Architecture CV - Kefah Al-Inbawi

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00962796317822 Kef ahi nbawi @gmai l . com Amman,Jor dan

PROFI LE Af r es hgr aduat e,Il i kear chi t ec t ur eanddes i gn,andf orever ypr oj ect I ' m wor k i ngon,t r y i ngt ofi ndt hebestsol ut i on,godeepi nt odet ai l s , c onstr uct i onsandt oex pandmyk nowl edge.I ’ m ver yr es pons i bl e,I wor kunderpr es s ur eandhav eex per i encei nt eam wor k


EDUCATI ON 20152020

Al Bal qaAppl i edUni v er si t y Bachel or ’ sdegr eei nar chi t ect ur eengi neer i ng ( Ver yGood)-GPA3. 131


Al Or oubaSec ounder ySchool Hi ghsc hool ,GPA80. 4%

Name:Kef ahMohammedAl i nbawi Dat eofBi r t h:26. Nov . 1996 Nat i onal i t y:J or dani an

SKI LLS Ar chi t ect ur alSki l l s Des i gnr esear ch Fr eehands ket chi ng Manual r ender i ng Pr es ent at i on Theor et i c alt hi nki ng Conc ept ual t hi nki ng Pr ogr am cr eat i ng

Comput erSki l l s

I NTERNSHI P J uneAug, 2019 Thet r ai ni ngexper i encewi t hSeyam Ar chi t ect swasext r emel yr esponsi bl eby appl yi ngal lar chi t ect ur alski l l st or eal i sti cpr oj ect swi t hagr oupofseni orand exper i encedar chi t ect s


AdobePhot oshop


Aut oudes kRev i t



ToBeAnAr chi t ect3 I ni t i at i v eev entt ohel pstudent swhoar e seeki ngar c hi t ec t ur es choolofJor dan


GoGr een I ni t i at i v eai mst ohel pstudentt oappl yt he conceptofl ands capecour sebypl ant i ng t r eesi nt heuni ver s i t y


ToBeAnAr chi t ect2 I ni t i at i v eev entt ohel pstudent swhoar e seeki ngar c hi t ec t ur es choolofJor dan

Aut odeskRev i t Aut odeskAut ocad Cl oudr ender i ng Lumi on Adobephot os hop Ec ot i canal y s i s Mi c r os of toffic e

I nt er per sonalSki l l s Pr obl em sol vi ng Ti meManagement Col l abor at i on Ar abi cLanguage Engl i s hLanguage

WEBSI TES / ht t ps: / / www. l i nkedi n. com/ i n/ kef ahal i nbawi ht t ps: / / i ssuu. com/ kef ahi nbawi ?i ssuu ht t ps: / / www. behance. net / Kef ahi nbawf 2


J une,2019

Imetwi t ht heSwei l ehMuni c i pal i t yt o di sc us st heSwei l ehci t ypr oj ect( T er hal ) t hatwec ompl et edi nur bandes i gn

J an,2019

Jor yT ourCont est Compet i t i onf orar c hi t ect ur al pr oj ec tatt he l ocal l ev el PHOTOMATCHbyAdobePhot oshop Theaut hor i z edadobet r ai ni ngc our se ( wor ks hop)

J une,2018


GRADUATI ON PROJECT Redev el opmentofAl Sal tt r ans i tzoneandFr i daymar kett ocr eat e av ai l abl ec onc eptf ormul t if unct i onalpubl i cspacewi t hstr ong i dent i t ybymak i ngaf ul lofact i v i t ypl ace

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