Mobile Bay Parents Nov21

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Volume 11 Number 8

2 Publisher’s Note

Sports Specialization?

The pros and cons of having your child stick with only one sport.


Tweens, Teens & Screens Setting screen time on your child’s device is an easy win for you.

4 Kids Say the Wisest Things Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA

10 Kids Health Watch sponsored by Children’s Medical Group

41 32

36 Tweens, Teens and Screens Kristi Bush, LSW

The Science of Giving

How giving enhances kids’ lives and how parents can promote it.

Use our guide as you plan your family outings to celebrate the holidays!

48 Dave Says Dave Ramsey

Departments On The Cover Tyler William (16), Trent James (16) and Trevor Scott (12) are sons of Adam and Stacey Thomas. Their grandparents are Joyce Scott and Robert and Tollie Thomas. Tyler, Trent, and Trevor are active student athletes at Cottage Hill Christian Academy. Tyler and Trent are members of the National Honor Society and Trevor is a member of the

6 Bits and Pieces 11 School Bits 45 Family Calendar

Junior National Honor Society. All three guys love playing basketball and enjoy hanging out with family and friends. The Thomas family attends Cottage Hill Baptist Church.



Mobile Bay Mobile Bay’s Foremost Parenting Source

My family has recently been dealing with the heart breaking loss of my father. While I could go on and on about what an amazing gift he was to our family, I won’t (not today at least), but I would like to share with you some of the truly unexpected emotions and lessons I have experienced throughout this journey. Naturally, there were many tears, but I found myself actually crying tears of joy at times. I would have never thought that possible but, as I would think about Dad, I would find myself over-flowing with such happiness that I was blessed to have him as my father. The day of his service, a day I had dreaded, ended up being one of the best days. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain. He did not want everyone standing around in dark suits crying, so we planned the day with casual attire, one of his favorite bluegrass songs and a beautiful slideshow of his life. We spent the whole day and into the night surrounded by family and friends all sharing stories and laughing... A LOT! What stood out to me most was that when they talked of Dad, it was never about any major accomplishments or achievements, but how Dad made them feel. People would go on about how nice and kind and funny he was, and how he would always ask people how they were doing or ask about their family. He loved people, in general, and it showed. After the craziness of the last year and a half, all of this really put things into perspective for me. Life is not about the big moments, but the little moments shared with friends, family and even strangers. Because when these little moments are strung together, they really do make a beautiful story. It is the everyday “I love you” when you get off the phone, the silly memes to friends, the smile to the stranger in the grocery store, the text to say “I am here for you”. These shared moments are the things that make life beautiful. I feel so blessed to get to share these everyday parenting moments in life with all of you. While we may not actually be sitting down to a cup of coffee swapping stories and sharing life together, I do feel like we are all sharing in the big, crazy life of parenthood. Some days we talk potty training, some days we talk about our dating teens (yikes!). While we may not recognize one another, we see each other at community events that we attend after perusing the Family Calendar and we celebrate the holidays together through the events in our Holiday Happenings Guide. We cheer for each other’s kids and teachers when reading school news and we support local charities from Bits N Pieces. We laugh together at the parenting memes posted on Facebook and read that article about children and chores on the magazine website, while in car line, because we left our hard copy on the coffee table. I know it sounds weird, but I really do feel like we are all in this together... sharing, supporting, and encouraging one another. All that said, I do hope you enjoy this issue as much as we have loved putting it together for you. This month, you will find a ton of fun seasonal activities in the Holiday Happenings Guide, on page 41, with more events in the Family Calendar, on page 45. Also, in keeping with the theme of being grateful, Sandi Schwartz has provided an insightful article on page 38, The Science of Giving and How It Can Help Your Kids. And, of course, there is so much more... so pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and let’s share life together.


Publisher Lynn Knighton Editor DeAnne Watson Associate Editor Kelly Watson Research Editor Lucy Green Contributing Writers Jennifer Adair, M.D. Kristi Bush, LSW Christa Melnyk Hines Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA Dave Ramsey Sandi Schwartz

Cover Photography Hannah Stinson Photography

President Jason Watson Advertising Sales Lynn Knighton (251) 304-1200 Ad Design Tim Welch

Visit us at Mobile Bay Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing, LLC. Mailing address: P.O. Box 81105, Mobile, Alabama, 36689. The phone number for voice and fax is (251) 304-1200. Mobile Bay Parents is copyrighted 2021 by KeepSharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in Mobile Bay Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021

Mobile Bay Parents Magazine is founded on the principle that parenting is an exciting, diverse, challenging, and significant role in our community. Mobile Bay Parents Magazine is a community advocate for families and the parenting process.



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by Beth Long, PhD, LPC, BCBA

Embrace the Challenges A few months ago, I was giving an IQ test to an adorable little boy. As the questions became more difficult, he looked at me and said, “This is challenging. I love a good challenge.” His reaction was so different. Typically, children become frustrated when it gets too hard or they give a whiney variation of, “I don’t know, I just want to stop.” At five years of age this sweet boy had already learned the value of persistence in the face of resistance. The United States military has a popular saying, “Embrace the Suck”. Research among members of the military has repeatedly shown that mental toughness was developed and/or improved when they accepted the difficulty of a situation, made a plan to overcome it, and followed through with the plan.

While parenting may not be as life threatening as serving in a foreign war, it is a grueling and persistent battle. No home is drama free. Bedtime is rarely easy, kitchens are hardly ever clean, and children are only happy about completing chores or homework once in a blue moon. Unfortunately, some parents want someone to “fix” their child at the first sign of anything problematic. The truth is, all children have tantrums, all children are selfish, and no one is born with the ability to be logical when they are overly emotional. How are you dealing with this as a parent? Are you embracing the challenge or becoming whiney and frustrated? How can you be an emotionally healthy parent? Embrace the suck. To improve your own mental toughness, you need to EXPECT to clean up vomit, cancel your exciting plans for a sick child, deal with a tantrum at the worst possible moment, or a variety of other parenting realities. Once

you fully embrace the suck you can avoid the joy stealing pitfalls of bitterness and resentment. When we embrace the suck, we are better able to see the beauty of a face and dress covered in ice cream or the humor in a sassy comment. Embracing the suck of parenting will not only heal you and free you, it will also allow you to fully experience the joys of raising children in spite of how angry, frustrated, sad, or alienated being a parent may make you may feel. I was blessed by a friend who taught me this lesson when my oldest was very young. When I was at her house, her son found a hole in a pillow and pulled out all of the stuffing. It was everywhere. I was exasperated and thought, “How annoying. This will take forever to clean.” She fell on the floor laughing and ran to get a camera. The mess didn’t surprise her (she had previously embraced the suck of toddlers and messes). She treasured that moment (made a plan to enjoy the messes), and did not allow the inconvenience to make her bitter or resentful (followed through with the plan). Let’s revisit that sweet, challenge loving five-year-old. Do you know who modeled that behavior to him? His mother. She rarely complains, becomes frustrated, or whines. She looks at parenting problems as an exciting mystery to solve. Trust me, her son is H-A-R-D, but her attitude towards parenting is positively changing her life and his. Dr. Beth Long received her education in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Beth has worked in six unique clinical environments across the country and currently owns Works of Wonder Therapy in Montgomery. Beth utilizes the knowledge from a variety of different disciplines to give her patients the best care possible. To learn more visit

If you think character is more important than charisma, you might just be a Saint. At St. Paul’s, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. True to our Episcopal tradition, St. Paul’s is grounded in Christian beliefs yet welcomes students of all backgrounds. Students and teachers gather weekly to attend chapel, and monthly for church services. These moments provide welcome shelter from the whirlwind of daily life, offering time to look inward and to focus on what we have done and left undone. 161 DOGWOOD LANE, MOBILE, AL 36608 | 251.342.6700 | STPAULSMOBILE.NET

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


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Bay Bash is Back

Holiday Cheer at the Five

Mobile Baykeeper is getting ready to host its annual Bay Bash from 6-10 PM on December 1, 2021. After the challenges of 2020, we are thrilled to bring back our traditional end of year membership gala in 2021, celebrating the bounty of Mobile Bay and most importantly all of the supporters who make our work at Mobile Baykeeper possible. This year’s event plans to feature a silent auction, live entertainment, as well as food and drink from local restaurants and caterers.

Holiday Cheer at the Five to benefit the Child Advocacy Center will be held on Monday, December 6 from 6:00 -8:30 PM The FIVE Restaurant will host the event at 609 Dauphin Street in downtown Mobile. General Insulation and The Poarch Band of Creek Indians are Title Sponsors of the event. The event will feature samplings of The FIVE’s signature dishes and wines to taste, along with a select live auction of holiday gifts and live music. Tickets will be available at the FIVE and the CAC for $35 each. Call 432-1101 for details or www. and follow us on Facebook.

Turkey Trot for Hope

Wine and Wishes

Rapahope would like to invite you to join us on Thursday, November 25 for the area’s largest Thanksgiving Day tradition – Turkey Trot for Hope. Held at Battleship Memorial Park, the 5K and fun run ‘Gobble Wobble’ have quickly become a festive way to start the holiday season. This race supports Rapahope, a non-profit organization that offers free year-round programming for families battling childhood cancer. We have a virtual race option for our participants in addition to our in-person race on Thanksgiving Day. Visit for more information.

2021 Mobile Heart Walk

Join us on Saturday, November 6, 2021 at the University of South Alabama Mitchell Center - Moulton Bell Tower for the 2021 Mobile Heart Walk. We are back and ready to reinvigorate your heart-healthy lifestyle by uniting our community for better health, a fun experience and opportunity to help save lives. This year, you can Heart Walk here, there or anywhere! Choose our path or yours. We invite you to walk with us at our in-person event or wherever you feel inspired. No matter where you choose to walk, participating and donating to the Heart Walk will save lives and improve lives. Please get registered today at www.MobileHeartWalk. org. Together, we'll get back out there to protect hearts in our community! Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


Wine and Wishes Make-A-Wish Alabama, presented by Wind Creek Casino and Hotel, is thrilled to invite the Mobile community to their annual Wine and Wishes event at the Mobile Museum of History on December 2 from 6:30-9:30 PM. Join us for a night of fine food and drinks, a premium cork pull, mission moments, live music, dancing, photo booths, and an array of fabulous silent auction items, including many from local businesses here in Mobile. Make-A-Wish Alabama creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. For more information about MakeA-Wish Alabama, visit

Iron Bowl Legends Benefit Gala

Palmer Williams Group is hosting their fourth annual benefit gala on November 22, 2021, at the Battle House Hotel in Mobile, Alabama. You will have the opportunity to meet and greet former Iron Bowl players from both Alabama and Auburn Universities, such as Antonio Langham, John Copeland, Willie Anderson, Robert Johnson and many others. During the event, there will be a live auction performed by the former Legends and a silent auction available throughout the event. A full course dinner will be served with a chance to hear encouraging words from a former NFL Iron Bowl Legend, Aundray Bruce, as the Keynote Speaker and the cash bar is stocked with your favorite beverages. The funds raised will go towards our continuous efforts to offer free youth development programs such as LifeSync Academy life skills, financial literacy clinics and athletic youth camps. The funds also help supplement the costs of our organized youth baseball, basketball, football and soccer teams. To purchase tickets, please visit or text IronBowl to 41444. 6

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Art Soup

Loaves and Fish Community Ministries and the Food Pantry at Central will host ART SOUP on November 12, 2021, from 6-9 PM. This year’s event will be held outdoors on Joachim Street in front of the Saenger Theatre and the Mobile Arts Council in conjunction with LODA ArtWalk. ART SOUP is an annual fundraiser that kicks off Homeless Awareness Week in November. It is an evening of entertainment, great food, and local art that brings attention to the homeless issues in our area. All funds raised will benefit the FOOD PANTRY at Central. The art in "Art Soup" is represented by exquisite, handcrafted bowls donated by local artists. The empty bowl signifies the fight against hunger. Your ticket to Art Soup will include a handmade bowl, refreshments and live music and more. Please visit for tickets.

2021 UCP Christmas Nights of Lights 5K & Fun Run

Battleship 12K

The Battleship 12K is a patriotic run to honor those who have served our country. This Veterans Day tradition starts at Spanish Fort Town Center (intersection of Bass Pro Drive & Hwy 98/Old Spanish Trail) and will end at Battleship Memorial Park next to the USS Alabama. The sixth annual running will be Nov. 14, 2021, from 7 AM. to 12 PM. Race registration prices start at $45 and increase closer to race day. To register visit

The UCP Christmas Nights of Lights 5K is back this year and will return on November 11! Thank you to our good friends at Mobile Sports and Entertainment Group for once again letting us have this wonderful race under the Christmas lights at Hank Aaron Stadium. The holiday season is right around the corner so make sure to register at

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Girl Scouts of Southern AL Honors Leading Ladies

Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama (GSSA) held its annual Leading Ladies Awards Luncheon September 23. Leading Ladies recognizes outstanding women who are making an impact in their community, as well as organizations that are advancing women in the workforce. Leading Ladies also serves as an important fundraising event for GSSA to continue to offer programming for the next generation of female leaders. This year’s nominees include: Morrell Baxter, Career Coach, Baldwin County Board of Education and Washington County Board of Education; Susan Brigitha, Trials Master, Austal USA; Dr. Bobbie HoltRagler, Community Advocate; Sarah Bumgarner, President, Junior League of Mobile; Stacy Wellborn, Owner, Wellborn Strategies, The Container Yard, Professor, Spring Hill College; Amanda Gonzales, Development Director, Volunteers of America Southeast; Gayle Guthrie, Founder and Director, Stray Love Foundation; Amberly Harris, Co-Owner, Nspire U!; Adriel Brown, Grammar School Principal, Bayshore Christian School; Lyndsey Dixon, Manager, Wilkins Miller; Susan Shaw, President and CEO, IMMIX Strategic; Sabrina Alexander, Chief Amazement Officer, Proxi Public Relations; Miriam Fry, Government Relations, Poarch Band Creek of Indians; Victoria Blackmon, Gulf Coast Content Creator, Co-Owner, Cacti Palm Productions; and Trista Stout-Walker, Vice President of Community Impact, United Way of Southwest Alabama. GSSA named Evonik Corporation as the Leading Workplace for Women Award recipient for 2021. Sponsors for the Leading Ladies event included: BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama, Iberia Bank | First Horizon, and SmithDukes.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


Purse With Purpose PurseWithPurpose: Men Modeling Purses for a Good Cause is the premier fundraiser for Our Sisters’ Closet. The virtual event and online auction of purses and accessories can be viewed November 9, 7pm, or anytime after by registering your email at A link will be emailed to you. Our Sisters’ Closet assists in-crisis women, men & teens who are job seeking with resumes, interview coaching & interview/workplace attire to improve their self-confidence and job opportunities.




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Sponsored by Children’s Medical Group

Am I Overfeeding or Starving My Child? As the holidays quickly approach, we focus on food. It’s the time of year when our portion sizes get a little larger than normal, and while our foods may be tastier, they also tend to be more sugary. Even though this is a topic that affects us daily, I thought this would be an appropriate month to discuss eating habits. Many parents are concerned because their toddlers are not eating enough or do not seem to be growing. This is a very common comment, but is usually met with reassurance by the physician. A child doubles their birth weight by the time they are four months old and triples their birth weight by the time they are one year old. After one year, a toddler only gains about 4-7 pounds a year, so it is certainly a change in pace parents must adjust to. In America, we are also accustomed to larger portion sizes and truly forget how little nutrients a toddler or child really needs. A child should only need about 40 calories or less per inch of height each day. For example, a 30-inch child (an average one year old) would only need

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021

1,000-1,200 calories per day. Compare this to an average, active adult male, who should be taking in 2,600 calories per day. Another way to consider portion size is that at a toddler (1-3 years old) should be eating about one-fourth of what the parent is eating at each meal. Preschool age children should be eating about one-half of the parents’ portion size. Once they reach the age of 4-5 years old, they should be able to choose their own portion size. It is normal for them to be inconsistent in their portion sizes from day-to-day. It is also normal for preschool age children and toddlers to not join the “clean plate club” at each meal. Children are usually pickier eaters between 2-5 years old. It is not unusual for them to refuse all but one type of food for weeks at a time, and then the next week despise the taste of last week’s favorite food. Parents should encourage children to try at least one bite of whichever food groups are being served. If children are going through a picky phase, it would be advisable to give them a daily vitamin. Once children


reach middle school years, which is usually around the onset of puberty, they should be eating close to adult-size portions. Healthy food choices are always important, of course, but especially so at this point in a child’s development. Regular servings of fruit and vegetables, limitations on sodas and junk food, and consumption of water will help encourage a life of healthy eating practices for their future. I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season, and enjoy the good cooking! The most helpful thing to remember is appropriate portion sizes. Your children are looking up to you, so set a positive example and make healthy diet choices for your whole family. Jennifer Adair, M.D., was born and raised in Mobile. She joined Children’s Medical Group in July 2013 and currently practices at their Airport office. Jennifer and her husband, Cory, reside in Mobile with their sons, Finn and James Albert, and their three dogs, Barkley, Fitz, and Roo.

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Autauga County Schools

St. Mary Toy Bowl Queen, King and Court!

Congratulations to St. Mary’s 2021 for the 73rd Annual Toy Bowl Classic Toy Bowl Court for raising over $20,000 for the CYO! St. Mary is represented by an amazing court and this year’s royalty, Toy Bowl Queen Lila Baggett and King Brayden Hicks who together raised over $5,000! St. Mary is proud of these 8th grade court members who worked hard to raise funds for their dear CYO sports program! St. Mary Court members include: Queen Lila Baggett, King Brayden Hicks, Garrett Harrison, Addie Arensberg, Joseph Huff, Joey Baker, Wesley Stevens, Grace Brack, John-Carter Conger, Jeanne Marie Castleberry, Lars Hansen, Jennifer Dolan, Matt Collins, Lorelai Fancher, Charlie Warner, Anna Grace D’Olive, Connor Ollis, Emma Grubbs, Jack Tobias, Lucy Jensen, Brian Lang, Jaden Kidd, Mark Washington, Ella King, Jude Moore, Cara Morrow, Brayden Turner, Porter Murray, William Glass, Lucy O’Donnell, Charlie Tyler, Basil Zafiris, AnnaRose Rankin, Connor McCorkle, Deria A. Scott, Stewart Carroll, Lilly Seibert, Harris Collins, Macy Tobias, Joshua Sasser, Lucy Wallace, LaMarien Miller, Ella White, Luke Bretchel, Ansley Woodard and Christopher Roberts.

St. Ignatius Participates in Boxes of Joy Program

Each year St. Ignatius Parish takes on the Boxes of Joy project from Cross Catholic Outreach. This year, our Lifesaver Ambassadors helped out by passing out boxes to parents to fill with Christmas goodies and return. St. Ignatius will send over 300 boxes back to Cross Catholic Outreach to be given to families in Central and South America for Christmas. Pictured are Patrick Weems, Tomas Beckmann, Charlie Kiddet, James King and Barrett Porter.


Autauga County Schools

Causey Middle School Volleyball Champs

Congratulations to the Causey Middle School volleyball team. They are the 2021 MCPSS Large Division Volleyball County Champions! Congratulations to these girls and coaches on a fantastic season.

E.R. Dickson Elementary’s Red Ribbon Student Leader

Congratulations to Nicholas Lockette who was selected as the Red Ribbon Student Leader for E.R. Dickson. Nicholas is an outstanding student who exemplifies trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. As the Red Ribbon Student Leader, Nicholas will assist with organizing the activities for Red Ribbon Week and rally the student body with this year's theme: “Drug-Free Looks Like Me!” Nicholas will also be responsible for planning and executing a community service project to help his peers build a connection to the community and encourage healthy lifestyle choices.

Davidson HS DECA Club Holds Fundraiser for Hurricane Ida Victims

The Davidson High School DECA Club, led by Mr. Daigle, spearheaded a fundraiser for South Lafourche High School in Louisiana after it sustained significant damage from Hurricane Ida. Club members collected $1250 and it was donated directly to relief efforts. Go Warriors!

Piano Instruction at Old Shell Road Magnet School

Students at Old Shell Road Magnet School are learning piano skills in the new piano lab thanks to a generous grant from Alabama Arts Education Initiative. This new state-ofthe-art music lab has 28 full-sized keyboards along with individual headphones enabling students to receive optimal piano instruction.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


MGM Future Farmers of America Members Attend Conference

Members of Mary G. Montgomery High School's FFA (Future Farmers of America) Chapter attended the Joint Leadership Development Conference in downtown Mobile on Thursday, October 7. The students heard motivational speakers talk about how to be successful, compassionate and effective leaders. Standing L-R: Aly Mayhall (Treasurer), Wyatt Horne (VicePresident), Emma Mayo (Reporter). Seated L-R: Alexandriah McMillian (President), Emma Wiggins (Secretary) and Ms. Emily Dent (Advisor).

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Clark-Shaw Homecoming Winners

This year's Homecoming Week at Clark-Shaw Magnet School included some new features which will hopefully become traditions for years to come. In addition to Homecoming Queen, three new titles were introduced: Homecoming King, Mr. Football, and Ms. Volleyball. Candidates were from the 8th grade and were selected by a school-wide vote. Paris Jiles won Homecoming Queen and Malik Jackson won Homecoming King. Todrick Withers was named Mr. Football, while London Wells was named Ms. Volleyball. Students, faculty, and staff enjoyed a week full of spirit days and our football team capped off the week with a big win over Phillips.

Hutchens ES PE Teacher Named Outstanding Coordinator of the Year

Congratulations to Hutchens Elementary PE teacher Emily Moore, who was named the national Outstanding Coordinator of the Year for the American Heart Association's Kids Heart Challenge! Hutchens raised $30,000 last year for Kids Heart Challenge, which focuses on whole-body wellness while raising donations for the AHA to help kids with heart-related health issues.

Causey Homecoming Middle Week

Dunbar Math Champs

Super Proud of our Dunbar Creative and Performing Arts Magnet School students and Math Team! Let's keep up the great work! #DunbarDoesIt

Causey Middle School celebrated homecoming October 4-8, 2021. Congratulations to the Causey Football team for a big win over Phillips.






Autauga County Schools

St. Pius X Catholic School Loves our First Responders!

St. Pius X hosted the 7th Annual “True Blue” day on Thursday, September 16, featuring Father Savoie’s famous home-grilled hamburgers. Father served over 140 of Mobile’s finest, and even treated the entire campus - faculty, staff and students - to one of his delicious burgers. We cannot thank those who serve our community enough for all that they do for us. And a special thank you to Father Savoie and our volunteers for making this day a huge success!

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Student Government at Little Flower

Student Government officers were elected at Little Flower Catholic School. These middle school student leaders assist with organizing service projects and helping with fund-raisers throughout the year. The school counts on them to demonstrate leadership and good will to their school mates. Officers are, left to right, Frank Stranger, secretary; Sady Portilla, treasurer; Andre Lang, president; and Joanna Ciza, vice president.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


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St. Mary Kindergarten Hard Hats for the Love of Reading

What's Inside a Pumpkin? Prichard Preparatory Students Take A Look!

In October, students at Prichard Preparatory School learned the different parts of plants. As a project, they cut open a pumpkin to see what was inside. After taking some wild guesses the students learned that pumpkins, and other fruits and vegetables, are filled with seeds and pulp! This was a foundational hands-on learning experience that the students will build upon as the year continues and they begin to grow their own plants in the school garden!

St. Mary Kindergartners in Mrs. Ellen Marston's class were so hard at work reading that hard hats were required! The book was "Dig Dig, Digging" by Margaret Mayo.

St. Dominic Catholic School 2021 Toy Bowl Court

Congratulations to our St. Dominic Catholic School 2021 Toy Bowl Court! We are proud to have them representing us at the 73rd Toy Bowl. These students raised nearly $9,000 to support the CYO athletic program. Front Row: Heaven Gray, Olivia McClure, Mary Linda Greenwood, Catherine McClain, Brianna Seiter, Isabelle Craddock, Sophie Ward, Payton McClarren, Gabby Grant, Caroline Midgette, Chloey Cook. Back Row: Thomas Hunt, Peyton Henderson, Matthew Hites, Blane Barre, Jonah Waits, Joseph Johnson, Father Patrick Driscoll, Cooper Patrick, Mitchell Adams, Stephen Heim, Ethan Burt, Robert Gamper.



Autauga County Schools

UMS-Wright Students Named in National Merit Competition

Oktoberfest at Phillips Preparatory School

Walker Willcox, Sofia Swann, Edward Tremayne and Edward Ladd have been named Semifinalists in the 2021-2022 National Merit Scholarship Corporation competition. They will now have the opportunity to advance in the competition for National Merit Scholarships. Over 1.6 million students in over 22,000 high schools entered the competition, with roughly 16,000 making the cut as semifinalists. Larom Segev, Rohan Wallace and Mary Webster Burke have been named Commended Students in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Competition. These Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2022 competition. Congratulations to all!

Ms. Kochurova’s students at Phillips Preparatory School celebrated Oktoberfest in their German classes. They had fun participating in a virtual trip, learning popular German songs and dances, and engaging in lively discussions. Students also created their own heart necklaces, one of Oktoberfest's traditions.




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D R IVE T H RU SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2021 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

Presented by Christ United Next Generation in conjunction with Kingswood United Methodist Church.

6101 Grelot Road | Mobile, AL 36609 | Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


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Phillip Preparatory's IB Student of the Week

Patrick Sinclair is Phillip Preparatory's IB Student of the Week. The IB Learner profile trait that describes Patrick is Balanced and Principled. Mrs. Eiland says, "Patrick is an amazing student who strives to be organized and is always on task." Way to go, Patrick! Your fellow Pirates are very proud of you.

St. Luke’s National Merit Semifinalists

St. Luke's is proud to announce our students for being recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program. Last Fall, about 1.6 million juniors across the nation took the PSAT and recently The National Merit Scholarship Program named the TOP 1% of these students as National Merit Semifinalists. Congratulations to Connor Ferguson & John McElroy for representing less than ONE PERCENT of high school seniors in the U.S.! Additionally, Kevin Ori was named a Commended Scholar and recognized for his exceptional academic promise. Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the 2022 competition by taking the 2020 PSAT/NMSQT.

Fun Friday at St. Dominic Catholic

St. Dominic Catholic School's first grade students had a delicious Fun Friday! They made caramel apples, did a "How to Make Caramel Apples" writing assignment and wrote an apple fact.

Enrollment for the 22-23 school year begins January 10th. Contact Lauren Pritchett to schedule a custom tour: 17

Autauga County Schools St. Mary Angel Hoops and Alley Oops

E.R. Dickson “Bucket Fillers”

This year students at E.R. Dickson are focusing on being good “Bucket Fillers”. The Counseling Program led by Ms. Kristie Elderkin and Ms. Latoya Williams is leading the charge with this program. The concept comes from the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. It encourages positive behavior by having students imagine everyone with an invisible bucket and filling those buckets with kindness. Students who are “Bucket Fillers” are recognized weekly and are displayed on the E.R. Dickson Facebook and Instagram Page.

St. Paul’s Seniors Named Commended Scholars

St. Mary Middle School fundraiser for Archangel Radio, "Angel Hoops and Alley Oops" was a huge success and a lot of fun! With the help of St Mary P.E. Coaches, St. Mary raised $725 for Archangel Radio. Students also were live on 1410AM (94.5FM) Wednesday, October 20th where they shared the news of this fundraiser and brought them a check from the Angel Hoops and Alley Oops.

The Best Part of Me

This past month, Prichard Preparatory 5th graders participated in a "Best Part of Me" project based on the book by Wendy Ewald. The students were asked what they thought the best part of them was and wrote their reasoning behind their answer. The responses were empowering, thoughtful, and moving. One response from a student is below with her project photo. "Everyone's body is different. I must say the best part of me is my skin. I like my skin because it glows and shines in the sun. Also, my skin has a glossy, matte brown color to it, and it makes me stand out. In addition, I know my skin is powerful because it represents my culture. Therefore, my skin is special because of the feeling, color, power, and glow. Now you see why I adore my skin." - Tenaj

Congratulations to St. Paul's seniors Russell Manning and Noah Epker who have been named Commended Scholars in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program. They are among 34,000 of over a million students who entered the Merit Program by earning high scores on the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT) taken in October of their junior year.

W.H. Council Named #1 Elementary School in Alabama!

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Congratulations W.H. Council Traditional School on your recent honor as being named the #1 elementary school and top performing magnet school for the state of Alabama. Council is one of 3 elementary magnet schools and an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme School in Mobile.

St. Ignatius is honored to be participating in the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) 2021 Toy Bowl Court. Our students raised over $11,000 for CYO this year. Pictured are: Kate Bender, Barettt Porter, Julia Blankenship, James King, Lauren Carrington, Shepard Schmohl, Andin Choquette, Ford Smith, Amelia Crocker, Patrick Weems, Houston Glass, Meryl Dubroc, Austin Jackson, Camille Elebash, Sam Hecker, Anna Beth Gibney, Reid Watkins, Aaden Shamburger, Stella Grace Harper, Thomas Beckmann, Rosie Harrison, Charlie Kidder, Lucas Finch, Mae LaCour, Andrew Kercher, Angelique Magsayo, Ethan Zirlott, Francie Ortega, Sam Meador, Brady Shirah, Mary Frances Rigrish, CV Partridge, Cate Vulevich, Bryce Ward, Ella White, and Luke Brechtell. They will all represent St. Ignatius at the Toy Bowl reception. Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021




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St. Pius X Hurricane Relief

Thankful for our opportunities.

The St. Pius X Catholic School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society met to discuss their plans for assisting those affected by Hurricane Ida. They selected Holy Family Church in Dulac, Louisiana as the parish they’d like to serve. Members hosted a bake sale and raised over $230 for Holy Family! They also held an item drive for Holy Family based on a needs lists provided by Pastor, Father Antonio. Parents, students and faculty donated everything from paper and cleaning supplies to box fans. We are blessed by our SPX family and their hearts for service.

Little Flower Welcomes Archbishop Rodi

Archbishop Rodi and Superintendent, Ms. Gwyn Byrd made their annual visit to Little Flower Catholic School. The day started with Mass for the entire student body and staff, followed by classroom visits where the archbishop blessed the classrooms and found out a bit about what the school day is like in each room.



Davidson IB Students Tour University of South AL

Davidson’s junior and senior International Baccalaureate students recently visited the University of South Alabama. These students were welcomed by admissions counselors and Dr. Marshall from the Honor’s College. Students learned about the various academic programs at South, as well as how to apply and earn scholarship money. A tour of the campus, including the Marx Library and Shelby Hall followed. There students meet with professors to learn about specific careers in computer science and engineering. This day was full of fun, fellowship, and planning for future success! 19

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Autauga County Schools

Causey Apple Award Winners

Congratulations to Ms. Englestead and Ms. Feenstra of Causey Middle School. Bill Rials from WKRG News 5, along with Riviera Utilities, Hembree Heating and Air, RH Radcliff, and the Mobile County Sheriff’s Office presented these two amazing educators with the Golden Apple Award! We are extremely proud of these teachers and the efforts they put forth each day to make sure Causey students are successful!

Fun in the Science Lab


Cottage Hill student scientists have been busy in the lab! Last month, as freshmen biology students studied macromolecules, they analyzed the “stomach contents” of a murder victim to determine his last meal and identify the suspect. Students tested for carbohydrates, lipids, and protein. In 8th grade physical science, students conducted a flammability lab. By testing several salts and analyzing the color of the flame, students can identify differences in atoms of different elements. CHCA students look forward to these hands-on activities that make learning fun!

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111 S. Royal Street, Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 208-7569 | HistoryMuseumOfMobile.Com Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021



St. Luke's AP Scholars

St. Luke's recently recognized students in the AP program who have demonstrated outstanding achievement on multiple exams. We are pleased to announce the names of those students who have received this recognition. AP Scholars - This award is granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams - Molly Frezell, Kasey Hernandez Sexton (pictured), John Wesley Holt, William Rossler, Elena Ruble, Gracie Sims, and Elise Uptigrove. AP Scholar with Honor - This award is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and scores 3 or higher on four or more of these exams Connor Ferguson (pictured), John McElroy (pictured), Garrett Upshaw. AP Scholar with Distinction - This award is granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams - Zac Haataja.

CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Building the Body of Christ, One Student at a Time.

Discover Corpus Christi Catholic School On Sunday, November 14 As part of Discover Catholic Schools Week, representatives from Corpus Christi school will be on-hand in the church atrium from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. to answer your questions about our school. Weekday tours of the school are available and can be scheduled online. For more information, please visit our website at Visit for more information about Discover Catholic Schools Week. The mission of Corpus Christi Catholic School is to provide opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus. 6300 McKenna Drive • Mobile, Alabama 36608 • 251.342.5474 • 10/1/2021 4:06 PM

CCS MBP Open House Ad.indd 1

Davidson Senior Plays Lead Role in Mobile Ballet Performance

Victoria Blakely, a senior at Davidson High School, is the first African-American in a lead role in the 34-year history of the Mobile Ballet, as she plays Princess Tiana in this month’s production of The Princess and the Frog. Congratulations, Victoria! (Photo by Richard Dollison).


SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 6611 Wall Street •Mobile, AL 36695 | 251.607.0110 - local |

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Autauga County Schools

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Chapel Small Groups at Cottage Hill

Weekly Chapel services are a part of the Warrior Way at Cottage Hill. Our students participate in large group chapel services with worship led by our students and speakers from our school and community. High school students launched their small groups with a scavenger hunt that took them all over campus. Students worked together to accomplish tasks on the soccer field to the science lab and everywhere in between. The competition was heated! We look forward to seeing how God will use our small groups to develop servant leaders and strengthen relationships!

Feast of St. Vincent de Paul at Heart of Mary

Heart of Mary students recently celebrated the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul at our campus Mass. Our students donated canned goods and other nonperishable items to help feed those less fortunate which taught them a lesson in servant leadership.

Please email School News and Photos to

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021




Science at St. Luke’s

St. Luke's teacher, Mrs. Haynes took her physics classes to the streets to learn about velocity and acceleration. Each student was given the opportunity to take a ride on a Razor scooter and calculate their own velocity with the help of a timing app called Coach my Video. The students will use their data to calculate their rate of acceleration and deceleration by analyzing the slopes of lines graphed on a velocity-time graph.

Science at Dunbar

Dunbar Creative and Performing Arts Magnet School is feeling energized. How did you learn about valence electrons? Mr. King's 8th graders work on atomic shells and chemical bonds in their science class.

Davidson Student Named Crichton Optimist’s Offensive Lineman of the Week

Congratulations to Davidson High School’s Class of 2022 Julius Kidd for being named the Crichton Optimist’s Offensive Lineman of the Week in September. In addition to being a standout on the football field, Julius has maintained a GPA of 3.8 while taking honors classes at DHS. He is a true DHS Warrior!

Cottage Hill National Merit Commended Student

Faith Daniels was recognized in October for being named as a National Merit Commended Student. Faith has been a student of the highest caliber in her fourteen years as a Cottage Hill Warrior, working hard in the classroom as a Top Ten student and as a member of numerous honor societies. She has obtained these academic achievements while also serving in several leadership roles on campus and participating in two varsity sports. We are proud of you, Faith!

Mobile Civic Center Theater Saturday, December 11, 2:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 12, 2:30 p.m.

Mobile Civic Center Theater Saturday, March 26, 2:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 27, 2:30 p.m.

“Mini-Season” packages available! 23

St. Mary 6th Grade Angel Boards

Autauga County Schools

St. Mary sixth grade religion classes learned about angels and created information boards in preparation for the Feast of The Archangels on September 29. The boards were displayed in both the school and church for an in-depth look at why we need our angels! Pictured, students display prayer cards of their favorite angels and Saints.



Please email School News and Photos to

St. Pius X National Junior Honor Society

Congratulations to the newest members of the St. Pius X Catholic School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society! We are so very proud of your hard work and dedication, not only in the classroom but in our community as well. We know you all will do great things!

55 UMS-Wright Students Named AP Scholars

55 total students at UMS-Wright, 30 of whom are in the Class of 2022, earned the distinction of AP Scholar by the College Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level Advanced Placement Program Exams. 4 students, Ella Fridriksson, Edward Ladd, Larom Segev, and Rohan Wallace, qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. 9 students, Mallory Duncan, Creighton Fowler, Alex Hulser, Katelyn Mergulhao, Jay Murray, Thomas Price, Sofia Swann, March Tremayne, and Walker Willcox, qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. And finally, with an average score of 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams, the following 17 students are recognized as AP Scholars: Caroline Block, Max Buchman, Rebekah Chappell, Addison Faggard, Abby Fowler, Isabelle Gautier, Isabelle Hooks, Annie Jeffery, Reagan Jokerst, Will Kaufman, Grace Lyons, Anna McAnnally, Barclay McGinley, Ellie Moore, Joseph Perry, Clark Turner, Jackson Williford.

St. Luke’s 60th Anniversary

St. Luke's lower campus students practice for a special surprise for our 60th Anniversary with music teacher, Mr. Driskell. Each class recorded a song from 1960, the year St. Luke's started. We are looking forward to celebrating our 60th year all year long. Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


Allentown Elementary October GATOR Kids

Pre-K – 2nd Grade, Front Row: Carsen Smith, Kate Joerger, A’riyah McQueen, Jason Becker, Joseph Martin, and Emmie Gattina. Middle Row: Law Curseen, Gabriella Jordan, Brantson Hensarling, Sadie James, and Aubri Tolbert. Back Row: Keristen Williams, Margaret Franklin, Ambree Cochran, Jase Mohammed, Johndass Soekhies, De’ Shanti Doss, and Mason Ellis. Not Pictured: Brooklyn Barnett and Callie Emrich. 3rd – 5th Grade, Front Row: Easton Moye, Emalynee Jamison, Matthew Adams, Kierra Vance, Naomi Ramos, and Kal’lis Crayton. Middle Row: Jonathan Andres Vargas, Ryland Hampton, Mareme Gueye, Aleah Nadeau, and Madisyn Taylor. Back Row: Brianna Patterson, King West, Alissa Cobb, Layla Roberts, Mar’Kell Inge, and Sophia Adams. Not Pictured: Phoenyx Andrews.

E.R. Dickson 2021-2022 Student Council

Congratulations to the 2021 – 2022 Student Council of E.R. Dickson. These students were selected by their peers to represent their school. President: Tayler Hill; Vice President: Nigel Bassa; Secretary: Joshua Morris; Public Relations: Via-Danielli Cruz; Historian: Bella Salazar Sage; Treasurer: Sicily Wilson.

Discover with the Dauphin Island Sea Lab

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Discovery Hall Programs K-12 Education and Outreach programs can come to you virtually or you can come to campus. We also offer programs for non-traditional groups. Let us help you create an educational experience to remember.



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Autauga County Schools

Learning Fractions at Phillips Preparatory

Little Flower Catholic School Celebrates Red Ribbon Week

Heart of Mary Students Build Cell Models

Spring Hill College’s Dr. Debbie Fox and her freshman Biology students were back on campus! Our 7th graders had the opportunity to build Eukaryotic cell models. Each student had an animal (round) and a plant (rectangular) cell when they finished. As a group, both the SHC and HOM students determined how they would go about creating their model by answering questions from their worksheet. Then, they developed a blueprint of their cell models. The students completed a diagram and chart to ensure they understood the similarities and differences of both cell types.

Phillips Preparatory's 6th grade math students participated in an authentic task to build understanding of fractions. Mrs. Foster's classes used fractional values to create unique designs with shapes. Whitney Townsend created an amazing unicorn.

Sa S stu Eighth graders at Little Flower Catholic School held a planning session about the best ways to celebrate Red Ribbon Week. Students brain-stormed about ways to educate fellow school-mates with drug prevention activities by using this year’s theme: Drug Free Looks Like Me.

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42 St. Paul’s Students Named AP Scholars

For the May 2021 AP test administration, there were 42 total AP Scholars with an average score of 3.95. Nineteen of those scholars are in the Class of 2022 and earned the distinction of AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Honors, or AP Scholar with Distinction. Three students were granted as AP Scholar with Distinction (received an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams): Adele Crowe, William Jameson, and Russell Manning. Four students were granted as AP Scholar with Honor (receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams): Noah Epker, Elinor Gibson, Joseph Helmsing, and Joseph Sharpe. Twelve students were granted as AP Scholar (receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams): Madeline Arledge, Tristan Carnley, Stephen Conrad, Sam Franklin, Libbie Hamilton, Caleb Perkins, Vivian Quinley, Leah Robinson, Sarah Roosen, Maggie Sullivan, Abigail Swain, and Joseph Valentine.

Please email School News and Photos to

St. Paul’s Hosts Annual Veterans Day Assembly St. Paul's Episcopal School will be hosting their annual Veterans Day Celebration on Thursday, November 11, at 9:00 AM at E.E. Delaney Memorial Stadium. All active military, veterans, and community friends are invited to attend!

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


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Barton Academy Nurse Named One of Top 10 Nurses

Congratulations to Timothy Wiggins of Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies, who was named one of the top 10 nurses in Alabama by and the Alabama State Nurses Association!

Science Lab at St. Dominic Catholic School


Saint Dominic Catholic School Eighth Grade students really enjoyed hands-on learning during their Science Lab with Mr. Newberry. They used graduated cylinders, water, rocks, and a special scale to find the density of basalt, limestone and granite.

Membership makes it easy and affordable to enjoy all the science center has to offer. The Exploreum is much more than a science museum – it is a place full of wonder and excitement, a place to let imaginations run wild, a place of learning and fun adventures for the entire family! Members receive discounts on admission, birthday parties, camps, classes, free experience passes, and much more! Members also receive benefits at over 300 other museums around the country as well!

Call or visit our website for more info 251-208-6880 •

UMS-Wright Drama Club presents “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”

The Middle School Drama Club was developed years ago because of the desire of our students to perform on stage! This organization made up of students in grades 5-8 puts on two main stage productions each year. The first production of the 2021-22 school year was “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." The audience followed Lucy on her visit to the magical land of Narnia and her quest to overthrow the White Witch and restore Aslan to the throne. We can hardly wait to see what this talented group puts on next! Cast and crew: Emma Marmande, Emily Walton, Hannah Martin, Stephanie Wink, Grey Rodning, Ellis Grimm, Liam Smith, Emily Waters, Elizabeth Denson, Finley Gartman, Clem Smith, Killian Delaney, Brody Green, Jonah Williams, Ellie Gartman, Stacy Rose, Lilly Cunningham, Margaret Arendall, Sophia Tombrello, Harper Williams, McKenzie Greene, Genevieve Romano, Lila Mattei, Lillian Zurfluh, Lauren Greenwald, Frances


Busbee, Reid Riddell, Richie Nguyen, Mary Frances Gipson, Alex Mitchell, Gunnar Howell, William Marmande, Henry Arrington, Richard Delaney, Anderson Watt, Chloe Clukies, Avery Sconyers, Piper Clark, Ava Davidson, Dylan Wink, Will Arendall, Price Lamb, Josue Heath, Addison England, Grant Howard, Brian Minh, Mohammad Qasim, Gaillard Passmore, Cade Marks, Coleman Oswalt, Peyton Wal, Arabella Bedsole, Campbell Murphy, Marina Hess, and John Greyson Self. Thank you to our Spotlight Sponsor 22nd State Bank!


Traits of a True Friend

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Autauga County Schools

Saint Dominic Catholic School Middle School students made a small poster showing the traits of a true friend. They wrote a paragraph explaining how Jesus demonstrates those traits in his friendship with us. Students also explored ways that they can get to know Jesus better and deepen their friendship with him.

Little Flower School Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month


Mrs. Sonya Garcia helped Little Flower Catholic School celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with activities including food tasting, costume displays, and Spanish songs. In their Spanish classes, students practiced prayers in Spanish and learned about the 21 Spanish-speaking countries. Little Flower students with family connections from Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, and Honduras bring the richness of their heritage to the school.


National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists

Congratulations to Braden Vick of Alma Bryant High School and Will McCurley of Baker High School, who have been named as semifinalists for the 2022 National Merit Scholarships!


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Fall Outdoor Cascading Chrysanthemums November 1 – 30 12401 Bellingrath Gardens Rd Theodore, AL 251-973-2217 •

Open Daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Days)

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


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Dunbar Organelles

Check out these amazing projects! Mrs. May's class learned about the organelles in plant and animal cells. Students designed and created either a plant or animal cell of their choice. Students were to label all organelles found in either the plant or animal cell.

MCPSS’ Larry Mouton Receives Innovator Award

Larry Mouton, Mobile County Public Schools Assistant Superintendent for Workforce Development, has been honored with the Alabama Works Region 7 Innovator Award by Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. The award was developed to highlight people and programs that take an innovative approach to solving workforce challenges.

Art Class at Heart of Mary

HOM middle school students got to “mix” it up in Art class! Students used mixed media (colored pencils and acrylic paint) to create portraits of influential people they admire. Some examples are Beyoncé, Michelle Obama, and Stevie Wonder! Their backgrounds were of a color type (warm or cool) and abstractly designed, while their subject’s portraits were of the opposite kind (warm or cool). The students were proud to show off their new creations!

FAITH The choice for a Christ-centered, academically challenging education in Mobile and the surrounding areas.

Offerings at CHCA:



Member of AHSAA Weekly Chapel Daily Bible Classes NJHS and NHS Virtual Reality Lab And Much More! Fine Arts Program Degreed/Certified Christian Faculty Advanced Placement Courses Athletics Offered for K5-12th Grade Clubs and Academic Teams Warrior Club and PTF Contact our Admissions Director, Mrs. Jill Hannan (, for a tour today!




Autauga County Schools

2021-22 MCPSS Cadet Brigade Command

Congratulations to the JROTC cadets chosen to lead the 2021-22 MCPSS Cadet Brigade Command, They are: Cadet Brigade Commander: C/LTC Isabel Mayo; Murphy Cadet Command Sergeant Major: C/CSM Cheyanne Jones; Theodore Cadet Deputy Brigade Commander: C/LTC Courtney Miller; Mary G. Montgomery Cadet Brigade Operations Officer: C/LTC Paige Huckabee; Citronelle Cadet Brigade Logistics Officer: C/LTC Laila Lang; Baker Cadet Naval JROTC Liaison Officer: C/LT Jacarrey Lewis Davidson. Pictured are Mayo, with her parents John and Kimbrelyn Mayo, and Jones, with her mother Kimberly Jones, MCPSS Director of Army Instruction LTC (Ret.) Robert F. Barrow and MCPSS JROTC Operations NCO 1SG (Ret.) Keith Watts.

Corpus Christi Catholic School’s Red Ribbon Leader Congratulations to Cate Veasey from Corpus Christi Catholic School! She was selected as the school's Red Ribbon Leadership Award recipient for this year. Each fall, Red Ribbon Week is celebrated across America to promote the importance of a healthy, drug-free lifestyle among our youth. As part of the awareness program, the Drug Education Council, Inc honors outstanding students from Mobile and Baldwin County who are selected by their school as the Red Ribbon Leadership Award recipient. These students exemplify the 6 pillars of Character promoted by the Character Counts initiative and the Drug Education Council. These include trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021






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While sports can provide a multitude of emotional and physical benefits for kids, specializing in a single sport at too early of an age can pose risks. How do you know when—or if— your child should specialize in a sport they love? Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021



What is sports specialization?

Brian Harvey, O.D., a pediatric sports medicine physician, says that sports specialization is defined as playing and competing in one single sport exclusively for more than eight months out of the year.

Advantages of multi-sport athletes. Some parents worry that their

children won’t have a competitive advantage later on if they don’t specialize early. Karen Hughey, co-founder and CEO of Team Cura, works with scholarshipseeking athletes and their parents. As a former sports parent, Hughey says both her children played a variety of sports. She and her husband left it up to their children to decide which ones they wanted to pursue as they got older. Although he was a talented golfer, her son Rob, co-founder of Team Cura, opted to quit golf early in his high school career to participate in other activities. But, by his junior year, he decided that he wanted to return to golf and play at the college level. “He had to work harder to reach out to college coaches at that point, but he still was fine,” Hughey says. “He found a great school and a great fit for himself. So, leave it up to your kids. They’ll find their way and figure it out.”

From discussions with many high school and college coaches, Hughey has found that they tend to prefer recruiting multi-sport athletes. “I think football is probably the best example of not specializing,” Harvey says. “Ninety percent of the first-round draft picks are multi-sports athletes. They’re running track, playing basketball, wrestling. It certainly doesn’t hinder their ability to play professionally or get those college scholarships.”

Prevent injury. “We see that kids,

who have had experiences playing a multitude of sports, have fewer difficulties learning new skills and, generally, don’t suffer from the overuse injuries and burnout that are common with youth athletes specializing in one sport,” says physical therapist Tim Cummings, PT, DPT. An overuse injury occurs as a result of repetitive motion and impact on one area of the body. “Overuse injuries are those injuries that cause an athlete to lose more than a month of their sport,” Harvey says. “Those are the biggest ones that we see in the developing athletes who do sports specialization.” Cummings says the most common overuse injuries he sees in younger

patients include ankle sprains, knee pain, Little Leaguer’s Elbow, ACL tears and Osgood-Schlatter. “Osgood-Schlatter is a traction injury on a special type of growth plate called an apophysis, which is at the top of the shin bone,” Cummings explains. “The traction comes from strong and relatively tight muscles that develop during puberty and high activity levels. Pain and sometimes swelling can be felt directly over a bump at the bottom of the knee.”

Avoid burnout. Participating in

different sports throughout the year is easier on developing bodies and kids are less likely to get bored or even anxious or depressed. “Athletes wanting to perform at their best, but not being able to, whether it’s due to injury or their fear of disappointing a coach or a parent or even themselves, plus that chronic daily physical demand, can lead to higher rates of burnout and quitting their sport,” Harvey says. To allow the body time to rest and recover, kids shouldn’t train for more than eight months out of the year. “And really try not to practice, train or compete more than their age in years per week,” Harvey says. (For example,

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no more than 12 hours per week for a 12-year-old.) Striking a healthy balance between sports and other interests is also beneficial. “Some of the high school athletes we work with have stressed the importance of needing down time and being able to spend time with friends,” Hughey says.

We help navigate the mental health system for teens and children.

Encourage free play. Whether

they toss a football around with friends, shoot hoops in the driveway, play tag, or make up competitive games, kids develop motor skills, creativity and social/emotional skills through unstructured play. “When we start to look at young athletes, the body really needs time to develop, to learn how to run, learn how to jump—really learn how to use their bodies and play,” Harvey says. “Instead of focusing on one exact sport, try a little bit of different types of sports. Learn how to be athletic first and foremost, and then really have fun with those sports.”

Psychiatric Intake Response Center (PIRC)

205- 638-PIRC (7472) PIRC is a confidential phone response center linking adult callers to mental health resources for children and teens. Service is provided by licensed mental health professionals who educate callers and recommend the most appropriate treatment options. PIRC hours are 8:00 am — 11:00 pm, 7 days a week. PIRC is NOT a crisis or suicide hotline. Call for mental health resources.

The PIRC is generously supported by funding from the Anne B. LaRussa Foundation of Hope, Brasfield and Gorrie, LLC, the Daniel Foundation of Alabama, the Hill Crest Foundation, the Gorrie family, and the Walker Area Community Foundation.

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When to specialize. “This isn’t a black and white, good or bad issue. Sports like figure skating, gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and diving require early specialization due to the high demand to acquire specific sports skills early on,” Cummings says. “Peak performance in these sports most often happens before reaching full physical maturity.” But, he emphasizes that early specialization combined with decreased recovery time does put an athlete at increased risk for overuse injuries no matter the sport chosen. Harvey recommends parents gauge specialization readiness according to a child’s physical and mental maturity. Although he’d prefer kids waited until they were at least 12 (ideally 14 or 15), “there’s probably not a specific age that I would say is perfect,” he says. He says a child who is physically and mentally ready to specialize: • Is goal-oriented • Understands that the sport should be fun • Comprehends complex rules of the game • Recognizes the demand that a sport can put on the mind and the body • Can cope with those demands in a healthy way Above all, “you’ve got to listen to your children,” Hughey says. “Countless coaches have told us that you will know when the time is right. If you’re pushing it, it’s not the right time.” MBP Christa Melnyk Hines is a nationally published freelance writer. She and her husband are the parents of two active sons.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


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Grading Family Movies: Streaming, Digital Rentals, and DVDs Pokemon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle

LOL Surprise: The Movie

Under Wraps

No Time to Die




































In Theaters













Living anonymously in Jamaica, James Bond’s idyll is brought to an end when CIA agent Felix Leiter asks for his help in tracking down an abducted scientist. Now it falls to Bond to save the world from a devastating bioweapon. For the genre, the profanity is lighter than expected and the sexual content is far lower than in past 007 films. There is, however a fair bit of creative violence. Adult and teen fans of the franchise will enjoy Daniel Craig’s final mission. Photo ©Metro-Goldwyn Mayer

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When an elderly resident in their community starts acting suspiciously, three friends set out to investigate, only to accidentally awaken a 4,000 year old mummy. Harold, their new bandaged buddy, is far less scary than he looks but the story will provide some harmless frightening moments for school-aged kids. Production values are mediocre and the script is clunky, but this still provides safe scares for an audience that is underserved at Halloween. Photo ©Disney+




Unhappy about moving to a new house, Ava is suddenly whisked away to a digital world populated by her LOL Surprise dolls. While helping them make a film, Ava develops courage and learns to embrace change. This movie’s aggressive product placement is problematic,but its toxic message that girl power comes from clothes, cosmetics, and celebrity is even worse. Despite its lack of negative content, the messaging makes this show unsuitable for youngsters. Photo © Netflix

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Ash and Pikachu run into Koko, an orphan who has grown up wild in the jungle. As Koko learns about humans, he also uncovers a plot to destroy his jungle home. Cue lots of Pokemon battles and cheesy dialogue before the inevitable triumph of good over greed. This film is neither novel nor clever, but it provides kids with a fun, simple, safe introduction to the Pokemon universe. Adults with fond memories of the franchise will also enjoy the movie, but it has little to offer a mass audience.

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There’s Someone Inside Your House














A serial killer is targeting teens – with a twist. He wears a mask of their own faces while he kills them, and then he reveals their deep, dark secrets after their deaths. This film is both unoriginal and chock full of negative content, particularly underage drug and alcohol consumption, extreme profanity, and sexual content. It’s not recommended for teens – or adults for that matter. Photo ©Netflix Grades range from: A= absence of content concerns to D= excess of content concerns Detailed reviews available at 35

Screen Time: A Quick “Win” To Help Parents Feel More in Control Do you feel like you can never stay on top of what your children are doing on their devices? Do you feel overwhelmed when you think about monitoring their ongoing social media activity, not to mention the 400 apps they use. Okay, let’s be honest, if your kids are older than nine, they are probably only REALLY interested in two apps… Snapchat and TikTok. In any case, I like to give parents what I call an “easy win” when it comes to monitoring their kids. We need something that helps us feel like we are providing some safety. We know we want them to be viewing age appropriate material and we do not want them to be on their devices ALL THE TIME. Have you ever heard yourself saying to your kid, “Get off the phone. Get off the phone. GET OFF OF THAT PHONE!” This is where we can have that “easy win”. First, though, let’s chat a minute about device use. The rise in anxiety, depression and suicide has been linked directly to constant unrestricted device time. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among those in their late teens and early twenties. As parents, we want to protect our children, while also allowing them access to media so they don’t feel left behind. Where is the balance? And what can we do? Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021

To start, children and teens should never have a device, any device, that is not monitored for both age related time AND content. The phone settings should be set so that at least the time allowed on the phone, and the information viewed online, coincides with the child’s or teen’s age. How do we do this? Set screen time on your child’s device. It is free and easy to do, as well as easy to monitor. Here are the steps you can follow to set screen time. In Settings on your child’s phone, scroll down to Screen Time. Click on it. Here you will find everything you need. First, you will want to scroll down and click on Screen Time Passcode. Set the passcode. Make sure it is one you can remember and your child will not figure out. This prevents them from making any changes to what you set on the phone. Next, go back to Screen Time and click on Down Time. Here you decide how much time your child gets to spend on his/her device. You can customize it by days, and drill down to hours. It is beautiful! When their allowed time is finished, an hourglass will pop up, and they will not have access to the phone until you have it set to “wake up” next. You can even put time limits on certain apps or completely restrict certain apps from the phone, as well as certain websites. 36

Next, go to Content and Privacy Restrictions. This allows you to set age appropriate restrictions for content. NOTE: This only monitors content online. It will not monitor the content coming through specific apps. You also want to go to the “Allow Changes” section under Content Restrictions. Click “Do Not Allow” on each one. This prevents your child from uploading or downloading any apps without permission. A quick secret… you will not hurt or break the phone, so spend time scrolling through Screen Time and looking at all it has to offer! The main thing to note is to always remember the passcode because it will lock you out if you forget. In addition to providing these protections, start having open conversations with your child. Start doing random device checks. Give yourself some support by putting in place monitoring systems that will make your job easier. Do not forget to rely on your support systems outside of tech as well... your friends, counselor, school, resource officers. It truly takes a village. If you find yourself needing extra support, I am here. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at








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Want a COVID-19 vaccine? Children need protection from COVID-19 for both their health and the health of family and friends. New COVID-19 variants and more in-person activities mean the virus still is being transmitted, and kids still are getting sick.


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Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is available to kids 12 years old and up, getting


the vaccine is the best thing to do for your child’s health.






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Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021



Want to really make your kids happy? Teach them the importance of giving to others. Contrary to common belief that kids need and want more “stuff” to be happy, science tells us that it is the act of giving to others that actually boosts happiness and can even improve health and other areas of their lives. Believe it or not, children enter this world with a natural instinct to be compassionate to others. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute discovered that infants help others even though they are too young to have learned about being kind and polite. The children take action because of their own motivation, and not because they expect a reward. Do children continue to show compassion as they grow? A breakthrough study by psychologists at the University of British Columbia determined that young children are happier to give than to receive. Toddlers who were asked to give away their own treats expressed greater happiness when they shared with others. The researchers interpreted the results of this study to mean

that anytime people participate in pro-social behavior, such as volunteering and giving charitable donations, we experience an increase in happiness. Children have the foundation to be kind, but it’s our job as parents to continue to nurture this part of them as they grow. If we neglect to do so, negative life experiences can unfortunately tear down this beautiful instinct.

How Giving Transforms Our Kids Numerous studies have uncovered several ways that giving enhances our children’s lives.


Boosts Happiness: When we make others

happy by giving a gift or our support, we experience a physiological change called a helper’s high. It is a euphoric physical sensation resulting from our brain releasing chemicals called endorphins. According to Psychology Today, the helper’s high is a literal “high,” similar to a drug-induced sensation. It makes us feel good naturally, giving us a rush that leaves us elated and excited. This positive energy is similar to how we feel after exercising.

Improves Health: Research shows that

giving leads to better health. In his book Why Good Things Happen to Good People, Stephen Post, a professor of preventative medicine at Stony Brook University, explains that giving to others has been shown to increase health benefits in people with chronic illness. In addition, a 1999 study led by Doug Oman of the University of California, Berkeley suggests that giving may improve physical health because it helps reduce stress. Finally, a 2006 joint study by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Tennessee indicated that people who helped others had lower blood pressure t.

Promotes Social Connection: Several studies suggest that when we give, our

generosity is ultimately rewarded by others. These positive actions promote a sense of trust and cooperation that strengthens our relationships. Moreover, we feel a bond towards those we help. All of this is important because having positive social interactions is central to good mental and physical health.

Encourages an Attitude of Gratitude:

When we give to those in need, we feel a sense of gratitude because it puts things in perspective. Volunteer work is a great opportunity for our children to appreciate what they have and gives them a glimpse of the broader world. Meanwhile, gratitude is another very important ingredient for happiness and good health.

Gives Children the Opportunity to Inspire Others: Those who are on the

receiving end of a good deed typically want to pass along that positive feeling and help others. Researcher James Fowlerat the University of California, San Diego found that just one act of kindness can inspire several more acts of kindness by others. In this case, children have the opportunity to be a mentor to others, inspiring a chain of kindness and compassion.

Best Ways To Teach Children About Giving

like to donate to. Check in weekly or monthly throughout the year to see how close they are to reaching their goal.

Teaching our children how to pay it forward is easier than you may think. There are endless opportunities to volunteer as a family and to give our children meaningful experiences that will enhance both their lives and the individuals they help. Here are some tips on how to incorporate giving into your children’s lives.

Help your children discover their passion. Our passion should drive how we

Discuss how they can help. Find a few

minutes during your day to ask your children who they would like to help. Provide some options like babies, animals, people without homes, children who do not have families, students who need books, or the elderly. Talk about the different types of projects you can do to help those in need. For some inspiration, read books about giving and kindness to your children.

Talk about the importance of charitable giving. If you choose to start

a monetary collection for charity, consider creating or buying giving boxes for each child. Ask them to set goals about how much they would like to give throughout the year and which organizations they would

give because when we are excited about a project, we can put all of our heart and soul into it. Also, when we care about what we are working on, we will get more out of it and feel happier. Help your children identify their talents, skills, and interests that they can put to good use.

Find ways to volunteer as a family. By

volunteering as a family, you make giving a priority and build it into your children’s daily routine. You can find volunteer opportunities for your family by checking your local government website; searching for local charities in your area; asking friends and neighbors; or visiting sites like Idealist, VolunteerMatch, and JustServe. There is certainly no shortage of ways to help others. By providing our children with opportunities to give, they will be happier and healthier and have the power to pass along that goodness to so many people. MBP

Sandi Schwartz is a freelance writer and frequent contributor.




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November 16 - January 8

STEM Wonderland ad on page 27 @ Exploreum 65 Government St. Mobile, AL 36602 Holiday decorations will set the stage for a myriad of STEM based activities for all ages, while Imagination Playground will be available for building an ice village.

November 26 -January 5

Magic Christmas in Lights at Bellingrath Gardens and Home ad on page 28

@ Bellingrath Gardens and Home 12401 Bellingrath Gardens Rd Theodore, AL 36582 Join us for the 26th season.The dazzling nighttime display features more than 1,100 set pieces, 3 million lights and 16 scenes, set out in a walking tour throughout the 65-acre Garden estate. (251) 973-2217

December 3-12

Miracle on Dauphin Street ad on page

@ Dauphin Way Baptist Church 3661 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36608 Dauphin Way Baptist Church will be hosting their Miracle on Dauphin Street, Friday, December 3rd – Sunday, December 12th. The cost for ice skating is only $5.00 for children, teens and adults. There will also be a Christmas Hayride (FREE), entertainment, outdoor Christmas Market, and food/snacks for sale. Fridays 5 pm – 10 pm; Saturdays 11 am – 10 pm; Sundays 1 pm – 9 pm; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5 pm – 9 pm. (251) 342-3456

December 4-5

St. Lawrence Christmas Bazaar ad on page 33

@ St. Lawrence Church 370 South Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 Silent auction with virtual bidding option,

vendor booths, bake sale, handcrafted gift baskets, and Christmas Cafe. Unique art and antiques for purchase. Kids can shop in Santa’s Workshop, take pictures with Santa and Christmas crafts! We’ll have Gumbo, candied nuts and apples, baked goods, and homemade casseroles to go. Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am - 3:00pm.

(251) 928-5931

December 5

Live Nativity at Christ United Methodist Church

December 11-12

Mobile Ballet presents “The Nutcracker” ad on page 23

@ Mobile Civic Center Theatre 401 Civic Center Drive Mobile, AL 36602 December brings the lavish holiday tradition of The Nutcracker–pairing Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece with fresh choreography from Artistic Director Katia Garza. Performances: December 11 at 2:30pm & 7:30pm Sunday, December 12 at 2:30pm. (251) 342-2241

ad on page 16

@ Christ United Methodist Church 6101 Grelot Road Mobile, AL 36609 Drive-thru tours between 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Ever wondered what it was like the night baby Jesus was born? Join us as we present the sights and sounds of Bethlehem. Experience Holy Night through live character portrayals of Mary, Joseph, shepherds, the wise men, angels and live animals. This will be a unique experience for all ages! Free and open to the public. Presented by Christ United Next Generation in conjunction with Kingswood United Methodist Church.

December 17-21

Drama Camp Productions and Sunnyside Theater present “Miracle on 34th Street” ad on page 3

@ Baker High School 8901 Airport Blvd Mobile, AL 36608 Drama Camp Productions and Sunnyside Theatre present “Miracle on 34th Street” December 17-19, December 17-7pm, December 18, 2pm, 7pm and December 19, 2pm.

(251) 342-0462

(251) 510-1808

December 11

December 31

Billy Claus visits LuLu’s!

Noon Year’s Eve at Lulu’s

@ Lucy Buffett’s LuLu’s 200 East 25th Avenue Gulf Shores, AL The fun starts at 1pm and Billy Claus and his LuLubelle’s will arrive at 2pm, read a Christmas story, and listen to your wish list! Arts & crafts, live music and pictures with Billy Claus. 251-967-LULU

@ Lucy Buffett’s LuLu’s 200 East 25th Avenue, Gulf Shores, AL Noon Year’s is a FREE family event for all ages. The fun starts at 10:00am with arts & crafts, face painting, music, sand castle contest, and a beach ball drop and kid friendly fireworks at NOON! (251) 967-LULU

Lighted Boat Parade

November 5-6

ad on Inside Front Cover

ad on Inside Front Cover

@ Lucy Buffett’s LuLu’s 200 East 25th Avenue, Gulf Shores, AL View the sights of the holidays with the annual Lighted Boat Parade. Parade begins at dusk. (251) 967-LULU


ad on Inside Front Cover

Christmas in the Bayou Shopping Spectacular

@ Bayou La Batre Community Center 12745 Padgett Switch Road Irvington, AL 36544 We will have a large variety of vendors to shop

with, food, a silent auction & Santa will be there as well! Nov. 5-5pm-9pm, Nov. 6-10am-4pm (251) 824-7918

November 6 Living History Day at Colonial Fort Conde @ Colonial Fort Condé 150 S Royal St Mobile, AL 36602 11am-3pm

(251) 208-7569

Toys for Tots Motorcycle Ride

@ USS Battleship Memorial Parkway 2703 Battleship Parkway Mobile, AL 36602 Toys For Tots will kick-off their holiday campaign at Battleship Memorial Park with the popular Motorcycle Ride. Registration begins at 8:00am. Bring a new, unwrapped toy for the toy drive.

November 6-7 The Shoppes at Abba Shrine Christmas Extravaganza

@ Abba Shrine Temple 7701 Hitt Road Mobile, AL 36695 Come join us for our Christmas Extravaganza Vendor showcase! Saturday 10-4, Sunday 10-3. Pictures with Santa 11-2 Sat 12-2 Sun. Concessions available

November 7 Annual Merry Mart

@ Our Savior Catholic Church 1801 Cody Road South Mobile, AL 36695 Visitors can enjoy holiday shopping, lunch and fun under one roof--finding the perfect gift for everyone on their list. Children can shop The Santa Shop. 12:00pm-4:00pm (251) 633-6762

HayMazing Family Festival

@ Redemption Church 879 Snow Road Mobile, AL 36608 Come enjoy a FREE night of carnival games, candy, inflatables, food, music, hayrides, and an awesome Hay Maze! 5pm-7pm

November 12 - January 7 Christmas Night of Lights

@ Hank Aaron Stadium 755 Bolling Brothers Boulevard Mobile, AL 36606 Christmas Nights of Lights is coming back for the 2021 season! Come out and see over one million lights synchronized to traditional and newer, rocking Christmas music played through your own car stereo. Nightly 5:30pm–10:00pm

November 12-14 Junior League of Mobile Christmas Jubilee

@ Mobile Convention Center 1 South Water Street Mobile, AL 36602 Kick off your holiday shopping and support your community at Junior League of Mobile’s annual Christmas Jubilee located at the Mobile Convention Center. The Gulf Coast’s greatest holiday market features a variety of merchants from around the country under one roof for three exciting days of shopping.

November 18 Mistletoe Shop & Stroll

Saraland, AL 36571 Join us for our annual Mistletoe Shop & Stroll as we showcase retailers in Saraland. Be sure to get your map/passport so you’ll know everywhere to go on the shopping route for savings and fun. 3pm-8pm. (251) 675-4444

November 18-21 University of Mobile’s “Christmas Spectacular”

@ Cottage Hill Baptist Church 4255 Cottage Hill Road Mobile, AL 36609 Get the season off to a festive start with the sights and sounds of our annual Christmas music extravaganza presented by the Alabama School of the Arts at University of Mobile. Time: 7pm-November 18-20, 2pm-November 20, 4pm-November 21. Purchase tickets at (251) 442-2383

November 11

November 19

United Cerebral Palsy’s Christmas Nights of Lights 5K and Fun Run

The Lighting of the Trees

@ Hank Aaron Stadium 755 Bolling Brothers Boulevard Mobile, AL 36606 Come out for an evening of Christmas cheer and fun! Whether you run or not, this is the most amazing race route to experience with a Christmas light show! 6pm (251) 479-4900

November 12 - January 17 Ice Skating Rink

@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Grab a pair of skates and glide, spin or fall into the season on real ice. Open Monday–Thursday (4-10pm), Friday (noon–10pm), Saturday and Sunday (10am – 10pm). Special hours apply for holidays and school breaks. (251) 224-1000

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021

@ Mardi Gras Park 109 Government Street Mobile, AL 36602 Lighting of the Tree, DJ, live music by The Neil Dover Band, games, activities, vendors, Santa, and more! 6pm-9pm (251) 208-1551

November 20 Christmas Market and Tree Lighting in Semmes

@ Semmes Library 9150 Moffett Road Semmes, AL 36575 Come out and enjoy a full day of shopping from local vendors ending with the lighting of the Semmes Christmas Tree. 9am-6pm. (251) 649-8811

Cirque Dreams Holidaze

@ Mobile Civic Center Theatre 401 Civic Center Drive Mobile, AL 36602 Cirque Dreams Holidaze lights up the stage in the


awe-inspiring, eye-popping family holiday spectacular. This annual tradition wraps a whimsical, Broadway-style musical infused with contemporary circus artistry into the ultimate holiday gift for the entire family! 2:30pm and 7:30pm (251) 208-7906

Turkey 10-Miler, 10K & 5K Run / Walk


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@ River Delta Marina 2350 Dead Lake Marina Rd # 244 Creola, AL 36525 This race benefits Creola Police & Rescue, and the River Delta Marina. Please bring canned or packaged non-perishable food to the race to donate.

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November 25 Turkey Trot for Hope 5K & Gobble Wobble Fun Run

@ USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park 2703 Battleship Parkway Mobile, AL 36602 Rapahope would like to invite you to join us in the area’s largest Thanksgiving Day tradition–Turkey Trot for Hope. The 5K and fun run ‘Gobble Wobble’ have become a festive way to start the holiday season. Virtual option available.


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November 26-27 & December 24


Holiday Shopping

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@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Shop until you drop with us at The Wharf for Black Friday (10 am – 6 pm), Small Business Saturday (10am–6pm) and Last-Minute Christmas Eve Shopping (10am–4pm).

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(251) 224-1000


November 26-December 24

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Wales West Arctic Express

@ Wales West RV Resort and Light Railway 13670 Smiley Street Silverhill, AL 36576 Authentic steam train ride to the North Pole, through decorations, lights, and snow! Santa visit, Toy, Free Refreshments, Minitrain rides, Hayless Hayride, Potato Cannon, Cafe, Gift Shop. Reservations online. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, 4pm-9 pm, Nightly starting Dec. 11 (888) 569-5337

November 29 SouthWest Mobile County Chamber of Commerce Christmas Tree Lighting

@ Tillman’s Corner Community Center 5055 Carol Plantation Road Mobile, AL 36619 SouthWest Mobile County Chamber of Commerce Christmas Tree Lighting will be held from 5:306:30pm (251) 666-2488

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November 30 Christmas Tree Lighting

@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Help us usher in the holiday season at 5:30 pm with bulbs, garland and glee. The annual tree lighting hosted by the City of Orange Beach is the perfect ceremony to inspire the Yuletide spirit. (251) 224-1000


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Trees for Hope

@ Dauphin Way Baptist Church Gym 3661 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36608 Kick off the holiday season, browsing and bidding on wonderfully decorated Christmas trees and wreaths and enjoying fun and fellowship, all while helping to support children and families in our care. Time: 6:00pm (251) 463-8280 funevents/trees-for-hope/

December 1 Bragg-Mitchell Mansion Decorated for Christmas

@ Bragg-Mitchell Mansion 1906 Spring Hill Avenue Mobile, AL 36607 Tour the Mansion with traditional decorations adorning each room and enjoy the beauty of the season. Tours on the hour, Tue-Fri 10am-3pm (251) 471-6364

Grand Bay County Christmas Tree Festival






Mobile Symphony Youth Orchestra “Holiday Concert”

@ Foley Civic Center 407 East Laurel Avenue Foley, AL 36535 The child musicians are sure to move audiences with sounds of the Christmas season. Time: 7:00pm. (251) 943-1545

Semmes Old Fashioned Christmas

@ Semmes Heritage Park 3871 Wulff Road Semmes, AL 36575 Tour the old schoolhouse and church and learn what Christmas was like in the past. 6pm

The Prophecy Show

@ Saenger Theatre 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36602 This powerhouse group of classically trained musicians come together to create nothing short of an electrifying evening of holiday rock music. 7:00pm

December 3-4 Holiday Market and Art Bazaar

@ Mobile Botanical Gardens 5151 Museum Drive Mobile, AL 36608 Get your Holiday shopping done at this fun event and buy local products. Friday 9:00am–3:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm (251) 342-0555 www.

(251) 666-2488 www.

December 4 & 11

December 4

Christmas Carriage Rides at Colonial Fort Conde

Birthday Party for Jesus

@ Grace Community Church 7120 Airport Boulevard Mobile, AL 36608 Join us for a Birthday Party for Jesus on Saturday, December 4th from 9:30-11:30am. At this family event, we will play games, enjoy cake and share what Christmas is all about!

Breakfast with the Grinch

(251) 460-6136

@ W.C. Griggs Elementary School 6001 Three Notch Road Mobile, AL 36619 Parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. Parade lineup begins at 8:30 a.m. at W.C. Griggs Elementary School on Three Notch Road in Tillman’s Corner.

(251) 602-0630

USA Concert Choir & University Chorale Holiday Concert

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@ Saenger Theatre 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36602 Join us at Mobile’s Saenger Theatre for Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” presented by The Playhouse-in-the-Park. Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm Sunday at 2:30pm

December 2

@ Laidlaw Performing Arts Center 5751 USA Drive South Mobile, AL 36688 USA Concert Choir and University Chorale Holiday Choral Concert will be held at 7:30pm.

SouthWest Mobile County Chamber of Commerce 2021 Christmas Parade

Playhouse in the Park presents “A Christmas Carol”

(251) 345-3303

12610 Old US 90 Grand Bay, AL 36541 Our Country Christmas Tree lighting festival is Friday, December 3rd, 5:00 to 8:30 pm. Santa will light tree at 6:30. Entertainment, games, food and craft vendors.

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December 3-5, 10-12, 17-19

@ Colonial Fort Condé 150 S Royal St Mobile, AL 36602 3pm-8pm-Christmas Carriage Rides at Colonial Fort Conde (weather permitting)

(251) 208-7569

December 4-5 Reflections of the Nutcracker Ballet

@ Steele Creek 368 Juniper Ave Satsuma , AL 36572 Breakfast with the Grinch, Steele Creek Dec. 4th Time TBA

@ Richards DAR House 256 North Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36603 Come enjoy reflections of the Nutcracker Ballet. Enjoy musical entertainment, Christmas cookies and tea, Pictures with Santa and gift shop. Saturday 10-4, Sunday 1-5

(251) 208-7320

Grand Bay Christmas Parade

December 5

Grand Bay, AL 36541 The Spectacular Parade of Lights will be Saturday, December 4th at 6:30 pm.

Holiday Bazaar

@ Cooper Riverside Park Mobile, AL 36602 Holiday Market Vendors fill this festive market! 10am-2pm. (251) 208-1551

December 6 Holiday Cheer

Home Free “Warmest Winter Tour 2021”

@ Saenger Theatre 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36602 The acclaimed group is set to light up the holiday season by hitting the road on their Warmest Winter Holiday Tour – showcasing songs that will get you in the holiday spirit.

@ Five 609 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36602 Holiday Cheer to benefit the Child Advocacy Center will be from 6:00pm-8:30pm. The event will feature samplings of signature dishes, wines to taste, a live auction of holiday gifts and live music. music. (251) 432-1101

St. Mary Lighting Up Midtown!

Mobile’s Singing Children Annual Christmas Concert

@ Cathedral of Immaculate Conception 2 South Claiborne Street Mobile, AL 36602 Mobile’s Singing Children Christmas Concert at 7pm.

@ Baldwin Square Satsuma , AL 36572 Join us in Baldwin Square for Christmas Extravaganza from 8am-2pm.

@ St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 4051 Old Shell Road Mobile, AL 36608 Bella Voce of Mobile, Mobile’s Premiere Women’s Chorus, presents our 14th annual Christmas Gift concert at 4:00pm, with a program in celebration of the Christmas and Holiday seasons.

Satsuma Christmas Extravaganza

Bella Voce - Christmas Concert

@ St. Mary Campus 1453 Old Shell Road Mobile, AL 36604 Join us for our annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Family Celebration. The Tree LIghting begins at approximately 6:45pm. Santa will arrive on the Lafayette Street Fire Truck and will be ready to take wish lists and have his photo made with all of our little ones! Plenty of dinner options, cookie decorating, hot chocolate and even a little snow will be included! (251) 432-8678

December 10 Holly Jolly ArtWalk

Satsuma Christmas Parade

Satsuma , AL 36572 Join us for the Annual Satsuma Christmas Parade. Start Time: 11:00am


@ Downtown Mobile Mobile, AL 36602 Join us downtown for Artwalk, Cathedral Square - Christmas Music and a winter wonderland made completely of balloons! 6-9pm (251) 208-1551

December 11 2021 Semmes Christmas Tour

@ MGM High School 4275 Snow Road Semmes, AL 36575 Semmes Woman’s Club invites you to share the joys of the upcoming season—the sights, the sounds, the smells, the flavors—with everyone who REALLY loves Christmas! Semmes Christmas Tour and Shop Hop from 1pm-6pm.

(251) 288-7972

Dawes Christmas Parade

@ Living Word Church 2900 Dawes Road Mobile, AL 36695 9th Annual Dawes Christmas Parade Saturday, December 11th at 1pm (251) 633-0033

Holiday Market in Midtown

@ Central Presbyterian Church 1260 Dauphin Street Mobile, AL 36604 Holiday Market at Midtown- Christmas shopping experience will take place from 10am-3pm. (251) 432-0591

Roll Mobile - Jingle all the Way Skating @ Civic Center Mobile, AL 36602 Roller Skating, Indoors, music, fun! 6-11pm (251) 208-1551

Saraland Christmas Parade

Saraland, AL 36571 Join us for the Saraland Christmas Parade at 12:00pm. (251) 675-4444

Saraland Mistletoe Market

@ Saraland Municipal Complex 939 Saraland Blvd S Saraland, AL 36571 Join us for the Annual Mistletoe Market from 9:00am– 4:00pm, come shop, eat, and more! (251) 675-4444

Semmes Christmas Parade

Highway 98 to Firetower Rd Semmes, AL 36575 The Semmes Annual Christmas Parade with floats from area businesses and churches, marching bands, antique cars, and lots of throws will start at 10:00am. (251) 649-8811

This Is Christmas Concert

@ Springhill Baptist Church 2 South McGregor Avenue Mobile, AL 36602 Join us for an Advent worship experience featuring the Spring Hill Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, Living Masterpieces, Children’s Choir and Piano Ensemble. December 11- 4:00pm, 7:00pm and December 12- 4:00pm. (251) 652-1037

December 15 @ Davidson High School Auditorium 3900 Pleasant Valley Road Mobile, AL 36609 Join us at 7:00pm at Davidson High School for our annual Christmas Concert. All concerts are FREE and open to the public. (251) 679-6036

December 18 Carpe Diem’s Santa Run

@ Carpe Diem Coffee And Tea Company 4072 Old Shell Road Mobile, AL 36608 A 2 mile Fun-Run, walk, bike ride, dog walking, fun for the whole family charity event. Join the fun, spread the Christmas spirit. Holiday Costumes encouraged. Time: 10:00am.

Charlie Brown Jazz Christmas

@ Saenger Theatre 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36602 12th Annual Charlie Brown Jazz Christmas Concert featuring Jennifer Hartswick on Trumpet and Vocals will be held at 7pm. (251) 208-5600

Christmas at Oakleigh and the Holiday Homes Tour 300 Oakleigh Place Mobile, AL Christmas at Oakleigh and the Holiday Homes Tour will be held December 18. Please visit our website for more information. (251) 432-6161

Fowl River Boat Parade

@ Pelican Reef 11799 Dauphin Island Pkwy Theodore, AL 36582 ?The Christmas Boat Parade 6:00pm. The boats in the parade are decorated with lights and go down the river making occasional stops to throw goodies to everyone on the docks. (251) 973-2670

Holly Days on Main Festival

Holiday Extravaganza and Toy Giveaway

@ James Seals Park Mobile, AL 36603 Holiday Extravaganza and Toy Give-a-Way-Santa, DJ, karaoke, crafts, bounce houses, food trucks, vendors, and toy giveaway! 10am-2pm. (251) 208-1551

(251) 224-1000

December 19

Mobile Symphony presents “Joy to the World”

St. Paul’s Singers and Orchestra Concert

(251) 432-2010

(251) 342-8521

@ Saenger Theatre 6 Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36602 Mobile Symphony presents “Joy to the World”. The Gulf Coast’s best holiday concert.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021

The Lindsey Stirling Christmas Program

@ Saenger Theatre 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL 36602 Lindsey Stirling’s Christmas Program starting at 8pm at the Saenger Theatre.

December 31

The Mobile Pops Christmas Concert

December 11 & 12 @ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Activities will take place from Saturday (9am–5pm) and Sunday (9am–4pm) on Main Street. Hosted by the Coastal Alabama Business Chamber, guests can enjoy a Santa 5K, arts and crafts vendors, performances, lighted boat parade and more.

December 22

Kids Confetti Drop

@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 If your little ones are too young to stay up until midnight, join us at The Wharf for our annual Kids Confetti Drop, featuring tons of family friendly activities plus an early daytime countdown to the new year. Event time is 10 am – 2 pm. Confetti drop at noon! (251) 224-1000

Reelin’ In the New Year NYE Street Party

@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Reel in 2022 with us at The Wharf for our New Year’s Eve Street Party. Live bands, family friendly and adult-centered fun all rounding off at midnight with our marlin drop and fireworks. Resolutions are for the start of the month. Give yourself one last excuse to let loose! Admission is free. (251) 224-1000



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Saturdays and select event dates; November 13, 20, 27 – December 4, 11, 18, 19-24 The Wharf North Pole Express

@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 This winter, The Wharf Express is on a holiday mission! Put on your PJs and ride The Wharf North Pole Express each Saturday until Christmas, where every child will receive a candy cane, a coloring book and a golden ticker sticker. Open Saturdays (10am–8pm). Times subject to change (251) 224-1000

Various December dates Holiday Horse and Carriage Rides

@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Are you “saddled up” for the holidays yet? Head to The Wharf to spend an evening under the moon in an enchanted horse-drawn carriage down Main Street. You can also catch the holiday SPECTRA Laser Light Experience on your ride. (251) 224-1000

Weekends and select event dates; November 12 - December 24 Photos with Santa at The Wharf

@ St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 4051 Old Shell Road Mobile, AL 36608 St. Paul’s Singers and Orchestra are presenting Handel’s Messiah Sunday, December 19, 4:00pm.


@ The Wharf 23101 Canal Road Orange Beach, AL 36561 Ho Ho Holiday photo time with Santa at The Wharf! Children can also bring their wish list letters to give to the Jolly Claus or write one in his village. Open Fridays (3-6 pm), Saturdays (10am– 6pm) and Sunday (noon–6pm). Times subject to change. (251) 224-1000

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FamilyCalendar Monday November 1

Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Road Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Tuesday November 2

Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Road Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Wednesday November 3

Be Our Guest: An Immersive Dinner 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 251-307-5056 An Evening with Bruce Hornsby (Solo) 7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 An intimate evening with Bruce and his beloved piano as the only stars of the show. Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Road Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Thursday November 4


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Country concert.

The PACT Theatre Company presents “ Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 For King and

USA Piano Ensembles Fall Concert 7:30 PM Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA South Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 Held in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall. 251-460-6136 Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Rd Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Friday November 5

Alabama Pecan Festival 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Tillman’s Corner Community Center, 5055 Carol Plantation Road Mobile, AL, 36619 This family-oriented festival features a carnival atmosphere with rides, food, face painting, arts and crafts, live music, antique car show, and more. Free Admission. (251) 401-5555 Newsboys: Step into the Light Tour 7:00 PM Mobile Civic Center Theater, 401 Civic Center Drive Mobile, AL, 36602 Headlined by Christian music veterans Newsboys, with special guests Mandisa, We Are Messengers, Cade Thompson and Adam Agee, the 17-city Step into the Light Tour will begin this October.

The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609

Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Road Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Mike Epps: In Real Life Comedy Tour 8:00 PM Mobile Civic Center Arena, 401 Civic Center Drive Mobile, AL, 36602 Actor and comedian Mike Epps is set to bring the laughs to Mobile once again with his In Real Life Comedy Tour.

Tuesday November 9

Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Road Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Thursday November 11

Saturday November 6

Fall Sale 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, St. Francis Episcopal Church, 401 Key St Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 Join us for our Fall Sale from 9-2. Vendors, Art, Food and more.

The PACT Theatre Company presents “ Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609

Friday November 12

Art Soup 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, South Joachim Street, Mobile, AL, 36602 ART SOUP is an evening of entertainment, great food, and local art that brings attention to the homeless issues in our area.

Mobile Heart Walk 9:00 AM USA Moulton Tower, Mobile, AL, 36608 Alabama Pecan Festival 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM, Details on November 5. (251) 401-5555 Fall Festival at Cloverleaf Baptist Church 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Cloverleaf Baptist Church, 6500 Three Notch Rd Mobile, AL, 36619 Visitors can enjoy fall fun for the whole family! Fun, games, food. 1:00pm-3:00pm. Free. Cotton Festival 2:00 PM Tanner Williams Park, 12855 Old Tanner Williams Road Wilmer, AL, 36587 Come celebrate Tanner Williams life with us! We will have Food, Art, Vendors, Music, and more. Time: 2:00pm-Dusk. The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias “Beyond the Fluffy World Tour” 8:00 PM Mobile Civic Center Arena, 401 Civic Center Drive Mobile, AL, 36602 Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias is one of a handful of comedians with the distinct honor to headline and sell out the Staples Center, Madison Square Garden and the Sydney Opera House. Greater Gulf State Fair The Grounds, 1035 North Cody Road Mobile, AL, 36608 The Greater Gulf State Fair offers fun and entertainment for the whole family! (251) 344-4573

Veterans Day Concert 7:00 PM USS Alabama Battleship Park, Mobile, AL The Mobile Symphonic Pops Band Veterans Day Concert. Chickasaw Civic Theatre presents “The Importance Of Being Earnest” 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 USA Opera Theatre Fall Scenes Concert 7:30 PM Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA South Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 251-460-6136 music/upcomingevents.html

Saturday November 13

Chickasaw Civic Theatre presents “The Importance Of Being Earnest” 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 MSO Presents: Bella Musica 7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602

Sunday November 7

Alabama Pecan Festival 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Details on November 5. (251) 401-5555 The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 2:00 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609


Purse with a Purpose Our Sister’s Closet presents the 16th annual fundraiser Purse with a Purpose. This is a FREE event to “watch from home”. Med will be modeling purses for a good cause. This is an online auction. The event begins at 7pm. To register your email visit www. and receive the YouTube link to watch from home. (251) 423-2001

The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609

FamilyCalendar Sunday November 14

Chickasaw Civic Theatre presents “The Importance Of Being Earnest” 2:00 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 The PACT Theatre Company presents “ Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 2:00 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 MSO Presents: Bella Musica 2:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 USA Opera Theatre Fall Scenes Concert 7:30 PM Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA South Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 251-460-6136 music/upcomingevents.html Battleship 12K Old Spanish Trail, Spanish Fort, AL, 36537 The Battleship 12K is a patriotic run to honor those who have served our country.

Tuesday November 16

USA Wind Ensemble Fall Concert 7:30 PM Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA South Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 USA Wind Ensemble Fall Concert 251-460-6136 music/upcomingevents.html

Thursday November 18

Art Club 4:00 PM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us in Bernheim Hall to learn about and experience new media and techniques in these free hour-long art club sessions. Supplies are provided and registration is encouraged. Ages 6-10, To register, please visit: The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 USA Symphony Band Fall Concert 7:30 PM Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA South Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 251-460-6136 music/upcomingevents.html

Friday November 19

Sunny Side Theater and Drama Camp productions presents “Carrie The Musical” 7:00 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 South Carlen Street Mobile, AL, 36606

Music & Storytelling 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, Blakeley State Park, 34745 State Hwy 225 Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Come out to the park for a night of family fun in the great outdoors.

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021


Join us for a fun evening of live music, stories and more. Admission: $8 adults/$4 kids ages 6-12/under 6 is free. 6:30pm-8:30pm. (251) 626-0798 Chickasaw Civic Theatre presents “The Importance Of Being Earnest” 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 The PACT Theatre Company presents “ Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 USA Guitar Studio Recital 7:30 PM Laidlaw Performing Arts Center, 5751 USA South Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 251-460-6136 music/upcomingevents.html Jubilee Renaissance Faire The Medieval Village, 30569 Osprey Lane Robertsdale, AL, 36567 Enjoy Medieval Games of Skill, such as Archery or Axe throwing. War Horse rides, a Falconry demonstration and other live animal exhibitions. The main event will be a real full contact Jousting Tournament. 10am-5pm. Education dayNovember 19 from 10am-2pm.

Saturday November 20

Family Farm Day 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Humming Star Alpacas, 19700 Blueberry Lane Silverhill, AL, 36576 Come visit and learn about alpacas, explore items made of alpaca fiber, shop with local vendors, participate in hands-on fiber arts, and have lunch. 10:00am-4:00pm. (251) 214-8224 StarAlpacas A Culinary Tour through Alabama History 12:00 PM Oakleigh Museum House, 300 Oakleigh Pl Mobile, AL, 36604 Book signing and presentation by Monica Tapper. Tapper serves up a stick-to-your-ribs trek through Alabama history, providing classic recipes modified for the modern kitchen along the way. Sunny Side Theater and Drama Camp productions presents “Carrie The Musical” 7:00 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 South Carlen Street Mobile, AL, 36606 Chickasaw Civic Theatre presents “The Importance Of Being Earnest” 7:30 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 The PACT Theatre Company presents “ Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 7:30 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 International Festival The Grounds, 1035 Cody Road North Mobile, AL, 36608 The festival provides the ambiance of world travel, and it gives the opportunity to meet people from over 70 countries, a change to speak different languages, sample some delicious food, learn geography, history and more. (251) 285-5003


Jubilee Renaissance Faire Details on November 19.

Sunday November 21

Chickasaw Civic Theatre presents “The Importance Of Being Earnest” 2:00 PM Chickasaw Civic Theatre, 801 Iroquois St Mobile, AL, 36611 Sunny Side Theater and Drama Camp productions presents “Carrie The Musical” 2:00 PM Joe Jefferson Playhouse, 11 South Carlen Street Mobile, AL, 36606 The PACT Theatre Company presents “Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical” 2:00 PM The Pact Theatre Company, 5025 Cottage Hill Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Jubilee Renaissance Faire Details on November 19.

Monday November 22 Iron Bowl Legends Benefit Gala

6:30 PM Battle House Hotel, Mobile, AL, 36602 We are hosting the Fifth Annual Benefit Gala, on November 22, 2021, at the Battle House Hotel in Mobile, AL. The purpose of this event is to raise funds to support our continuous efforts in offering free youth development programs that include LifeSync Academy life skills programs, financial literacy clinics, and athletic youth camps.

Friday November 26

Rock, Gem and Mineral Show 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Abba Shrine, 7701 Hitt Road Mobile, AL, 36695 Many Jewelry, Gem, Fossil, and Mineral dealers. A real, working Gem Sluice to mine your own treasures.Kids activities. Friday Night Live 6:00 PM Medal of Honor Park, Mobile, AL Join us on November 26th for a FREE evening of LIVE MUSIC, Food trucks, and Family-Friendly Fun at Medal of Honor Park! Gates open at 6pm!

Saturday November 27

Rock, Gem and Mineral Show 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Details November 26. Iron Bowl Block Party Dauphin Street [between Franklin and Hamilton] Mobile, AL, 36602 23 ft LED screen to watch the game, Event starts 2 hours before kick off, Band - Thin Ice, DJ battle at halftime, Prizes for the most spirited fans

Sunday November 28

Rock, Gem and Mineral Show 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Abba Shrine, 7701 Hitt Road Mobile, AL, 36695 Many Jewelry, Gem, Fossil, and Mineral dealers. A real, working Gem Sluice to mine your own treasures.Kids activities.


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FamilyCalendar Thursday December 2

Annual Hargrove Foundation Gala 6:00 PM Mobile Convention Center, 1 South Water Street Mobile, AL, 36602 We invite you to join us as we commemorate our 10-year anniversary, a celebration of over $2M granted to support education, health and human services, arts and culture, and qualified sports activities. This year, we welcome all-star athlete Bo Jackson and Sarah Thomas, the NFL’s first female referee, as the featured guest speakers for the 2021 Hargrove Foundation Gala. Wine and Wishes 6:30 PM History Museum of Mobile, 111 South Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us at our 5th annual Wine & Wishes benefiting Make A Wish Alabama! Our goal is to grant the wishes of 3 local wish kids with critical illnesses. Dress is cocktail attire.Tickets will include gourmet heavy hors-d’oeuvres, an amazing open wine and beer bar, and live music to dance to all night long!

Friday December 3

Cheap Chic Boutique 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, St. Catherine’s Parish - Cafe Siena Room, 2605 Springhill Avenue - Midtown near Florida St. Mobile, AL A Fundraiser for Our Sisters’ Closet. New, Nearly New & Vintage, Designer & Brand Name Clothing, Shoes & Purses at Thrifty Prices including Cocktail & Formals. Never miss a Sale!: Register your email at, Facebook Our Sisters Closet & text the message CPC to ph# 24251.

Saturday December 4

Cheap Chic Boutique 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, St. Catherine’s Parish - Cafe Siena Room, 2605 Springhill Avenue - Midtown near Florida St. Mobile, AL Details December 3.

Saturdays thru November 20

Fall Market on the Square 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Cathedral Square, 300 Conti Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us for locally-produced, locally-made items.

Every Day in November

Fall Outdoor Cascading Chrysanthemums 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Bellingrath Gardens and Home, 12401 Bellingrath Gardens Road Theodore, AL, 36582 Mum’s the word at Bellingrath Gardens and Home in November, when it’s time for the 56th Annual Fall Outdoor Cascading Chrysanthemums, the nation’s largest outdoor display of the signature blooms of the season. 251-459-8973


Read and Play Storytime 10:00 AM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us in Bernheim Hall for a socially distant storytime event. Masks are required. Children enjoy 20 minutes of books, songs, manipulatives, and rhymes, with an emphasis on repetition for their developing minds. Story and book time is followed by a time of free play with a sensory activity.

First Sunday of every month

First Sunday Outdoor Market at 5 Rivers 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Five Rivers Delta Center, 30945 Five Rivers Boulevard Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 Shop outdoors and support local artisans, crafters, growers, and makers and shop the Cypress Gift Shop at 5 Rivers for unique outdoor-themed items and gifts.

First Sunday of every month

Free First Sunday - History Museum of Mobile 1:00 PM History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Free admission for all visitors sponsored by Wind Creek Hospitality!

Second Saturdays

LoDA Artwalk 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Free showcase of visual and performing arts.

Every Friday

Streets Alive 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Streets Alive encourages an entertainmentfriendly environment for Mobilians to come out and support downtown businesses.

Because of ever-changing circumstances due to Covid-19 , please check with each venue prior to attending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate and up to date.


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Mobile and Baldwin County’s Board Certified Allergy Experts 47

Can I Protect Myself Against Inflation? Q. All the talk on the news about inflation is a little scary. Is there any way to protect yourself against it on a day-to-day basis? A. When people start talking about inflation, it seems like there are always some who want to start collecting gold, fill every container they own with gasoline and stick their cash under their mattresses. But listen, you can prepare for inflation and address the results without being panicked. You are still in control of your money, inflation or not. You’ll be able to make sure your money is going toward the right things, while being able to find places where you can cut spending, if you’re living on a written, monthly budget. If you’re noticing the prices of things like food

Mobile Bay Parents I November 2021

and gas rising in your area, you’ll need to adjust your budget to account for this. That way, you’ll know exactly what you’re working with, and it will help you avoid any nasty surprises. If you’re really feeling the pinch and want to save even more, look for specific ways to lower your grocery bill or save money on gas. Maybe it’s time you switched to generic brands, or started a carpool into work. If you find great deals on canned food and things you can stock your pantry with— I’m talking about stuff you’ll actually use—go ahead and buy a little extra. Just make sure you’ve budgeted for it before heading to the grocery store. You’ll want


to already know exactly what you’re going to spend, so you don’t get swept up into impulse buying. Like it or not, inflation is a thing. If you plan on retiring one day, it’s pretty much guaranteed that the cost of a loaf of bread, a tank of gas and even a cup of coffee will have gone up by then. The best way to protect yourself against inflation that’s bound to happen is to invest your money—and the sooner the better. But remember, if you still have debt other than your mortgage, and don’t have an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses, you need to take care of those things first!




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Prevents 90% of HPV cancers Protects boys and girls against half a dozen cancers including cervical and other HPV cancers.

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9 years until 15th birthday

6-12 months after dose #1

Not Needed

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1-2 months after dose #2

Approximately 4 months after dose #2

Visit for more information and other available resources. 1


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