Kobie (7), Champ (the birthday boy, 5), Cali (the birthday girl, 10), and Kennedy (16), children of Carvel and Candis Jones and grandchildren to Reverend Kent and Debra Cottrell, and Anthony and the late Nadine Jones.
Growing up, birthdays in my family were always a big deal. I am not sure who enjoyed them more, us or my mom. She always got so excited helping us plan our party. My first birthday party with friends was a Raggedy Ann theme. Mom even dressed up as Raggedy Ann! Of course, there were skating parties and ice cream parties in the backyard. But my favorite was always a sleepover party. The house would have a dozen girls or more with sleeping bags scattered all over the den floor. We stayed up all night, laughing and talking. I was the only girl in the family, so my mom loved it. She had my brothers sleep over at friends’ so they would not bother us. While some parents may think a sleepover is a lot of work, they can be super easy, budget-friendly, and fun, as Christina Katz shares in Save Time, Money & Even Sanity By Hosting A Sleepover Party!
Like my mom, I also love celebrating birthdays and love a themed party. To me, a theme helps get the ball rolling. As time got closer to my girls’ birthdays, I could not wait to start planning. We had a lot of fun crafting decor and choosing activities to coordinate with the theme. Some ideas were hits, while others were misses. For the 80s dance-themed party, we used neon splatter, painted black bulletin board paper for the walls, and black lights and glow sticks. For the Webkinz party (remember Webkinz?), we crafted a Wheel of Wow, a gem hunt, and a wishing well. Both of those go into the hits category. However, the “Barbie in a Bubble Bath” cake, as seen on Pinterest, was a complete “fail,” sending me to the store at the last minute. And making leather name bracelets that I thought everyone would think were super cool for the ‘70s sleepover; my daughter was right; nobody thought they were cool. This proved once again that I am not nearly as cool as I think I am. Fortunately, my daughter planned other crafts. Some families prefer to avoid having the clean-up at home and opt for a party on locations at a fun venue. But, if you are good with the mess and your party guests love a mess, then you should check out Christina Katz’s feature, A Festive Mess: 17 Creative Birthday Activities For An Unforgettable Party. The great part about Katz’s ideas is they are not just for parties. Some of these activities would make for some great summer family fun!
It does not matter if you are an at-home party person or prefer the ease of partying at a venue; you are sure to find plenty of resources for your next celebration in the annual Birthday Party Resource Guide. This directory includes places to have parties, order cakes, secure rentals, hire entertainment, and more valuable information to help you get ready for all of your special events. Make sure you tuck this issue in a convenient place. That way, you have it year-round as you plan all of your celebrations! We can’t close out the annual birthday issue without recognizing an important birthday this month: the birth of our great nation. I want to thank all of the men and women in service who work to keep our country the land of the free and home of the brave. God bless the USA!
From my family to yours, Happy Celebrating!
Mobile Bay’s Foremost Parenting Source Mobile Bay
Mobile Bay Parents Magazine is founded on the principle that parenting is an exciting, diverse, challenging, and significant role in our community. Mobile Bay Parents Magazine is a community advocate for families and the parenting process.
Publisher Lynn Knighton
Editor DeAnne Watson deanne@mobilebayparents.com
Research Editor Lucy Green
Contributing Writers
Cheryl Denise Bannerman
Savannah Browning, MD
Kristi Bush, LSW Gabriele Jones
Christina Katz
Dave Ramsey Works of Wonder Therapy
Cover Photography
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Jason Watson
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Scott Davis
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Mobile Bay Parents magazine is published monthly by KeepSharing, LLC. Mailing address: P.O. Box 81105, Mobile, Alabama, 36689. The phone number for voice and fax is (251) 304-1200. Mobile Bay Parents is copyrighted 2024 by KeepSharing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in Mobile Bay Parents magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect he view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.
Now that school is out and children are home for the summer, many parents have reached out to me concerned about their children’s lack of motivation. The first thing I help parents understand is that motivation is natural. We all do what we like and will work for what we want. Instead of focusing on motivation, it is vital for parents to spend time helping their children develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that we can improve anything through effort, learning, and persis tence. A growth mindset will forever shape how your chil dren approach challenging situations, cope with failures through flexibility, and develop resilience.
A growth mindset is not natural and takes a tremendous amount of work to develop. Parents must lead this effort through intentional modeling, shaping, and engaging. Here are a few helpful hints you can use to teach this life altering mindset to your children.
Consistently have something that they are learning. If you notice a “weakness” in your child, look at it as a skill and help them develop a plan to practice the skill until it is mastered. Help your child
on electronics, it is going to be difficult to get them to transition to hard tasks. Selfdiscipline leads to a healthy sense of selfaccomplishment and a strong work ethic. Have them focus on something bigger than themselves. Teach your children to diligently observe the world and focus on how to make it better. Encourage them to look for needs and attempt to meet them. Teach them to ask others how they can help. This basic character development is slowly fading from our self-centered society. Have your children help elderly neighbors, make cards for sick friends, clean a highway, be a member of a team, etc.
Encourage spending time with people who make them better. Take time to find people who help your children strive to be the best version of themselves by encouraging every attempt they make to do the right thing. Watch movies, read books, and listen to stories about people who have overcome difficulties through persistence.
More than 600 Mobile County public high school athletes and band members visited the University of South Alabama on Friday, June 7, for free physicals and CPR training offered by providers from USA Health, the region’s only academic health system.
USA Health sports medicine and family medicine physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, pediatricians, cardiologists and other providers met groups of students from Mobile County public high schools at the USA Mitchell Center during the daylong event. They checked the students’ blood pressure, vision, heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose and throat. They evaluated posture, joints, strength and flexibility, and discussed any medical needs or concerns. “The students are required to have a sports physical to participate in athletics, and that includes band and ROTC. So, we’ve set up this day where all of the athletes can come through and get their physicals done,” said Peter Rippey, M.D., CAQSM, a sports medicine physician at USA Health and assistant professor of family medicine at the Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine. “This year, we’re also offering ECG screening, and teaching hands-only CPR and how to use an automatic external defibrillator.”
An ECG, also known as an EKG, is a quick test that records the heart’s electrical activity to screen for health conditions that increase the risk of sudden cardiac arrest. The test was performed in curtained areas, and cardiologists were on hand to read the results and schedule follow-up appointments when needed. By the end of the day, 35 community volunteers, including those with the group Heart For Athletes had provided 408 ECG screenings, with three students identified as needing to follow up with a cardiologist. At the event, Gul Dadlani, M.D., a pediatric cardiologist and chair of pediatrics at USA Health, addressed a group of students who were paired with manikins for CPR instruction. “You have four minutes to save their life,” he told them. “If someone goes down, you’re going to just act.”
In the case of sudden cardiac arrest, CPR must be initiated within the first four minutes to avoid the risk of brain injury and/or death, Dadlani said. “What we want to teach our community and all of our athletes is hands-only CPR so that if someone goes down, you start compressions,” he said. “We want to keep oxygenated blood going up to the brain and keep that person alive.” USA Health is the official provider of sports medicine for 11 high schools in the Mobile County Public School System.
The Gulf Coast Ethnic & Heritage Jazz Festival provides the Gulf Coast and surrounding areas with a vibrant mix of jazz music and education. Delfayeo Marsalis & the Uptown Jazz Orchestra and Gino Rosaria headline this year’s festival. July 25-July 28, 2024 are the festival dates and will include an evening of poetry, Jazz Gala, Marcus Johnson Summer Jazz Camp and incredible jazz concerts. Please visit https://gcehjazzfest.wordpress.com/ for more information.
Cheers to Children will be held at Grace on July 22nd at 6 PM in downtown Mobile! Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable evening supporting a great cause. Please call (251) 432-1101 or visit https://www. cacmobile.org/for more information.
The Greater Gulf State Fair is excited to announce the launch of its annual Read and Win Summer Reading Program. This program aims to encourage and promote literacy among incoming elementary (K-5th, K-6th for Baldwin County, AL) students throughout the Gulf State region. From May 23 to August 6, 2024, children are invited to participate by reading 10 books and mailing our Read and Win form to our office at 1035 Cody Road N, Mobile, AL 36608. Students who complete this form will receive a Free Child’s Admission ticket to the 2024 Greater Gulf State Fair! Participants can access the program by visiting the Fair’s official website at greatergulfstatefair.com/ read-and-win and completing the Read and Win form, available for download. Once the form is filled out, participants can mail it in to receive a Ribbon and a Free Admission Ticket to this year’s Greater Gulf State Fair, scheduled to take place from Friday, October 25 through Sunday, November 3.
Let’s come together for an electrifying Teen Glow Foam Party on Thursday, August 1st from 7:00 pm – 10:00pm at Laun Park. Pumping up the music and introducing an epic FOAM-TASTIC experience! All teens aged 13-17 are welcome to join us for a thrilling foam glow party filled with music, inflatables, bubbles, and so much more. Please visit www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/ for more information.
Bring a picnic lunch and join the History Museum of Mobile and Colonial Fort Condé for these fun summer activities and workshops designed for families! These programs are free for Museum Members. For non-members, the programs are included in the cost of regular admission tickets to the History Museum and Colonial Fort Condé. Activities may have a limited number of participants and admission will be available on a first come first served basis. Parents/guardians must remain on site during the program. Families are welcome to eat lunch in the History Museum classroom after the program or in the courtyard at the Fort before the program starts. Please visit www.historymuseumofmobile.com/ hands-on-history-summer-pop-in-programs.
Schedule for July and August:
Mummification Workshop-Friday, July 12, 10am—12pm
Location: History Museum of Mobile Classroom
Learn about ancient beliefs about the afterlife and the ancient Egyptian art of mummification. Space in this workshop is limited to 30 kids. For ages 7 and up. Quill Pen Writing-Saturday, July 20, 1pm—3pm (anytime)
Location: Colonial Fort Condé
See a demonstration of how people wrote during the colonial era. Then learn to make your own quill pen from a large goose feather. For ages 5 (with parent or guardian help) and up.
Marbled Paper Workshop
Friday, July 26, 10am—12pm (arrive before 10am)
Location: History Museum of Mobile Classroom
Learn about the history of the decorative art of marbled paper and how it is made, and then try your hand at making your own marbled paper. For ages 7 and up.
Colonial Toys & Games-Saturday, August 3-1pm—3pm (anytime)
Location: Colonial Fort Condé
Stop by the Fort courtyard anytime between 1 pm and 3pm to learn about colonial era toys, tabletop games, and lawn games, then make your own whirligig toy. For ages 5 (with parent or guardian help) and up.
Feeding the Gulf Coast is partnering with local community organizations to offer free meals to children, 18 and younger, through the Summer Meals Program. The program is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is designed to fill the nutritional gap when children are out of school during summer months and do not have access to free or reduced-price breakfasts and lunches at school. This program has a significant impact on children and families across the central Gulf Coast. “As summer comes, many children who rely on school meals face the painful reality of hunger instead of the carefree days of summer they should be able to enjoy,” said Michael Ledger, President and CEO at Feeding the Gulf Coast. “We are partnering with nearly 150 sites this summer across our service area to provide 8,000 meals on a daily basis. Our goal through this program is to ensure all children have access to nutritious meals throughout the summer while school meals are not available.” To find child meals sites near you throughout the summer, call our office at (888) 704-FOOD or visit our website at feedingthegulfcoast.org/find-help.
Join us for our July Summer Drive-In Movie on July 26 at James Seals Community Center & Park. Enjoy creating new traditions and great memories with your family and friends for a FREE movie from the comfort of your car. Alternatively, you can bring a blanket and some chairs and enjoy the show under the stars! Please visit www. cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/summerdrive-in-movies for more information.
Join Springhill Medical Center for a day focused on baby! At Hello Baby Family and Baby Expo attendees will visit with OB/GYNs, attend educational sessions, tour The Birthing Suites at Springhill, meet the lactation consultants and labor & delivery nurses, visit vendor tables with products and services for baby & parents, ask questions/get answers. We’ll be registering attendees for prizes and offering fun activities. Don’t miss out on our useful giveaways and enjoy some delicious refreshments. FREE! Hello Baby Family and Baby Expo will be held Saturday, July 13, 9 a.m. – Noon at Springhill Medical Center Campus - Building 2, 2nd floor. 3715 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL. No registration required.
A warm hug between a parent and child can mend more than meets the eye. Science backs this up.
To recognize the importance of a parental bonding technique known as skin-to-skin contact, 36 families with infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at USA Health Children’s & Women’s spent time snuggling with their babies during Kangaroo Care Awareness Day on May 15.
The practice got its name from the way a kangaroo cradles its young in a pouch after birth. And just as a baby joey benefits from staying close to its mother in a warm spot, human infants also benefit from skinto-skin contact with their parents.
Research shows the benefits of kangaroo care for babies include a stable heart rate, improved oxygen saturation and respiratory rate, plus increased milk production for the mother. It also is considered a way to reduce stress for the tiniest patients in the NICU, who often are separated from their parents and caregivers for extended periods.
At the only level III NICU in the region, physicians and nurses dressed up in kangaroo suits and posed for photos with many of the families as part of the day’s festivities. Parents also had a chance to take part in a class where they decorated frames to mark the occasion. The frames and other treats were donated by the Skylar Project, a local nonprofit that supports the parents of NICU patients.
“A great thing about this technique is that moms and dads can both participate,” said Courtney Thomson RNC-NIC, BSN, a parent educator in the NICU. “Having a child in an intensive care unit can often be a challenging experience. That’s one reason we create opportunities, such as Kangaroo Care Awareness Day, for parents and newborns to share positive experiences that enhance bonding.”
Here’s how the skin-to-skin technique works:
• A baby, dressed in a diaper and often a cap, is placed on a parent’s chest so that the infant is resting directly on their skin.
• The parent should turn the baby’s head to one side so that one of his or her ears can hear their heartbeat.
• The infant should be covered with a blanket to stay warm.
• Parents are encouraged to hold their baby in that position for at least an hour.
The Mobile Arts Council (MAC) is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded a generous grant of $15,000 from The Daniel Foundation of Alabama in support of arts education through Amp Up Arts. This funding will significantly bolster MAC’s efforts to expand and enhance arts education and outreach throughout the Mobile County Public School System. In 2023 MAC joined the first statewide initiative for arts education with Amp Up Arts (AUA). This is a collaborative effort with other organizations and agencies, including the Alabama State Council on the Arts (ASCA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Its mission is to provide fully funded, high quality arts education that enlightens, inspires, and develops in every Alabama student the creative and innovative thinking necessary to ensure college and career readiness.
Amp Up Arts is an innovative initiative designed to provide comprehensive arts education and enrichment opportunities to underserved youth in our community as well as offer local artists paid teaching opportunities. In 2023, MAC reached 2,473 at-risk youth and is on track to significantly increase this reach by funding additional teaching artists at more schools.
“We are deeply grateful to The Daniel Foundation of Alabama for their invaluable support of Mobile’s first Education Collaborative Site through Amp Up Arts, underscoring the vital role of arts education,” said Angela Montgomery, Executive Director of the Mobile Arts Council.
“This grant will enable us to expand our reach and impact, bringing high-quality arts programming to more schools in the Mobile County Public School System. It is a significant step forward in our mission to make art accessible to all.”
The Daniel Foundation of Alabama is known for its commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all Alabamians through support of arts, education, health, and community programs. They recognize that a thriving arts community contributes immeasurably to the quality of life in Alabama, weaving together our diverse population in important ways.
Alabama’s annual sales tax holiday for school-related items begins at 12:01 a.m. Friday, July 19, 2024, and ends at midnight Sunday, July 21, 2024, giving shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain school supplies, computers, books and clothing free of the state’s four percent sales or use tax. Per the Alabama Department of Revenue website, “A county or municipality, by resolution or ordinance adopted at least 30 days prior to the third full weekend of July, may provide for the exemption of covered items from county or municipal sales or use taxes during the same time period, under the same terms, conditions, and definitions as provided for the state sales tax holiday.” Baldwin and Mobile counties are included as counties participating in the sales tax holiday. Cities/municipalities participating vary. For a complete list visit www.revenue.alabama.gov/sales-use/ alabama-back-to-school-sales-tax-holidayparticipating-localities/
Burns happen! Kids are a perfect combination of clumsy and curious. The good news is that most burns are minor and heal without intervention. Our skin is a complex organ which helps most burns heal quickly. However, if it is compromised too much, it will need extensive help to keep our body safe.
Assessing the overall size of the burned area is important. If the area burned is larger than the size of your child’s hand OR if it involves the hands or feet, then you probably will want to call your pediatrician to help with management. If the area burned is much larger, or covers entire areas of your child’s body, then you will want to go to the emergency room for acute management.
the arm or leg), these can require other interventions, and your child would benefit by seeing your pediatrician.
Another important point about location: if the burned area overlays a joint, or if the burn circumvents a body part (for example around
The depth of the burn can be tricky to assess. The most minor only involves the top layer of skin. This burn is usually a bright red, but does not blister, and you can still see skin (a typical example is sunburn). This heals quickly and typically has no complications. Deeper burns can involve more layers of skin all the way down to, and including the muscle, which is the deepest. Blistering of the skin typically means there’s more than one layer involved, and if the blister is larger than two centimeters, then it could be more serious and would need to assessed. If you have any doubt, call your pediatrician.
A good treatment for minor burns at home would be cleaning with a mild soap.
Moisturizer can be applied if the site is dry or itchy, and a bandage can be applied if you’re worried about your child picking at it or getting the area dirty. If a blister forms, try not to pop it because this is your body’s natural bandage. More extensive burns might require debridement which is removal of the dead tissue, while therapy referrals can help with wound healing or movement of the joints around the burn.
As always, if your child does experience a burn, your pediatrician can be your best first call to help with management and to answer all of your questions.
After nearly 20 years teaching students in second through fourth grade, Mrs. Jessica Dennis, our Mobile Bay Parents Teacher of the Month, just can’t get enough.
“I just finished up my 19th year of teaching and am looking forward to year 20!” Mrs. Dennis said. “I’m grateful every day that I still have a passion for teaching! I almost can’t believe I’ve been teaching this long. My kids are getting older, but I feel like I stay the same age since my students keep me young.”
Mrs. Dennis graduated from the University of South Alabama in 2004 with her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. Then, in 2014, she completed a Master’s degree in Reading Curriculum and Instruction and is almost finished with a second Master’s Degree in Instructional Leadership. One could argue that she loves to learn as much as she loves to teach. Her hope is to one day become an assistant principal of an elementary school.
“Mrs. Dennis is wonderful in every way,” shared Jessica Maxwell, parent to one of Mrs. Dennis’s former students. “My daughter was lucky enough to have her for two amazing years! Mrs. Dennis taught second grade, then third; so the school looped her class.”
Mrs. Dennis currently teaches third grade at Dawes Intermediate School. She shared that her
love for reading and writing inspired her to become a teacher. She has been working within the Mobile County School System her entire career.
“I have a strong desire to educate and empower our young people,” she said. “I love the opportunities to make experiences and lessons hands-on and exploratory. When my students can investigate concepts, ask meaningful questions, build on their own knowledge, and make connections to their own lives, I feel like I’ve really hit a home run.“
Mrs. Dennis shared that one of the most rewarding aspects to being a teacher is watching her former students graduate.
“There is a huge reward in seeing your former students graduate from high school and college,” Mrs. Dennis reminisced. “I know that I played a very minor role in the whole of their education, but seeing former students walk their old elementary halls in May fills my heart with pride and my eyes with tears. I love seeing who my students are growing up to become... confident and courageous world changers.”
Jessica Dennis has been married to her husband, Jeff, for 16 years. He’s always been her biggest cheerleader and #1 supporter. Jessica says they have two of the best kids on the planet! Their daughter, Isabella (14), and their son, Grayson (12). In her free time she loves to read and cook for friends and family. As a family, they enjoy camping and going on adventures together!
The Viking Walk at Little Flower Catholic School brought many happy and amusing memories to the former Little Flower students who are graduating from high school this May. Many of these students had not seen much of their former classmates in the last four years,
and the occasion gave them an opportunity to renew old friendships. The graduates were invited to stay for a lunch in their honor, and were given a tour of the school. The stories they told about “the old days”, brought rounds of laughter attached to the memories. We salute our graduates; we invite them to return often, and remember, “once a Viking, always a Viking”.
St. Ignatius officially broke ground on their new Early Learning Center Preschool facility June 3rd. The building will house 200 1K4K Impalas with four sections each of 2K, 3K and 4K and two sections of 1K. The facility should take 12 months to build with a target of use for the start of the 2025-26 school year. Currently, the two yellow houses pictured below have been demolished to make room for the new building. Pictured are campaign chairs Mr. Bob Clapper, Mrs. Lynn Clapper, Mr. Bradley Donaghey, Rev W. Bry Shields, Jr and Mrs. Rosemary Johnson. These parishioners have been instrumental in the success of the Building Something Beautiful for God campaign at St. Ignatius. It will be a busy and exciting year on campus! The future is bright!
Mobile County Public Schools held a ceremony to install the latest honorees’ names on The Giving Tree in the Academic Affairs Building. This ceremony honors the annual Teachers of the Year and educators who have won statewide or national awards during the last year. The latest honorees are:
Mischa Armstrong, MCPSS High School Teacher of the Year
Monica Beasley, Alabama Art Education Association Elementary Teacher of the Year
Jessica Burnette, MCPSS Elementary Teacher of the Year
Summer Davis, Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) Award from the American School Counselor Association
James Duke, Alabama Association for Career and Technical Education Teacher of the Year
Maegan Gayle, State Finalist, Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
Virginia Hall, Alabama Science Teachers Association High School Teacher of the Year
Angel Jackson, National Science Teaching Association Urban Educator Award
Christy LeGros, MCPSS Middle School Teacher of the Year
Kristy McLain, Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) Award from the American School Counselor Association
Tammy Pini-Loper, Alabama Science Teachers Association Middle School Teacher of the Year
Stephen Watts, Alabama Counseling Association Secondary School Counselor of the Year
Little Flower Catholic School students are jumping for joy because they have completed another great year of school. So many accomplishments were made. So many friendships were forged. So many prayers prayed.
Here’s to a restful Viking Vacation for students and teachers.
Our Read Write Academy students loved the last science unit of the 23-24 school year. They studied and understood the functions of different parts of animal cells. To further their knowledge, they were able to make their own 3D model of an animal cell out of Play-Doh.
Our CCS artists made a spectacular showing at Springhill Hospital’s Color By Kids Art competition! We swept the K-2 category, and took first place in 3rd-5th. The students received a certificate and a gift card to Hobby Lobby. In addition, the school received $285 in prize money for the art department, and our two first place plaques are on display in the office. Way to go Eagles!!
Congratulations, Class of 2024! You are about to embark on an exhilarating four-year journey through high school, and we are all incredibly proud of you here at Corpus Christi. As you step into this new chapter of your lives, remember that hard work, dedication, and perseverance will be key to your success. We have no doubt that you will all flourish and grow into capable and compassionate individuals, ready to make a positive impact on the world.
St. Mary’s Class of 2020, now the high school class of 2024 came back to their alma mater on May 15 for the annual Mustang Walk! With caps and gowns and many decorated with various cords and medals of distinction, these Mustangs stormed the halls with high fives and hugs to St. Mary’s current students, many of them siblings, and staff and faculty who taught them along their journey. With laughter and tears of joy, the conversations were flowing, with one of those being a line from one senior to another, “Don’t you remember when we were here and couldn’t wait for the seniors to come back to see us?”
St. Mary congratulates all graduates of the class of 2024!
Photo by Marcelle Naman
St. Mary’s Parish welcomed in their second grade First Communicants on Sunday, May 5 with a beautiful Mass and reception. Under the direction of St. Mary’s Pastor, Father Vrazel, and St. Mary’s Principal, Corinne Cuffle, their teachers to include second grade teachers Bethany Brewer and Jessica Martin, and CCD Teacher, Hattie Alexander prepared them for this very special day.
St. Mary’s First Communicants include: Clark Joseph Arensberg, Colsson “CG” Greene Beasley, Madison Jené Bryan, Everett Lebaron Buchanan, Harry Everett Cuffle, Lucy E. Daniels, Mia Lisette Dunaway, David Paul Fletcher, Jr., Edward Raymond Ford, IV, Milan Lillian-Marie Grove, Cecelia Mae Hood, Hannah Margaret Brown Jarvis, Adley Caroline Koen, Jayden Logan Lopez-Herrera, Fritz Lursen, Evelyn Rose Marasca, Henry Beckett Martin, Ellison Greer Murphy, Peter Joseph O’Dowd, Cooper Thomas Odom, Brody Tyler Orso, Corey Hunter Pardue, Madelyn Grace Piper, Mason Powell, Lawson Reid, Jillian Elise Ross, Diego Fernando Sánchez, Sean Valliere Thibodeaux Saurage, Michael Joseph Smith, Mary Blythe Smith, Elijah Sonnier, Matthew Isaac Stowe, John Lyons Talbott, Charlotte Jane Teske, Reed William Thompson, Melainey Renee Williams, Claudia Anne Wishon, and Thomas Alphonse Hays Zieman, III. Photo by Shane Rice
Summer break brings increased sun exposure for students! Elizabeth Simpson, PA-C, recently spoke with St. Luke’s Biomedical Science students about the critical topic of skin cancer. As the most common type of cancer, skin cancer is notably one of the most preventable forms. Mrs. Simpson provided valuable insights, discussing various types of skin cancer and the treatments available for each.
During her session, Mrs. Simpson offered practical examples and even demonstrated how to perform a razor biopsy using an orange, making the lesson both engaging and educational. This hands-on demonstration helped students grasp the procedure in a tangible way, enhancing their understanding of skin cancer diagnosis. We are grateful to Mrs. Simpson for dedicating her time and expertise to educating our students on this important health issue. Her efforts have undoubtedly equipped them with the knowledge to better protect themselves and others from the dangers of skin cancer.
St Mary’s Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony was held May 22 where all families came to celebrate this milestone for their students. Awards were presented to the following students: Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Cunningham Awards were presented to Katie Blanchette and Archer LeGrone. 4.0 Award recipients included Braydon Arata, Abigail Blaize, Katie Blanchette, Anna Burch, Molly Dudley, Alex Gould, Clara King, Archer LeGrone, Maggie Claire Martin, Jack O’Dowd, and Henri Woodard
St. Mary Virtue Award honors were presented to Jabraylen Brown, Marguerite Carroll, Paige Johnson, and Zoe Trehern
St. Mary’s also invited 8th Grade Speakers to address their class.
St Mary’s 8th Grade Graduation Mass speakers were Seth Demouey, Kennedy Hambright, and Paige Johnson, and the 8th Grade Luncheon Speakers were Mary Dowdy, Clara King, Archer LeGrone, and Kelise Nicholson.Photos by Marcelle Naman
Introducing your 2024 IBO 3D World Championship Bronze Medalists and your 2024 NASP World Championship Gold Medalists! Also, congratulations to Alaina Percherke (4th place bullseye) and Logan Taylor (5th place bullseye). This team has fought so hard this season, and we could not be prouder! What a phenomenal season for our Causey Archery team!
Families and fellow students gathered to watch as eighth graders danced and celebrated the tradition of the quinceañera that they had been learning about in Spanish class.
Join us in celebrating our students’ outstanding achievement in the Accelerated Reading Program at Council Traditional Elementary School. This year, our students collectively read an impressive 20,202 books, amounting to a remarkable 68,235,333 words. We are immensely proud of their dedication to literacy and academic excellence!
It’s ONLY the BIGGEST competition of the school year: Red v. Black! It’s a day when the air buzzes with excitement and friendly competition. Spring Fest 2024 was full of traditions, fun, and laughter! The day ended with Tug of War, the much-anticipated grand finale of SpringFest. It brings together the entire school community in a spirited display of teamwork and friendly competition, with cheers and chants from the Red and Black Teams trying to claim victory! This year, the red team clinched the title, amassing the highest points across the day’s events.
A standing ovation for Khalil Evans, Everett LaDart, Penelope Curtis and Caleb Yoder of Council Traditional School! At the 10th Annual MCPSS Film Festival, amidst the glitz of the Saenger Theater and the unstoppable flash of paparazzi, these stars shone the brightest. Your hard work and talent have truly set the stage. Congratulations on your well-deserved honor!
17 UMS-Wright Band students, 7th-12th grade, performed in the ABA State Solo and Ensemble at Spanish Fort Middle School in May. They performed in 23 different events and 37 Superior Medals were awarded (11 for solos and 26 for ensembles)! In addition to the Superior ratings, there were 2 Excellent rated solos.
Congratulations to Heartwood Christian Academy’s graduating class of 2024! Every aspect of the graduation ceremony was exquisite - from the student videos to switching the tassels to the traditional cap toss. Over half of the graduating class received honors.
Students entered to “Pomp and Circumstance” by Sir Edward Elgar. Then Mrs. Bonita Harris, HCA Administrator, and Mrs. Debbie Botsis, senior class advisor, conducted the ceremony. Mrs. Harriet Callahan, a beloved Heartwood teacher, delivered an exceptional speech challenging the graduates. Miss Marabella Wilmoth, class valedictorian, and student council president, delivered the senior class speech and passed the Heartwood student council stole to Miss Lauren Higgins, who assumed duties as the 2024-2025 president. Mrs. Bonita Harris prayed the final blessing over the students. As one chapter ends, another chapter begins. We wish them the best in their endeavors moving forward.
7th grade:Henry Arrington (3 events), Arabella Bedsole (3 events), Richard Delaney (3 events), Matthew Driscoll (2 events), Caitlin Finney (3 events), Ellis Grimm (3 events), Cade Marks (2 events), William Marmande (2 events), Nicholas McPherson (one event), Richie Nguyen (3 events), Gaillard Passmore (2 events) & Dylan Wink (one event)
8th grade: Elizabeth Finney (one event) 9th grade: Rossana Delfierro (one event) 11th grade: Jewel McCrary (3 events) & Mariah Smith (3 events)
12th grade: Braydon Williford - not pictured (3 events)
St. Luke’s beat Westminster-Oak Mountain 3-2, and the Wildcats’ journey to clinching their first-ever Blue Map as the Soccer State Champions is a tale of determination, skill, and unyielding team spirit that captivated and inspired their school community. This monumental achievement marks not just a victory, but a testament to the team’s hard work, dedication, and resilience. Overcoming challenges and surpassing expectations, the Wildcats have shown what it truly means to come together with a single goal in mind: to emerge as champions. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!
Learners in the Discovery Studio at Cultivate Mobile setup safety precautions to conduct their science experiment independently with Generation Genius leaders!
Ddwayne Lockett-James, who just graduated from Murphy High, and Ethan Gwinn, a rising senior at Baker, were selected to have their National History Day documentary shown at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the Oprah Winfrey Theatre. Their documentary, one of 16 selected from more than 150 submissions, is titled “Rediscovering Roots In the Harlem Renaissance: How Zora Neale Hurston’s Barracoon Contributed to Clarifying African American Ancestry”.
Fourth grade students stepped into the shoes of historical figures from the state of Alabama in their Time Hop presentation. They answered questions and shared stories as if they were living history themselves.
Congratulations to Corpus Christi Catholic School second graders who received their First Communion!
Several students from Mobile County Public Schools excelled at the NASP Eastern National Archery Tournament in Louisville, Ky. Gunnar Couch of Grand Bay Middle shot the tournament’s first-ever perfect score of 300. Dawes Intermediate’s Makynzie Thompson took the top spot in the overall elementary girls division with a score of 292. Alma Bryant High’s team won first place overall, and Causey Middle placed first in a national 3D competition. They were recognized recently by the Mobile County Board of School Commissioners (and are pictured with District 5 Commissioner Johnny Hatcher).
Other MCPSS archers placing in the top 10 of their division at the NASP National Tournament were:
-- Lilliana Smith, Dawes Intermediate School, fourth place, elementary school girls division, with a score of 284; and fifth place in the NASP 3D tournament;
-- Talah Coleman, Alma Bryant High School, fourth place, high school girls division, with a score of 295;
-- Hadley Johnson, Alma Bryant High School, sixth place, high school girls division, with a score of 294.
-- Logan Taylor, Causey Middle School, eighth place, middle school boys division, with a score of 290.
CGA Closing Assembly was a special time to honor our Kindergarten graduates, sixth graders advancing to the logic school, award the House Cup, and give praise to God for his faithfulness this year!
Our hats are off to the Little Flower middle school language arts teacher, Miss Sydni Brooks, who has landed a grant to benefit the middle school library. Miss Brooks has finished up her two-year placement with the Alliance for Catholic Education through the University of Notre Dame. Her bright smile and creative ways will be missed and we wish her the best as she moves to Washington, D.C. for her next adventure.
St. Luke’s class of 2024 experienced one of our most cherished traditions, “Walking the Halls,” as they bid farewell to the youngest Wildcats on Japonica before doing the same on the University Campus. For many of these seniors, walking through the infamous red doors of the lower campus held a special significance, a moment filled with nostalgia and reflection, a reminder of how far they’ve come! The next time these students pass through the red doors, they will do so as alumni, carrying with them the lessons and memories of their formative years. Walking the Halls of the upper campus made us realize they are one step closer to their future, ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities, and we couldn’t be more proud! We love you, Class of 2024!
Mobile County Public Schools rolled out the red carpet last month to recognize top students, teachers, partners and accomplishments during the Learning Leading Awards, held at Murphy High School.
The system honored its 2024 countywide Learning Leading Award winners: Stella McWhorter of Mary B. Austin, Justice Nodd of Orchard, Sara Lovelace of Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies and Summer Evans of Mary G. Montgomery, pictured with MCPSS Superintendent Chresal D. Threadgill. These are standout students who exemplify the MCPSS slogan: Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
The 2024 Teachers of the Year were also recognized: Jessica Burnette of E.R. Dickson Elementary, Christy LeGros of Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies, and Mischa Armstrong of Baker High School. Among the valued community partners honored were Breeze Airways and the Mobile Airport Authority, the Mobile Arts Council, the Mobile Chamber Economic Development Team, and the Alabama Department of Education’s Office of Student Learning.
MCPSS also celebrated several big accomplishments, including its nationally recognized JROTC program, the expansion of mental health services for students, and the 13 MCPSS teachers nominated for the prestigious Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) over the years.
“I am extremely proud of everyone being honored, and I am thankful for the roles our award winners play in improving our schools and communities,” Mr. Threadgill said.
At the end of each year, we celebrate the transition of leadership from our graduating seniors to the Junior Class with our Ring and Rosary Ceremony. Every student receives a class rosary that is blessed by our President Fr. Shields in addition to their class rings. With our rich history and tradition, it is extra special to see so many legacy rings being passed down from generation to generation. Class of 71 Jimbo Perez and Gary Davis share their rings with grandsons Lee Graham and Bryson Tolbert and Grayson Robinson with her grandmother Regina Sullivan Ollinger’s Toolen class of 1951 ring and Celi Frances Dean with her grandmother Ginger Naman Koppersmith’s 1972 ring; and Andrew Murchisson with his grandfather Richard McKean’s Class of 1970 ring, Joseph McCarron with his grandfather Scooter McCarron’s 1965 ring, Josef Wittendorfer with his grandfather David Wittendorfer’s Class of 1966 ring and Owen Norwood with his dad James’ Class of 1985 ring.
Ryan Mosley, a 2024 graduate of Baker High School, has been honored as the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Alabama’s Youth of the Year for the second year in a row. Last year, Ryan also won the Boys & Girls Clubs of Alabama Youth of the Year award after competing against young people from clubs throughout the state. He earned the title based on his written application, interviews, and speech.
St. Pius X School students Jake Lehocky and Rosie Barnett are pictured with our Pastor, Fr. Nicholas Napolitano, at the 8th grade promotion Mass. Jake and Rosie received the Academic Excellence Award.
Photo by Betsy Howard
On June 4, we welcomed new Barton Explorers to our facilities, completed in-person registration, and passed out yard signs to our new families. A “New Explorer Camp” will take place in July for those who registered to attend, and a “Meet the Teacher” event will be in August. We are so excited to welcome our new students and families to all of the great learning that takes place under the Barton Dome!
Several Mobile County Public Schools graduates received generous scholarships from the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile. Nakeria Woods of Murphy and Josef Holloway of Davidson each received $40,000 over four years to attend the University of South Alabama. Kayleigh Morgan of Murphy received $4,000 over two years to attend Bishop State Community College, Kelvin Edwards of Davidson received $5,000 to attend Alabama A&M University in honor of charter member Richard Davis.
The following students received scholarships of $500 or more: Ryan Mosley, Dillon Hudson, Brekiylah Shelton and Aryn Williams of Baker; Leah Phillips and Jaden Nathan of Blount; Andrew Pope of Davidson; Marlon Arrington Firle of Mary G. Montgomery; Jordyn Kennedy and Logan Mitchell of Murphy; and Jordan Guyton of B.C. Rain.
A full week of animal dissections in Saint Dominic’s seventh grade science classes provided hands-on learning opportunities for students. The frog dissection, captured in the image, was just one of the engaging experiences alongside starfish and cow eye examinations.
Several St. Mary’s Catholic School 8th graders were among the McGill-Toolen Augustine Scholarship Recipients this past May. Included are Clara King, Abigail Blaize, Sam Salono, Liam Ollis, Braydon Arata, and Jack O’Dowd. Go Mustangs!
Photo by Elizabeth Gelineau
Students from Cultivate Studios
Mobile learn the art of weaving with Coastal Art Makers instructor Mrs. Kari for their monthly art project!
St. Pius X School parents and PTO officers Bonnie Gaudet and Heather Gaudet enjoy a cool treat on a very hot day. They and nearly 70 other parents and volunteers received cards and cool pops from the students because “SPX Volunteers are the Coolest”! Photo by Katie Mattingly
More than 150 JROTC cadets are testing their STEM abilities while learning about aviation at the nationally recognized Mobile County Public Schools JROTC STEM Leadership Academy. Participants are taking field trips to local businesses and industries to learn about local STEM careers, and they are participating in physical fitness activities, including rappelling, orienteering and water safety. Now in its ninth year, the Academy has received recognition and grants from the National Science Foundation ($1 million) and the Department of Defense ($6 million). Thanks to the DoD grant, the Academy is now being replicated elsewhere in Alabama and in cities around the country, like Atlanta and San Diego.
At the Academy’s closing ceremony, MCPSS Executive Director of CTE and Workforce Development Dr. William White announced the creation of the annual “Impact Award” in honor of LTC (Ret.) Robert “Frank” Barrow. The award will be presented each year to an individual who embodies the values of service, honor and integrity exemplified by LTC Barrow, who started the Academy nine years ago and who is retiring as the MCPSS Director of Army Instruction. “We can only hope to honor his legacy by upholding these values in the years to come,” Dr. White said.
Congratulations to Abigail Krause, a talented 5th grader from Council Traditional School, who is a winner in the 2024 Law Day Art Contest. Her masterpiece not only won 1st place but will also adorn the walls of the Mobile County Courthouse for an entire year. Abigail’s talent was celebrated in style at a special luncheon at the prestigious Battle House Hotel. Congratulations, Abigail, on your incredible achievement and for making your mark in the world of art.
Brayden Deas , a promising archer from Denton Magnet School of Technology, recently showcased his skills at the NASP World Championships in Daytona Beach. Despite being in just his second year at Denton, and only his second year of Archery, Brayden’s journey to the global stage demonstrates his dedication and talent. His impressive performance among tough competitors highlights his potential as a future star in the sport.
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Before his fantastic showing at the World Championships, Brayden competed at the state level, shooting an impressive 285 which ranked him #5 in the state for middle school boys. This qualified him for a spot at the district level in Kentucky, where he showed out with another great score of 275, sending him to the World Championships! Brayden’s story serves as inspiration for aspiring archers, showing that hard work pays off. Keep an eye on Brayden as he continues to excel in the world of archery.
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Congratulations to the 2024 K5 graduating class of Heartwood Christian Academy! K5 graduation is a special milestone in a young child’s life. Heartwood early childhood leaders, Ms. Delidia Horn Nettles, Ms. Jessica Horn, and Mrs. Pat Neese helped with every aspect of the graduation with Miss Libby March, Vice President of Heartwood Student Council, delivering a speech challenging the little ones.
One could sense the accomplishment of these young students as they accepted their diplomas. It was a special moment for each of them as they marched in, from turning the tassel on the graduation cap to the final ceremonial walk. Welcome to first grade! The best is yet to come!
Students and staff at Saint Dominic joyfully welcomed alumni back to the school. They rang in their high school graduation with different activities and a special “Eagle Walk” around the building.
Causey Middle School had one of their FIRST LEGO League teams compete in the FLL WPI Open Invitational in Worcester, MA June 7-9, 2024. Team 30014 Hey, Dudes competed against 108 other teams from around the world. They were invited to attend the tournament after their stellar performance at the Alabama FLL State Championship tournament. The team represented Causey Middle School very well. Team members that competed in the tournament were Brayden Farley, Robert Jeffrey, Zachary Bullington, and Kolten Wright Powell
More than 150 students are getting hands-on learning opportunities in a variety of career fields this summer though the Mobile County Public Schools Summer Internship Program. More than 35 businesses and industries throughout Mobile County are providing paid internships through the program. Included are public entities like MCPSS, the Mobile County District Attorney’s Office and the cities of Citronelle, Creola, Mobile and Mount Vernon; manufacturers like Outokumpu, SSAB and Ingalls Shipbuilding; a variety of contractors and engineering firms affiliated with the Academy of Craft Training; and more. The internship program “allows students to make meaningful connections, gain real-world learning experiences, and uncover opportunities right here in the Mobile area, setting the foundation for their future success,” said Claire Minto, MCPSS Career Academies Supervisor.
Mobile County Public Schools students excelled at the Mobile Bar Association’s Law Day, an annual event celebrating the role of law in our society. In the Elementary Art Contest, Abigail Krause , a fifth-grader at Council Traditional Magnet, won first place, and Marie Colleli, a fifth-grader at Eichold-Mertz Magnet, placed second. Three Clark-Shaw eighth-graders swept the Middle School Essay Contest: Terialyn Petite won first place, Khiyah Winston took second place, and Tyler Hughes placed third. In the High School Essay Contest, the winner was Tyron Rhodes, a junior at Citronelle High School, and Nakeria Woods, a senior at Murphy High School, tied for third place.
St. Pius X student Felicity Gaudet received the Christian Leadership Award at the 8th grade promotion Mass. She is pictured with Father Nicholas Napolitano, Pastor of St. Pius X Parish.
The last school Mass of the year is always led by the Kindergarten class. These adorable Impalas do the readings, intentions, Prayers of the Faithful, act as gift bearers, ushers and more. At the end of the Mass students share excerpts from their time in kindergarten in correlation with the letters of St. Ignatius. It is wonderful listening to the sounds of their small faithful voices, confidently reading and speaking in front of an entire congregation. We are so proud of all our students, especially our Kindergarten Impalas! We strive to form strong Catholic leaders beginning at a young age.
Just before ending the school year, students of
the LWCC Kingdom Academy hosted their 8th Annual LWCCKA International Festival! They presented countries from around the world with handmade crafts, a musical presentation, interesting slideshows, a challenging dance, fun games, and delicious traditional foods. We are very proud of our students and future global leaders!
In May, the Girls’ Golf Team secured the 7A State Championship and the BLUE MAP! The Boys’ Golf Team won 6A Runner-Up. Individually, Frances Brown captured her third straight class 7A individual state title. Way to go!
Cypress Grove celebrated the advancement of our sixth grade students to the Logic School and our fourth grade students moving up. We are thankful for all the many ways that our students have grown this year!
Birthday parties can be expensive, if you don’t watch your bottom line. And parties at home can quickly add up to the same amount you’d pay to throw a party elsewhere.
But, surprise! You can throw a twenty-four hour slumber party for your child’s birthday that won’t break the bank or cause mom and dad to have a nervous breakdown. Here’s how:
Use Evite. Save on follow-up calls, postage and invitations by using Evite.com for your party invitations. The site offers a wide variety of digital designs and costs nothing to use. All you need to do to round up e-mail addresses for your party guests. After everyone has RSVP’d, you can easily follow up about party details such as what to bring, allergy or medication needs, and pick-up times.
Don’t decorate. Think home protection rather than party decorations and invest instead in plastic tablecloths, eco-friendly plates, napkins, straws, and silverware. If you want to make the sleeping room a bit more magical, why not pull out a couple strings of Christmas lights and twinkle up the windows? If you want a birthday banner for your guest of honor, make the creation of one with whatever craft items you have on hand, the first order of business. Just spread the craft supplies out on the table and have the kids jump in.
Give goods, not goodies. Gather small gifts for your guests that go with your sleepover theme and avoid the usual sugar-overload and tiny trinkets that go home in a traditional goodie-bag. Check out local dollar store or dollar aisle at your local department store for ideas. Manicure or pedicure kits might be perfect for a nail art party. A pair of mini-binoculars would work for a spy-themed party. An eye mask makes a good choice for a spa party. And rock star sunglasses are a fun touch for a Karaoke party. Give the gifts to guests as
they arrive to put a smile on their face and get them engaged in the fun.
Pizza is perfect. It’s not really a slumber party without pizza, and this is good news for mom and dad. Pizza in bulk is cheap and satisfying but if you prefer to cook yourself, make everything the morning of the party and simply reheat at dinnertime.
Make the cake (or go with fondue). Bakery cakes can be costly and superstore cakes are often inexpensive but low quality. So why not bake your child’s favorite cake at home instead? Since you won’t have to transport the cake you can make it as little (cupcakes), wide (sheet cake), or tall (layer cake)as you like. And you can also make it as heavy (pound or Bundt cake) or light (sponge or angel food) as your guest of honor prefers. Or skip the cake and go with chocolate fondue instead! Dunk pieces of pound cake, strawberries and bananas into 8 oz of chocolate chips melted with 1/3 cup of half and half.
Give progressive gifts. Instead of spending on the party separately from your child’s gifts, combine the two. Make some of you party purchases tie-in with the party theme. This way your party is not a one-shot expense with nothing left to show for it afterwards. For example, your nail art, spy, spa, or Karaoke items can be opened as gifts. Group games, like Twister, also work well. Or wrap a new DVD to watch around 9 pm to help everyone decompress before bed. An
assortment of Mad-Libs can offer something silly to do once everyone is in their sleeping bags.
Fill tummies for better sleep. Offer a midnight snack with a glass of milk. Ice cream sandwiches make a nice midnight snack when contrasted with homemade hot chocolate. Or get a roll of slice-and-bake cookies or scoop-able cookie dough, and fill the house with fresh-from-the-oven before-bed bliss. For the uber-ambitious, make the dough the morning of the party and refrigerate until bedtime.
Breakfast on the cheap. Pancakes from scratch are inexpensive. Cook up some bacon or sausage for protein and put everything in the oven to stay warm while you work on cranking out pancakes with a choice of bananas, blueberries, or strawberries cooked in.
Kick ‘em out of the house. You need a chance to tidy up before parent pick-ups begin. So have everyone get ready to go and then send everyone out for a game of tag or dodge ball while you clean up.
And there you have it. A perfectly fun, budget-friendly, and only slightly exhausting slumber party that everyone will fondly remember for years to come.
These days author, journalist, and writing coach Christina Katz prefers to sleep over at the hot mineral springs spa, but she still fondly remembers her first sleepover with pals.
Sometimes the kitchen is therapeutic, and constructing and baking a lasagna is just what is needed for Mary Claire Skipper. Mary Claire is a wife, business owner, and mother and the kitchen is often a place she loves to unwind.
“There is nothing more satisfying to me than knowing I’ve prepared something my family loves to eat after a busy day,” she said.
Mary Claire and her husband, Nathan, have been together for ten years. Together they have two children - Mary Ryan (7) and John Thomas (2).
“My husband and I met when we were 19 and have done everything in life as a team, including our work,” Mary Claire said. “We have a State Farm Agency and work together there, going on six years now.”
Mary Claire describes her family as one that is always on the go. With work, Mary Ryan’s extracurricular activities, and chasing the toddler around, the days can go by really fast.
“During the school year, my daughter is very involved in sports, both soccer and basketball,” said Mary Claire. “I have coached her soccer and basketball teams at St. Ignatius, keeping us very busy during those seasons.”
Knee deep in the water somewhere is where you can find the Skipper family on the weekends through the summer.
“My husband’s family has a beach house in Orange Beach where we spend almost every weekend of the summer,” Mary Claire shared. “We love the beach. My kids have grown up on the water, in a boat, and with fishing poles in their hands. If you need us during the summer weekends, you’ll find us cruising, fishing, and catching all the sunsets.”
With their on-the-go schedule, the Skipper family often goes out to eat. So when the opportunity arises to cook for her tiny picky
eaters, lasagna is an easy go-to for Mary Claire.
“Anything with red sauce and meat is a staple in our home and something my kids will devour,” she said. “Lasagna is a great makeahead, freeze and prepare-whenready dish.”
As busy as life seems for this family of four, Mary Claire says her favorite thing in this season is to slow down and have slow moments together.
“As busy as life seems right now with littles, I find most of my joy when we slow down. I enjoy a slow Saturday morning cooking breakfast, baking bread or sweets with my daughter, watching my kids play sports, hearing John Thomas laugh, or watching the sun go down on a sunset cruise,” Mary Claire longingly shared. “Experiencing life through my kids’ eyes at this stage in life is one of my favorites.”
2. Add 1-2 tbsp of olive oil to a pan and start browning your meat. I season my meat with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Cook over med-high heat. Once meat is browned and thoroughly cooked, I drain all excess oils/grease.
3. Return meat to the pan, place your stove on low and add the entire jar of Rao’s. Let sit and warm for 10 minutes.
4. While the sauce is warming, I drain my noodles and place them on a baking sheet. I coat them in some olive oil so the noodles don’t dry and stick.
5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grab your baking dish of choice and start the layering process.
6. First, I layer the bottom with a thin layer of meat and sauce. Then, grab your noodles and make one layer of noodles on top of the sauce.
7. Next, another layer of meat sauce. Then add a generous spoonful of Ricotta and mix into your meat sauce.
• One jar of Rao’s marinara sauce
• 1 packet of ground beef
• 1 box of lasagna noodles
• Mozzarella cheese
• Parmesan cheese
• 1 small container (15oz) Ricotta cheese
1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add salt and a dash of olive oil to the water. Once boiling, add noodles and cook 15-20 minutes.
8. Then, add all the cheeses. Sprinkle a handful of mozzarella and Parmesan.
9. Follow all steps on repeat until you have 3 layers of noodles and your meat sauce is gone. Top with all the cheeses again. (I love to top my lasagna with fresh oregano from my garden.)
10. Put lasagna in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until bubbling and cheeses are melted. Enjoy!
Gabriele has been married to her husband Daniel for 17 years. Together they have three incredible children – two boys, ages 16 and nine, and a sweet girl who will be two in August.
Gabriele is a full-time Sales Director for Mary Kay Cosmetics. When she isn’t spending time with family or building her business, she supports her husband who is the Lead Pastor and Planter of Forward Church in Gulf Shores.
By Christina Katz
I don’t mean to brag, but my husband and I have thrown quite a few awesome birthday parties over the years. However, when reflecting back over all the parties we’ve thrown, it’s clear to me that the most memorable parties were not the most elaborate or even the most expensive. They were simply the messiest.
Messy and birthday parties go together better than you might imagine. After all, what could be more festive than a little bit of parent-approved pandemonium? Here is a list of seventeen indoor and outdoor ideas that won’t break the bank.
1. Take aim, color. Mark off a square play arena outdoors with five-foot tall Bamboo garden stakes and blue painters masking tape. Fill squirt guns or squirt bottles with non-toxic watercolor paints, don a pair of clear swim goggles, and let the kids decorate each other dressed in white t-shirts and leggings or sweats. The only rule is no one leaves the field until the paint is all spent.
2. Take a whack at it. Fill a store-bought piñata 2/3 of the way full with cooked, welldrained spaghetti. Then add small plastic toys, foil-wrapped granola bars, and plastic wrapped candies. To extend the fun, hang the piñata on a pull cord threaded through an eyehook so you can pull it up and down as kids swing at it with a bat or broom handle. Secure a tarp underneath with duct tape (indoors) or camping stakes (outdoors) for easy cleanup.
3. Eggcentric art. Break the tops off real eggs and pour the yolks and whites into Tupperware to make quiche or a soufflé later. Keeping empty shells in the carton, fill each with acrylic paints of various colors. Outside or in the garage or basement, hang a large canvas against a sturdy wall or fence and let the kids take aim and fire until they make a masterpiece. Use plastic drop cloths to catch the splatters as needed.
4. Franken-beauty. Make natural facial masks out of banana, avocado or cocoa. Sit guests around a large table in pairs to take turns applying masks to each other’s faces. Be sure to have some hand mirrors handy so everyone can see what all the squeals are about.
5. Construction junction. Supply lots of sheets, blankets and pillows for fort construction. If you can mount a few Hula Hoops strategically around the room, they come in handy. You might also supply bandanas and bungee chords. Be sure to inspect the results for hazards. Keep food and drinks strictly separate.
6. Reach for the foam. Play messy Twister in the yard by mixing foam shaving cream and food coloring. Wear clothing that can get stained. If no one wants to worry about clothing stains, simply use white shaving cream for the same effect.
7. Pudding slide. Make about a gallon of chocolate pudding. Drop large spoonfuls of pudding onto a Slip & Slide. Have guests take a running start down a lowgrade slope. To make slide more slippery, have guests sprinkle it with water from a sprinkler can or set the hose sprayer to mist. Add more pudding or water, as needed.
8. Slime ball. Find an online recipe to make nontoxic slime and let guests prepare it. Then play a game of hide the bouncy ball in the slime. Use a blindfold and a timer to
stained. On your mark, get set, food fight!
see who can find their party favors the fastest. Enjoy the groans.
9. Picasso footsie. Roll out a long sheet of paper and pour puddles of acrylic paint at one end. Have each guest step in one color per foot and walk across the paper. Switch to the other side of the paper to balance out the look. Hang art on a fence or wall to dry.
10. Musical silly string. Put half the group in the middle on a plastic tarp. Encircle guests with the other half of the group. Turn on the music. Have the inside
group move in one direction and the outside group move in the other direction, while spraying the inside group with silly string. When the music is turned off, switch groups.
11. Pasta fling. Cook one box of spaghetti per party guest. Get some five-gallon buckets and fill them 2/3 of the way with water. Add enough flour to thicken the water, then add spaghetti. The only rules are: use your own spaghetti, no bucket-dumping, and no touching-just throwing. Put them in the square play arena and get the heck out of the way.
17. Trashion runway. For a couple of months before the party, don’t discard your reusable recyclables. Spread them out evenly in tarps with plenty of clear tape, masking tape, painter’s tape, and Duck tape. Pair guests up into design teams. Give a time limit like one hour. The assignment is to design a runway-worthy fashion for each team out of only the trash that’s been supplied. Have a runway show afterwards to display the results.
Like most parents, Christina Katz’ first instinct is not necessarily to throw the messiest party. But she’s learned that sometimes it’s fun to throw tidiness out the window and for the sake of big birthday fun. MBP
When Riley turns thirteen, the Puberty alarm sounds , the console in her head is reset, and Joy and the familiar emotions find themselves unexpectedly displaced by Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui. Anxiety highjacks the board and changes Riley’s behavior, putting pressure on Joy to help Riley rediscover her sense of self As with the original film, this is a tender, insightful story, brimming over with empathy for young teens . It’s also clean, family friendly, and full of laughs for viewers of all ages . Photo ©Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Garfield’s lazy life with human owner Jon and pet dog Odie is rudely interrupted when the two animals are kidnapped by some ruthless canines. The pair find themselves facing an evi l mastermind – and soon run across Garfield ’s father, who abandoned him as a kitten. That story turns out to be more complicated than Garfield knew, and it changes his perspective on his life. Filled with implausible scenarios and slapstick violence, this film is an upgrade on other Garfield movies, delivering messages about friendship, courage, family, forgiveness, and love. Photo ©Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group
Dr. Ming Wang is an ophthalmologist famous for helping hopeless cases. But when he struggles to save the sight of a young girl blinded by sulfuric acid, he finds himself confronting the ghosts of the past. As the movie weaves back and forth between Dr. Wang’s medical practice and his perilous life during China ’s Cultural Revolution, it provides examples of bravery, integrity, sacrifice, and the power of education. The story goes further than expected, not only lauding success but also demonstrating the growth that can come from failure and examining what it really means to see clearly. Photo ©Angel Studios
Dog’s lonely life changes for the better after he buys a D IY robot kit. D og and Robot become fast friends, until a day at the beach results in Robot rusting in place. An unintended separation follows while Robot dreams of their magical summer and Dog frets. Nominated for the Best Animated Feature Oscar, this is a touching, heartfelt film which will please adults as much as children. It has no dialogue at all, which pulls attention onto the deceptively simple, vibrant animation This sweet movie is recommended for older kids and adults Photo ©Neon
It’s been 70 years since D-Day, but 89-year-old pensioner Bernard Jordan hasn’t forgotten. When he misses out on the official Royal British Legion trip to the Normandy ceremony, Bernie slips away from his care home and makes his own way to France. Based on a true story, this is a charming film, filled with pathos, love, forgiveness, humor, hard -earned wisdom, and patience for the foibles of everyday people. This British movie didn’t release in American theaters and is not streaming, but it is available on DVD and Blu-ray. Photo ©Warner Bros
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ellenJAY Stylish Events + Sweets
2158 Airport Boulevard, Mobile
ellenJAY offers custom sweets, chic decor and dessert tables for any event where style is a must! (251) 219-7406 www.ellenjay.com
Flour Girls Bakery
809 Hillcrest Road, Mobile
Hometown bakery specializing in handmade cakes, cupcakes, cookies and pastries. (251) 634-2285 facebook.com/flourgirlsbakery
Great American Cookie
4439 Rangeline Road Unit C, Mobile (251) 219-6385
1201 Industrial Parkway, Saraland (251) 345-1928
3490 Bel Air Mall, Mobile (251) 476-2447
740 Schillinger Road South, Mobile (251) 633-0636
We do all kinds of cookie cakes for all occasions. We bake fresh every day. Say it with a cookie cake! greatamericancookies.com
Lighthouse Bakery
919 Chaumont Avenue, Dauphin Island
We have all your bakery needs on Dauphin Island. (251) 861-2253 www.facebook.com/LighthouseBakery/
Marble Slab Creamery
4439 Rangeline Road Unit C, Mobile (251) 219-6385
1201 Industrial Parkway, Saraland (251) 345-1928
740 Schillinger Road South, Mobile (251) 633-0636
Offers truly unique gourmet ice cream cakes that give a chef-driven flair to any occasion. www.marbleslab.com
Pollman’s Bake Shop, Inc
750 South Broad Street, Mobile
Classic Bake Shop serving Mobile since 1918! Cakes for all occasions, pastries, cookies and sandwiches. Wonderful Birthday Cakes! (251) 438-1511 facebook.com/PollmansBake/
Sally’s Piece-A-Cake
5638 Three Notch Road, Mobile
We offer custom cakes for all occasions. (251) 219-6379 www.facebook.com/SallysPieceACake
Simply Sweet Shoppe
6207 Cottage Hill Road Suite B, Mobile
Simply Sweet Cupcake Boutique is a locally, family, owned cupcake bakery. Our frostings and cupcakes are made fresh, in small batches, daily to ensure quality. Simply Sweet also specializes in creating Birthday, and other Special Occasion Cakes that will make your event one of a kind! (251) 665-3003 www.simplysweetmobile.com
Bubble Truck
Gulf Shores
Bring the magic of bubbles, laughter and a whole lot of bubbly goodness to your next event! We come directly to your driveway with the Bubble Truck and make mountains of bubbles that are unforgettable! Perfect for birthday celebrations. We travel throughout Baldwin County, Mobile County and as far east as Pensacola, FL. (251) 200-8369 bubbletruck.com/GulfShores
Dr. Gee’s Magic & Balloons
Magic and Balloons for Parties, Promotions and Events. Well-Scripted Entertaining and Educational Magic Shows. Creative and Colorful Balloons for Everyone who Loves Balloons. (251) 662-7415 www.facebook.com/DrGeesMagicandBalloons/
Make Believe Parties
Your requested character will arrive at your party location 30 minutes after your party begins. Some activities may include: songs, story time, royal portraits and general birthday fun! (251) 508-3145 www.makebelievepartiesmobileal.weebly.com
Mobile Kayak Rental Company
Why not celebrate the birthday party of your elementary, middle, highschooler or college aged son or daughter. Invite 10, 20 or 30 of their friends & family and have a party! Book Now online, call or email us for Birthday Parties, Groups/Events,
Games on the Go
A Games on the Go party isn’t the average birthday party, it’s the ultimate mobile party on wheels...that comes right to you. (251) 447-3428 www.gulfcoastgametruck.com
Animal Tales, LLC
Make your next event one to remember by inviting live educational animal ambassadors. We aim to educate, entertain, and inspire! Birthday presentations start at $250 in the Pensacola area, don’t delay-book today!
(570) 428-4259 www.animaledzoocation.com
Camps, Scouts and Adults. Facebook and Instagram: Mobile Kayak Rental Company (251) 786-2902 www.mobilekayakrental company.com/
Once Upon a Time Parties
Bring the magic home. Book a fairy-tale character to attend Birthday parties, charity events and more in the Southern Alabama and Gulf Coast areas. http://www.onceuponatimepartiesal.com/
STEM for Kids
Have a STEMtastic party experience! Let us provide the fun and excitement and eliminate the stress. We take care of the planning, setup,
and clean-up. Then, you show up with your party guests! (251) 210-8781 www.SFKMoBay.com
Uncle Joe’s Rolling Zoo
Petting zoo that comes to you! Friendly animals are brought to your location for a petting zoo experience. Find us on Facebook. (251) 866-7713
Weavo The Balloon Guy Balloon artist and clown for special events. (251) 463-4939 (251) 463-4938 weavo55@yahoo.com
It’s Inviting
4513 Old Shell Road, Suite B, Mobile Custom Printed Invitations, Calling Cards, Party Supplies, Gifts and more. (251) 460-0738 www.itsinvitingmobile.com
Macy Made - Event Planning
Macy Made - Event Planning, LLC specializes in custom balloon garlands, backdrop rentals,
custom invitations + stationary, and party planning! Head over to our Instagram or Facebook to see some of our work!
Party City
300 East Azalea Road, Mobile
Paper goods, balloons, favors, invitations, piñatas, music, catering supplies and much more. Party City is the #1 source for all your party supplies with the biggest selection and the best prices. (251) 342-0003 www.partycity.com
Soiree Signatures Invitation Studio & Calligraphy
24 North Florida Street, Mobile
Using your invitation as the stylistic starting point, we completely brand your event with your unique look. Custom napkins, cups and more, we create it to give you and your guests the ultimate experience. (251) 209-3265 www.soireesignatures.com
Tiny Tent Party
Mobile’s own slumber party tent rental service is here! Check out our themes and packages and let’s create the perfect celebration for your little guest of honor.
(251) 895.6414 www.tinytentparty.com
Toomey’s Mardi Gras
755-A McRae Avenue, Mobile
One of the largest suppliers of Mardi Gras and Seasonal Merchandise. Come check out all our Special Occasion supplies which includes birthday party hats, paper supplies, favors & more. (251) 450-5012 www.toomeysmardigras.com
ad on page 3
63 Midtown Park East, Mobile
We have great options for your Birthday Party! Some of our options are Drama and Photo Shoot Party, Frozen Themed Drama and Photo Shoot Party, Glow Rave Dance Party or you can rent our largest room and have any party you want! Please contact us for any information. (251) 510-1808 www.azaleacityarts.com
Original Oyster House
ad on page 37
3733 Battleship Parkway, Mobile
The Original Oyster House provides a FREE small cake for birthday celebrations. You may also bring
in your own cake. Be sure to check out our private rooms for special occasions. (251) 626-2188 www.originaloysterhouse.com/ group-events.php
Pump-it Up
ad on page 35
741 Hillcrest Road # A, Mobile
Pump It Up is the ONLY party facility in Mobile offering PRIVATE parties with the option to personalize your party depending on your child’s personality. Personalize by choosing one of our awesome add ons including: GLOW parties, Balloon Drop, Bubble Bash and GLOW Balloon Drop! (251) 342-3940 PumpItUpParty.com/mobile-al
Memorial Park
ad on page 24
2703 Battleship Parkway, Mobile
Now hear this! What better way to celebrate your child’s birthday than with a party aboard a real battleship? Book your birthday party aboard the USS ALABAMA in the officer’s dining hall. Admirals Package: $300. Includes two-hour rental, admission for 20 children and their parents, and free parking. Call 251-287-3636. (251) 287-3636 gharris@ussalabama.com www.ussalabama.com
Alligator Alley
19950 Highway 71, Summerdale
Give your child a birthday party they’ll never forget! After your adventure along the boardwalk, have your two hour party in the air conditioned sunroom, where everyone can hold a baby alligator. (251) 946-2483 www.gatoralleyfarm.com
Altitude Trampoline Park
3658 Airport Boulevard Suite C, Mobile
Altitude is the perfect venue for any birthday party. Choose from an array of party and event packages, which can be customized to fit your budget and accommodate groups of any size, large or small.
(251) 725-0171 www.altitudetrampolinepark. com/locations/mobile
AMC Mobile 16
785 Schillinger Road South, Mobile
Let us help you celebrate the birthday of a child, friend, or yourself! We can’t wait to host your special day!
(251) 639-7373 www.amctheatres.com
Back Country Trail
3801 Orange Beach Boulevard, Orange Beach Bike or Hike to your next family picnic or birthday party! Enjoy bouldering, the butterfly garden and scenic trails through Gulf State Park. Visit the Campground Store to purchase trail gear and snacks. (251) 981-1063 www.orangebeachal.gov/369/ Hugh-S-Branyon-Backcountry-Trail
Beginner’s Luck
5392 Dawes Lane Ext, Theodore
Allow us the opportunity to give your child the
birthday of a lifetime at our red barn with a variety of farm animals.
(251) 605-3499 www.facebook.com/yrpbeginnersluck
Bloom Play Studio
2561 Old Shell Road, Mobile
We know how important it is to make your child’s birthday a special experience they will never forget! Let us take the stress out of party planning with a BLOOM party package that suits your needs. Visit our website for more information. (251) 298-6389 www.bloomplaystudio.com/
Bowlero Mobile
125 North Schillinger Road, Mobile
Our bowling parties for kids are fun and easy to plan! Choose a convenient party package or let our event planners design the perfect birthday party, complete with unlimited bowling, arcade games, kid-friendly menus, and fun features like bowling bumpers. (251) 639-1221 https://www.bowlero.com/location/bowlero-mobile
Bright Spot
2501 East I-65 Service Road North, Mobile
Fabulous Day Package includes a private party room and personal Party Assistant. Each package comes with pizza, and beverages for the number of children in your package. Children enjoy 30 minutes in the indoor playground, 30 minutes in the arcade room, 30 minutes in the gym playing basketball and jumping in the bounce house and the last hour and a half is spent in the private party room.
(251) 338-8600 www.brightspotevent.com
Build-A-Bear Workshop
30500 Highway 181, Spanish Fort
Build-A-Bear Workshop makes your party special! Each guest makes & takes home a furry friend to love! Build your Party online! (251) 625-4183 www.buildabear.com
Cammie’s Old Dutch Ice Cream Shoppe 2511 Old Shell Road, Mobile
Celebrate your birthday at Mobile’s favorite Ice Cream Parlor! Enjoy Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas, Old Fashion Banana Splits, Milk Shakes, and more! We also provide catering for birthday parties and other events.
(251) 471-1710 www.cammiesolddutch.com
Chuck E. Cheese’s
710 Downtowner Loop West, Mobile
We have birthday party packages to fit all ages, party sizes, and budgets. (251) 342-8142 www.chuckecheese.com
Coastal Farms & Exotics
Our Zoo2U parties are completely immersive and interactive. We bring our collection of unique and miniature farm animals along with ferrets, hedgehogs, lemurs, kangaroo, camels, coatimundis, patagonian cavys, emu or ostrich, giant tortoises and other reptiles.
(251) 581-1896 www.facebook.com/CoastalExotcFarm/
Coastal Makers Art Studio
1260 Dauphin Ste 121, Mobile
Making art and making memories is what we do best! So let us help you plan the perfect party. Art knows no age, all ages welcome! (251) 455-2909 www.coastalmakers.com
Cold Snap Frozen Yogurt
3980F Airport Blvd, Mobile
A unique (and FUN) self serve yogurt experience. Catering - Birthday Parties - And MORE! (251) 348-7270 www.facebook.com/coldsnapfrozenyogurtmobilealabama
Dreamland Skate Center
5672 Three Notch Road, Mobile
Groove to the beats on roller skates at this birthday party! Many party packages to choose from and all include lots of skating time and a party room. Bring in all your own food and drinks. Glow parties and private parties are also available!
(251) 661-6997 dreamlandskatecenter.com
Exploreum Science Center
65 Government Street, Mobile
At the Exploreum Science Center, we’ve got children’s birthday parties down to a science. We provide unique birthday party experiences in one of the coolest venues in town. We have multiple packages to make your birthday party experience easy and as fun as possible. We even handle the clean up!
(251) 208-6893 www.exploreum.com
Gather Kids Place
4358 Midmost Drive Suite A, Mobile
Gather, a place for families. We’re excited for creative hands on play, classes, storytimes and birthday parties in our new location! Now offering a parent lounge, separate baby zone, large play room and more.
Get Air Mobile
842 Schillinger Road South, Mobile
We do parties! Numerous party packages available.
(251) 241-3101 www.getairsports.com/mobile/ birthday-party/
Hallmark Party Rentals
18955 S 3rd Street , Citronelle
Bounce houses, water slides and more for rent. We also have a facility for parties and many different party options for indoor and outdoor events. We have arcade, bounce houses, games and more.
(251) 554-3882 www.facebook.com/Hallmark. party.rentals1
KJB Studio
2602 Old Shell Road, Mobile
Beads and jewelry making birthday parties are so much fun! Ages 8 and older.
(251) 473-8650 www.facebook.com/kjbstudio
Kraze Frozen Treats
6167 Airport Boulevard, Mobile
Have a birthday coming up? What better way to
celebrate than at Kraze Frozen Treats, where it’s always fun and always delicious! We can accommodate party reservations, and even have the Kraze Bear make an appearance. (251) 316-0045 www.krazefrozentreats.com
Linda’s Learning Farm
2380 Havens Road, Semmes
Birthday Celebrations on the farm include animal viewing and petting in the barn, playground and picnic area, wagon ride and horseback riding. (251) 649-1802 www.Lindaslearningfarmandplaypark.com
Magnolia Soap Company
4504 Old Shell Road , Mobile
Experience the perfect hands-on activity for all ages with our Signature Parties. Get ready to dive into the worlds of soap-making, candle pouring or bath bombs mixing in this one of a kind bubbling adventure!
(251) 459-0596 https://www.mymagnoliasoap. com/mobile
Moon Struck Pottery
1260 Dauphin Street, Mobile
We do “Experience the Pottery Wheel” one time classes for groups up to 10 people and “Pick and Paint” Pottery classes for groups as big as 20
people. All ages welcome. These parties are great for birthday parties. (417) 294-9059 www.moonstruckpottery.com
Perdido Queen Cruises-Pirate Adventure Cruise
1 South Water Street, Mobile
Ahoy Pirates! Step aboard The Perdido Queen as an exciting Pirate tale unfolds before your eyes! This improv experience will have your little pirate acting right along with the crew. Every Sunday at 3:30 this summer, You are welcome to bring a cake for birthday celebrations. (251) 948-6611 www.perdidoqueen.com
Pete’s Party Castle
2040 Schillinger Road South, Mobile
Come see why we’re the BEST kids’ party place in town! Enjoy great food, arcades and a dragon playground.
(251) 281-1990 www.petespartycastle.com
Planet Gymnastics
900 Schillinger Road South, Mobile
Birthday parties - 2 packages that include gym time, party room, paper products, clean up, bungee trampoline for the birthday child, staff and a great time!
(251) 650-0699 www.planetgym.org/
Rambo’s Skateland
531 Highway 43 South, Saraland
Come by and book your party! 4 Party Packages available.
(251) 675-6601 www.facebook.com/Rambos. Skateland.Saraland
Seward Farms
10836 Tanner Williams Road, Lucedale
Celebrate birthdays with a fun-filled day on the farm! We offer several birthday party packages to choose from with optional add-on activities. (228) 641-3933 www.sewardfarms.com
Silver Lining Farm @ Mimi C. Peters Riding School
10727 El Nina Drive, Mobile
Horsey birthday parties are the easiest and fun for all ages. The guests ride horses and ponies for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Our experienced students help give the children a mini lesson. Riding is followed by a hay ride around the beautiful property with lots of singing! (251) 634-1229 www.silverliningfarm.net
Southern Alabama Paintball
4901 Montee Rd, Theodore
We are the largest Paintball facility in the Gulf Coast area. We offer a great playing experience
for both new and experienced players alike that is safe, friendly, and fun.
(251) 301-6004 southernalabamapaintball.com/
3938 Government Boulevard, Mobile
We are a unique, whimsical party venue offering themed spa and tea parties, individual spa services and fun events. Girls ages 3-13. Reservation required.
(251) 447-4846 www.spa-tea-da.com
Starlight Stables
11635 Dick Turner Road, Grand Bay
We are the home of Toni’s ponies and party services! We offer pony rentals for parties! We come to you, or you can have your party here.
(251) 391-4268 www.starlightstables.weebly. com
Sunshine Skate Center
950 Hillcrest Road, Mobile
Come celebrate your birthday at Sunshine Skate Center! Skate and Go-Kart party options – The only indoor Go-Kart party in town with safe indoor go-karts with 2 great packages that include go-kart racing, arcade time in our
new arcade, invitations, and tokens. We also have many great skate packages that include invitations, free game tokens, admission and skate rentals!
(251) 639-1704 www.sunshineskate.com
Surge Entertainment Mobile
At Surge we throw the best kids’ birthday parties because we have something for everyone. We have party packages. We have bowling, mini golf, arcade, go-karting, laser tag and pickleball (coming soon) parties.
(318) 737-7841 www.surgefun.com/locations/ mobile-al
TK Escape
450 Dauphin St, Mobile
Each Escape Room provides an experience unique to its theme. Complete the objectives at hand by utilizing logic puzzles, games, and exploration to aid in your successful escape! (504) 323-4518 www.tkescapegames.com/
1250 Satchel Paige Dr, Mobile
From a few swings with friends to full-on parties
and events, Topgolf is your place for it all. Getting people together for a good time is what we do best.
(251) 910-0152 www.topgolf.com/us/mobile/ plan-an-event
Tropic Falls OWA
1501 South OWA Boulevard, Foley Tropic Falls at OWA includes a ride-focused theme park, all-new indoor water park with a convertible roof, and outdoor wave pool and surf simulator—all just minutes from Alabama beaches on the Foley Beach Express. See the OWA website for seasonal hours, special offers and events! (251) 923-2111 www.visitowa.com
Wales West
13670 Smiley Street, Silverhill
Celebrate any size party at Wales West! You can include authentic Train ride, mini train, lake with waterslide and large shady deck, indoor Heated Pool, or Community party room. (251) 232-2322 www.waleswest.com
Waterville USA - Water Park & Amusement Park
Highway 59 South, Gulf Shores
Waterville USA is the perfect place to celebrate
your special day! We offer several party packages to make it a celebration to remember. For more information or to make your birthday party reservations, please call (251) 948-7026. (251) 948-2106 www.watervilleusa.com
WildNative Tours
Various locations, Narrated Boat Tours,Canoe & Kayak Rentals. Please call for party options and booking. (251) 272-4088 www.wildnativetours.com
Exotic Inflatables
Water slides, obstacle fun center, equipment, concessions and more. (251) 533-6728 www.exoticinflatables.com
JB’s Fun Jumps & Slides
JB’s Fun Jumps & Slides is your one stop shop for all things bouncy and fun!! We have space jumps, slides, combos, and more. (251) 599-9301 www.jbsfunjump.com
Kona Ice
Have Kona Ice Truck come to your next Birthday Party. We call it the Kona Entertainment Vehicle,
because well...that’s what it is - a party on wheels! (251) 583-0889 www.kona-ice.com
Magic Memories Photography LLC –
Photo Booth Rental
Magic Memories Photo Booth is the premier supplier of photo booth rentals along the Gulf Coast regions of Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. (251) 490-5693 www.magicmemoriesphoto.com
Pro Inflatables
At Pro Inflatables, we deliver Mobile AL party rentals right to your doorstep! From the heart of Mobile to the neighborhoods that surround it, we’re your local party heroes, serving up happiness (850) 366-2249 www.pro-inflatables.com
Spartan Inflatables
Inflatable rentals are a must for any event and we have them all. We are a local, family owned business located in Saraland AL. We are currently serving all of Mobile County(Theodore, Semmes, Grand Bay) and nearby cities (Atmore, Bay Minette, McIntosh, Calvert, Spanish Fort). All of our inflatable rental prices include dropoff, setup, and pickup. (251) 333-6400 www.spartaninflatables.com
Starlight Stables
11635 Dick Turner Road, Grand Bay
We are the home of Toni’s ponies and party services! We offer pony rentals for parties! We come to you, or you can have your party here. (251) 391-4268 starlightstables.weebly.com
The Cheese Wagon
Mobile’s Original Party Bus! Your ultimate mobile party solution for any occasion or event. (251) 510-8500 facebook.com/theCheeseWagon
Wee Bounce 4 U Party Rentals
We take pride in helping create a lifetime of memories for all of our customers. We always provide clean/high quality inflatables at a reasonable price.
(251) 586-8594 weebounce4u.com
Yard Love Mobile
Personalized yard greeting delivered. Birthdays, anniversary, graduations, or any special occasion. We set it up after dark, the night before your special occasion (or during the day – your choice!).
(251) 232-9068 yardlovegreetings.com
When people with extraordinary talent and passion are given the technology, the facilities, and the support, they achieve great things. The discoveries taking place today will help shape the future of treatments and lead to cures – benefitting not only our patients and families, but people across the country and around the world for years to come.
ChildrensAL •org
Whether it’s at home, school, or at the park, friendships during our youth are probably one of the most basic concepts we learn as children.
I have vivid memories of a special friend I met on the monkey bars as a child. Her name was Michelle, and every day we would meet at that playground, creating wild adventures using our imagination, traipsing from the slide to the swings, laughing and playing for hours. It’s pure, honest, and often comforting; knowing that someone likes you and likes the same things you do.
Surveys show that friendships play a crucial role in the development and wellbeing of children in several ways:
Social Development: Friendships help children learn important social skills, such as cooperation, communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
Emotional Support: Friends provide emotional support and companionship, which is vital for children’s emotional well-being.
Self-Esteem: Positive friendships contribute to children’s self-esteem and selfconfidence. Being accepted and valued by peers boosts children’s sense of self-worth and helps them develop a positive selfimage.
Cognitive Development: Friendships offer opportunities for cognitive development as children engage in collaborative play, problem-solving activities, and discussions with their peers.
However, friendships are bound to have conflicts, and that’s where teachers and parents can help children by implementing a preventative plan for guiding children on how to be a good friend. It all starts with the gradual introduction of basic communication concepts that often elicits emotions. The key is to help children identify those emotions and provide examples of positive ways to deal with them.
Here are seven tips for teaching kids how to be a good friend:
1) Explain the concept of ‘communication’ and how one person listens or ‘hears’ what the other person is ‘saying’ as the other person speaks. Demonstrate in a role play where the child talks and then you talk over them. Ask them how that made them feel and if they thought you actually heard what they said.
2) Ask the child to define a ‘friend’ and what it means to them to have a friend. Have them name a friend and why they enjoy having them as a friend or what makes them special.
you wanted to play with it. However, your friend is only there for an hour, and you can play with it all day after they leave. How do you think your friend would feel after you said yes and handed them the toy?
4) Demonstrate the acceptance of disappointment. Ask the child: How would you feel if the same day you went over to your friend’s house to play and they did not let you play with their favorite toy? If the child responds with ‘sad’ or something similar, explain that sadness is often called disappointment, and it’s okay to feel that way. Educate them on how sometimes things don’t always go our way, but that’s okay because there are so many other ‘toys to play with’ in life. Provide an example from your personal life, if possible, of disappointment.
5) Explore the concept of sharing ‘thoughts and feelings’. Ask them: Do you think it would be okay to share your feelings of sadness and/or disappointment with your friend? Tell them that sharing feelings in a kind way is a positive thing to do. Maybe their friend did not know they hurt your feelings. Practice sharing feelings in several role plays.
3) Explain the concept of sharing physical objects, such as toys or food, and provide an example. i.e., a friend comes over for a playdate and you have a toy your friend wants to play with. But it’s your toy, and
6) Revisit the term friendship and what it means to ‘support each other’. The dictionary defines a ‘friend’ as a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, or a person who gives assistance; a patron or supporter. Ask them who they would call or talk to if they were sad/mad/hurt/confused (besides yourself). Ask them if their friend would say the same about them if asked the same question. Explain that this is called ‘support’ in a friendship and that it takes both friends to make it work, just like each of the two wheels on a bicycle.
7) Introduce the concept of ‘speaking up’. Sometimes a child may feel they are not being heard, even though there are friends and family all around them. Explain to them they are never alone, and all they have to do is ‘speak up’ and talk to someone about how they are feeling or what is
hurting them. Give an example of a child who has their feelings hurt by a friend who called them a hurtful name. They say nothing for days because they are ashamed and think others will laugh at them. Then, they told a friend who listened, and reminded them how wonderful they were, and the friend felt so much better afterwards for speaking up. Remind the child that a friend could also be a teacher, family member, or other adult in their life.
Take the time during play, mealtime, or bedtime to introduce these concepts, your child will benefit from the comfort and support of a lasting friendship.
Overall, friendships are integral to children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development, playing a significant role in shaping their well-being and sense of identity. Furthermore, healthy friendships can last for years and add value and insights to a child’s life for years to come. I often think of Michelle and what had become of her, as I lost touch when she moved away to Nevada when I was twelve. I’ll never forget our adventures and the special bond we created as friends.
Cheryl Denise Bannerman is an award-winning, multi-genre author of ten published works of fiction. When she is not writing, Ms. Bannerman is running her 28-year-old virtual B2B Training and Development company based in Orlando, Florida.
Wednesday July 3
50th Annual Grand Bay Watermelon Festival
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Grand Bay Odd Fellows Festival Park, 10327 Taylor F. Harper Grand Bay, AL, 36541 The Grand Bay Watermelon Festival is open on July 3rd from 3 to 7 pm and on July 4th from 10 am to 6 pm. An annual family fun event with all the free, sliced, ice cold watermelon you can eat but only on the 4th. We will have vendors, rides and entertainment. grandbaywatermelonfestival.org/
Free Movies on the Beach East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL www.townofdauphinisland.org
Thursday July 4
Independence Day at OWA
12:00 PM - 9:00 PM, OWA, 101-N South OWA Blvd. Foley, AL, 36535 The fun kicks off on Thursday, July 4th with arts and crafts in Downtown OWA. Create your own Uncle Sam Hat and sign and create your own Declaration of Independence, then show off your art skills with patriotic sidewalk art. Next, try your hand at Watermelon Bowling. then cool off with a water balloon Revolutionary War. Come dressed in your favorite patriotic attire for discounts on food and drinks. At 7 p.m. Dive-In movie featuring Top Gun. www.visitowa.com
50th Annual Grand Bay Watermelon Festival
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Grand Bay Odd Fellows Festival Park, 10327 Taylor F. Harper Grand Bay, AL, 36541 The Grand Bay Watermelon Festival is open on July 3rd from 3 to 7 pm and on July 4th from 10 am to 6 pm. An annual family fun event with all the free, sliced, ice cold watermelon you can eat but only on the 4th. We will have vendors, rides and entertainment. grandbaywatermelonfestival.org/
4th of July Celebration
6:00 PM - 9:30 PM, USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park, 2703 Battleship Pkwy Mobile, AL, 36602 Get Ready for an Independence Day Extravaganza brought to you by the City of Mobile. Join us at the USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park on July 4th from 6:00pm – 9:30pm for live music, bounce houses, games, activities, face painting, and a spectacular fireworks show at 9:00pm. www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/4th-of-julycelebration-2024
Fireworks Cruise
7:45 PM Historic Blakeley Park dock, 34745 State Hwy. 225 Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 This cruise takes guests out into the headwaters of Mobile Bay for a stunning view of Mobile’s 4th of July fireworks display. www.blakeleypark.com/Things-to-Do/Events
Free Movies on the Beach East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL www.townofdauphinisland.org
Friday July 5
Independence Day Weekend at OWA
12:00 PM OWA, 101-N South OWA Blvd. Foley, AL, 36535 4th of July Weekend Party-enjoy games, relays, live entertainment and more. www.visitowa.com
Saturday July 6
NASA Kids Science
10:00 AM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us in the Youth Programming
Room for adventurous books, games, crafts, and play to learn about NASA and space. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Independence Day Weekend at OWA 12:00 PM OWA, 101-N South OWA Blvd. Foley, AL, 36535 4th of July Weekend Party-enjoy games, live entertainment and fireworks at 8:50pm. www.visitowa.com
Wednesday July 10
Savvy Mom Sale
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Thursday July 11
Savvy Mom Sale
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Make and Take Art ($5 per family for MMofA Members | $10 per family for Not-Yet Members)
1:00 PM Mobile Museum of Art, 4850 Museum Dr. Mobile, AL, 36608 Join us this week in our Make and Take Studio class for guided instruction to create a foam relief print inspired by the design elements seen in fashion, textiles, and home décor throughout the 1930’s-1950’s. www.mobilemuseumofart.com
Free Movies on the Beach
dusk East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL Free movies at the beach at dusk. www.townofdauphinisland.org
Friday July 12
Savvy Mom Sale
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Mummification Workshop
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Learn about ancient beliefs about the afterlife and the ancient Egyptian art of mummification. Participants will then use a similar process to mummify an 11-inch doll provided by the museum. Space in this workshop is limited to 30 kids. For ages 7 and up.
251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
Putt-Putt Under the Sea
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us at the West Regional Library for mini-golf at our unique indoor course, which is for ages 6 and older. Registration is required. To Register or for more information please
email Christina Coxe at ccoxe@mplonline.org or call 251-340-1588. 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
7th Annual MOB Music Festival
5:00 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us for the 7th Annual MOB Music Festival, a vibrant and diverse celebration of music in the heart of Downtown Mobile. Enjoy a weekend filled with an eclectic mix of genres including Indie, Country, Bluegrass, Rock, Alternative, Gospel, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Brass Band, Blues, R&B, and Hip-Hop. With over 40 live performances across three stages, there’s something for everyone! www.mobile.org/event/7th-annual-mob-music-festival/21931/
Family Feud, Teen Edition
6:00 PM Innovation Portal, 358 St. Louis Street Mobile, AL, 36602 It’s time to play Family Feud, teen edition! This event is open to all teens and young adults, completely free of charge. Enjoy a fun-filled evening with complimentary food, and drinks, and play one of your favorite game shows. www.mobileparksandrec.org
Roll Mobile
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Bienville Square, Mobile, AL, 36602 We are closing off the streets and turning Bienville Square into a giant roller rink! We will have Lights, a Live DJ, and all the Fun! https://www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/rollmobile-2024
Free Movies on the Beach
dusk East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL Free movies at the beach at dusk. www.townofdauphinisland.org
Saturday July 13
Savvy Mom Sale
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Daphne Civic Center, 2603 US-98 Daphne, AL, 36526 Savvy Mom Sale is a seasonal consignment sale. We invite you to volunteer, consign, & shop with the Savvy Mom Sale! Visit our website or checkout our Facebook page for updates, volunteer perks, consignment opportunities and discount days! www.SavvyMomSale.com
Springhill Medical Center’s Hello Baby Family and Baby Expo (Free)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Springhill Medical Center Campus - Building 2, Mobile, AL, 36608 Join us for a day focused on baby! Visit with OB/GYNs, attend educational sessions, tour The Birthing Suites at Springhill, meet the lactation consultants and labor & delivery nurses, visit vendor tables with products and services for baby & parents, ask questions/get answers. We’ll be registering attendees for prizes and offering fun activities. Don’t miss out on our useful giveaways and enjoy some delicious refreshments. No registration required.
Putt-Putt Under the Sea
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us at the West Regional Library for mini-golf at our unique indoor course, which is for ages 6 and older. Registration is required. To Register or for more information please email Christina Coxe at ccoxe@mplonline.org or call 251-340-1588. 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
7th Annual MOB Music Festival
5:00 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us for the 7th Annual MOB Music Festival, a vibrant and diverse celebration of music in the heart of Downtown Mobile. Enjoy a weekend filled with an eclectic mix of genres including Indie, Country, Bluegrass, Rock, Alternative, Gospel, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Brass Band, Blues, R&B, and Hip-Hop. With over 40 live performances across three stages, there’s something for everyone! www.mobile.org/event/7th-annual-mob-musicfestival/21931/
Roy Martin Young Anglers Tournament
Dauphin Island, AL The Roy Martin Young Anglers Tournament is designed to bring families together and encourage sportsmanship. The tournament takes place on the Saturday before the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo. RMYAT is for children 15 years and younger https://adsfr.com/rmyat/
Auburn University Raptor Center Programs
Blakeley State Park, 34745 State Hwy 225 Spanish Fort, AL, 36527 The park welcomes the Auburn University Raptor Center for two special educational programs showcasing its resident raptor ambassadors. These include owls, falcons, hawks, kites, vultures and eagles. Join us for an unparalleled opportunity to learn about these amazing animals and the important role they play in our natural environment. Times: 11:30am, 12:30pm 251-626-0798 www.blakeleypark.com
Sunday July 14
7th Annual MOB Music Festival
5:00 PM Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us for the 7th Annual MOB Music Festival, a vibrant and diverse celebration of music in the heart of Downtown Mobile. Enjoy a weekend filled with an eclectic mix of genres including Indie, Country, Bluegrass, Rock, Alternative, Gospel, Soul, Funk, Jazz, Brass Band, Blues, R&B, and Hip-Hop. With over 40 live performances across three stages, there’s something for everyone! www.mobile.org/event/7th-annual-mob-musicfestival/21931/
Thursday July 18
Air Supply Concert
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 The iconic Air Supply will bring their Lost In Love Experience to the Saenger! www.asmglobalmobile.com/
Friday July 19
Crafty Campers Party
10:00 AM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us to share your favorite campsite books or get suggestions. The morning will include campfire stories and songs, trail mix making, and camp-themed crafting. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo
Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 The Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo will be held July 19-21. The Rodeo, a Project of the Mobile Jaycees, is the largest fishing tournament in the world. adsfr.com
Saturday July 20
Back-to-School Family Fun Fest
9:00 AM Mobile Flea Market, 401 Schillinger Rd N Mobile, AL, 36608 Join us on July 20th for our Backto-School Family Fun Fest
Christmas in July
10:00 AM 11000 Celeste Rd Saraland, AL, 36571 Come join us for a great day of food and vendors to raise money for the local Turnerville Volunteer Fire Department. The fire department is cooking up their delicious hot dogs and sausage dogs so grab one of those with some chips and a drink while you get to meet the department and shop some great vendors!
Azalea City Con
10:00 AM Holiday Inn Mobile-Dwtn/Hist. District, 301 Government Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Azalea City Con is a pop culture convention for pop culture geeks, comic book nerds, gamers, cosplayers, anime kids, and anyone who proudly wears the nerd label. https://www.azaleacitycon.com/
Quill Pen Writing
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Colonial Fort Conde, 150 S Royal St Mobile, AL, 36602 Stop by the Fort anytime between 1pm and 3pm to see a demonstration of how people wrote during the colonial era. Then learn to make your own quill pen from a large goose feather and practice writing with it. For ages 5 (with parent or guardian help) and up. 251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Dauphin Street Vault
Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Athletes of all ages and skill levels, including Olympians and professionals, have competed in this annual invitational. The DSV continues to raise the bar for the sport of pole vaulting. It’s an opportunity for athletes to compete in a fun environment while giving spectators a closeup view.
Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo
Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 The Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo will be held July 21-23. The Rodeo, a Project of the Mobile Jaycees, is the largest fishing tournament in the world. adsfr.com
Saturday July 21
Azalea City Con
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Holiday Inn Mobile-Dwtn/Hist. District, 301 Government Street Mobile, AL, 36602 A pop culture convention for pop culture geeks, comic book nerds, gamers, cosplayers, anime kids, and anyone who proudly wears the nerd label.
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo
Dauphin Island, AL, 36528 The Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo will be held July 21-23. The Rodeo, a
Project of the Mobile Jaycees, is the largest fishing tournament in the world. adsfr.com
Monday July 22
Cheers to Children to Benefit Child Advocacy Center
6:00 PM Grace , 555 Dauphin St Mobile, AL, 36602 Cheers to Children to Benefit Child Advocacy Center
Thursday July 25
Mobile Bay Dolphin Cruise
9:00 AM Spanish Fort, AL On this special cruise into the middle reaches of Mobile Bay, guests will be treated to scenic views of the area and learn about its rich natural habitat as we keep an eye out for dolphins. www.blakeleypark.com
Free Movies on the Beach
dusk East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL Free movies at the beach at dusk. www.townofdauphinisland.org
Friday July 26
Marbled Paper Workshop
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Until modern times beautiful, marbled paper was often used for the endpapers of books. Learn about the history of the decorative art of marbled paper and how it is made, and then try your hand at making your own marbled paper. Warning: Making marbled paper is addictive! For ages 7 and up.
251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
Free Movies on the Beach
dusk East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL Free movies at the beach at dusk. www.townofdauphinisland.org
Summer Drive-in Movie
James Seals Community Center & Park, 540 Texas St Mobile, AL, 36603 We look forward to seeing you here and creating new traditions and great memories with your family and friends for a FREE movie from the comfort of your car. Alternatively, you can bring a blanket and some chairs and enjoy the show under the stars! The movies start at sunset. Movie-Minions, The Rise of the GRU www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/summerdrive-in-movies
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 www.playhouseinthepark.org
Saturday July 27
SouthWest Mobile County Chamber of Commerce’s 11th Annual Kids Day 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Tillman’s Corner Community Center, 5055 Carol Plantation Rd Mobile, AL, 36619 The Chamber hosts this event in order to prepare local children for the upcoming school year by providing free backpacks with school supplies and uniforms. It will also feature food trucks, vendors, bouncy houses, games, a Beach Ball Drop at 12:00 pm and more!
Gulf Coast Exotic Animal Expo ($5 Cash entry at the door, children under 12 are free.) 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Abba Shrine, 7701 Hitt Rd Mobile, AL, 36695 This Year’s Expo will bring you a brilliant bird fair as well as
feature other exciting and exotic reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. There will be all the fuzzy, furry, creepy, crawly, cute, cuddly, slinky, slimy and feathered fun that you and your family can handle! There’s something for everyone – you can get amazing pets, supplies, and feed or just come hang out and enjoy all the animals and activities.
Kids Cycling Classic
10:00 AM Langan Park, Mobile, AL, 36608 The 2024 MPRD Kids Cycling Classic encourages your little one to explore the world around them on two wheels while building their riding skills and having fun. Kids 12 and under will gather at Langan Park at 10am on July 27 to race wearing real bib numbers!
Asia Concert
7:00 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Asia Concert www.asmglobalmobile.com/
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Sunday July 28
Gulf Coast Exotic Animal Expo ($5 Cash entry at the door, children under 12 are free.)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Abba Shrine, 7701 Hitt Rd Mobile, AL, 36695 This Year’s Expo will bring you a brilliant bird fair as well as feature other exciting and exotic reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. There will be all the fuzzy, furry, creepy, crawly, cute, cuddly, slinky, slimy and feathered fun that you and your family can handle! There’s something for everyone – you can get amazing pets, supplies, and feed or just come hang out and enjoy all the animals and activities.
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Sunset Concerts
Fort Gaines, Dauphin Island, AL Ryan Balthrop www.townofdauphinisland.org
Wednesday July 31
Chocolate Olympics Party
10:00 AM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us in the Youth Programming Room as we prepare for the Olympic games with our Chocolate Olympics morning! The Chocolate Olympics are a special kind of wild magic created by combining chocolate, kids, timers, blindfolds, spoons, and straws. We will throw in a few Olympic facts, chocolate-themed books, & the magic. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Thursday August 1
Kids Day
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Laun Park, 5401 Windmill Drive Mobile, AL, 36693 Let’s come together for an electrifying Teen Glow Foam Party! Pumping up the music and introducing an epic FOAM-TASTIC experience! All teens aged 13-17 are welcome to join us for a thrilling foam glow party filled with music, inflatables, bubbles, and so much more! www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/kids-dayquarterly-series-2025
Free Movies on the Beach
dusk East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL Free movies at the beach at dusk. www.townofdauphinisland.org
Friday August 2
Free Movies on the Beach
dusk East End Beach, Dauphin Island, AL Free movies at the beach at dusk. www.townofdauphinisland.org
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Saturday August 3
Colonial Toys & Games
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Colonial Fort Condé, 150 S Royal St Mobile, AL, 36602 Stop by the Fort courtyard anytime between 1 pm and 3pm to learn about colonial era toys, tabletop games, and lawn games, then make your own whirligig toy. For ages 5 (with parent or guardian help) and up. 251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Sunday August 4
The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie Playhouse in the Park, 4851 Museum Drive Mobile, AL, 36608 The Playhouse in the Park Presents Annie www.playhouseinthepark.org
Thursday August 8
Christopher Cross Concert
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 www.asmglobalmobile.com/
Friday August 9
Roll Mobile
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Bienville Square, Mobile, AL, 36602 We are closing off the streets and turning Bienville Square into a giant roller rink! We will have Lights, a Live DJ, and all the Fun! https://www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events/rollmobile-2024
Saturday August 10
Satsuma 2-Miler
7:30 AM Satsuma Community Center, 368 Juniper Avenue Mobile, AL, 36572 Satsuma 2-Miler https://portcitypacers.com/
Three Dog Night Concert
7:30 PM Saenger Theatre, 6 South Joachim Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Three Dog Night Concert www.asmglobalmobile.com/
Thursday August 15
5:30 PM Alabama Contemporary Art Center, 300 Conti St Mobile, AL, 36602 Our 3 Mobile arts organizations — Mobile Arts Council, Alabama Contemporary, and Mobile Museum of Art — are coming together to present the first of a new quarterly arts networking series.
We’ll have drinks by donation, games, membership giveaways, and a brief presentation and discussion with our host organizations.
Monday-Thursday in June and July Summer Reading Performances
Various locations, Join Us for a Great Summer. Fun programs for all ages! Special performances, reading challenges, crafts, games and more. www.slc.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Monday
Read and Sign (ASL) Storytime at West Regional Library
3:30 PM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room for books, songs, sign language and for ages 3 - 5! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Tuesday
Read and Play Storytime
10:00 AM Ben May Main Library, 701 Government St Mobile, AL, 36602 Join us in Bernheim Hall for a socially distant storytime event. Masks are required. Children enjoy 20 minutes of books, songs, manipulatives, and rhymes, with an emphasis on repetition for their developing minds. Story and book time is followed by a time of free play with a sensory activity. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Good Listener Storytime
10:00 AM Parkway Branch, 1924 Dauphin Island Pkwy B Mobile, AL, 36605 Join us for fun with stories, words that rhyme, games and crafts too! This storytime event is designed for ages 3 – 7. Registration is required. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Tuesday Time Out Storytime at Grand Bay
11:00 AM Grand Bay Library, 10329 Freeland Ave Grand Bay, AL, 36541 Entertaining storytime designed for preschool-aged children! Join us in the Meeting Room at the Grand Bay Library for fun stories, song and crafts. www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Read and Sign (ASL) Storytime at West Regional Library
3:30 PM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room for books, songs, sign language and for ages 3 - 5! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Second Wednesday
Learning Lunch (Free)
12:00 PM History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 This series allows guests to enjoy free presentations on a wide range of historical and cultural topics. Admission to Learning Lunch is free. Bring your lunch and enjoy complimentary beverages. 251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
Every Wednesday
Good Listener Storytime
10:00 AM Moorer/Spring Hill Branch, 4 McGregor Ave Mobile, AL, 36608 Good Listener Storytime 251-494-4140 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Wonderful Wednesday Storytime
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM, Theodore Oaks, 5808 US-90 West E Theodore, AL, 36582 Join us for stories and songs and lots of fun! www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Shake, Rattle, & Read Storytime at West Regional Library
10:00 AM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room every Wednesday and Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. for this storytime program designed for infants and children up to age three. Help stimulate their early literacy skills and enjoy meeting other parents! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Good Listener Storytime at Semmes 10:30 AM Semmes Regional Library, 9150 Moffett Road Semmes, AL, 36575 Join us for stories, songs, and dances! www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Preschooler Storytime
10:30 AM Saraland Public Library, 111 Saraland Loop Saraland, AL, 36571 Preschooler Storytime 251-675-2879 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Listen & Learn Storytime
11:00 AM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Storytime has many benefits for children such as promoting early literacy, language development, help develop concentration, social skills, communication skills, and encourages their imagination and creativity. Join us in the Storytime room at West Regional for fun stories and songs. Ideal for ages 3-5 years.
251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Thursday in June
Semmes Farmers Market
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Semmes Community Center, 10113 Moffett Rd Semmes, AL, 36575 Come shop from local farmers, backyard gardeners, local product makers, and more. Many of these events will feature live music. https://cityofsemmesal.gov/community/events/
Every Thursday
Shake, Rattle, & Read Storytime at West Regional Library
10:00 AM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 Join us in the Meeting Room every Wednesday and Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. for this storytime program designed for infants and children up to age three. Help stimulate their early literacy skills and enjoy meeting other parents! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Chess Club
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Semmes Regional Library, 9150 Moffett Road Semmes, AL, 36575 Semmes Regional Library Chess Club is designed for children and teens ages 6 - 18. Playing chess improves concentration and problem-solving skills. No experience is necessary www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Throwdown Thursday - Video and Board Games for Teens at West
3:30 PM West Regional Public Library, 5555 Grelot Rd Mobile, AL, 36609 This is a laid-back meetup to unwind playing games with other teens. We will have various board games, nintendo switch, playstation and xbox games for multiplayer matchups that include various genres - puzzle, racing, fighting, shooting, and open-world-type games. Sometimes there will also be additional activities like 3d pens and fuse beads for expressing your creative side! 251-340-8571 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Friday in July
Family Fun Friday
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Moorer/Spring Hill Branch, 4 McGregor Ave Mobile, AL, 36608 Bring your family
or friends to the Moorer Branch Library to join us in tabletop games, puzzles, and other family fun games every Friday.
251-494-4140 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Every Second Friday
LoDA Artwalk
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Downtown Mobile, Mobile, AL, 36602 Celebrating the arts in downtown Mobile! Explore this free monthly showcase of visual and performing arts. www.mobilearts.org/art-walk/
Every Saturday - July 6
Market in the Park: Spring 2024
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Cathedral Square, Mobile, AL, 36602 Shop locally grown, locally produced and handmade items all while listening to live entertainment. www.cityofmobile.org/parks-rec/events
Every Saturday
Saturday Science
10:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center & IMAX Theater, 65 Government Street Mobile, AL, 36602
Join us for Saturday Science! Demonstrations will be shown in our various Lab and Headquarters throughout the day. www.exploreum.com
Chess Club for Everyone
2:00 PM Moorer/Spring Hill Branch, 4 McGregor Ave Mobile, AL, 36608 Beginners and experienced players welcome! Playing chess improves concentration and problem-solving skills. Join us at Monte L. Moorer/ Spring Hill Branch for chess club designed for ages 6 and up.
251-494-4140 www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Saturday Crafternoon
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM, Theodore Oaks, 5808 US-90 West E Theodore, AL, 36582 Come celebrate the upcoming 159th Battle of Mobile Bay sponsored by the 6th Alabama Cavalry & the Alabama Division of Reenactors. This two-day event is at historic Fort Gaines. Saturday will be the Battle of Mobile Bay reenactment & surrender ceremony, and Sunday will feature a Tactical www.mobilepubliclibrary.org
Free First Sunday - History Museum of Mobile (Free)
1:00 PM History Museum of Mobile, 111 S Royal Street Mobile, AL, 36602 Free admission for all visitors sponsored by Wind Creek Hospitality every first Sunday of the month! 251-208-7569 www.historymuseumofmobile.com
Please check with each venue prior to attending the event to verify the information provided is still accurate and up to date.
Please send your calendar events to lynn@mobilebayparents.com.
An influencer does not equal an expert. Remember the good old days when you had a question or concern; you would turn to someone who was an expert in the field. Someone with a degree or at least years of applied world expertise. I was listening to Brene Brown’s podcast this morning, and something she said really stood out. If I am being honest, everything Brene says stands out to me, but this comment made an impact, most likely because I have been having the same feelings. She has created a beautiful podcast series around social media and AI, asking the question, “Are we really ready for this stuff?”
Brene took a year off of social media, and one of the catalysts for her break is that she has been navigating her mother’s diagnosis of dementia. She mentions she was inundated with “experts” on social media telling her various “fixes” and “cures” for her mom’s dementia. One of those cures involved eating more quinoa and blueberries. And when you have a loved one suffering or you are looking for answers, having access to thousands of “experts” at your fingertips feels like movement. It feels empowering. It feels like hope. Until it doesn’t. It begins to breed confusion, exhaustion, and overwhelm. Not to mention the frustration that begins to feel a bit like, “Who lets these people snake charm their way into people’s lives?”
experience or self-driven research. There are so many individuals who are experts in what they do and do not have a degree in the subject matter. But what happens is the sheer overwhelm of fly-by-night influencers with a few months of “expertise” and just enough charisma, relatability, and aesthetically pleasing content to gain popularity. In other words, it looks pretty on the outside, but probably not much experience underneath. This can be dangerous. We must take a look at authenticity versus credibility. Influencers are known for their authenticity and relatability. It is a key factor in their success. However, authenticity does not always translate to credibility. While influencers may have personal anecdotes and experiences to share, their opinions may not be based on thorough research, scientific evidence, or professional experience.
influencers. Instead of blindly accepting their recommendations, it is crucial to verify facts, seek other expert opinions, and consider multiple perspectives before taking an influencer’s advice. We know that experts are individuals who dedicate their time, education, and experience to a particular field. They possess in-depth knowledge, skills, and qualifications that allow them to provide accurate and reliable information. One of the best things we can do as a consumer is to recognize the vast difference between influencers and experts. We can make informed decisions based on reliable sources of information rather than being swayed solely by the popularity or charisma of influencers. Another beautiful thing we can do as consumers AND parents is to discuss with our teens these concepts. They are a huge consumers of social media, and tend to believe most anything that influencers are selling them. Teaching our kids to rely on experts for their information will serve them now and as they grow into adults. In other words, be careful of the snake oil swillers of today’s generation. They are the same as they were hundreds of years ago...just dressed in prettier clothes and no longer have to knock on your door to get into your home.
Anyone can become an “influencer”. Social media platforms have provided a space for individuals to showcase their talents, hobbies, and personal experiences. I do not ever want to discount personal
As someone who has a social work degree and now works as a family and teen coach, it is frightening to me the number of online “coaches” who do not have a degree and do not have years of experience or certifications in marketing their counseling skills to families. I do not have a “degree” in the specialty of social media conversations and safety that I bring to the table within my sessions. However, I do have over a decade of experience working with families around these issues in private settings. And I did not include this specialty until I had years of work behind me.
This brings me to the importance of critical thinking. It is essential for consumers of social media to exercise critical thinking when evaluating information shared by
Kristi Bush serves as a national education consultant and social media safety advocate. She is a licensed social worker with greater than 15 years of clinical practice and health care experience. She attended Troy and Auburn University where she studied social work and counseling. Kristi travels nationally and has spoken with thousands of children, parents, professionals and organizations about the benefits and threats associated with social media. You may reach Kristi through her website at www.knbcommunications.com.