River Region's Journey June 2018

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• At least 80 million antibiotic prescriptions each year are unnecessary. • Antibiotics are only needed for treating certain infections caused by bacteria. • Antibiotics do not work on viruses such as colds and flu. • Antibiotics are not always the answer. Everyone can help improve antibiotic prescribing and use. • S tay healthy and keep others healthy by washing hands, covering cough, staying home when sick and getting recommended vaccines.

Viruses or Bacteria: What’s got you sick? Common Condition:

Common Cause Bacteria

Bacteria or Virus


Are antibiotics needed?

Strep throat


Whooping cough


Urinary tract infection


Sinus infection


Middle ear infection


Bronchitis/chest cold (in otherwise healthy children and adults)*


Common cold/runny nose


Sore throat (except strep)




*Studies show that in otherwise healthy children and adults, antibiotics for bronchitis won’t help you feel better.


Volume 20, Issue 3

Feature Articles

JU N E 2 0 1 8 Columns page 2

Publisher’s Note

page 12

Jason Watson

Faith @ Work

Meet Glenn Wilson, Regional Manager of the Mortgage Division, BBVA Compass. Glenn shares his journey to understanding a personal relationship with Jesus, how he tries to let his faith shine in the workplace, plus details about his health transformation over the last two years.

page 4

Pastor's Perspective Keith Waldrop, Christ Community Church

page 11

Pondering the Journey Sam Whatley

page 16

page 14

Women Arising

VBS Guide

Pastor Kemi Searcy

We’ve got pages of VBS options to get your kids ready for fun and learning this summer.

page 26

The Intersection Bob Crittenden

page 22

10 Reasons to Be Thankful for Fatherhood

page 31

Counselor’s Corner Christy Holding, LPC

page 36

Dave $ays

by Tim Challies

With Father’s Day approaching, take time to reflect on all the blessings that come with being a father.

Dave Ramsey

In Every Issue page 6

page 28

Books to Read

Reality & Truth Ministries

page 8

by Angela Hardgrave

Around Our Community

Since its beginning in 2008, Reality & Truth has continued to grow and succeed in helping fight homelessness and hunger locally, while also teaching the Truth of Christ. In the article, you’ll find details on areas where volunteers are greatly needed and contact information so you can get involved.

page 12

Faith @ Work page 32

Support Groups 1

June 2018

River Region’s Journey

CCH Magazine Ad_

Our Mission... We believe the Good News concerning the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is worth sharing with our friends and neighbors in the River Region. Each month we deliver this life-changing message to the centers of activity across our community in a user-friendly and relevant way to empower and equip all those seeking to grow closer to God. Join us in this mission by sharing a copy with your neighbor or by becoming an advertising partner starting next month.

Editor DeAnne Watson deanne@readjourneymagazine.com


Jason Watson jason@readjourneymagazine.com

Associate Publisher Gena Hill

Research Editor Wendy McCollum

Contributing Writers Tim Challies Bob Crittenden Angela Hardgrave Christy Holding Dave Ramsey Kemi Searcy Dr. David Steele Pastor Keith Waldrop Sam Whatley

Advertising Opportunities

Stephanie Parsons, VP of Client Services ads@readjourneymagazine.com (334) 213-7940 ext 703

Digital Manager

From the Publisher Dads are great! And, sadly, dads fall short. I love all three of my children. They’re on my heart and mind every day whether I see them or not, but I fail to love and serve them as I should. There are days I don’t give them the best advice. They have seen me sin many, many times. I fall short just like every other dad. What makes my heart ache is that we humans often view Father God through the lens of our birth fathers. A dad’s short fuse can make children think God has a short fuse too. Dads who constantly dole out punishment when expectations aren’t met can make children think God is looking down from Heaven with a clip board of do’s and don’ts waiting to make their lives miserable when they miss the mark. There’s no question that Satan seeks to falsely depict God’s character by parading out dads like me, who still fall short on this side of Heaven. Of course, God has explained the realities of our lives in His Scriptures. He knows we all fall short. Parents and their children! That’s why He tells us to stop looking at each other. No dad will ever satisfy the ultimate longings of their children. How can something whole come from something broken? Instead, God the Father says He alone can satisfy your every need. He says He alone can love you completely. Only He can guide you perfectly into the light of truth. All of this and more is the perfect work of the Father, Son and Spirit who together work salvation into God’s children by faith. After years of trying to be the perfect dad for my children, I’ve come to realize that’s unattainable. I now understand the way to be a great father is to celebrate God the Father’s love by worshipping and honoring Him, and then daily pointing my children to the cross where the greatest display of His love occurred. Be a great father and point your children to God the Father!

Scott Davis

Ad Design

Tim Welch, Welch Designs

Distribution Manager

Chris Mitchell

River Region’s Journey is published monthly by Keep Sharing, P.O. Box 230367, Montgomery, AL 36123. For information, call 334-213-7940. River Region’s Journey is copyrighted 2018 by KeepSharing. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. The opinions expressed in River Region’s Journey are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products or services herein. River Region’s Journey has the right to refuse any content that is not consistent with its statement of faith.

River Region’s Journey

June 2018


Happy Father’s Day,

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The people of Christchurch respond to God’s Word by going out into the world proclaiming the good news of Jesus, and we joyfully serve as His hands and feet whether in places like Uganda and Guatemala or within Montgomery.


8800 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL 36117 www.christchurchmgm.net 334.387.0566


June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Pastor’s Perspective Keith Waldrop, Christ Community Church

Derailed by Bitterness “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy, without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Hebrews 12:14-15 A little seed of bitterness takes root and before long we are in trouble. Corrie Ten Boom said, “Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power

that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.“ When bitterness moves in it handcuffs, entraps, and arrests you. Scripture encourages us to throw it off that we might prosper and be a vibrant witness for Christ. In 2018 when we turn on the news and see the reports, we almost grow immune to it. These terrible situations happen, and someone feels offended. It is at the core of all the killing that is so prevalent today. When it grows, it leads to hatred and murder. Someone has done something to them and bitterness has taken harbor in their hearts - and it is lethal. We are not to take up offenses of others. Bitterness opens the door to the enemy. Deal with the offense or you will River Region’s Journey

June 2018

make a place for Satan. Allow him no foothold in your life. When we hold onto bitterness, poison fills our soul and it eventually explodes. We all are tempted to get bitter and, when we do, division starts and disunity enters. Our God is greater than our bitterness and He is waiting for us to lay it down. Bitterness affects us physically and costs us so much money. It robs our health. Medical doctors link harboring resentments to physical maladies like ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Sickness is the result of bitterness. Let’s get clean hearts before God and honor Him and one another. Our bitterness affects so much more than us...it defiles others. Murmuring attitudes and complaining come as a result. Make a list of why you are bitter and address it. If we don’t, stress hormones are released, and we get on an unhealthy track. This is a trap for us, and Christ followers should always pursue FREEDOM…. Our hurt not dealt with grows and festers and leads us down a road that is most destructive. I have found that when we are bitter it hinders our prayers. 1 Peter 3:7 tells us, “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect… so that nothing can hinder your prayers.” Marriages suffer because of this, and friendships are abandoned. The cycle repeats itself so let’s determine to break the cycle. 4

Bitterness is a malignant tumor! Let’s choose to eradicate bitterness by allowing God to reveal it to us. If He shows you where you are bitter, allow the Holy Spirit to do radical surgery. Ask Him to cover you with his grace. When bitter, I find that I will replay the tapes and rehash every word, and then my mouth gets out of control. In running my mouth, I look for one who will agree with me and help me justify my feelings. For a Christian, there is no place for this kind of behavior. Like all weeds, bitterness has a way of spreading and the Scripture admonishes us to, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling & slander, along with every form of malice.” We have a choice to make whether to become better or bitter, and if you are serious about freedom, take the steps below: A. Confess you’ve got bitterness

it up and give it to Christ. Completely Let it Go - forgive,

B. Dig C.

forgive, forgive…. D. Let

LOVE replace this attitude.

Drop your BITTERNESS and pursue Christ with all your heart.

Pastor Keith Waldrop is the founding and senior pastor of Christ Community Church, 8285 Ryan Rd. He has been married to Donna for 39 years this summer. They have two daughters, two sons-in-law and three awesome grandkids: Ramsey [5], McLain [3] and Finn [1].

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June 2018

River Region’s Journey

From Death to Life:

The Gospel Comes With a House Key

How Salvation Works

by Rosaria Butterfield

by Allen S. Nelson IV

“Imagine a world where the power of the gospel to change lives is ours to behold.” This is the soulstirring, gospel-focused message that Rosaria Butterfield proclaims in her most recent book, The Gospel Comes With a House Key. The author aims to inspire readers to follow her example of radical hospitality that reaches out to family, neighbors, and complete strangers. The book is packed with personal examples of how this kind of Bible-saturated hospitality can invade a willing home. One theme that will no doubt draw critics is the matter of patriarchy. Butterfield calls her female readers to accept their Godordained call to submit to the authority of their husbands and reap the benefits of this biblical-minded obedience: “Imagine a world where biblical patriarchy – the benevolent leading of servanthearted fathers – made all of us breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that the good fathers would protect us from the roving gangs of evil men,” writes the author. But she continues by articulating how this countercultural model of manhood and womanhood should play out among Bible-believing Christians: “The godly submission of a faithful wife to her head – her husband – does not diminish the power and strength that God has given to women but instead channels it to serve the most important people first … Godly patriarchy means rule by the godly fathers, the good men who sacrifice their lives for the protection of their family. In God’s hands, when the good fathers lead, the roaming gangs of violent men are kept in check and away. We need godly patriarchs because sin is real, and the droving gangs of male violence are real too. If men aren’t trained to lead by God’s design, they often destroy by Satan’s command.” The theme of biblical patriarchy stands in the background yet provides the fuel for the larger theme of gospel-driven hospitality. The Gospel Comes With a House Key is a challenging, thoughtprovoking read that will prompt many discussions and even debates in the days to come. The end result will be a strengthened church whose covenant members commit themselves to demonstrating radical hospitality for the good of the neighborhood as well as the nations. River Region’s Journey

June 2018

The doctrine of salvation is awash on a sea of Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism. Marked by the curse of sin, the image-bearers of God have a need to “earn” their salvation. “Surely, there must be something I can do to merit favor before a holy God,” says the modern man. This false “gospel” is propagated in churches around the world and creates chaos and confusion. Allen Nelson’s book, From Death to Life is a much-needed corrective and is a positive step in the right direction. The subtitle expresses the essence of the book – How Salvation Works. In this short but powerful treatise, the author sums up the message of the gospel: “God saves sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” This gospel is summarized by five points which make up the basic argument in the book: The gospel must be proclaimed. God must move. The sinner must respond in faith and repentance. God justifies the sinner. The sinner grows in the Lord over a lifetime. Nelson articulates each of the above points and argues strenuously from the Word of God. One striking thing about this book is the author’s ability to both confront error and commend truth. For instance, he is quick to confront (and condemn) pragmatism, seeker-sensitivity, antinomianism, cheap grace, and altar calls. But he also commends bold proclamation, faithful ministry, and authentic faith which is driven by the biblical gospel. Nelson explains each aspect of salvation with precision and biblical faithfulness. He weaves in the biblical doctrines of total depravity, unconditional election, particular redemption, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints in a careful and winsome fashion. Indeed, this is an ordo of salutis for the common man. I commend From Death to Life for students, pastors, and Christ-followers who are eager to digest a solid, gospel-centered book that is committed to historical orthodoxy, robust theology, and a soteriological framework which is faithful to Scripture! 6

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June 2018

River Region’s Journey

The Year of the Next Generation

Prophetic Miracle Ministries Worldwide (P. M. M. W.), Inc. and Apostle Leo S. Sr. and Elect Lady Sharon Lewis will be hosting their Annual Apostolic Pentecost 2018 Summer Convention, THE YEAR OF THE NEXT GENERATION! 7:00 p.m. Nightly Tuesday - Friday, June 5-8, 2018. Day Sessions are at 11:00 a. m. on Wednesday and Thursday, ONLY. Registration is $35.00 (includes access to all day sessions). ALL events will be held at Macedonia Miracle Kingdom and Worship Center, 3070 Selma Highway (Highway 80), Montgomery, AL 36108. For more information, call the office at 334-676-2216 or the church at 334-284-8535.

River Region’s Journey

June 2018


Hope Inspired Ministries presents Heather Land

Hope Inspired Ministries will be having comedian Heather Land at the Davis Theater in Montgomery on Tuesday, June 5, at 7:00 p.m. There will be a limited meet and greet VIP reception from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Doors open for general admission seating at 6:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased online. Tickets are available through Universe or at www.hopeinspiredministries.org and through the H.I.M. Facebook page.

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Fathers Matter Health Fair and Summit

Phil Wickham Concert at Frazer UMC

Phil Wickham and Mack Brock will be at Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Highway, Friday June 15, at 7 pm. Call 334.272.8622 for more info or visit www. transparentproductions.com.

Gift of Life Foundation in partnership with Alabama State University will host “Fathers Matter”, a men’s health fair and fatherhood summit on June 9, 2018 from 9 a.m. to noon at Hornet Stadium. The event will provide free health and wellness screenings plus informative sessions on chronic disease prevention for men, the importance of fatherhood involvement and successful co-parenting. Vendors will also include the Wellness Coalition, Medical Advocacy Outreach, Health Services Inc., Gold’s Gym, Help Me Grow, Vitamin Shoppe, Alabama Dept. of Public Health and local organizations that serve men and families. For more information, please call Gift of Life Foundation at (334) 272-1820.


June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Gridiron Men’s Conference Legacy Arena - Birmingham

Family Faith Night #2 with the Montgomery Biscuits and Alisa Turner

The Gridiron Men’s Conference will be on Friday and Saturday, June 15 and June 16, at Legacy Arena at the BJCC in Birmingham. Friday’s session will be from 7:00 p.m until 10:00 p.m. and Saturday’s session will be from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Featured speakers will be Tony Evans, Charlie Daniels, Steve Farrar, Lee Strobel, Rick Burgess, and Phil Waldrep. Charles Billingsley will be the featured musician. Register online at www.gridironmen.org or call 1-800-374-1550.

Faith Radio invites you to attend this year’s second Family Faith Night with the Montgomery Biscuits on Saturday, June 23, at Riverwalk Stadium. The night begins at 4:45 p.m. with a pre-game concert with Alisa Turner.

Email your ministry news to deanne@readjourneymagazine.com!

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June 2018


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Staying Awake on Gator Lake There is something about danger that fascinates us. We are drawn to it. We know we shouldn’t be, but we are. And sometimes we live to regret that decision. Not long ago some friends and I visited St. Andrew’s State Park on the east end of Panama City Beach. We went to see an estuary of storks and herons on an island in a body of water called Gator Lake. A short pier juts into the four-foot reeds that line the water’s edge, allowing us to see dozens of sea birds and their nests. Off to the right is a short section of wood rail fence with a sign warning visitors to stay away from the alligators. Approaching the little fence, I saw in the water about eight feet away, two bulging eyes and the end of a snout. The submerged alligator looked young, perhaps two or three feet long. Suddenly nearly a dozen tourists crowded the fence with cameras, cell phones, and iPads. Some stepped in front of the fence for a better photo. I retreated to the pier. That amphibian might be small, but he could have a ten-foot relative close by in the reeds. Besides, a proverb says, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it” (Proverbs 27:12) NIV. Thankfully, no alligators assaulted anyone. No harm was done. This time. Admittedly, alligator attacks are rare and tourists probably come to this spot every day. However, such attacks are not impossible, especially if a mama gator feels her young is being threatened. Once a gator has a victim in its jaws, it holds on until it is sure the victim has drowned. That reminds me of another kind of predator that can seem fascinating until you are up close. Most addictive lifestyles and abusive relationships start out as intriguing dangers. A young person is at a party where drugs and alcohol seem to be the cool thing to do. The idea of doing something that your parents warned you against is very appealing. You are showing everyone there that you are grown up. You are not a kid anymore. You are just showing

off a little to impress your friends and that very attractive person that you just met. While you are flirting with someone else, you are flirting with danger. It’s like swerving a car as close to the edge of a cliff as you can without going over. It’s a rush of adrenaline. It’s exciting, until suddenly it’s not. Once you careen over the cliff, it is very hard to get your life back on the right path. But you don’t have to be young to be fascinated by dangerous temptations. Pride, prestige, and money can be just as alluring as a dose of adrenaline. Frequently it is status, wealth or someone else’s approval that makes us forget our common sense, drawing us away from the life Christ has called us to. So, stay awake. Don’t be so quick to investigate the attractive unknown. Something may be lurking nearby other than what you see. It can seem as harmless as approaching a little alligator. In the Bible, Peter said, “Be selfcontrolled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…” (I Peter 5:8-9) NIV. Like our visit to see the herons and storks, we all seek out knowledge and beauty in life. But in pursuing a healthy fascination, we may become attracted to an unhealthy one. No one is immune to temptation. But we must remember: “No temptation has seized you except 11

what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so you can stand up under it” (I Corinthians 10:13) NIV, As we are more and more drawn to Christ, we will be less and less fascinated by people and things that would harm us. We can be curious and still temper our curiosity with guidance from the Holy Spirit. Let’s stay awake on Gator Lake. **Sam Whatley’s latest book, Ponder Anew, is now available at the Frazer Bookstore located inside Frazer Memorial UMC.

June 2018

River Region’s Journey

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RRJ: We live in a world where emphasis is placed on political correctness, which can make living “loud” for Jesus difficult. How do your employees and co workers know you are a Christ follower? Glenn: I believe that employee engagement is critical for all leaders. I know my employees on a personal level. I know their spouse’s names and their kids’ names. I know their likes and interests. In return, I open myself up to them so that they know me in the same manner. I make a point to include Christ and what He has done for me anytime I have that opportunity in conversation with my employees. In Paul’s letters to the New Testament church, he spends a lot of time pleading with the church to show humility and love. I strive to show both to my team every day. For some, I may be the only Bible they ever read. RRJ: You mentioned that Christian seeds were planted in you at an early age, but faith didn’t sprout until later. In what ways did God water that seed? RRJ: As a regional manager of BBVA Compass, what does your job entail? Glenn: I manage all aspects of Mortgage Lending for BBVA Compass across the East Region. I lead a team of mortgage banking officers and area sales managers that work directly with clients to help them finance their real estate needs. I also work very closely with realtors, builders and developers to create product offerings specific to their client’s needs. RRJ: You have been working in the financial field since high school. What excites you about being in this industry? Glenn: I have been everything from a drive thru teller to a regional manager and everything in-between. What I love the most about the banking world is being able to help clients achieve their financial goals. There is no better feeling than to hand a first-time homebuyer the keys to their new home. River Region’s Journey

June 2018

Glenn: I went to church as a kid, but wasn’t ever really “all-in”. In college, I met a young pastor named Shane Segars who really invested in me and helped me grow spiritually. Shane was the first person to help me understand that being a Christian is about relationship and he showed me what it looked like to have a relationship with Christ. RRJ: In your walk with the Lord, what are some tools and/or resources that are vital in keeping your faith strong? Glenn: I have a group of men who are true accountability partners. When I travel for work, I reach out to them so they can pray for me and hold me accountable while I am away from home. I have an app on my phone that gives those guys access to my internet search history to make sure I always stay pure with technology. I have a Christian mentor I talk with weekly. He is 12

a Christian brother I can confide in, ask for advice, celebrate successes with, confess my failures to and just have general conversation without fear of judgement. RRJ: You and your wife, Kim, are both children of divorce, which can affect the way one views marriage and parenthood. What steps have you taken to strengthen your commitment to each other? Glenn: When I met my wife Kim she helped me take my spiritual walk to another level. We both came from divorced families, so we both went into our marriage knowing that divorce was not an option. We also knew that we would need God’s help in fulfilling that commitment we made to each other. We built our marriage on a Godly foundation and continue that even now, 16 years later. Kim is my best friend any my biggest cheerleader. She prays for me daily. She shows me grace when I don’t deserve it. She is a true Proverbs 31 woman who is an amazing partner and pushes me closer to the Lord every day. I see Christ in and through her love for me. RRJ: Your wife founded the wonderful Footprints Ministry many years ago. What was the origin of that ministry? Glenn: Our oldest son, John Parker, was born three weeks premature. He spent 10 days in the NICU at Baptist South. After our NICU experience, Kim felt a calling from the Lord to do something to help families who were going through the difficult journey of having a baby in the NICU. Kim started by preparing care packages for parents of babies in the NICU. Soon after that, Kim founded the Footprints Ministry as her calling from the Lord. Over the past 10 years, Kim and her team have served hundreds of families through this ministry on a volunteer basis. RRJ: Glenn, in the past couple of years, you have been on a physical transformation journey with much success. What

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brought you to this journey and how has God helped and used you along the way? Glenn: Two years ago, I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I was severely overweight and was borderline diabetic. My doctor told me that I needed to make some immediate lifestyle changes. I had never been one to go and workout on my own, so I knew I needed to find something that had programmed workouts for me. I knew a few people who did CrossFit and they encouraged me to give it a try. After a couple of weeks, I was hooked. A year into my CrossFit journey, I went and got certified to teach classes. I am now almost two years into my fitness journey and I have lost over 100 lbs. I also teach the 6am CrossFit class four days per week at Rebar Performance. The fitness journey itself has been amazing, but God had more planned for me than just getting me in shape. I have met some amazing people along the way. I lead a men’s small group at the gym, which has been a true blessing. Men are finding freedom and growing in their faith. The Lord knew what He was doing when He sent me there. RRJ: What would you tell a new Christian that maybe took you a long time to realize? Glenn: I would tell them to work every day on building their relationship with Jesus. On days when God sees their worst, God still loves them just as they are. God’s greatest desire is to spend time with us and to be in relationship with us, even at our worst moments. As a kid and a young adult, I felt like I was always failing, and that God was constantly disappointed in me. I felt like there was no way He could love someone like me who wasn’t living a spotless life every day. I thought I had to earn my way to being a Christian by being perfect. As I grew in my faith, I learned that none of those thoughts were true. The enemy will use doubt and fear to create separation from Christ. We must be intentional in spending time with God daily, even on our bad days. Those are the times when He wants us to be closest to Him.


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Glenn Wilson, Regional Manager of Mortgage Division, BBVA Compass. Married for 16 years to wife, Kim, the couple has two boys: John Parker, 11, and Jake, 8. They are active members of Church of the Highlands, Montgomery Campus.


June 2018

River Region’s Journey


Skyrocket Your Father Esteem An American missionary went to an African village to evangelize. He saw a man and his wife returning from a farm. The man was walking several steps in front of his wife. The wife was trailing her husband, carrying a basket of produce on her head. This scene infuriated the western missionary. He quickly stopped them, confronting the husband, “Sir, why are you enslaving your wife in such an inhumane way? Why can’t you, as the man who is stronger, carry the load and walk behind your wife?” The wife quickly replied in defense of her husband, “If he should carry the load and walk behind me, who will kill the snakes?” For all the “snakes” they have killed throughout the years through prayer and intercession so our families can enjoy peace, we thank and honor the fathers among us! This month is the one specifically dedicated to father, husband, and brother. We take this opportunity to acknowledge how precious they are in our lives. Without them, the quality of our lives would diminish rapidly. Billy Graham once said, “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” This world is graced with some amazing fathers whose love and affection for their families build the foundations for our society. I believe wives and mothers need to see these men as our greatest champions and most valuable assets, and do a better job appreciating them. River Region’s Journey

June 2018

Undeniably, our society suffers from absentee fathers, yet we must not fail to see that we are blessed with so many countless millions of dedicated, God-loving fathers who cherish their families. Find one you can show appreciation to and make the effort to affirm the ways that he demonstrates the love of God. Write a note or tell him face-to-face: Thank you for being a provider for your family. Thank you for being a leader in your family. Thank you for being a teacher and a counselor to the next generation. Thank you for caring and loving in the little things and in big ways. Thank you for the daily sacrifice you make for your family. Thank you for being a good role model for men and boys. Words are important, but it is also good to demonstrate your thankful heart toward godly fathers in your world. What might you do to return the care he has given you? How can you sacrifice for his desires and needs? While you may be cooking a special meal on Father’s Day, it could make a strong statement if the appreciation went beyond one day. Considering that a godly father’s care is spread over the year, write yourself monthly reminders to find one small surprise or activity that he would particularly enjoy. Watch his favorite movie, go to a park and enjoy a sunset together, 14

or send a “no particular event” card with a personal note. Let me speak explicitly to wives. I strongly believe that the divorce rate will reduce drastically if we stop taking each other for granted, and live a life of gratitude, respecting and showing the people in our lives that we appreciate them daily. Marriages will be better and father/children relationships will improve. Our homes will be places of harmony, shelters from the storm, hiding places from the turmoil outside, and sanctuaries to our weary souls, rather than the war zones that many homes are. Here are some ways to help you understand and appreciate your husband better. 1. Get to know your man by spending time talking without an ”agenda.” 2. Find out what makes him feel appreciated. 3. Be consistent showing your gratefulness. 4. Discover what spells “respect” to your husband and demonstrate this. 5. Do what it takes to meet his sexual needs. 6. Make your spouse feel personally special to you. 7. Cherish your babies’ daddy by citing memories of your life together. Author Dawn French said, “It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life.” Many of us didn’t have earthly fathers to affirm us this way, but all of us are blessed to have our Heavenly Father affirming us daily, making us secure in His love. He gives us the substance by which we can encourage the people He has brought into our lives. Let’s not just think about affirming fathers one day a year. Let’s put them front and center of a continual appreciation campaign!

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The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is a joint research project between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Alabama Department of Public Health. Its purpose is to determine why some babies are born healthy and others are not in order to aid in the development and assessment of programs designed to identify high-risk pregnancies and reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes. New mothers are randomly chosen from the state birth registry to participate in PRAMS. Surveys may be returned by mail or completed over the phone. Let your voice be heard!

“Happy to be part of this survey.”

“Thank you for checking on us!”

Actual comments from survey responses.

Moms who complete the PRAMS survey receive their choice of a cooler bag, diapers, or manicure set! Responses are kept confidential to the extent of the law. For more information, please call us at 334-206-2923 or go to alabamapublichealth.gov/PRAMS ADPH does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender, age, religion, disability, genetic information, and other federal, state, or agency regulations and policies. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Civil Rights Coordinator: ADPH CRC, RSA Tower, 201 Monroe Street, Suite 1010, Montgomery, AL 36104, Tel.June 334-206-5226, crcomplaints@adph.state.al.us. 2018 or email River Region’s Journey 15



Bible Schools Blue Ridge Baptist Church ad on page 18

4471 Jasmine Hill Road, Wetumpka Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game July 15-19, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. A family night musical performance will be held July 22 at 6:30 p.m. Call 567.4325.

East Memorial Baptist Church ad on page 7

1320 Old Ridge Road, Prattville Time Lab June 11-15, 9 a.m. to Noon Ages: 4 years through 8th Grade Call 365.7500.

First Baptist, Montgomery ad on Back Cover

305 South Perry Street, Montgomery Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 18-22, 9 a.m. to Noon You can register on our website at www.MontgomeryFBC.org. Call 834.6310.

First Baptist, Prattville ad on page 17

138 S. Washington Street, Prattville Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 25-29, 8:30 to noon River Region’s Journey

June 2018

Ages 3 years- 6th Grade. Children must be 3 years old by September 1 to attend. For more information and/ or to register visit fbcprattville.org or call 365-0606.

First Presbyterian, Prattville ad on page 19

211 S. Chestnut Street, Prattville Time Lab June 4-8, 8:30 a.m. to Noon Ages: 4 years old through entering 6th grade. Call 365.6387.

First UMC, Wetumpka ad on page 18

306 W. Tuskeena Street, Wetumpka Amped: Live Fully Alive! June 10-13, 5:30 pm to 8 pm Ages: Pre K - Rising 6th grade Supper is provided. Register at fumcwetumpka.churchcenter.com or 567-7865.

Frazer Memorial UMC ad on page 23

6000 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery Amped: Live Fully Alive! July 9-13, 9 am to 12 pm Agest: Rising Pre K-4 to 6th grade. Call 272.8622 or frazer.church/vbs. 16

Aldersgate United Methodist Church 6610 Vaughn Road, Montgomery WinShape Camp June 4-8, Monday-Thursday from 7:45-4:55 and Friday from 7:45-12:30 Cost: $214 (scholarships available) Sports, recreation, arts, Bible study and worship into one incredible week! Register at www.aldersgateumc.org Completed Grades 1st-9th or call 272.6152. Autauga Heights Baptist Church 1393 Highway 31 N, Prattville Theme: TBA June 18-22, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Ages: 4 years – 6th grade Call (334) 322.3222. Calvary Baptist Church 431 W. Fourth Street, Prattville Miracles of Jesus June 9, 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Ages: Preschool – K; Grades 1-6 Registration Information: 334-365-5213 (church) or 334-546-5755 (Patsy). Camellia Baptist Church 201 Woodvale Road, Prattville Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 3-7. Kickoff will begin 4 p.m. on Sunday. All other nights will be 6 to 8:30 p.m. Ages: 3 year preschool through 6th grade, plus adult classes. Register at www.camelliabaptist.com. Call 365.0231. Capital City Church of the Nazarene 4450 Vaughn Road, Montgomery Camp Moose on the Loose June 11-14, 6-8pm. Call for more details 272.8176. Capitol Heights Baptist Church 2514 Madison Avenue, Montgomery Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 4-8, 9 a.m. to Noon Ages: 4 years old by Sept. 1 to 6th grade. Nursery provided for VBS workers only. Call 264.6461. Century Church 37 Bridge Street, Pike Road Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game July 16-19, Times TBA Ages: Toddlers – Rising 6th grade Call (334) 801.9080 for more information Church of the Highlands 4255 Taylor Road, Montgomery July 9-11, 8:15 a.m. to Noon Children entering K in the fall through 6th grade. Please visit www.churchofthehighlands.com to register. Cornerstone Christian Church 301 Dalraida Road, Montgomery Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus





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June 9-13, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Theme: Shipwrecked For more information, call 273-8595. Dalraida Baptist Church 3838 Wares Ferry Rd., Montgomery Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 4-8, 9 a.m. – Noon Age: Kindergarten through 6th grade Call 272.2412 to register. Eastern Hills Baptist 3604 Pleasant Ridge Road Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 4-8, 8:30 – Noon Ages: 4 (by August 1st) through 6th grade Call 272.0604 or register online@ www.ehbconline.com. Eastmont Baptist Church 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery Time Lab June 11-15; 9 a.m. to Noon Ages: 4 yr. - grade 6 Register online @ www.eastmont.org or call 277.6300.

Ages: Grades K-5th grade Call 272.4882 ext. 107. First Baptist Church, Wetumpka 205 W. Bridge Street, Wetumpka Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus June 24-28, 5:30– 8 p.m. Ages: K-6th grade. Call 567.5191.

Elizabeth Baptist Church 15627 Troy Highway, Mathews God’s Squad June 25-27, 6– 8 p.m. Ages 3 – adults. Dinner provided. Please call 281.4506 Evangel Church 3975 Vaughn Road, Montgomery Mega Sports Camp July 9-13, 6-9 p.m.

First Christian Church 1705 Taylor Road, Montgomery Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus June 8-10, 5:30- 8:15 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to noon, Sat. & Sun. Light dinner served Friday and lunch served Sat. & Sun. Ages 4 years old – 6 grade. Please call or visit 270.1320 www.fccmontgomery.org First UMC, Montgomery 2416 W. Cloverdale Park, Montgomery


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June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 11-15, 8:30 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. Ages: Complete 4K - 5th grade Call 279.9976.

Theme: TBA June 11-15; 8 a.m. until noon Ages: Age 3 through 5th grade. Call 834.8990. First UMC, Prattville 100 E. Fourth Street Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus June 11-15, 9 a.m. to Noon Ages: Open to children who have just completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. Call 365.5977. Heritage Baptist Church 1849 Perry Hill Road, Montgomery

River Region’s Journey

June 2018

Fountain City Baptist 492 East Main Street, Prattville Time Lab June 24-28; 6 - 8 p.m. Ages: 3 to 12. Call 365.2034. Gateway Baptist Church 3300 Bell Road, Montgomery Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 25-29, 8:30 am- Noon Ages: Completed 1st thru completed 5th Call 272.9494 to register. Glynwood Baptist Church 376 N. McQueen Smith Road, Prattville Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 3-7, 6-8:30 pm Ages: 4 through grade 6


For more info and to preregister, go to www.glynwoodbc.com or call 361.9180. Grace @ Bell Road 5 Bell Road, Montgomery “A Tale of Two Kings” Creative Arts Camp June 4-8, 8:30 a.m. until 1 pm Ages: 6 years to rising 6th graders. Please call or visit www.discovergrace.org GracePointe VBS 1565 Ray Thorington Road, Montgomery Out of the Dark June 24-27, 6-8 p.m. Ages: 4-12 years Visit www.grace-pointe.com to register or call 271.2525. Hayneville Baptist Church 1180 State Hwy 21 N, Hayneville, AL Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game July 15-19, 5:45 until 8:30 p.m. Ages: K4 - 6th Grade (grade completed) Email: hbc@connecthbc.com or call (334) 548.2620. Heritage Baptist, Prattville 1357 S. Memorial Drive, Prattville Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 10-14, 6 - 8:30 p.m. Ages: K3 through completion of 6th grade Call 365-2372.

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His Vessels Ministry Union Station, Downtown Montgomery Patriot Camp (Teaching children about the founding of our nation) June 5-8, 9 a.m. until noon Ages: 6 – 12; Cost is $22 per child. Call 334-356-4478 or info@hisvessel.org. Holy Spirit Catholic Church 8570 Vaughn Road, East Montgomery Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus July 16-20, 9 a.m. to Noon Age: Entering Preschool – rising 6th grade Call 277.1989 or register online at www. holyspiritmgm.org Landmark Church 1800 Halcyon Boulevard, Montgomery Fruit of the Spirit June 24-27, 6 - 8 p.m. Ages: Nursery through adults Call 277.5800. Millbrook Presbyterian (PCA) 3480 Main Street, Millbrook Time Lab June 25-29; 6-8:30 p.m. Ages: Entering K-4 thru 5th grade. For registration, call 285-4031. Morningview Baptist Church 125 Calhoun Road, Montgomery Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus

June 4-8, 9 a.m. to Noon Ages: Completed Kindergarten-5th grade Call 272.2304. Mountain View Baptist 1025 Rifle Range Rd., Wetumpka Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 11-15, 8 - 11:30 a.m. Ages: Completed K5 through 6th grade. Call (334) 567.4458. Mulder UMC 3454 Firetower Road, Wetumpka Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus June 10-13; 6 – 8 p.m. For more info please call 567.4225. Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist 1550 East Washington Street, Montgomery Theme God Squad June 18-22, 5:30 - 8 p.m. Please call 265-1807 for more information. Redland Baptist Church 1266 Dozier Rd, Wetumpka Hero Central June 24-27, 6 p.m.


Ages: 5 (by Sept. 1) through graduated 5th grade. Please call 567.8649. Ridgecrest Baptist Church 5260 Vaughn Road, Montgomery

Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 4-8, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Ages: 4 to completed the 6th grade. Please visit rbcmontgomery.com for more information. Call 277.0011. Saint James UMC 9045 Vaughn Road Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus June 11-13, 9 to Noon Ages: K4-5th grade Call 277.3037.

June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Taylor Road Baptist Church 1685 Taylor Road Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game July 11-15, 8:30 a.m. to Noon Completed K5 through 5th grade. Call 271.3363. Thelma Baptist VBS/VBX 810 Weoka Road, Wetumpka Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 4-8; 9 a.m. to Noon For children who have completed K5 through 5th. VBX is for kids who have completed 6th & 7th grade. Register online @ www.tlifeonline.com or call 567-3665. Thorington Road Baptist 450 Ray Thorington Road Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 3-7; 6 - 8:30 p.m. Ages: 5 yrs. to 5th grade. Call 396.9376. Trinity Presbyterian Church 1728 S. Hull Street, Montgomery Faith Expedition: God’s Treasure Revealed June 4-8, 9 a.m. to Noon. Ages: Pre-K 4 through completed 6th grade Call 262.3892 to pre-register. Trinity UMC, Prattville 610 Fairview Avenue, Prattville

Rolling River Rampage June 10-14, 5 - 8 p.m. Dinner provided for children every night. Call 365.7339. University Church of Christ 5315 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery

Theme: TBA June 24-27, 5-7 p.m. on Sunday and 6:308:30 p.m. Monday-Wednesday Ages: newborn thru 6th grade & adult Call 386.7320 or visit www.ucoc.org. Vaughn Forest Church 8660 Vaughn Road, Montgomery Game On! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game June 4-8; 9 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

2600 Bell Road Montgomery, Alabama 334.277.6690

Ages: Entering Kindergarten entering 6th grade. Registration online at www.vaughnforest.com. Call 279.5433. Vaughn Park Church of Christ 3800 Vaughn Road, Montgomery The God Show June 24-27, 6:30 – 8 p.m. For more info contact Carrie Stark at 272.2665. Whitfield UMC 2673 Fisk Road, Montgomery Rolling River Rampage June 18-21, 5:30- 8 p.m. Dinner at 5:30 Ages: 3 years to 6th grade. Call 281.2467. Woodland UMC 4428 Wallahatchee Rd, Pike Road Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus June 11-14, 5:30-8 p.m. Ages: 4 years old -6th grade Call 272.7230. Young Meadows Presbyterian Church 5780 Vaughn Road, Montgomery Sports Camp 2018 June 4-8, 9 a.m. until Noon Ages: Completed K5-5th grade FREE! Call 244.1385 or register online at www.youngmeadows.org.

460 McQueen Smith Road Prattville, Alabama 334.358.6411

Dr. John H. Payne IV • Dr. David Stanley • Dr. Davis Denney • Dr. Rob Owen River Region’s Journey

June 2018



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Our Statement of Faith In keeping with Protestant theology, we believe that the Bible, as contained in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is fully inspired by God and therefore inerrant in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the only essential and infallible record of God’s self-disclosure to mankind. The Scriptures are the authoritative and normative rule and guide of all Christian life, practice, and doctrine. They are totally sufficient and must not be added to, superseded, or changed by later tradition, extra-biblical revelation, or worldly wisdom. The Bible is perfect in every way and shows us how to become and live as Christians. The way of becoming a Christian is by faith alone in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who came to us, born of a virgin, in full human form while remaining fully God. Jesus was, and is, perfect, and was crucified so that others could live. Three days later He rose from the dead, never to die again. He ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father, where He, the only mediator between God and man, continually makes intercession for His own. Those who have faith in Jesus as their Lord in this life, and Savior from damnation in the next life, now live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, becoming more like Jesus everyday. We believe that God is one God. The one God has three persons: the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as God is one, so also, all believers are to be one. We believe in the unity and fellowship of all those that have faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are one in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, which is composed of all men, living and dead, who have been joined to Him through saving faith.



and at Children’s of Alabama, we want to see every child grow up and live to their fullest potential. That’s why we recruit, train and retain the most inquiring minds, the most skilled hands and the most compassionate hearts in pediatric medicine. 1 6 0 0 7 T H AV E N U E S O U T H B I R M I N G H A M , A L 3 5 2 3 3

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*All editorial content published needs to be in agreement with our Statement of Faith


June 2018

River Region’s Journey

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It does me good to consider all the things for which I have to be thankful. I owe gratitude to God for so much, but near the top of the list, and on my mind today, is my children. I’m thankful to be a dad for these reasons and many more: River Region’s Journey

June 2018



I am thankful to be a dad for the cuddles. My sixteen-year-old son doesn’t cuddle me anymore, but my girls still do, and I love them for it. I love to hold them close, I love to tell them they are loved, I love to let them know that they are safe, protected, provided for. I cuddle them gently to know that I treasure them. I gather them in my arms and carry them up to bed to let them know I’m strong. And they cuddle me to let me know I’m loved in return. I think I might need their cuddles just as much as they need mine.


I am thankful for the eyes of a daughter for her father. There is something about the way a girl looks at her daddy, something in her eyes that is pure and sweet and deep, and maybe even fierce. Her eyes show love, trust…and is it admiration? It’s not like the love of friend to friend or husband to wife or father to son. It’s not better or worse, but different, unique. It’s a love any good daddy wants to treasure.


I am thankful to be a dad because my children push me to grow in holiness. They push me to grow in holiness by exposing my lack of holiness. They don’t mean to—it just happens as we live life together. They expose my impatience, my irritability, my selfishness, my pride. I know they need a dad who doesn’t just demand holiness but who also displays it. So in their own way they’ve pushed me to grow in the noblest traits while putting to death the ugliest.


I am thankful to be a dad to feel protection toward my children. And as a father I do feel fiercely protective toward them. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect them from harm, to prevent them from experiencing pain. Sometimes I read in the news or the history books of a father who has sacrificed his life for his children. I am moved but not surprised. What father wouldn’t trade his life for his child’s? What father wouldn’t throw himself in front of a predator, bus, or bullet to protect his child?


I am thankful to be a dad so I can feel pride in my children. Yes, I know that pride is the chief of sins and that pride comes before a fall. But not this pride. This is the kind of pride God has in his Son, that God has in us, his children. It is a good pride, a pride that desires to give to those children all that they need, a pride that delights in their accomplishments no matter how big or small. This is a pride that seeks the good of the other, that delights in the good of the other. In this way I’m proud of my children, proud to be their dad.


I am thankful to be a dad to grow in humility. Yes, being a dad generates pride (good pride!) but it also generates humility. I see the good traits of my children and know: I can’t take the credit for this. I see their accomplishments and know: They are capable in ways I’m a failure. I see all that they are, all that they do, all that they have become and are becoming, and I have to be humbled, I have to give humble thanks to God for his goodness.

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June 2018

River Region’s Journey


I am thankful to be a dad as it allows me to become a friend. One of the great joys of parenting is experiencing that slow transition through which your children become your friends. What a joy it is to realize that you aren’t only spending time with them because you have to and you aren’t spending time with them just because it’s your parental duty. No, you’re spending time with them because you just plain love them, you love to be with them. Your children have become your friends.


I am thankful to be a dad for the hope my children give. In my children I see hope— hope for the church, hope for humanity. I see children who are kind and moral and growing in godliness. I see children who have been raised in a way that stands out from the world around them. I see children who know that they need to be heavenlyminded if they are to be of any earthly good. I see my children and feel hope.


I am thankful to be a dad to appreciate beauty. What dad isn’t convinced that his daughters are the most beautiful creatures in all the earth? What dad doesn’t love to hear the question, “Daddy, how do I look?” She approaches with her dress on, she does a twirl, her hair flies, her dress puffs. “How do I look?” There is only one appropriate answer: “You look perfect. You look beautiful.” And she does.


I am thankful to be a dad so I can better appreciate the fatherhood of God. God reveals himself to us as Father—Father to the Son and Father to all those whom he adopts into his family. Being a father to my children has given me glimpses— vague and fleeting glimpses, perhaps—of what it means for God to be Father. Seeing God as Father challenges me to love like God loves, to parent like God parents. Seeing God as Father allows me to rest secure, knowing that my children have a bigger, better Father who will provide for their every need. Tim Challies is a pastor, author and blogger. Visit him at www.challies.com. River Region’s Journey

June 2018


The birth of my daughter Amber was one of the best experiences


of my life! Amber is my third child and none of my birth experiences went as smoothly as this one. Everyone at Jackson’s Family Birth

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Center was so caring, patient and kind. From my high risk pregnancy to my delivery, the entire experience was stellar. I couldn’t have picked a better hospital than Jackson for my child’s birth.

Paris Tucker Miss Amber 2018


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June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Soaring You go into the experience of an airplane flight with the expectation that you will routinely get to your destination, more or less on time, with only a minimum of inconvenience - maybe some turbulence, perhaps a snafu with the baggage. But, the passengers on a recent flight from New York to Dallas had another thing coming. The ChurchLeaders.com website tells the story of what happened to the 149 passengers on that plane that day: “An explosion in the left engine of the plane sent a piece of shrapnel through one of the windows of the plane. A woman was partially sucked out the window but other passengers managed to pull her body back into the plane and a registered nurse administered CPR until the plane landed.” That passenger, Jennifer Riordan, did lose her life; 7 others were injured. The pilot guided the plane to safety, making an emergency landing in Philadelphia. Her name is Tammie Jo Shults. The article says: Shults would have had plenty of practice keeping cool under pressure during her career in the Navy. She was the first female pilot to fly an F-18, a fighter jet. While she wasn’t allowed to fly in combat situations, Shults was an instructor pilot. She was a graduate of MidAmerica Nazarene University in Kansas. The article states: MidAmerica Nazarene’s director of alumni relations, Kevin Garber, describes Shults as a “solid woman of faith,” NBC News reports. Shults’ brother-in-law, Gary Shults, describes River Region’s Journey

June 2018

her as “a very caring, giving person who takes care of lots of people.” Indeed, Shults’ concern for others was apparent after she landed the damaged plane. Passengers on board report Shults walked through the aisle to check on everyone. According to passengers, the plane erupted in applause as she came through the cabin. And, according to the ChurchLeaders. com story, “She says being a pilot gives her the opportunity ‘to witness for Christ on almost every flight,’” and it points out that she was certainly a witness to those 149 passengers. A Dallas Morning News story on Shults reports that she and her husband, also a pilot, attend the First Baptist Church in Boerne, Texas, about 30 miles from San Antonio. It says: Longtime friend and fellow church member Staci Thompson said a deep Christian faith has guided the way Shults lives. Shults has taught nearly every grade level of Sunday school at their church. She’s volunteered at a school for at-risk kids and turned a cottage on her family’s property into a temporary home for victims of Hurricane Rita and widows. “She would tell you everything she has she’s been given from God, so she wants to share it,” Thompson said. Tammie Jo was one of the first female pilots in the Navy, and is profiled in a book called, Military Fly Moms. Even though she had

faced rejection, she is quoted as saying, “In my heart, I hoped that God had given me an interest in flying for a reason. I had never touched an airplane, but I knew flying was my future.” She can teach us about possessing a sense of readiness. The ChurchLeaders.com story states: You can listen to an audio recording of Shults talking to air traffic control as she makes the emergency landing. Shults is a picture of keeping calm under pressure. She is also an exemplary leader. Regarding the application of faith, we can remember that the time to prepare to respond with in God’s strength is generally not in the midst of pressure. Shults was trained, she was prepared, so when the trial came, she was able to activate her skills and apply her training, so that she could land the plane successfully. Also, her view of her call and purpose is inspiring. Every flight could be an opportunity to witness for Christ, in her estimation. As the result of her application of honed skill to land a plane under adverse circumstances, her story has spread and her Savior has been glorified. She is someone who has a sense of purpose and, as the Dallas News story described it, “fierce determination and laser focus,” combined with “sweetness.” The story pointed out that she had been told in a high school vocational class that her dream of being a pilot was not realistic because there were no professional female pilots; and, she did not allow her initial rejection from the Air Force to deter her. She was convinced that God had instilled in her an “interest in flying for a reason.” She did not give up in her pursuit of what she believed the Lord had called her to do…and neither should we! We can rely on the Spirit to give us the determination to persevere and to not give up, even when we want to, even when discouragement sets in.



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June 2018

River Region’s Journey

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“I’ve witnessed first hand how God can reach into your personal moment of need, whether it be a need for understanding, or a physical, emotional, or spiritual need, and speak Truth that is applicable to you personally. We all need life spoken into us, whether we are poor, rich, educated, uneducated, skilled, unskilled, healthy, unhealthy, happy or sad. I love receiving this from the Lord, and I desire all to receive the same.” River Region’s Journey

June 2018


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These words from LaDonna Brendle of Reality & Truth Ministries show the passion that those involved in this ministry have for sharing the love of Christ with others. The mission of Reality & Truth Ministries is to serve and glorify God according to the work of Christ by promoting the One source of Truth amidst everyday realities, through encouraging, teaching, loving, and gifting others.

In the Beginning

The ministry began on October 31, 2008. Brendle said, “The ministry was birthed in my prayer closet. In 2005, I began to sense the call to full-time ministry that would involve teaching through speaking and writing. Over the next couple of years, the Lord equipped me and affirmed the calling. Around Spring of 2008, the Lord gave me a ministry name and mission statement.” Soon after, the founding board of Reality & Truth Ministries was incorporated. “I am the Founder and President of our organization. Our founding board was myself, Tiffany Beasley, and Alyson Mitchell. We began this ministry because we believed in the need to intentionally bring God’s Word to people, knowing that His Word will meet people exactly where they are in their personal journey in life,” Brendle said. “Our approach to ministry is holistic and relational. We believe that building Christ-centered, trusting relationships alongside the witness and teaching of Jesus is an effective way for others to have a trusting relationship with Jesus Christ. We also believe that a community is healthier and more likely to thrive when the needs of all people in that community are met.” Reality & Truth Ministries has made a great impact for good in the River Region over the past ten years. Brendle said, “Since we began our work in downtown Montgomery, the overall crime rate has steadily decreased, and I’m told the gang activity has lessened. I’ve not updated my research with the recent two years, though. We’ve helped many get off the streets through our outreach and in collaboration with other organizations. We fulfill our mission through five outreaches: One Church Mission, Let’s Talk Truth, Tutwiler Prison Mission, Israel Love Mission, and Beautiful Feet Mission. Hundreds and some-

times thousands of clothing and hygiene items are distributed through us weekly. Between 400 and 600 meals are provided each week to the homeless and poor. Approximately fifteen individuals live in housing with stability because of our financial management program.” Brendle continued, “God’s word is being spoken and/or taught to approximately 600 hearers in our day center each week, to about fifteen women in Tutwiler each month, and to thousands through television and internet every day. Because we are strictly volunteer based, there are approximately 200 volunteers each month experiencing what it means to make a difference in our world, in our community, and to be an active part of God’s plan for His people.”

Reaching Beyond the River Region

Besides the life-changing work they are doing in Montgomery, Reality & Truth Ministries has also expanded their reach beyond our area, and even beyond the borders of the United States. “Our ministry goes beyond the River Region in that it serves the homeless, poor, sex trafficked, and addicted in Tel Aviv each year, and has provided teaching, leadership, training, and resources in Kenya. Many Christians in Kenya, Burundi, Pakistan, and India are using our online teaching resources for the growth of their churches. We’re in the process of setting up a live interactive weekly Bible study and prayer meeting with women in Pakistan. We believe strongly in the mobilization of the church and are excited about the many opportunities the Lord is bringing us to reach out to churches in and outside of the River Region,” said Brendle. 29

June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Urgent Need for Volunteers

having to turn those with this need away. This is a vital part of our ministry in that it helps remove people from homelessness. There are a variety of other volunteer needs, such as working with the clothes closet, commercial construction, technology, grant writing, fundraising and administrative duties.” Some specific items that they need are a desktop or laptop computer, and also some commercial building items, such as doors, heaters, air conditioners, a refrigerator, a freezer, a dishwasher, an ice maker, a three-compartment sink, washing machines, dryers, salon vanities, showers, and drywall. Donors can also sponsor a room, such as the kitchen, laundry room, or dining room. If you would like to volunteer or donate, you can contact Reality & Truth Ministries either by phone at 334-354-6142 or by email at realityandtruth@live.com. Monetary donations can be given through their website at realityandtruth.com or by mail at P.O. Box 6322, Montgomery, Alabama 36106.

To reach so many people here and overseas takes passion and prayer, but also volunteers and donations to continue to operate and be successful. Brendle explains, “It takes approximately 150 to 200 monthly volunteers and approximately $7,083 per month to operate. Our current financial need is $250,000 to complete our day center. Our monthly operating expenses will be reduced by nearly half when the building debt is paid.” She continued, “We have an urgent volunteer need for a personal advocate to manage finances of those with disabilities. The three volunteers we have doing this are maxed out, and we are

Angela Hardgrave is a graduate of the University of Mobile with a degree in journalism and currently works in the Marketing Department of Faulkner University as a graphic designer. Angela is also a freelance writer for several publications in the River Region. She resides in Wetumpka, Alabama, with her three awesome daughters and her dog, Emmy.


Family Sunshine Center is offering a FREE 8-week program for children ages 4 years old to 6th grade this summer! Schedule a Prevention Educator to come to your center one day a week and present a 30 minute age appropriate lesson with activities on the following topics: Bullying Courage Dependability Forgiveness Honesty Patience Respect Tolerance Self-Control Conflict Resolution

Call 206-2122 or email wfuller@familysunshine.org to schedule the ROCK Summer Camp TODAY!

River Region’s Journey

June 2018


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Choosing Health May is mental health month and the Alabama Department of Mental Health is focusing on overall health and well being. Our overall well being includes both our physical and mental health. The theme the department has chosen for this year is Fitness#4mind4 body. Most of us would agree that our physical health plays an important role in our mental health and vice versa. We also know that our state of mind contributes to how we feel about being able to exercise and other disciplines that contribute to our physical health. The word discipline feels so daunting at times. So how might we be able to reframe the word discipline so it doesn’t seem so impossible? We know that to be physically active, to eat a good diet, and to get plenty of sleep is important to our health. But how might we be able to look at those in ways that are more doable? What if we viewed exercise and eating better as something we “get” to do instead of something that we “have “ to do? I remember a friend who had been chronically ill for a few years, and as she began recovering she started running a little bit. I was talking to her one day and I asked, “Do you ‘have’ to run every day?” She said, “No, I ‘get’ to run.’” I will never forget her response. After having been sick for a few years, she was so grateful to be able to run again. Now, I am not suggesting that all of us need to start running, but I am suggesting that a lot of us might bene-

fit from doing some type of movement. If you feel overwhelmed by this suggestion and think, I have started and stopped so many times before, let me encourage you to set reasonable goals. Maybe a walk three times a week for just 15 minutes. Do not set yourself up to fail. Let’s face it, you are probably not going to stick with a lofty goal of walking every day for an hour! But I bet you could practice walking a few times a week because you “get” to, not because you have to. The hardest part about this for someone suffering from depression, anxiety or any other mental disorder is that it is counter intuitive to the way one feels. This is where you get to “practice” going against the way you feel. Yes, it is difficult, but we do not always have to act according to the way we feel. You actually have more agency over yourself than you think. Of course, exercise makes you feel better because you release some helpful brain chemicals, but you also realize that you have accomplished something that was difficult, and that comes with good feelings as well. In addition to physical health and mental health, here at Samaritan Counseling Center we stress the importance of our spiritual and social health as well. I am reminded of the verses in Luke 2 that point to Jesus and His growth in all of these areas. We first see it referred to in Luke 2:40: “And the child grew and became strong; He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on Him.” Then again in Luke 2:52 we see: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” So, in other words, Jesus grew physically, mentally, spiritually and relationally. As I was reading over Luke 2 in preparation for this article the thing that stood out to me the most was that right before these two verses we learn about Jesus being off with His family doing “religious” things, and then returning home. He returned home back to His own town of Nazareth. Nazareth was not 31

considered a great town. In fact, one of the disciples upon learning that Jesus was from Nazareth asked, “Can anything good could come from Nazareth?” I don’t know about you, but sometimes I want an new answer, a new insight to my problems, some new way to handle them. If only I could go away somewhere, or if only I lived somewhere else or if only... you fill in the blank to your own “if only”. But the reminder of these verses is that the hard work of life is in the daily decisions we make in our normal environment. The daily choices we make at home, at work, at play, or with our circle of friends. At best it is hard work…but might I suggest beneficial and redemptive work. The older I get the more I realize that most things do not have a quick fix. The hard work of life, the birthplace of change, is done in the most mundane tasks of our life. It is the day in and day out of the little choices and decisions we make each and every day. The decisions that we make in our own little Nazareth! John Maxwell says “the secret to success is determined by your daily agenda.” You cannot change your life until you change something you do every day. So I would like to challenge you to prayerfully ask the Lord to help you see what little changes you can make today to make your life more manageable, or so that you can be healthier physically, mentally, spiritually and/or relationally. Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Christy Holding, LPC is a long time resident of Montgomery. She is a graduate of Trinity Presbyterian School. She received her undergraduate degree at Liberty University in 1976 and obtained her master’s degree in Counseling from Georgia State University in 1984. She graduated a BS in nursing in 1996 and has worked in hospice dealing with grief and loss. Christy’s practice at The Samaritan Counseling Center is primarily with those struggling with depression, anxiety disorders, and self-harming behaviors including eating disorders. Christy has a passion to see people walk in wholeness and freedom and experience the life they were created to live.

June 2018

River Region’s Journey

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Adoption Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy and First UMC, Millbrook APAC, Alabama Pre/ Post Adoption Connection Support Group: This group provides education and social interaction for adoptive families. Meets 3rd Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., Room 8114 at Frazer. For more information call Jill Sexton at 409-9477.

Location: Grace Presbyterian Church, Corner of Bell Road and Atlanta Hwy. Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon meetings are held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 6 p.m. An Open AA Speaker meeting is held on Saturday at 6 p.m. An Alanon & AA held on Sundays at 2 p.m. Location: Grace Point Community Church, 78223 Tallassee Hwy (Hwy 14), Wetumpka Celebrate Recovery- every Tuesday night- 6:15pm. All are welcome! These meetings are a safe and loving environment for individuals seeking to conquer their hurts, habits and hang-ups! gracepoint.info.

Location: Caring Center of FBC, 52 Adams Avenue CrossRoads Support Group is for addicts/alcoholics and family members. Meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays and follows a Christ-centered 12-step program. Call 264-4949.

Location: Journey Church, 435 Sheila Blvd, Prattville Celebrate Recovery - Christ-centered 12-step for anyone struggling with addiction or life-challenging issues. Mondays beginning at 6:15 pm. Childcare available. Call John Pearse at 303-243-4308 or visit myjourneychurch.com.

Location: Dalraida UMC, 3817 Atlanta Highway Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays. 272.2190. Alanon meets at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. RSVP- This is a 12 step spiritual recovery program for overcoming addictions. Using the steps and Bible

Alcoholic / Addiction

River Region’s Journey

June 2018


we help build self-esteem, responsible behavior, the making of amends for our destructive actions, and to fill the void in our hearts in a loving relationship with God. Wednesday @ 6:30pm in Rm. 121 of the Life Center. Location: Prattville Church of Christ, 344 E Main St. CASA - 12 step (Christians Against Substance Abuse) spiritual recovery program, for overcoming addictions. Class begins each Wednesday evening @6:30 PM. Please call 334-365-4201 for additional information. Location: Santuck Baptist Church, 7250 Central Plank Rd. (Hwy 9), Wetumpka Celebrate Recovery meets each Thursday evening at 6:15 in the Fellowship Hall. This is a Christ centered 12 step-program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Call 567-2364.

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Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) is open to all struggling with addictive sexual behavior. For locations, please visit- https://saa-recovery.org/ or please contact – MontgomerySAA@outlook.com. Meetings are held: every Sunday night - 7:45 p.m, men only. Every Monday night - 7:30 p.m, men and women. Location: St. James UMC, 9045 Vaughn Road Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday night from 6-8 pm in the Youth Room. This is a Christ-centered 12-step group for anyone struggling with an “addiction or life-challenging issues.” For information, call Chris Henderson at 334-215-0427. Location: First United Methodist Church, Wetumpka 306 W. Tuskeena Street ‘Fresh Start’ Recovery meets every Thursday, 6-8pm (meal included). In 2011, Fresh Start Motorcycle Ministry (FSMM) began when God laid it on the heart of a lifetime biker to minister to those with his background. All are welcome, not a requirement to own/ride a motorcycle. For any info contact ministry leader, Paul Henderson, 334-201-5428.

Location: Aldersgate UMC, 6610 Vaughn Rd Cancer Survivors Support Group is sponsored by Samaritan Counseling Center. We would love to have anyone (patient or family member ) join us. Thursdays at 1 pm. Please call before attending just to make sure we are meeting that week. Please call Debbie D at 467-4578 or Ben W at 202-1912. Location: Dalraida Baptist, 3838 Wares Ferry Road. Just for Men -- Faith based cancer support group for men. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the conference center. Please call 272-2412 email stan.hurst@knology.net. Location: ChristChurch, 8800 Vaughn Road Cancer Support Group for general cancer. Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm. For more info, please call Christy Holding at 531-1390 or Debbie at 467-4578.

Alzheimer’s / Dementia

Location: Frazer UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy. Central Alabama Multiple Myeloma Support Group meets from 10 a.m. to noon the second Saturday of every month in Room 3105. We have guest speakers, video presentations, printed information and a group that welcomes sharing their journey with myeloma in an informal setting. Refreshments are provided. Contact Joe Crowley at 334-207-4385 or jpcrowl46@ yahoo.com Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy.

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy An Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers’ Support Group meets on the first Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in Room 3103. Call 495-6350 for more information.

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy. Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group, providing education, awareness, and mentoring for breast cancer patients/survivors, family and friends, meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Room 8114. Call 220-4599 or e-mail womenofhope@charter.net

Location: First UMC, 2416 W. Cloverdale Park, An Adult Parkinson/Alzheimer’s respite ministry meets from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Lunch is served. Contact Daphne at 834-8990.




further information.

Location: First Baptist Church, 305 S. Perry Street Divorce Care Wednesday nights @6:30-8:00 pm in Room 405B. Child care is available. Contact Kathy Cooper at 241-5125 for

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Divorce Care meets each Tuesday from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Come to the Library area. This group will provide support & guidance to assist you in working through the issues, pain & pressures surrounding divorce. Also, Divorce for Kids is available. Call 495-6350 or e-mail jan@frazerumc.org. January 9 - April 3, 2018 Location: Vaughn Forest Church, 8660 Vaughn Road DivorceCare fosters a weekly supportive and caring environment to heal the hurt of separation and divorce. Call 279-5433.


Location: Cedarwood Community Church, 10286 US HWY 231 in the Wallsboro/Wetumpka community. The church is 1 1/2 miles past Tutweiler prison. Gamblers Anonymous, Saturdays at 6 pm. and Mondays at 6:30 pm. Call 567-0476. Location: Mental Health of America, 1116 South Hull Street, Montgomery. Sundays @ 5 pm. For more information about the GA meetings call 334399-6918. For information about counseling services or to request a guest speaker please call the Alabama Council on Compulsive Gambling at 334-277-5100.

June 2018

River Region’s Journey


Location: Cornerstone Christian Church, 301 Dalraida Road River Region Survivors of Suicide meets on the second and fourth Thursday of every month (excluding holidays) from 6:30-8:00 PM. This is an open group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide and welcomes anyone regardless of their religious beliefs. Contact Cheryl Vinson at riverregionsos@gmail. com with questions or for more information. Location: Eastmont Baptist, 4505 Atlanta Hwy. Compassionate Friends is a national self-help support organization for families grieving the death of a child meeting first Tuesdays at 7 pm. Call (334) 284-2721 for info. Location: Church of the Highlands, Montgomery Campus, 4255 Taylor Road Eryn’s Embrace is a child-friendly interactive support group for ages 5 and up to help children heal after a loss. Will meet June 14, 4 pm to 5:30 pm. at Church of the Highlands. There is no cost involved. Register by calling Erin Camp, 334.657.1871 or email Erynsembrace@ gmail.com. Location: First UMC, 100 E. Fourth St, Prattville Grief Share, Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm in the church parlor. Call 365-5977. Location: Frazer UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Grief Recovery Support Group meets Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Rm 3105. Call 495-6350 for more info. Location: Grace Baptist Church, 304 Old Montgomery Highway, Wetumpka Mourning to Morning is a Christian growth group

for mothers who have lost a child, from before birth through adulthood. Meets the last Thursday night of each month. For info, contact Alice Scarborough (334) 462-4775 or Gwen Ellis (334) 567-8754 or e-mail mourningtomorning@gmail.com. Join us on Facebook. Location: Millbrook FUMC, 3350 Edgewood Rd Grief Share meets Sundays from 5-7 p.m. For more information or to sign up, please call the church office at 285-4114 or email churchoffice@mfumc.org. Location: Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church 1550 E. Washington Street Grief support group meets every Monday at 6:00 P.M- 7:00 P.M. For additional information, please contact Alice Glover at (334)281-2754.

Mental Health

Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy NAMI Montgomery (National Alliance on Mental Illness) meets 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Room 7205. Group provides understanding, education, & information to family members & friends of those who suffer mental illness. Call Mary Jo Logan at 271-2280 for more info. NAMI Connection (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Support group for individuals with mental illness. Meets every Thursday. 6-7:30 p.m., Room 3103. Call Mary Jo Logan at 271-2280 for more info.

chapel at the Church from Aug - May. We offer a time of fellowship, Bible study, musical guest, special guest speakers and a lot of fun!! Cost is $5 per meeting. For moms of all stages and ages of life. Childcare provided by reservation. Call April Scott at 828-446-6666. Location: First Baptist Church, 305 S. Perry Street MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a place you can share a good meal, make new friends, and find encouragement as you face the everyday challenges of raising your little ones. We have educational speakers, great conversation, and fun activities. Free childcare is provided. Meetings are every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m., September through May. Contact Tiffany Alewine at 241-5165.

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Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Frazer mom2mom is a playgroup to connect mothers of ages birth to 5 at Frazer UMC to share fun and inspiration in our journey together, with our children, and with Christ. Email Mom2mom@frazerumc.org for more information. Location: Landmark Church, 1800 Halcyon Blvd. Single Moms Support Group, Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in classroom 118. For information call 277-5800.


Location: Perry Hill UMC, 910 Perry Hill Road Single Moms’ Care and Support Group meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 6:15 - 8:00 PM. December meeting will be on the 11th. Free snack supper provided to moms and children. Child care for infants -16 years. Call 272-3174.

tville, 138 S. Washington Moms LIFE (Living In Faith Everyday) meets twice monthly from 8:30 - 11:45 am in the

Location: Redland Baptist, 1266 Dozier Rd, Wetumpka A MOPS group will be held 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of every month during the school year, and has scheduled play dates and moms nights out through the summer

Location: First Baptist Prat-

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June 2018


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and beyond. While moms are in a MOPS meeting, their children are lovingly cared for in the MOPPETS program. Email Denise Braswell at deniseorscott@ yahoo.com. Location: Vaughn Forest Church, 8660 Vaughn Road Are you in need of a time-out? MOPS joins mothers together by a common bond, to be better wives, moms, and friends along this journey in the trenches of motherhood. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 9:30—11:30 a.m. Childcare is provided. For info e-mail VFCMOPS@gmail.com.

Physical Challenges

Location: Aldersgate UMC, 6610 Vaughn Road Visually Impaired Support Group – Meets monthly on second Thursday 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. The group is called Outward Sight - Inward Vision and is for those with vision loss and their caregivers. Our mission is to assist those experiencing vision loss to maintain their independence. Call 272-6152. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy. Parkinson’s Support meets 4th Thursdays at 6 pm in Room 8114. Call 495-6350 for more info. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy. Ostomy Support meets every other month on the 2nd Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in room 3101. In 2018: Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec. Call 495-6350 for more info. Location: Vaughn Park Church, 3800 Vaughn Rd. Montgomery Area Down Syndrome Outreach Group meets 2nd Friday of each month from 6:30- 8 PM. We have activities, speakers and special events throughout the year for the parents, siblings and children with Down Syndrome. Childcare is provided. Please visit www.montgomeryareadownsyndrome.com or our Facebook page (MADSOG) for information. Please contact MADSOG at montgomeryareadownsyndrome@gmail.com.

Same Sex Attraction

Location: : Young Meadows Presbyterian Church, 5780 Vaughn Road, Montgomery Upstream Support Group for those dealing with unwanted same sex attraction and family members or loved ones of those who are gay identified. The group meets at 6:30 pm every first, third and fifth Tuesday evenings. For more information call 334.244.1385.


Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Boundaries study for singles meets each Tuesday from 6-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall Lobby. This study will help singles learn to set boundaries with emotions and help avoid the harmful behavior of others. For information, call 495-6386 or email singles@ frazerumc.org. Location: Frazer Memorial UMC, 6000 Atlanta Hwy Single and Parenting! A New Group for Single Mom’s. This group meets every Tuesday from 6-7:30pm for hope & encouragement & guidance & parenting ideas. For information, call 495-6386 or email singles@frazerumc.org.

Send support group info to deanne@readjourneymagazine.com 35

June 2018

River Region’s Journey

Help Them Help Themselves Q. My parents have always been bad with money, and recently they lost their home to foreclosure. They found another place to live, and they both work, but since the foreclosure my dad has been asking me for money on a regular basis. He tries to make me feel guilty, and he calls or asks me to come over to talk about it when my mom isn’t home. He even asked for half of the bonus I received at work the other day. I know they need help, but I’m not sure what to do.

A. I can tell you love your parents, because you’re looking for the best way to help them. I think your brain knows what to do, but your heart is having a hard time doing it. The first thing you’re going to have to accept is your father is being very

River Region’s Journey

June 2018

manipulative right now. Put an end to these private meetings and phone calls once and for all. If he wants to talk, make sure he understands it will only happen with your mom in the room. Second, understand there’s nothing wrong with helping your folks get back on their feet. However, any financial help you give them should be temporary in nature, and it should be a gift. Don’t get involved in giving them money every month just because they raised you. That’s not how this works. When you permanently subsidize


someone, you take away their dignity. You also change their status, and compromise their ability to stand on their own two feet. In return, you should let them know you expect them to work toward changing their financial behaviors with the help of a quality financial counselor — one with the heart of a teacher. It’s often difficult for parents to accept advice and suggestions from their own children, but it’s for their own good. Sit down with them, and gently let them know how much you care, and how much you want better, happier lives for them.


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