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With the airing of reality show, Grown & Gospel, Juliet Fletcher explores the pros and cons of confessing faults publicly this doesn’t mean they should broadcast their mistakes on national television! Confession should be done in a safe and supportive environment, such as a church congregation. A church community is a place where Christians can be vulnerable and share their struggles without fear of judgment or condemnation. In such a community, members can receive support and encouragement as they seek to overcome their faults and become better people. Recently, out of guilt, I stood up and made a confession about my lack of ability to be early for church. Most times I miss the praise and worship segment, but on this occasion I had arrived on time because I’d brought a guest with me. In the joy of the worship I thought, ‘Why do I miss this glorious part of the service each week? It’s so good!’ Unexpectedly, Pastor asked me to introduce my guest. Out of guilt I confessed my fault. Well, I’ve been attending that church for decades, and fortunately they treated me with some sensitivity and humour, but mainly with encouragement and respect for my open honesty. Although my personal example might rightly be viewed as minor, it’s the principle of confessing in an environment where my fault was received in the humility of my stance.


Caveats To Confession

However, the confessions that take place on reality shows and biopics are not done in a safe and supportive environment. Instead, they are made in front of a camera crew and broadcast to millions of people – many of whom do not share the same values or beliefs.

This raises questions about the intention behind such confessions. Are they genuine attempts to seek forgiveness and redemption, or are they merely a ploy to gain sympathy and attention? Should we be using misbehaviour and indiscretions as a form of entertainment to enjoy?

Another concern is the impact these shows have on viewers. The Gospel is supposed to be a message of hope and redemption but TV shows that highlight the faults and scandals of Christians may lead viewers to believe that the Christian faith is hypocritical and ineffective. Instead of inspiring hope and faith, these shows may cause people to lose trust in the Church and its message.

I don’t think all our US brothers and sisters necessarily agree with these programmes – and I certainly wouldn’t want it to be a practice over here – but I can appreciate the benefits of reality shows when they are constructive.

In conclusion, while confession is a crucial part of the Christian faith, flaunting one's faults for the world to see is not the right approach. Christians are called to live exemplary lives that bring glory to God, not themselves. Confession should be done in a safe and supportive environment, such as within a church community, and not on national television for everyone’s entertainment.

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