, art, music, physical education, and technology. Spanish, physical education, and recess occur on a daily basis. Students also participate in a variety of off-campus opportunities including trips to St. Augustine, Tallahassee, Dauphin Island, Montgomery, and Washington D.C. For close to 40 years, CLA 8th grade students have been the only middle school class in the United States invited to participate in a 9-day Outward Bound experience. Before School and After School Care programs are available.
(850) 432-1768 admissions@creativelearningacademy.org www.creativelearningacademy.org
East Hill Christian School ad on page 11, 26
1301 East Gonzalez Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Mission: The Mission of EHCS is to educate students morally, intellectually, and physically, based on the WORD of GOD, in a loving, Christian environment. Grades: VPK - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Spelling Bee, Science Fair, History Fair, Accelerated Reader Program, Pep Squad, National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Student Council, Student Government Association, Student Leadership Institute, Student Mentoring Program, Service Projects, Yearbook, ACT Prep, Chapel Praise Band, Field Trips, Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Cheerleading, Baseball, Softball, Tennis Golf. Additional Info: EHCS is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), and partners with the home in an education for the whole child. Parents are involved through Parent-Teacher Fellowship (PTF), Booster Club, classroom volunteers, and field trips.
(850) 438-7746 info@ehcseagles.com www.ehcs.org
Episcopal Day School ad on page 4, 27
223 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Mission: Episcopal Day School prepares students for a life of learning and meaningful service in a diverse and global world, by providing academic excellence and character formation inclusive of all of God’s children and grounded in the Episcopal tradition. Grades: PreK2 - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Our faculty and staff members work hard to provide programs that support our families and educate the whole child. All enrolled families have access to extended care programs throughout the year. EDS is a member of the Catholic Youth Sports League. Our athletes compete in a variety of sports including basketball, football (tackle and flag), and volleyball. Any students in the Pensacola community are welcome to attend our Summer Camp programs in June and July. Additional Info: Please contact Lisee Sherrill at lsherrill@edscc.org to schedule a tour today! We are now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year. (850) 434-6474 info@edscc.org www.edscc.org
Pensacola Christian Academy
Little Flower Catholic School
ad on page 14, 30
ad on page 13, 28
10 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503 Mission: At every level from kindergarten to high school, enrollment at PCA means a solid academic education, a firm foundation for lifelong learning. In an always changing world, students at PCA learn from a basis of unchanging principles that reinforce Christian character and patriotism. Grades: K4 - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Athletics: Track, Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Cheer, Baseball,. Students can choose from Chess, Debate, Engineering & Robotics, Young Patriotic Americans, Craft & Cooking, and more.
6495 Lillian Highway, Pensacola, FL 32506 Mission: In the spirit of our patroness St. Therese, Little Flower Catholic School cultivates learners and disciples committed to academic, spiritual, and personal growth in an environment that nurtures our commitment to â do small things with great love. Grades: PreK - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Tackle Football, Flag Football, Soccer, Track, Basketball, Cheer, Volleyball. Student Council, Safety Patrol, Choir. Additional Info: At Little Flower Catholic School, we take pride in helping our students know the value of hard work, appreciate how they grow and mature as they are challenged to learn, and celebrate the determination and grit that it takes to become successful. We offer a rigorous curriculum in a supportive environment and we are ever mindful that each child is unique, bringing special talents and interests to our school. Our highly qualified faculty works diligently to create meaningful learning experiences within a student-centered environment motivating children to actively participate in their own education. We recognize the imperative need for students to understand how their classroom work translates to the world in which they live. Little Flower Catholic School is a community that is born from the Communion that Christ has established here on earth, the Church. We strive to live with the awareness that Christ is in our midst and has given Himself to each one us through each other. We hope to share the love that we have received with our neighbors, our community, and especially those we meet who are in need. We are committed to making Catholic Education affordable!
(850) 478-8483 enrollments@pensacolachristianacademy.com www.pensacolachristianacademy.com
Trinitas Christian School ad on page 23, 31
3301 East Johnson Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32514 Mission: By God’s grace we endeavor to assist Christian families in the education of their children by providing a stimulating academic program in a distinctly Christ-centered environment expressly designed to equip students to a life of moral and spiritual integrity, personal and social responsibility, and a zeal to know and serve a Holy God. Grades: PreK - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Drama Club, National Honor Society, Classic Film Society, Mock Trial, Yearbook, Student Government, Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Aesthetics trips, performance choirs, select quartets, a variety of private music lessons (instrumental and voice), and community service opportunities. Additional Info: Trinitas is a fully-accredited member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools. - National Merit Scholars Program: 9% of graduates earned commended status or higher. Trinitas alums have pursued undergraduate and graduate degrees both in Pensacola and across the country. We have alumni working in fields ranging from nuclear engineering to healthcare, education, business, and auto mechanics. Trinitas Christian School was established in the fall of 1999 as a private Christian school committed to providing a classical and biblically-based education to Christian families in Northwest Florida.
(850) 455-4851 info@ptlittleflower.org www.ptlittleflower.org
Marcus Pointe Christian School ad on page 3, 29
6205 North “W” Street , Pensacola, FL 32505 Mission: Marcus Pointe Christian School exists to assist parents in the education of their children by equipping students with an academically excellent foundation and a biblical worldview. Grades: K4 - 5th grade Extra Curricular: Spanish, Music, PE, Computer, Library, Art, Running Team, Chapel, After School Program. Additional Info: At MPCS we challenge our students to examine and embrace the Christian walk through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We encourage our students to be academically articulate, knowledgeable, accountable, and to live with purpose to affect a difference in our community for the glory of God.
(850) 484-3515 trinitas@trinitaschristian.org www.trinitaschristian.org
West Florida Baptist Academy ad on page 32
5621 Highway 90, Milton, FL 32583 Mission: WFBA seeks to provide an excellent educational experience which supports spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and cultural development in a distinctively Christian environment. Grades: PreK3 - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Voice, Piano, Art, Drama, Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Softball, Volleyball.
(850) 479-1605 www.marcuspointechristian.org
Montessori School of Pensacola
(850) 623-9306 www.wfbacademy.org
ad on page 40
Blessed Star Montessori Christian 9151 North Davis Highway , Pensacola, FL 32514 Mission: To provide all children with a safe, nurturing, fun, God-centered learning environment. We strive for a solid foundation in intellectual growth, goodwill, Christian belief, and peace. Grades: PreK - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Foreign Language: Japanese, Chinese, Guitar, Piano, Music Production , soccer (850) 476-9208 admin@blessedstar.com www.blessedstar.com
1010 North 12th Avenue (Suite 138), Pensacola, FL 32501 Mission: MSP is committed to providing a Montessori education that inspires academic excellence and fosters respect, integrity, independence, and critical thinking in a caring community. Grades: 18 months - Kindergarten Extra Curricular: Ballet Pensacola, Yoga, Art, Spanish and Piano. Additional Info: Spanish instruction begins at 18 months. Please visit our website for registration opening in February.
Carden Christian Academy 3290 Bauer Road, Pensacola, FL 32506 Mission: Allowing the Holy Spirit to use us to equip our students with the tools necessary for life-long learning. Grades: PreK 3 - 12th grade Extra Curricular: French, Latin, and Tennis. (850) 492-4873 cardenpensacola@gmail.com www.cardenchristianacademy.com
(850) 469-8138 admissions@montessoripensacola.com www.montessoripensacola.com
Christian Institute of Arts and Sciences 2007 North 61st Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32506 Mission: The Christian Institute of Arts & Sciences functions as a private school for homeschooling families, combining the full services of a private school administration office with the advantages, personal assistance, and accountability needed to make your home education experience a success. CIAS provides various tutoring lessons, classes, and activities at our campus school to meet the needs of our families and students. Grades: K - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Fine Arts, Technology, and Math. (850) 457-4058 nogratrjoy@aol.com www.christianinstitute.com
Montessori School of Pensacola ad on page 40
4100 Montessori Drive, Pensacola, FL 32504 Mission: MSP is committed to providing a Montessori education that inspires academic excellence and fosters respect, integrity, independence, and critical thinking in a caring community. Grades: PreK, Elementary & Middle School Extra Curricular: Ballet Pensacola, Art, Band, Spanish, Violin, Boy and Girl Scouts, tennis & Instruction. Additional Info: Spanish instruction begins at 18 months. Please visit our website for registration opening in February.
Coastline Christian Academy 1122 Oriole Beach Road, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 Mission: Our mission is to partner with families in a Christ-centered environment that is reaching for academic excellence. Our goals are loving God, connecting with His people and living on mission in our world. Grades: 3 years - 3rd grade Extra Curricular: We offer Spanish bi-weekly. (850) 565-5118 info@coastlinechristian.com www.coastlinechristian.com
(850) 469-8138 admissions@montessoripensacola.com www.montessoripensacola.com
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
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Dixon School of Arts and Sciences 1201 North H Street, Pensacola, FL 32505 Mission: Dixon School of Arts and Sciences exists to provide values-based excellence in academic achievement focused on the arts and sciences and to provide creative experiences for its scholars, their families, and the community. Grades: K - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Fine Arts program as well as a robust Science, Technology, Engineering, STEAM (850) 435-0511 dcurry@dixonschoolota.org www.dixonschoolota.org
Good Shepherd Lutheran School 4257 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 Mission: Good Shepherd Lutheran School, as a mission outreach of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, commits itself to: Provide Christ centered quality education. Develop individual gifts & worth. Promote Christian living and service. Nurture a partnership between church, school and family that all may know God’s love and grow in faith. Grades: PreK - 2nd grade Extra Curricular: Chapel, Spanish, S.T.E.M. and P.E. (850) 932-9127 goodshepherdlutheranschool.1@gmail.com
East Hill Academy 635 West Garden Street, Pensacola, FL 32502 Mission: The mission of the school is to provide each child with the best individualized education program that will improve their skills and abilities, so they may successfully re-enter mainstream education. Grades: K - 12th grade Additional Info: East Hill Academy is dedicated to students with learning disorders that make it impractical to place them in a regular school setting. It is our purpose to develop these children’s educational and social abilities while improving their self-esteem. Our goal is to help our students reach their maximum potential. We offer open enrollment. (850) 437-5560 learn@easthillacademy.com www.easthillacademy.org
Jubilee Christian Academy 5910 North “W” Street, Pensacola, FL 32505 Mission: To prepare young people intellectually, spiritually, and physically to be successful leaders in both Christian and non-Christian environments. We seek to produce leaders who are equipped with the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Jubilee Christian Academy inspires students to think critically; To work independently and in partnership with others; and to develop a global, Christ-centered perspective for their lives. Grades: PreK2 - 9th grade Extra Curricular: Music, Art, and Theater. (850) 494-2477 info@jcakids.org www.jcakids.org
East Hill Academy at Avalon 4401 Avalon Boulevard, Milton, FL 32583 Mission: The mission of the school is to provide each child with the best individualized education program that will improve their skills and abilities, so they may successfully re-enter mainstream education. Grades: K - 12th gradeAdditional Info: East Hill Academy is dedicated to students with learning disorders that make it impractical to place them in a regular school setting. It is our purpose to develop these children’s educational and social abilities while improving their self-esteem. Our goal is to help our students reach their maximum potential. We offer open enrollment. (850) 437-5560 learn@easthillacademy.com www.easthillacademy.org
L.E.A.D. Academy Classical School 7121 Chumuckla Highway, Pace, FL 32571 Mission: L.E.A.D. Academy will provide families a learning environment and support system that enables their student to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically into an adult with a Christian worldview. Grades: K4 - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Extended Day Care, Piano, FFA, 4-H, Chorus, Music and Voice Lessons, Basketball, Yearbook Club, Drama Club, Spring baseball & softball, Cross Country Team, Chess Club. (850) 889-7080 contact@leadacademylions.com www.leadacademylions.com Lighthouse Private Christian Academy 904 East Jackson Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Mission: The Mission of Lighthouse Private Christian Academy is to inspire students to have a love and joy for learning, for a lifetime, by providing a transformational, Christcentered education. Grades: K - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Extra curricular sports include football, basketball, cheerleading, softball, baseball, and volleyball. (850) 542-7914 www.lighthousepca.com
Escambia Christian School 3311 West Moreno Street, Pensacola, FL 32505 Mission: Our mission is to partner with parents in the development of their children in soul, mind, and body. We provide a Christian environment that prepares students for a lifetime of learning and service, and for an eternity with God in heaven. Grades: PreK3 - 8th gradeAdditional Info: Escambia Christian School is a licensed Voluntary Pre-K 4 Provider. (850) 433-8476 ecs@escambiachristian.org www.escambiachristian.org Faith Christian Academy 13050 Highway 89, Jay, FL 32565 Mission: Faith Christian Academy is a loving community that spiritually and academically equips, challenges, and inspires students to impact their world for Christ. Grades: Preschool – 12th grade (ages 2 and up)Additional Info: Students at Faith Christian Academy will be grounded in God’s word and challenged to achieve academic excellence as they prepare to use their gifts and abilities effectively to follow God’s plan for their lives. (850) 675-0227 contactus@fcawarriors.com www.fcawarriors.com
Lighthouse Private Christian Academy 625 North 9th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501 Mission: The Mission of Lighthouse Private Christian Academy is to inspire students to have a love and joy for learning, for a lifetime, by providing a transformational, Christ-centered education. Grades: 9th - 12th grade (plus dual enrollment) Extra Curricular: Extra curricular sports include golf, football, basketball, cheerleading, softball, baseball, and volleyball. (850) 542-7828 www.lighthousepca.com
Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Cafe more than a store, it’s an experience Downtown Pensacola 315 W Garden Street 850•438•0402 North Pensacola 1000 E Nine Mile Road 850•316•3700 www.facebook.com/greaterpensacolaparents
Lighthouse Private Christian Academy 1530 New Hope Road, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 Mission: The Mission of Lighthouse Private Christian Academy is to inspire students to have a love and joy for learning, for a lifetime, by providing a transformational, Christ-centered education. Grades: K - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Extra curricular sports include golf, football, basketball, cheerleading, softball, baseball, and volleyball. (850) 733-1017 www.lighthousepca.com
S.L. Jones Christian Academy 100 Boeing Street, Pensacola, FL 32507 Mission: Our mission is to work with parents and guardians to educate their children with a superior, quality education God’s Way. Our goal is to develop students with a strong Christian character, cultivate productive citizens, provide applicable life skills and graduate a well rounded student prepared for college and will be a benefit to our community and nation Grades: K5 - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Basketball, Cheerleading, Choir, Dance team, Weight lifting. (850) 456-2249 www.sljcainc.com
Pensacola Catholic High School 3043 West Scott Street, Pensacola, FL 32505 Mission: Our Mission is to develop responsible Christian individuals by providing the finest in Catholic education. Pensacola Catholic High School is a vibrant Christian community offering quality education while emphasizing the teachings of the Gospel, the intrinsic value of the individual and commitment to service. Grades: 9th - 12th grade Extra Curricular: National Honor Society, Student Council, Football, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Dance Team, Golf, Volleyball, Swimming, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track & Field, Lacrosse, Weightlifting, Student Ambassadors, Music Ministry, CHS Pep Band, Mu Alpha Theta. (850) 436-6400 www.pensacolachs.org
Sacred Heart Cathedral School 1603 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503 Mission: Our mission is to educate hearts and minds for God. As missionaries, we are guided by the sacraments, virtues, and Sacred Traditions of the Catholic Church. Living as disciples of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we strive for academic excellence and humble service to all. Grades: PreK - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Macbooks in Middle School, CYSL sports, Student-led conferences, Fine Arts program, ESE accommodations in Morning Star, K4-8 Latin, Field Trips, Daily prayer, Weekly Mass. (850) 436-6440 info@shcs.ptdiocese.org www.shcs.ptdiocese.org Santa Rosa Christian School 6331 Chestnut Street, Milton, FL 32570 Mission: Santa Rosa Christian School is dedicated to the spiritual, moral, mental, and social development of youth through Bible-based education. Grades: PreK2 - 12th Extra Curricular: Athletics and Eagle Days programs. (850) 623-4671 school@santarosachristianschool.com www.santarosachristianschool.com
Pensacola Junior Academy 8751 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514 Mission: The Pensacola Junior Academy exists to show children Jesus, nurture their love for Him and others, teach them to think, and empower them to serve. Grades: K4 - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Tumbling, Lego Robotics, German. (850) 478-8838 principal@pjacademy.org www.pjacademy.org
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School 325 South Navy Boulevard, Pensacola, FL 32507 Mission: St. John the Evangelist Catholic School pursues spiritual and academic excellence in a Catholic, Eucharistic community of virtue and joy. Grades: PreK3 - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, 4-H Club, Choir, Fine Arts, Basketball, Football, Flag Football, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Track, Soccer. (850) 456-5218 linda.bowman@sjsw.ptdiocese.org www.stjohnpensacola.com/school.html
Pensacola Private School of Liberal Arts 301 East Gadsden Street, Pensacola, FL 32501 Mission: To foster an inclusive community of lifelong learners dedicated to developing selfknowledge, social awareness, critical thinking and integrity. Grades: 7th - 12th grade Extra Curricular: Offering courses in units: block-style. (850) 434-2294 Info@PensacolaSoLA.org www.thepensacolasola.com Redeemer Lutheran School 333 Commerce Street, Pensacola, FL 32507 Mission: The mission of Redeemer Lutheran School is to prepare a child for a responsible role in the community through intellectual, moral, physical, and spiritual development in a caring, ethical, Christ-centered environment, which is supportive of both the child and his family. Grades: Pre-K (VPK) - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Accelerated Reading Program, Basketball, Cheerleading, Football, Volleyball, Track, Flag Football and Soccer. (850) 455-0330 rls@redeemerschoolpensacola.org www.redeemerschoolpensacola.org
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
St. Paul Catholic School 3121 Hyde Park Road, Pensacola, FL 32503 Mission: St. Paul Catholic School is a Christ-centered learning community, nourished by the Eucharist and inspired by the Trinity, that promotes lifelong growth of mind, body, and spirit. Grades: PreK3 - 8th grade Extra Curricular: Athletic opportunities are available through the Diocesan sponsored Catholic Youth Sports League (CYSL) and include flag football, tackle football, cheer, volleyball, basketball, track and soccer. (850) 436-6435 school@stpaulcatholic.net www.stpaulcatholicschool.net GPP
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Grading Family Movies: Streaming, Digital Rentals, and Theatrical Releases West Side Story
Back to the Outback
Rating PG-13
Overall B-
Violence C-
Sex B-
Profanity B-
Alcohol/Drugs C+
Maria and Tony have fallen in love at first sight – but they have a problem. Maria’s brother, Bernardo, is the leader of a Puerto Rican gang known as the Sharks. Tony used to lead the rival Jets, until he spent a year in prison and decided to reform. The young lovers want to end the cycle of violence, which proves more difficult than they expect. Steven Spielberg’s remake of this Broadway classic is a triumph, with stunning cinematography, dynamic dance sequences and a standout cast. But there’s a lot of violence and the PG-13 rating is appropriate. Photo ©20th Century Studios
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Rating PG
Overall B
Violence B
Sex A-
Profanity B+
Alcohol/Drugs A-
The residents of the reptile house in an Australian zoo are tired of being depicted as ugly and dangerous. So the snake, thorny devil lizard, spider, and scorpion decide to make a break for it and find happiness in the outback. This is a classic “found family” story with lessons about not judging others based on appearances. Kids will enjoy the story and parents will appreciate that the action scenes are well done, the movie is briskly paced, and some of the jokes actually land. Photo © Netflix
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Rating TV-PG
Overall B-
Violence B
Sex A
Profanity A
Alcohol/Drugs A
After their initial success, theater owner Buster Moon and his crew set their sights on performing in Redshore City (a Las Vegas clone). A major producer gives them a chance on the condition that they convince a reclusive rock star to come out of retirement and join them. This sequel lacks the offbeat charm of the original film, being burdened by too many characters and an overlong runtime. It is also missing a compelling storyline, apparently existing solely as a vehicle for the soundtrack. Worst of all, even kids don’t laugh at the tired jokes. Photo © Universal Pictures
Rating TV-PG
Overall B-
Violence B-
Sex B+
Profanity B+
Alcohol/Drugs A
Beverly Moody is being raised by her grandmother but longs to know more about her late parents. She’s elated when she finds a mixtape they made, only to be crushed when the tape breaks. Determined to understand her mom and dad, she sets off to find all the tunes. This film is a nostalgia trip for the 90s and provides a sweet message about intergenerational family ties. As Bev develops more selfconfidence she also behaves in reckless ways that parents might not want younger tweens to emulate. Photo ©Netflix
Amazon Prime
Rating TV-14
Overall B+
Violence B
Sex A
Profanity C
Alcohol/Drugs A
Australia’s “Black Summer” mesmerized the world in 2019/2020. Massive wildfires blanketed the continent, eventually incinerating 59 million acres. This gripping documentary explores the environmental conditions that made such a conflagration possible, dissecting both the effects of climate change and political inaction. Aside from some brief profanity, this movie is suitable for teens or anyone interested in environmental issues. Photo ©Amazon Studios Grades range from: A= absence of content concerns to D= excess of content concerns Detailed reviews available at www.parentpreviews.com 37
FamilyCalendar Friday, January 7
Pensacola Saenger Theatre Presents Kansas 8 p.m. Originally launched as a celebration of the 40th anniversary of the massive hit album Point of Know Return, the band will perform the album in its entirety. The tour showcases classic Kansas music including hit songs, deep cuts, fan favorites, and will include selections from the band’s latest studio album The Absence of Presence. Tickets begin at $68. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/. Pensacola Ice Flyers Season 7:05 p.m. Pensacola Bay Center. Follow the Ice Flyers on the Team Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for continued news and updates about the club. Also visit www.pensacolabaycenter.com/. 2022 Pensacola Mardi Gras Kick-Off Event 5 p.m. Jefferson Street. Celebrate the beginning of Mardi Gras at the 2022 Twelfth Night Party featuring live music, food, drink and revelry in the city’s largest STREET PARTY! With free public access to the Mardi Gras Floats lined up along a barricaded Chase Street just adjacent to East Garden District. Regular ticket prices for General Admission are: $60, VIP: $125. For more info, visit https://pensacolamardigras.com/kick-off-celebration/.
Sunday, January 9
Beautiful Beginnings Bridal Expo 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Pensacola Bay Center. Advanced ticket sales at the following locations: The Bridal Loft, The Bridal Suite, Penton House Downtown and Pace and Richey’s East on Gregory St. along with The Bay Center box office. $10 cash only. Wedding professionals will be on site with displays, information, samples and more. Kids 12 & under are free. For more info, call (850) 4758296 or visit www.pensacolabridalloft.com.
Thursday, January 13
An Evening in Israel 6-7:30 p.m. The Pensacola Opera Center, 75 S Tarragona St. The Global Corner will celebrate this year’s Passport Program with “An Evening in Israel” where we will feature authentic Israeli food and signature Israeli wine and take a peek at this year’s in-school curriculum. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Global Corner’s educational in-school Passport Program in area elementary schools. Tickets are $70 at the door. For more info, call (850) 332-6404 or visit https://theglobalcorner.org/ gc_event/an-evening-in-israel/.
Friday, January 14
Pensacola Ice Flyers Season 7:05 p.m. Pensacola Bay Center. For details, see January 7 listing.
Saturday, January 15
Highway 87 Outdoor Market at Pik-itz 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 1922 Highway 87, Navarre. For details, see January 1 listing. Ever’man Cooks! Debby’s Kitchen Noon-1 p.m. Monthly on the third Saturday. Ever’man Educational Center, 315 W. Garden Street, Pensacola. This class is for the novice cook at any age. It will be educational, fun & offer basic knife & sauce skills. Cost: $5. For more info, call (850) 433-5353 ext. 10 or visit http://everman.org/. Pensacola Ice Flyers Season 7:05 p.m. Pensacola Bay Center. For details, see January 7 listing.
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
Pensacola Symphony Presents: Beethoven and Blue Jeans 7:30 p.m. Pensacola Saenger Theatre. This annual celebration of Beethoven is anchored by the composer’s First Symphony. We will also explore the pairing of music with poetry and verse in a program curated in partnership with Northwest Florida’s former Poet Laureate. Poets Jamey Jones and Charles McCaskill will read their poems aloud as the orchestra performs musical selections from George Walker and Tobias Picker. Tickets begin at $23. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/. LEAPS New Mom Support Group 10-11:30 a.m. Ever’man Educational Center, 327 W. Garden Street, Pensacola. LEAPS (Love, Encouragement, and Postpartum Support) is a self-care support group focused on helping moms connect and engage in activities that promote balance, stress management, and overall wellness. Guest speakers and self-care activities will be provided and are free of cost. Pre-crawling babies welcome. Free. For more info, call (850) 433-5353 ext. 10 or visit http://everman.org/. Preschool Art and Storytime 10-11 a.m. Second Saturday each month. West Florida Public Library. During this free event, a librarian reads selections of similarly themed books and encourage movement and participation. Afterward, an art educator leads parents and preschoolers in a related craft. For ages 2-5 years old. Capacity is limited to 10 pairs - one guardian and one child, and pre-registration is required. Masks are recommended. For more info, call (850) 4326247 or visit https://pensacolamuseum.org/.
Friday, January 21
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Matt & Ben 7:30 p.m. Written by Mindy Kaling and Brenda Withers and directed by Billy Buff, Matt & Ben depicts its Hollywood golden boys—before J-Lo, before Gwyneth, before Project Greenlight, before Oscar… before anyone actually gave a damn. When the screenplay for Good Will Hunting drops mysteriously from the heavens, the boys realize they’re being tested by a Higher Power. For tickets or more info, call (850) 432-2042 or visit www. pensacolalittletheatre.com/.
month at Beef O’Brady’s, 344 Gulf Breeze Parkway in Gulf Breeze. Program includes education segments and presentations by local business women. Lunch is not provided. Call (850) 529-0908 or Visit https://powerfulwomengulfcoast.com/. 68th Annual Youth Art Focus The Pensacola Museum of Art, in partnership with Escambia County Public Schools, presents the 68th Annual Youth Art Focus exhibition highlighting the best work from art students and educators from Escambia County Schools. Escambia County Schools can tour the museum for free as a part of this partnership, and we generally welcome roughly 2,000 students through our doors while this exhibition is on view (through February 27). For more info, call (850) 432-6247 or visit www. pensacolamuseum.org/.
Saturday, January 22
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Matt & Ben 7:30 p.m. For details, see January 21 listing. Art Academy for Autism 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. for ages 5-9; 1:30-3 p.m. for ages 10-15. Pensacola Museum of Art. Designed for children and adults on the autism spectrum. Our program focuses on nurturing artistic development and abstract thinking skills within a group environment. Free for students through generous support from Autism Pensacola. For more info, call (850) 432-6247 or visit www.pensacolamuseum.org/2021classes.html. Pensacola Ice Flyers Season 7:05 p.m. Pensacola Bay Center. For details, see January 7 listing. Ever’Market @ Nine Mile Road 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 1000 E. 9 Mile Rd. As a co-op, Ever’man hosts a monthly market so you may purchase goods from different local vendors outside at our Nine Mile Road location from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Live Music in the Canteen from 1:30-8 p.m. Call (850) 316-3700 or visit http://everman.org/.
Pensacola Saenger Theatre Presents Aaron Lewis— Frayed at Both Ends: The Acoustic Tour 7 p.m. Aaron Lewis grew up in Springfield, Vermont, listening to his grandparents’ country 8-tracks. Those roots inspired the multi-platinum Staind founder to return to his origins for the #1 Billboard Country Album debut Town Line and Sinner, as well as Billboard’s #1 Hot Country Song debut “Am I The Only One,” only the 9th time since 1958. Tickets begin at $35. For more info, call (850) 5953880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/.
200 South Outdoor Market 3-8 p.m. 200 South Palafox Place, Pensacola. Every month we will have local creatives featuring their newest creations, including: macrame, homemade baked goods, pet treats and accessories, jewelry, vintage clothing for men and women, art, photography, girls’ clothing and accessories, woodworking, coffee and natural body products. For more info, find us on Facebook.
Art Academy for Autism 4-5:30 p.m. for ages 16 and up. Pensacola Museum of Art. Designed for children and adults on the autism spectrum. Our program focuses on nurturing artistic development and abstract thinking skills within a group environment. Free for students through generous support from Autism Pensacola. For more info, call (850) 432-6247 or visit www.pensacolamuseum. org/2021classes.html.
Youth Art Focus: Educators, Middle + High School Reception 5-8 p.m. Pensacola Museum of Art. For more info, call (850) 432-6247 or visit www.pensacolamuseum.org/.
Gallery Night Pensacola 5-10 p.m. Third Fridays. South Palafox Street in downtown Pensacola. For more info, visit https://gallerynightpensacola.org/ or find us on Facebook. The Gulf Breeze Chapter of Powerful Women of the Gulf Coast Monthly Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Meets the third Friday of every
Sunday, January 23
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Matt & Ben 2:30 p.m. For details, see January 21 listing.
Tuesday, January 25
Thursday, January 27
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Matt & Ben 7:30 p.m. For details, see January 21 listing.
Friday, January 28
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Matt & Ben 7:30 p.m. For details, see January 21 listing. Youth Art Focus: Elementary Reception 5:30-7:30 p.m. Pensacola Museum of Art. For more info, call (850) 432-6247 or visit www.pensacolamuseum.org/.
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FamilyCalendar Pensacola Opera Presents: The Magic Flute 7:30 p.m. Pensacola Saenger Theatre. Premiered during the Age of Enlightenment, The Magic Flute transports us on a mystical journey filled with genies, spirits and the hilarious antics of a creature who is half man and half bird! The classic elegance of Mozart’s music enthralls us as a young man discovers his humanity during his quest for the truth. Tickets begin at $25. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/.
Treehouse on the main stage. For more info, call (850) 432-2042 or visit www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/.
Saturday, January 29
Wednesday, February 2
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Matt & Ben 7:30 p.m. For details, see January 21 listing. Trash Bash with the Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center 8-10 a.m. Held the last Saturday of each month. Meet in the main Navarre Beach Parking Lot near the Sand Crab Pavilion. Limited supplies of gloves, buckets and pickers are provided, but you can bring your own. For more info, visit www.navarrebeachseaturtles.org or call (850) 684-3347.
Sunday, January 30
Pensacola Opera Presents: The Magic Flute 2 p.m. Pensacola Saenger Theatre. For details, see January 28 listing.
Monday, January 31
Pensacola Little Theatre Holds Auditions for Disney’s Moana, Jr. 6:30 p.m. Large cast, 18 years or younger, directed by Stephen Lott with music directed by Tom Baroco for
Tuesday, February 1
Pensacola Little Theatre Holds Auditions for Disney’s Moana, Jr. 6:30 p.m. For details, see January 31 listing.
Pensacola Saenger Theatre Presents Bert Kreisher—The Berty Boy Relapse Tour 7 p.m. Kreischer is a stand-up comedian, actor, writer and host who performs to sell-out crowds across the country. His most recent stand-up special is currently streaming globally on NETFLIX. (For mature audiences only.) Tickets begin at $40. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www.pensacolasaenger.com/.
Thursday, February 3
Pensacola Saenger Theatre Presents Nate Bargatze—The Raincheck Tour 7 p.m. Nate Bargatze’s comedy is both clean and relatable, evident in his ten appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. He also appeared on Conan four times, was a recurring guest on @midnight, and had his own Comedy Central Presents in 2011. In addition to touring the country as a headliner, Nate toured in arenas with Chris Rock on his 2017 Total Blackout Tour. Tickets begin at $40. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www. pensacolasaenger.com/.
Friday, February 4
Black Jacket Symphony Presents The Beatles White Album 8 p.m. Pensacola Saenger Theatre. The group of hand-picked musicians changes based upon the album being performed—and no sonic detail is overlooked, with the musicians doing whatever it takes to reproduce the album. It’s a full night of rock and roll magic—plus a visual experience unlike any other. Tickets begin at $30. For more info, call (850) 595-3880 or visit www. pensacolasaenger.com/.
Saturday, February 5 Double Bridge Run
7 a.m. Community Maritime Park. This 15K carries runners over two bridges, across Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Sound. It will run from downtown Pensacola with a tour that includes the historic district, and picturesque Bayfront Parkway, a run through Gulf Breeze, and onto Pensacola Beach. There is also a 5K starting at 8:30 a.m. (Daniel Dr., Gulf Breeze, adjacent to the Football Stadium). For more info, call (850) 434-2800 or visit https://pensacolasports.org/. 200 South Small Business Saturday All day the first Saturday of each month. 200 South Palafox Pl., Pensacola. For details, see January 1 listing.
Because of ever-changing circumstances due to Covid-19 , please check with each venue prior to attending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate and up to date.
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Help Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Q. I thought I was going to get control of my money and make a lot of other positive changes in my life in 2021, but very few of the things I wanted to accomplish happened. I started strong, and began with serious intentions, but somewhere along the way I lost focus. Can you give me some advice for making and sticking to my resolutions in 2022? A. It seems everyone comes up with a
laundry list of New Year’s resolutions, but research shows very few people actually achieve their goals. If you’re ready — and I mean really ready — to reset your life and succeed with your New Year’s resolutions, here are a few simple, proven steps that’ll help. First, write down your top goal. Pick the resolution that means the most to you and write it down. You’re more likely to
Greater Pensacola Parents I January 2022
succeed if you can focus on a single goal, and you have a greater chance of achieving it if you write it down — on paper, on purpose. And make sure the resolution you choose is very important to you. Writing down a goal just because it’s what someone else is doing, or because it sounds like a good idea, isn’t good enough. If your goal isn’t yours, it won’t happen. Second, set benchmarks. Let’s say you want to pay off your credit cards before July. You need to make that goal measurable throughout the year by setting benchmarks. If you owe $5,000 on your credit cards and want to pay them off in six months, you need to pay about $833 towards them every month. Write your benchmark down beneath your goal, and make a plan for how you’re going to get it done. Three, find an accountability partner. A great accountability partner isn’t afraid to ask how your goals are coming along, and
they’ll call you on it when you’re slacking. If you set a financial goal, a good accountability partner isn’t going to be the friend who always asks you to go shopping. Studies have shown that having a strong accountability partner increases the likelihood of achieving a goal dramatically. And finally, make sure you reward yourself along the way. It’s tough to stay motivated when hitting your goal takes a while. You might treat yourself to a night at the movies when you’ve paid off the first $1,000 on your credit cards, or maybe a nice, new shirt when you’ve paid off half the card. Sometimes life doesn’t work out the way we think it will. Our priorities can change, and our goals may change, too. If that’s why you didn’t make your resolutions happen this year, that’s fine. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s too late to change and improve your life!
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