Greater Pensacola Parents (September 2022)

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1 September 10, 2022 10 AM - 2 PM Community Maritime Park SAVE THE DATE! The 5-2-1-0 Day of Play is a day to get up, get out and get active! On September 10th, families will shut off their computers, tablets, and TVs and head outdoors for some fun! Come check out the many ways families get moving! Join us for a day of exciting activities, games, sports, contests and physical challenges for the entire family. Find more information on Facebook @5210nwfl HealthyEscambia

1 5 Bits and Pieces 9 School Bits 29 Family Calendar Publisher’s2 Note Lynn Knighton Kids4 Say the Wisest Things Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA 32 Tweens, Teens and Screens Kristi Bush, LSW On The Cover Volume 7 Number 7 Remington Wade Tucker Collier (12 months), son of Lydia and David Collier. Grandparents are John and Susan Can non, and Barritt and Amie Collier. Remi loves to explore the world with his hands and mouth and will try to get into any cabinet he possibly can. This sweet boy was born with a serious heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, which has caused him to have two open heart surgeries and is currently waiting on his third. September2022 Special Needs Guide Local, state and national resources to help your child and your family. Teens and Screens Navigating negative consequences associated with device removal. 16 32 Great Apps for Kids with Special Needs Seven free apps to help them26grow. Creative Discipline for 19

I want to thank all the families, medical professionals, and community members serving these families for helping us find resources for this issue. Each of them is a huge inspiration to me. I meet parents with a strength I can only imagine, kids who are loving and determined, siblings whose protection and support show no bounds, and individuals and medical professionals whose compassion is endless. These individu als and families are great examples of what can happen when people come together for a common good.

2 FromThePublisher

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Of course, no issue would be complete without the Family Calendar, and as fall gears up, so do the community events! This month’s calendar includes concerts, char ity events, festivals, and the Baldwin County Fair! Also, be on the lookout for events like Captains for Kids and Sea No Limits, events designed for families with children of special needs. We hope you have a wonderful month!

Publisher Lynn Knighton

Editor DeAnne Watson

Greater Pensacola

Greater Pensacola Parents is copyrighted 2022 by Keep Sharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in Greater Pensacola Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorse ment of products and services herein.

As parents, especially if you have more than one child, we know this scenario all too well. What works to motivate one child may not work at all for another. As soon as you think you have it figured out for one child, the other will surprise you and not re spond as you hoped. An idea I wish I had thought about when my girls were younger is one Kimberly Blaker introduces us to in this month’s feature, A Creative Discipline Approach for Kids with Special Needs. Though written with special needs children in mind, her advice can be beneficial to most families.

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022


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Greater Pensacola Parents Magazine is a community advocate for families and the parenting process.

Lucy Green Contributing Writers Kimberly Blaker Kristi Bush, LSW Tanni Haas, Ph.D. Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA Dave Ramsey Cover Photography Naomi McIntosh Photography

President Jason Watson Advertising Sales Lynn Knighton (850) 426-6222

Recently, my daughter told me about some new fitness classes she was trying. She had her agenda and was trying to figure out which classes would fit in and where. With such a busy schedule, it can be hard to stay motivated to go on days that may already be a little full. Looking through her plan, she remembered there were stickers in the back and decided she would give herself a gold dumbbell sticker every day she ex ercised. I had to laugh because that is the same thing I did at her age to keep myself motivated. While others might be motivated by toned arms or fitting in their jeans, what kept me motivated was those dumb little gold stars I would put on my calendar. If I looked at that calendar and didn’t see a foil star, I felt disappointed. It really is interesting to see what motivates people.

Greater Pensacola’s Foremost Parenting Source

Research Editor

Tim Welch Greater Pensacola Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing, LLC. Mailing address: PO Box 6241 Pensacola, FL 32503. The phone number for voice and fax is (850) 426-6222.

Greater Pensacola Parents Magazine is founded on the principle that parenting is an exciting, diverse, challenging, and significant role in our community.

Just as children respond to different behavior modification methods, some may have different ways their individual needs are best met. Some learn differently from their peers, while others have physical demands that are not the same as their friends or even require a diet that is unlike their classmates. Some of these needs may be met easily, while others require extensive medical attention. Each September, we dedicate our issue to amazing families, tackling the day-to-day joys and challenges of parenting and managing extra medical visits, therapy appointments, additional finan cial demands, and more. In this issue, we include resources that we hope are helpful in the annual Special Needs Resource Guide. And don’t miss Tanni Haas’s article, Great Apps for Kids with Special Needs.


Helping Your Child Feel Safe by Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA

All parents will observe their children displaying fear in situations that are anything but scary. This occurs when the child does not have “felt safety”. How you respond to your child in these situations will help them respond more appropriately at the moment. Handling these moments well will also increase your child’s ability to handle challenging circum stances well in the future. Here are several tips to help you increase your child’s felt safety.

2) Pay close attention to non-verbal signs so you can help your child stay emotionally regu lated. Some children become silent, some talk incessantly, some become cuddly, and some do not want you to touch them. Be attuned to your child’s signs so you know when it is time to help them feel safe.

10) Limit clutter, chaos, and over-scheduling as much as possible. We all need downtime.


3) Let them talk. Even if you completely dis agree, do not correct their feelings. You can point out the reality of a situation later but just listen to them vent.

9) Be as concrete as possible. Children do not understand sarcasm or abstract concepts. They require experience to understand, not just words.

Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of differ ent disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit Sometimes we can see the facts of a situation and recognize what is true, but still not feel that it is true. For example, I often have dreams about a snake biting me. When this happens, I have to look through the sheets and covers to fully accept the truth that there is no snake. Feeling safe is subjective, not objec tive; we can be safe without feeling safe. This is referred to as “felt safety”.

8) Observe and ask questions. Avoid jump ing to conclusions or making assumptions. Curiosity helps prevent us from placing blame and becoming defensive.

7) Be as playful as possible. Parents often repeat themselves (please stop doing this). Instead, engage playfully. For example, if you told your child not to ride his bike near the road and he turns toward the street, runs in front of the bike, and pretends to be a policeman keeping the bike in the correct area.

Your job as a parent is to do more than keep your children safe, clothed and fed. If you want your children to be healthy and welladjusted, take the time to help them feel safe as well.

1) Consistency is key. Keep your children on a schedule so they know what to expect.

4) Let your children have their feelings. It is not your responsibility to “fix” every negative emotion they experience. Allow your child to work through “bad feelings” rather than telling them to “suck it up”. They cannot learn how to manage difficult emotions until they are al lowed to experience them.

Your brain is subconsciously assessing safety four times per second. The brain does this by investigating the inner experience (heart rate, hunger, etc), the environment, and the people around us. Sometimes, our sub conscious brains misinterpret situations and draw inaccurate conclusions. The very differ ent feelings of excitement and anxiety create the same internal experiences in the body (elevated heart rate, butterflies in the stomach, pupil dilation, and shallow breathing). We can be in a safe setting but assume that we are unsafe. We can be with very loving people but imagine that they are angry with us.

5) When possible, give them some control. If you can, offer choices. If the situation allows it, 6)compromise.Emotionsare contagious. Anxiety spreads like wildfire, but so does peace. Model an ap propriate response to the situation.

A Day of Fun and Celebration at Steps for Autism - 2022

On September 24th, 2022 at Pensacola State College, Autism Pensacola will gather the community of the Gulf Coast for a day of fun and celebration. All are welcome on this day of bringing awareness, acceptance, and support to the families in our area. Start a team and help API with its mission of providing the individuals and families of the Gulf Coast with resources, social events, programs and services to help these families THRIVE. Please visit stepsforautism/

Inviting all children, ages 7 - 15 as of 12-31-22 (this is their “USAT age”), to register for the annual Zarzaur Law Sea Turtle Youth Triathlon to be held Sunday morning, October 2, at Pensacola Beach Park East, parking lot G- Hwy. 399/ Earl Bowden Hwy. This youth triath lon offers fullycoursesage-appropriatethreethataresupportedbyvolunteersand closed to traffic. For the nominal registration fee, participants will receive a technical style race shirt, swag bag, a beautiful finisher’s medal, and the pride that comes with completing a triathlon. Prizes are awarded to the overall winners, as well as the top three in each age group. This event is put on by TriGulfCoast Youth Multisport, which is a part of Give It A Tri, Inc., a 501(c)3 public non-profit. The race proceeds are made available as grant money to local youth athletics. For more information and to register, please visit For ques tions, please email


Zarzaur Law Sea Turtle Youth Triathlon

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com6

Join us for Captains for Kids on September 10, 2022. We coordinate a FREE fun day on the water for kids with special needs and illnesses with captains/crews/businessesprofessional that provide fishing charters, sailing excursions, parasailing rides, dolphin cruises and pirate cruises. Most events have space for the parents and sometimes a sibling or two to tag along. All activities are free of charge. We have different activities at many different beach locations and marinas in St. Pete Beach, Orange Beach, Perdido Key, Pensacola Beach, Destin, Ft. Walton Beach, and Key Largo, Florida. Boats have maximum seating capacities so we will need to schedule each person in order to give you a smooth experience and to provide a passenger manifest to the captain. Seats are first-come-first-served based on date of reservation. Registration required, please visit https://spotate.wixsite. com/captains-for-kids/contact to register. www.disl.edu251-861-2141102 Bienville Blvd. Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528

Field Classes available for all Fgrades. ield Classes available for all grades.

The Gulf Breeze Masonic Lodge is proud to offer a FREE fish ing clinic for the special needs citizens in Escam bia and Santa Rosa counties. Allwillparticipantsreceivea rod and reel to keep, an event T-Shirt and lunch for the entire family. Volunteers will be available to help dur ing all phases of the clinic. All special needs participants will receive a t-shirt, lanyard, rod & reel and bait. Family members are welcome to bring their own fishing tackle if they would like to fish with the special needs participant. Lunch will be provided for the entire family. The clinic takes place on October 8 from 8:00am-12:00pm at Vince J. Whibbs Sr. Community Maritime Park. Please

Sea No Limits Fishing Clinic

10th Annual Captains for Kids

Children’s activities will be Saturday from 10 am - 5 pm and Sunday from 11 am - 5 pm and include face painting, arts & crafts, games, activities and much more. For more infor mation and vendor applications, please visit

We are thrilled to cessfulDirector,ourannounceArtisticDarrenMcIntyre,haspreparedanincredibleseasonfor2022-2023!Afterasucfirstseason as our new Artistic Director, Darren will continue to bring new and exciting performance opportunities to Ballet Pensacola! Our season will open on October 7th, 2022, for two weekends of The Phantom of the Opera at The Center! Phantom of the Opera tells a story of a masked figure lurking below in the catacombs of the Paris Opera House, exercising a reign of terror over all who inhabit it. He falls madly in love with an innocent young ballerina and devotes himself to creating a new star by nurturing her extraordinary talents and by employing all of the devious methods at his command. Please visit https://www.balletpen for more information.

A new Pensacola-based bereavement program has recently opened to serve area children. Valerie’s House is a non-prof it organization whose primary mission is to assist children who are grieving the death of a loved one. Jenni Elzweig, Program manager, shared that they work not only with the children but also reach out to caregivers, as they recognize that a death impacts the entire family. Through peer support groups we endeavor to help children connect with others who are on the journey of healing from their losses. They are currently operating in conjunction with Big Brothers Big Sisters (1320 Creighton Rd. Pensacola Fl, 32504) and will soon be starting a second group night at Cobb Community Center near downtown for families residing in Escambia and Santa Rosa County. For more information vist valeries, call 850-582-8255, or Find us on Facebook - ValerisHouseNWFL.

September 23-25 * 11 am-11 pm/10 am-11 pm/11 am-5 pm Savor delicious seafood, enjoy various musical acts and immerse yourself in historic downtown Pensacola during the Annual Pensac ola Seafood Festival, produced by Fiesta Pensacola. This festival is one of the largest arts and crafts fairs in northwest Florida with more than 150 artisans and craftsmen who travel from around the country to participate. The festival takes place in downtown Pensacola in historic Seville Square, as well as Fountain Park and Bartram Park.

Valerie’s House Helps Grieving Children

Pensacola Seafood Festival

October 7-9 & 14-16, 2022

Ballet Pensacola Presents Phantom of the Opera

for Life Pensacola Relay For Life Pensacola will be on September 17th from 6pm-10pm at Five Flags Speedway. Get registered today at Your donations help fund groundbreak ing cancer research, patient care programs, and can make a difference in communities like ours. 2022 Race for Inclusion - Pensacola October 8, University of W FL Raises funds to help provide sports training and competition, critical health services, and life-changing leadership programs to Special Olympics Florida athletes across the state. Please visit https://www. for more information. 9th Annual Backpack

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com8 8th Annual Dragon Boat Festival Join us on October 8th, 2022, at Bayview Park starting with opening ceremonies at 8 am. Enjoy the race, children’s Area, vendor booths, DJ, Food Trucks and more. Please visit


This benefits students in Escambia County and takes place September 8-10, at Grand Lagoon Yacht Club. To purchase tickets, visit tickets-371714727757.backpack-project-usa-com/e/

Relay Project USA Fishing Rodeo

Autauga County Schools

East Hill’s Class of 2002 Celebrates 20-Year Reunion

Montessori School of Pensacola Campers Mask Up During Animal Week at Montessori School of Pensacola sum mer camp, children participated in fun craft projects each day, including topics such as dinosaurs, jungle animals, and Florida animals. On one of the days, campers were especially excited to create animal masks. They read about jungle animals, listened to sounds from the rainforest, watched videos of jungle animals, and then crafted animal masks. Camp activities at MSP incorpo rate experiments, artistic projects, and other hands-on activities.


The EHCS Class of 2002 held its 20-year reunion on July 1st-2nd in Pen sacola. Fifteen alumni traveled from as far as Tennessee to gather, catch up, and share stories from high school days. Friday evening was an adults social at the downtown venue Garden and Grain, and Saturday afternoon was a family-oriented event for kids of all ages (from 6 weeks to 11 years old) to gather and beat the heat with water toys and slides.

County Schools



Montessori School of Pensacola (MSP) sum mer camps were jampacked with fun projects and areas of study that differed each week. During Animal Week, campers were invited to bring in photos of their pets (or if they don’t have a pet, it could be of their favorite animal). Campers got to share about their pet or favor ite animal, telling what they like best about it.

Escambia County Schools, United Way and Walmart “Stuff the Bus”

The children at camp loved seeing the photos and getting to hear about the other campers’ pets.

Escambia County Schools, The United Way of Northwest Florida, and Walmart stores teamed up to “Stuff the Bus” at the Creighton Road, Mobile Highway, and Blue Angels Parkway Walmart locations. It was a

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com10


East Hill Eagle Ambassadors

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We are so excited to introduce you to a new student lead ership opportunity. Our Eagle Ambassadors are juniors and seniors who represent the ideals and spirit of EHCS. Supporting the Admissions office, the Ambassadors will act as liaisons for visitors to campus and provide prospec tive families with tours. They will also assist with on and off campus events, representing EHCS and strengthening the bond within the school and community.


School Back in Session at Creative Learning Academy

Creative Learning Academy students are back to school! We had a wonder ful time welcoming everyone back to campus on Thursday, August 11th. The beginning of this school year feels rather normal, nothing out of the ordinary, which is a very welcome change from the past two years. After a very successful six weeks of Camp CLA, we are very excited to begin our 50th anniversary year and even more excited to celebrate this milestone all year long! A special welcome to all new and incoming students and families. We are very glad that you have chosen to be a part of the CLA community. As we begin this 50th anniversary year, we are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. Our skilled and devoted staff has been planning and preparing for students in the classroom since the last day of school. CLA ad ministration has registered new families, ordered new materials, and updated some aspects of the campus. Finally, our much-appreciated Family Associa tion has been geared up to welcome many new families, provide upcoming volunteer opportunities, and offer and promote exciting events that will keep our community engaged all year. Creative Learning Academy is indeed a grateful and caring community with the common goal of preparing students to learn, lead, and become the creative problem solvers of the future.

Pensacola Catholic High Students Represent at Boys and Girls Nation

Lexi Foland, who was elected as the Speaker of the House, said of her experience, “Girls State was an incredibly unique and reward ing experience. I had the opportunity to study government with 300 amazing students - we learned not only in a classroom but also at the Capitol itself.” Brandon Shrout shared that “Boys State was a great opportunity to meet new people across the state of Florida and a great way to learn about our local and state government. I also enjoyed hearing from different sitting State Representatives from throughout the State as well as current Gov. DeSantis.”

Pictured: Obie Powell, Lexi Foland, Noah Burgess, Brandon Shrout, Elizabeth Owens, and Brendan Hindman.

The American Legion Department of Florida and the American Legion Auxiliary once again hosted their educational events that introduce students to the actual workings of local, county, and state governments. This year’s events were both held on the campus of Florida State University on June 19-25 and June 7-15 respectively. During the nonpartisan week-long event, students learn the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of franchised citizens. Student citizens gained hands-on experi ence by taking part in the political process through role-playing in civic exercises.

Seniors draw on the information they already acquired concerning the State of Florida and our national government. They are organized into a simulated city, county, and state from which they elect their own officials and then learn the duties of the various officers and their interactions with one another. They also introduce and argue their own bills in the Legislature.

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com12

Participants who are incoming High School

The program’s intent is to help students to better understand their individual roles in the democratic ideals that are the founda tion of our government. Four boys and two girls from Pensacola Catholic High School participated in this year’s events.


Classes started in early August for students at Pensacola Catholic High and for the Freshman students in the Class of 2026 who attended the ‘Welcome to CHS’ sessions, they were ready to “hit the ground running”! Five sessions were offered throughout the summer by Guid ance Counselor, Mrs. Peyton Finelli, and 73 Freshmen attended. The purpose of this optional four-hour program is to help students feel more comfortable with CHS prior to the start of school. Mrs. Finelli said, “We want the students to be confident so during their first weeks of school in what is a pivotal transitional year, they can feel less anxious and even help other new peers.” Attending the sessions offers the opportunity to meet fellow students sooner and to get an early understanding of expectations once school starts. During each session students get a tour of campus, an early explanation of how the un usual block class schedule works, and wonderful tips on note taking and studying. They also have an interactive session on what they think the differences are between middle school and high school. This is the first year we offered these in-depth sessions and af ter a month of school, we will ask the participating students for feedback to improve our future sessions and to evaluate if we met of goal of making them feel more comfortable. We are so excited to have all of our Crusaders back for another great year!

It is our pleasure to announce the hiring of Mrs. Angie Watson as our new Lady Eagles Basket ball coach. Mrs. Watson comes to us with a wealth of experi ence in tionalbasketballladiesatthelocal,nationalandinterna-levels.SheplayedbasketballattheUni

Pensacola Catholic High Freshman Are Ready to GO!

versity of Georgia, was a member of the 2000 Canadian Olympic Team, a member of the WNBA’s Charlotte Sting, and played in the Professional Italian League. Additionally, Mrs. Watson served as the assistant basketball coach at Shorter University. We are thankful and blessed to have her join our community to help lead our Lady Eagle program. Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Watson to our Eagle Family!

East Hill Welcomes Lady Eagles’ New Coach

Aletheia Christian Academy Students Attend Student Leadership University in Orlando

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com14


Please email news and photos to!

County Schools

High school students from Aletheia Christian Academy attended Stu dent Leadership University this summer. Student Leadership University is the nation’s premier student leadership experience that focuses on teaching each student practical and relational life skills to change the way they think, dream and lead at the feet of Jesus. A group of Ale theia’s rising 10th graders attended SLU 101 in Orlando. These students were provided with a year’s worth of leadership development in just four days. This dynamic experience allowed the attendees to learn from world-class thought leaders in creative and participatory environments inside and outside of the conference room. A group of rising 11th graders attended SLU 201 in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. They explored how to think Christianly about some of the pressing moral and ethical issues our country is facing. Through their experience, the students developed a spirit of gratitude and respect as well as an understanding that freedom is not free. They were also equipped to lead as a citizen and catalyst for change. They explored ten foundational components of SLU 201 as they are discovering their own role in our society’s future.

Now Open!

These are the questions that campers at Montessori School of Pensacola summer camp posed as they compared their feet size to the size of an outline of a triceratops foot. The young scientists were amazed to see the comparison. They shared their ex citement with their fellow campers, as they saw who had the biggest foot, but marveled at how small it still was next to the size of a dinosaur’s foot!

On August 8, classes began at Pen sacola Catholic High School with two half days during which students met first in Homeroom and then attended all seven classes to meet their teachers, receive their course requirements, and obtain a full understanding of the course/teacher expectations. On Wednesday, August 10, full class days began using Catho lic High’s block schedule that includes instruction of six classes a day for an hour each. Full days at CHS also include a lunch break during which students join friends in the Student Life Center to eat lunch that they either brought from home or purchased from the cafeteria staff. The Catholic High Administrators are very excited about the year ahead for the 668 students attending. Over the summer there were several changes in faculty because of life events for some of the previous faculty, but Principal Sister Kierstin Martin is very excited about the new teachers recently hired. She is especially excited about the new Band Director/Music Teacher, Denny Turner. She was able to hire him out of retirement after a very distinguished career in Band/ Music and Education within the Southeast. He and his wife live just over the state border in Alabama and when he became aware of our Music/Band Director position he was excited to start working with students again! He has a vision for expanding participation within the Music Department at Catholic High. While we are full steam ahead with the current year, planning activities for the Class of 2027, next year’s Freshmen, are already underway as we begin eighth-grade Visitation Days in September and dates are already set for our Parent Open House and Placement Test. Please check our website at for additional information. The ‘Crusader Life’ is in full swing and the students, faculty, and parents are all excited about the promise of another year within the halls at CHS!

Pensacola Catholic High Back to School

Pictured: History teacher, Mr. William Guillot, and student Crusaders during the change of a class period. Join us at the newly opened Pensacola Children’s Museum where we make learning fun! Find our updated hours and site information by visiting


Like any other kids, kids with special needs are diverse, and many educational apps can help them with their specific needs. Here are some of the best ones, and they’re all free. So if you’re a parent or caregiver of children with special needs, check them out, and then download the ones that are the most useful and fun.

September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com16

Drawing on the latest psychological and behavioral research, this is a great app that assumes that a key to achieving one’s goals is to develop good, consistent habits. Users decide which habits they’d like to develop, track those habits over time, receive reminders, and then get posi tive feedback (high-fives) when they reach their goals. Depending on their age and maturity, your kids can either use this app on their own or with a little help from you.

(AvailableCoach.meat:Apple Appstore; Google Play)

This app is great for kids who need help practicing their oral communication skills. They can either upload or take a picture of themselves, draw a mouth, and then record anything they want to say. It’s particularly useful if you’re having a difficult conversation at home and your kids find it easier to express their views through an avatar rather than directly to you. It can also be useful in school if your kids require extra time composing an answer to a teacher’s question. They can record and re-record their response until they get it just the way they want it.

ChatterPix Kids

(Available at Apple Appstore; Google Play)

(AvailableEmotionaryat:Apple Appstore; Google Play)

iOT (Available:SessionAppleAppstore)

If you want to help your kids better understand other people’s emotions, the best thing you can do is help them better understand their own. This app has more than 100 short, dictionary-style definitions of common emotions, each accompanied by an emoticon. This helps kids develop a rich vocabulary for expressing their emotions, and it teaches them coping skills so that they don’t become overwhelmed by their emotions. They can create their own emoti cons for emotions they think aren’t included in the app but are really important to them.

Created by a well-known occupational therapist, Dr. Frederick Covington, this app features lots of kid-friendly, game-like exercises aimed at improving their visual perception, tracking, and coordination. It also improves fine motor skills, especially kids’ ability to create proper letters. The app is used by occupational therapists everywhere, but your kids can use it too, either on their own or with your help, to track their progress over time.

is now DIEGMANN HENDERSON&OBGYN The same physicians,familiarstaffand carenow with a new name As a group, our physicians are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for women through all phases of their lives. From pregnancy to menopause, our office brings experience and innovation. We understand that life is busy, so we are pleased to offer, in most instances, same day appointments. We also provide Telemedicine appointments through certain insurance providers. 251.990.6550 | BWH 001 Greater Pensacola Parents half page vert.indd 2 6/30/22 2:03 PM


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My Little Suitcase (Available at: Apple Appstore) This game-like app, which can be played by up to four people, enhances kids’ ability to memorize and match items. Similar to the popular card game Memory, each player has a suitcase with six different items represented on a small card that is faced down. Players take turns turning the cards over. If the card is theirs, they put it in their suitcase. If not, it’s the next player’s turn. Aside from improving their working memory and retention skills, they learn how to focus, categorize, and engage in proper turn-taking. It’s a great game for the whole family.

Tanni Haas, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Communication Arts, Sciences & Disorders at the City University of New York – Brooklyn College. GPP

(Available at: Apple Appstore; Google Play)

Based on cognitive behavioral therapy, which is widely used, this app teaches kids how to deal with different anxiety-provoking situations like conflicts, social situations, and tests. It features tools that help users relax, practice mindful ness, and re-orient their thoughts. It has audio recordings with guided mediations, a journal for users to record thoughts that make them the most anxious, and general tips for managing anxiety.

Model Me Going Places 2 (Available at: Apple Appstore) This social skills app teaches kids how to interact with different kinds of people that they encounter in their daily lives, such as grocery store clerks, hairdress ers, doctors, and restaurant waiters. It has 12-photo slideshows that model kids engaging in appropriate behaviors with people in different settings.

Providing effective special education advocacy and consulting services since 2002. My IEP

Our tutors use a personal approach and interac tive technology to help kids learn math, read ing, writing and more. We turn frustration into (850)confidence!474-9022

Advocate can expertly guide you through the special education process, attend meetings with you, and more! Our purpose is to em power you to help your child with a disability succeed in school.

Students, 9th-12th grade - Modified 6 year High School track with inclusion and independent skills instruction on the campus of Pensacola Catholic High 850-857-8364School.

Paradise Learning works with smart but struggling children and adults. They are now experiencing success in reading, math and/or maintaining attention. Join us September 10, 9-1 at Navarre High School. 850-218-5956

Amy Scott LortonMy IEP Advocate ad on Back Cover

Morning Star - Sacred Heart Cathedral School 1603 North 12th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Sylvan Learning Center 2401 Executive Plaza (Bldg 8), Pensacola, FL 32504


Our mission is to provide students with learning disabilities individualized education programs to improve skills and abilities, to successfully re-enter mainstream

Paradise Learning Unlimited Services (PLUS) 2417 Ashwood Way, Navarre, FL 32566

Dr. McAuley received additional specialty train ing in the unique needs of infants, children and adolescents, including those with special health needs. At the pediatric dental office of Dr. Laura McAuley, our top priority is helping your child achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile in a loving, nurturing environment. 850-505-9778

Our mission is to provide students with learning disabilities individualized education programs to improve skills and abilities, to successfully re-enter mainstream

Education Resources

ESE Pre-K includes music, art, story time, com puter, more. Clinic and school based pediatric therapies. Inclusive after school care for school aged 850-458-7735children.

Financial Resources iBudget Florida Help in managing the Medicaid waiver system for those with developmental disabilities. iBudget Florida offers customers more control and flex ibility in choosing services while staying within the Medicaid waiver

Learning Rx Pensacola ad on page 12 4305-A Spanish Trail, Pensacola, FL 32504 Brain training strengthens auditory processing, memory, logic and focuses on cognitive skills for thinking, reading, remembering, and paying atten tion. Open to all ages. 850-999-5925; (850) 466-4999 pensacola.fl@ East Hill Academy 635 West Garden Street, Pensacola , FL 32502

Florida Diagnostic Learning & Resources System 30 East Texar Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503 Child Find screening, training, and support for parents and educators in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa counties. Services are data-driven and focused on improving student achievement. 850-469-5423

An education company that strives to make learn ing personalized and fun! We offer private tutoring, small groups lessons for remediation and enrich ment. We accept Gardiner and Florida Reading 850-332-3338Scholarships!


East Hill Academy at Avalon 4401 Avalon Boulevard, Milton , FL 32583


850-684-IDEA (4332)

Rising Minds Learning 29 E Wright Street, Pensacola, FL 32501


Pensacola Kids Dentistry 4541 N Davis Hwy (Ste 6B), Pensacola, FL 32503 Dr. Simmons and Dr. Allison “Allie” Simmons both have specialty training in providing unique care to patients with special needs.

850-549-3656 Stu Bonnin, DMD 3201 East Olive Road, Pensacola, FL 32514 Preventative dental care and specific treatment options. Dr. Stu Bonnin completed his doctorate in 2001 from the University of Florida and is also on staff at Sacred Heart Hospital.

Laura McAuley, DDS ad on page 4 4500 Spanish Trail, Pensacola , FL 32504

Students, 2nd - 8th grade, develop self-worth, respect, academics, social skills and recreation in a Godly environment. Reading, spelling, language arts, math, science, social studies and life skills instruction. We have been on the forefront of tailored education for special needs. 850-436-6440 Mother Clelia Morning Star High School 70 Hunter Ave, Pensacola, FL 32505

Capstone adPensacolaAcademyCampusonpage17 4901 West Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, FL 32506

Capstone Academy Milton Campus ad on page 17 5308 Stewart Street, Milton , FL 32570 VPK (4-5 year olds), and Child Care (infant to school age) utilizes developmentally appropriate curriculum in an inclusive environment. Pediatric therapies available via face-to-face or virtual. 850-626-3091

Charles Stavely, DMD - Spanish Trail Dentistry 4359 Spanish Trail, Pensacola, FL 32504 Caring for patients for over 20 years and dedi cated to treating each individual with dignity and respect. Helping those with special needs have healthy, pain free teeth and gums.

NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders) NORD is committed to the identification, treat ment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service. (800) 999-6673 Rehab Foundation of NW Florida 2929 Langley Ave (Ste 202), Pensacola, FL 32504

Safe, convenient, and affordable transportation. Our primary goal is to provide citizens with access to places for work, medical care, and shopping so that they can live vital, productive, and rewarding lives. 850-595-3228

Children’s Medical Services Family-centered programs designed to help children with a variety of special needs and disorders. Eligible to children with medicaid and chronic illnesses. CIL of Northwest Florida 3600 North Pace Boulevard, Pensacola, FL 32505

Developmental, speech, language, hearing, and vision screenings provided to ages 3-5, NOT currently enrolled in public school. Diagnostic, instructional, and technology support services for Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties. 850-469-5423

General Resources Amy Scott LortonMy IEP Advocate ad on Back Cover

Florida Alliance of Assistive Services and Technology 820 E Park Ave (Ste F100), Tallahassee, FL 32301

SAFE Program

Emerald Coast Exceptional Families PO Box 5188, Navarre, FL 32566

One of the nation’s largest integrated pediatric health systems aimed at improving the lives of children and their families. 850-505-4700

Funding for rehabilitation of those physically dis abled, but who do not have, or are not eligible for financial resources or support from other agencies. 850-478-0297

A Safety program which is available to individuals with a developmental disability who are at risk of 850-434-7171wandering. programs/ Companions for Independence A non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships. 800-572-2275

Providing effective special education advocacy and consulting services since 2002. My IEP Advocate can expertly guide you through the special education process, attend meetings with you, and more! Our purpose is to empower you to help your child with a disability succeed in 850-684-IDEAschool. (4332)

CILDRC promotes, educates, facilitates, assists and advocates with and on behalf of people with disabilities, in partnership with their communities, to achieve their goals for independence. 850-595-5566 Disability Rights Florida 2473 Care Drive, Ste 200, Tallahassee, FL 32308

Family Care Council Area 1 includes Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa & Walton counties. Educat ing our local community, promoting community involvement & serving as a resource for those with 800-470-8101disabilities.

Emergency Preparedness ESC Special Needs Shelters 6575 North W Street, Pensacola, FL 32505

Nemours Children’s Specialty Care 8331 North Davis Highway, Pensacola, FL 32514

Our mission is to connect and support special needs families and enhance their lives through events and

4 Paws for Ability Training task-trained service dogs for those with disabilities. We also work with veterans who’ve lost the use of limbs or hearing while in active (937)combat.374-0385

Step Up for Students FL Scholarship which allows parents to personal ize the education of their children with unique abilities by directing money toward a combina tion of programs and approved providers. These include schools, therapists, specialists, curriculum, technology – even a college savings account. 877-735-7837

A shelter providing more supervision than general population shelters due to special medical needs. Pre-registration required through the Public Safety Department. Registration available online or can be mailed to public-safety/

Family Care Council Area 1 160 W. Government St, #410, Pensacola, FL 32502

March of Dimes

A statewide, non-profit, protection and advocacy system for Florida residents with disabilities. Ser vices are free and confidential. 800-342-0823

The Early Steps program provides early interven tion services for children from birth - 3 years who may have developmental delays. Serving families in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties. (Parents can refer if they have a devel opmental concern for their child.) 850-377-9991

Our purpose is to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities by providing service dogs to help improve their independence, dignity and quality of 850-723-6365life.

Fighting for the health of moms and babies. Empowering families with knowledge and tools for healthier pregnancies by uniting communities and building a brighter future for us all.

Our mission is to support a national network of Parent to Parent programs to ensure access to quality emotional support for families of individuals with disabilities and special health care needs. (484) 272-7368

PASSAGE USA 75 University Boulevard South (UCOM 3404), Mobile, AL 36688-0002

Early Steps at Children’s Hospital at Sacred Heart 5045 Carpenter Creek Dr. , Pensacola, FL 32503

My Pink Lawyer

The SAFE Program is a means for allowing better communication between Santa Rosa County Emergency Responders and residents with spe cial needs, or other disabilities, regarding critical information before an emergency occurs. 850-396-1008 www.emeraldcoastexceptionalfami Santa America Volunteer Santas visiting children and families in crisis, in home, hospital, or hospice. Santa visits for free 12 months a www.santa-america.orgyear. Service Dog University P. O. Box 37157, Pensacola, FL 32526

Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) 160 West Government Street, (Suite 412), Pensacola , FL 32502 Partnering with local communities and private providers to assist those with developmental dis abilities and their families. Assistance in finding support and services for specific needs. (850) 488-4257 Autism Pensacola - Project Lifesaver 10001 North Davis Highway, Pensacola, FL 32514

Center for Parent Information and Resources 35 Halsey Street (4th Floor), Newark, NJ 07102 Your central “Hub” of information and products created for the network of Parent Centers serving families of children with disabilities. 973-642-8100

111 S DeVilliers St, Suite B, Pensacola, FL 32502

formation, referral services, educational programs, publications in accessible format on topics related to disability rights, laws/policies, and funding op portunities for assistive technology. (844) 353-2278 Guide Dog Foundation To improve the quality of life for people who are blind, have low vision, or have other special needs. 800-548-4337

Helping parents make planning decisions to care and provide for their special needs loved ones and family members. Free planning guides and books, available on our website. 850-439-1191

PASSAGE USA, the University of South Alabama’s two-year program for students with intellectual disabilities, provides individual supports and services for academic, employment, and social inclusion. Need-based financial aid is available. (251) 460-7558 ceps/passage/ Pediatric Stroke Warriors of Pensacola

Parent to Parent USA

FDLRS/Child Find 30 East Texar Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503

Join us on Facebook - Pediatric Stroke Warriors of Pensacola. A group for parents of kids that have suf fered a stroke. To help share ideas, networking and support for others going through the same situations. 352-572-9018

A resource to provide Floridians free access to in

Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) 1515 West Fairfield Drive, Pensacola, FL 32501

Early intervention, speech, physical and occu pational therapy, vision rehabilitation, vocational training, recreation, employment, transportation, education, and residential support. Life-enhancing opportunities for independence and community 850-434-2638inclusion.

Southeast ADA Center (Americans with Disability Act) Education, training, and guidance on the Ameri cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and disability access tailored to the needs of business, govern ment, and individuals. Serving Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and more. 404-541-9001 Superior Van & Mobility Pensacola, FL 32505

We assist children with obtaining eye exams, glasses, and other needed eye care from local eye care providers and clinics at no cost to the (877)family.942-2627

Recreation & Social Pensacola Museum of Art ad on page 15 407 South Jefferson Street, Pensacola, FL 32502

Camp Mash Mobile, AL Camp M.A.S.H. is a weeklong recreational pro gram for children ages 7 to 17 with a form of ju venile arthritis or a related autoimmune disease. (251) 599-5688

Art Academy for Autism is a free program for children & adults on the spectrum. Save the Date for PMA’s annual “Spooktacular” lowsensory Halloween event on October 15th. Visit PMA’s website for more info. and to purchase 850-432-6247tickets. engage/semester-programs/ No Limits Fishing Clinic ad on page 16 Pensacola, FL 32502 A Free fishing event for all ages with physical or intellectual disabilities. Our next Sea No Limits event will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2022 behind the Blue Wahoo Ballpark from 8:00am - 12:00pm. Pre-Registration on our 850-341-5036website.

Autism Surfs Autism Surfs is a community of friends and fami lies that have come together with the purpose of teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to 850-420-3009surf.

The Arc of the Emerald Coast Santa Rosa 6225 Dixie Road, Milton, Fl 32570 Provides services and opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties in Northwest

The Listening Program Music listening therapy that trains the auditory system to accurately process sound. Auditory processing problems are often found in children and adults with Autism, Spectrum Disorders, ADD, dyslexia and more. (801) 622-5676

The Starfish Project NWFL

Tubes to Tables Using evidence-based techniques, positive ap proaches, and years of experience, we will help you and your child learn vital skills for safe feeding and www.tubes2tables.comswallowing.

Sibling Support Project A national program dedicated to the life-long and ever-changing concerns of millions of siblings with family members having special needs, devel opmental, and mental health concerns. Find a program near www.siblingsupport.orgyou!

Sight Savers America 337 Business Circle, Pelham, AL 35124

Offering parent education, support, opportunities for families to connect during seasonal events. Resources are available to children and families with a wide variety of exceptional needs. 850-204-8030

ASCCA is Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults. ASCCA is a nationally recognized leader in therapeutic recreation for children and adults with both physical and intel lectual disabilities. (256) 825-9226

Camp S.K.A.M.P. (Special Kids and Meaningful People) 1086 Hwy C4A, Baker, FL 32531 Adaptive recreation equipment for the physically challenged. Wheelchair accessories, daily living, replacement parts, bath and shower accesso ries, Lifts, safety equipment, ramps, manual and power chairs, etc. (800) 634-4351 AMBUCS AMBUCS members are committed to “Inspiring Mobility & Independence.” Programs include providing Amtryke adaptive tricycles, funding educational scholarships for therapists and many other forms of community service - such as building home access ramps and accessible (800)playgrounds.838-1845

Superior Van & Mobility is Pensacola, Florida’s premier destination for handicap accessible vehicles, wheelchair vans, wheelchair lifts, scooter lifts, and mobility driving aids. (850) 378-8914

Camp ASCCA 5278 Camp ASCCA Dr, Jackson’s Gap, AL Camp36861

1762 Sea Lark Lane, Navarre, FL 32566

The Arc Gateway, Inc. 3932 North 10th Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32503

Specific ResourcesAutism Spectrum American Autism & Rehabilitation Center 8909 Rand Avenue, Daphne, AL 36526

Serving patients & families of all ages affected by Autism, Aspergers, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, etc. Speech, occupational and physical therapy, ABA therapy, psychological/diagnostic services and individualized treatment plans. 251-210-1632


Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD) CHADD Provides support and education for indi viduals with 301-306-7070AD/

The mission of the Autism Society is to improve the lives of all affected by autism. Providing information, resources and support is at the core of our mission. (800) 328-8476

Autism Pensacola 10001 North Davis Highway, Building 1, Pensacola , FL 32514 A 501(c)3 non-profit organization that exists to educate and connect individuals and families. Our information and resources help make more informed decisions, build and strengthen relation ships, and more importantly, thrive. 850-434-7171

We take a personalized approach to ADD and ADHD therapy, using every tools to help patients better manage symptoms and enjoy an enhanced life. (850) 477-2799

Our specialized caregivers provide care to children from ages 2 to 21. We start by reviewing events in your child’s life to determine which ones may be con tributing to challenging behaviors. Then we introduce new skills to replace those behaviors. Parent training also is a strong component of our program. 850-469-3500

Chuck E Cheese 7350 Plantation, Pensacola, FL 32504


Specific ResourcesADD/ADHD Adult, Children and Family Counseling 1318 Dunmire St (Suite 3), Pensacola, FL 32504

Autism Society of America

Special Olympics Florida Northwest 1915 Don Wickham Drive, Clemont, FL 34711

Feingold Association of the United States Foods & synthetic additives can cause behavior, learning and health problems. We Help families introduce low-additive diets and techniques for better behavior, learning and public awareness. (631) 369-9340 Paradise Learning Unlimited Services (PLUS) 2417 Ashwood Way, Navarre, FL 32566

Providing healthcare needs from newborn - young adulthood. Medical and behavioral care along with educational and family support. A complete resource center for ADHD/ADD children, adoles cents and


Providing year-round sports training, competi tions, leadership training and health programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental 850-291-6234disabilities.

Fishing, sailing, dolphin cruises and more for those with special needs and illnesses. Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Perdido Key, Pensacola Beach, Ft. Walton Beach, and more.. Registration required at (850)tact.,

Leaning Post Ranch 4150 Cedar Springs Road, Molino, FL 32577

Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) Information, resources and network opportunities to help adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder lead better lives. Find us on Facebook! (800) 939-1019

Visual & performing arts, computer & literacy training, skill-development, physical/nutritional & behavior assistance for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities, 18 years and up. MonFri, 8am-5pm. Tours available. 850-453-3341


Miracle League of Pensacola Providing a baseball league and facilities for those with mental and/or physical challenges. Everyone plays, hits, gets on base, scores, and wins! Join the fun making life-long memories and 850-232-3845friends.

A family-centered approach to learning for chil dren on the autism spectrum. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy improves social skills and behavior. Parent instruction and hands-on training for families and professionals. 850-416-7548 er-family-childrens-hospital-at-ascension-sacred-hearttions/florida/flpen/pensacola-autism-center-of-the-stud

Autism Spectrum Disorder Services at Lakeview Center 1221 W. Lakeview Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

Autism Center of The Studer Family Children’s Hospital at Ascension Sacred Heart 5045 Carpenter Creek Dr, Pensacola, FL 32503

Paradise Learning works with smart but struggling children and adults. They are now experiencing success in reading, math and/or maintaining atten tion. Join us September 10, 9-1 at Navarre High 850-218-5956School.

The Wolff Center for Child & Adolescent Health 1530 Airport Boulevard, Pensacola , FL 32504

Space Camp Space camp for Interested Visually Impaired Students and Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (800) 637-7223 specialprograms

Dolphin swims, expressive art, sensory integra tion and music workshops provide experiences for children with disabilities, autism spectrum, depression, ADHD, low self esteem, Down Syn drome, speech delays, mental and emotional 850-230-6030issues.

Captains for Kids Special Needs Day of Fun

Water Planet Dolphin Therapy 203 Greenwood Dr, Panama City Beach, FL 32407

Equine assisted activities and therapy for mental, cognitive, and physical challenges, at-risk youth, veterans & wounded warriors. Health, hope and healing through horses.

SEASTARS Aquatics 1805 Creighton Rd (Ste 5), Pensacola , FL 32504

Sensory Sensitive Sundays! Opening 2 hours early for children with autism & special needs. Dimmed lighting, quiet music, appearances by Chuck E., food and games. The first Sunday of every month.

Year round swim team for children with special needs or income limitations. A fun but structured competitive swim program. The program meets at the Salvation Army Community Center Aquatics center.

Pyramid Pensacola 7309 West Highway 98, Pensacola, FL 32506

MyChild at Offering information about cerebral palsy, connect individuals with helpful resources, as well as offer unlimited support. Come join us, today! 800-692-4453

Exclusive one-on-one Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for those with behavioral challeng es and skill deficits. Focused on premium care and evidenced-based treatment, our Pensacola Center offers services for children within a flexible 800-217-9289schedule. Ext 737 www.Virtus.Health

Pace Gracie Jiu Jitsu 5430 Highway 90, Milton, FL 32571

Autism Spectrum on the Emerald Coast, Inc. Niceville, FL 32578

The voice of our local autism community, providing charitable & educational resources. Family sup port, education, advocacy and public awareness. Join our Facebook group! 850-496-3062

Individualized behavioral therapy using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) methodologies. Our practitioners hold a Master’s degree, are board certified behavior analysts and have post-graduate training in 850-483-1508ABA.

The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by fund ing research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quali ty, specialized care. 813-374-9041 Specific ResourcesDown Syndrome Down Syndrome Association of the Emerald Coast To provide support, resources, and advocacy with the aim of increasing awareness, acceptance and inclusion in Bay county and surrounding areas.

BTEC Behavioral Therapy, Inc. 8550 University Pkwy and 12385 Sorrento Rd, Pensacola, FL 32514

FSU CARD serves individuals with autism across the lifespan by providing free consulta tion, resources, and educational support to build knowledge, sustainability, and capacity within the (866)community863-0138

FSU Center for Autism & Related Disabilities (FSU CARD) 4900 Bayou Blvd., Ste 200, Pensacola, FL 32503

TACA provides education, support and hope to families living with autism. (855) 726-7810

Cystic Fibrosis

Individualized behavioral therapy using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) methodologies. Our practitioners hold a Master’s degree, are board certified behavior analysts and have post-graduate training in 850-483-1508ABA.

TACA (Talk About Curing Autism)

Our mission is to empower children and adults with disabilities to live their lives without limits by providing an inclusive summer camp experience where there is no limit to the adventure. (251) 479-4900

Pace Gracie Jiu Jitsu has Pandas Empowered program which is a self-defense program catered to children with autism. 850-816-0065

Virtus Health (ABA / Behavioral Health Services) 1100 Airport Blvd, Suite B, Pensacola, FL 32504

Specific ResourcesCerebral Palsy Camp Smile 3058 Dauphin Square Conn, Mobile, AL 36607

Specific Resources -

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, W FL Chapter 5100 West Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 195, Tampa, FL 33609

BTEC Behavioral Therapy, Inc. 12385 Sorrento Rd, Pensacola, FL 32507

American Sign Language University Online only, A resource site for ASL students and teachers. Free self-study materials, lessons, and information. YouTube channel: https://youtube. com/billvicars Facebook: https://www.Lifeprint.comcom/groups/Lifeprint.ASLUhttps://www.facebook.

Dianne Craft “Right Brain” Learning System ad on page 18 Midline therapy and remedial teaching resources for struggling learners- Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing, Focus/Attention Issues, SPD, & ASD. This pro gram was created by Dianne Craft, a special education 303-694-0532teacher.

Bureau of Braille and Talking Books Library 239 North Spring Street, Pensacola, AL 32504 The Library provides information and materials in Braille and audio format for residents unable to use standard print. Serving Escambia County. Hours are 10am - 3pm Tuesday - Friday. 850-471-6000 Florida Division of Blind Services (Pensacola District) 600 University Office Boulevard (Building 17), Pensacola , FL 32504

Helping blind and visually impaired individuals, from babies to senior citizens, achieve goals and live productive and independent lives. Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton Counties. Ap ply on line: Application Services ( 850-484-5122 Independence for the Blind of NW Florida 3107 North Davis Highway, Pensacola , FL 32503

Specific ResourcesDyslexia

Educational and therapeutic programs for in fants - adults including group homes, adult day training, pediatric therapies, specialized child care, youth transition, charter schools for (3 to 5 year olds) Pre-K and Voluntary Prekindergar ten 850-432-1596(VPK).

Palsy, etc. Speech, occupational and physical therapy, ABA therapy, psychological/diagnostic services and individualized treatment plans. 251-210-1632

161 N. Clark St. Ste. 3550, Chicago, IL 35226

Children receiving Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) should have dedicated and quality care. We provide services with a certified Analyst and follow strict Be havior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) guidelines. 850-723-6570

Pediatric Therapy Center of NWFL 4624 Summerdale Drive, Pace, FL 32571 At PTC we provide speech, physical and occu pational therapy to children of all ages. We serve children in clinic environments, child care centers, homes, and

The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation is to lead the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives. 800-332-1000

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Specific ResourcesSpina Bifida

Specific ResourcesEpilepsy Epilepsy Alliance Florida FL Epilepsy Alliance Florida is dedicated to sup porting over half a million individuals impacted by epilepsy in Florida. (877) 553-7453 Epilepsy Foundation

Offering a wide range of education and train ing. Our mission is to empower people who are Blind or Visually Impaired in Northwest Florida to achieve maximum independence. 850-477-2663 Therapy Capstone Adaptive Learning and Therapy Centers ad on page 17 2912 North E Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Studer Family Children’s Hosp. at Ascension Sacred Heart Pediatric Rehabilitation 15 Daniel Street , Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 3754850-416-2121U.S.Highway 90 West (Suite 210), Pace, FL 5151850-416-529032571N9thAve (Ste 1405), Pensacola, FL 32504 850-416-7340

Beyond Expectations

Our certified speech pathologists treat a wide range of disorders for people of all ages—from newborns to adults. All staff members hold the Speech–Language–Hearing Association’s Certifi cate of Clinical Competence and are licensed by the state of

Outpatient Children’s Counseling at Lakeview Center 1221 W. Lakeview Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501

American Autism & Rehabilitation Center 8909 Rand Avenue, Daphne, AL 36526 Serving patients & families of all ages affected by Autism, Aspergers, Down Syndrome, Cerebral

Paradise Learning Unlimited Services (PLUS) 2417 Ashwood Way, Navarre, FL 32566 Paradise Learning works with smart but struggling children and adults. They are now experiencing success in reading, math and/or maintaining atten tion. Join us September 10, 9-1 at Navarre High 850-218-5956School.

Spina Bifida Association of Central Florida FL Organization to provide support, information, education, recreation, and advocacy for individu als with Spina Bifida and their families. 407-248-9210

Specific ResourcesVision Impaired

Lakeview Center provides children and ado lescents with comprehensive behavioral health care, including counseling, crisis intervention and specialty care for substance misuse. 850-469-3500

Grace Rides 2061 Corbin Gainy Rd, Defuniak Springs, FL 32435

The Down Syndrome Association of Tallahassee (DSAT) 2910 Kerry Forest Parkway (D4-212), Tallahas see, FL Education,32309support, and resources to individuals with Down syndrome, families and professionals. We build public awareness and acceptance of the abilities of individuals with Down syndrome. 850-541-3981

Specific ResourcesMuscular Dystrophy

Pensacola, FL Applied behavior analysis and counseling services. 850-362-6824

Center for Pediatric Rehabilitation 1108-A Airport Boulevard, Pensacola, FL 32504 Pediatric rehabilitation center. Speech, OT and PT for developmental, neurological and organic dis orders. Our team provides current, family friendly treatment approaches to help children reach their highest

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is the #1 voluntary health organization in the United States for people living with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related neuromuscular diseases. For over 70 years, MDA has led the way in accelerating research, advancing care, and advocating for the support of our families. MDA’s mission is to empower the people we serve to live longer, more independent lives. To learn more visit and follow MDA on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn. (800) 572-1717

Equine-assisted therapy to individuals with special needs. Join our Facebook group! 850-259-9195

Greater Pensacola Behavior Services (GPBS) 9981 Chemstrand Road, Pensacola, FL

Genes of Joy 2920 Bellview Avenue (Suite 321P), Pensacola, FL 32526 Connecting and partnering with families touched by Down syndrome to support and build lasting www.genesofjoy.orgrelationships.

American Hyperbaric Center 8871 Rand Avenue (Suite B), Daphne, AL 36526

A premier Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) treat ment facility. HBOT increases immune capabilities, assisting problems ranging from chronic wounds to complex disabilities and neurological impairment. 251-210-1496 perbaricCenter/ Baptist Health Care Speech Center Pensacola, FL 32501

Learning Ally

South Florida Parent Center

Helping students with disabilities, including blind ness, visual impairment and dyslexia. Learning Ally improves the way students learn at home and in the

Helping kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder, using the power of media to meet children’s de velopment needs with early education and social impact

Operation Autism is a web-based resource specifi cally designed and created to support military families that have children with autism. (866) 366-9710

Very Special Camps Camps that serve individuals with one or more of a wide range of special www.veryspecialcamps.comneeds. GPP

eSpecial Needs is dedicated to providing our clients with the best selection of adaptive equip ment, rehab equipment and therapy solutions for children and adults with special needs. (877) 664-4565 Kids Health from Nemours is the most-viewed site for depend able information on children’s health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen www.kidshealth.orgyears.

All Abilities Welcome Ages 2 1/2 to Adult Group Lessons & Private Coaching Ever CHAMPION F i g u r e S k a t e r & H o c k e y P l a y e r est 1996 Was Once A Beginner Y O U R S K A T I N G J O U R N E Y S T A R T S T H I S F A L L 2022 2023 MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION NOW OPEN Pensacola 850 549 3379 Gulf Breeze 850 677 0737 Minor emergencies, primary care, COVID 19 testing, B12 shots + more WE TAKE WALK-INS Can't get in to see your doctor? School and sport physicals: $40

Providing parents of children with disabilities with in formation, training, assistance, and support. We help parents of children with disabilities to understand and participate in the special education process. 239-417-3636

We provide evidence-based resources that help families, self-advocates, educators, and other professionals address the challenges autism (866)presents.366-9710

for evaluation, intervention services, support programs and health care providers. 850-245-4465 services/people-with-disabilities/ Needs

Our online magazine provides practical tips, shares life’s lessons, tackles the challenges and celebrates the joys of everyday life. Encourage ment and support to parents of children with special www.parentingspecialneeds.orgneeds. We are a not-for-profit organization that strives to empower parents and healthcare providers with FREE educational resources that promote child 800-955-2445development.

Sesame Street Autism

Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

Operation Autism for Military Families

Parenting Special Needs Magazine

Finding healthy, effective approaches to gaining children’s cooperation, and improving their behavior isn’t always easy. The tried and true methods often turn out to be true but temporary at best, especially for children with behavior problems stemming from attention deficit disorder or other behavior disorders. One approach that works well is a token system. With this method, children earn tokens for a variety of good behaviors and lose tokens for misbehavior. Then they purchase rewards or privileges with the tokens they’ve accumulated.

bag and jacket - Earn 3 tokens Eat supper without complaining - Earn 2 tokens Say please and thank you - Earn 1 token Complete homework - Earn 6 tokens Hitting - Lose 5 tokens Tattling - Lose 2 token go karts 3-story ropessplashcoursepadzip rails dolphin cruises40 ft clip ‘n climb parasailjet skis VIEW FOOD & DRINK MENUS • BUY PASSES and learn more by scanning the code with your camera app to visit our website 460 Pensacola Beach Blvd • 850.677.3905 • the LONGEST ZIP RAIL in Northwest Florida MAKE LAGUNA’S YOUR GAME GATHERINGDAYSPOT Pensacola Beach's largest outdoor screenWATCH THE GAME on

The second advantage is the token system teaches children how to save, budget, and plan expenditures because tokens are used similarly to money. Next, this system prevents inappropriate or useless measures that parents often utilize in the heat of the moment. The token system makes empty threats a thing of the past. Because your child is aware of the consequences and your ability to administer them immediately, he’s less likely to act up.

Benefits of the token system

The token system has several advantages over other forms of discipline and behavior management plans. First, it can be carried out at any time and in any place. Children often act up in stores or public places, leaving parents with few options for immediately set tling the problem. But with the token system, you and your child will carry a supply of tokens everywhere you go. Before you head out, just remind your child that good behavior will be rewarded and that inappropriate behavior will result in immediate loss of tokens.

Go through each list and prioritize and choose only four or five behaviors to work on at a time. Once your child has improved on a particular behavior, remove it from the list and add a new one.

Hang up their book

Fourth, the token system is a positive approach. It eliminates criticism, yelling, arguing, and other unhealthy and ineffective ways parents often get caught up in dealing with problem behavior.

Finally, the token system can be altered regularly to keep kids’ interest and thereby increase its effectiveness. The token system, or one of its variations, can be used from about the age of three into the preteen years, depending on your child’s level of maturity. Getting started

Next, determine how many tokens to reward your child or confiscate for specific behaviors. Your list might look similar to the one below. Keep in mind the number of tokens assigned to a particular behavior should fit the severity or difficulty of the behavior relative to the other behaviors on which you are working.

Make a list of the behaviors you’d like to work on with your child. This should include positive behaviors you’d like your child to improve on, such as using good table manners or putting dirty clothes in the hamper. If your child is five or older, also make a separate list of problem behaviors you’d like to reduce, such as name-calling or hitting. For children under five, the token system should be used only for reinforcing positive behavior. The frustration caused by losing tokens for poor behavior will not be helpful to the preschooler. That said, when a preschooler misbehaves, you can simply tell your child she will not be receiving any tokens as a result of the bad behavior.

Lauren Cooper, M.D. Specializing in

Poker chips make good tokens. For older kids, assign different point values to eachFinally,color. when handing out tokens, always verbally praise your child. Say you’re proud of his actions or appreciate her thoughtfulness. When your child is no longer earning tokens for the behavior, continued use of praise will reinforce it.

Bayside is Bayside Women’s Health has been providing high-quality care for women for more than 45 years. As a group, our physicians are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for women through all phases of their lives. From pregnancy to menopause, our office brings experience and innovation. We understand that life is busy, so we are pleased to offer, in most instances, same day appointments. We also provide Telemedicine appointments through certain insurance providers. To make an appointment with Lauren Cooper, M.D. call 251.990.6550. 6/30/22 2:03 PM

As your child approaches the teen years, tokens may be perceived as child ish. If your preteen still struggles behaviorally and with completing tasks, offer a checkbook ledger for tallying points instead. When points are earned, your preteen should fill in the ledger with the specific behavior or task and the number of points earned. Then immediately initial to show you’ve approved the points. Kimberly Blaker is a freelance parenting writer. She’s also founder and director of KB Creative Digital Services, a niche marketing agency for the healthcare and mental health industries at kbcre

Set a variety of values to the rewards. That way, your child has the option to either make frequent purchases or to save for something big. Small children require frequent opportunities to purchase rewards to maintain their interest.

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com28

As you plan the rewards, include privileges your child asks for or does reg ularly, and would be devastating if the op portunity were lost. Those rewards will be the strongest motivators. To make such rewards effective, you’ll need to place limits on those privileges unless your child has earned and purchased them. Be sure to set guidelines for rewards that require your time or attention. For example, a trip to the apple orchard might require a two-day notice. While for a board game, you might agree you’ll play within four hours of the request.

Variations If your child struggles to complete schoolwork and turn in assignments, use the token system for this alone. Ask your child’s teacher to send home a daily report of what your child has com pleted and turned in, then reward your child’s efforts. Use grade rewards only if your child is capable of achieving high marks without too much difficulty.

pleased to welcome Dr. Lauren Cooper

251.990.6550 | BWH 001 Greater Pensacola Parents half page vert.indd 1

Also, try to estimate the number of tokens your child is likely to earn and lose in a week. Your child should be able to earn enough tokens to pay for problem behaviors. It’s not a good idea for your child to go into debt. If this becomes a problem, adjust the distribution of tokens accordingly.You’llalso need to choose rewards your child can purchase with the tokens. Determine what will be most enticing to your child. While a trip to rent a DVD might be a real winner with some kids, others won’t be fazed by it.

Obstetrics Gynecologyand

Women’s Health


Pensacola Summer Fest Jazz Edition 1:30 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32503 Join us September 3 - 4 at Pensacola Community Maritime Park for 2 days of smooth jazz. Bring your cooler, lawn chairs and um brellas for a fantastic 2 days of incredible jazz.

Preschool Art and Story Time 10:00 AM Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S. Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Pensacola Museum of Art (PMA) in partnership with the West Florida Public Library to engage your preschooler in story time and crafts. A librarian will read selections of similarly themed books and encourage movement and participation. Afterward, an art educator will lead parents and preschoolers in a craft related to the theme of the reading selections. For ages 2-5 years old. Capacity is limited to 10 pairs - one guardian and one child, and pre-registration is required. Please visit for more info and to preregister for this free program at the PMA. Saenger Summer Movie Series presents Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 7:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 Saenger Summer Movie Series presents Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. One hour prior to the movie, Alex Gartner, Executive Director of the Pensacola Children’s Chorus will be performing music from each movie on the Great Saenger Pipe

Thursday September 1

Lullabies and Mudpies Fall Event 2022 Details on September 1.


Located in the beautiful Gulfside Pavilion overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, the series features regional artists performing a wide variety of music. Join us every summer for hot music, smooth grooves and a whole lot of good times. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the pavilion area. 850-932-2257 whats-happening-bands-on-beach/

Family Fishing Rodeo Benefiting Backpack Project USA Details on September 8.

Family Fishing Rodeo Benefiting Backpack Project USA Grand Lagoon Yacht Club, 9th Annual Backpack Project USA Family Fishing Rodeo Benefiting Students in Escambia County, Florida. ets-371714727757backpack-project-usa-family-fishing-rodeo-tick

Thursday September 15 Science Hour 2022 12:00 PM Goat Lips Chew and Brewhouse, 2811 Cop ter Road Pensacola, FL An educational series offering free monthly opportunities for the public to explore how various topics that impact Northwest Florida.

Friday September 9

Family Fishing Rodeo Benefiting Backpack Project USA Details on September 9.

Pensacola Summer Fest Jazz Edition 1:30 PM Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32503 Join us September 3 - 4 at Pensacola Community Maritime Park for 2 days of smooth jazz. Bring your cooler, lawn chairs and umbrellas for a fantastic 2 days of incredible jazz.

Friday September 2

Treasure Your Health & Wellness -

Captains for Kids Various locations, We coordinate a FREE fun day on the water for kids with special needs and illnesses with profes sional businessescaptains/crews/thatprovide fishing charters, sailing excursions, parasailing rides, dolphin cruises and pirate cruises. Registration

Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Feast” 7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jef ferson Street Pensacola, FL For mature www.pensacolalittletheatre.audiences. the-feastcom/shows-and-events/

Monday September 5

Kites on the Coast 4:00 PM Casino Beach, 20 Casino Beach Blvd Pen sacola, FL, 32561 Council on Aging of West Florida’s inaugural Kites on the Coast event will be two days of intergenerational, high-flying fun on beautiful Casino Beach in Pensacola Friday, Sept. 2 (4pm to sunset) and Saturday, Sept. 3 (10 am - 4 pm).

Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Feast” Details on September 2.

Saturday September 17 Pensacola Jeeps & Autism Pensacola’s Field Day 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, John R Jones Jr Athletic Park, 555 E. Nine Mile Rd Pensacola, FL, 32514 Pensacola Jeeps and Austim Pensacola are teaming up to host a field day to spread awareness and raise funds for Autism Pensacola. Join us for our main event tournament: Kickball! Register a team or individually for the event. There will be other field games going on while teams face off in

Bayou Hills Run Bayview Park, 2001 E. Lloyd St. Pensacola, FL The Bayou Hills Run is one of Pensacola’s oldest running events and we are proud to announce we have part nered with the City of Pensacola to make the 2022 race the Official Pensacola 5K and 10K

Sunday September Free4 Yoga in the Park 9:30 AM Commu nity Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32503 Classes are open to all ages and levels of experience. Certified instructors from Breathe Yoga and Wellness Center will provide instruction. The class is free, but you will need to BYOM (Bring Your Own Mat) and any other accessories you would like to use. Stay hydrated!

Saenger Summer Movie Series presents The Princess Bride 7:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 Saenger Summer Movie Series presents The Princess Bride. One hour prior to the movie, Alex Gartner, Executive Director of the Pensacola Children’s Chorus will be performing music from each movie on the Great Saenger Pipe

Lullabies and Mudpies Fall Event 2022 800 West Nine Mile Pensacola, FL, 32534 Children’s infant to tween consignment event. Over 700 sellers items priced to sell in one www.lullabiesandmudpies.comlocation.

Saturday September 10

Tuesday September 13 2022 Bands on the Beach Details on September 6.

Thursday September 8 2022 Northwest Florida Heart Walk 5:30 PM University of West Florida, 11000 University Pkwy Pensacola, FL, 32514 Join your friends and neighbors and be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier erSoutheastAffiliate?pg=entry&fr_id=7045

September 15th-City Sustainability



Saturday September 3 Kites on the Coast 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Details on September 2.

Tuesday September 6

Bay Bluffs and Chimney Park Cleanups 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Bay Bluffs Preserve, 3400 Scenic Highway Pensacola, FL, 32504 Join the Scenic Highway Foundation, Ocean Hour, Earth Ethics, and the City of Pensacola on the second Saturday of the month at Bay Bluffs Preserve from 9 am to 10 am for the cleanup of Bay Bluffs, Chimney Park, and sur rounding www.oceanhourfl.comarea.

Lullabies and Mudpies Fall Event 2022 Details on September 1.

2022 Bands on the Beach 7:00 PM Gulfside Pavilion, Pensacola, FL, 32561

5-2-1-0 Day of Play (Free) 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Community Maritime Park, 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 We’re chal lenging families to shut off their computers, tablets, and TVs and head outdoors for some fun! Come check out the many ways families get moving! Join us for a day of exciting activities, games, sports, contests and physical challenges for the entire

The Navarre Community Resource Fair 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Navarre High School, 8600 High School Blvd Navarre, FL, 32566 Attendees will pick up a Treasure Map before visiting Navarre area nonprofit, service, veteran, health and wellness booths to collect giveaways and valuable information on how to keep you and/or your family safe and healthy, as well as be informed about local resources available in our community!

Pensacola Seafood Festival 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Details on September 23.

Pensacola Seafood Festival 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM Details on September 23. Steps Autismfor 10:00 AM Pen sacola State Col lege, Pensacola, Start a team and help API with its mission of providing the individuals and families of the Gulf Coast with resources, social events, programs and services to help these families THRIVE.

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com30

Black Jacket Symphony Presents Van Halen’s “1984” 8:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL,

Friday October 7

Saturday September 24 Friends of the Poor Walk 2022 8:00 AM 3043 W Scott St Pensacola, FL, 32505 Join us for our annual Friends of the Poor walk on the track at Pensacola Catholic High School! Registration starts at 8:00. The walk starts at 8:30. Bruce Beach Cleanups 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Bruce Beach, 601 W Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join Ocean Hour and the City of Pensacola on the last Saturday of the month at Bruce Beach from 9 am to 10 am for a shoreline cleanup. Sign-in is at 8:45 am. All ages are welcome and all cleanup supplies will be provided.

Sunday September 25

White Tie Rock Ensemble presents Southern Rock 8:00 PM Pensacola Bay Center, 201 E Gregory St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Come experience an evening of Southern rock and roll as the White Tie Rock Ensemble presents a tribute to 38 Special, The Allman Brothers Band, Tom Petty, and Lynyrd Skynyrd!

Tuesday October 4

Saturday October 1 A Day To Remember, The Used, Movements & Magnolia Park Concert 6:00 PM Pensacola Bay Center, 201 E Gregory St Pensacola, FL, 32502 A Day To Remember, The Used, Movements & Magnolia Park https://www.pensacolabaycenter.comConcert

Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 7:30 PM Details on September 23.

Clear Bottom Kayak Tours of Navarre Beach Reefs Navarre Beach Marine Park, 8739 Gulf Boulevard Navarre, FL, 32566 Learn about the snorkel reef and have an opportunity to see the marine life up close. Ticket includes entry to the Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center. Times: 8:30am,

Friday SeptemberPensacola23

26th Annual Zarzaur Law Santa Rosa Island Triathlon Casino Beach Pavilion, 20 Casino Beach Blvd Pensacola, FL, 32561 This sprint distance triathlon features a flat and fast course: a 600 yard swim along the pristine shores of the Gulf of Mexico, followed by an out-and-back bike course that traverses along the shores of the Pensacola Beach, and, lastly, a 5K run takes you through an idyllic beach neighborhood. Then spend the rest of your afternoon enjoying the beautiful Pensacola Beach.

Relay for Life 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Five Flags Speedway, Pen sacola, FL, 32526 Relay for life. Your donations help fund groundbreaking cancer research, patient care programs, and can make a difference in communities like ours. id=101917

Sea No Limits Fishing Clinic 8:00 AM Vince J. Whibbs Sr. Com munity Maritime Park, 301 W. Main St Pensacola, FL, 32502

2022 Bands on the Beach Details on September 6.


Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 7:30 PM Details on September 23.

Thursday September 29 Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 7:30 PM Details on September 23.

Saturday October 8

Thursday October 6 Science Hour 2022 12:00 PM Virtual, An educational series offering free monthly opportunities for the public to explore how various topics that impact Northwest Florida. October 6th-Beneficial Beach

Sunday October 2 Zarzaur Law Sea Turtle Youth Triathlon 8:00 AM Hwy 399/Earl Bowden Hwy Pensacola, FL TurtleTriathlon

14th Annual Run for the Reef 7:30 AM Windjammers on the Pier, Navarre, FL, 32566 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run-benefiting Navarre Beach Marine Sanctuary –Snorkeling and Diving reef-5/

Pete Moore Memorial Golf Tournament Hidden Creek, 3070 P.G.A Blvd Navarre, FL, 32566 Benefiting Santa Rosa Kids’ tails/pete-moore-memorial-golf-tournament-26535

Free Yoga in the Park 9:30 AM Details on September 4. Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 2:30 PM Details on September 23. Jukebox Gala 2022 Sanders Beach – Corinne Jones Resource Center, Pen sacola, FL, 32502 Jukebox Gala is Pensacola Opera’s signature fall fundraising event. Over a gourmet fourcourse dinner, world-class opera singers serenade you and your guests tableside. 850-433-6737 jukebox-gala-2022/

Tuesday September 20 2022 Bands on the Beach Details on September 6.

Friday September 30 Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 7:30 PM Details on September 23.

Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 7:30 PM Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 South Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL Pensacola 850-432-2042 shows-and-events/

Sunday September 18 Free Pilates in the Park 10:30 AM Community Maritime Park , 301 West Main Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Free one-hour pilates classes will be held in Community Maritime Park on the third Sunday of each month throughout 2022 at 10:30 a.m. Classes are open to all ages and levels of and-Activities

Ballet Pensacola presents Phantom of the Opera The Center, 400 S. Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 850-432-2042

Pensacola Symphony Orchestra Opening Night 7:30 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 Opening Night sets the stage for a spectacular season as we wel come celebrated violinist Paul Huang for the Korngold Concerto, an atmospheric piece, rich with soaring melodies and a jubilant

Seafood Festival 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM, Downtown Pensacola Pensacola, FL, 32502 Savor delicious seafood, enjoy various musical acts and immerse yourself in historic downtown Pensacola dur ing the Annual Pensacola Seafood Festival, produced by Fiesta Pensacola.

Pensacola Little Theatre presents “The Cat’s Meow” 2:30 PM Details on September 23.

Tuesday September 27 2022 Bands on the Beach Details on September 6.

Vettes At The Beach 2022 Pensacola Beach Parking Lot, Pensacola, FL Come join the Miracle Strip Corvette Club as we host our signature event, “Vettes at the Beach” all Corvette car show on beautiful Pensacola Beach

Please send your calendar events to Please check with each venue prior to at tending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate and up to date.

“Weird Al” Yankovic 7:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL,

Children’s Storytime in the Lighthouse 11:00 AM Bodacious Bookstore & Cafe, 110 E. Intendencia St. Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us every Saturday at 11 AM for our Children’s Storytime in the Lighthouse at Bodacious Bookstore & Cafe. We look forward to reading some lovely stories with you and your little

Second Saturdays Preschool Art and Story Time (Free) 10:00 AM Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S Jefferson Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join the Pensacola Mu seum of Art alongside the West Florida Public Library to engage your preschooler in story time and crafts. Ages 2-5 and a parent or guardian/caregiver. Capacity is limited to 10 pairs, pre-registration is required. 850-432-6247

Sunday October 16 Chicago the Musical 7:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 Chicago the Musical

Palafox Market 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, 100 N Palafox Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Shop for farm-fresh produce, plants, baked goods and more at the event that’s consistently voted “Best Farmers Market” and “Best Free Thing to www.palafoxmarket.comDo.”

Ballet Pensacola presents Phantom of the Opera The Center, 400 S. Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 850-432-2042

Brunchfest 11:00 AM Seville Quarter, Pensacola, FL, 32502 If you’re a fan of Sunday Funday, purchase your tickets today and prepare to sample all things Brunch while enjoying a LIVE DJ and so much more! All proceeds from this event benefit over 5,000 club kids from the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Emerald

Ballet Pensacola presents Phantom of the Opera The Center, 400 S. Jefferson St Pensacola, FL, 32502 850-432-2042

Select days in September

Saturday October 22

Last Saturday of the month Trash-Bash 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Sand Crab Pavilion, Navarre, FL, 32566 The Trash-Bash is a citizen-science program for community members of all ages held the last Saturday of every month from 8:00-10:00 am. Sign in at the Sand Crab Pavilion (look for the “Giving Sea Turtles More Tomorrows”


Every third Wednesday Table Talks at the Trust 12:00 PM Voices of Pensacola Multicultural, 117 E. Government Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Join us for a monthly lunch and learn series! Program is free--just bring your lunch and enjoy a casual opportunity to learn about a variety of topics! of-events/

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Sand Dollar Plaza, 1900 Hwy 87 Navarre, FL, 32566 Enjoy a wide variety of booths, offering food items, art, decor, and so much more.

8th Annual Pensacola Dragon Boat Festival Bayou Texar-Downtown Pensacola Pensacola, FL, 32502 Over 40 teams, supported by thousands of spectators, will be competing for bragging rights in the 8th Annual Pensacola Dragon Boat

Hotel California - A Salute to the Eagles 8:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL,

Sunday October 9

2022 Race for Inclusion - Pensacola University of West Pensacola,versity11000Florida,UniPkwy FL, 32514 Race for Inclusion is a statewide event that raises funds to help provide sports training and competition, critical health services, and life-changing leadership programs to nearly 60,000 Special Olym pics Florida athletes across the state and in your

Kevin Gates Concert 8:00 PM Pensacola Bay Center, 201 E Gregory St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Kevin Gates https://www.pensacolabaycenter.comConcert

16th Annual Bud Light Charity Challenge Tennis Tournament Roger Scott Tennis Center, 2200A Summit Blvd Pen sacola, FL, 32503 This event benefits Arc Gateway, an organization that provides the best possible life experiences for more than 800 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and Pensacola Sports

Boo At The Zoo 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Gulf Breeze Zoo, 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563 Designed for a younger audience, families can enjoy (6) six days of scare-free, daytime fun for children and the young at heart.

Friday October 21 Beach-O-Ween (Free) 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Pensacola Beach Boardwalk, 400 Quietwater Beach Rd Gulf Breeze, FL Bring the family out to enjoy a spooktacular Beach O Ween at the Pensacola Beach Boardwalk! This family-friendly event kicks off at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 26, and goes until 8 p.m. Featured activities include karaoke at the board walk shell, photo opportunities with special guests, a bounce house and obstacle course, unicorn pony photo opportunities, a dunk tank, candy and more.

World Ballet Series: Swan Lake 7:00 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 A part of the World Ballet Series, Swan Lake will be performed live by a multinational cast of 50 professional ballet dancers gathered to bring the most famous love story to life. 2022 Taste of the Beach Festival Casino Beach Pavilion, 20 Casino Beach Blvd Pen sacola, FL, 32561 Saturday’s daylong festival features nearly two dozen Pensacola Beach’s restaurants showcasing their signature dishes for $5, a local team cooking challenge, a free concert, beer tasting, a frozen zone, dining and hospitality tents, souvenir cup and t-shirt sales and much the-beach/

Third Fridays Gallery Night 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Pensacola, Pensacola, FL, 32502 Gallery Night is an all-ages community arts and culture event which happens on the third Friday of each month from 5-9

First and third Saturdays Hwy 87 Market (850-368-9500)

Pensacola Blue Wahoos Minor League Baseball 6:35 PM Blue Wahoos Stadium, 351 W. Cedar Street Pensacola, FL, 32502 Please visit our website for dates/times/promotions. 850-934-8444

Every Tuesday Story Sprouts @Ever’man Co-op (Free) 10:00 AM Ever’man Cooperative Grocery & Cafe, 315 W Garden St Pensacola, FL, 32502 Children ages 3-5 are invited to do arts & crafts, make a snack and have story time. Register at www.everman.orgstory-sprouts-tickets-36630082563

Wednesday October 19 Killer Queen 7:30 PM Pensacola Saenger Theatre, 118 South Palafox Place Pensacola, FL, 32502 Killer Queen - a tribute band to Queen.

Every Saturday


Saturday October 15

The Wingman Foundation 5k 7:30 AM Seville Quarter, Pensacola, FL, 32502 The Wingman Foundation 2022 Pensacola Memorial run includes a 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run (Kids 12 and under only). We are pleased to also offer a virtual registration option. This memorial run will be in honor and remem brance of our brave fallen Naval and Marine Corps air warriors. The run will take place in historic downtown Pensacola, beginning and ending at Seville Foundation5k10K

Friday October 14

Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associ ated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at

Greater Pensacola Parents I September 2022 www.greaterpensacolaparents.com32

I have had numerous families consult with me about how to manage the “fall out” after removing devices. Parents are terri fied their child will do something rash in a moment of panic. I have had teens threaten to commit suicide, and I have heard from parents of a child who did attempt suicide. There are numerous accounts of children falling into a deep depression after their phone was removed. On one occasion I had a grandmother tell me that her Ifmentalleasedonweekteentactednotsuicidethreatenedgranddaughterimmediateifthephonewasreturned.Sheconthepoliceandthewasadmittedforaatthelocalhospitalsuicidewatchandre-withanextensivehealthcareplan.Sowhatcanwedo?ourchildrenareaddicted

to devices, but the appropriate response is to remove the device after bad behavior, how do we protect them from the extreme emotions they may experience? There are a few things I recom mend to help your child, and you, if you find yourself in this situation. First, do not remove the phone during an emotionally charged moment when you are angry with your child. This is HARD to do. Sitting your child down after emotions have settled and discussing why you are removing the device will help to diffuse some of the scary feelings they may experience. Ask them if they understand why they are losing the privilege of having a device. Ask what they feel should happen to regain time on the device. Allowing them to see a win dow where they can earn the right to return to using the phone will encourage them to not only exercise appropriate behavior with the phone but will also take away the feeling of “it will be gone forever”. Secondly, watch for signs of depression. Take any threats of harming themselves as real. Many times youth will act out during the height of their emotions...and not consider the long-term consequences. The emotions simply feel like more they can handle. Talk to them about what they are feeling. And why they are feeling scared, upset, lonely, mad, etc. Walking them through the emotions that are attached to their device can help lead you into deeper conversations about how to avoid this type of dependence once the device is returned. Finally, although you may be angry with your child, showing them empathy and compassion for how they feel can help diffuse a volatile situation as well as help strengthen your digital relationship with your Bottomchild. line, is it sometimes an appropri ate consequence to remove a device? Yes. Absolutely. The real ity is we would probably ALL benefit from device removal from time to time...and we would certainly benefit from LESS time spent navigating social media. Just be aware that the removal will be met with pushback. After that pushback, do not be surprised when your child returns to the loving, happy, age-appropriate behaviors you have missed. This is the overwhelming consensus that I get from parents after de vices have been removed for a period of time. They “get their child back”. And that, well that speaks volumes. Mental Health Consequences of Device Removal


We talk about the mental health con cerns of too much device use quite often, as so much research has been done in this area. A quick Google search can lead you down a rabbit hole of overwhelming information that points to the dangers of too much device time. However, I want to take a look at the other side of the research. What hap pens when you have a child or teen who has been attached to their device and then it is removed? Let’s take this scenario as an ex ample. Your teen has been on their phone consistently. They are using it to remain in constant contact with their friends. They are watching videos, either through YouTube or TikTok, regularly. Then they make some missteps, either because of the device or other behaviors, and your consequence is to remove the device immediately and for an extended period of time. I want to caution you to be watchful of your child’s behavior after removing the device. This is where we must be careful as parents. I am guilty of becoming angry with my teens for bad behavior, and immedi ately taking the phone. It does feel like the fastest way to get their attention in today’s device-driven world. Your child’s device is not simply a “phone” to them. It is truly their connection to their friends. To the outside world. Couple this with the constant addic tive dopamine hits they receive throughout the day while on their devices, and you may be faced with several shocking responses once you remove the device. What they feel when it is removed is immediate panic for two reasons. The object they are “addicted” to has just been ripped away, and they im mediately feel the panic of losing touch with their friends. Why is all of this so important? How does it affect their mental health?

1 Feeling overwhelmed with the special education process? Schedule a consultation at: 850-684-IDEA (4332) • Confused? Frustrated? Have questions? Don’t go it alone, consult with an expert. Amy Scott Lorton Special Education Consultant and Advocate Our goal is to empower you to help your child with special needs to succeed in school. My IEP Advocate can guide you through the special education process, attend meetings with you, and more! Amy has been helping parents navigate the complicated special education process since 2002. Amy holds a Certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William and Mary Law School and multiple teaching certificates. Get informed, get organized, get empowered!

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