River Region's Journey November 2012

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Volume 14, Issue 6

Feature Articles

N OVEMBE R 20 1 2 Columns page 2

page 20

Publisher’s Note

A Christian Perspective on...

page 4

Jason Watson

Dealing with Unemployment by Jennifer Slattery

From uncertainty to depression, being unemployed can cause a myriad of issues in a family’s life. Holding onto hope and drawing near to God can be key to getting through this difficult time.

Pastor's Perspective

Billy Reinhardt, Mountain View Baptist Church

page 16

Dave $ays Dave Ramsey

page 18


Kim Hendrix

page 28

Alabama State University’s Campus Ministry

page 24

The Intersection Bob Crittenden

Impacting Future Leaders for Christ by Rachel Fisher Learn how campus minister Eddie Chambers followed God’s call to change his life completely and give it in service to college students at Alabama State University. Also, find out how the ministry is thriving, what their mission is and how you can help.

page 26

Grace to You John MacArthur

page 32

Family Teams for Christ Lisa and Mike Conn

page 37

Counselor’s Corner Lou Priolo

page 42

Got Life?

On Our Cover . . .

Elaine Britt

Alabama State University’s Campus Minister Eddie Chambers (center) with several students thriving under this college ministry: Helma Von Zadow, Franka Schauss, and Cody Pace. Call 334.213.7940 today!

In Every Issue page 6

On the Bookshelf page 8

Around Our Community page 38

Event Calendar page 44

Movie Reviews 1


November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Publisher’s Note by Jason Watson

Our Mission River Region’s Journey is committed to connecting all those who profess Jesus Christ as their Savior, regardless of denomination. Our aim is to share information and resources that promote a fulfilled, Christ-centered life. Further, we seek to reach unbelievers with the life-changing truth of God’s Word.


DeAnne Watson deanne@readjourneymagazine.com


Jason Watson jason@readjourneymagazine.com

Research Editor Wendy McCollum

Contributing Writers Elaine Britt Lisa and Mike Conn Bob Crittenden Rachel Fisher Kim Hendrix John MacArthur Lou Priolo Dave Ramsey Billy Reinhardt Jennifer Slattery Gail Welborn

Advertising Opportunities ads@readjourneymagazine.com 334.213.7940

Cover Photography

Savannah Bowden Photography

Ad Design

Tim Welch, Welch Designs

Distribution Team Wendy McCollum Richard Ward Lesa Youngblood

If you’re like me, when you hear the word November your mind quickly envisions a table full of platters, each one showcasing delectable foods that your taste buds have come to love year after year. A table like this, surrounded by all your close family and friends, is a Thanksgiving vision that expresses a bounty for which one is surely overflowing with gratitude appropriate for such a day. But, the truth be known, life most often isn’t like a Norman Rockwell painting. For some people, it never is. For the past four years it seems our nation’s economy hasn’t been able to get enough traction to make a turn in a more positive direction. Because of this many of you, or those close to you, have lost a job or had trouble finding one. Some of our closest friends went through this, so we watched first hand as they dealt not only with the financial stress, but the emotional stress of unemployment. If you know of someone facing this difficulty this Thanksgiving, I hope you’ll share with them our article, “A Christian Perspective on Dealing with Unemployment,” found on page 20. This is a tough season, but the article reveals a path that leads to blessing both in the midst of the trial and when it’s over. Our friends are a great witness. In their brokenness, they found more peace through seeing God’s faithfulness as they drew near to Him. Along the same lines, when money is tight how does it effect your tithe? In this month’s Dave Says column, Dave Ramsey answers two questions on what we should do when any extra money comes in when finances are tight. Finally, this month’s cover story is about one man’s journey from losing his career in the real estate business to leading a vibrant campus ministry at Alabama State University. All you have to do is drive along I-85 and you can easily see that Alabama State is all abuzz with activity and growth, from their new president Dr. Silver to hiring Bob Howell to lead the Center for Communications Media Department. But the most exciting growth from our point of view is what God is doing in the hearts of students all across that campus. Turn to page 28 to see how the Gospel is transcending race and culture on the campus of Alabama State University. What a joy it is to serve a God who knows our needs. God loved us so much that He sent His Son to redeem us. Would God sacrifice His Son for us, but then stop looking out for us? Of course not. He is faithful and loves us to the end. Throughout this issue I hope you see that life can only be found when we live through the means and power given to us by God in Jesus His Son. However your table looks this Thanksgiving, look to Christ and receive the riches you have in Him. That is where the blessing lies.

River Region’s Journey is published monthly by Keep Sharing, P.O. Box 230367, Montgomery, AL 36123. For information, call 213-7940 or FAX to 213-7990. River Region’s Journey is copyrighted 2012 by KeepSharing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. The opinions expressed in River Region’s Journey are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products or services herein. River Region’s Journey has the right to refuse any content that is not consistent with its statement of faith.

River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

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Pastor’s Perspective


Student Pastor Billy Reinhardt, Mountain View Baptist Church

What is Sin? What is sin? 1 John 3:4 says, “Everyone who commits sin also breaks the law; sin is the breaking of law.” If sin is “breaking of law,” then what law or whose law are we breaking? Obviously, we are breaking God’s law. Romans 3:23 defines sin as falling short of the “glory of God.” Both passages mentioned here reference not just what I’ve done (I have sinned), but what I’ve done in relation to another, namely, God Himself (falling short of His glory, breaking His law, etc.). In “The Valley of Vision,” by Arthur Bennett, the writer prays, “Lord, it is the special evil of sin that every breach of Thy law arises from contempt of Thy person, from despising You and Your glory, from preferring things before Thee.” Oftentimes when we speak of sin we are usually

River Region’s Journey • November 2012

referencing ourselves, such as, “I have failed” or “I have made a mistake” or “I am imperfect.” All of this is well and true, but sin is more than just about “I”, it’s about God. The prayer above says that “every breach of Thy law arises from contempt of Thy person,” and if this is true, then every time we transgress God’s law it is because we hate God. Sin is less about me and more about God in the sense that it is God who, by His unchangeable, holy nature, defines what sin actually is. Sin will never change because God Himself will never change. Sin is not just about me wanting my own glory, but it’s about withholding glory to God and despising the fact that He gets the glory instead of me. Sin is not just about my love for material possessions, but it’s about loving those material possessions more than I love God. Sin is not just about finding my satisfaction in the things of this world, but it’s about me not finding full satisfaction in Him, whether I have anything in this world or not. Sin is not wrong just because I have offended others, but because I’ve offended God. Sin is about more than just breaking man’s laws; it’s about breaking God’s laws. John Piper, from his OneDay 2003 sermon, said that sin is not to “be seen first as damaging man but dishonoring God. And sin would not be seen as the choice of pleasure, but the loss 4


of pleasure.” Jeremiah 2:13 says, “For My people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.” We not only turn our backs on God when we sin, but we turn our backs on the only One Who can bring us true joy and we seek, instead, to dig our own cisterns which are “cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.” We are foolish to think that our way is better than God’s way, yet we make this choice most of the days of our lives. Listen to John Piper again on defining sin: “What is sin? It is the glory of God not honored. The holiness of God not reverenced. The greatness of God not admired. The power of God not praised. The truth of God not sought. The wisdom of God not esteemed. The beauty of God not treasured. The goodness of God not savored. The faithfulness of God not trusted. The commandments of God not obeyed. The justice of God not respected. The wrath of God not feared. The grace of God not cherished. The presence of God not prized. The person of God not loved. That is sin.” Notice in this last quote that sin is not just about what I’ve done, but it’s in reference to God and what I have not done in relation to Him. King David, speaking of his adultery and murder, realized that he had sinned first and foremost against God: “Against You, You only, have I sinned…” (Ps. 51:4a). If we are to see sin in its true and hideous nature, then we must see it as David has seen it, which is primarily against God. Billy Reinhardt is the student pastor at Mountain View Baptist Church in Wetumpka, AL. He lives in Wetumpka with his wife, Jessica, and their children, Ruby and Olivia. For Advertising Information:

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Our Statement of Faith In keeping with Protestant theology, we believe that the Bible, as contained in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is fully inspired by God and therefore inerrant in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the only essential and infallible record of God’s self-disclosure to mankind. The Scriptures are the authoritative and normative rule and guide of all Christian life, practice, and doctrine. They are totally sufficient and must not be added to, superseded, or changed by later tradition, extra-biblical revelation, or worldly wisdom. The Bible is perfect in every way and shows us how to become and live as Christians. The way of becoming a Christian is by faith alone in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who came to us, born of a virgin, in full human form while remaining fully God. Jesus was, and is, perfect, and was crucified so that others could live. Three days later He rose from the dead, never to die again. He ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He, the only mediator between God and man, continually makes intercession for His own. Those who have faith in Jesus as their Lord in this life, and Savior from damnation in the next life, now live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, becoming more like Jesus everyday.

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We believe that God is one God. The one God has three persons: the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as God is one, so also, all believers are to be one. We believe in the unity and fellowship of all those that have faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are one in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, which is composed of all men, living and dead, who have been joined to Him through saving faith.





*All editorial content published must be in agreement with our Statement of Faith

Call 334.213.7940 today!



November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

On The Bookshelf

by Gail Welborn

Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs For

by James MacDonald, David C Cook, 2012, 320 Pages, ISBN-13: 978-1434703729. $22.99

James MacDonald, founding Sr. Pastor of Illinois Harvest Bible Chapel wants worshipers, churches and leadership to experience God’s “manifest Presence” in church. Vertical Church shares his “…twenty-five-year try-fail-try again pursuit of that single goal—to experience God’s glory…” in church. MacDonald’s search for God’s glory began with a “…a prayer…he stole from Moses…” where he asked God to show him His glory; a prayer God answered many times over. Today, multiple church plants later, with church attendance at MacDonald’s founding campus at more than 13,000, congregations connect “…in heart, soul, mind and strength with…” their Creator. He credits this to encountering God in church and describes Harvest Chapel as a “vertical” church where parishioners and leadership experience a “…theological paradigm shift…with God the seeker and worshippers the ones found…” That experience of God’s “manifest presence” marks the defining difference between “horizontal” business-as-usual churches, and Harvest’s “vertical” church. Half the book details MacDonald’s “biblical rationale,” while the latter half explores the “how” of vertical church. MacDonald uses revealing statistics to explore why 6,000 American churches close their doors each year and why churches are failing “one life at a time.”

Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action

by Nick Vujicic, WaterBrook Publishers, 2012, 256 Pages, ISBN-13: 978-0307730886, $19.99

Nick shares how the “power of faith” combined with action gave him a “ridiculously good life, despite his disabilities.” However, it wasn’t always like that for Nick. As a young boy he felt so alone and without purpose he entertained thoughts of suicide. He thought no one else “hurt like he did... or was bullied as much…” He was right, for few are born without arms and legs as he was. Nick couldn’t see a future for himself. He looked on his “lack of limbs as proof that God didn’t love him.” In his teens he found Christ and learned God did love him, that He hadn’t made him without arms and legs to “punish” him. Instead, he came to realize God doesn’t make mistakes. “…He always has a plan…” for everyone, even for him. He uses his story of faith to encourage others with a motto his parents taught him—“One day at a time with Christ by our side.” That would lead to God sending him around the world as an evangelist and motivational speaker with an encouraging narrative that continues today. This is not a book to miss!

The Chair

by James L. Rubart, B&H Books, 2011, 388 Pages, ISBN-13: 978-1433671524, $14.99

Corin Roscoe, given a “special chair” by an elderly woman who strode into his antique shop just before closing, was puzzled, then mystified when she announced, “The next two months of your life will be either heaven or hell.” Her answers to questions about the ordinary looking chair were frustrating and mysterious. She only said the chair “…was made by the most talented…craftsman the world has ever known. He had lived long ago.” She then told Corin it was his choice to learn more. She had given him the chair because he needed it. Skeptical and intrigued Corin brought the chair into the store and “…felt a mild shock…” when he grabbed the chair arms. The elderly woman had disappeared as mysteriously as she had appeared, without any way to contact her. Thus begins Rubart’s new release, The Chair, a thought-provoking narrative of betrayal, mystery, danger and intrigue from one of my new favorite authors, James Rubart. This author writes spiritual truth with a supernatural twist. He also wrote Rooms in 2010 and Book of Days in 2012. Each book contains a powerful Christ-centered message in story form that lingers long after the story closes. River Region’s Journey book reviewer Gail Welborn lives in Sedro-Woolley, Washington.

River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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Through narration and familiar carols, the JOY Singers Senior Adult Choir will share how the characters of the Nativity experienced and responded to the birth of Jesus.

First Baptist Church Sunday, November 25 6:15 pm | Main Sanctuary

CallSouth 334.213.7940 November 2012 • River Region’s Journey 305 Perry today! Street • Jay Wolf, Pastor • 334.834.63107• www.montgomeryfbc.org • www.fbcmsenioradults.com


VeggieTales Live! God Made You Special

First Baptist Church, Prattville, is proud to announce that “Veggie Tales Live!” will be coming on Sunday, November 11th, at 6pm. Tickets will go on sale to the community September 17th. Tickets purchased in advance are $15, Day of the Show $20 and VIP (Meet ‘n Greet Larry and Bob) tickets are $25. Make plans to get your tickets promptly, as this is the ONLY Alabama show scheduled this year and they will go fast! Call 334.365.0606 or visit www. fbcprattvill.org.

‘Shop for a Cause’ Holiday Market

Tuesday, Novemeber 27th, 5-8 pm, Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd Use your Christmas shopping to make a difference in the lives of others. Join us for this very special shopping event where all proceeds go directly back to a variety of worthy causes. Jewelry, baked goods, fair trade gifts and more! $5 admission at the door will directly benefit Landmark’s fund to assist adoptive families with travel related expenses. Contact Betsy Emerson at betsyandchad@mail.com with questions or to reserve a table for your cause.

Yeshua the Musical

Friday, November 9 at 7:00 p.m. Yeshua the Musical will be presented at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church at 6610 Vaughn Road in Montgomery, in the Christian Activity Center. Yeshua is the newest musical by the New York Times-acclaimed writing/composing/performing team of Ellen Sanborn and David M. Sanborn. David M. Sanborn, who has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people in the role of Jesus Christ in the hit musical “The Miracle,” has returned to the same role in this new, richly orchestrated 2 person musical focusing on the stories of Jesus and who He is. For more information call the Aldersgate church office (334-272-6152) or visit the church website www.aldersgateumc.org.

Coach Gene Stallings to Speak at Local Event He’s a man who’s experienced the mountain top and the valley. He has a huge heart for children who are hurting in any way and he’s ready to share his story and passion with you. Alabama Coaching Legend Gene Stallings is coming to Montgomery for a special night at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. The Women of Influence invited Coach Stallings to join them in reaching out to families in Alabama who are struggling in some way and he answered with an immediate “Yes!” The mission statement for the Women of Influence is: “Look in, Reach out, Lift up.” Women of Influence chairwoman Kim Hendrix explains it this way, ”We challenge people to look in and consider what you have to offer; reach out to those who are struggling and lift them up to a better day. When we unite in our contacts and resources, we can change lives!” This year’s event will provide funding for Magic Moments, Alabama’s wish-granting organization for children with terminal illnesses, and Art in the Afternoon, a community outreach of the Montgomery Museum taking the arts to children in low income neighborhoods. There are 114 children in Alabama on the Magic Moments waiting list, with each wish costing close to $4000. “Our hope is to help Magic Moments create treasured memories for these families before it’s too late,” says Hendrix. Art in the Afternoon is something its participants look forward to through teen leadership courses in many of Montgomery’s Housing Communities. “The art teacher was very kind and helpful and always had a great attitude. This atmosphere has played a great role in how our meetings have changed for the better. I love this art program!” says participant D’Andre Massey. “By purchasing a ticket to hear Coach Gene Stallings, you will be changing lives for the better,” says Hendrix, “Some creating treasured memories, others seeing doors open before them they never imagined.” Hendrix emphasizes this event is for men and women. The Pickwick Antiques and Beasley Allen “An Evening with Coach Gene Stallings” is Thursday, November 15th at 6pm. Individual tickets are available for $75 each and VIP packages are available including two tickets, a meet and greet with Coach Stallings and a photo for $250. The event includes a reception at 6pm followed by the program at 7pm. For tickets go to alabamawomenofinfluence.com or call toll free 1-866-456-9982. Tickets are limited so please call today! River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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The Freedom Sound Releases Debut EP

Free Night of Worship and Celebration Concert Planned for Nov. 11

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A group of Frazer-related musicians who seek to glorify and praise God through original music have just released their first EP. The Freedom Sound, which includes Frazer UMC’s Wesley Hall worship leader Jerrod Dorminey and some members of Frazer’s praise band, released “Set Free” on Oct. 9. The six-song EP is a celebration that through Jesus we have been set free from sin and fear. Band members wrote and arranged the songs over the past couple of years. The band traveled to Atlanta over several weekends this spring and summer to record the tracks with producers Andy Bowen and Scotty Wilbanks, who has produced songs by Francesca Battistelli and NEEDTOBREATHE and is the keys player for Third Day. Support from several Frazer members enabled the band to record with Wilbanks and Bowen. On Sunday, Nov. 11, the band is presenting a free night of worship concert in Wesley Hall to celebrate the completion of this project and, more importantly, to worship and praise Jesus Christ. The Freedom Sound started in 2009 as an outlet to write original music and to take the worship experience outside the walls of the church by performing at other venues. The other members of the band are vocalist Melinda Smith, guitarists Jon Powers and Hudson Thompson, bassist Kevin Wolfe and drummer Mike Presley. CD copies of “Set Free” are now available for $10 in the Frazer bookstore. The album is also available on iTunes. For more information about the band and their mission, go to www.tfsworship.com orwww.facebook.com/tfsworship. Call 334.213.7940 today!



November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Helping Montgomery Families in Need at Christmas

In 2009, the Montgomery Baptist Association churches and various Christian ministries in the Montgomery area planned the first annual Toy Sale for Montgomery Families in Need. This idea originated over concern for parents trying to provide Christmas gifts for their children. Also, there was a need to continue to teach people, especially those in generational poverty, how to care for their children instead of always receiving “hand outs.” Parents were surveyed and asked if they wanted a family to adopt them and provide gifts OR the chance to buy their own gifts for their children. Unanimously, they said they would love to be able to buy affordable, new toys. Thanks to churches and businesses like Baptist South Hospital, we were able to gather an abundance of brand new toys! Christmas of 2009, over 100 families were served. The Montgomery Toy Sale has grown and this Christmas we will serve approximately 350 families and over 1000 children. Parents are able to shop for their kids and be ministered to by volunteers from local churches. This event is “invitation only” for parents who have participated in local ministries in Montgomery. It is not open to the public. These ministries have built relationships with these families and will continue to do so throughout the year. If you would like to join in a united effort to gather new toys for this sale, we will provide drop off points at the following times: • Montgomery Family Christmas Concert at the Montgomery Performing Arts Center, Thursday, November 29 | 7:00 PM • Heritage Baptist Church, Monday, December 3 | 6:30 AM – 7:00 PM Contact Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 or email her at lrose@mgmbaptist.org for more information about the Toy Sale. Limited volunteer opportunities are available as well.

Cancer Wellness Foundation Issues Hope Challenge to Churches

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The Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama (CWFCA) is issuing the “Hope Challenge” to all Central Alabama churches. Your church can have a genuine impact on the outcome of a family member, friend or a neighbor struggling with cancer. We are asking your congregation, Sunday school class, mission group or a particular group within your church family to accept the challenge to “sponsor a patient”. For just $400, you can help a cancer patient with their transportation or medication needs for a typical 6 month course of treatment. The Wellness Foundation is a 501c (3) nonprofit organization serving patients with: • Prescription medications for free or at low cost; • Assistance with transportation to and from life-saving chemotherapy and radiation treatments; • Navigation through the myriad of often-confusing insurance issues and government programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Disability; • Nutritional support for patients with feeding tubes and those with nutrition issues associated with cancer treatments; • Therapeutic items such as wigs, medical devices, wheelchairs and more. Our small staff and annual budget of about $425,000 do not begin to reflect the real value we offer our 1,000+ patients from 35 Alabama counties each year. In 2011, the Wellness Foundation provided $5 million worth of much-needed support. That means we return 10 times our annual budget turning every $1 donated into $11 worth of products and services for friends and family confronting cancer. Giving help; giving hope…is the Cancer Wellness Foundation’s motto. Please join us in giving hope for those who are in the battle for their lives … against cancer. For additional information, please call 334-273-2279 or visit our website www.cancerwellnessfoundation.org . The HIPPA Privacy Rule requires us to keep confidential the names of those to whom we give assistance.

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River Region’s Journey • November 2012


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Mercy Me at MPAC

Montgomery Performing Arts Centre 201 Tallapoosa Street, Thursday, November 29, at 7 pm. Call (334) 481-5136


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Fair Trade Holiday Market Hosted by Aldersgate UMC

On December 1st , Aldersgate United Methodist Church will be hosting the 2nd Annual Fair Trade Holiday Market from 9am-4pm at the church, located at 6610 Vaughn Rd. An effort that began as a small fair trade store that opened in the church to sells chocolate, coffee and tea on Sunday mornings to members of the congregation has now grown to be inclusive of the community. The proceeds of the event goes towards the Aldersgate UMC food pantry that distributes over 85 bags of food every month to families in the community. Khristen Carlson, the Church and Society Coordinator and a member of the Aldersgate congregation is the organizer of the event, and although fair trade artisans groups represent many cultures, faiths and traditions she knew the idea of supporting the most marginalized of individuals around the world is something the church could get behind. Fair trade is an economic practice based on social justice and the empowerment of lowincome, disadvantaged artisans, laborers and farmers around the globe. No sweatshop, forced or child labor is used in the making of the items and artisans are paid a fair and living wage for their work. The market is being held in cooperation with Sojourns, a fair trade store based in Birmingham, which carries items such as baskets, journals, jewelry, toys, nativities, ornaments and household items from 55 countries Come get a jump-start on your Christmas shopping while helping provide a fair living for fair trade artisans. Call 334-300-4835 or www.aldersgateumc.org for more details. Call 334.213.7940 today!



November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Frazer UMC Supports New Church, Helps Provide Zion Fellowship with Bus

Frazer recently provided funding to help Zion Fellowship United Methodist Church acquire their own church bus, and support the new church in their growing ministry. Zion Fellowship became an independent church Oct. 1, after nearly five years as Frazer’s Asbury Campus. The church that was once in danger of closing its doors has grown and thrived these last five years, and is making a significant impact through outreach and ministry to the community. Rev. Robert Spicer and the lay leadership of the church felt God leading them to step out on faith as their own church. Frazer Senior Pastor Tim Thompson wrote in his Sept. 30 bulletin letter: “What a privilege to know that God has allowed us to participate with Him in an amazing miracle of transformation and revitalization of the former Asbury Church. Asbury was getting close to closing its doors. Five years later God has raised up a new, strong and thriving Church. We rejoice and celebrate with our brothers and sisters at the Zion Fellowship United Methodist Church.”

Made by United Methodist Women Holiday Sale

Made by UMW (United Methodist Women) Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 17, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Christian Activity Center at the back of the church, 6610 Vaughn Road, Montgomery. Handmade and homemade items perfect for gifts, the holidays and entertaining. Proceeds and your donations will support Aldersgate UMW and its mission projects.

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FREE Thanksgiving Day Meal


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Feeding The Multitude Ministry will be sponsoring a “FREE” Thanksgiving Day Meal on Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 22nd from 11:00am to 2:00pm by: Minister Greg and Evangelist Dr. Linda McCall and the Board Members and Sponsors at 3 Public location sites and 10 Private location sites. The 3 Public locations that are opened to the public are: 1. Community Congregational United Church of God in Christ, 3481 South Court Street across from the old Bellingrath School 2. Cleveland Court Community Center, 660 Cleveland Court 3. True Grace Fellowship Community Church, 1553 South Holt Street behind McDonald’s off of Fairview For Deliveries to the elderly, Handicapped and homebound without transportation: Please call Evangelist Dr. Linda McCall at 334-387-2563 by November 5th. Leave ‘Name’-’Address’-’Phone Number’- and ‘Number of people in the household.’

Eastern Hills Baptist Church presents

8th Annual “Hanging of the Greens”

Sunday, December 2, 3:00 & 6:00 PM Featuring Eastern Hills Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra; Also Featuring: Youth Choir, Children’s Choirs, Drama, Celebration Ringers (handbells), Ensemble, Narration, Interpretive Movement and more. Come help us ring in the Christmas season celebrating the hope found in the Christ Child! Come early for a good seat-No admission charge. Eastern Hills Baptist Church, 3604 Pleasant Ridge Road, Montgomery (in the Forest Hills neighborhood) 334-272-0604 ext. 214 or visit us on line, www.ehbconline.com. Call 334.213.7940 today!





November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Area Episcopal Churches Celebrate First Annual River Region Episcopal Jazz/Gumbo Picnic

Three huge, black iron kettles—each simmering 60-80 gallons of delicious gumbo, vegetarian chili or red beans and rice— greeted the guests arriving at Grove Park. The First Annual River Region Episcopal Jazz/Gumbo Picnic took place on a picture-perfect fall afternoon by lake at Grove Park. The ambience was as pleasant as the weather, with aroma from the cooking gumbos, laughter of children playing crocket and the light jazz sounds of the Coleman Woodson Band. Parishioners from area Episcopal churches prepared the gumbos from fresh ingredients and provided assorted homemade desserts to round out the meals. Each attendee enjoyed gumbo, rice, salad and freshly baked loaves of French bread from Fresh Market. Participating churches included Church of the Ascension, St. John’s, Church of the Holy Comforter, St. Michael & All Angels’, Grace and St. Mark’s. To cap off the afternoon, Church of the Ascension’s Boy Scout Troop 1 put away 100 quarts of the delicacies to be shared as needed to the sick, and many additional gallons of gumbo and chili were frozen and delivered to local charities supporting our community’s hungry. The next River Region Episcopal Jazz/Gumbo Picnic is scheduled for October 2013.

River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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2012 Capital City

Christmas Parade Kick off the Season with the Capital City’s very merry Christmas Parade filled

C a p i t a l C i t y C h r i s t m a s Pa r a d e

with oh-so-jolly floats and festivities. Celebrate this special season and gather with loved ones for a night that is sure to make all your Christmas dreams come true!

Friday, December 7, 2012 Parade Route from Capitol Steps to Court Square Fountain

schedule of events

5:15 pm Governor’s Tree Lighting 6:00 pm Capital City Christmas Parade 7:30 pm Mayor’s Tree Lighting

2012 float contest

sponsored by

Create your own Christmas masterpiece and be a part of the festivities. Entry categories include Business Floats, Floats by Adults, and Floats by Children/Youth. Registration deadline is November 28, 2012. Float staging held at Cramton Bowl.

Pa r a d e e n t ry f o r m s at w w w. m o n t g o m e r y a l . g o v F o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n c o n tact

Call 334.213.7940 today!

Carol Gunter, 334-625-2000 15 November 2012 • River Region’s Journey or cgunter@montgomeryal.gov


Dave Says...

by Dave Ramsey

Tithing Without Telling Q.

I’m a Christian, but my husband is not. However, we still budget a small amount to give to the church. I started working a part-time job recently, and would like to tithe on this income. Is it okay to do this without telling him?

A. No, it’s not. Do you really think

you’d be honoring God by tithing on this income while at the same time creating a situation where you’re dishonoring your husband by hiding things from him? That’s not a good idea. Your husband has already shown respect for your beliefs with his agreement to make tithing a part of your budget. I think you should return that respect and let him know you’d like to give a portion of your new income. Besides, you wouldn’t be tithing out of his income in a situation like this. It would just be a small portion of the new, additional income you’re generating. Remember, too, that not tithing isn’t a sin. God doesn’t love you more when you tithe, and it’s not a salvation issue. He wants us to be givers because he knows what it does for us on the inside. It makes us a little more Christlike when we put the wants and needs of others ahead of our own. So sit down with your husband and explain your feelings on the issue. He doesn’t sound like an unreasonable guy. But regardless, you shouldn’t deceive someone just because you don’t see eye to eye on everything.

Q. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, and I’m having a tough time findRiver Region’s Journey • November 2012



ing part-time work to bridge the gap until another position comes along. I’ve got a masters’ degree, and I’ve been wondering if that’s hurting my chances in the interim. I’m really eager to stay on track paying off my debts. Should I dumb down my résumé?

A. Honestly, if it’s only been a couple

of weeks, I think you probably just haven’t found the right thing. There are lots of people out there with big-time résumés who have been forced to go part-time in today’s job market. It’s not unusual right now for UPS or FedEx managers to see people with your level of education wanting to throw boxes. Whether they’re trying to get out of debt or they’re unemployed or underemployed, it’s just part of the economic strain the country’s going through at the moment. I really like your drive, though, and the fact that you’re actively trying to find a solution to your problem tells me that you’re the kind of person who won’t be denied. Because of this, I think some really good things will begin to happen for you in the coming weeks and months. But let’s not go down the path of omitting things from your résumé. Think about what would happen if your boss discovered you hadn’t truthfully represented yourself and your background? I know if it were me, I’d have to wonder if I could really trust someone who did that.

Dave is the author of The New York Times best-selling book Financial Peace. He is also the host of the nationally syndicated The Dave Ramsey Show, and is a regular guest on television. All of his financial counseling is based on biblical truths. You can hear Dave from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., weekdays, on WLWI 1440 AM or online at www.daveramsey.com. Send your questions to askdave@daveramsey.com. He resides with his wife Sharon and their three children, Denise, Rachel, and Daniel, in Nashville, Tennessee. For Advertising Information:




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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey


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by Kim Hendrix

Are You a Good Friend? 1 John 3:16: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” At a recent Bible study for girls in middle school, we asked the girls to write down what was on their hearts, what they would like to talk about or have prayed over. The majority responded with words about “friendship”. One note read, “How to make good friends who won’t leave me out.” Another said, “Friends and beauty,” and yet another said, “Friendships.” It’s obvious what’s on their minds especially in the middle school years when so many are trying to find their way. How can we as parents help our children with friendship? One thing

we can do is model what it means to be a good friend. Do we check on those we call “friend”? Do we have an open circle of friends or is it closed—meaning do we accept new people into our circle of possibly life-long friends? Do we encourage, listen, help and give—in other words do we love sacrificially? Are you a good friend? It’s hard to help our children with friendship if we aren’t living out the words of our Lord and Savior. John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” If you’ve ever taught a children’s Sunday School class or Bible study you probably realize that much of what

we teach to young people applies to all of us. We are life-long students in a world that constantly challenges our beliefs and principles. The only way to grow is through His word and constant prayer. Our Lord will walk us through certain circumstances or allow us to take certain steps in order to bring us closer to His image, closer to Him. I’ve shared a story in my past with children through teaching in hopes they can avoid the mistake I made. I was

“Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.”


Proverbs 22:6

C hallenging a CademiC a tmosphere in a C hristian e nvironment Accredited AISA Blue Ribbon School Evangel Christian Academy is a ministry of Evangel Church in Montgomery, Alabama.

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334-272-3882 ecalions.org Evangel Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, gender and national or ethnic origin.

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nine years old planning a birthday party. I made out the list of those I wanted to invite and gave it to my mom. When she read it she said, “What about Robin?” Robin was a neighbor, a little girl about my age who dressed a little differently and didn’t always have the same interests, so most on our street just sort of left her out of things. I was new to this neighborhood but already realized how most of the children felt, so I also left her name off my list. In answering my mom’s question, I just looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. To that my mom responded, “Poor little thing, I know she would love to come.” I started crying and didn’t say a word. For years I wondered if my mom knew I was crying because I immediately felt bad and knew I had made a bad decision or if she thought I really didn’t want her to come. I’m certain now she knew I just needed a nudge in the right direction. Robin came to my party and we all had a great time. My mom modeled for me that putting others above ourselves is sacrificial love and that action results in great joy and blessings. Jesus gives us all the love we need--for those with similar interests and those we consider different from ourselves.

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and the


word of our God

will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8

1 John 4:12: “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

Join us for worship, fellowship, and service.

Of course, it’s hard when our child is on the other side— the one who is being left out. Some children are old enough to realize God is using them to minister to these “friends” who have not yet discovered the joy of putting others first. But some are just hurt and that’s understandable. With today’s technology, through social websites, children can immediately feel left out. Maybe you’ve heard the new expression, WWJP—“What would Jesus post?” We talked about this with our middle school girls challenging them with this--before you post a photo ask yourself why you’re posting it? Is it to let someone know you’re doing something they’re not? Or is it simply a joyful photo depicting the latest excitement in your life? Again, are you loving sacrificially, are you putting Jesus and others above yourself? Sure a photo may please the crowd, but if it will hurt one or two, is it worth it? A constant prayer for my child is, “Dear Lord, please surround Annie with godly friends who will help her make good decisions and may she be that friend to others.” I pray I can live up to that prayer as well. Are you being a good friend?

Sunday Morning Worship 8:45 & 11 a.m.

Worship Service at Cloverdale School Sunday at 6 p.m.

Dear Heavenly Father, The people you bring into our lives are a true blessing. May we be your light, allowing your sacrificial love to shine through. May our children know what it means to be a good friend and above all may they know the friend they have in You. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Savio,r we pray, Amen.


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Dr. R. Lawson Bryan Senior Minister

Kim Hendrix is the Director of Development at Saint James School in Montgomery. She leads the Shine Your Light ministry at Frazer Memorial U.M.C. and recently ended a 26 year career in television news. Kim and her husband Scott, have a 11 year old daughter, Annie, who brings them great joy. Call 334.213.7940 today!



November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

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A Christian Perspective on...

Dealing with Unemployment

NEED WORK by Jennifer Slattery

About six years ago, our family went through a period of unemployment. Fear and bitterness consumed me, and although I knew in my head I needed to cling to God, my heart propelled me in the other direction. Through that experience I learned, experientially, God is good even when life is hard, and His love is greater than our emotions. In the Christian community, it’s easy to lump all negative emotions as sin. We read commands to rejoice during trails and assume depression is failRiver Region’s Journey • November 2012

ure, but biblical joy is not a temporary, surface emotion. According to John C. Hutchinson, author of Thinking Right When Things Go Wrong, “The biblical teaching of joy or rejoicing has more to do with confidence in one’s convictions than it does with emotion.” Joy is a deep assurance that God is good even when life is not. This is not an emotional stance, but instead, a choice of belief. Emotions aren’t good or bad. According to Prattville licensed social worker Jennifer Humphrey, unemployment can often lead to depression. 20


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“Studies show that those unemployed for six months or longer have higher rates of depression than the average person,” Humphrey said. “Unemployment is a significant life event. Much like death or divorce, it is a loss and brings sadness, fear, and anger.” Humphrey also believes depression can threaten our sense of identity and worth. “For both men and women much of our identity is tied to our job and/or chosen profession. Consequently, the loss of employment can affect how we feel about ourselves. Prolonged discourFor Advertising Information:


Drawing near to God during our times of trial helps, but often it’s not enough. It’s also important not to isolate ourselves.

agement and feelings of hopelessness often produce depression. Depression is an illness like any other, and there are very specific symptoms and treatment options.” Depression is not unique to the 21st century. Throughout Scripture we read accounts of faith-filled men and women continually used by God who went through periods of depression. Elijah’s emotions grew so intense, he wanted to die. In the Psalms David expressed moments of great pain. Job poured out his heart in an expression of raw, honest emotions. He even accused God of hunting him down like a lion. Yet God didn’t condemn Job, but instead, reminded Job of his limited understanding. Be honest. God already knows how you feel and what you’re thinking anyway. Praying through your feelings will help draw you to God. We may wonder: “Is it okay to be mad at God?” This makes me think of my relationship with my daughter and

the countless times she’s been mad at me. When our daughter was eight we moved and it hit her hard. One day, she scrunched her face, balled her fists, and yelled, “I hate you!” That hurt. A lot. Not because of her words, but because I saw the pain beneath them. What I wanted most was not to scold her, but to hold her. To draw her into my arms and to comfort her with my love. Psalm 103:14 indicates God feels the same about us: 13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; 14 for he knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.

Draw near to God and resist the urge to pull away. Emotional pain, whatever the cause, has a tendency to lead to isolation. No matter what we are going through, no matter how we may feel, God wants to be our all-in-all. He wants us to draw near to Him, trusting in His love and unfailing nature, even if everything appears to point to the contrary. James 4:8 makes us a promise: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Whether we feel Him or not, God is there. He will never leave nor forsake us. According to Felicia Pressley of Pressley Counseling, located in Montgomery, actively practicing the disciplines of our faith can help us view our situation from God’s perspective. “We all feel discouraged at times,” Pressley said. “However, the second step after being discouraged is to pull yourself together with Scripture and prayer.” She encourages us to remember that God has







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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

designed our lives and longs to guide us to His perfect will. “When we pray and meditate, understand that we are in communication with God. We have to listen and order our steps accordingly so we continue the path God has for us.” Drawing near to God during our times of trial helps, but often it’s not enough. It’s also important not to isolate ourselves. “When people isolate, they are attempting to handle everything on their own,” Pressley said. “[This can lead to] continual feelings of despair and depression.” It can also prevent us from finding employment. “You can’t network in isolation,” Humphrey said. God placed us in a family of believers for a reason. His desire is that we would turn to one another during our time of need. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 reminds us of the importance of living in community—of leaning on others during our time of need: 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If ei-

River Region’s Journey • November 2012

ther of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV).

When dealing with unemployment, this can be hard. We live by an unspoken, faulty belief that says, “If you work hard, you’ll find success.” But the Bible says differently and promises we’ll experience difficulty. Yet, no matter what happens, everything is first filtered through the hand of a loving God. Which means every tear and heartache has a purpose. We know this intellectually, but that truth can be hard to grasp. It’s easy to assume God is somehow against us or we are being punished for some unknown sin. This view may come from a misunderstanding of the word discipline. The Bible tells us that God disciplines those He loves, and in our “time-out” world, we’ve come to equate discipline as punishment. But the word itself, paideuo in the Greek, means “a child under development with strict training” – properly, to train up a child (país), so they mature



and realize their full potential (development). God’s discipline—His training to maturity—is similar to how a coach responds to athletes. During training, coaches focus diligently on those who want to win, pushing them hard in order to bring out their best. Intentionally focus on the unchanging nature of Christ. God is merciful and loving. He always does what is right. His every action is rooted in love because He loves us deeply and is intimately involved in our lives. His goal is not to break us, but instead, to raise us up like a prize athlete, victorious and free. Like Job, we may not always understand why we must go through trials like unemployment. We may react with intense anger and despair, but God remains faithful and promises to carry us through it. Knowing this allows us to be honest and authentic with our emotions, and to draw near to God in confidence, knowing He’s on our side. Jennifer Slattery is a freelance writer.

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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

The Intersection:

Christian Cultural Commentary by Bob Crittenden

A Little Good News... The news that the church in America is in decline has some statistical support – you’ve probably heard that church attendance is decreasing, churches are closing, and fewer people profess a belief in God. But, writing off the church – the entity, as described in Scripture – is premature. Here’s why: The Head of the church is Jesus. The church, the body of Christ, was ordained by God and built on the firm foundation of His Word. He placed Jesus as the Head. The church will survive as we follow His principles. If we remain connected to the True Vine, He is the One who will express His life through us. We can have hope that Jesus will preserve His church.

River Region’s Journey • November 2012

People will still come to church if they’re invited. According to the book, The Unchurched Next Door, written by Thom Rainer, President and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, 82 percent of people will come to church if invited by a friend. However, a recent LifeWay Research study indicated that only 48 percent of church members invited their unchurched friends to church in the last six months. That research was quoted on the website for National Back to Church Sunday, a growing movement that churches have begun to observe each September. Here are some of the results of this year’s event: • In three years, the number of participating churches has increased from



3,800 churches in 2010 to 7,600 in 2011 to a total of 13,152 churches this year. • There was a reported 38 percent increase in average attendance. • An estimated 7.5 million people were invited. And that was just one Sunday! If people are enthralled with Jesus and excited about what He is doing in their congregations, then they will be motivated to share it.

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Small group ministry is a plus. People are seeking community, and in a society that is finding itself increasingly disconnected in the sense of face-to-face relationships, the church provides an opportunity for like-minded people to interface and belong. Thom Rainer, quoted on the ChurchLeaders.com website, says that out of 2000 churches viewed as “healthy”, the ones that emphasized moving as many members as possible into a small group assimilated those members five times better than those who attended only worship services. Church members can thrive in small groups, including Sunday School classes, Bible studies, home groups, and even gatherings at coffee shops and restaurants. The church still contains the answer in areas of reaching out to the poor and revitalizing communities. I routinely hear stories of churches that partner with local officials to provide healing and hope for impoverished communities. I could list for you an impressive number of churches and ministries in the River Region who are involved in shining the light and sharing the love of Jesus in places of significant need.

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A great example of compassion on display was seen among some 43,000 attendees at the 2012 Passion Conference in Atlanta, who gave over $3 million to help fund seven projects around the globe to bring prevention, rescue, and restoration to those trapped in modern day slavery. This is truly remarkable when you consider that Passion attendees are generally college students and young adults with little disposable income. This awe-inspiring type of activity reminds us that as we reach out in His name, Jesus receives the glory. The church is growing quickly in other parts of the world, especially Asia and Africa. Consider these statistics from the book, Witness Essentials, by Dan Meyer, quoted on the PreachingToday.com website: • In 1900 Korea had no Protestant church. Today, there are over 7,000 churches in just the city of Seoul, South Korea. • At the end of the 19th century, the southern portion of Africa was only three percent Christian. Today, 63 percent of the population is Christian, while membership in the churches in Africa is increasing by 34,000 people per day.

• In India, 14 million of the 140 million members of the “untouchable” caste have become Christians. • More people in the Islamic world have come to Christ in the last 25 years than in the entire history of Christian missions. • Across the planet, followers of Jesus are increasing by more than 80,000 per day. • 510 new churches form every day. God is truly working on our planet! When we are tempted to become despondent, thinking that Christians are having a limited impact on our culture, we can respond by acknowledging that we serve a mighty God, Who desires to display His nature and glory in the earth. It’s vital that we engage in devoted prayer, placing ourselves in alignment with His will, asking the God of the Universe to stir the fires of revival in each of our hearts. Be assured: The cause is not lost and the work of the church is by no means complete.


November 2012 • River Region’s Journey


Bob Crittenden is host of “The Meeting House”, heard weekday afternoons from 4-6pm on Faith Radio, 89.1FM in Montgomery. Described as “the intersection of faith and culture”, the program features Christian music and conversation about a variety of topics. Learn more by visiting www. meetinghouseonline.info.

Grace to You

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by John MacArthur

Led by the Spirit...What Does It Mean? For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. (Galatians 5:17–18) Along with many others in the New Testament, these two verses make it obvious that walking by the Spirit is not simply a matter of passive surrender. The Spirit-led life is a life of conflict, because it is in constant combat with the old ways of the flesh that continue to tempt and seduce the believer. The flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. A believer who is not actively involved in resisting evil and obviously seeking to do

good is not being led by the Spirit, no matter how much he may think he is “surrendered.” The faithful believer is not an observer but “a good soldier of Christ Jesus” who is engaged in the “active service” of his Lord (2 Tim. 2:23–4). As a repeated warning to believers who were being influenced by the Judaizers, Paul added, But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. To live under the Law is to live by the flesh, even when one is not actually committing sin, because that is the only avenue available to the legalist. The flesh is powerless to fulfill the Law, and the Law is powerless to conquer the flesh. Rather, “sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead. And I was

once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive, and I died; and this commandment, which was to result in life, proved to result in death for me; for sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, deceived me, and through it killed me” (Rom. 7:8–11). In his Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan describes Interpreter’s house, which Pilgrim entered during the course of his journey to the Celestial City. The parlor of the house was completely covered with dust, and when a man took a broom and started to sweep, he

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River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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and the others in the room began to choke from the great clouds of dust that were stirred up. The more vigorously he swept, the more suffocating the dust became. Then Interpreter ordered a maid to sprinkle the room with water, with which the dust was quickly washed away. Interpreter explained to Pilgrim that the parlor represented the heart of an unsaved man, that the dust was original sin, the man with the broom was the law, and the maid with the water was the gospel. His point was that all the law can do with sin is to stir it up. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can wash it away. “The power of sin is the law,” Paul declares; “but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:56). To be led by the Spirit is the same as walking by Him (vv. 16, 25) but carries additional emphasis on His leadership. We do not walk along with Him as an equal, but follow His leading as our sovereign, divine Guide. “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God,” Paul says (Rom. 8:14). The converse is also true: Those who are sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. Believers do not need to pray for the Spirit’s leading, because He is already doing that. They need to seek for willingness and obedience to follow His leading. When Christ enters a person’s life, the Holy Spirit enters simultaneously (cf. Rom. 8:9). And the moment He enters He begins to lead God’s newborn child in the way of freedom (Gal. 5:1), holiness (5:16), truth (John 16:13–15), fruitfulness (Gal. 5:22–23), access to God in prayer (Eph. 2:18), assurance (Rom. 8:16), witnessing (Acts 1:8), and submissive joy (Eph. 5:18–21). No wonder Paul rejoiced that “what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom. 8:3–4). Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God’s Word, John MacArthur is a fifthgeneration pastor, a popular author and conference speaker, and has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. John and his wife, Patricia, have four grown children and fifteen grandchildren. John’s pulpit ministry has been extended around the globe through his media ministry, Grace to You. Call 334.213.7940 today!



November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Alabama State University’s CAMPUS MINISTRY Thrives


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Impacting Future Leaders for Christ by Rachel Fisher

Alabama State University is made up of 5,600 racially and culturally diverse students from over 42 states and 7 countries. Eddie Chambers and the students he ministers alongside at ASU would tell you this campus is an important one, not only because it is one of the largest historically black colleges, but because it is a college campus ripe for the gospel. They also hope to ignite a passion in the heart of the local church in Montgomery. That passion is fixated on a desire to see people not only in right relationship with God, but in right relationship with one another, and to see the gospel as it truly is-one that transcends race and culture, especially in a city like Montgomery. River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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Saying Yes

Seven years ago, Eddie Chambers began a local real estate company. Business was going well. He was buying and flipping homes and as he says, “ hoping to become a millionaire.” Three years in, the housing market hit rock bottom. So did Eddie’s business. Anxious to find a job to support his wife and growing family, he began the search for work. Six months later, a woman at his church told him about the need for a campus minister at Alabama State University. She asked him if he would be interested. Eddie said no. “By this time I had fallen in love with the American Dream,” says Eddie. “And I knew being a campus pastor was not on the track to fulfilling it.” As time passed, and still no job, Eddie felt the Lord doing a work in his heart. As he spent time reading the Bible, he felt a comradiere with Jonah, the chosen messenger of God who ran from God’s voice. “I began to ask myself, am I running from God? Have I fallen in love with money?” The answer was yes. In December of 2009, after tremendous soul searching, Eddie agreed to go on staff

with Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) at ASU. “When someone asked me why I felt equipped to take this position I simply told them, brokenness,” says Eddie. “By that time I was completely broken. God used a business failure to not only humble me, but show me what his kingdom is really made of.” Nearly three years later, Eddie and his family have seen God use this brokenness to lead students on ASU’s campus spiritually. Several students lives are different because Eddie said yes to God’s call to lead and encourage students on ASU’s campus.

What the Ministry is Made Of

As a whole, BCM is a wider network that works to partner with the local church and build up leaders on college campuses. “We take the same mission statement as our local church partner, Gateway Baptist,

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which is ‘loving God, loving people to the ends of the earth’ and seek to carry that out with the students.” Eddie believes college is one of the most important times in these students’ lives. There

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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

is perhaps no greater mission field than where the future leaders are living and learning. Eddie explains there are four main components to the ministry at ASU: Leadership, Discipleship, Evangelism and Mission. The BCM at ASU is overseen by Eddie and a faculty advisor, but really, it’s led by students. He explains that these leaders follow-up with students, organize trips, plan events, teach Bible studies on campus and off campus, and disciple students through “life on life” relationships. One of those students is Cody Pace, a senior majoring in broadcast journalism. Cody, who has been following the Lord for two years, has a passion for discipleship and evangelism that manifests itself through what Eddie says is dynamic teaching along with building significant friendships with students on campus. “The biggest thing about discipleship and evangelism on campus is giving students an alternate perspective of life,” says Cody. “During my first two years at school, I was pretty wild, so I understand the temptations that living on campus carries with it. What I seek to do is create an off campus atmosphere that allows people an opportunity to do life differently.” Cody’s house, which is off cam-

River Region’s Journey • November 2012

pus, is always open for guys to come hang out. “Sometimes, there are nights when girls want to get off campus and instead of going to the clubs, they come over and we have movie nights and cook dinner.” As far as a teaching perspective, Cody says it’s “life on life”. The ministry provides several opportunities to allow this part of discipleship and evangelism to flourish on campus. On Monday nights 60-100 students meet at Culture Shock, a time for students to gather together for worship and teaching. There are also Bible studies for the women and men that are led by the students. “Being a part of the leadership of the ministry has challenged me to be more open and transparent with my life,” says Cody. “Young men at ASU come from all different backgrounds and building a trust bond is huge.” According to Cody, that bond starts with him being willing to be open and honest about his life, while also being a friend. “We can play basketball one day and talk real life stuff the next. That’s important. I want to build true relationships with the young men.” Eddie has also connected the students with opportunities to travel abroad for shortterm mission trips. Last year, he took several



students to Uganda and this year he will be taking students to Hong Kong. These trips serve as a way to broaden the students’ perspective on the global church, serve outside their normal context and also encourage them in their own faith. Cody says that last year’s trip to Uganda, which was spent sharing the gospel with students on a college campus in Kampala, not only helped them defeat their fears of evangelism, but also set the tone for the ministry when they returned. “We had nothing to lose,” says Cody. “No one knew us and we were just sharing the gospel…that opportunity helped us be bolder when we returned to campus.” The life transformations Eddie has witnessed over the past three years have been numerous. “I have watched students who didn’t have a clue about spiritual things become leaders who are on fire for the Lord and devoted to the things of the kingdom,” says Eddie. As a student, Cody says he has seen the power of Christian community and the role it plays in life transformation. “Walking with other brothers and being able to encourage each other no matter what is going on has been huge for me,” he says.

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The lives of students aren’t the only ones who have changed. Eddie says his has, too. “Being here has answered questions in my mind about what and who I will give my life to,” says Eddie. “As I look at people like Cody and others I say, ‘Lord it’s worth it, I have given my life to the Kingdom.’ “Before I started at ASU, I thought the Kingdom was about the same things the disciples thought it was: power, prestige and position, and I wanted it all. Now, I see the

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Kingdom is sharing the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit with people at home, away from home and those different than me both culturally and racially.” That is the kind of Kingdom Eddie hopes to see the students at ASU give their lives to as well as those who minister, or will minister, alongside of them. Most importantly, leadership, discipleship, evangelism, mission and even transformation are not complete without connecting these students to the local church, Eddie explains. They hope to see more churches in the area take an interest in putting time and resources into being a part of the change they believe God wants to bring to the lives of students at ASU. “We never want people to see our BCM apart from the local church,” says Eddie. “The time, resources and protection you gain from being an extension of the local

church is huge.” Currently, Gateway Baptist in Montgomery has members, mostly men, meeting with a few students each week as well as speaking at Culture Shock or various Bible studies. Eddie hopes the local church as a whole will begin to see ASU as a mission field. And don’t let the “Baptist” denomination fool you. Any Bible-believing church here in the River Region can be a part of what God is already doing on campus. Eddie and the students can’t even begin to scratch the surface of the needs for evangelism and discipleship that exist on campus. They need the Church and people with a passion for God and a heart for the next generation. If your church or group would like to find out how they can get involved with the ministry at ASU or help support Eddie financially, contact Eddie Chambers at echambers@alsbom.org.


November 2012 • River Region’s Journey


Rachel Fisher loves learning about what God is doing and writing about it. She and her husband, Chase are members at Strong Tower at Washington Park, a church plant of Common Ground Montgomery. **Photography by Savannah Bowden Photography. Headline photo (l to r): Franka Schauss, Eddie Chambers, Helma Von Zadow and Cody Pace.

Family Teams for Christ by Lisa and Mike Conn

Two Ships Passing in the Night Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are two ships passing in the night? For many, our lives are so busy with work, children’s activities, church commitments, sports, and maintaining our home that any time together other than a quick toss of information has become a rarity. Don’t forget Tommy’s ballgame tonight at 7 o’clock. And I need you to pick up Susan at 5:45 from dance. You’ll need to call out her spelling words while you drive her to choir practice. And if you hurry, you’ll have enough time to pick her up a happy meal to eat in the car! The phrase, “Two ships passing in the night” originates from a lovely poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “Tales of a Wayside Inn”, which says, Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence. Longfellow continues in “Tales of a Wayside Inn”, saying, Ah, how short are the days! How soon the night overtakes us! In the old country the twilight is longer; but here in the forest Suddenly comes the dark, with hardly a pause in its coming, Hardly a moment between the two lights, the day and the lamplight. My husband and I can attest to the fact that there is hardly a moment between the two lights, between the years of our youth; our early springtime and summer years of marriage and child-rearing, and then the autumn years of middle age, when the children are gone and our bodies are weary. And recognizing the truth of these words brings a certain sense of urgency to how we spend our days. King Solomon, with his life mostly behind him “takes stock of the world as he River Region’s Journey • November 2012

has experienced it between the horizons of birth and death” (Ecclesiastes, NIV Study Bible, 1985, Zondervan Corporation). “As the author looks about at the human enterprise, he sees man in mad pursuit of one thing and then another--laboring as if he could master the world.” Ecclesiastes is filled with wisdom that leads the reader to seek God’s direction in every venture and in every commitment. Looking back, Solomon sadly discovers that his life was not centered on God and therefore was, “meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (1:14). When we look back upon our lives, what will we see? A family so intent upon chasing the American dream of “having it all” that they lose sight of what’s really important like loving one another deeply? Children who grow up knowing only busyness, becoming programmed to maintain that frantic pace of life in adulthood? Husbands and wives who miss the small moments of peace and contentment with each other and with what they’ve been blessed with because they are endlessly pursuing more? When we look ahead five or ten years, what will we see? A family portrait that is fractured--with one spouse missing? The way we live today paints our family portrait in the years to come. Instead of accumulating more “wealth”, build up a storehouse of wisdom from the Lord and a memory book of precious time with your spouse. Give your children these gifts while they are still with you--this is what they will bring to their marriage and the future generations of your family. Love one another deeply, making time together as a couple a top priority. Take out the calendar and schedule a date night, just time alone with your husband or wife. Discuss how you can have regular devotional times where sharing openly and learning God’s word become second nature for your family. Slow down and reserve some “white space” in your week 32


when you can hear the quiet voice of God speaking wisdom into your heart. What is “white space”? Look at a printed page and see which is more attractive to the eye-one that is filled with words or one with fewer words and more white space? That white space is quiet time set aside for our Creator. We are so much more attractive when our days have some white space! One final thought: The Art of Marriage is being presented by our ministry at Frazer UMC, November 2 and 3 (don’t worry, we are also scheduling future Art of Marriage seminars). This is an opportunity to slow down and do something really important--invest in the health and future of your marriage and family. I haven’t met anyone who regretted the time they carved out from their busy schedule to sit down with their spouse and enjoy this excellent video series from FamilyLife. And yet, many husbands and wives we’ve talked with lately have the same reasons, the same excuses listed above for not doing it. Ball games, practices, birthday parties to attend, and so on. God’s priorities for us are Himself first, our mate second, and our children third. Everything else should come after those three. Don’t be like two ships passing in the night any longer. Start today to make changes that will ensure your family portrait is intact and beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. Lt. Col Mike Conn and wife, Lisa, founded Covenant Family Ministries when Mike retired from the Air Force in 1997. CFM is an independent marriage and family education ministry committed to partnering with churches, organizations, and individuals in Montgomery and across Alabama to build Family Teams for Christ. Married for over 30 years, Mike and Lisa have three wonderful daughters, two great sons-in-law, and two precious grandchildren. For Advertising Information:



Living Christmas Tree

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December 7 • 7 pm December 8 • 4 & 7 pm December 9 • 4 & 7 pm

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Tickets available online beginning November 5.

Call 334.241.5156 or order online at www.montgomeryfbc.org No offering will be taken during the presentation. $5 per ticket suggested.





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305 South Perry Street Montgomery, AL 36104

montgomeryNovember 2012 • River Region’s Journey


River Region Support Groups Adoption

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy APAC- Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connection Support Group meets the 3rd Thursday from 6:007:30pm in room 8253 at Frazer Memorial UMC. Provides education and social interaction for adoptive families. For more info, call 409-9477 or email apac2@childrensaid.org.

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Alcoholic / Addict

Location: Caring Center of FBC, 52 Adams Avenue CrossRoads Support Group is for addicts/alcoholics and family members. Meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays and follows a Christ-centered 12-step program. Call 264-4949.

Location: Cloverdale Baptist Church, 608 E. Fairview Celebrate Recovery, a Bible-based Christ centered approach to recovery from hurts, habits and hangups, meets Friday nights, beginning with dinner at 5:30 p.m., Praise and worship, 6:30, Open Share Small Groups, 7:30, and Solid Rock Cafe, at 8:30. Call 265-9223. Location: Dalraida UMC, 3817 Atlanta Highway Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays. 272.2190. Alanon meets at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Location: Grace @ Bell Road, Corner of Bell Road and Atlanta Hwy. Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon meetings are held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 6 p.m. An Open AA Speaker meeting is held on Saturday at 6 p.m. An Alanon & AA held on Sundays at 2 p.m. Location: Grace Point Community Church, 78223 Tallassee Hwy (Hwy 14), Wetumpka Celebrate Recovery- every Tuesday night- 6:15pm. All are welcome! These meetings are a safe and loving environment for individuals seeking to conquer their hurts, habits and hang-ups! E-mail www. gracepoint.info. Location: Journey Church, group meets in Fellowship Hall at Coosada Baptist Church, Millbrook Celebrate Recovery - Christ-centered 12-step for anyone struggling with addiction or life-challenging issues. Mondays at 6pm (meal), 7pm (large group),

River Region’s Journey • November 2012

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Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. Leaders: Chad & Betsy Emerson (334) 201-5241 Wednesday, 6:30pm in Rm. 116. The Orphan Care Group will focus on God’s call to help orphans through adoption, foster care, and missions work. The group will share experiences, study and Biblical themes regarding orphan care, and provide a support and interest network for individuals who want to support orphans.

Location: Centerpoint Fellowship, 2050 Commerce St., Millbrook. We are located one block east of I-65 just off Cobbs Ford Road. Celebrate Recovery meeting every Tuesday night at 6 pm. Call (334) 356-3076.

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8pm (small group). Childcare available. Call Chuck at 850-723-9705. Location: Santuck Baptist Church, 7250 Central Plank Rd. (Hwy 9), Wetumpka. Celebrate Recovery meets each Thursday evening at 6:15 in the Fellowship Hall. This is a Chrsit centered 12 step-program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits, and hangups. Call 567-2364. Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. RSVP- This is a 12 step spiritual recovery program for overcoming addictions. Using the steps and Bible we help build self-esteem, responsible behavior, the making of amends for our destructive actions, and to fill the void in our hearts in a loving relationship with God. Wednesday @ 6:30pm in Rm. 121 of the Life Center. Location: St. James UMC, 9045 Vaughn Road Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday night from 6-8 pm in the Youth Room. This is a Christ-centered 12-step group for anyone struggling with an “addiction or life-challenging issues.” For information, call Chris Henderson at 334-215-0427. Location: Trinity Episcopal, Wetumpka (Across from Winn Dixie on HWY 231) Gamblers Anonymous-Saturdays at 7 p.m.

Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy An Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group meets on the first Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. in Room 3103. Call 272.8622. 34


Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy A Dementia Daycare is held each Thursday in Rm. 3101 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Each participant may bring a sack lunch. There is no charge. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. For info, call the LifeCare office at 272-8622.


Location: Dalraida Baptist, 3838 Wares Ferry Road. Just for Men -- Montgomery’s first and only faith based cancer support group for men is intent on providing information, Christian fellowship, and helping turn adversity into prosperity. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Please call 272-2412 email cancerpatient@ bellsouth.net. Location: ChristChurch, 8800 Vaughn Road Cancer Support Group for general cancer. Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm. For more info, please call Christy Holding at 531-1390 or Debbie Diemayer at 467-4578. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group, providing education, awareness, and mentoring for breast cancer patients/survivors, family, friends or anyone interested in becoming a part of this compassionate journey, meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Rm 8253. Call 272-8622 or womenofhope@charter.net.


Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. Leaders: Mike & Suzanne Greene (334-271-3331) For Advertising Information:



Every other Tuesday, 6:30pm in Rm. 117. Goal is to create an atmosphere of acceptance and trust, where people can feel free and safe to discuss their feelings and thoughts without shame or embarrassment.

Location: Vaughn Park Church, 3800 Vaughn Road A Divorce Recovery group meets on Wednesday nights, from 7 to 8 p.m. Children’s classes available. Call 386-7295.

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy A Depression/Bipolar Support Group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month from 7:00-8:30pm in Room 3101. This group also meets on the 3rd Saturday afternoon, 12-2 pm, Dalraida UMC, 3817 Atlanta Highway in Church Annex. For more info, call 334.652.1431 or email dbsamontgomery@ yahoo.com.



Location: First Baptist Church, 305 S. Perry Street Divorce Care and Divorce Care 4 Kids, Wednesdays starting August 22, 6:30 pm. Cost $15.00 (scholarships available) Contact Kathy Cooper at kcooper@ montgomeryfbc.org or 334-241-5125. Location: First UMC, 100 E. Fourth Street, Prattville Divorce Recovery meets Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m., Bldg. 101. Call 365.5977. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy A Divorce Recovery Support Group meets each Tuesday, at 5:30 p.m., in Fellowship Hall Lobby. 272-8622. Location: Heritage Baptist Church, 1849 Perry Hill Divorce Care Support Group meetings are held Sundays at 6:15 p.m. Divorce Care for Children also at this time. Call 279.9976. Grief Share groups are held each Sunday at 5 p.m. Call 279.9976.

Location: First UMC, 100 E. Fourth St, Prattville Grief Recovery, Thursday nights at 7 p.m., in Wesley Hall Room 104. Call 365.5977. Location: Frazer UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Grief Recovery Support Group meets Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Rm 3105, in Fellowship Hall Lobby. 272.8622. Location: Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church 1550 E. Washington Street Grief Ministry is a grief recovery support group that meets every Monday at 6:00 P.M. The ministry is designed to help anyone through the hurt of losing a loved one by successfully traveling the journey from mourning to joy. Alicia Glover is the coordinator. For more information contact Glover at 334-281-2754.


Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. The Barnabas Group, created to address the needs of those in conflict with homosexual thoughts and feelings meets first, third and fifth Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., in the library at the Life Center. 277.5800.

Mental Illness

Location: Dalraida UMC, 3817 Atlanta Highway AMI (Alliance for the Mentally Ill Support Group)

meets on first and third Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Montgomery Share Group for the recovering mentally ill meets at the Dalraida UMC annex (3775 Atlanta Highway), 1st and 3rd Mondays, at 6:30 p.m. Call 265.2804.


Location: First Baptist Prattville, 138 S. Washington Moms LIFE (living in faith everyday) Meets twice monthly from 8:30 - 11:45 am in the chapel at the Church from Aug - May. We offer a time of fellowship, Bible study, musical guest, special guest speakers and a lot of fun!! Cost is $5 per meeting. For moms of all stages and ages of life. Childcare provided by reservation. For more info and to reserve your spot, call Kelley Manning at 361-7919. Location: Vaughn Forest Church, 8660 Vaughn Road Are you in need of a time-out? MOPS joins mothers together by a common bond, to be better wives, moms, and friends along this journey in the trenches of motherhood. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 9:30—11:30 a.m. Childcare is provided. For information e-mail VFCMOPS@gmail.com. Location: First Baptist Church, Montgomery 305 S. Perry Street MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) If you are a woman who is pregnant or has a child birth through kindergarten, desires to make new friends, wants to share the challenges and joys of motherhood, is looking for opportunities for personal growth through trusted resources,then MOPS is for you. Call Kristi Gay at (334) 233-8989 for more information.

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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Physical Challenges

Location: Aldersgate UMC, 6610 Vaughn Road Visually Impaired Support Group – Meets monthly on second Thursday 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. The group is called Outward Sight - Inward Vision and is for those with vision loss and their caregivers. Our mission is to assist those experiencing vision loss to maintain their independence by providing access to valuable information and spiritual support. Call Aldersgate UMC 272-6152. Location: Cloverdale School Bldg. (First UMC) Parkinson’s Support Group of Montgomery meets the fourth Sunday of the month in Room 103 at 2:00pm. More information, contact Nathan Attwood at First United Methodist Church (334-834-8990). Location: First UMC Montgomery, 2416 W. Cloverdale Montgomery Hearing Loss Support Group meets every second Thursday in Wesley Hall at 4 pm. The entrance is on Park Avenue. Informative speakers are present, refreshments are served and no reservations are required. The public is welcome. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy A Fibromyaligia Support Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm in room 8114. Call 272-8622. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy An MDA/ALS Support Group will meet Tuesday August 10 6:00p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in room 3101.

Anyone who is affected by a neuromuscular disease or family members of those affected are encouraged to attend. To receive further information, please call 396-4534. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy A Parkinson’s Support Group will meet the 3rd Thursday at 6:30 p.m., in room 8114 at Frazer UMC. This group is for those who have Parkinson’s disease and the family members. 272-8622. Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. Leaders: Junior Bagwell (334) 669-9334 Meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 345 Melanie Drive, in Carol Villa. Our goal is to share and use the struggles that we as a group are facing, biblical principals, prayer, medical experts or any other resources available to help us deal with the life-long challenges that are caused by the various diseases that we have encountered. Location: Taylor Road Baptist Church, 1785 Taylor Rd., Montgomery Gluten Intolerance Group of Montgomery meets on 2nd Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. Check the blog for special “alternate site” meetings and other info at www.glutenfreemontgomery.blogspot.com.

Pregnancy Loss / Infertility

Location: First UMC, 100 E. Fourth Street, Prattville Hannah’s Prayer--for women dealing with pregnancy loss/infertility issues. Meeting 2nd Thursday and 3rd Sunday of each month. Call 365.5977.

Location: St. James UMC, 9045 Vaughn Road Renewed Hope - Infertility/Pregnancy Loss Support Group for Women. Meets quarterly on the third Thursday of the month, 6pm at Panera Bread in EastChase. Next meeting Oct 18th, 2012. Please email Tina Holmes at tkholmes@hotmail.com or call 277-5771.




Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Singles’ Small Groups meet each Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Lobby. Call 272-8622. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy T.N.T. (Tuesday Night Together) for Singles meets Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, bldg. 7000. A meal ($5.00) and program are provided. For reservations, call the Singles office at 272-8622. Location: Cornerstone Christian, 301 Dalraida Rd. Unavoidably Single Again (USA) Fellowship, a support group for widows and widowers. Informal meetings for fellowship and fun are held on the third Saturday of each month starting at 10 AM. Contact Lynda at farauthor@aol.com or 354-8869.


Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Veterans OEF/OIF Caregivers Support Group meets on the 3rd Wednesday from 11am-1pm in Room 3108. Cntact Joy at (334) 725-2542.

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Centerpoint Fellowship Church at Pike Road Join us for a celebration of God’s goodness

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through praise and worship, followed by a life-applicable Bible-based teaching by senior pastor John Schmidt via video. Come casual and enjoy our service that starts at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday at the Jim Wilson YMCA at New Park. Nursery

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and children’s program provided.

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For more information contact our office at (334) 356-3076 or visit our website at centeringlives.com

River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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Counselor’s Corner by Lou Priolo, Eastwood Counseling Center

Leaving a Crack in the Door There is something that humble people do—something so disarming and winsome that it makes almost any conflict enjoyable. They somehow leave a very definite crack in the door that says, “I realize you may be right and I may be wrong. If you are right, I really want to be convinced. So, please be patient with me as we discuss these matters. I may press you to prove your points, or ask for examples and applications. I may interact rather passionately with you. All of this is not done out of arrogance, but rather out of a sincere desire to be persuaded because I know I may very well be mistaken.” One of the most basic passages in the Bible for conflict resolution is Proverbs chapter 18. In it we find no less than three important truisms about conflict resolution. Verse 2 says, “A fool has no delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind.” Verse 13 says, “He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him.” Verse 17says, “The first to plead his case seems right until another comes and examines him.” All three of these verses address the necessity of understanding the other person’s point of view. One of the best ways to understand someone is to ask questions. Someone has said that questions are to communication as food is to eating. As you read through the following conflict resolving questions, see if you can spot that unpretentious spirit that leaves a proverbial “crack in the door.”

ponent” to “take the hit” for his contribution to the problem later on.

1. Exactly what is it that I have done (am doing) that is upsetting (displeasing) to you? A humble person is

4. Is there something you would you like to see me do to change? Be

always mindful that he is a sinner and therefore very well may have done something provocative (even unknowingly) that contributed to the conflict. By offering to focus first on your own contribution to the argument (offering to take the beam out of your own eye; cf. Matt. 7:1-5), you will not only demonstrate humility, but also make it easier for your “opCall 334.213.7940 today!

2. How does it make you feel when I ___________? (Name some-

thing that you know is a point of contention for or displeases the person with whom you are in conflict.) Once you’ve discovered exactly what it is that you have done (or are doing) to hinder the resolution of the conflict, you can begin encouraging the other person to reveal himself to you. In close relationships, it can be quite helpful to ask about his feelings. Feelings can give us insight into how a person thinks, what he values, what he longs for, and what he delights in. Knowing these things will enable us to better understand him and consequently more effectively minister to him in the process of resolving the conflict.

3. What goes through your mind when I ____________? (Name some-

thing that you know is a point of contention with or displeases the person with whom you are in conflict.) Having first asked your counterpart to reveal his emotions to you, you are now ready to inquire about his thoughts. By sincerely asking this question, you will be humbly demonstrating to him that you are really trying to see things from his point of view. Encourage him to be totally candid and frank with you. This will help you see the issue from his perspective (right or wrong). You should also be looking to see the impact that your behavior may have had on him.

careful not to ask this question unless you are really committed to making every effort to consider implementing any reasonable suggestion (or by coming up with your own biblically based alternative to it). In many cases your opponent will have already thought through some specific changes he’d like to see you put into practice. In fact, it is possible that he has already intimated (if not clearly articulated) these 37


suggestions to you in the moments preceding your asking this question. So unless you want to reveal the fact that you have not been listening, don’t ask this one unless you are certain that the matter has not been previously mentored.

5. How could I have said that differently? (or: There must have been

something about what I said that didn’t sit well with you, how could I have said that better?) This question is especially helpful when it becomes apparent that some kind of “offense” was taken after your previous remark. It may be that your comment was not sinful, but could have been said with more grace or compassion. It may be that you misspoke without realizing it. It may be that the other person misunderstood what you said, but asking this kind of question should help the other person over the bump in the road to a biblical resolution. Can you see how questions like these communicate a disarming kind of humility that communicates to others a genuine willingness to make peace? To the degree that you become proficient at communicating this “crack in the door” kind of humility in all of your dealings with others—not just in your questioning techniques, but in your commendations, reproofs, testimonials, etc.—you will be amazed at how much more smoothly your conflicts with others in particular, and your relationships in general, will go.

Louis Paul Priolo is the director of the Center for Biblical Counseling at Eastwood Presbyterian Church in Montgomery, Alabama. A graduate of Calvary Bible College and Liberty University, he is the author of several books, including The Heart of Anger, The Complete Husband, Teach Them Diligently and Pleasing People. Lou is a Fellow in the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors and instructor at the Birmingham Theological Seminary. He travels frequently throughout the United States and abroad teaching at Christian marriage, family and counseling conferences.

November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Community Calendar Christian Community Calendar Christian Ongoing Happenings

AGLOW International meets every third Thursday, 9:30 at the Montgomery House of Prayer. All women welcome to join together for praise, prayer and an anointed message. Contact mboudousquie@yahoo.com. Beacon Light Ministries, Food Ministry is open on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 5:30-6:45 p.m. Please bring I. D. and Proof of Government Assistance. Capitol Heights UMC, 2000 Winona Ave., Montgomery offers Parenting Classes beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays. 264-2464. Christchurch, 8800 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, offers a Women’s Enrichment Bible Study led by Jeanne Dean on Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m., in Canterbury Hall. All women are welcome. Childcare for ages birth-4 years is provided. Call 387-0566 x 201 for more info. Christchurch offers a men’s Bible study led by Fr. John-Michael van Dyke, on Thursday mornings on the 11th floor of Goode Medical Bldg, Jackson Hospital. Breakfast is served beginning at 6:45 a.m. and teaching begins at 7:15 a.m. Call 387-0566 x 201. Church of the Highlands meets each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. downtown Montgomery in the MPAC theater located in the Renaissance Hotel, 201 Tallapoosa Street. Visit churchofthehighlands.com or call 1-205-9805577. Chisholm Baptist Church, 2938 Lower Wetumpka Road, Montgomery, holds Sunday morning Bible study (9:30), Morning worship (10:45), Tuesday prayer breakfast (8:30) Wednesday evening prayer service (6 pm) and Senior Body and Soul Group (every 1st Tuesday at 1 pm). Email jbass9784@charter.net or call 262-6437. Dexter Avenue UMC, 301 Dexter Avenue, offers a Friday Christian Night Club with Ballroom Dancing every Friday at 6:30 P.M. Cost is $5 for a one hour lesson, devotional, and 3 hours of DJ music. People of all denominations are welcome. First Presbyterian Church, 9299 Vaughn Road, hosts Family Night every Wednesday beginning at 5:20 p.m. with supper, followed by a study on prayer. Everyone is welcome. For more information call (279-1372). First Presbyterian Church, 9299 Vaughn Road, hosts a Men’s Prayer Breakfast every Friday morning, 6 a.m. The Youth of First United Methodist Church, Montgomery every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. for Wednesday Night Live, a time of praise and worship in “the attic”. Also, every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. is MYF which includes a snack supper $3.00 followed by activities, small groups and lots of fun! Visit www. River Region’s Journey • November 2012

fumcmontgomery.org or call 334-834-8990. First United Methodist Church will host Terrific Tuesdays. Please come and join us for fellowship, a program and lunch. Terrific Tuesdays will meet each Tuesday in room 204 of Wesley Hall. Fellowship time will begin at 10:00 a.m. followed by a program at 10:30 a.m. and lunch at 11:30 a.m. The cost of lunch is $2.00. Every fourth Tuesday the time will extend until 3:00 p.m. for bridge, games, and other activities in room 203 in Wesley Hall. For additional information please contact NeeNee Webb at 834-8990. Good News @ Noon is an interdenominational Bible study, held at the First Baptist Community Ministries Building on Adams Street, Thursdays, at noon. Small cost for hot lunch. Call 272.1133. Hall Memorial CME Church, 541 Seibles Road, Montgomery, offers Bible Study Tuesdays at 5:30 P.M. and Wednesdays at 6: 30 P.M. For directions or information call 334-288-0577. Email HallMemorialCME1@aol.com or visit www.HallMemorialCME.blogspot.com. Hall Memorial CME Church says: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Tutors, prayer-warriors, and office/clerical volunteers needed for the Montgomery City Jail Ministry & G.E.D program. Opportunities are ongoing. No experience or certification necessary. Contact Pastor Anderson T. Graves II, at hallmemorialcme1@aol.com. Call 334-288-0577. The City Jail ministry is an in-reach ministry of Hall Memorial CME Church, 541 Seibles Road, Montgomery. www.hallmemorialcme.blogspot.com. iConnect.coffeehouse provides a place for women to experience meaningful fellowship with women seeking genuine connection. Meetings will be held in the Atrium at Frazer UMC 3rd Tuesdays from 9-11 a.m. For more info, call Frazer’s Women’s Ministry at 495-6391. Messiah Lutheran Church, 6670 Vaughn Road, invites all to Wonderful Wednesdays starting with a $3.00 meal at 5:30 pm (RSVP 277-4213 by Monday noon), worship with eucharist 6:15-7:00 pm, and adult choir rehearsal and Catechism class for 7th-9th graders at 7:00 pm. Please call for Wednesday schedule due to seasonal breaks. For information, call 277-4213. Mt. Gillard Missionary Baptist Church, 3323 Day Street, holds Wednesday Bible Study in the church Fellowship Hall and lasts for one hour. Please come and participate in roaming the Bible learning God’s word through teaching. The Rev. Henry M. Carnegie, Jr. is the teacher and pastor. Mid-day Bible Study begins each Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Evening Bible Study begins each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Call 2338750. New Freedom Worship Center, 6004 –A East Shirley Lane, Apostle T. Briggs~ Pastor; Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. and 38


Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Open Door Christian Faith Church, 1601 Dewey St. Montgomery, offers Women’s Prayer Mondays at 5:00, Men’s prayer Wednesday at 5:00, followed by bible study at 6:00. Couples ministry held every 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:00. Pastor William Cromblin, and the Open Door Church family invites you to “come experience the move of God. For more info, call the church at 334-269-6498. Perry Hill UMC, 910 Perry Hill Rd, sponsors a Bluegrass Jam in the Church Fellowship Hall on the third Saturday of each month from 9AM 12AM. All Bluegrass Artist plus Fans are invited to attend. Attendance is FREE. For information call Kathy@ 272-3174. Perry Hill UMC, 910 Perry Hill Rd, hosts a Wednesday Night Supper and Revive! program each week from 5:30pm til 7:00pm. Reservations are required by noon on the Monday prior to the supper. Cost is $4 per person or $12 per family. Call 334-272-3174 for more information or to make reservations. The River of Life Church, 116 County Road 40 East (Pine Level Community Center) Prattville. You are invited to “A Place of New Beginnings. Services are held each Sunday: Early Worship 9:15 a.m.; Sunday School 10:30 a.m.; Worship Service 11:00 a.m.; Evening Worship 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday: Adult Bible Study 6:00 p.m.; Teens, “The Genesis Project” 6:00 p.m.: Royal Rangers, Stars & Prims 6:00 p.m. Nursery provided. Pastor Nick Edwards invites you to “come experience God in a personal way, feel loved by all and know that you belong”. Call 334-657-0392 or visit www.theriveroflifechurch. net. Saint James UMC, 9045 Vaughn Road, offers S.N.A.G. (Sunday Nights About God!) This program starts at 5:00p.m. and ends at 6:30p.m. Childcare is provided for small groups until 7:00p.m. Don’t forget this program is available for all children! Saint James UMC, 9045 Vaughn Road, offers Wild & Wacky Wednesdays! Wednesday night supper starts at 5:15p.m. We will start checking children in at 6:00p.m. This program ends at 7:30p.m. and childcare is provided until 8:00p.m. for small group participants. Call 277.3037 for more info. Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, 706 E. Patton Avenue, “Clothes Closet” is open to the public each Thursday morning from 10 a.m. – Noon. The Men of Saint Paul host a free Men’s Prayer Breakfast the Third Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast is open to all men of all ages. Come and share your concerns and needs of our Men of today. For more information, please contact (334) 354-1897. Bible Study is held each For Advertising Information:

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Thursday, November 15

The 2nd Annual Women of Influence presents An Evening with Coach Gene Stallings. Coach Stallings will share stories of family, faith and football at this event for men and women, at 7 pm. at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. For information or tickets, call 866-456-9982 or visit www.alabamawomenofinfluence.com.



Friday, November 9

At 7 p.m., Yeshua the Musical will be presented at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church at 6610 Vaughn Road in Montgomery, in the Christian Activity Center. Yeshua is the newest musical by the New York Times-acclaimed writing/composing/performing team of Ellen Sanborn and David M. Sanborn. David M. Sanborn, who has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people in the role of Jesus Christ in the hit musical “The Miracle,” has returned to the same role in this new, richly orchestrated 2 person musical focusing on the stories of Jesus and who He is. For information call the Aldersgate church office (334-272-6152) or visit the church website www.aldersgateumc.org.


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This Month

Sunday, November 11

First Baptist Church, Prattville, is proud to announce that “Veggie Tales Live!” at 6pm. Tickets purchased in advance are $15, Day of the Show $20 and VIP (Meet ‘n Greet Larry and Bob) tickets are $25. Call 334.365.0606 or visit www.fbcprattville.org. The Freedom Sound, which includes Frazer UMC’s Wesley Hall worship leader Jerrod Dorminey and some members of Frazer’s praise band is presenting a free night of worship concert in Wesley Hall to celebrate the completion of this project and, more importantly, to worship and praise Jesus Christ. For more information about the band and their mission, go to www.tfsworship.com orwww. facebook.com/tfsworship.



through the one man who can fulfill their every need...JESUS...THE POTTER. All women of all denominations are welcome to come and share the Word of God together....to encourage, and build one another up through the words of our testimonies. Evangelist Linda McCall, 334-220-1924.


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Wednesday, 6-7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Farrell J. Duncombe is the teacher and Senior Pastor of the church. Come and join us for Sunday School each Sunday at 9 a.m. and Morning Worship at 10 a.m. Need transportation, call (334) 264-7618. For info call 286.8577 or www. saintpaulamemontgomery.com. S-STOP, a commUNITY Bible study for Singles. Souls Strengthened Together for One Purpose. Psalm 46:10 “BE STILL and know that I am God.” Meets at Prattville Christian Academy on Sunday nights at 6 p.m. For info email sstop04@gmail.com. Vision Full Gospel Ministries, 163 Rifle Range Road, Montgomery, holds Bible Study Tues. Night 7:00 p.m., Pray & Praise 2nd & 4th Thurs. Night 7:00 p.m., Sunday School 9:30 am, Sunday Worship Service 10:45 a.m., Internet radio-homecominggospel.com Sunday 3:00p.m. Central & 4:00 p.m. Eastern. and Satellite Radio -wlsg 1340am Sunday 3:00p.m. Women at The Well Ministry meet at Remnant Worship Center on Endover Street off of Court Street behind the Feed and Seed Store at 1:00pm every 1st and 3rd Saturday. We are women who desire and have a heart to see broken, crushed, hurting women be transformed



Community Calendar Christian Community Calendar Christian


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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Calendar Friday, November 16

The Forgotten Carols: A Magical Family Musical... About the Hope and Promise of Christmas. 7pm; Adults $15 Students $10 at The Davis Theater; Tickets available @ Family Christian Stores, 6507 Atlanta Hwy or online @ www.themflb.org or by calling 334-3992536. To Benefit: Marriage and Family Legacy Builders.

Saturday, November 17

Made by UMW (United Methodist Women) Sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Christian Activity Center at the back of the church, 6610 Vaughn Road, Montgomery. Handmade and homemade items perfect for gifts, the holidays and entertaining. Proceeds and your donations will support Aldersgate UMW and its mission projects.

Thursday, November 22

Feeding The Multitude Ministry will be sponsoring a “FREE” Thanksgiving Day Meal from 11:00am to 2:00pm by: Minister Greg and Evangelist Dr. Linda McCall and the Board Members and Sponsors at 3 Public location sites and 10 Private location sites. The 3 Public locations that are opened to the public are: 1. Community Congregational United Church of God in Christ, 3481 South Court Street across from the old Bellingrath School 2. Cleveland Court Community Center, 660 Cleveland Court 3. True Grace Fellowship Community Church, 1553 South Holt Street behind McDonald’s off of Fairview

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Tuesday, November 27

Shopping for a Cause will be held from 5-8 pm, Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. Use your Christmas shopping to make a difference in the lives of others. Join us for this very special shopping event where all proceeds go directly back to a variety of worthy causes. Jewelry, baked goods, fair trade gifts and more! $5 admission at the door will directly benefit Landmark’s fund to assist adoptive families with travel related expenses. Contact Betsy Emerson at betsyandchad@mail.com with questions or to reserve a table for your cause.

Thursday, November 29

Mercy Me will be in concert at the Montgomery Performing Arts Centre, 201 Tallapoosa Street, at 7 pm. Call (334) 481-5136.

Saturday, December 1

Aldersgate United Methodist Church will be hosting the 2nd Annual Fair Trade Holiday River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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Calendar Market from 9am-4pm at the church, located at 6610 Vaughn Rd. An effort that began as a small fair trade store that opened in the church to sells chocolate, coffee and tea on Sunday mornings to members of the congregation has now grown to be inclusive of the community. The proceeds of the event goes towards the Aldersgate UMC food pantry that distributes over 85 bags of food every month to families in the community. Call 334- 300-4835 or log onto to www.aldersgateumc.org for more details.

Sunday, December 2

At 3 pm and 6 pm, Eastern Hills Baptist Church presents its 8th Annual Hanging of the Greens. Featuring Eastern Hills Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra; Also Featuring: Youth Choir, Children’s Choirs, Drama, Celebration Ringers (handbells), Ensemble, Narration, Interpretive Movement and more. Come help us ring in the Christmas season celebrating the hope found in the Christ Child! Come early for a good seat-No admission charge. Eastern Hills Baptist Church, 3604 Pleasant Ridge Road, Montgomery (in the Forest Hills neighborhood) 334-272-0604 ext. 214 or visit us on line, www.ehbconline.com.

Saturday, December 15

McGehee Road Baptist Church invites you to enjoy Breakfast with Santa from 8-10am. Enjoy pancakes, crafts, story time, games, and a picture with Santa Claus. Tickets are $4 for adults, $2 for children, 2 and under are free. Purchase tickets until Dec. 12 by calling (334) 262-0689 or MRBCstudents@gmail.com.

Saturday and Sunday December 15 and 16


“A Living Nativity, The Gift”, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., at East Memorial Baptist Church, 1320 Old Ridge Road, Prattville invites the Public to experience the birth, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ at a drive-through Living Nativity. Come be counted for the census in Bethlehem, pass through the Town and see the Inn where Joseph and Mary find no room. See the Shepherds in the field where the Angel appears and watch the Wise Men make their way to the trough where Jesus lay. See Him on the Cross and then the glorious Empty Tomb. Admission is free. For more information contact the church office at 334-365-7500.


Please send your calendar events to deanne@ readjourneymagazine.com by the 12th of the month for FREE print.


Call 334.213.7940 today!

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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Got Life?

by Elaine Britt

Got Seeds? …love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 1 Peter 1:22-23 Hindsight is often 20/20. While actively involved in a situation, clarity or purpose of what is going on, the ‘why,’ may elude us. Attending a university where most students co-op during and after their junior year - alternating working semesters with school semesters, including summers – my son was approaching a two week break between school and work. Having endured a grueling summer schedule, including but not limited to Physics 3 condensed to five weeks, his time off was well earned. Why, then, did I gently plant the seed, recommend-

ing that he contact his job, requesting to return early? Intentionally or subconsciously, we ‘plant seeds’ every moment of every day. In business meetings topics covered are addressed directly as well as indirectly - shrugs, moans, or rolled eyes convey messages as loudly as words. Personal interactions are laced with inferences and steered by body language. Subtle shifts in phonetics such as, “What did you do last night?” as opposed to, “What did YOU do last night?” or “What did you DO last night?” can alter the direction of any conversation. Interaction among family members is never bereft of unspoken insinuation – much the opposite, in fact – often the grounds of due-diligence on the part of parents. Scripture is replete with subtlety, sarcasm, and inference. Jesus, Creator

of all, is naturally the Lord of language and the all-time, unparalleled master of words. The Pharisees had a meeting with a singular purpose – find a way to trip Jesus up with a legalistic question. They thought they had him this time as either a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ from him would close the trap. Reading Matthew 22:15-22 with our 20/20 hindsight, it is amusing. The whole committee …along with the Herodians… approached Jesus. Strength in numbers maybe? First they used flattery, “Teacher…we know you are a man

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River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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of integrity and that you teach the way of God…” I visualize Jesus, the picture of patience, listening and tolerating this as many look on, anxiously awaiting the outcome. After the initial schmoozing, they pop the trick question. “Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” There they stand as a hush descends- the ‘committee,’ the crowd, and the disciples assuming that Jesus will ponder before answering and end up losing either way. Instead, with not a moment’s hesitation, (knowing what was coming long before they convened their committee meeting), he stunned everyone with, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me?...” Oops. A seed was planted – better not to try and ‘trick the Teacher!’ During another teachable moment, Jesus brilliantly employs sarcasm. Warning against judging others, he inquires, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s

eye.” (Luke 6:41-42) Some versions of Scripture use ‘log’ instead of plank. Jesus could have used ‘several specks’ or a ‘wad’ of sawdust, but he instead chooses the ridiculous and impossible visual image of someone balancing a large piece of wood as it protrudes from their eye! Point taken, seed planted. Every word Jesus spoke was deliberate and instructive, and as his followers, every word we speak has the potential for good…or for harm. A. W. Tozer interjects, “What we need very badly these days is a company of Christians who are prepared to trust God as completely now as they know they must do at the last day…It would be a tragedy indeed to…find that we had not really been trusting God during the days of our earthly sojourn…better to invite God now to remove every false trust, to disengage our hearts from all secret hiding places and to bring us out into the open where we can discover for ourselves whether or not we actually trust him…” Then, as we trust him, we allow him to guide our words. My son returned to work two weeks early, before the ‘rotation’ officially began. Someone had just left the firm unexpectedly, leaving an opening. One

of his roommates had looked unsuccessfully for a much-needed job for several months. Because my son returned early and not according to the ‘regular’ schedule, the vacated position had not yet been filled and – you guessed it – his roommate interviewed and got the job! Allowed to experience the outcome of a ‘planted seed,’ I praise God for the ‘planting prompting!’ As stated above in 1 Peter, we are blessed to …have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. While our words do not carry the weight of Jesus’ words, they do sustain the responsibility of their effect on those within our sphere of influence. As we ‘plant seeds’ with our words 24/7, let us always …love one another deeply, from the heart.

Elaine Britt and her husband, Tim, reside in Montgomery, with son Bryan at UAH in Huntsville and son Kevin at the University of Montevallo. She counts her family as a great blessing. By profession, Elaine is a 33 year veteran Interior Decorator and owner of Carriage House Interiors, now freelancing from home. By God’s calling and to her great joy, she is a writer, whose published works include stories in A Cup of Comfort Devotionals; Lord, I Was Happy Shallow; and Heavenly Patchwork; one book, Messages, as well as various e-zine and magazine articles.

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November 2012 • River Region’s Journey

Movie Reviews Reviews provided by MovieGuide: A Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment Ratings are based on production quality and moral acceptability. See details below. ***Reviews do not necessarily reflect views of the publishers of River Region’s Journey.

The Mark

Won’t Back Down

Quality: *** Moral Acceptability: +1 (Wholesome) Starring: Craig Sheffer, Eric Roberts, Gary Daniels, Ivan Kamaras, Sonia Couling, Sarah Deakins, Carey Scott, Bruce Blain, Luis Fernandez-Gil Genre: Horror/Thriller Audience: Teenagers and adults Rating: Not Rated Content: Very strong Christian, moral worldview with strong elements of forgiveness and redemption, conversion, and prayer scenes extol Jesus and present the Gospel; no foul Language; light action violence with gun fights and hand to hand combat, with light blood; and, nothing else objectionable. THE MARK is about Craig, a security officer in charge of protecting a super computer chip. Everything is thrown upside down when the security is compromised. In a moment of crisis, a scientist injects the computer chip into Craig’s body. With the chip in Craig’s body, the company behind the chip must get him safely to the G20 summit, where they will sell the chip and change the world. Everything changes when the plane Craig is traveling on is hijacked by foreign mercenaries looking for the chip. Craig must fight off the bad guys while overcoming his own skepticism of God. Will he be able to save himself and the other passengers? THE MARK is a highly entertaining action thriller. The story is over dramatic at times, but the action and suspense keeps it interesting. It has a very positive Christian worldview with themes of forgiveness and redemption. Jesus Christ is extolled and the Gospel is presented in conversion scene with prayer. There is some action violence that requires a light caution. Otherwise, THE MARK is a very wholesome, redemptive action movie.

Quality: *** Moral Acceptability: +1 (Wholesome) Starring: Viola Davis, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Holly Hunter, Oscar Isaac, Rosie Perez, Ving Rhames, Dante Brown, Lance Reddick, Bill Nunn Genre: Drama Audience: Older children and adults Rating: PG Content: Very strong moral worldview with very strong free market, anti-statist values and an emphasis on doing what’s right even if it is hard and sacrificing to do the right thing; four obscenities, two profanities; no violence; no sex, just kissing; no nudity; alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, separation of mother and father, unions cause trouble and create lies and build fear in people, and mentions of luck and wishing. WON’T BACK DOWN is about a loving mother and a passionate teacher fighting to change their failing public school. Jamie Fitzpatrick is tired of moving her daughter from school to school to give her a better education. Jamie wants to get her daughter in Nona’s class, because she loves her students and helps them progress, but there’s not enough space. Nona and Jamie discover they transform the failing school. However, they have to battle the deceitful teachers union to do it. WON’T BACK DOWN has a very strong free market, anti-authoritarian message. It shows that people should fight for their rights against government mediocrity. The movie demonstrates that people can make a difference, that things can change and that passion is a key to making it happen. Also, WON’T BACK DOWN teaches viewers that it’s to do what’s right no matter how difficult it may be. WON’T BACK DOWN has a great message, but the movie is all about the message. More entertaining elements would help WON’T BACK DOWN entice more viewers.

The previous reviews are a selected sample of informative reviews from MOVIEGUIDE: A FAMILY GUIDE TO MOVIES AND ENTERTAINMENT, a syndicated feature of Good News Communications, Inc. To subscribe to MOVIEGUIDE which includes a complete set of at least 10 reviews of the latest movies as well as many informative articles, please visit our web site at www.movieguide.org or write or call:”MOVIEGUIDE,” P.O. Box 190010, Atlanta, GA 31119 (800) 899-6684. What the ratings mean: Production Quality: (1 to 4 stars) Moral Acceptability: -4 (Abhorrent), -3 (Excessive), -2 (Extreme Caution), -1 (Caution), +1 (Wholesome), +2 (Good), +3 (Moral), +4 (Exemplary)

River Region’s Journey • November 2012



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