Be Sun Savvy
Ò Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
Ò When going outside, apply liberal amounts of sunscreen to all exposed skin, even on cloudy days.
Ò Reapply sunscreen to your skin when outdoors for more than two hours and after swimming, sweating, or toweling off.
Ò Wear a hat and sunglasses with UV protection.
Stay Safe Keep Cool
Ò Drink plenty of water.
Ò Limit outdoor activity, especially between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Ò Wear lightweight loose-fitting clothing.
Ò Know the signs of heat-related illness.
Ò Always check the backseat before leaving a vehicle. Do not leave children, pets, or vulnerable adults unattended.
Ò Water and wounds do not mix. Do not enter the water if you have fresh cuts or scrapes.
Ò Rocks and shells are a natural part of the beach. Watch where you step and avoid sharp rocks and shells.
Ò Wear sandals or water shoes to protect your feet from cuts and burns.

June 2024

Celebrating Dads
Ideas for honoring fathers, husbands, grandfathers and father-figures!

Summer Fun Guide
Local and nearby activities offer your kids a summer to remember.

Best Summer Ever
Discover nine ways to amp up creative family fun.

Sign your kids up for one (or several) Vacation Bible Schools.

Elijah (8), Samuel (7), Isaac (6), and Ruth (3), sons and daughter of Kyle & Adriana Porter and grandchildren to Frank & Gloria Sandoval, Phillip & Jeanette Porter, and John & Christina Burr.
Elijah enjoys playing basketball and football. Samuel likes building Star Wars Legos. Isaac has fun doing arts and crafts. Ruth enjoys playing Barbies and dress up.


I have the best memories of summers as a kid. Summers always included VBS, time with cousins, and neighborhood friends. Time spent at my grandmother’s house in the country was always a good time. She made country breakfast, and then my cousins would come over, and that is when the fun really started. We would climb the giant fig tree, get chased by the rooster, and find all kinds of things to do outside. As it got too hot or rainy, we moved indoors, where there was one big hall from the front door to the back. We would take turns sitting in a rolling office chair while the others took a running start and hurled us down the big hallway, holding on for dear life. One afternoon, we had the idea for my younger cousin to jump off the bed, grab the light fixture, and swing across the room. She did just that except for the swing part; she immediately went straight to the floor, still holding the light fixture. I’m pretty sure our parents are still mad about that one 40-ish years later. But that sweet soul of a grandmother never raised her voice. She had the smile of an angel and the patience of Job.
Spending time with the other side of the family was just as fun. Those visits were filled with lots of beach time and midnight fishing on the pier. Yes, we were still mischievous with those cousins, too, but those times were more food fights and trying to pierce my grandmother’s ears, which she let us do! Looking back, I am pretty sure the adults were into the margaritas that night, probably as a result of the food fight. The rest of the summer was spent with neighbors running through the sprinklers, riding bikes, making “go-karts” out of scrap materials (brakes not included), and fun crafternoons making coffee can stilts and whatever else the World Book Encyclopedia Craft Edition had in store for us. The point of all this is that, as kids, we never expected our parents to figure out what we would do with our time. We were left to figure it out, and telling them “I’m bored” was not an option. That would end in chores. We joined our creative juices together and made our fun. Yes, it landed us in trouble a few times, but we have great memories and laugh to this day about it all.
While you may not have a grandmother with a terrifying rooster or the World Book Encyclopedia, you have your June “Summer Fun” copy of Eastern Shore Parents! We have filled this issue with ideas and activities to create a summer full of creative thinking and fun. In Christina Katz’s feature Best Summer Ever: Nine Ways To Amp Up Creative Family Fun, you will find ways to curate wonderful crafternoons that are great for those extra hot days and inevitable rainy afternoons. For those days you want to get out of the house, definitely check out our annual Summer Family Fun Guide. The guide is stuffed with amusement parks, hiking trails, library events, and more. If that is not enough, you can find even more to do in the Family Calendar!
Father’s Day is also part of the June festivities. In honor of Father’s Day, we are featuring Rebecca Hasting’s article Celebrate All the Dads in Your Life for Father’s Day. Her feature not only covers ideas for celebrating your biological father but also ways to honor all of the people who play a father-like role in your or your children’s lives. Be it a father, grandfather, uncle, or mentor, make sure you let them know how important they are to you!
Wishing you all a safe and joy-filled summer and Happy Father’s Day!

How Social Media is Shaping Your Children
Our children, no matter what age, soak up everything. They are sponges that absorb their friends, celebrities, social media, television shows, and movies. For the most part, mature adults can separate the good from the bad and right from the wrong. Most importantly, adults can separate facts from opinions. Children are not capable of this type of critical thinking. Children take opinions and solidify them as facts. Their brains naturally seek information that confirms their new beliefs, and this is the danger young minds face when using social media.

Dr. Michael Workman, Associate Professor of Technology Management at Texas A&M, conducted a study to determine if social media can change our opinions. “We found that when people are seeking new information about a topic, social media can change their minds,” Workman said. “But if they have already decided on something, say politics or religion, they mostly seek information to confirm what they already believe. If you have already made up your mind about something, then social media is not going to change it for you.” Social media will only confirm what you already
believe. This phenomenon is referred to as “the echo chamber effect”.
So why is this important to parents? This research reveals that it is vital for parents to build a solid foundation of mor als, values, and beliefs before allowing their children to access social media. If you do not take the time to sit down and talk to your children about the important issues in the world today, social media will form your children’s opinions without any input from you.
I hear opinions shared as fact consistently from children, pre-teens, and teens. Even when I provide evidence to the contrary, they do not believe me and are unwilling to listen to the truth. Do you remember when you were 12 and knew everything, only to mature and realize that you knew nothing? The terrifying fact is that the youth of today have an “echo chamber” to confirm every juvenile opinion they have. As parents, we must ensure that our children are well ground ed before we open their minds up to the terrifying world of social media.

Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit www.worksofwondertherapy.com.

Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr.

Pensacola Little Theatre presents Seussical Jr. on June 21-30, 2024. Seussical is a tale that lovingly brings to life all of our favorite Dr. Seuss characters, including Horton the Elephant, The Cat in the Hat, Gertrude McFuzz, lazy Mayzie and a little boy with a big imagination –JoJo. The colorful characters transport us from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the invisible world of the Whos. Please visit www. pensacolalittletheatre.com for more information.
Firecracker 5K

The 2024 Firecracker 5k will be held in historic downtown Pensacola on June 29, 2024, and benefits Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Florida. The race starts and ends at Seville Quarter and invites both runners and walkers to join the fun. Celebrate our Fourth of July themed race by wearing red, white, and blue! Following the 5K is the Kids Fun Run. Don’t forget to grab a cold drink after the race and pick up your finisher’s medal. Please visit https:// runsignup.com/Race/FL/Pensacola/RMHCFirecracker5K to sign up.
2024 Disaster Dash 5K Run/ Walk

Join us for the first Disaster Dash 5K Run/ Walk on June 15, 2024. Located in Seville Square, the Disaster Dash 5K will kick off hurricane season by helping raise awareness of the ways our community can be prepared before, during and after a disaster.
The goal is to encourage everyone to become more disaster prepared. Following the race, join BRACE for the free family-friendly afterparty where you will have the opportunity to learn how YOU can be better prepared for the upcoming hurricane season! There will be a live DJ and booths from our sponsors. Proceeds from this event will go towards supporting Long-Term Recovery Efforts after a disaster, Escambia County Community Emergency Response Teams, the Pensacola Fire Corps, and education opportunities that make our community more disaster resilient. Don’t miss out on this incredible chance to change lives, create memories, and be part of a community that believes in making a difference. Please visit https://runsignup.com/ Race/FL/Pensacola/2024DisasterDash5KRunWalk to register.
Celebrate Independence Day on Pensacola Beach
The Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce’s Fourth of July Fireworks display over the Santa Rosa Sound is set to begin at 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 4. This year, the Beach Chamber is joining forces with the Downtown Pensacola fireworks show, creating a spectacular dual Independence Day celebration in the sky! Both firework shows will be simulcast live on Cat Country 98.7 radio station. Event-goers are asked to tune into the station starting at 9 p.m. for the singing of the National Anthem, followed by patriotic music to accompany both firework displays.

WFPL’s 2024 Summer ReadingAdventure Begins at Your Library
Enjoy a great time with family and friends in this year’s Summer Reading Program “Adventure Begins at Your Library!” This year’s reading challenge will include a mix of logging minutes, activities, and library events. Read as much as you can and collect milestone prizes along the way. The more minutes you log, the more digital raffle tickets you’ll earn to apply for the chance to win big prizes at the end of the summer. Logging certain activities and library events will let you earn bonus raffle tickets. The challenge will run from May 23rd to August 3rd. Please visit https://mywfpl.com/.
Pensacola Splash Fest
Join us on June 29 for Pensacola Splash Fest at Community Maritime Park starting at 10 AM. Numerous water slide bounce houses, water obstacle courses, slip n-slides, dunk tank, corn hole, triple play sports games, misting tents, watermelon eating competition and more! Visit https://apexshowsandevents.com/6%2F29-splash-fest.

Movies In the Park Series
The Movies in the Park Series will return to the Community Maritime Park this summer with free movies once each month. Bring your blankets and chairs then spread out on the lawn to watch a family-friendly movie underneath the stars. Pre-show activities begin at 6 p.m. Movies begin at sunset. Free event parking is available at Community Maritime Park and City Hall. Come hungry because concessions are available from local food trucks! Picnic baskets are welcome too, but no pets or glass containers, please. Movies are shown at the Hunter Amphitheater with grass seating only. Movies in June and July will be on June 1 and July 13. Like and follow us on Facebook: Play Pensacola for updates.

Global Corner’s Annual Explorers’ Luncheon and Silent Auction
White Tie Rock Ensemble – A Night of Americana Rock

Join us on Saturday, June 22, 2024 for White Tie Rock Ensemble- Americana Rock. Enjoy the classic Americana stylings of Bob Seger, John Mellencamp, Steve Miller, Tom Petty and the Eagles, this high quality tribute will have you singing along as White Tie takes you back in time for an evening. Join us on June 22nd at the Pensacola Bay Center and re-live the glory days of this timeless Americana music. Please visit https://www.pensacolabaycenter.com/events/detail/white-tie-rock-ensemble.

Join us as we celebrate 16 years of bringing the world to life in Escambia and Santa Rosa elementary schools! Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready for an event filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments while raising funds to support global education in our community!
Our Annual Explorers’ Luncheon on June 5, 2024 from 11 AM to 1 PM at the Pensacola Yacht Club will treat guests to a unique silent auction, a tasty lunch, and a chance to learn about The Global Corner’s positive impact on the children in our community. Visit https:// lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/ thzq64f for tickets.

Busch Light Pensacola Fishing Rodeo

This year’s Busch Light Fishing Rodeo will take place June 21-24, 2024. The weigh-in is at Flounders on Pensacola Beach on Saturday from 2p-7p and Sunday from noon-6p.
Cash awards and prizes await the angler who weighs in the top
Pensacola Sports Offering Free Soccer and Tennis Clinics

Pensacola Sports, a local organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, health, wellbeing and economic development of Pensacola and surrounding regions through sports and recreation, is offering free soccer and

Racquet Round-up is a free tennis clinic offered May 28June 17 at various dates and locations open to children ages 512 years and all skill levels. For dates, times and registration visit www.pensacolasports.org/racquet-round-up or email
KickStart Soccer Clinic is a free soccer clinic offered July 16-18, open to ages 5 - 12 years and all skill levels. The clinic will be held at Brent Raider Soccer Field. To register visit www.pensacolasports. org/kick-start-soccer-clinic/ or email adam@pensacolasports.org. For more information on Pensacola Sports and the events they offer visit www.pensacolasports.org or call 850-434-2800.

Jim Allen Student Wins Essay Contest
Pensacola Catholic High Math Team Does It Again!

Emma Arnold, a fifth grader at Jim Allen Elementary School, is the 2024 winner of the annual essay contest sponsored by Florida Retired Educators Association (FREA) and its local affiliate EREA. Students were asked to describe an experience or experiences with a grandparent. In Emma’s essay, “My Bright Smile Granny,” she writes, “My granny was the best person I ever knew. She always had open arms towards us. When she saw me, she had a big smile on her face. Her smile would melt your heart into pieces.”
As the winner of the contest, Emma Arnold will be honored at the annual EREA celebratory luncheon on May 23 with $50 and a framed certificate. She will read her essay aloud at that time.

On Friday, April 5, the Catholic High Math Team competed in the 50th Annual Nicolas S. Walker Math Tournament hosted by Milton High School. Twelve teams from the tricounty area completed math problems in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus as part of Ciphering Matches to earn points for their team. The top three teams in each discipline were awarded prizes along with the overall winner. For the 15th consecutive year, Pensacola Catholic High School earned 1st Overall. CHS also took 1st Place in the Algebra II and Pre-Calculus categories, as well as 3rd Place in Algebra 1 and Calculus. The Calculus scores among the top three finishers with only one point separating each of the places. Congratulations to our teams listed below as well as the entire Math Faculty at Catholic High School led by Department Chair, Maria Green. Algebra II Teacher, Alex Forte, joined the students on Tournament Day. Teams: Algebra I – Mackinnley Tilley, Erin Reilly, Harvey Laidlaw, Kate Aldridge; Algebra II – CJ McGowan, Kristin Gaubert, Maya Chavan, Ava Galinis; Geometry – McKenna Hindman, Ryan Fayard, Erin Reilly, Lane Grissett; Pre-Calculus – Clark Hubbert, Emma Thompson, Aidan Baker, Ace London, George Golubev; Calculus – Mariana Contreras, Emily Watson, Harper Hubbert, Nate Flores. Way to go Crusader Math Team!

Pensacola High Student Awarded “Best Steelman” at Debate Championship
Pensacola High School’s Maverick Marley was awarded “Best Steelman” in our Street Epistemology round of the 2024 Incubate Debate National Championship (hosted at The Bolles School in Jacksonville).

In the round, Maverick stood his ground and defended his beliefs on a variety of topics posed by Dr. Peter Boghossian who described Maverick as “smart, sincere, and thoughtful... These students are being trained to be informed educated citizens capable of getting beyond ideology and articulating well thought out positions across divides.”
Maverick’s coach, Krysta Wilcox (KWilcox@ ecsdfl.us), worked hard this season to coach this incredible young man. She deserves enormous credit as well.
Oakcrest Elementary Welcomes Blue Angels

On April 23rd at Oakcrest Elementary School, Ms. Benito, Bilingual Teacher Assistant, arranged for Blue Angel Team members to come talk with the school’s 3rd5th grade English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) newcomers. This was part of exposing this new to members of the community. Speakers included Hector Viramontes, Jose Pulagrin, Alejandro Benito, Carolina Berrio, Natalia Luchetti, Adriana Sanchez, Helbert Urrutia, Joe Cardona, John Fernandez, Jose Cruz and John Funezcruz. The students had an amazing time meeting and listening to the Blue Angels members. They also gave posters to all of the students and staff.

Escambia 2024 Literacy Teacher of the Year
Escambia County’s Literacy Association has selected Jonathan Clausell as the Escambia 2024 Literacy Teacher of the Year. Mr. Clausell is a Kindergarten teacher at C.A. Weis Elementary. His passion is teaching the foundational skills of reading and building a love of writing. He develops a classroom culture that encourages students to have a positive attitude and to persevere. Jonathan uses data to identify students in need of support and matches the appropriate intervention to their need.
He serves on the school Literacy Leadership Team, is grade level chair, contributes to district curriculum committee work, presents district sponsored workshops on teaching writing, and serves as a model classroom where teachers throughout the district come to see best practices in action.

Mr. Clausell was nominated by his peers; his application was one of three top submissions and he was subsequently selected after his interview.
During his interview Mr. Clausell shared the importance of earning ESOL Endorsement to support our ever growing second language learner population and promoting family engagement to increase literacy. Mr. Clausell will submit his application for the Florida Literacy Association Teacher of the Year in the fall.

CA Weis Students Elite and Elegant Ambassadors
We are thrilled to share the wonderful experience in taking the Elite and Elegant ambassadors from CA Weis Community Partnership School to The District. This incredible opportunity was made possible by private grants and the generosity of The District. Chef Josh graciously spent time with the students, and they truly enjoyed spending time with him. The students, known for their respectfulness, demonstrated all the skills they have learned throughout their journey. It has been a joy to witness their growth in the program over the past three years, and we are eagerly looking forward to seeing them evolve into the exceptional leaders we know they are destined to become.

Aletheia Christian Library Transforms into Seussville

The library transformed into Seussville in March to celebrate Read Across America Week. The goal of RAA is to encourage children to ex plore the world of books and reading. Stu dents celebrat ed with Seussian games, trivia contests and writing original poetry. Students experienced how Dr. Seuss’ rhymes can be set to music and tried out Seussian tongue twisters. K4 dressed up for Wacky Wednesday. K5 had a special story time with the Cat in the Hat.

Jack McWilliams Named Junior Sailor of the Year

Congratulations to Jack McWilliams who was named the NYCP (Navy Yacht Club of Pensacola) 2023 Junior Sailor of the Year. Jack started sailing September 24, 2021. He had just turned 6 years old. His parents, Chris and Ricki McWilliams, and his grandparents, Rick and Anita Miller, gave him his Opti, “Well Red”. In March 2022, Jack participated in his 1st race the Dogwood Regatta, in Fairhope, Alabama. Since then, he has raced as far West as San Diego, California and as far south as Miami, Florida. Plus he participated in a prestigious US Sailing Jr. Olympic clinic. Most recently, Jack represented Pensacola, Florida and the USA at the 6th Annual Opti Orange, in Valencia, Spain. Jack, the NYCP is so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. It is an honor to have you as the NYCP 2023 Junior Sailor of the Year.

Battle of the Books
Thirty-two Escambia County Public Schools (ECPS) competed in Battle of the Books on Saturday, April 27th at the Booker T. Washington High School Gym. A total of 84 teams competed against each other to see who had the most knowledge of this year’s Battle of the Books titles. Participating students read up to 15 titles from this competition year’s Sunshine State Young Readers and Florida Teens Read book lists. Teams met before, after, and during school with their coaches to discuss the books’ themes, characters, settings, and main events. The competition included four rounds of 15 questions each, culminating with a Lightning Round.
3rd Grade: 1st Place - Scenic Heights Elementary Coaches: Janette Calder, Kaci Woodruff, and Ashlee Kinser;
Team Members: Thea Woodruff, Ryker Burleson, Arthur Dunford, and Nikolai Wade
2nd Place - Pine Meadow Elementary, D.E.A.R. (Demolishers Evelyn, Allegra, Rhett)
Coaches: Michelle Williams and Cathee Edmunds
Team Members: Allegra McCaw, Evelyn Rowley, and Rhett Edgar 3rd Place - Pleasant Grove Elementary, Mind Readers
Coach: Aaron Foote; Team Members: Eve Perez-McElroy, Jaxson Cruz, Paisley Brown, Soren Dyck, and Becca Terry
4th Grade: 1st Place - McArthur Elementary, The Mighty T’s
Coach: Lori Perkins; Team Members: Ruby MacWhinnie, Boshra Yousef, Joslyn Krantz, Reagan Hillis, and Clay Kerfoot
2nd Place - Ferry Pass Elementary, Summer Knights
Coaches: Laura Hobbs and Kasey Gaines; Team Members: Ariel Vincent, Stella Kroeger, Fabiola Vallecillo-Medina, Isaiah Ray, and Lillian Coates
3rd Place - Molino Park Elementary, The Royal Readers
Coaches: Rachel Gilmore and Becky Hatch; Team Members: Sky Dupree, Sadie Fetsko, Aden Hicks, and Bradley Nelson
5th Grade: 1st Place - Pleasant Grove Elementary, Mind Readers
Coach: Aaron Foote; Team Members: Victoria Montoro, Maycee Forbes, L ily Perez-McElroy, and Ellie Napiorkowski
2nd Place - Bellview Elementary
Coach: Michelle Brown; Team Members: Jasmine Long, Stella Timmons, Justyze Hill, and Paytan Roache’
3rd Place - Beulah Elementary
Coaches: Sherry Roughton and Sara Smith; Team Members: Ryleigh Parker, Olivia Nunn, Emma Nguyen, London Farrior, and Rasha Roberts
Middle School: 1st Place - Brown Barge Middle, Team 1
Coaches: Kristy Imhof and Peggy Hamblen
Team Members: Collin Taylor, Cameron Powell, Carter Murray, Karsyn Webster, and Savannah Henry
2nd Place - Bailey Middle
Coaches: Roberta Wetzel and Linsay Whitley
Team Members: Annabelle Martin, Olivia Wood, and Victorya Fisher
3rd Place - Brown Barge Middle, Team 2
Coaches: Kristy Imhof and Peggy Hamblen
Team Members: Madelyn McShane, Peyton Vestal, Lucas Ramos, Aden Khan, and Kyleigh Dunning
High School: 1st Place - Pine Forest High School, Team 2
Coach: Mary Hangen; Team Members: Olivia Richardson, Catherine Nelson, and Lillien Williams
2nd Place - Pine Forest High School, Team 1
Coach: Mary Hangen; Team Members: Harmony DeRisio, Gianna Penaloza-Jones, and Mariah Saucier
3rd Place - Tate High School
Coach: Maryjane Gardner; Team Members: Sarah Demers, Abby Lynch, Jorja Revels, Reagan Hatcher, and Natalie Concilio
Pensacola Catholic High School Weight Team Lifting in Competition

The Pensacola Catholic High School Weight Team finished third in both Olympic and Traditional categories at District Competitions. Individual winners at District included First Place finishes in Unlimited – Desjon Robertson; 179 – Alex Steigler; 169 – Thomas Sanfort; and 129 – Bryant Kyte. Four other students qualified “At Large” to compete at Regionals – Jon Flynn, Terius Mason, Aidan Murphy, and Patrick Theriot. At the Regional Competition, Desjon placed second, and Bryant, Jon, and Terius also qualified to advance to the State Competition. These four Crusaders represented CHS at the State meet and Desjon Robertson came home with the State Champion medal in the Heavyweight Division! Congratulations, Desjon, and the entire CHS Weightlifting Team for a great season!
Talent Showcase at Montessori School of Pensacola
Students at Montessori School of Pensacola got the opportunity to show off their talents and entertain staff and fellow students. The annual Elementary/ Middle School talent show took place on April 19th. Students bravely got up in front of the audience to sing, play piano, do magic tricks, and more. There was excitement and support from those in attendance. One student performed with his puppet!

Molino Park Takes First Overall in Science Olympiad
Molino Park Elementary School took first place overall in the 6th Annual Elementary Science Olympiad recently at Washington High School. A total of 21 elementary schools sent teams of students to compete in nine different events.
Aletheia Christian Students Complete IMPACT Project
Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy students at Aletheia Christian Academy completed their big IMPACT Project last month. Students selected their service project based on their passions and as a way of addressing needs in their community. They chose to host a “Senior Spring Fling” at a local assisted-living facility to bring joy to a community that often is forgotten. The students applied for a grant and hosted weekly bake sales to raise the funds necessary to pull this off. Each woman received a tiara and carnation, and the men received a boutonniere. They ate, danced, played games, made crafts, and had a grand old time! We are so very proud of these students!

Aletheia Christian Visits Pensacola Christian’s Planetarium

Third graders at Aletheia Christian Academy were treated to a field trip to Pensacola Christian Academy’s planetarium after completing their unit on the solar system. This field trip not only enhanced their learning, but it also allowed the students to see some of the wonders of God’s creation under an impressive 50 foot dome. What fun!

Aletheia Christian Academy Utilizes New Educational Program
Montessori School of Pensacola Teacher’s Non-Profit Sets Out to Educate

Aletheia Christian Academy is constantly finding ways to better serve the student body for their holistic development. We are continuously searching for new education tools and resources that will enhance learning and assist in maximizing potential. This semester, we are participating in a pilot program utilizing an educational program called IXL. It provides thousands of exercises students can use to improve their academic skills. It also provides insights into student progress to help our students excel.
Montessori School of Pensacola teacher, Stephanie Shepard, started Hope Above Fear after she lost her son in October of 2022 to a fentanyl overdose. The mission of Hope Above Fear is to promote awareness about the dangers of substance use, to extend assistance to adolescents struggling with substance abuse, and to provide support for their families. The group gives teens in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties the tools, knowledge, and resources needed to pursue substance-free living. With a focus on positivity, optimism, and resilience, they guide teens to choose a narrative of strength and self-discovery.

On May 7th, National Fentanyl Awareness Day, Shepard organized a free community event with dinner, auction, and speakers. MSP was one the sponsors of the event and MSP Middle School students volunteered. Now in its third year, National Fentanyl Awareness Day brings together individuals, parents, teachers, corporations, influencers, community groups, and government entities to help put an end to this emergency. Last year, over 70,000 Americans were poisoned by illegally made fentanyl. Fentanyl is now found in fake pills and street drugs, but users are often unaware that their drugs contain the potent opioid. This is an URGENT PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that puts all of us, and our loved ones, at risk. We all must play a role in preventing further tragedies.

New Crusader Ambassadors Named at Pensacola Catholic High School

Each spring, Pensacola Catholic High School names a new group of upcoming Sophomore students to join fellow upperclassmen, who had been previously named, to serve as a Student Ambassador. Originally begun in 2006, the group was formed to provide vital functions to be the voice, eyes, hands, and ears of CHS for the many visitors that grace the campus each year. Ambassadors assist at both private and public functions that are held on campus including annual Eighth Grade Visitation Days, Prospective Student/Parent Open House, New-Student Orientation, and numerous other special events. Students are nominated by faculty members and selected through a vetting process among the administrators. Students are selected across the wide-range of diverse talents and abilities that they possess with the intent that they represent the entire CHS student body. The moderator of the CHS Student Ambassadors is Mrs. Maria Green, Math Teacher and Math Department Chairperson. This year eleven upcoming Sophomores and three upcoming Juniors were added to the ranks. Pictured front row – Lane Grissett, Abigail Barzacchini, Julianne Adams, Kate Aldridge, Addison Manning, Krissy Chatman and back row – Jayden Coleman, Ryan Fayard, Jamarion Purifoy, Vaughn Howard, Caden Jasso, Henry Boyle, Luke Juhas.
Pace High Indoor Percussion Finalists
Pace High School Indoor Percussion traveled to Dayton, OH for the 2024 WGI World Championships - PSO Finals. They placed 7th in the Nation in Percussion Scholastic Open Class. This amazing group of percussionists paid their own way through fundraising and parent contributions, practiced multiple evenings per week and held many Saturday Camps 8am-9pm and performed locally and regionally throughout the season, undefeated, to be invited to WGI World in Dayton. Pace Indoor Percussion were the “underdogs” going into this steep competition and showed the country that Pace, FL has what it takes to be recognized for their talent, integrity, heart, sportsmanship, and compassion.

Aletheia Christian Academy Baseball Ends Season as Conference Champs

team took home the top prize in the Panhandle Christian Conference Championship series. The PCC currently consists of 17 Christian Schools from the states of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. The Aletheia Lions ended their season with a perfect 24-0 record. Way to go, Lions!
Ecology Lesson at Montessori School of Pensacola

Earth Day at Montessori School of Pensacola included a special visit from author/ ecologist/singer, Jo Billups. Billups has written books about protecting the planet, such as “The ABC’s of Ecology” and “The Humpback Whale and the Little Girl”. These stories can be sung as well! The overall mission of the ABC’S Of Ecology books and music is to educate children about the issues threatening the environment today in a fun and entertaining way. The goal is to motivate them through stories and songs to care for the planet and all living things. Environmental activists can have a reputation for being intense, but Billups with her guitar in hand, makes her point through song. She says her philosophy is that we are guests on this planet and we are given the task to care for it and its inhabitants for many generations to come.
Ernest Ward Students Care for Livestock
Sixth-grade students at Ernest Ward Middle School care for their livestock and harvest eggs as part of

Creative Learning Academy’s Annual Outward Bound Trip

Adventure always awaits Creative Learning Academy’s eighth graders as they embark on their Outward Bound expedition in the rugged setting of Cedar Rock, North Carolina. These young adult explorers demonstrated remarkable fortitude during the 8-day immersion into the great outdoors, learning invaluable wilderness survival skills while “roughing it” in the splendor of North Carolina’s mountains. Our students’ outdoor skills were honed under the expert guidance of seasoned instructors, as they learned the ins and outs of camping, navigation, and self-reliance. Outward Bound offers so many challenges each and every year. This year, students braved the currents of the French Broad River on white-water rafts and conquered the heights of a daring ropes course. Every activity becomes a test of determination and teamwork. The students pushed themselves beyond their comfort zones, embarking on an off-trail “bush push”; that tested both their physical endurance and mental fortitude. Yet amidst the adrenaline-fueled activities, there were also quieter moments of reflection as they experienced a solo camping night, surrounded only by the sounds of the wilderness.
Perhaps the most valuable lessons were those learned around the campfire, as students bonded over shared experiences and participated in team-building exercises. Through laughter and tears, CLA’s eighth graders discovered the importance of cooperation and support, laying the groundwork for lasting bonds as classmates and friends. As they return home with a newfound sense of confidence and resilience, these young adventurers carry with them memories that will last a lifetime.
Art Auction Fundraiser at Montessori School of Pensacola
The annual MSP PTO Gala event was held on April 20th at the Bayview Community Center. Parents, teachers, and supporters of the Montessori School of Pensacola came out for a fun 1980s promthemed evening.

In addition, to music and a silent auction, the annual school fundraiser, features a live auction of artwork pieces made by each classroom. The MSP students from Toddlers through 8th grade create collaborative art to be auctioned off to raise funds for the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). The PTO provides enrichment events and purchases to MSP students each year, such as laptops and field trips. Artwork this year included, a lamp and table set, a mosaic, and a painted wooden child’s chair.

Growing up with a single mom, Father’s Day always felt a bit tricky. I did have a relationship with my biological dad, but we were not very close. Instead of limiting the person we honored on Father’s Day to him, my mom taught me how to honor people who had a father-like role in my life.
I’ve been blessed to honor five other men who carried that role in my life. For me, this was an uncle, a grandfather, and a step-father who later adopted me. When I got married, I added my father-in-law, and finally my husband as the father of our kids.
The beauty of Father’s Day doesn’t have to be limited to one person. Instead, we can recognize the contributions of people who are fatherly in our lives and our children’s lives. As we approach Father’s Day this year, you can recognize and celebrate all the dads in your life.
Honoring Your Dad
The most obvious person to celebrate is your own father. No matter why you

Personalized Gifts: Consider giving your dad a personalized gift that reflects his interests and hobbies. It could be a custom-made item, engraved with a meaningful message or his initials.
Cook His Favorite Meal: Prepare your dad’s favorite meal for dinner. It’s a thoughtful way to show him how much you care.
Memory Jar: Encourage family members to write down their favorite memories or messages for your dad and place them in a decorative jar. Present it to him as a keepsake and reminisce about some favorite memories.
Meaningful Ways to Celebrate a Grandfather
Grandfathers have a unique role in their grandchildren’s lives. Sometimes they are part of your daily life. Other times, grandfathers live far away or there are other limits to how often you connect. Father’s Day is still a great time to remind them of how much you care. Here are some ways you or your children can honor a Grandfather:
Handwritten Letter or Card: your gratitude and love for your grand father in a heartfelt letter or card. Share specific memories or qualities you admire about him.

Family Gathering: Organize a family get-together or a special meal to honor your grandfather. It could be a barbecue,

coffee date, or dinner at his favorite restaurant.
Photo Album or Scrapbook: Create a photo album or scrapbook filled with pictures of your grandfather, family gatherings, and memorable moments together.
Ideas for Celebrating a Father-Like Relative
Many times people have a relative like an uncle step into a fatherly role. This

Outdoor Adventure: Plan an outdoor activity that your loved one enjoys, such as fishing, hiking, or a stroll in the park. Spend quality time together in nature.
Video Message: If you cannot be with your uncle in person, consider recording a video message to send him on Father’s Day. Share your love and appreciation for him in a heartfelt video.
Ideas for Celebrating Your Spouse
Watching your husband become a father impacts you and your children for a lifetime. Consider how you can make him feel special and loved for all he does. Think about ways you can show him you appreciate him, as well as ways your kids can show him that they love him.
Breakfast in Bed: Start his day off with a special breakfast served in bed. Prepare his favorite dishes and include a handwrit ten note or card expressing your love and appreciation.
Family Outing: Plan a fun family outing or activity that your husband enjoys. It could be a trip to the zoo, a hike in nature, a visit to his favorite museum, or a picnic in the park.
DIY Gifts: Get creative and make DIY gifts together with your kids to surprise your husband. It could be homemade cards, crafts, or personalized photo albums that capture special family moments.
Family Movie Night: Set up a cozy movie night at home with your husband’s favorite films, snacks, and blankets. Spend the evening cuddled up together enjoying quality family time.
Surprise Getaway: Plan a surprise week end getaway or staycation for your husband and the family. This is a great way to unwind and create new memories together.
Express Appreciation: Throughout the day, verbally express your appreciation for your husband’s role as a father and partner. Let him know how much he means to you and how grateful you are for everything he does for the family.
Rebecca traded the classroom for writing when she stayed home with her three children. Passionate about authenticity, faith, and family, she now writes regularly at www.myinkdance.com. Her first book, Worthy, is available on Amazon.

Nathan McIntosh and his wife Naomi met nearly twenty years ago over a chicken sandwich. So, it seems fitting that he decided to share a chicken teriyaki sandwich for the Dinner’s Ready recipe this month.
The couple met while working together at Chickfil-A and married within two years of meeting. Now, the couple has six incredible children together: Austin (15), Paxton (13), Josiah (10), Kingston (7), Caroline (3), and Maddox (18 months).

Nathan is one of Northwest Florida’s Premier realtors and he is also the owner of a thriving local bakery called Smallcakes in Pensacola, FL.
“With both of us being entrepreneurs, especially since my husband is in real estate, we decided to purchase the bakery,” shared Nathan’s wife, Naomi. “We both work in the bakery on some busier days, like Valentine’s Day. Nathan’s favorite thing to make is the in-house ice creams!”
Most evenings you can find him coaching his kid’s sports teams, attending fatherdaughter ballet classes with his one and only girl, or volunteering at his church.
“Our family is heavily involved in sports,” Naomi said. “We love playing basketball together. Also, pickleball, baseball, swimming in our pool, hiking, and traveling.”
Eating at home is the norm for the McIntosh family. You can often find Nathan whipping up breakfast for the four older boys

before school, and it is his favorite meal of the day. Naomi usually tackles dinner, and when the family isn’t off to the baseball fields, they sit around the dining room table.
“Our 13-yearold is very helpful and will meal prep. He loves dicing vegetables and is a bit of a perfectionist,” said Naomi. “Being a large family, we have to divide the clean up, and we’ve learned it works better to clean alongside the kids than to put one person alone on one job. One of us will do dishes with one of the kids after dinner and it’s a great time for a conversation and helps teach the kids how to wash the dishes properly.”

Outside of breakfast foods, this Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich is one of the family’s favorite meals when Nathan decides to grill dinner. It is full of flavor with the marinated and grilled teriyaki chicken and the sweet, caramelized pineapple. They often pair it with white lime rice.

• 1 bottle of pineapple teriyaki sauce or marinade
• 4 fresh pineapple rings (you could use canned in a pinch)
• Buns
• Lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and whatever sandwich toppings you like
1. Set aside a 1/2 cup of the teriyaki marinade to be used during grilling. Pour the remaining marinade into a dish. Add prepped chicken to the dish. Cover and allow the chicken breast to marinate in the fridge overnight.
2. Next day, prep and preheat your grill.
3. Place chicken breasts on the grill. Cook 8 to 10 minutes or until chicken is fork-tender and juices run clear, turning once half way through and brushing with remaining teriyaki sauce to glaze. Then remove from the grill and set aside.

“Each bite is a harmony of smoky, charred perfection and juicy, tropical delight, creating an unforgettable culinary experience that will transport your taste buds to paradise,” Naomi said. “It’s perfect for a summer cookout or a fancy luau!”
Nathan’s Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich
Serves 4
• 2 boneless, skinless Chicken breasts, cut in half or 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts pounded to 1/2 inch thick
4. Add a little bit of brown sugar to your sliced pineapple and throw it right on a grill. Cook for 2-3 minutes per side. Then remove from the grill and set aside.
5. Optionally, you can toast your buns by placing the cut side down on the grill for just 1-2 minutes.
6. Add a chicken breast to a bun, top with a pineapple ring, and any other desired toppings.

7. Enjoy! Serve with any desired side - white lime rice, sweet potato or homestyle fries, coleslaw, etc.
Gabriele has been married to her husband Daniel for 17 years. Together they have three incredible children – two boys, ages 16 and nine, and a sweet girl who will be two in August.
Gabriele is a full-time Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. When she isn’t spending time with family or building her business, she supports her husband who is the Lead Pastor and Planter of Forward Church in Gulf Shores.

Are you simultaneously excited about and dreading summer? If so, make the most of all of the unstructured, non-scheduled time your kids will soon be spending at home...or summer may not end up nearly as relaxing for you as it is for your kids!
Take a cue from ‘The Artful Parent,’ blogger Jean Van’t Hul. She says, “When a child explores, learns, and creates, the side effect is often a mess. To say no to the messes inhibits the exploration and the creativity that can take place. That should take place. It’s a child’s job to explore the world around him, to experience it and learn as much about it as possible. If the adults in his world continually say, ‘don’t make a mess, be quiet, sit down, be still, leave that alone, do it this way, color within the lines, don’t get your clothes dirty,’ that inhibits the exploration and the learning.”
To make sure you are ready for a summer that is as creative as it is easy, take a few tips from this list. You’ll be ready to squeeze as much fun as you can out of every lazy summer day.
Test-drive The Art Supplies:
Where do you keep your arts and craft supplies? If stored where they are easy to
access, your kids will be more likely to use them. Give your arts and crafts storage area a quick overhaul for summer. Check markers. Sharpen pencils. Melt old crayons into new bigger ones. Restock your finger paint and drawing pads. Get enough clipboards or pads for each member of the family. Whatever kinds of projects your family likes to indulge in, make sure you’ve got all the supplies on hand and ready to roll!
Plenty of Places to Brainstorm:
We have an assortment of white boards around the house that absorb an awful lot of creative energy. My eight-year-old daughter kneels in front of the one in her bedroom when she wants to draw picture after picture after picture. I use one in my office to catch ideas as they go flitting by or to jot down a few professional to-dos. And believe it or not, if I write down the family chores on the white board in the kitchen, I’m more likely to get the cooperation from the rest of the family when I need it, so we can all get back to playing.
Become Project-oriented: Creating a garden, a tree house, or a worm box are all examples of outdoor projects the family

can undertake together this summer. If you have a rainy day or prefer to stay indoors, why not get a jump on next season’s holiday gifts or cards? If everyone in the house prefers to work on his or her own projects at his or her own pace, why not make sure that each person has their own craft area, where they can leave a project out while it’s in process, until its completed. You’ll find that projects are more likely to get finished when they are easily accessible.
Bring On The Color:
Painting your walls, your furniture, your fence or your home is one of the cheapest and most fun ways to get a fresh look at home. Why not get the whole family involved? Even a toddler can paint primer on a wall. Tweens and teens might enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from getting an entire house painted. Mom and Dad can swing in a hammock and sip a cold drink while each school-age child paints one piece of furniture from their bedrooms a favorite new hue.
Garden with Themes: Why have a common garden when you could have a fairy garden or a pizza garden or a found

objects garden? For ideas and inspiration, consult the illustrated gardening books for children by author Sharon Lovejoy: Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots (Workman 1999), Trowel & Error (Workman 2002), and Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars (Workman 2010). Why not give each member of the family their own garden plot so they can nurture the harvest of their choice?
Take an Unexpected Adventure:
When you set out as a family towards an unfamiliar destination, your senses come alive with possibilities. Instead of planning every summer family outing, why not just grab some snacks and water bottles, hop in the car, and surprise yourselves? Perhaps there is a city nearby you can explore. Perhaps you are just an hour from a state park or wildlife sanctuary. Target a quaint small town you can traverse from end to end on foot. Keep an ongoing list of destinations on one of your whiteboards,
summer. Why not let them play the roles of producer, director, marketing spokesperson, etc. and get the whole neighborhood involved? Fun can really start to catalyze when you pool the neighborhood dress-up clothes, create an impromptu story, and start casting parts...even if only to while away a long afternoon.
Get a Little Wild:

Maybe during the school year you don’t welcome the extra mess that body paint, mud, glitter, bathtub crayons, clay, or temporary hair dyes can bring into your hallowed home. But during the summer months, why not? Kids experience a lot of pressure to conform when they are in school, so let them get wild while the days are long, the
mer and share it with your distant friends and relatives. And don’t worry about what to do with all your images and film clips. The long cold winter is coming just as sure as you are fully enjoying every minute of your fleeting summer. You’ll be so happy making memories that neighbors you haven’t seen in ages may invite themselves over to join the fun.

Happy creative summer!

Amusement Parks and Zoos
Downtown OWA ad on page 23
100 N OWA Blvd Foley, 36535
Open 7 days a week with no admission charge, Downtown OWA is Coastal Alabama’s destination for shopping, dining and entertainment—just minutes from the beach on the Foley Beach Express. 251-923-2111 info@VisitOwa.com www.VisitOWA.com
Gulf Breeze Zoo
ad on page 29
5701 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32563
More than 1000 animals from nearly every continent and of almost every size. Safari Express train, feed animals, free-flight bird aviary and much more! Hands on animal encounters and kids activities
866-620-1825 www.gbzoo.com
Tropic Falls at OWA
ad on page 23
1501 S OWA Boulevard Foley, 36535 Tropic Falls at OWA features your favorite themepark rides and attractions—from family-friendly to hair-raising—just minutes from Alabama beaches on the Foley Beach Express. 251-923-2111 www.visitowa.com/destinations/ tropic-falls-at-owa
Adventures Unlimited
8974 Tomahawk Landing Pensacola, 32570 Enjoy Canoeing, Kayaking, Tubing, Paddle Boarding and Camping along sugar white sandbars. Soar through the skies on our zip-line tour. Spend a relaxing weekend in one of our rental cabins. 850-623-6197 auocmail@gmail.com www.adventuresunlimited.com
Emerald Coast Zoo
5262 Deer Springs Drive Crestview, 32539
The family-owned Emerald Coast Zoo is uniquely situated to offer visitors an unforgettable animal experience with an up-close and personal touch. 850-682-3949 www.emeraldcoastzoo.com
Fast Eddies Fun Center
505 West Michigan Avenue Pensacola, 32505
Enjoy FAST Go-Karts, a Tropical Mini-Golf
Course, and a Construction Zone with Mini Excavators! Take a swing in our Batting Cages and then Cool off and win prizes in our LARGE Arcade!
850-433-7735 info@fasteddiesfuncenter.com www.fasteddiesfuncenter.com
Splash City Adventures
6709 Pensacola Boulevard Pensacola, 32505 Amusement and waterpark with over 20 rides and attractions for kids of every age! Splash City Waterpark has 12 thrilling water slides, a 750? endless river, seven pools including two kiddie interactive play pools each with pint size slides. 850-505-0800 info@splashcityadventure.com www.splashcityadventures.com
Waterville USA
906 Gulf Shores Parkway Gulf Shores, 36542 Waterville USA offers you 20-acres of fun through our waterpark, amusement park and escape rooms. 251-948-2106 www.watervilleusa.com
Arts and Crafts
Creatisphere - First City Art
ad on page 35
1060 North Guillemard Street Pensacola, 32501 Hands-on classes in pottery, sculpture, photography, glass blowing, 3D mixed media, painting, printmaking, drawing and more! 850-429-1222 Firstcityart@gmail.com www.firstcityart.org
ARTfullyLilian Studio
3440 Lemmington Road Pensacola, 32504 Group Classes, Summer Camps & Private Lessons. 850- 375-9555 www.artfullylilian.com
Ellen’s Art
1265 Oriole Beach Road Gulf Breeze, 32563
A DIY art experience created by an award winning artist. Each person may choose their individual design to paint, embellish, and add epoxy. Book your Open Studio session today. 850-736-1658 Ellmcgaug@aol.com www.ellens-art.com
Maker’s Loft
2400 W Michigan Ave, Ste 19 Pensacola, 32526
We’re a workshop style craft studio. Sign up, come in, have fun. All supplies are included. 850-466-3227 www.makersloftpensacola.com
6601 North Davis Hwy Suite 5 Pensacola, 32504
An all-in-1 DIY Craft Studio based in Pensacola, FL! Splatter Room, Birthday Parties, Camps & more.
850-857-8418 pensacola@pinspiration.com www.pinspiration.com/locations/pensacola/
Bowling / Skating / Movies / Indoor Fun
OWA Theater
ad on page 23
205 N. OWA Blvd Foley, 36535
OWA Theater is the centerpiece of Downtown OWA’s entertainment offerings. OWA Theater hosts sellout events year-round, from Halloween Horror Shows to productions like Christian Comedy Fest and Menopause the Musical. State-of-the-art sound, lighting and seating make for a comfortable & memorable venue—and adult beverages are available for purchase! 251-369-6100 www.visitowa.com
AMC Bayou 15
5149 Bayou Boulevard Pensacola, 32503
Visit the AMC theatre location nearest you online to view current and upcoming movie showtimes and events.
https://www.amctheatres.com/movie-theatres/ pensacola-mobile/amc-bayou-15
AMC Classic Pensacola 18
6595 North “W” Street Pensacola, 32534
Visit the AMC theatre location nearest you online to view current and upcoming movie showtimes and events. www.amctheatres.com
Bounce House of Pensacola
6241 N Davis Hwy (Suite D) Pensacola, 32504
Bounce houses, slides, creative area, sports games, video games, and separate toddler area for little ones.
850-417-4692 www.bouncehousepensacola.com
Brandon Styles Showroom at OWA
101-H S OWA Boulevard Foley, 36535
Featuring a lineup of ever-changing acts and shows, from family-friendly to date night, the quick-witted Brandon Styles will have you doubling over in your chair.
251-237-3330 www.brandonstyles.com
Breeze Cinema 8
1233 Crane Cove Boulevard Gulf Breeze, 32563
With the latest in digital projection, stadium seating, competitive pricing and a friendly staff, The Breeze offers the best in movie entertainment.
850-934-3332 www.movieshowtime.net/breeze
Cordova Lanes
2111 Airport Boulevard Pensacola, 32504
Relax with family, friends, food and your favorite beverage. Family Fun League, Pins & Pals Summer Camp and birthday parties. 850-477-2300 info@cordovalanes.com www.cordovalanes.com
DeLuna Lanes
590 East 9 Mile Road Pensacola, 32514
Fun-filled bowling lanes, arcade game room, and a full-service sports grill! On Friday and Saturday nights, we have Cosmic Bowling for all ages with a spectacular light show! 850-478-9522 www.delunalanes.com
FunPlex of Gulf Breeze
3123 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32563
The Funplex of Gulf Breeze is a multi-purpose family entertainment facility. We offer many services for your little ones, including after-school classes, birthday parties in our state-of-the-art gymnastics facility, summer camps, day camps and open play.
850-932-2297 gulfbreezegym@gmail.com www.the-funplex.com
Oops Alley
3721 Highway 90 Pace, 32571
A family entertainment center with bowling, family
fun zone, pool tables, the Back Alley Grill, and rooms for private parties.
850-995-9393 oopsalleypace@gmail.com www.oopsalley.com
Pensacola Kid’s Place
3 West 9 Mile Rd Suite 4 Pensacola, 32534
A clean and safe indoor playzone for children up to 8 years old. Tunnels, ball pit, slides, activity tables and education toys!
850-332-5085 pensacolakidsplace@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/pensacolakidsplace/
Skater’s Choice Dreamland
2607 East Olive Road Pensacola, 32514
Roller skating, arcade games, redemption games with a prize center, skate races, the state of the art cosmic light & sound show and more! See our schedule of events on our website.
850-478-3994 dreamlandskatecenter@yahoo.com www.myskatecenter.com/welcome-to-dreamland
Sky Zone Trampoline Park
5007 N Davis Hwy (Unit 8a) Pensacola, 32503 Freestyle Jump, Skyslam, Ultimate Dodgeball, Foam Zone, Skyjoust, Skyladder and more. 850-378-2570 www.skyzone.com/pensacola
Concerts, Plays & Performances
Pensacola Little Theatre
ad on page 5
400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, 32502 Providing theatrical experiences that entertain, enrich, and educate all ages.The Pensacola Cultural

Center, hosts musicals, comedies, dramas, and children’s shows, adult and youth acting classes and other theatre skills.
850-432-2042 info@pensacolalittletheatre.com www.pensacolalittletheatre.com
Pensacola Opera ad on page 32
75 South Tarragona Street Pensacola, 32502 Pensacola Opera’s Overture is a week-long day camp that teaches children ages 8-13 about the magic and excitement of live theatre by placing them right at the center of the action! This year’s production will be The Marriage of Figaro. Dates: July 15-20, 2024
850-433-6737 bethany@pensacolaopera.com www.pensacolaopera.com
Bands on the Beach
20 Casino Beach Boardwalk Pensacola, 32561
Bands on the Beach offers a wide variety of music every Tuesday evening from April 2 – October 29, 2024. Bring your lawn chair and join us. Bands start at 7:00pm. Schedule available online. 850-932-2257 www.visitpensacolabeach.com/ whats-happening-bands-on-beach
Blue Angel Music Blues on the Bay Summer Concert Series
301 West Main Street Pensacola, 32502 Blues on the Bay is a Free Concert series at 6:00pm. June 2 – Goldmine, June 30 – The Blenders, July 7 – (Rain Date). Like and follow us on Facebook: Play Pensacola and Blues in the Bay Pensacola for concert announcements and updates. 850-457-7557 www.cityofpensacola.com/1161/ Blues-Angel-Music-Blues-on-the-Bay

Center for Fine and Performing Arts
11000 University Parkway Pensacola, 32514
Check our website for information on performances and events.
850-857-6197 www.uwf.edu/cfpa
Pensacola Bay Center
201 East Gregory Street Pensacola, 32502
Trade shows, concerts, sporting events, graduation ceremonies, weddings and more. Like and follow our Facebook page to get the latest event announcements and special offers. 850-432-0800 www.pensacolabaycenter.com
Pensacola Symphony Orchestra
205 East Zaragoza Street Pensacola, 32502
Offering live symphonic music and lifelong learning through musical activities, enrichment programs, concerts, family events. 850-435-2533 www.pensacolasymphony.com
Saenger Theatre
118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, 32502
The Saenger Theatre is the premier entertainment destination for Pensacola. We host everything from Broadway, to Opera, Concerts, family shows and Classic Movie Series.
850-595-3882 info@pensacolasaenger.com www.pensacolasaenger.com
Farms / Horseback Riding
Crazy Acres Ranch
3030 Highway 90 Molino, 32577
Riding lessons for all levels of experience, trail

rides and riding camps. Pony Parties for Children’s Groups, Birthday’s, Churches, Scouts, Family Reunions and more. Visit us on Facebook!
850-206-8113 www.facebook.com/CrazyAcresRanch
Escambia County Equestrian Center
7750 Mobile Highway Pensacola, 32526
The Center is host to numerous horse shows, rodeos, dog shows, clinics, exhibitions, festivals, concerts and more. We are also open to the public daily for walking, jogging and allow horse owners to ride our trails.
850-941-6042 www.myescambia.com/community/ escambia-county-equestrian-center
Hayes Ranch
5091 Berryhill Road Milton, 32570
Horseback riding- We ride through our 150 acres of rolling pastures during the time of the ride. We also offer summer camps.
850-324-2477 Hayesranch1969@yahoo.com www.thehayesranch.com
Iron Horse Stables
11 Eden Lane Cantonment, 32533
Horseback riding in Northwest Florida through breathtaking scenic trails! Make your reservation today! Also offering Summer Horse Camps, riding lessons, boarding and pony parties! 850-982-0954 ironhorsestables.ride@gmail.com www.iron-horse-stables.com
Wild Hawk Ranch, LLC
24080 JD Waters Lane Robertsdale, 36567
Horseback Riding or Horse Training lessons on our horses at our place or we can come to your property. Baldwin County (Robertsdale, Loxley, Foley,

Bay Minette) and Pensacola areas. Cost-$50 per hour for riding or lessons (Sat and Sun only). (850) 418-3684 wildhawkranch@gmail.com www.wildhawkranch.com
Museums, Science and Education
Bellingrath Gardens and Home
ad on page 8
12401 Bellingrath Gardens Rd Theodore, 36582
Bellingrath Gardens and Home features a 65-acre estate Garden and historic Home, and blooms and beauty year-round. Open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (251) 973-2217 bellingrath@bellingrath.org www.bellingrath.org
Dauphin Island Sea Lab ad on page 32
101 Bienville Boulevard Dauphin Island, 36528
The Dauphin Island Sea Lab is the state of Alabama’s marine research and education center. Programs include K-12, professional development, undergraduate and graduate, and the Alabama Aquarium. The Aquarium is open year-round from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (251) 861-2141 www.disl.edu
Pensacola Museum of Art ad on page 41
407 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, 32502
The museum offers a wide range of educational and cultural programs year round, a collection of modern and contemporary art, artist talks,

lectures, workshops, and art camps for kids. Included in the Historic Pensacola unified ticket with the Pensacola Museum of History, Pensacola Children’s Museum and Historic Pensacola Village. Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00-4:00 and Sunday, Noon-4:00
850-432-6247 wdavis4@uwf.edu www.pensacolamuseum.org
Arcadia Mill Archaeological Site
5709 Mill Pond Lane Milton, 32583
Site features a museum with children’s exhibit, outdoor boardwalk and nature trails, Discovery Pavilion, and picnic area.
850-626-3084 arcadiamill@uwf.edu www.historicpensacola.org/explore-arcadia-mill
Emerald Coast Science Center
31 S West Memorial Parkway Fort Walton, 32548
Encouraging exploration, discovery, and interest in science through interactive exhibits and quality educational programs, the center displays over 45 exhibits including robotics, live animals, SMALLab Learning, and much more. 850-664-1261 website@ecscience.org www.ecscience.org
Footprints in the Sand Eco Trail Pensacola, 32561
Learn about local plant and animal life including dolphins, turtles, sharks, birds, flowers, and fish. Educational signs have been posted at key locations across the beach, each one exploring a different ecological topic.
800-635-4803 www.visitpensacolabeach.com/ ecotrail/
1010 Miracle Strip Parkway SE Fort Walton Beach, 32548
Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park is dedicated to educating, entertaining, and inspiring our guests to respect and preserve wildlife by providing unique and memorable experiences for visitors of all ages to connect with marine life.
850-243-9046 info@gulfarium.com www.gulfarium.com
Historic Pensacola Village
205 E. Zaragoza Street Pensacola, 32502
Museum exhibits, tours and interaction with period dressed living history interpreters. Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00-4:00 p.m.
850-595-5993 wdavis4@uwf.edu www.historicpensacola.org
Naval Aviation Museum
1750 Radford Boulevard Pensacola, 32508
Explore the world’s largest Naval Aviation museum and one of the most-visited museums in the state of Florida. See more than 150 beautifully restored aircraft representing Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Aviation. Open daily and admission is free. 251-452-2894 namfoffice@navalaviationmuseum.org www.navalaviationmuseum.org
Navarre Beach Marine
Science Station
8638 Blue Heron Court Navarre, 32566
The mission of the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station is to promote the appreciation, conservation, and understanding of the marine ecosystem of coastal Florida through education and service. 850-261-2141 www.Navarrebeachmarinesciencestation.com
Pensacola Children’s Museum
115 East Zaragoza Street Pensacola, 32502
The Pensacola Children’s Museum allows children 10 and under to explore their world through interactive exhibits, such as the Discovery Gallery, Publix SuperMarket and the Kids Medical Clinic. Included with admission to the Pensacola Museum of History, Pensacola Museum of Art, and Historic Pensacola Village. Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00-4:00 and Sunday, Noon-4:00 p.m.
850-595-1559 historicpensacola.org/plan-your-visit/ museums-properties/pensacola-childrens-museum
Pensacola Lighthouse & Maritime Museum
2081 Radford Boulevard Pensacola, 32508
Climb 177 steps to see the most breathtaking view of Pensacola Bay from the top of the landmark 1859 lighthouse. Visit indoor and outdoor history exhibits. Please check our website for current NAS Pensacola base restrictions. 850-393-1561 info@PensacolaLighthouse.org www.pensacolalighthouse.org
Pensacola MESS Hall
418 E Wright Street Pensacola, 32501
Hands-on science, and fun for the whole family! Explore exhibits like marble run and wind tubes or try a single-serve science experiment on our changing menu of “mess kits”. 877-937-6377 info@penacolamesshall.org www.pensacolamesshall.org
Pensacola Museum of History
330 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, 32502
The Pensacola Museum of History, a highlight of the self-guided tour, is a general history museum with galleries dedicated to both permanent and

Be Moved This Summer

changing exhibits. Included with the unified ticket for Historic Pensacola with the Pensacola Museum of Art, the Pensacola Children’s Museum and Historic Pensacola Village. Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00-4:00 and Sunday, Noon-4:00 850-595-5990 wdavis4@uwf.edu www.historicpensacola.org
Reading 2024 - Santa Rosa County Libraries
Registration for Summer Reading begins May 24. Visit our website events page for summer activities at the library. www.santarosa.fl.gov/659/Libraries
Reading 2024 - West Florida Public Libraries
Enjoy a great time with family and friends in this year’s Summer Reading Program “Adventure Begins at Your Library!” The challenge will run from May 23-August 3, 2024. www.mywfpl.com/
Outdoor Fun / Entertainment
Busch Light Fishing Rodeo
ad on page 33
800 Quietwater Beach Rd. Gulf Breeze, 32563
Fishing competition done by land, dock, or boat beginning June 21 through June 24 for anglers of all ages and skill levels. Free registration for youth anglers 10 & under, with a paying adult angler. info@pensacolasports.org http://www.pensacolasports.org/racquet-round-up/
Movies in the Park
ad on Inside Back Cover
301 West Main Street Pensacola, 32502
The Movies in the Park Series will return to the Community Maritime Park this summer with free movies once each month. Bring your blankets and chairs then spread out on the lawn to watch a family-friendly movie underneath the stars. Pre-show activities begin at 6 p.m. Movies begin at sunset. Concessions may be available from local food trucks. Dates: June 1–The Marvels, July 13–Wonka 850-435-1603 www.cityofpensacola.com/1162/ Movies-In-the-Park-Series
KickStart Soccer
ad on page 33
4711 N. W Street Pensacola
Free soccer clinic offered July 16-18, open to ages 5 - 12 years and all skill levels. 850-434-2800 adam@pensacolasports.org www.pensacolasports.org/kick-start-soccer-clinic/
Racquet Round-up
ad on page 33
Free tennis clinic offered May 28 - June 17 at various dates and locations open to children ages 5 - 12 years and all skill levels.
850-434-2800 adam@pensacolasports.org www.pensacolasports.org/racquet-round-up/
Tropic Hideaway RV Park
ad on page 23
2252 Creek Winds Road Foley, 36535
Relax into a tropical vibe at the new Tropic Hideaway RV Resort at OWA. The 190-lot luxury RV resort features amenities like pickleball courts,
pool and clubhouse, all with a tropical, island atmosphere. Located minutes from Alabama beaches off the Foley Beach Express. (251) 955-3157 https://tropichideaway.com/
Blue Basket Farms
8655 Highway 89 Milton, 32570
Family oriented u-pick blueberry farm. Many varieties, pick and taste to find your favorite. Season: Mid May - Mid June. Call or check Facebook for more details.
850-623-0652 facebook.com/BlueBasketFarms
Blue Wahoos Baseball
351 West Cedar Street Pensacola, 32502
The Wahoos are the Double-A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds and enjoy bringing professionallevel sports & family entertainment to the Pensacola area. Like the Blue Wahoos on Facebook for event updates
850-934-8444 info@bluewahoos.com www.bluewahoos.com
Fiesta Pensacola
Visit our website for upcoming events and activities.
850-433-6512 www.fiestapensacola.org
First Tee Gulf Coast
3924 West Navy Boulevard Pensacola, 32507
We give children ages 5-18, of all backgrounds an opportunity to develop, through golf & character education, life-enhancing values such as honesty, integrity, & sportsmanship. *Scholarships Available.
850-456-7010 contactus@firstteegulfcoast.org www.firstteegulfcoast.org/

Palafox Market
Fresh produce, live plants, antiques, local farm food, baked goods and art vendors. Open Saturdays from 9:00am - 2:00pm, rain or shine! 850-434-5371 info@palafoxmarket.com www.palafoxmarket.com
Pensacola Beach Gulf Fishing Pier
41 Fort Pickens Road Pensacola, 32561
The Pensacola Pier has everything you need to fish available for rental. Food and entertainment for all ages within walking distance. The Gulfside Pavilion offers shade and a great view of the pier and beachfront. Visit us on Facebook!
850-934-7200 www.facebook.com/gulfpier
Trek Bicycle Store Pensacola
701 East Cervantes Street Pensacola, 32501 Road Bikes, Hybrid and Bike Path, Cruisers, Electric Bikes, Mountain Bikes, Cycling Accessories, Apparel as well as bicycle service and repair. We hosts a variety of community cycling events.
850-912-6858 www.trekstoregulfcoast.com
U.S. Blue Angels Practices
Pensacola, 32507
The Blue Angels can be seen practicing most Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from March to October. Practices typically begin at 10:30am. Please check our website for current NAS Pensacola base restrictions. General public viewing opportunities outside of NAS Pensacola include Fort Pickens, boat cruises, and various points throughout downtown.
850-457-3032 www.navalaviationmuseum.org/ blueangels/
City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation
ad on Inside Back Cover
Offering 93 parks and open spaces, 2 swimming pools, 2 splash pads, 58 playground structures, ball fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, Osceola Golf Course, Bayview Outdoor Pursuits Center, facility rentals, picnic tables, pavilions, more. Services and facilities include 10 Resource Centers and 200+ Recreation Programs/Activities Annually.
850-436-5670 www.playpensacola.com
Big Lagoon State Park
12301 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, 32507
Bring the whole family out for a fun-filled time. The park is open from 8am-dark daily.
850-492-1595 www.floridastateparks.org/BigLagoon
Blackwater River State Park
7720 Deaton Bridge Road Milton, 32564
Outdoor recreation with one of the purest sandbottom rivers in the nation. Swimming, fishing, camping, caneing, kayaking and more. Campsites are just a short walk from the river, and visitors can enjoy a picnic 850-983-5363 www.floridastateparks.org/park/ Blackwater-River
Gulf Islands National Seashore
1801 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32563
Includes historic forts, shaded picnic areas, trails, and campgrounds. From Cat Island, Mississippi, stretching eastward 160 miles to the Okaloosa

Area east of Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Youth campground in Gulf Breeze and a group campground in Fort Pickensin are available for rent by emailing Guis_information@nps.gov also a group campground in Fort Pickens. 850-934-2600 www.nps.gov/guis/index.htm
Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park
2401 Bauer Road Pensacola, 32507
A boardwalk offers visitors a view of the wild and beautiful Tarkiln Bayou. Enjoy a picnic, or hiking on the nature trails 850-492-1595 www.floridastateparks.org/park/ Tarkiln-Bayou
Cecil T. Hunter
Swimming Pool
ad on Inside Back Cover
200 East Blount Street Pensacola, 32502
Public Swimming Pool with water slides, spray features, and additional zero depth entry pool. Summer season from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend. Visit website for hours of operation and pricing. For swim lessons and more information visit www.ymcanwfl.org. 850-436-5197 www.playpensacola.com
Gospel Projects Youth
Athletic Club Aquatics Program
ad on page 28
6331 Chestnut Street Milton, 32570 GPYAC Aquatics program offers group swim lessons and team readiness programs. Lessons

Ages 5-12
Monday - Friday
Full Day 9am - 4pm
Half Day option on select weeks
Ages 13-18
Monday - Friday 1pm - 4pm

are taught by Certified Water Safety Instructors held at GPYAC swimming pool. Must be 4 years old+ at the time of lessons. GPYAC partners with the Greater Pensacola Aquatics Program and participates in their sponsored competitions for ages six through high school. Find us on Facebook.com/Gospel Projects Youth Athletic Club.
850-623-4671 sports@youthathleticclub.org www.youthathleticclub.org
Roger Scott Pool
ad on Inside Back Cover
2030 Summit Boulevard Pensacola, 32503
Public Swimming Pool with water slides, spray features, and additional zero depth entry pool. Summer season from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend. Visit website for hours of operation and pricing. For swim lessons and more information visit www.ymcanwfl.org. 850-595-1218 www.playpensacola.com
Barracuda Swim Works
Train with Olympic Medalist Beth Barr. Over 30 years’ experience. Elite Performance & Stroke Specialist. Heated Pool all year around. Groups, Private, & Semi-Private Lessons. 850-860-6525 www.barracudaswimworks.com
Pensacola State College Aquatics
1000 College Boulevard Pensacola, 32504
Water exercise classes, swim lessons, and master swim classes. Greater Pensacola Aquatic Club (GPAC) offers competitive swimming and swim lessons. Kids College - swimming and other fun things for kids 6 to 12 years old. For more information contact Amy Queret-Mitchell in Continuing Education, 850-484-1796. 850-484-1311 www.pensacolastate.edu
Watersports- Surf, Paddleboard, Sailing
Laguna’s ad on page 31
460 Pensacola Beach Blvd Pensacola, 32561
A unique activity venue offering a go-kart track and a variety of waterfront rentals. Kayaks, jet skis, parasailing, paddleboards, live entertainment and more. Book your adventure today! 850-677-3905 www.lagunaspb.com
Pensacola Yacht Club
Summer Sailing
ad on page 45
1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, 32502
Learn to sail with confidence and have fun doing

it! All sessions will offer instruction for beginner to advanced, ages 6-adult. Campers will learn boat rigging, boat handling, basic knots, sportsmanship, sailing fundamentals, and boat responsibility. 850-433-8804 www.pycsailingschool.wixsite.com/ home
Radical Rides
ad on page 31
444 Pensacola Beach Blvd Pensacola, 32561
A family-owned and operated business offering parasailing, waverunners, kayak, paddle board and boat rentals. Radical Rides is the perfect place to be! Visit us on Facebook. 850-934-9743 www.radicalrides.com
ad on page 4
380 North 9th Avenue Pensacola, 32502 Surfboards, skateboards, skimboards, shoes, sandals, clothing, & Cafe. We have an indoor skate park, & offer Surf, skim, and skateboard lessons and skate and surf camps. 850-433-2929 help@waterboyz.com www.waterboyz.com
Blackwater Canoe Rental
6974 Deaton Bridge Road Milton, 32583
Round trip service with pavilions, restrooms and outdoor showers. Day Canoe/Kayak Trips, Short Canoe/Kayak Trips, or Tube Trips. 850-623-0235 info@blackwatercanoe.com www.blackwatercanoe.com
Coastal Paddle Company
848 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32561 We offer YOLO Boards, paddles and all the ac-
cessories needed to get out on the water. We are your coastal outdoor outfitter, outfitting you for wherever your day takes you!
850-916-1600 www.facebook.com/coastalpaddlecompany/
Condor Sailing Adventures
655 Pensacola Beach Blvd Pensacola, 32502
Sail on our world-class 40 ft. Condor racing trimaran, Dare II. A fun, relaxing adventure for kids and adults! Comfy, spacious seating. 850-637-7245 info@condorsailingadventures.com www.condorsailingadventures.com
Innerlight Surf Shop
114 Palafox Place Pensacola, 32502
Surf merchandise, equipment, service, repair, rentals and tons of knowledge. Lessons, camps and rentals. Visit our website for pricing and more information and follow us on Facebook.
850-495-3507 www.innerlightsurf.com
Innerlight Surf Shop
203 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32561
Surf merchandise, equipment, service, repair, rentals and tons of knowledge. Lessons, camps and rentals. Visit our website for pricing and more information and follow us on Facebook. 850-932-5134 www.innerlightsurf.com
Jolly Sailing & Dolphin Cruises
655 Pensacola Beach Blvd Pensacola, 32561
Sailing, Snorkeling Tours, & Dolphin Cruises 850-723-6142 www.jollysailing.com
Key Sailing
400 Quietwater Beach Road Pensacola, 32561
Sailing, parasailing, wave runners, kayaks, boat

rentals and much more! We provide all the safety training and gear for a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.
877-932-5520 www.keysailing.com
Outdoor Gulf Coast
Get outdoors and explore the coastal waterways! Offering windsurfing lessons, tours, kayak and paddleboard rentals in Pensacola, Pensacola Beach, and Perdido Key. 850-466-8477 contact@outdoorgulfcoast.com www.Outdoorgulfcoast.com
Pensacola Sailing Academy
600 South Barracks St Pensacola, 32502
Learn to sail in just 3 days! Pensacola Sailing Academy also offers private sunset sails, 2 hour mini lessons or sailboat rentals. 850-432-3199 info@pensacolasail.com www.pensacolasail.com/
SUP Dogs Paddleboard and Kayak Rentals
Pensacola, 32503
Stand Up Paddle Board and Kayak Rentals.
Single and multi day rentals delivered to your home, condo, beach home, or preferred paddle boarding location. Each renter is supplied with safety information and basic instructions. 850-324-5584 www.isupdogs.com
Viking Diving
3009 Olde Barranca Avenue Pensacola, 32507
Offering scuba & diver training, charters to all of the local dive locations, sunset cruises, snorkeling and dolphin excursions. 850-916-3483 vikingdivingpensacola@outlook.com www.vikingdivingpensacola.com GPP

Pace Assembly
ad on page 36
3948 Highway 90 Pace, 32571

Theme: Xtreme KidCon 2024
Dates: June 1720, 2024
Times: 6:00pm8:45pm Ages: 4 - 12 years old
Out of this world fun is coming to KiDCON 2024! Don’t let your child, grandchild, nephew, niece, or neighbor miss out! Must Register online by June 10. Sanctuary doors will open @5:30p each night. Event begins @6pm Service will end approx. 8pm. After-party in the Gym from 8 - 8:45 (food provided). Pick-up begins @8:45p @ the Gymnasium doors. Free event; an offering will be taken up each night. www.paceassembly.org Events - Event Registration
First Pentecostal Church

ad on page 22 6500 North W Street Pensacola, 32505
Theme: Level Up Dates: June 26-30, 2024 Times: June
26-28-5:30pm-8:30pm, June 29-10:00am2:00pm, June 30-10:00am-12:00pm Ages: 5 years - 11 years (850) 477-1100 firstpent@firstpent.org www.firstpent.org
Campus Church
ad on page 7
115 Saint John Street Pensacola, 32503

Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Dates: July 7-11, 2024 Times: 6:15pm - 8:15pm Ages: K4 - 6th grade and Special Needs (850) 479-6575 info@campuschurch.com www.campuschurch.com
Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church
100 Andrew Jackson Trail Gulf Breeze, 32561
Theme: Outback Rock: Where Kids Venture into Solid Faith
Dates: May 28–31, 2024 Times: 9:00am-1:00pm
Ages: Participant must be 4 on or before September 1st and potty trained, K-5
Are you ready for an Aussie adventure? We are going to travel to the Outback, experience miracles of Jesus and discover what solid, unshakeable faith can do for your life! (850) 932-3625 kidz@gulfbreezepc.org www.gbpresbyterian.org
Scenic Hills Church of Christ
1295 E Nine Mile Road Pensacola, 32514
Theme: Jurassic Hills
Dates: May 31-June 2, 2024 Times: May 31 and June 1, 5:30pm-8:00pm, June 2, 9:00am-11:30am (850) 477-2114 www.scenichillscoc.org
Generation Church
18 N Palafox St Pensacola, 32502
Theme: Start the Party
Dates: June 2 - 4, 2024 Times: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Ages: PK (4 yrs old and potty trained)-5th grade (850) 479-7210 Adam@generationpensacola.com www.generationpensacola.com
Cokesbury United Methodist Church
5725 N 9th Avenue Pensacola, 32504
Theme: Scuba-diving into the friendship with God. Dates: June 3-6, 2024 Times: 5:30pm-8:00pm
Ages: 3 years - 5th grade
An underwater style adventure each evening with a snack supper, games, music, Bible story, and more! (850) 476-5818 Kathy@cokesburychurch.com www.cokesburychurch.com/vbs
First Baptist of Cantonment
118 Morris Avenue, Cantonment, FL 32533
Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Date: June 3-7, 2024 Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
All ages. Registration: https://fbccfl.myanswers. com/jungle-journey/ (850) 968-9135 firstbaptistchurch@fbccfl.com www.fbccfl.com/resources
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
4257 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32563
Theme: Celebrate the Savior
Dates: June 3-7, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 4 years (by May 15th)5th grade
Registration: https://vbsmate.com/ events/GoodShepherdGulfBreezeFL/28575
Olive Baptist ChurchWarrington Campus
103 W Winthrop Avenue
Pensacola, 32507
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands – God’s Truth Never Changes
Dates: June 3-7, 2024 Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 4 years – 5th grade
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Online pre-registration begins March 10th and ends May 27th, but parents can register their children any day during VBS. (850) 476-1932 blowe@olivebaptist.org www.olivebaptist.org/vbs
St. Rose of Lima
6451 Park Avenue Milton, 32570
Dates: June 3-7, 2024 Times: 5:30 dinner, 6:00pm-8:30pm Ages: PK-5th grade (850) 623-3600 dre@srl.ptdiocese.org www.srolparish.org
St. Paul United Methodist Church 4901 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, 32563 Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 3-6, 2024 Times: 8:30am-11:30am Ages: Entering Kindergartners - Entering 5th (850) 932-8002 office@stpaulmethodist.org www.stpaulmethodist.org
Trinity Presbyterian 3400 Bayou Boulevard Pensacola, 32503
Theme: Camp Firelight
Dates: June 3-6, 2024 Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: Completed K - completed 4th. - Limited registration Join us for lots of fun at Camp Firelight! (850) 432-3505 bethmc2@bellsouth.net www.trinitypcola.org
Woodbine Baptist Church VBS 4912 Woodbine Rd Pace, 32571
Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Dates: June 3 - June 6, 2024 Times: 9:30am1:15pm Ages: K - 5th grade completed Camp style VBS! Experience the journey thru the Bible from Genesis to Revelation! Students are required to pack a lunch. (850) 994-6169 kids@woodbinebaptist.org www.woodbinebaptist.org
Gateway Church of Christ 445 Creighton Road Pensacola, 32504
Theme: Ready, Set, Go
Dates: June 10-12, 2024 Times: 5:30pm-8:00pm
Ages: 3 years (potty trained) - Completed 5th (850) 476-4466 receptionist@gatewaycoc.org www.gatewaycoc.org
Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church
75 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, 32561
Theme: Scuba-diving into the friendship with God.
Dates: June 10-14, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: 4 years (by September 1st)Completed 5th grade
Registration: https://vbspro.events/p/events/ bd78c9 (850) 932-3594 info@gbumc.org www.gbumc.org
St. Ann Catholic Church
100 Daniel Drive Gulf Breeze, 32561
Theme: Hometown Nazareth
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm (850) 932-2859 www.stanngulfbreeze.org/ vacation-bible-school
First Baptist Church
6797 Caroline Street Milton, 32570
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm Ages: 4 years old (by September 1st)-5th grade (850) 623-3122 eparks@fbcmilton.org www.fbcmilton.org/vbs
First Baptist Church of Pensacola
500 North Palafox Street Pensacola, 32501
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 8:00am12:00pm Ages: Completed Pre-K - 6th grade
Registration: https://kideventpro.lifeway.com/ myEvent/?id=68117 (850) 501-0269 cministry@fbcp.org www.fbcp.org
Hillcrest Baptist - Nine Mile Campus
800 East Nine Mile Road Pensacola, 32514
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 8:15am12:00pm, Family Night, Thursday, June 20, 6:00pm Ages: Completed K - 5th grade Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. (850) 476-2233 www.hillcrestchurch.com/
Olive Baptist Church - Main Campus
1836 East Olive Road Pensacola, 32514
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands – God’s Truth Never Changes
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: K5 (completed) – 5th Grade Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Pre-registration begins March 3rd and ends June 10th. (850) 476-1932 lprice@olivebaptist.org www.olivebaptist.org/vbs
Pine Terrace Baptist
6212 Pine Blossom Rd. Milton, 32570
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 8:30am12:00pm Ages: 5 years - 5th Grade (850) 623-3954 info@ptbc.org www.ptbc.org/vbs
Redeemer Lutheran Church
333 Commerce Street Pensacola, 32507
Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 4:45

(Registration) - 7:45 Ages: Completed Kindergarten - completed 4th grade
Join us for an exciting jungle adventure as we explore the magnificent world that God created! Dinner, science fun, Bible stories, crafts, games. Registration at http://www.redeemerschoolpensacola.org (850) 455-0330 redeemerpensacola@yahoo.com www.redeemerlutheranpensacola.com/
East Brent Baptist Church
4801 North Davis Highway Pensacola, 32503
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 23-26, 2024 Times: 6:00pm-8:00pm Ages: K4-5th grade (850) 477-5812 info@eastbrent.com www.eastbrent.com
Heritage Baptist Church
3065 Highway 297A Cantonment, 32533
Theme: Scuba-diving into the friendship with God.
Dates: June 23-27, 2024
Times: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Ages: Completed Kindergarten to 5th (850) 478-3316 www.heritagecantonment.com/ event/vbs-june-23-27/
Coastline Calvary Chapel
1122 Oriole Beach Road Gulf Breeze, 32563
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 24-28, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: Completed VPK - Completed 5th
Children will learn about God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands through bible, craft, recreation, mission, snack, and worship. (850) 932- 8197 hannah@coastlinegulfbreeze.com coastlinelife.churchcenter.com/registrations/events

Hillcrest Baptist - Spanish Trail Campus
3960 Spanish Trail Pensacola, 32504
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 24-27, 2024 Times: 6:00pm8:00pm Ages: Completed K - 5th grade
Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock! (850) 476-2233 www.hillcrestchurch.com/
Navarre United Methodist Church
9474 Navarre Parkway Navarre, 32566
Theme: Start the Party
Dates: June 24-28, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm Ages: VPK - 5th grade
Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party. That’s why we believe the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Celebrate the good news of Jesus with us on June 24-28. (850) 710-7167 christineg@navarreumc.org www.navarre.church/vbs
Pinehaven Baptist Church 10400 N Palafox St Pensacola, 32524
Theme: Shine!
Dates: June 24-28, 2024 Times: 6:00pm8:20pm Ages: 4 years- 8th grade
Redemption story of Jesus through the lens of five different biblical accounts. (850) 476-6331 pinehavenmbc@gmail.com www.pinehavenmbc.com

St. Luke United Methodist Church
1394 East 9 Mile Road, Pensacola, FL 32514
Theme: Scuba- Diving into Friendship with God
Dates: June 24-27, 2024 Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Ages: PK - rising 6th grade
Registration: https:/vbspro.events/p/stluke2024 (850) 477-3145 children@stluke-umc.org www.stluke-umc.org
Upper Room Church
920 Panferio Drive Pensacola, 32561
Theme: Start the Party
Dates: June 24–27, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: 4 years - 5th grade
We cannot wait to spend 4 activity-packed days partying with Jesus! (850) 565-4845 info@upperroompensacola.com www.upperroompensacola.com
Marcus Pointe Baptist Church
6205 North W Street Pensacola, 32505
Theme: Super Summer Spectacular with Christian magician Stephen Bargatze
Dates: July 3, 2024 Times: 6:30 PM
Free for the whole family (850) 479-8337 www.pensacolachurch.org
Charity Chapel
5820 Montgomery Avenue, Pensacola, FL 36526
Theme: Set Sail
Dates: July 8-11, 2024 Times: 6:00pm-8:30pm
Ages: PK-6th Grade (850) 944-5520 www.charitychapel.org
First Christian Church
6031 Goodrich Ave, Pensacola 32504
Dates: July 8th - 12th Times: 9 AM - 12 Noon The Great Jungle Journey

Ages: For K4- 6th grade
Also, please join us at 11:00 am on Sunday, July 7th for a church service followed by lunch. At approximately 1:30 Animal Tales, LLC will join us to educate and entertain with live animals! 850-477-1642 1stchristian@bellsouth.net www.fccpensacola.myanswers.com/jungle-journey
McIlwain Presbyterian Church
1220 East Blount Street Pensacola, 32503
Theme: Olympion
Dates: July 8 - 12, 2024 Times: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (8:30 AM on Monday for registration)
Ages: Completed K4-5th grade
Come join us as we Run the Race for Life! T-shirt, logbook, and snacks included! (850) 438-5449 lori@mcilwainchurch.org www.mcilwain.org
Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church
1030 North 57th Ave Pensacola, 32506
Theme: Camp Firelight - “A Summer Camp
Adventure with God” Dates: July 22-26, 2024 Times: 9:00am-12:00pm Ages: Rising K-5th (850) 456-7463 (Ext 5) jlbpensmgumc@gmail.com www.atthegrove.church
WinShape Camps Gulf Breeze
1122 Oriole Beach Road Gulf Breeze, 32563
Dates: July 22-26, 2024 Times: MondayThursday 8am - 5pm, Friday 8am - 12pm
Ages: K5 - 5th grade
Have the summer of a lifetime close to home! WinShape Camps for Communities brings the ultimate day camp right to your neighborhood, combining fun, faith and friendship into an action-packed week. (850) 932-8197 www.camps.winshape.org/daycamps/gulf-breeze-fl/ GPP

Don’t Risk It All
Q. My husband is a good, hard-working man, who has been stuck in a job he really doesn’t like for almost 10 years. He came to me the other day with an idea to cash out his 401(k) and use the money to open a business. He has always loved the idea of going into business for himself, and I
Look, I get it. Lots of folks have an entrepreneurial spirit. And everyone I know like that wants to live their dream. The problem is these dreams can turn into nightmares, for the entrepreneur and everyone around them, if they don’t plan wisely and very carefully ahead of time.
In my mind, one definition of a nightmare in busi

breathe that idea. I know you love this guy and want to help. So, the best thing you can do right now is express your concerns about his idea, and offer to help him think about what he could do every day that would make him smile. Once he has the answer to that question, the next step is figuring out how to start that business without putting your entire financial world in danger. In other words, how can he save up some money— and start small—instead of blowing your entire savings or going into debt?

So, for the moment, the first question he needs to ask himself is this: How can I live my dream without going all in?
For starters, he needs to find something he truly loves doing and can look forward to every single day. To have any chance of success, he’ll have to live and
If you have some cash other than your emergency fund or retirement fund, it’s okay to use some of that. But never, ever, go into debt to start a business, or pledge every dime you have to something that could be a complete disaster.
It’s not an either/or proposition. He doesn’t have to risk it all to get away from a job he hates and live his dream!

Saturday June 1
Yard Sale
8:00 AM Pensacola Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 6931 N 9th Avenue, Suite 29 Pensacola, FL, 32504 All of the proceeds from the Women Build Yard Sale will benefit Pensacola Habitat for Humanity and the families they serve. Help us reach our goal by attending this event and purchasing some lightly-used or brand new goods! We will have food trucks also.
Sea Turtle Baby Shower (Free)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Gulfside Pavilion at Casino Beach, 20 Casino Beach Boardwalk Pensacola, FL, 32561 A family friendly event of games, crafts and hands-on exhibits to educate and celebrate Sea Turtles. Take the Sea Turtle Friendly Oath, Turtle Crafts, meet a mermaid, and touch a real turtle shell. Event is free to public. www.pbadvocates.wildapricot.org/page-1811955
Movies in the Park

6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 W Main St Pensacola, FL, 32501 Join us for the Movies in the Park Series! Bring your blankets and chairs out to Hunter Amphitheater in Community Maritime Park for a family-friendly movie underneath the stars! All Pre-Show Activities Begin at 6 P.M., movie begins at sunset. www.facebook.com/PlayPcolaParks
Fiesta Boat Parade
Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center or Plaza de Luna, Pensacola, FL Join us as DeLuna’s court, crew and parade of vessels set sail on the beautiful Pensacola Bay www.fiestapensacola.org/other-events
Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo
Shoreline Park South, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563 The Annual Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo is our one and only fund raising activity with 100% of the net proceeds being returned to the community. https://familyfishingrodeo.com/
Sunday June 2
Free Yoga in the Park
9:30 AM Bayview Park, Pensacola, FL, 32503 www.cityofpensacola.com/1024/Area-Events-andActivities
Blues on the Bay (Free)
6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Our free concert series is one of the most popular events for locals and visitors to spend the final hours of their weekend enjoying great music with family and friends in a great atmosphere. www.bluesangelmusic.com
Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo Details on June 1.
Tuesday June 4
Blue Angels Practice
10:30 AM 1750 Radford Blvd Pensacola, FL, 32508
Watch the Blue Angels practice from the National Naval Aviation Museum or outside of NAS Pensacola including Fort Pickens, boat cruises, and various points throughout downtown. The Blue Angels Show and Practice Schedules are subject to change without notice.
850-452-3604 www.navalaviationmuseum.org/ blueangels/
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, FL, 32561 Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series features regional artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October. June 4 – The New Cahoots www.visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach/
The Happy Together Tour
8:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 A show full of chart-topping hits from the ‘60s and ‘70s – an undeniable 61 Billboard Top 40 smashes.
Wednesday June 5
Blue Angels Practice
10:30 AM 1750 Radford Blvd Pensacola, FL, 32508 Watch the Blue Angels practice from the National Naval Aviation Museum or outside of NAS Pensacola including Fort Pickens, boat cruises, and various points throughout downtown. The Blue Angels Show and Practice Schedules are subject to change without notice.
850-452-3604 www.navalaviationmuseum.org/ blueangels/
Global Corner’s Annual Explorers’ Luncheon & Silent Auction
11:00 AM Pensacola Yacht Club, 1897 Cypress Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Explorers’ Luncheon & Silent Auction, Explore unique items in our silent auction. Learn about the positive impact of our first 12 years & where we are going next. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/thzq64f
Thursday June 6
Fiesta Krewe Ball
Hadji Shrine, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join Fiesta, DeLuna LXXIII, his Queen and the 2024 Court of DeLuna at the Hadji Shrine for this annual celebration! www.fiestapensacola.org/other-events
Friday June 7
Grandma Jenkins StoryTyme
11:00 AM Pensacola Children’s Museum, 115 Zaragoza St Pensacola, FL, 32502 StoryTyme is at 11:00 a.m. on select Fridays. Free program in the Party Central Room. June 7: Rumpelstiltskin

Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents Hired Guns
7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music www.facebook.com/BandsOnTheBlackwater/
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural
phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences. 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Saturday June 8
World Ocean Day 2024
7:30 AM - 2:00 PM, 15500 Perdido Key Drive Perdido Key, FL, 32507 Yoga and story-time for the kids. Then you will be able to either participate in a volunteer beach clean-up activity, or check out exciting vendors at the beach and participate in activities, or interact with a turtle and visit with Ocean Experts! The day will conclude with an ocean-themed family movie at the Southwest Library Branch on Gulf Beach Highway!
Labelle Performing Arts - Rapunzel (Tickets start at $32+)
6:00 PM Saenger Theatre www.pensacolasaenger.com/events/la-belleperforming-arts-rapunzel

Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Sunday June 9
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
2:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Tuesday June 11
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Details on June 4. June 11 – 12Eleven www.visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach/
Wednesday June 12
NatureNauts at Bellingrath Gardens and Home
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Bellingrath Gardens and Home, 12401 Bellingrath Gardens Rd Theodore, AL, 36582
Plan a day of summertime fun for the family! Learn about the wildlife and ecology of the Gulf Coast from a variety of environmental organizations throughout the region during NatureNauts. www.bellingrath.org
Bluey’s Big Play
6:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Heelers in their live theatre show made just for you, featuring brilliantly created puppets, this is Bluey as you’ve never seen it before, brought to real life.

Thursday June 13
Bluey’s Big Play 6:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Heelers in their live theatre show made just for you, featuring brilliantly created puppets, this is Bluey as you’ve never seen it before, brought to real life. www.pensacolasaenger.com/events/blueys-big-playthe-stage-show/
Opera After Dark
7:00 PM Pensacola Opera Center, 75 S. Tarragona St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Bathed in the glow of neon lights, local singers bring you a cabaret-style concert blending the beauty of opera and classical singing with the vibrant energy that only ignites after dark. Join us on June 13th for an Evening with Nicole Heinen.
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 7:30 PM Details on June 9.
Friday June 14
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents Modern Eldorados 7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music. www.facebook.com/BandsOnTheBlackwater/
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 7:30 PM Details on June 9.
Seagrass Sleuths Program
TBD, Summer program for families to come out and explore their local estuary. Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary Program staff will demonstrate how to use a seine net (older children and parents will be able to take a turn using the seine net) and participants will meet some of the fish, crabs, and other animals that call our seagrass beds home. This event is free, but registration will be required to maintain a group size that our team can accommodate. Registration and additional details (time, exact location) will be available on our website in the coming months, and interested individuals can subscribe to our monthly newsletter to be notified when registration opens at: https://www.ppbep.org/get-involved/subscribe www.ppbep.org/get-involved/subscribe
Saturday June 15
Flag Day 5K
7:30 AM 6464 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563 The Annual Flag Day 5K Family Fun Run/ Walk will be held at 7:30 AM at St. Sylvester Catholic Church in Gulf Breeze, Florida. https://www.stsylv.org/Flag-Day-5K
Disaster Dash 5K Run/Walk
7:30 AM Seville Square, 311 E Government St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 BRACE is hosting the FIRST Disaster Dash 5K Run/Walk on June 15, 2024 and YOU are invited! Starting in Seville Square, this race aims to kick-off Hurricane disaster season by helping raise awareness of the ways our community can be pre

pared before, during and after a storm. Join BRACE as we encourage Escambia County to RUN Towards Disaster Preparedness. https://runsignup.com
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 7:30 PM Details on June 9.
The Ray Howard Band at OWA Theater
7:30 PM OWA Theatre, 205 N OWA Blvd, Foley, AL, 36535 Join us Saturday, June 15th for a special evening with The Ray Howard Band! From Motown to Earth Wind & Fire, you will hear all your favorite feelgood and soulful classics! https://visitowa.com/entertainment/owa-theater/
Sunday June 16

Father’s Day at Gulf Breeze Zoo
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Gulf Breeze Zoo, 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563 Celebrate dad at Gulf Breeze Zoo! Enjoy live music from 11am-3pm. www.gbzoo.com
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 2:30 PM Details on June 9.
Tuesday June 18
Opera Al Fresco
6:00 PM Big Lagoon State Park, 12301 Gulf Beach

Big Lagoon State Park Amphitheatre for a lovely concert of favorite opera, musical theatre, and popular tunes. In a partnership with West Florida Libraries and the Southwest Branch Library, present your Library Card for free entrance into the park for the concert. www.pensacolaopera.com
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Details on June 4. June 18 – Float Like a Buffalo www.visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach/
Friday June 21
Grandma Jenkins StoryTyme
11:00 AM Pensacola Children’s Museum, 115 Zaragoza St Pensacola, FL, 32502 StoryTyme is at 11:00 a.m. on select Fridays. Free program in the Party Central Room. June 21: Jack and the Beanstalk https://historicpensacola.org/plan-your-visit/museums-properties/pensacola-childrens-museum/
FavorHouse Round-Up
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Escambia County Equestrian Center, 7750 Mobile Hwy. Pensacola, FL, 32526 The FavorHouse Round-Up is going to be a toe-tappin’, knee-slappin’ good time in support of the programs and services that help domestic violence victims in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. The Round-Up is featuring live music from Blackwater Country, walkabout food tasting, activities such as a mechanical bull and rodeo roper, bourbon and wine pull, dancing, live auction, and more. www.favorhouse.org/RoundUp

Cinemas in the Sand 7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion, 20 Casino Beach Boardwalk Pensacola, FL, 32561 Friday, June 21 starting at sunset: “Barbie”. All movies are free to the public and will start at sunset on a giant movie screen in front of the Gulfside Pavilion stage, weather permitting.
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 7:30 PM Details on June 9.
Busch Light Fishing Rodeo Flounders, 800 Quietwater Beach Rd Pensacola, FL Fishing competition done by land, dock, or boat beginning June 21 through June 24 for anglers of all ages and skill levels. Free registration for youth anglers 10 & under, with a paying adult angler. info@pensacolasports.org www.pensacolasports.org/ pensacolafishingrodeo/
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Saturday June 22
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 7:30 PM Details on June 9.
White Tie Rock Ensemble - Americana Rock 8:00 PM Pensacola Bay Center, 201 E Gregory St Pensacola, FL, 32502 White Tie Rock Ensemble: Tribute to the EAGLES, Tom Petty, Steve Miller, John Mellencamp & Bob Seger! www.pensacolabaycenter.com
Busch Light Fishing Rodeo Details on June 21.

Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Sunday June 23
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent 2:30 PM Details on June 9.
Busch Light Fishing Rodeo Details on June 21.
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Monday June 24
Busch Light Fishing Rodeo Details on June 21.
Tuesday June 25
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Details on June 4. June 25 – Vinyl Revival www.visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach/
Friday June 28
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Saturday June 29
2024 Firecracker 5K
7:00 AM Seville Quarter, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Kick off your Fourth of July with the 2024 Firecracker 5K on Saturday, June 29th and benefits Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northwest Florida. https://rmhc-nwfl.org/firecracker-5k/
Pensacola Splash Fest (Admission $15 with wristband, Adults $5 without wristband, Children 17 and under with wristband $10, 5 and under are free!)
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Community Maritime Park, 301 W Main St Pensacola, FL, 32501 Come cool off for the day with us in June for the 2nd Annual Pensacola Splash Fest at Community Maritime Park. Numerous water slide bounce houses, water obstacle courses, slip n slides, dunk tank( 3 balls for $5), corn hole, triple play sports games, misting tents, watermelon eating competition and more! “Fun for the Whole Family”. Please do not bring your pets! No glass containers allowed to be brought in. www.apexshowsandevents.com
Evening Under the Stars
8:30 PM - 12:00 AM, Big Lagoon State Park, 12301 Gulf Beach Hwy Pensacola, FL, 32507 Big Lagoon State Park along with the Escambia Amateur Astronomer Association would like to invite you to spend an evening gazing at the skies! Clear skies permitting, members of the Association will set up telescopes and binoculars to capture views of the moon, planets, and other celestial objects. The gaze will be held at the Amphitheater, telescopes will be set up on the SE side of the parking area. www.floridastateparks.org/events/evening-understars-31
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Sunday June 30
Blues on the Bay (Free)
6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Our free concert series is one of the most popular events for locals and visitors to spend the final hours of their weekend enjoying great music with family and friends in a great atmosphere. www.bluesangelmusic.com
Evening Under the Stars
Details on June 29.
Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Little Theatre Presents Seussical Jr. 850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Wednesday July 3
Pensacola Habitat for Humanity Takeover Night at Blue Wahoos Stadium

6:00 PM Blue Wahoos Stadium, Pensacola, FL During the game, our staff and volunteers will be filling the concessions stands, selling 50/50 tickets, participating in on-field activities, handing out freebies, cheering on the home team and so much more! This incredible evening of baseball, community and partnership will help raise thousands of dollars for our mission of providing affordable homeownership opportunities in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties.
Thursday July 4
4th of July 5K
7:30 AM 69 Via De Luna Pensacola Beach, FL, 32561 A Pensacola Beach Favorite! This is a FUN and HOT American Made event for the entire family. Locals and tourists will love our scenic, flat and yes hot 5k. A funfilled event with a great after- party at the Tiki Bar is the best way to start your celebration. https://runpensacola.com/event/4th-of-july-5k/
Celebrate Independence Day on Pensacola Beach
9:00 PM Pensacola Beach Boardwalk, Pensacola Beach, FL, 32561 The Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce’s Fourth of July Fireworks display over the Santa Rosa Sound is set to begin at 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 4. This year, the Beach Chamber is joining forces with the Downtown Pensacola fireworks show, creating a spectacular dual Independence Day celebration in the sky! www.pensacolabeachchamber.com/july-4th-fireworks/
4th of July Fireworks - Navarre
9:00 PM Navarre, FL, 32566 Celebrate the 4th of July on Navarre Beach with family and friends! The fireworks display begins at 9 p.m. from the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier. www.navarrechamber.com
Saturday July 6
Flora-Bama’s Freedom Run
8:00 AM Flora-Bama Lounge, Package and Oyster Bar, 17401 Perdido Key Dr. Pensacola, FL, 32507 This patriotic run will feature two courses: The 4 Mile Run/
Walk Course or the 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk. https://www.florabama.com/freedom-run
Wednesday July 10
Pensacola Beach Air Show
20 Casino Beach Blvd, Pensacola FL, 32561, www.visitpensacola.com/events/official-blues-angels-air-showpensacola-beach/ This must-see event features the world-famous Blue Angels performing over Pensacola Beach on Santa Rosa Island.
Savvy Mom Sale
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Thursday July 11
Savvy Mom Sale
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Pensacola Beach Air Show
2:00 PM 20 Casino Beach Blvd, Pensacola FL, 32561, www.visitpensacola.com/events/official-blues-angelsair-show-pensacola-beach/ This must-see event features the world-famous Blue Angels performing over Pensacola Beach on Santa Rosa Island.
Friday July 12
Savvy Mom Sale
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Pensacola Beach Air Show
2:00 PM 20 Casino Beach Blvd, Pensacola FL, 32561, www.visitpensacola.com/events/official-blues-angelsair-show-pensacola-beach/ This must-see event features the world-famous Blue Angels performing over Pensacola Beach on Santa Rosa Island.
Saturday July 13
Savvy Mom Sale
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com

Pensacola Beach Air Show
2:00 PM 20 Casino Beach Blvd, Pensacola FL, 32561, www.visitpensacola.com/events/ official-bluesangels-air-showpensacola-beach/ This must-see event features the world-famous Blue Angels performing over Pensacola Beach on Santa Rosa Island.
Movies in the Park
6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 W Main St Pensacola, FL, 32501 Join us for the Movies in the Park Series! Bring your blankets and chairs out to Hunter Amphitheater in Community Maritime Park for a family-friendly movie underneath the stars! All Pre-Show Activities Begin at 6 P.M., movie begins at sunset.
Tuesday July 16
Pensacola Opera Library Concert
3:00 PM Pensacola Library, 239 N. Spring St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for an afternoon of beautiful music at your local library! In partnership with West Florida Libraries, local singers will present favorite arias and musical theatre tunes for a free concert for the whole family.
Saturday July 20
Monster Jam
Pensacola Bay Center, 201 E Gregory St Pensacola, FL, 32502 1:00pm, 7:00pm www.pensacolabaycenter.com
Every Monday
Baby Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Pensacola Library, 239 N. Spring St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes. This program is suggested for babies ages 0 to 2 years and their caregivers. 850-436-5060 www.mywfpl.com
Every Tuesday
Baby Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Tryon Library, 1200 Langley Ave. Pensacola, FL, 32504 Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes. This program is suggested for babies ages 0 to 2 years and their caregivers. 850-471-6980 www.mywfpl.com
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Southwest Library, 12248 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL, 32507 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-453-7780 www.mywfpl.com
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Bellview Library, 6425 Mobile Highway Pensacola, FL, 32526 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-471-6360 www.mywfpl.com
Every Wednesday
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Pensacola Library, 239 N. Spring St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-436-5060 www.mywfpl.com
Every Thursday
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Westside Library, 1301 W. Gregory St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is sug-
gested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-595-1047 www.mywfpl.com
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Tryon Library, 1200 Langley Ave. Pensacola, FL, 32504 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-471-6980 www.mywfpl.com
Every other Friday
Art Academy for Autism - Ages 16+
4:00 PM Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 South Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Art Academy for Autism is an arts education initiative designed for children and young adults on the autism spectrum. Ages 16+ -Alternating Fridays from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. www.pensacolamuseum.org
Every third Friday
Gallery Night
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Pensacola, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Gallery Night is an all-ages community arts and culture event which happens on the third Friday of each month from 5-9 p.m. www.gallerynightpensacola.org
Every Saturday
Palafox Market
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, 100 N Palafox Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Shop for farm-fresh produce, plants, baked goods and more at the event that’s consistently voted “Best Farmers Market” and “Best Free Thing to Do.” www.palafoxmarket.com
Every first and third Saturday
Hwy 87 Market
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Sand Dollar Plaza, 1900 Hwy 87 Navarre, FL, 32566 Enjoy a wide variety of booths, offering food items, art, decor, and so much more. 850-368-9500 facebook.com/sanddollarsaturdays

Every other Saturday
Art Academy for Autism
1:30 PM Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 South Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Art Academy for Autism is an arts education initiative designed for children and young adults on the autism spectrum. Ages 5-9-Alternating Saturdays from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Ages 10-15-Alternating Saturdays from 1:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. www.pensacolamuseum.org
Last Saturday of the month
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Sand Crab Pavilion, Navarre, FL, 32566 The Trash-Bash is a citizen-science program for community members of all ages. www.navarrebeachseaturtles.org
Please check with each venue prior to attending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate and up to date.

Unplugged and Liberated Re-Entry is Hard!
I took 30 days off of social media. Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, I decided to take what felt like a bold step and disconnect. In the spirit of full transparency here, I must admit to allowing myself 20 minutes daily to catch up with close friends and family. It is the end of the school year, and we have many close friends with kids graduating and doing really cool things as they get ready for college. I was incredibly intentional about where I spent that time and completely logged off of my work social media. No research. No scrolling. Zero “connecting”. For 30 days. Little did I know that this break would transform my perspective and make me question whether I wanted to return at all.

I had a panic attack the first couple of days. I was sure that work would completely stop. That the tech world would fly past me and that I would never catch back up upon re-entry. On the friends and family side, I worried I might miss out on special events, birthdays, and life-changing moments. But then, I began to feel a profound sense of liberation. I have taught my students and clients for years to remove yourself to quiet the noise, and you will feel free. Better. Clear. The noise settled.
I found myself reaching out to people directly to engage in meaningful conversations and catch up. Each friend or family member I connected with was so happy to
have an actual conversation. Many were going through private life events that felt heavy, and they welcomed the chance to talk. Even more critical, I re-discovered the joy of simple pleasures. Free from the constant noise of social media, I found solace in moments of solitude. At the lake. In my flower garden. A solo trip where I spent time by myself for three days felt like heaven. Taking this time allowed me to get still long enough to reflect on who I truly am. Why I felt the need to step back from the work that I love so much...and the social media world that drives it. I realized almost two weeks in that I was experiencing, among other things, signs of burnout. And that social media had played a huge role in why I felt this way. In my stillness, I recognized that I was burnt out on hearing (seeing) stressful online content. Be it from family, friends, or work, I was burnt out from the constant noise in my life that reached out to me from behind a screen.
After 30 days off-screen, re-entry felt like a complete attack on my senses in the most rude way possible. The time off allowed me to reconnect with what feels right and good and important in life. As much as I lectured on this, I discovered I had slowly fallen into the screen connection trap, which led to my feelings of imbalance and frustration.
Re-entry has been hard. My new sense of freedom feels challenged. So I want to share with you things I am putting

in place to sustain better balance, hoping they may also help you.
1. Intentionality. I pay close attention to who and what I allow to occupy head space.
2. Time. I do not allow fun scrolling for anything longer than 20 minutes per day. I stopped “doom scrolling” years ago, but even “fun scrolling” becomes a time stealer and contributes to the constant online noise in your life.
3. Genuine connections. Face to face. Phone calls. Some texting. I am creating sacred spaces in my life to spend time with those I love. I find this has extended to work, and I am creating more opportunities for real connections there as well. And it just feels better. Right. Comforting. Useful. Effective.
Do I recommend your own personal social media hiatus? Yes. Try it for 30 days. Allow yourself time to move through the uncomfortable beginning. Find ways to show up for the important people in your life. I promise the settled, beautiful, connected ending is worth it.
Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.
