Be prepared when you travel this season. Get vaccinated.
Before you travel, find out which vaccines you and your family will need. Plan ahead to get the shots required for all countries you’re visiting.
Learn more at EscambiaHealth.com

Be prepared when you travel this season. Get vaccinated.
Before you travel, find out which vaccines you and your family will need. Plan ahead to get the shots required for all countries you’re visiting.
Learn more at EscambiaHealth.com
Which of the four parenting styles do you use? And which one is best?
Tips for adding calm to your days.
Sign your kids up for one (or several) Vacation Bible Schools.
Isaiah Roosevelt Yeldon (17) is a senior at Booker T. Washington High with a 4.23 GPA. He is the son of Michael and Sarah Yeldon, big brother to Jacob, and younger brother to Tamara, Jasmine, Shalen, and Michael Jr. Isaiah is the great-grandson of Roosevelt Ellison, and grandson of Ocie Bell, Rosalind Ellison, Henry Yeldon, Dr. James & Mary Miller, and Evernell Young.
Isaiah is a member of the National Honor Society, Nava Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, and Academic Team. He is the founding Chapter President of Students to Students and a National Society of High School Scholars member. He received the American Veterans Award and Navy League Award. He will be attending the University of West Florida in the fall, majoring in Cyber Security and Computer Science.
Many parents enter the month of May with a range of emotions. Excited is one emotion because we all made it to the finish line of another school year and summer is just around the corner. But, with all the end-of-year activities, awards ceremonies, concerts, and more, May can be stressful. Sure, we started the school year strong but the days, weeks, and months of packing lunches, homework, and the overall routine have worn us down. It is very comical to me that Mother’s Day falls during May because all moms, and dads, know that May is one of the busiest months of the year for parents of school-age children.
Everyone tells us to relax and take time for ourselves, but who has time? Whether you can carve out five minutes or five days, I do hope all moms take a little time this month for self-care. If you can, try to find some time every day for yourself. Something I have been doing for a while, that I am finding works for me, is my morning routine. I start the day off stretching right out of bed, with NO screens until after my routine and devotional time. I also wait 90 minutes before drinking my coffee. For me, this sets my body, mind, and spirit up for the day. Waiting 90 minutes for coffee helps me avoid that late afternoon slump. When I still drove my kids to school I carried my devotion in my car and would find time in the grocery parking lot, my driveway, or wherever I was to just sit in my quiet car and have my time. The important thing is to find what works for you. Sarah Yale provides more self-care recommendations in this month’s feature, Self Care for Busy Moms.
If you have a child graduating, you are probably going through a whole range of emotions! Joy, sadness, nostalgia... you name it. We are so proud of our baby birds and excited to see them spread their wings in this next chapter of life, but the reality that they could be moving away soon makes us want to hold tight and spend every moment we can with them. The problem is most teens don’t want Mom and Dad to tag along all day. Fortunately, Rebecca Hastings has some fun ways to grab that quality time in 10 Ways to Enjoy Summer with Your Teen.
Also, for you soon-to-be empty-nesters, Pam Molnar has some helpful information in her feature, Finding Purpose in an Empty Nest. The thought of empty-nesting is terrifying for many parents, but it can also be a great time for moms and dads to reconnect, pick up old hobbies they put aside or even find new ones! As she will show you, an empty nest does not mean an empty life.
Of course, we have a lot for parents of younger kids too! This month you will find our annual Vacation Bible School Guide. You will find information on numerous VBS offerings in the area, so check out all the cool themes and sessions offered and register! If you are looking for family activities to participate in this month, make sure you check out the Family Calendar.
I want to send a big congratulations to the class of 2024! These students have worked very hard to get to this point. Parents, grandparents, and teachers are very proud, and we all wish you well on your next adventure.
To all the moms, I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Psychologists Baumrind, Maccoby, and Martin used observations and interviews to identify parenting styles. The researchers assessed disciplinary strategies, communication styles, displays of nurture and warmth, and expectations of maturity and control. Their research suggested that parents fall into four main categories of parenting styles: authoritarian, uninvolved, permissive, and authoritative.
Authoritarian parents have high expectations of behavior but often ignore the wants and needs of their children. They tend to punish children for mistakes without taking the time to ensure a full understanding of what was done wrong and how it can be avoided in the future. Baumrind referred to this style as “spare the rod, spoil the child parents.”
The positives of the authoritarian approach are obedience and proficiency. The negatives are that these children are more likely to lie and behave appropriately to avoid punishment. Children
raised by authoritarian parents report lower levels of happiness and competence. Uninvolved parents place few demands on their children and display low desires to respond and communicate minimally. Uninvolved parents meet their children’s basic needs but do not take the time to develop secure attachments. They provide very little guidance, structure, rules, and support to help their children feel safe and secure. Children raised by uninvolved parents struggle to self-regulate their emotions and establish healthy social relationships. They frequently develop symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Children raised by uninvolved parents are the least likely to be successful members of society. Sadly, I have seen a tremendous increase in this style since “smart devices” have become common among families. Permissive parents tend to demand very little from their children. This style of parenting is often called “gentle parenting” because it focuses on collaboration more than expectation. Permissive parents
prioritize fun and a nurturing environment. They have few rules and encourage children to make their own decisions. Children raised by these parents are more likely to be selfsufficient and independent but have weak impulse control and self-regulation skills.
Authoritative parents have clear rules/ expectations and take the time to communicate effectively with their children by answering questions. Authoritative parents prioritize teaching over punishing. They provide warmth, support, and feedback. They set standards by clearly defining and upholding appropriate boundaries. The authoritative parenting style helps children develop strong executive functioning skills.
If you want to be the “best” parent you can be, it is vital to understand your personal parenting strengths and weaknesses. The healthiest of these styles is authoritative. Research has repeatedly shown that children raised by authoritative parents are more likely to be productive members of society. I have learned that the easiest way to ensure you are an authoritative parent is by joining with your children to ensure that they do what you have asked them to do. Simply provide your presence, encouragement, and support until the expectation is met.
If you want to examine your parenting style closer, there is an insightful quiz at https://www.verywellmind.com/parentingstyle-quiz-7562663.
Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit www.worksofwondertherapy.com.
Our free concert series is one of the most popular events for locals and visitors to spend the final hours of their weekend enjoying great music with family and friends in a great atmosphere. Concerts are held on select Sunday evenings at the Community Maritime Park Hunter Amphitheater when the Blue Wahoos are away.
Pack your coolers, bring your lawn chairs and join us at the Hunter Amphitheater for the Blues Angel Music Blues on the Bay Concert Series. Enjoy a cool breeze off the bay while dancing and listening to some of the region’s best musical talent. Concerts begin at 6 p.m. and are free and open to the public. May and June Concerts: May 5-Still Standing, May 19-Modern Eldorados, June 2-Godmine and June 30-The Blenders.
Join us on May 18, 2024, at 5:00 pm in Seville Square for Walk the Talk. Walk the Talk for Epilepsy is the largest community event in the area that raises awareness and funds for individuals living with epilepsy. Over 500,000 individuals in Florida struggle with epilepsy, making it the state with the most instances in our country. Please visit https://walkthetalkfl.org/ for more information.
On Friday, June 21st from 6-10pm, FavorHouse of Northwest Florida will debut their new signature fundraising event at the Escambia County Equestrian Center located at 7750 Mobile Hwy. in Pensacola, FL. The FavorHouse Round-Up is going to be a toe-tappin’, knee-slappin’ good time in support of the programs and services that help domestic violence victims in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.
The Round-Up is featuring live music from Blackwater Country, walkabout food tasting, activities such as a mechanical bull and rodeo roper, bourbon and wine pull, dancing, live auction, and more. This year the event is for adults over 21 years of age.
Tickets are on sale now at the early bird price of $50. Ticket prices go up to $60 starting June 1st. FavorHouse is currently seeking community sponsorships also. More information about this event and sponsor opportunities can be found at www.FavorHouse.org/RoundUp.
Join us for the sweetest event in town. The 2024 Big Scoop is set for May 4th from 2 pm to 4 pm in Bryan Park, located at 1200 Langley Avenue, right next to the Tryon Branch Library. The community is invited to come out and enjoy all-you-can-eat ice cream, popsicles, games, activities and more. If you are interested in learning about Sponsorship Opportunities, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida Development Director, Lori Oswald, at loswald@ bbbsnwfl.org. For more information, please visit https:// www.bbbsnwfl.org/events/big-scoop/.
The 2024 Annual Gulf Breeze Family Fishing Rodeo is back for another great year of fun for all. We invite all to attend, especially families and their Children. Register to fish in the Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo on June 1st & 2nd. Come to the site and watch the Weigh-in live from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm each day.
Over 7800 have anglers participated in the Sertoma Fishing Rodeo over the years. Of those participants, an estimated 50% were junior anglers so this is a great family event. All (100%) of the money raised during this event goes to our local community. Register now on our website: https://familyfishingrodeo.com/
The Grand Fiesta Parade will be held at 7 pm on Friday, May 31 in downtown Pensacola. Come catch some beads, hear the sounds of local high school marching bands, and enjoy watching beautiful floats parade through downtown. Bring the entire family to one of Pensacola’s favorite Fiesta events. In addition to the dozens of local krewes parading, special appearances will be made by a masked DeLuna, his Queen and their court. Visit https://www.fiestapensacola.org/other-events for more information.
Tickets are now available for Showtime, a musical revue of stage and screen presented by the Pensacola Children’s Chorus. Reserve your tickets for PCC’s final performance of the season at the Pensacola Saenger Theatre on May 10–12.
During Showtime, audience members can expect a performance unlike any other. Witness ancient legends come to life as our singers transport you to the age of Hercules, Zeus and other mythical figures. The magic continues with a heartwarming tribute to beloved Disney songs that have charmed generations. From classics to modern favorites, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the whimsical world of wacky tongue twisters and zany nursery rhymes. Let your imagination run wild as our talented performers bring these playful tunes to life in a truly entertaining spectacle. Our youngest singers will steal your heart with touching songs about the power of friendship, celebrating the bonds that unite us all.Grab your golden ticket and satisfy your sweet tooth as our singers deliver the sugar rush you’ve been craving. Set your sights on the high seas as we set sail with a mischievous band of seafaring buccaneers. The adventure continues into the cosmos with catchy tunes about the moon and stars.
Showtime will also feature members who have joined the Pensacola Children’s Chorus through a program funded by the Escambia Children’s Trust. A taxpayerfunded children’s services agency, the Trust focuses on providing impactful services to Escambia County’s most vulnerable youth. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by visiting the Saenger Theatre box office or online at PensacolaSaenger.com. Pricing starts at $15.00, and streaming options are also available. For additional information, visit PensacolaSings.org.
Gulf Coast Culture Fest will be a two-part festival held on May 11, 2024, at Seville Square in downtown Pensacola. Admission is free to the public. A day when the entire community can come together and celebrate the many different cultures that make up the Gulf Coast. It will bring together artists, businesses, vendors, and citizens for a rejuvenating and unifying day of art, music, dance, food, and visual art. The event will offer something for the entire family.
The first part of the festival will consist of vendors, food trucks, and various forms of live entertainment in Seville Square from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. That evening, there will be a local film festival screening sponsored by Gulf Coast Short Film Fest at 8 p.m.
We Reign Sickle Cell Corporation is the event’s chosen charity and will receive a donation from the proceeds collected from the festival. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.gulfcoastculturefest.com/.
Pensacola proudly announces its inaugural Pensacola Navy Days celebration, scheduled for May 17-19 in Downtown Pensacola. This three-day event aims to honor the valor of past and present military personnel stationed at Naval Aviation Station Pensacola and surrounding military installations. Navy Days hopes to reinforce the unbreakable bond between the Pensacola community and our nation’s military heroes. As the cradle of Naval Aviation, Pensacola and its residents hold a deep respect for the military, making this event a cornerstone of local and national pride.
“Pensacola has long stood as a beacon of military pride, tracing back to the founding of the Pensacola Navy Yard by the U.S. Navy in 1825,” said Retired Navy Capt. Tim Kinsella, Chairman of Navy Days. “Navy Days serves as a poignant testament to the deep-seated reverence our community holds for its military service members, their families, and our esteemed veterans.”
Event Highlights: Gallery Night - Friday, May 17, 5 - 9 p.m. Downtown Pensacola’s popular Gallery Night will be themed for Navy Days/Military Appreciation to honor the men and women serving our country. Wear red, white and blue and join in the festivities. Navy Days “Night at The Museum” Gala - Friday, May 17, 6:30 - 10 p.m. The National Naval Aviation Museum plays host to this black tie/service mess dress affair featuring special guest speaker Admiral Harry Harris USN (Ret.). Tickets are now available for purchase. Navy Days 4K Run/Walk - Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m. This unique 4K (2.4 miles) race starts at Community Maritime Park and loops through Downtown to Veterans Memorial Park and back. Come for the race and stay for the parade! Registration is now open. Navy Days Parade - Saturday, May 18, 9:30 a.m. Gather along Pensacola’s waterfront for this exciting parade featuring military equipment, squadrons, Sailors of the Year, bands and drill teams, with the support of many of Pensacola’s best Mardi Gras Krewes. The parade starts at Veterans Memorial Park and ends at Community Maritime Park. Navy Days at Community Maritime Park - Saturday, May 18, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. The celebration continues with a day filled with activities for the whole family including a Kids Fun Zone with free activities, food trucks, military vehicles on display, tours of Navy vessels, ROTC demonstrations and a military/veterans’ fair. Blues on the Bay Concert - Sunday, May 19, 6 - 8 p.m. Pack a cooler and blanket and join us at the Community Maritime Park Amphitheater for a free concert featuring the Modern Eldorados.
For more information on event schedules, volunteer opportunities, and sponsorship, please visit pensacolanavydays.com.
This unique 5K run/walk will Start & Finish at Graffiti Bridge. Iconic collector’s medals will be handed out to every finisher. Capture the opportunity to grab the medal to start your collection. Have you ever painted the Graffiti Bridge? Well, here’s your chance. We will be closing the street 2 hours before the race starts so you have access to the Bridge. Post race party and awards at Miraflores Park (17th and LaRua) immediately following the race. Please visit https://runpensacola.com/event/graffiti-bridge-5k/ to register.
Join us on May 18 -19, 2024 at Shoreline Park Pavilion, Gulf Breeze for the Gulf Breeze Optimist Club Family Fishing Rodeo. This two-day family fishing tournament features cash prizes and gift card awards. For more than 40 years, the GBOC Fishing Rodeo has been held the first weekend after Mother’s Day. The tournament annually raises more than $25,000 to go back into the community. Please visit https://www.gulfbreezeoptimistclub. org/fishing-rodeo for more information.
Neighborhood Children’s Theatre
Presents Alice in Wonderland May 4-5, 2024, at The Gordon Community Art Center. Based on the classic by Lewis Carroll. Adapted by William Glennon. A group of performers seeks out Alice in order to provide “her turn” in Wonderland. And, as her adventure unfolds, they play the many characters she encounters and grows to love. Please visit https://www.myneighborhoodtheatre.com/nowplaying for tickets.
Join us for the 2024 Sea Turtle Baby Shower on Pensacola Beach. This year’s STBS will take place on Saturday, June 1st from 9am-Noon at the Gulfside Pavilion on Casino Beach at the traffic light Pensacola Beach. This event is free and there will be games, family fun and music. Learn about sea turtles while participating in other activities such as: meet a mermaid, turtle crafts, turtle activities and take the sea turtle oath. Please visit pbadvocates.org for more information.
Middle school students from the Montessori School of Pensacola spent a week in Arkansas at Ferncliff Center. The class travels by bus to Ferncliff every other year. Part of their experience there was putting together hygiene kits to be sent to different shelters. They prepared 157 menstrual kits for a women’s shelter in Texas and 411 hygiene kits. While at the center, they also took part in ropes course activities and worked on the farm. They get time in nature, time strengthening the bonds between classmates, and time doing hands-on work.
Montessori School of Pensacola families and staff were invited to bring in their glass recycling. Glass was collected from March 18th to 21st. On the 22nd, the Upper El students sorted all the glass donations by color. It was then driven to New Orleans to the Glass
Congratulations to Pensacola Catholic High School Senior Mariana Contreras who has been named a National Merit Scholar for the 20232024 academic year! Mariana was notified in the Fall of 2023 that she was a Semifinalist and worked closely with the Catholic High Guidance Office to submit a detailed scholarship application which included information about her academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstration of leadership abilities, employment, and honors/awards received. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists is determined each year by the scores received by taking the Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/ NMSQT) in the Fall of their Junior year, represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, and includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. Each year only 7,250 students are designated a National Merit Scholar. Nathaniel Flores and Grant Robertson were named Commended Scholars, and Sophia Dosev, Rex Rogers, and Mariana Contreras also received National Hispanic Recognition. Congratulations, Crusaders!
Students from Pensacola Catholic High School performed The Living Stations, directed by Campus Minister, Mrs. Rebecca Carter during Holy Week. The performance was repeated seven times throughout the day so that all students could attend during their Religion Class. The performance included members of the Catholic High School student body reenacting the Stations of the Cross that commemorate Jesus Christ’s last day on Earth as a man beginning with His condemnation and ending with Him being laid in the tomb. Eighty Crusaders took part in the performance including members of the Campus Music Ministry group who provided music during the presentation.
Florida State Chancellor of Education Paul Burns announced 783 Florida schools have achieved the designation of Schools of Excellence for the 2022-2023 school year. Seven Escambia County schools were awarded this prestigious designation: N.B. Cook Elementary
Cordova Park Elementary
A.K. Suter Elementary
Molino Park Elementary
Pensacola Beach Elementary
Brown Barge Middle
West Florida High School of Advanced Technology
“We are excited to celebrate these schools’ outstanding success,” said ECPS Superintendent of Schools Keith Leonard. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, students, parents, and community stakeholders. Our district is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our students, their families, and this community.”
Florida statute requires the State Board of Education to designate a school as a School of Excellence if the school’s percentage of possible points earned in its school grade calculation is in the 80th percentile or higher for schools comprised of the same grade groupings (elementary, middle, high and combination) for at least two of the last three school years.
Players from the Pensacola Blue Wahoos and the Sultanes de Monterrey, a Mexican team in town for exhibition games with the Wahoos, made an appearance at Oakcrest Elementary School in April to read to students in both English and Spanish.
Twenty ECPS Elementary Schools participated in the 2024 Annual Sunshine Math Competition co-sponsored by Escambia County Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Almost 400 third, fourth, and fifth-grade students competed in both individual and team round math competitions. The top ten individual scores for third grade are 10th place: Max Stephani from Molino Park Elementary, 9th place: Geovanny Sanchez from Scenic Heights Elementary, 8th place: Bryson Windham from Beulah Elementary, 7th place: William Montgomery from Lipscomb Elementary, 6th place: Jace Johnson from Kingsfield Elementary, 5th place: Salvatore Garguilo from Blue Angels Elementary, 4th place: John O’Connor from AK Suter Elementary, 3rd place: Easton Bellinger from Kingsfield Elementary, 2nd place: Daniel Ryan from Pine Meadow Elementary and 1st place: Butler
Dowling from Pine Meadow Elementary. The top five team winners for third grade are 5th place: Kingsfield Team 2: Easton Bellinger, Ariel Calloway, Zac Gardner, Asher
Winn 4th place: Jim Allen Team 2: Sophia
Yang, Jace Bonner, Lyric McHenry, Lydia
Cowart 3rd place: Pine Meadow Team 1: Dowling Butler, Jackson Rodriguez, Jonah Vann, Carolena Barragan 2nd place: Blue Angels Team 2: Salvatore Gargiulo, Griffin
Solis, Aarya Patel, Jairus Buensuceso 1st place: Jim Allen Team 1: Thea Helms, Easton Cobb, Breanne Browning, Autumn Mack
The top ten individual scores for fourth grade are 10th place: Landyn Toop from Jim Allen Elementary, 9th place: Nathalia Ramos from A.K. Suter Elementary, 8th place: Skylar Dupree from Molino Park Elementary, 7th place: Micah Nester from McArthur Elementary, 6th place: Liam Mason from Pine Meadow Elementary, 5th place: Skylar Gibbons from Pine Meadow Elementary, 4th place: Grayson
Pettit from Scenic Heights Elementary, 3rd place: Travis Eggleston from Pine Meadow Elementary, 2nd place: Reagan Hillis from McArthur Elementary and 1st place: Jaxon
Abano from Pine Meadow Elementary.
The top five team winners for fourth grade are 5th place: McArthur Team 1: Ruby MacWhinnie, Reagan Hillis, Trent Fowler, Buddy Busbee 4th place: Pine Meadow Team 1: Skylar Gibbons, Liam Olson, Deleia Marshall, Alex Harr 3rd place: Ferry Pass Team 2: Isaiah Ray, Lochlan Orand, Loi Phung, Avery
Andrews 2nd place: Jim Allen Team 1: Landon Toop, Drew Haney, Micahel Stafanko, Jansen Rocafort 1st place: Pine Meadow Team 2: Jaxon Albano, Pax Fisher, Connor Stewart, Travis Eggleston
The top ten individual scores for fifth grade are 10th place: Carter Jarman from Pine Meadow Elementary, 9th place: Luke Wiggins from Beulah Elementary, 8th place: Malcolm Thorson from Hellen Caro Elementary, 7th place: William Doyle III from Molino Park Elementary, 6th place: Aaliyah Keeney from AK Suter Elementary, 5th place: Sawyer Jernigan from Scenic Heights Elementary, 4th place: Derek Zheng from Pine Meadow Elementary, 3rd place: Leonardo Barbosa from Blue Angels Elementary, 2nd place: Quinn Taylor from Pine Meadow Elementary and 1st place: Cutter Rhodes from AK Suter Elementary. The top five team winners for fifth grade are 5th place: Beulah Team 2: Duncan Woelke, Olivia Nunn, London Farrier, Emma Nguyen 4th place: Blue Angels Team 1: Leo Barbosa, Ki’Mya Jordan, Olivia Flynn, Ivan Swarek 3rd place: Pine Meadow Team 1: Derek Zheng, Quinn Taylor, Patrick Givens, Mabel Kauzlarich 2nd place: AK Suter Team 1: Cutter Rhodes, Emma Mosbat, Khali Liddell, Aaliyah Keeney 1st place: Scenic Heights Team 1: Eli Dalbom, Adam El Shaltony, Sawyer Jernigan, Dan Pham
Tate High School FFA, along with several other clubs and organizations, athletic teams and volunteers, worked to package 54,000 meals for the community through Meals of Hope. Volunteers included current students in Tate FFA, Tate Softball, Tate Baseball, Tate Student Council, Tate Yearbook, and Tate FFA Alumni.
“Food insecurity is real within Escambia County,” said Austin Courson, Agricultural Educator and FFA Advisor. “It’s important to FFA and other local organizations to partner together and help fight food insecurity for many within the Pensacola region. This gives our students hands-on experience while encouraging them to work together to meet the needs of our community.”
They exceeded their goal of feeding 50,000 with the Meals of Hope project by packaging these meals in under three hours. All of the packaged meals will be distributed to families in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Sponsors include the Florida Farm Bureau, Feeding the Gulf Coast, Big John’s Heating and Air, Step One Pensacola, Moore Mechanical Consulting, Richard and Marie Gibbs, Pensacola Energy, Marcus Pointe Baptist Church, Satterwhite Roofing, and Little Caesars of Cantonment.
“Thank you to our sponsors and student body for coming together to support our local community,” said Principal Laura Touchstone. “It’s gratifying to see our students giving back to the community that’s contributed to Tate High School throughout the years.”
Meals of Hope is a nonprofit organization that is committed to bringing people together to fight the hunger epidemic.
Photo provided by Tate High School Yearbook.
Ages 5-12
Monday - Friday
Full Day 9am - 4pm
Half Day option on select weeks
Ages 13-18
Monday - Friday 1pm - 4pm
C.A. Weis Elementary School Health Ambassador program allows 20 selected 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students a preview of the medical field. Our Weis Health Ambassadors come into the Community Health Northwest Florida Pediatric clinic weekly, during their special area time. The staff, doctors, PA’s and nurses teach the ambassadors medication safety, vision care, first aid kits, germ prevention, Athletic training, and CPR/ First Aid. The 5thgrade ambassadors have the opportunity to become CPR certified. The Ambassadors are all able to completely triage patients, which includes taking blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and perform hearing, and vision screens. They also are able to use these skills when they are participating in school events like literacy night. At the literacy night the Health Ambassadors were able to provide free Height, weight, and Blood Pressure checks to their teachers, friends, family, and classmates. The health ambassadors also deliver the weekly Wednesday Health Announcement during the morning announcements, like “Say yes to sunscreen”. These health ambassadors are an amazing group of students. The program has helped the students start thinking about the future and what they want to be when they grow up. Some want to be doctors, including two who want to be ER doctors, one who wants to be a pediatrician, another an orthodontist, and yet another a high school nurse. Some ambassadors are thinking of other careers like the student who wants to be a teacher; she says it’s because she has the best teacher, so she wants to be just like her. And finally, one student wants nothing more than to be the BOSS! “These Health Ambassadors are simply amazing, and I am so honored to be a part of such an amazing program”, says Barbara Hayes who heads up the program at C.A. Weis Elementary.
Escambia County Public Schools is partnering with Tutor Me, an online service that provides one-on-one, on-demand, live tutoring and writing support in certain subject areas, at no cost to ECPS students. Tutoring will be available every day of the week 3-10 p.m. and is accessible through the Core App Dashboard on the ECPS website. In addition to live tutoring sessions, students will also have access to paper and essay review services through the TutorMe Writing Lab.
Bailey Middle School seventh-grader
Crystal Zhang is the 2024 Escambia County winner of the Art in the Capitol Competition. Her work is currently on display in Tallahassee at the capitol building, representing our fine county. Her work is titled ‘Sunshine Of My Eye’. It is a mixed-media collage that she created in Mrs. Tracey Burnette’s art class. Congratulations to Crystal and Jim Bailey Middle School.
The students of East Hill got to enjoy the Solar Eclipse of 2024! On April 8th, all of our students were given the opportunity to step away from the classroom and see science, and history, play out in real time! We cherish these opportunities and memories with our students.
Mr. Moss and a group of his students from Pensacola High School’s Dual Enrollment Welding Program visited the School Board during a recent workshop. They shared about their experiences and opportunities in the program and regaled the board with stories about their skills and certifications. The future is certainly bright for the workforce in Escambia County and beyond!
In a fusion of education and practical experience, eighth-grade students from Creative Learning Academy stepped into the shoes of neurosurgeons under the guidance of Dr. Brett Reichwage and medical equipment representative Brent Bush from Globus Medical. Following their anatomy unit, students dove into the intricacies of spinal surgery during a spine lab session and practiced the technique of inserting pedicle screws into the spine, a pivotal skill in surgical procedures. Our eighth graders were able to navigate the complexities of anatomical structures, ensuring precise placement of screws to align the “spine” of their simulated patients.
Under the mentorship of Dr. Reichwage, our students gained insight into the realm of neurosurgery. This immersive experience not only honed their technical skills but also cultivated critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Through initiatives like the spine lab, Creative Learning Academy exemplifies its commitment to providing students with enriching educational opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. By fostering partnerships with medical professionals and facilitating hands-on experiences, CLA empowers students to explore diverse and unique career paths. As these emerging “neurosurgeons for a day” reflect on their time in our classrooms, we hope that these experiences foster newfound inspiration for students to make meaningful contributions to the ever-evolving field of medicine.
Riley Perantoni (Pensacola State Charter Academy) and Tristan Martinez (Pensacola High School) excelled at 2024 Incubate Debate Championship. Riley and Tristan advanced to the semifinal round where they debated whether the U.S. should defend Taiwan militarily.
They were judged by an incredible judging panel, consisting of:
Bill de Blasio (109th Mayor of New York City)
Stephen Asoli (University of Austin, Director of Admissions)
Dr. Peter
Boghossian (National Progress Alliance, Founder)
Hankinson (Heritage Foundation, Senior Fellow
Clea Conner (Open to Debate, CEO)
Tristan’s coach, Krysta Wilcox (Pensacola HS), worked hard this season to coach her incredible young students. She deserves enormous credit. Congratulations again as Escambia County continues its spirit of academic excellence.
JULY 15 - 20, 2024
AGES 8 - 13
Over the course of a week, children will work with experienced theatre professionals, musicians, and music educators to put together their own unique production of Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro! From creating sets and costumes, to learning their own roles, campers will take part in all aspects of creating an exciting performance. In addition to the production, sessions will also be hosted on topics such as stage movement, dance, vocal warmups & technique, music reading & theory. Scholarships are available!
Two of Catholic High Schools Core Values are Commitment to Service and Selfless Love. Each year, members of the CHS National Honor Society demonstrate these values through their Spring service project through which they collect and fill Easter baskets with toys, candy, games, and stuffed animals. This year over 75 baskets were delivered to the Gulf Coast Kid’s House, and distributed to children in various foster homes, hospitals, and treatment facilities. We know the Easter Bunny appreciated the extra help!
March 20th
4:30 PM
Downtown Library
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse moved across North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. Students at Montessori School of Pensacola (MSP) were thrilled that clouds did not obscure their view, and they were able to witness the eclipse. The next solar eclipse viewable in the United States will not be until August 23, 2044. MSP will be sending eclipse glasses to Latin America for an eclipse that will be visible there in August of this year.
Global Learning Academy was honored to have United States Navy Sailors on campus to train our 2024-25 flag detail. These sailors regularly do colors at NAS Pensacola, and we appreciate their service and dedication and giving their time to work with our students. The fourthgrade students who trained were chosen for their work ethic, responsibility, and dedication to our school. Thank you: SN Womack, Aubrey ABH3 Hobbs, Andrew OS2 Blades, Alexander BM2 Beyner, Anjellica
These sailors regularly do colors at NAS Pensacola. We appreciate their service and dedication and giving their time to work with our students. Also, thank you to Ms. Sheater, GLA Remedial Science Teacher and Purple Star School Coordinator, for arranging this opportunity for our students.
Congratulations, Reinhardt Holm Elementary School. Burlington Stores, a national major off-price discount retailer with everyday low prices on brand name merchandise, and AdoptAClassroom.org, a national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting teachers and their students, recently adopted Holm’s classrooms.
To celebrate Burlington’s new store opening in our community, they are providing a $5,000 AdoptAClassroom. org donation to Holm School, which will be divided among the school’s classroom teachers so that they can order the classroom supplies and resources they need for their students through AdoptAClassroom. org’s online marketplace. Since Burlington began partnering with AdoptAClassroom.org in 2017, they have provided more than one million students with the tools and supplies they need to succeed now and in the future.
AdoptAClassroom.org provides educators with an online marketplace of more than 20 school and office supply vendors where they can purchase the materials and tools they need to better engage with their students.
To celebrate this donation to Holm’s classroom teachers, the local Burlington store leadership team welcomed representatives from your school, district, and school community to be our guests at the store’s Grand Opening Ribbon-Cutting Event, where they presented the school with an oversized check for $5000!
job 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You take care of everyone: the kids, your spouse, the pets, maybe an elderly parent, your home, and you work too. You need to take time-outs to recharge your batter ies so overload does not overwhelm you. People working in offices take morning and afternoon breaks and a lunch hour. A fifteen-minute break can feel luxurious when you pause to refresh and refocus on yourself.
list in your head for a little while; it can wait. Instead of homework, settle the kids into a coloring project or a PBS program, which might require your
increments. You will find yourself looking forward to your mommy break, which will help you make it a habit.
Set up a space near an end table. Claim a chair as your ongoing special mom chair. Tell everyone mom time is at the same time every day. Give them the opportunity to think of a quiet activity they can do to relax and recharge themselves.
in a pretty vase right near your mom chair. Or, stop in the flower section at the grocery store and grab an inexpensive bouquet in colors you enjoy. You can put a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the water. Lavender, vanilla, bergamot (a citrus fruit similar to lemons), rose, and other scented oils can help you feel more relaxed.
Listening to calming music without vocals can help you feel more serene. Put on some earbuds and listen to a luscious piano or violin concerto to complete your sensory ritual.
Buy some cozy, fuzzy, pretty socks for yourself. We are always looking for inexpensive, cool socks for the kids. Think about yourself, too. Something about softness on the feet feels like a spa experience. All that running around and doing for others tires your feet. Cozy socks send a comforting message to your body and brain. Order online or pick them up at a discount store.
Step outside to grab some branches from native plantings in your yard. It is okay if the leaves have fallen off. Put them
Get yourself a new special tea cup at the thrift store or order online as a symbol
of your new endeavor to make time for yourself. You can treat yourself to a new flavor of tea. The color, aroma, and taste will refresh you. Slow down, sip away, and savor the flavor.
If tea is not your thing, bubbly water is refreshing, especially with an essence you enjoy, such as pear, raspberry, or mango. Pour it into one of your fancy drinking glasses usually reserved for company. Gaze at the sparkling bubbles in your glass. Inhale and sip away.
Buy yourself a box of handmade chocolates at the local chocolatier. Most retailers carry sugar-free and gluten-free selections, too. Eat one per day as a reward for all that you do.
If you are not into chocolate, buy some gourmet berries in the organic section of the market. Relax in your chair while you enjoy a few each day.
Go to the library to get hard copies of magazines with lots of colorful photos. Turn the pages and enjoy the images; you don’t have to read the articles.
Allow yourself to dream or think about whatever you want. This is your time. If a creative idea pops into your head, write it down on a paper notepad before it slips away. You can research it later, not during your break. Place a notepad and pencil on the table next to your special mom chair.
During your break, try to refocus away from important concerns and just enjoy the peace and tranquility. Put your cell phone out of reach and turn off any sound, including vibration, that will distract you from your break.
Check your planner to make sure your break for tomorrow is there to remind you. Try not to skip a day or change the time because it might slip away.
Sarah T. Yale is a mom who writes articles about kid’s activities, family fun, wellness, nutrition, hobbies, and nature to inspire and encourage. She takes care of her family, including her two children, a husband, an elderly parent, two cats, and a German shorthaired pointer.
“I first ate the dish while living in Hawaii. We are lucky to have lived there for three years,” shared Lynette Davidson. “This is one of my favorite dishes because everyone in my family loves and eats it! It also reminds me of our amazing time living in Hawaii! It embodies our friend Ohana (family), love, and the spirit of Aloha! Hawaii was everyone’s favorite duty station, so eating it takes us to the best memories!”
Lynette and her husband Scott have been married for 23 years and together have three children - Christopher (19), Robert (14) and Emilia (9).
“My husband served in the Army for 27 years. During that span, we had the opportunity to live in many different places,” shared Lynette. “We have lived in Germany, Virginia twice, Texas, Kansas twice, Washington, Hawaii, and Florida twice. It was an amazing adventure! We feel blessed to have met so many wonderful friends along the way.”
In 2019, when Scott retired, the Davidson family decided to settle in Gulf Breeze to be near family and enjoy the close proximity to the beach. While
the family still loves to travel and explore, they truly enjoy their little piece of paradise.
“I am sharing the recipe for Kalua Pork, which is Hawaiian-style pulled pork,” Lynette said. In Hawaii, the whole pig is traditionally cooked underground and served at Luaus and big family celebrations. However, in this version of the recipe, the pork is cooked in the crock pot, and instead of banana leaves, I use aluminum foil.”
This recipe was given to Lynette by a friend while the family was stationed in Hawaii. She was their neighbor and passed this recipe on when she learned how much they enjoyed this Hawaiian favorite.
“I wanted to share it because it is simple, easy, and easy to remember,” said Lynette. “It also feeds a small army! Leftovers can be used for other great meals like pork nachos, pork quesadillas, tacos, pulled pork sandwiches, and more.”
1. Spread aluminum foil on the counter. Use enough to be able to wrap the shoulder in it tightly.
2. Place shoulder on aluminum foil fat side down. Rub salt, garlic and pour liquid smoke over it.
3. Wrap tightly. We don’t want any water to seep in once its in the crock pot.
4. Place in crock pot then fill crock pot with water only half way up the pork.
5. Slow cook overnight or 8+ hours on low setting.
6. After 8 hours have passed (the longer the better) remove wrapped pork from crock pot.
7. Drain the water used to cook the pork from the crock. Then transfer wrapped pork back into the crock and remove the foil.
8. Let the juices flow into the crock then shred the tender pork. 9. Let it simmer in its own juices for about 30 minutes.
10. Enjoy!
** I like to serve the pork with white rice or Hawaiian rolls if anyone wants to eat as sliders. Also fresh pineapple, shredded slaw salad and/or macaroni salad.
• 3-4 lbs. pork shoulder
• 2 TBSP kosher salt or Hawaiian sea salt
• 2 TBSP liquid smoke
• 5 garlic cloves
Gabriele is a full-time Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. When she isn’t spending time with family or building her business, she supports her husband who is the Lead Pastor and Planter of Forward Church in Gulf Shores.
Days are slipping away. We feel them through our fingertips like the sand our kids once played in. No matter how tight I clench my fist the sand keeps falling. Our kids go from first steps to first car in the blink of an eye. My instinct is to grab tighter, to hold on to every moment. Instead of holding so tight to what was, maybe we need to relax.
What if we opened our hands and decided to have fun with our budding adults?
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy little things with your teen. Without the pressures of school, there is more time to enjoy the moments this summer.
1) Introduce them to a movie from your youth. They’ll think it’s fun to make fun of the clothing and hair and cheesy movie lines. You’ll enjoy the walk down memory lane with your teen.
2) Let them plan a day for the family. Give them a budget and let them take the lead. It’s exciting to see what they come up with. We could talk all about the great skills they are practicing in this one, but it’s more fun just to sit back and enjoy the ride. You may be surprised to see what they come up with!
3) Read a book together. Maybe not out loud together, but pick a book you can both read. I find my teen reads far faster than I can, so I have to make a conscious effort on this one. Without making it formal, just find times to slip the story into conversation. It’s a connection you can both enjoy.
4) Pick a show to watch together. Start with episode one, pop some popcorn, and enjoy a good binge-fest together. While I often lament having my quiet evenings from back in the days of 8 pm bedtimes, you have time to relax together. Find a way to enjoy it.
5) Go to a game or a concert. It doesn’t have to be the major leagues or a top musician, but find a local game for a sport your kid loves or a local concert for a style of music your teen enjoys. It’s simple, doesn’t cost a lot, and gives you a great time out together, and it’s great if it is outdoors! Plus this one doesn’t usually take much convincing.
6) Be the house the kids want to come to. This one isn’t as bonding as some of the other ideas on the list, but when you create an atmosphere your teen and her friends want to be in it is so good. Not only is your teen around more, but you get to know her friends and see them interact together. Be goofy and silly. Have the good snacks. Resist the urge to embarrass or scold. Don’t mistake this for changing how you do things or your rules. Just be real and welcoming and let the rest happen naturally.
7) Serve someone else. Not all teens are eager to participate in serving others, but once you get started most kids come around and even appreciate it. Find something you can do for someone else together. Working together is the key to making this successful. Good places to try are soup kitchens, reading to kids (even summer camps and summer school may offer opportunities), cleaning up a park, or bringing a meal to someone who could use some help. It doesn’t have to be complex, it just needs to be about giving.
8) Play their game. Sometimes teens are wrapped up in the latest game or app. Get involved. It will most likely be funny, but giving them the chance to show you how to do something creates a special bond. Recognizing their expertise helps them feel respected and that goes a long way.
9) Dream together. Even little moments offer opportunities to connect. Asking questions is a great way to see glimpses of your teen that you never imagined. Here are a few questions to get you started: What is your dream vacation? What kind of house do you think you’ll live in when you’re my age? If you could eat anything in the world for your last meal what would it be?
10) Make time, but don’t force it. Being available is one of the best ways to create a connection. It doesn’t mean following your teen around, but make sure that you aren’t checking out or disappearing every time they are home. Be present and open and see what happens!
Rating Overall Violence
Sex Profanity Alcohol/Drugs
PG-13 A- A- B+ C+ B
Mal is manager of England’s homeless soccer team, where he oversees the training of a recovering heroin addict, a Syrian refugee, an exuberant thief, and an intense striker. When he stumbles across Vinny, a man with undeniable talent on the pitch, Mal knows that this player has what it takes to help England win the World Cup. But Vinny also has plenty of baggage…This underdog sports film hits all the right beats and is both inspiring and entertaining for families. It’s a tale of compassion, courage, and simple goodness. Photo ©Netflix
It’s 1955 and Texas golf clubs won’t allow Mexican-Americans on their fairways –unless they are caddies. But five of the Del Rio club’s caddies built their own course on scrubland and developed impressive skills. When J.B. Pena, the new high school superintendent, forms a golf team, the boys just might have what it takes to win the state championship. This story of sports and human equality is uplifting and offers themes of dignity, self-respect, courage, persistence, and hard work. It’s well suited for families with teens. Photo ©Bonniedale
Rating Overall
Godzilla is roaming the earth, hunting and destroying other Titans. Kong has gone into the Hollow Earth, looking for more creatures like him. He hasn’t found anyone, but something is transmitting new signals that are prompting Godzilla to absorb more radiation. Creature features should be action-packed and exciting but this flick is neither. Most of the runtime is devoted to four tedious human characters and even the destructive scenes of monster mayhem feel boring. Hard to believe, but even Godzilla can be dull. Photo ©Warner Bros
The Spengler clan has relocated to New York, restoring Ghostbuster services to the city. Much to their dismay, they find themselves battling spectres and City Hall. They also stumble across an ancient brass artefact that unleashes a malevolent ancient deity with the power to plunge the city into a new Ice Age. Stiff, overly expository, and containing too many flat jokes, this sequel is less entertaining than its predecessor. It has a significant amount of supernatural violence, but that won’t deter dedicated fans. Photo ©Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group
Rating Overall Violence Sex Profanity Alcohol/Drugs
Anthoy Madu went viral on Instagram for dancing barefoot on the streets of Lagos. Soon after, the Nigerian boy received an invitation to study ballet in England. This documentary follows Anthony’s journey as he adapts to a new country, is diagnosed with a disability, battles homesickness, and devotes himself to the rigorous field of ballet. Anthony’s hard work and dedication are inspiring, and this is a family-friendly choice for anyone interested in the arts. The format is occasionally disjointed but that doesn’t reduce the power of the film’s message Photo ©Disney+
Detailed reviews available at www.parentpreviews.com
Pace Assembly
ad on page 9
3948 Highway 90 Pace, 32571
Theme: Xtreme KidCon 2024
Dates: June 1720, 2024
Times: 6:00pm8:45pm Ages: 4 - 12 years old Out of this world
fun is coming to KiDCON 2024! Don’t let your child, grandchild, nephew, niece, or neighbor miss out! Must Register online by June 10. Sanctuary doors will open @5:30p each night. Event begins @6pm Service will end approx. 8pm. After-party in the Gym from 8 - 8:45 (food provided). Pick-up begins @8:45p @ the Gymnasium doors. Free event; an offering will be taken up each night.
Events - Event Registration
First Pentecostal Church
ad on page 22
6500 North W Street Pensacola, 32505
Theme: Level Up
Dates: June 26-30, 2024
Times: June 26-28-5:30pm8:30pm, June 29-10:00am2:00pm, June 30-10:00am-12:00pm
Ages: 5 years - 11 years (850) 477-1100 firstpent@firstpent.org www.firstpent.org
Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church
100 Andrew Jackson Trail Gulf Breeze, 32561
Theme: Outback Rock: Where Kids Venture into Solid Faith
Dates: May 28–31, 2024 Times: 9:00am-1:00pm
Ages: Participant must be 4 on or before September 1st and potty trained, K-5
Are you ready for an Aussie adventure? We are going to travel to the Outback, experience miracles of Jesus and discover what solid, unshakeable faith can do for your life! (850) 932-3625 kidz@gulfbreezepc.org www.gbpresbyterian.org
Scenic Hills Church of Christ
1295 E Nine Mile Road Pensacola, 32514
Theme: Jurassic Hills
Dates: May 31-June 2, 2024 Times: May 31, 5:30-8:00pm, June 1, 5:30pm-8:00pm, June 2, 9:00am-11:30am (850) 477-2114 www.scenichillscoc.org
Generation Church
18 N Palafox St Pensacola, 32502
Theme: Start the Party
Dates: June 2 - 4, 2024 Times: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Ages: PK (4 yrs old and potty trained)-5th grade (850) 479-7210 Adam@generationpensacola.com www.generationpensacola.com
St Paul United Methodist Church
4901 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, 32563
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 3-6, 2024 Times: 8:30am-11:30am
Ages: Entering Kindergartners - Entering 5th (850) 932-8002 office@stpaulmethodist.org www.stpaulmethodist.org
Woodbine Baptist Church VBS
4912 Woodbine Rd Pace, 32571
Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Dates: June 3 - June 6, 2024 Times: 9:30am1:15pm
Ages: K - 5th grade completed Camp style VBS! Experience the journey thru the Bible from Genesis to Revelation! Students are required to pack a lunch. (850) 994-6169 kids@woodbinebaptist.org www.woodbinebaptist.org
Cokesbury United Methodist Church
5725 N 9th Avenue Pensacola, 32504
Theme: Scuba-diving into the friendship with God.
Dates: June 3-6, 2024 Times: 5:30pm-8:00pm
Ages: 3 years - 5th grade
An underwater style adventure each evening with a snack supper, games, music, Bible story, and more! (850) 476-5818 Kathy@cokesburychurch.com www.cokesburychurch.com/vbs
Trinity Presbyterian
3400 Bayou Boulevard Pensacola, 32503
Theme: Camp Firelight
Dates: June 3-6, 2024 Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: Completed K - completed 4th. - Limited registration
Join us for lots of fun at Camp Firelight!
(850) 432-3505 bethmc2@bellsouth.net www.trinitypcola.org
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
4257 Gulf Breeze Parkway Gulf Breeze, 32563
Theme: Celebrate the Savior
Dates: June 3-7, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 4 years (by May 15th)5th grade
Registration: https://vbsmate.com/ events/GoodShepherdGulfBreezeFL/28575
Olive Baptist ChurchWarrington Campus
103 W Winthrop Avenue
Pensacola, 32507
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands – God’s Truth
Never Changes
Dates: June 3-7, 2024 Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 4 years – 5th grade
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Online pre-registration begins March 10th and ends May 27th, but parents can register their children any day during VBS. (850) 476-1932 blowe@olivebaptist.org
St. Rose of Lima
6451 Park Avenue Milton, 32570
Dates: June 3-7, 2024 Times: 5:30 dinner, 6:00pm-8:30pm Ages: PK-5th grade (850) 623-3600 dre@srl.ptdiocese.org
Gateway Church of Christ
445 Creighton Road Pensacola, 32504
Theme: Ready, Set, Go
Dates: June 10-12, 2024 Times: 5:30pm-8:00pm
Ages: 3 years (potty trained) - Completed 5th (850) 476-4466 receptionist@gatewaycoc.org
Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church
75 Fairpoint Drive Gulf Breeze, 32561
Theme: Scuba-diving into the friendship with God.
Dates: June 10-14, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: 4 years (by September 1st)Completed 5th grade
Registration: https://vbspro.events/p/events/ bd78c9 (850) 932-3594 info@gbumc.org
St. Ann Catholic Church
100 Daniel Drive Gulf Breeze, 32561
Theme: Hometown Nazareth
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm
(850) 932-2859
www.stanngulfbreeze.org/ vacation-bible-school
First Baptist Church
6797 Caroline Street Milton, 32570
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm Ages: 4 years old (by September 1st)-5th grade (850) 623-3122 eparks@fbcmilton.org www.fbcmilton.org/vbs
First Baptist Church of Pensacola
500 North Palafox Street Pensacola, 32501
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 8:00am12:00pm Ages: Completed Pre-K - 6th grade Registration: https://kideventpro.lifeway.com/ myEvent/?id=68117
(850) 501-0269 cministry@fbcp.org www.fbcp.org
Hillcrest Baptist - Nine Mile Campus
800 East Nine Mile Road Pensacola, 32514
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 8:15am12:00pm, Family Night, Thursday, June 20, 6:00pm Ages: Completed K - 5th grade
Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock! (850) 476-2233 www.hillcrestchurch.com/
Olive Baptist Church - Main Campus
1836 East Olive Road Pensacola, 32514
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach God’s Rock-Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands – God’s Truth Never Changes
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: K5 (completed) – 5th Grade Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so
that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Pre-registration begins March 3rd and ends June 10th. Parents can register children in person at the grade tables in the foyer any day during VBS. Olive members are automatically registered. (850) 476-1932 lprice@olivebaptist.org www.olivebaptist.org/vbs
Pine Terrace Baptist
6212 Pine Blossom Rd. Milton, 32570
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 8:30am12:00pm Ages: 5 years - 5th Grade (850) 623-3954 info@ptbc.org www.ptbc.org/vbs
Redeemer Lutheran Church
333 Commerce Street Pensacola, 32507
Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Dates: June 17-21, 2024 Times: 4:45 (Registration) - 7:45 Ages: Completed Kindergarten - completed 4th grade
Join us for an exciting jungle adventure as we explore the magnificent world that God created! Dinner, science fun, Bible stories, crafts, games. Registration at http://www.redeemerschoolpensacola.org (850) 455-0330 redeemerpensacola@yahoo.com www.redeemerlutheranpensacola.com/
Heritage Baptist Church
3065 Highway 297A Cantonment, 32533
Theme: Scuba-diving into the friendship with God.
Dates: June 23-27, 2024 Times: 6:00pm8:00pm Ages: Completed Kindergarten to 5th (850) 478-3316 www.heritagecantonment.com/ event/vbs-june-23-27/
East Brent Baptist Church
4801 North Davis Highway Pensacola, 32503
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 23-26, 2024 Times: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Ages: K4-5th grade (850) 477-5812 info@eastbrent.com www.eastbrent.com
Coastline Calvary Chapel
1122 Oriole Beach Road Gulf Breeze, 32563
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 24-28, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: Completed VPK - Completed 5th Children will learn about God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands through bible, craft, recreation, mission, snack, and worship. (850) 932- 8197 hannah@coastlinegulfbreeze.com coastlinelife.churchcenter.com/registrations/events
Hillcrest Baptist - Spanish Trail Campus
3960 Spanish Trail Pensacola, 32504
Theme: Breaker Rock Beach
Dates: June 24-27, 2024 Times: 6:00pm8:00pm Ages: Completed K - 5th grade
Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock! (850) 476-2233 www.hillcrestchurch.com/
Navarre United Methodist Church
9474 Navarre Parkway Navarre, 32566
Theme: Start the Party
Dates: June 24-28, 2024
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm Ages: VPK - 5th grade
Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party. That’s why we believe the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Celebrate the good news of Jesus with us on June 24-28. (850) 710-7167 christineg@navarreumc.org www.navarre.church/vbs
Pinehaven Baptist Church
10400 N Palafox St Pensacola, 32524
Theme: Shine!
Dates: June 24-28, 2024 Times: 6:00pm8:20pm Ages: 4 years- 8th grade
Redemption story of Jesus through the lens of five different biblical accounts. (850) 476-6331 pinehavenmbc@gmail.com www.pinehavenmbc.com
Upper Room Church
920 Panferio Drive Pensacola, 32561
Theme: Start the Party
Dates: June 24–27, 2024 Times: 9:00am12:00pm Ages: 4 years - 5th grade
We cannot wait to spend 4 activity-packed days partying with Jesus! (850) 565-4845 info@upperroompensacola.com www.upperroompensacola.com
Marcus Pointe Baptist Church
6205 North W Street Pensacola, 32505
Theme: Super Summer Spectacular with Christian magician Stephen Bargatze
Dates: July 3, 2024 Times: 6:30 PM
Free for the whole family (850) 479-8337 www.pensacolachurch.org
Campus Church
115 Saint John Street Pensacola, 32503
Theme: The Great Jungle Journey
Dates: July 7-11, 2024 Times: 6:15pm - 8:15pm
Ages: K4 - 6th grade and Special Needs (850) 479-6575 info@campuschurch.com
McIlwain Presbyterian Church
1220 East Blount Street Pensacola, 32503
Theme: Olympion
Dates: July 8 - 12, 2024 Times: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM (8:30 AM on Monday for registration)
Ages: Completed K4-5th grade
Come join us as we Run the Race for Life! T-shirt, logbook, and snacks included! (850) 438-5449 lori@mcilwainchurch.org www.mcilwain.org
Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church
1030 North 57th Ave Pensacola, 32506
Theme: Camp Firelight - “A Summer Camp
Adventure with God” Dates: July 22-26, 2024
Times: 9:00am-12:00pm
Ages: Rising K-5th (850) 456-7463 (Ext 5) jlbpensmgumc@gmail.com www.atthegrove.church
WinShape Camps Gulf Breeze
1122 Oriole Beach Road Gulf Breeze, 32563
Dates: July 22-26, 2024 Times: MondayThursday 8am - 5pm, Friday 8am - 12pm
Ages: K5 - 5th grade
Have the summer of a lifetime close to home! WinShape Camps for Communities brings the ultimate day camp right to your neighborhood, combining fun, faith and friendship into an action-packed week. (850) 932-8197 www.camps.winshape.org/daycamps/gulf-breeze-fl/ GPP
My youngest child graduates from college this spring. For the life of me, I don’t know how that is possible. I am still trying to lose the baby fat from my pregnancy. Regardless, when I look over at my man-child loading up his car with a combination of pots and pans and video games, I know what they say is true –the days are long, but the years are short.
While my son is approaching a new chapter and a big milestone in his life, I can’t deny that my life is changing, too. The light at the end of the parenthood tunnel is getting very bright and that means my role as a provider and decision maker in my child’s life is coming to an end. While my role as a parent is changing, my importance in their lives is not.
As parents, we give our children all the tools they need to succeed in life and now they need to take the baton and run with it. Although you might not be ready for a change, know that they have been thinking about this for a long time and can’t wait to flex their independence. The good news is, we will always be needed as a sounding board and mentor, but they can handle the day-to-day. It’s time to start the next chapter of our lives, too.
Give yourself a little grace and a chance to grieve. You will have good days and bad ones. This chapter of life is uncharted, scary and sometimes lonely, much like how it was when you first brought your child home. It’s normal to be weepy for a little while, but eventually, you will need to shift the focus to your new normal.
Make a plan to stay connected. When my daughters went to college, they often called me between classes to share their news or tell me about their new friends. My son, on the other hand, is not a chit-chatter. I would only get a call or text if it was important. As a compromise, I suggested a Facetime date on Son-day and an evening goodnight text to keep in touch while he spreads his wings.
weights and stretching. Go through your closet and decide what to keep and what to update. Try out a new hair color or style to go with your new role.
Stay in touch with your friends – especially those going through the same phase of life. Just like when our children were babies, we still need the companionship and advice of other parents going through our shared experiences. We need the reassurance that we are doing the right thing and a shoulder to cry on when we are frustrated or engulfed in selfdoubt.
Practice what you preach. Remember when you told your child about putting themselves out there to new experiences? That’s good advice for you, too. If you are not sure what to do, make a vision board or a list that includes ideas. Do you want to learn something new? Start a business? Travel to somewhere on your bucket list? You can’t use your kids as an excuse anymore. Now is the time to do it.
Reconnect with your partner. My husband and I enjoy our date nights as empty nesters. We no longer need to work dinner around soccer games or worry about teenagers walking in on us. Use this next phase of your relationship to try new recipes that the kids would never eat, join a couples pickleball league or take a long road trip to visit friends or family that have moved out of state.
Embrace the clean spaces of a quiet home. While we love our kids, it is so refreshing to leave for the day and return home to the same empty sink you left in the morning. You
For more than 18 years, the focus has been on your children. Permit yourself to be a little self-centered. Get up to date on all medical appointments you have put off. Reevaluate your diet and start an exercise routine that includes cardio,
Thursday May 2
Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, OWA , 101 S OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535 The Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival is approaching its 19th year of flying! We are excited you are interested in coming to this year’s event that will feature balloons from across the country, enjoy food vendors, arts and craft vendors, and retail vendors. Join us at OWA for this fun-filled weekend. www.gulfcoastballoonfestival.com
Connecting the Pieces Gala
6:00 PM Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center, 913 S I St Pensacola, FL, 32505 Enjoy an evening with strolling hors d’oeuvres, choice of beverage service, live/silent auction, and connecting the pieces of friendship and inclusion.
St. Christopher’s Concerts (Free)
6:00 PM St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 3200 N 12th Ave Pensacola, FL, 32503 Free family oriented concert series on the lawn at St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church lawn. May 2 - Mirage (Classic, progressive, and dance rock from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.) www.scpen.org/christophers-concerts.html
Friday May 3
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents Bone Dry Band
7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music www.facebook.com/BandsOnTheBlackwater/
Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM, OWA , 101 S OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535 The Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival is approaching its 19th year of flying! We are excited you are interested in coming to this year’s event that will feature more than 50 balloons from across the country, enjoy food vendors, arts and craft vendors, and retail vendors. Join us at OWA for this fun-filled weekend. www.gulfcoastballoonfestival.com
Aces For Autism Tennis Tournament ($20)
6:30 PM Roger Scott Tennis, 2200A Summit Blvd Pensacola, FL Come help raise funds in support of our local autism community! Food and drinks will be provided as well as bidding on your favorite players and a fabulous silent auction! Tournament will feature professional tennis players from our area. $20 to eat, drink silent auction and to watch local tennis pros compete.
Ballet Pensacola Presents The Sleeping Beauty
7:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 Ballet Pensacola Presents The Sleeping Beauty www.pensacolasaenger.com
Saturday May 4
Rosamond Johnson Beach Day
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Rosamond Johnson Beach, 13300 Johnson Beach Road Pensacola, FL, 32507 The Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Gulf Islands National Seashore, is proud to announce its annual Rosamond Johnson Beach Day. The ceremony will take place Saturday, May 4, 2024
at 10 am under the Star Pavilion on Johnson Beach, which is part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore. The ceremony will honor and remember the life of Army Private Rosamond Johnson Jr. www.business.visitperdido.com
Burger Battle by the Bay
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32501 Attendees get to taste numerous samples of grilled burgers made by both professional and amateur cook teams and vote for their favorite. Proceeds benefit the community service projects of the Pensacola SubWest Rotary Foundation and the Cordova Rotary Club.
Neighborhood Community Theatre presents Alice in Wonderland
11:00 AM The Gordon Community Art Center, 306 North De Villiers Street Pensacola, FL, 32501 Neighborhood Community Theatre presents Alice in Wonderland, Based on the classic by Lewis Carroll. Adapted by William Glennon. www.myneighborhoodtheatre.com
Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM, OWA , 101 S OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36535 The Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival is approaching its 19th year of flying! We are excited you are interested in coming to this year’s event that will feature more than 50 balloons from across the country, enjoy food vendors, arts and craft vendors, and retail vendors. Join us at OWA for this fun-filled weekend.
2024 Big Scoop
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Bryan Park, 1200 Langley Ave. Pensacola, FL, 32504 The community is invited to come out and enjoy all-you-can-eat ice cream provided by Damian’s, face painting, games, activities and more!
Alice in Wonderland (One-Act)
2:30 PM The Gordon Community Art Center, 306 North De Villiers Street Pensacola, FL, 32501 A oneact production by kids, for kids; presented by Drama Clubhouse. www.myneighborhoodtheatre.com
Gulf Breeze Springfest
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, City of Gulf Breeze Parks & Recreation, 654 Shoreline Dr Gulf Breeze, FL, 32561 Fun, food, games and live music entertainment with Max & The Misfits along with other artists! It’s a family friendly event.
C.A.R.E. on the Coast
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM, Gulfarium, 1010 Miracle Strip Parkway SE Pensacola, FL, 32548 Join us for the inaugural sea turtle fundraiser event benefiting the Gulfarium
C.A.R.E. Center on May 4, 2024! This exclusive familyfriendly evening will include live music, food and beverage vendors, an in-depth look at the operations of the C.A.R.E. Center, a dolphin presentation, and more! www.visitpensacola.com/events/care-on-the-coast
Ballet Pensacola Presents The Sleeping Beauty
7:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502
12th Annual Autism OdysSea
Navarre Beach Marine Science Station, 8638 Blue Heron Ct. Navarre, FL, 32566 Join us for a fun filled day for families with special needs kids or adults. www.navarrebeachmarinesciencestation.com /autism-odyssea
Sunday May 5
Free Yoga in the Park (Classes are open to all ages and levels of experience. Certified instructors from Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center will provide instruction. The class is free, but you will need to BYOM (Bring Your Own Mat) and any other accessories you would like to use. Stay hydrated!)
9:30 AM Bayview Park, 2001 East Lloyd Street
Pensacola, FL, 32503
Ballet Pensacola Presents The Sleeping Beauty
1:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place
Pensacola, FL, 32502 Ballet Pensacola Presents The Sleeping Beauty www.pensacolasaenger.com
Neighborhood Community Theatre presents Alice in Wonderland
2:30 PM The Gordon Community Art Center, 306 North De Villiers Street Pensacola, FL, 32501
Neighborhood Community Theatre presents Alice in Wonderland, Based on the classic by Lewis Carroll. Adapted by William Glennon. www.myneighborhoodtheatre.com
Blues on the Bay (Free)
6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street
Pensacola, FL, 32502 Our free concert series is one of the most popular events for locals and visitors to spend the final hours of their weekend enjoying great music with family and friends in a great atmosphere.
Tuesday May 7
Blue Angels Practice
10:30 AM 1750 Radford Blvd Pensacola, FL, 32508 Watch the Blue Angels practice from the National Naval Aviation Museum or outside of NAS Pensacola including Fort Pickens, boat cruises, and various points throughout downtown. The Blue Angels Show and Practice Schedules are subject to change without notice.
East Hill Makers Market
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Cordova Square, 1101 N 12th Ave Pensacola, FL, 32501 Join us for an outdoor afternoon market and enjoy shopping with 40+ local artisans, food trucks, music, photo booth, kid’s activities, and more.
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, FL, 32561 Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series features regional artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October.
May 7 – Don Moors & Then Some
Wednesday May 8
Blue Angels Practice
Details on May 7. www.navalaviationmuseum.org/blueangels/
Thursday May 9
St. Christopher’s Concerts (Free)
6:00 PM St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 3200 N 12th Ave Pensacola, FL, 32503 Free family oriented concert series on the lawn at St. Christophers Episcopal Church lawn. May 9 - The Blenders (Jazz, Pop & R&B) www.scpen.org/christophers-concerts.html
Friday May 10
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents Lex and the Luthors 7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music. www.facebook.com/BandsOnTheBlackwater/
Pensacola Children’s Chorus Presents Showtime 7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Children’s Chorus Presents Showtime May 10–12, 2024 www.pensacolasings.org
Saturday May 11
Leftover 4 Miler
8:00 AM Crabs at Casino Beach Parking Lot, Pensacola, FL, 32561 Everything you will receive (T-shirts, medals & awards) at this race will be from past races. There is no rhyme or reason to what you receive, it’s a mystery.
Gulf Coast Culture Fest
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Seville Square, 311 E Government Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Gulf Coast Culture Fest is a vibrant and inclusive festival that celebrates the rich diversity and cultures of the Gulf Coast and its surrounding areas. This highly anticipated event brings together artists, businesses, vendors, and community members for a day filled with artistic expressions, captivating live entertainment, and a wide array of mouthwatering food options.
Preschool Art & Story Time – Making Art (Free)
10:00 AM Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Pensacola Museum of Art alongside the West Florida Public Library to engage your preschooler in story time and crafts. Ages 2-5 and a parent or guardian/caregiver. Capacity is limited, registration is required. . 850-432-6247 https://pensacolamuseum.org
6th Annual Military Appreciation Picnic
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Navarre Park, 8513 Navarre Parkway Navarre, FL, 32566 The Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee will host the 6th Annual Military Appreciation Picnic “Saluting Our Hometown Heroes”.
Pensacola Beach Art & Wine Festival
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Pensacola Beach Boardwalk, 418 Quietwater Beach Rd, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32561 The festival starts at 11 a.m. lasting until 4 p.m. The festival brings together 20+ local artists and more than 30 wine selections, all in one place.
850 Foodie Festival
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds, 6655 Mobile Hwy Pensacola, FL, 32526 We will have over 80 vendors (food, product, information) plus music and more.
Love Me Tender– A Tribute to Elvis Presley by Elvis Remembered by Shane Tucker
3:00 PM OWA Theater, 205 N OWA Blvd Foley, AL, 36536 Celebrate Mother’s Day early with a passionate tribute performance to the King of Rock and Roll – Elvis Presley! Join us at OWA Theater on Saturday, May 11 at 3 pm for “Elvis Remembered,” as Shane Tucker brings back the iconic, velvety vocal styling of Elvis Presley. www.visitowa.com/entertainment/owa-theater/
Pensacola Children’s Chorus Presents Showtime
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 www.pensacolasings.org
Sunday May 12
Mother’s Day at Gulf Breeze Zoo
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563
On Sunday, May 12, moms will receive one (1) complimentary mimosa to enjoy while strolling through the park. Enjoy live music from 11 AM to 3 PM.
Market at Perdido Key
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM, 3403 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL, 32507 Vendors selling baked goods, art, produce and more. visitpensacola.com/events/market-at-perdido-key/
Pensacola Children’s Chorus Presents Show time
2:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 Pensacola Children’s Chorus Presents
Showtime May 10–12, 2024 www.pensacolasings.org
Tuesday May 14
Blue Angels Practice
Details on May 7.
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pen sacola, FL, 32561 Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series
features regional artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October. May 14 – Modern Eldorados
Wednesday May 15
Blue Angels Practice
Details on May 7.
Thursday May 16
St. Christopher’s Concerts (Free)
6:00 PM St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 3200 N 12th Ave Pensacola, FL, 32503 Free family oriented concert series on the lawn at St. Christophers Episcopal Church lawn. May 16 - NOBIUS (Soul, Funk, www.scpen.org/christophers-concerts.html
Planetarium Nights: Billy Bowlegs Show ($12) 6:00 PM Emerald Coast Science Center, 31 SW Memorial Parkway Fort Walton Beach, FL, 32548 Ahoy mateys! Join us on a voyage across the solar system, where you landlubbers will learn the ways in which pirates used the planets and stars to navigate the Seven Seas. www.ecscience.org/
Friday May 17
May 2024 Beach Ball Breakfast
7:30 AM Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 920 Via de Luna Pensacola, FL, 32508 Enjoy a $5 breakfast, get informed about the local Pensacola Beach community and events, and kick start your day while networking with other businesses
Cinemas in the Sand (Free)
6:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion, 20 Casino Beach Boardwalk Pensacola, FL, 32502 Presented by the Santa Rosa Island Authority (SRIA), this beloved tradition invites locals and visitors alike to gather under the stars, feel the sand between their toes, and enjoy timeless movie classics against the breathtaking backdrop of the Gulf of Mexico.
Navy Days “Night at The Museum” Gala
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM, Naval Aviation Museum, 1750 Radford Blvd Pensacola, FL, 32508 The National Naval Aviation Museum plays host to this black tie/service mess dress affair featuring special guest speaker
Admiral Harry Harris USN (Ret.).
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents Caitlen Crisco & The Broadcast 7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music
Ages 14 to 18 years old who have just completed or are entering into grades 9–12
Annual Navarre Paddle Classic
8:00 AM Navarre Beach Marine Park, 8739 Gulf Blvd. Navarre, FL, 32566 The 3rd Annual Navarre Paddle Classic Sponsored by Navarre Beach Yoga Studio (https://navarrebeachyoga.com/) to benefit the Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center. (https:// navarrebeachseaturtles.org). www.getrelaxing.com
Navy Days 4K Run/Walk
8:00 AM Community Maritime Park, Pensacola, FL, 32501 This unique 4K (2.4 miles) race starts at Community Maritime Park and loops through Downtown to Veterans Memorial Park and back. Come for the race and stay for the parade! www.adventuresignup.com/ Race/FL/Pensacola/PensacolaNavyDays4KRun
Pensacola Railfest ($7 adult, $1 cash discount. Children 12 and under FREE.)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Pensacola Interstate Fair, 6655 Mobile Hwy Pensacola, FL, 32526 Hosted by the Pensacola Model Railroad Club. Many scales and formats represented. Multiple vendors selling model train products, supplies and railroad memorabilia. www.pmrc.us/railfest-2024
Navy Days Parade/Navy Days At Community Maritime Park
9:30 AM Community Maritime Park, Pensacola, FL, 32501 Gather along Pensacola’s waterfront for
this exciting parade featuring military equipment, squadrons, Sailors of the Year, bands and drill teams, with the support of many of Pensacola’s best Mardi Gras Krewes. The parade starts at Veterans Memorial Park and ends at Community Maritime Park. The celebration continues with a day filled with activities for the whole family including a Kids Fun Zone with free activities, food trucks, military vehicles on display, tours of Navy vessels, ROTC demonstrations and a military/veterans’ fair.
Walk the Talk 2024
5:00 PM Seville Square Downtown, 311 E Government Pensacola, FL, 32502 Walk the Talk for Epilepsy is the largest community event in the area that raises awareness and funds for individuals living with epilepsy.
Gulf Breeze Optimist Club Family Fishing Rodeo Shoreline Park, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32561 This is an annual family event sponsored by the Gulf Breeze Optimist Club held at Shoreline Park South in Gulf Breeze. This two-day family fishing tournament features cash prizes and gift card awards.
Pensacola Railfest ($7 adult, $1 cash discount. Children 12 and under FREE.) 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Pensacola Interstate Fair, 6655 Mobile Hwy Pensacola, FL, 32526 Hosted by the Pensacola Model Railroad Club. Many scales and formats represented. Multiple vendors selling model train products, supplies and railroad memorabilia.
Blues on the Bay (Free)
6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Our free concert series is one of the most popular events for locals and visitors to spend the final hours of their weekend enjoying great music with family and friends in a great atmosphere.
Gulf Breeze Optimist Club Family Fishing Rodeo Shoreline Park, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32561 This is an annual family event sponsored by the Gulf Breeze Optimist Club held at Shoreline Park South in Gulf Breeze. This two-day family fishing tournament features cash prizes and gift card awards.
Monday May 20
Pensacola Bay Concert BandConductor’s Choice Concert
7:30 PM Mainstage Theatre at the UWF Center for Fine and Performing Arts, 82 Service Rd Pensacola, FL, 32514
Tuesday May 21
Bands On The Beach Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series features regional
artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October. May 21 – Smoke Stak Band
Wednesday May 22
Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour
6:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 So, come on! Dance, sing, and learn with Blippi and special guest Meekah as they discover what makes different cities unique and special. Will there be monster trucks, excavators, and garbage trucks galore? You bet! So get ready to shake those wiggles out and OJ Twist your way through this brand-new musical party! www.pensacolasaenger.com/events/blippi-the-wonderful-world-tour/
Thursday May 23
St. Christopher’s Concerts (Free)
6:00 PM St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, 3200 N 12th Ave Pensacola, FL, 32503 Free family oriented concert series on the lawn at St. Christophers Epis-
copal Church lawn. May 23 - The Lads (British Rock from the 60s & 70s)
Friday May 24
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents The Flavors
7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music
Saturday May 25
Graffiti Bridge 5k
7:30 AM Graffiti Bridge, Pensacola, FL This unique 5K run/walk will Start & Finish at a classic, local landmark. Iconic collector’s medals will be handed out to every finisher.
Sunday May 26
Memorial Day Ceremony
9:00 AM Veterans Memorial Park Pensacola, 200 S 10th Ave Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us at the Park on Sunday, May 26th to honor the brave men and women who lost their lives protecting our freedoms. Exhibits open at 9 AM and ceremonies begin at 1 PM.
Fort Pickens Living History Displays and Demonstrations
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Fort Pickens, 1400 Fort Pickens Road Pensacola, FL, 32561 In partnership with the
National Park Service at historic Fort Pickens, a part of Gulf Islands National Seashore, our group will be conducting living history displays and demonstrations as part of the Memorial Day weekend.
A Night with Roman Street
7:00 PM Seville Quarter, 130 East Government Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Come jam with us for our Memorial Day Weekend Concert at Historic Seville Quarter in Downtown Pensacola, Florida. www.eventbrite.com
Monday May 27
Fort Pickens Living History Displays and Demonstrations
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Fort Pickens, 1400 Fort Pickens Road Pensacola, FL, 32561 In partnership with the National Park Service at historic Fort Pickens, a part of Gulf Islands National Seashore, our group will be conducting living history displays and demonstrations as part of the Memorial Day weekend.
Pensacola’s Annual Memorial Day Concert Hunter Amphitheater Behind Blue Wahoos Stadium, Pensacola, FL, 32502 The Memorial Day concert is a free annual concert performed by the Pensacola Civic Band at the Hunter Amphitheater behind Blue Wahoos Stadium. Pensacola’s Annual Memorial Day Concert honors our country’s veterans, service men & women and military families. This concert reflects and honors the bravery and sacrifice of those who gave their lives for our nation.
Tuesday May 28
Blue Angels Practice
Details on May 7.
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, FL, 32561 Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October. May 28 – Disco Kiss
Wednesday May 29
Blue Angels Practice
Details on May 7.
Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon
Fiesta Days Celebration
7:15 PM Seville Quarter, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Be sure to join the Surrender of the City in Phineas Phoggs at 7:15 p.m. as local dignitaries such as the Mayor, Fire Chief, Supervisor of Elections, Escambia County Sheriff and Pensacola Naval Air Station Commanding Officer surrender the City of Pensacola and its citizens to DeLuna and his Queen for the Fiesta Season. www.fiestapensacola.org/other-events
Friday May 31
Fiesta Pensacola Parade
7:00 PM Downtown Pensacola, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Come catch some beads, hear the sounds of local high school marching bands, and enjoy watching beautiful floats parade through downtown begin-
ning at 7:00 p.m. Bring the entire family to one of Pensacola’s favorite Fiesta events. In addition to the dozens of local krewes parading, special appearances will be made by a masked DeLuna, his Queen and their court.
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents The Crosstown Band
7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music www.facebook.com/BandsOnTheBlackwater/
Saturday June 1
Yard Sale
8:00 AM Pensacola Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 6931 N 9th Avenue, Suite 29 Pensacola, FL, 32504 All of the proceeds from the Women Build Yard Sale will benefit Pensacola Habitat for Humanity and the families they serve. Help us reach our goal by attending this event and purchasing some lightly-used or brand new goods! We will have food trucks also.
Sea Turtle Baby Shower (Free)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Gulfside Pavilion at Casino Beach, 20 Casino Beach Boardwalk Pensacola, FL, 32561 A family friendly event of games, crafts and hands-on exhibits to educate and celebrate Sea Turtles. Take the Sea
Turtle Friendly Oath, Turtle Crafts, meet a mermaid, and touch a real turtle shell. Event is free to public. www.pbadvocates.wildapricot.org/page-1811955
Fiesta Boat Parade
Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center or Plaza de Luna, Pensacola, FL Join us as DeLuna’s court, crew and parade of vessels set sail on the beautiful Pensacola Bay www.fiestapensacola.org/other-events
Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo
Shoreline Park South, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563 The Annual Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo is our one and only fund raising activity with 100% of the net proceeds being returned to the community. https://familyfishingrodeo.com/
Sunday June 2
Free Yoga in the Park (Classes are open to all ages and levels of experience. Certified instructors from Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center will provide instruction. The class is free, but you will need to BYOM (Bring Your Own Mat) and any other accessories you would like to use. Stay hydrated!) 9:30 AM Bayview Park, 2001 East Lloyd Street Pensacola, FL, 32503www.cityofpensacola.com/1024/ Area-Events-and-Activities
Blues on the Bay (Free)
6:00 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Our free concert series is one of the most popular events for locals and visitors to spend the final hours of their weekend enjoying great music with family and friends in a great atmosphere. www.bluesangelmusic.com
Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo
Shoreline Park South, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563
The Annual Gulf Breeze Sertoma Family Fishing Rodeo is our one and only fund raising activity with 100% of the net proceeds being returned to the community.
Tuesday June 4
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, FL, 32561 Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series features regional artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October. June 4 – The New Cahoots www.visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach/
The Happy Together Tour
8:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 A show full of chart-topping hits from the ‘60s and ‘70s – an undeniable 61 Billboard Top 40 smashes. www.pensacolasaenger.com/
Wednesday June 6
Fiesta Krewe Ball
Hadji Shrine, Pensacola, FL, 32502
Join Fiesta, DeLuna LXXIII, his Queen and the 2024 Court of DeLuna at the Hadji Shrine for this annual celebration!
Friday June 7
Bands on the Blackwater Spring Concert Series presents Hired Guns
7:00 PM 5158 Willing St. Milton, FL, 32570 Bands on the Blackwater is a free outdoor concert series held Friday nights in downtown Milton. Pull up your boat or bring a lawn chair and relax while listening to great live music.
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Saturday June 8
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Sunday June 9
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
2:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Tuesday June 11
Bands On The Beach
7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion - Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, FL, 32561 Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series features regional artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area.
Bands on the Beach is at 7 p.m. and begins the first Tuesday in April and ends the last Tuesday in October. June 11 – 12Eleven www.visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach/
Wednesday June 12
Bluey’s Big Play
6:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Heelers in their live theatre show made just for you, featuring brilliantly created puppets, this is Bluey as you’ve never seen it before, brought to real life. www.pensacolasaenger.com/events/blueys-big-playthe-stage-show/
Thursday June 13
Bluey’s Big Play
6:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 118 Palafox Pl Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Heelers in their live theatre show made just for you, featuring brilliantly created puppets, this is Bluey as you’ve never seen it before, brought to real life. www.pensacolasaenger.com/events/blueys-big-playthe-stage-show/
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer
Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Sunday June 16
Father”s Day at Gulf Breeze Zoo
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Gulf Breeze Zoo, 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563 Celebrate dad at Gulf Breeze Zoo! Enjoy live music from 11am-3pm. www.gbzoo.com
Pensacola Little Theatre presents Rent
2:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice, and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences. Rent includes strong language and adult themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences.
850-432-2042 www.pensacolalittletheatre.com/
Friday June 21
FavorHouse Round-Up
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Escambia County Equestrian Center, 7750 Mobile Hwy. Pensacola, FL, 32526 The FavorHouse Round-Up is going to be a toe-tappin’, knee-slappin’ good time in support of the programs and services that help domestic violence victims in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. The Round-Up is featuring live music from Blackwater Country, walkabout food tasting, activities such as a mechanical
bull and rodeo roper, bourbon and wine pull, dancing, live auction, and more. www.favorhouse.org/RoundUp
Every Monday
Baby Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Pensacola Library, 239 N. Spring St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes. This program is suggested for babies ages 0 to 2 years and their caregivers. 850-436-5060 www.mywfpl.com
Every Tuesday
Baby Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Tryon Library, 1200 Langley Ave. Pensacola, FL, 32504 Join us for stories, songs, and rhymes. This program is suggested for babies ages 0 to 2 years and their caregivers. 850-471-6980 www.mywfpl.com
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Southwest Library, 12248 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola, FL, 32507 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot.
850-453-7780 www.mywfpl.com
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Bellview Library, 6425 Mobile Highway Pensacola, FL, 32526 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their care-
givers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-471-6360 www.mywfpl.com
Every Wednesday
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Pensacola Library, 239 N. Spring St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-436-5060 www.mywfpl.com
Every Thursday
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Westside Library, 1301 W. Gregory St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-595-1047 www.mywfpl.com
Family Story Time at Your Library
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM, Tryon Library, 1200 Langley Ave. Pensacola, FL, 32504 Join us for exciting stories, songs, and movement. This program is suggested for children ages 2 to 5 years and their caregivers. STEAM Story Time will happen once a month at each location during the regular story time slot. 850-471-6980 www.mywfpl.com
Lego Club
4:30 PM Bellview Library, 6425 Mobile Highway Pensacola, FL, 32526 Everyone loves LEGOS! Accept building challenges from our staff or freely build your
own unique creation! Duplo Legos will be provided for our younger builders. 850-471-6360 www.mywfpl.com
Every other
Art Academy for Autism - Ages 16+ 4:00 PM Pensacola
Museum of Art, 407 South Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Art Academy for Autism is an arts education initiative designed for children and young adults on the autism spectrum. Ages 16+ -Alternating Fridays from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. www.pensacolamuseum.org
Every third Friday
Gallery Night
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Pensacola, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Gallery Night is an all-ages community arts and culture event which happens on the third Friday of each month from 5-9 p.m. www.gallerynightpensacola.org
Every Saturday
Palafox Market
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, 100 N Palafox Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Shop for farm-fresh produce, plants, baked goods and more at the event that’s consistently voted “Best Farmers Market” and “Best Free Thing to Do.” www.palafoxmarket.com
Every first and third Saturday
Hwy 87 Market
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Sand Dollar Plaza, 1900 Hwy 87 Navarre, FL, 32566 Enjoy a wide variety of booths, offering food items, art, decor, and so much more. 850-368-9500 www.facebook.com/sanddollarsaturdays
Every other Saturday
Art Academy for Autism
1:30 PM Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 South Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Art Academy for Autism is an arts education initiative designed for children and young adults on the autism spectrum. www.pensacolamuseum.org
Last Saturday of the month
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Sand Crab Pavilion, Navarre, FL, 32566 The Trash-Bash is a citizen-science program for community members of all ages held the last Saturday of every month from 8:00-10:00 am. Sign in at the Sand Crab Pavilion (look for the “Giving Sea Turtles More Tomorrows” banner).
Please send your calendar events to lynn@greater pensacolaparents.com.
Q. I’m worried about my younger brother, and I need some advice. He’s divorced and has a son, and lately, it seems like he only wants to be a dad when it’s convenient. On top of this, he’s very irresponsible with money for someone in their thirties. Our mom and dad passed away several years ago, so I feel like this leaves me to be the big brother and parent at the same time. I’m not sure how to help him. Can you give me some advice, please?
A. You’re a good and caring big brother to be concerned and want to help. And it’s a tough situation for you, especially with your parents no longer in the picture.
When I help people on my show, I have the benefit of them calling in and actually wanting help. These folks care about what I think, and in most cases, they real-
ize things aren’t working for them. I don’t just walk up to people and say, “You know, what you’re doing is really stupid. Let me fix you.” I think that’s kind of the situation you’re in right now. So, before anything else, I’d begin to pray for him. Ask God to bring people into his life who will have a positive impact on him.
One of the worst things about these situations is watching people you love do bad things to themselves and the people around them. Honestly, I don’t know there’s really a lot you can do without becoming the enemy to some degree. You can always try to hold him to a higher standard, and refuse to tolerate immature, irresponsible behavior when you’re around him. You might even look for opportunities to use yourself as an example. I’m not talking about puffing out
your chest and pretending to be perfect. I’m just saying maybe point out areas in your life where you made mistakes in the past and how you fixed the problems. But going out and trying to actively intervene in his life without permission, or shaming him in hopes it’ll make him grow up and be a man, would probably do more harm than good.
Approach him in a gentle, caring way. Again, not like some know-it-all, but just let him know you care and you’re there to help if he’s having difficulties. Take him out to lunch once in a while, or invite him over, and let him know you’re there for him if he needs to talk.
And remember what I said earlier about prayer? Bringing God into the equation is never a bad idea.
I was watching my son scroll his social media the other day and he was “liking” almost everything he saw. Sharing. Saving. Sometimes commenting. At that point, I realized how very different our social media consumption is.
Other than the obvious generation gap and his propensity to follow bodybuilders, truck stuff, and teens, in general, doing a lot of weird things...and my propensity that leans towards
business account online, and you don’t do these things, over and over and over all day to exhaustion...forget about it. Three people will see your stuff. It is ridiculous.
My son, however, does what it asks for. He maintains a constant scrolling, liking, and commenting machine. So, the algorithm loves him and feeds him more and more of what he engages with. And on the hamster wheel, he rolls.
Why is this a
or because we are of the generation that raised themselves and never did anything we were told to do anyway.
Gen Z and Gen A are different. The engagement is ongoing and never-ending. It seems to feel okay to these generations. Even if it doesn’t, they will likely never admit it, and they lack the desire or skills to back out of their bubble and explore new worlds against the algorithm grain.
largely an Insta gram consumer, with FB for family and friend stuff and a bit of TikTok when I want to see animals doing dumb things.
However, what is important is how I interact with these apps. I am a silent scroller. I rarely “like” anything except the occasional sweet picture or post from friends or family. It is even more uncommon for me to provide comments on posts. I will share, but only if I find it hysterical or educational. And I LOVE to research, taking deep dives for answers to all of my pressing questions, which goes against all of the algorithm rules. Searching does talk to the algorithm some, but not engaging with platforms goes against what the algorithm tries to force you to do. And if you want to grow your
limits our understanding and growth. It confines us to a small bubble that prevents us from exploring the world’s complexities. The narrow lens distorts reality and hinders our ability to embrace differences and variety.
I love exploring different viewpoints. Our differences are what make us unique. And interesting. Being fed the same dribbling stream of information greatly contributes to divisiveness. People begin to believe that one view is the only view. It is an empathy stealer. How can we empathize with others if we hold fast to only one point of view? This worries me for adults but terrifies me for our youth. Like me, many (not all) adults of my generation (Gen X’ers) seem to be more of the silent scrolling type. Maybe because we “just don’t get it,”
Social media was created as a way to be social. To interact with one another. I remember when FB first came about, we could all chat with each other. Or not. But we could still see that person’s feed. We were not forced into a relationship with people and ideas in order to see the information. While I get that there are positives associated with having some algorithm influence, I can not help but think it has manipulated us into tiny bubbles. In true Gen X fashion, I do not respond well to being manipulated. I will continue my silent scroll, my quiet desire for all viewpoints. In my small way, I tell the algorithm to kiss off as I reach outside my bubble.
a national education consultant and social media safety advocate.
She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.
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Our goal is to empower you to help your child with a disability succeed in school.
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My IEP Advocate can guide you through the special education process, attend meetings with you, and more!
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Amy Scott Lorton Special Education Consultant & Advocate
Amy Scott Lorton Special Education Consultant & Advocate
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850-684-IDEA (4332)
• amy@myiepadvocate.com
850-684-IDEA (4332) • amy@myiepadvocate.com
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