Weekly Flu
current flu
• information • advice • symptoms
Help prevent spread of H1N1 Flu Stay home unless you need to see a doctor When is it safe to return to work?
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) a person is most contagious while they have a fever. Employees should not return to work until 24 hours after their fever has resolved without the help of fever reducing medications, (If your work involves taking care of severely immunocompromised patients, you should remain home for 7 days from the first day you had symptoms.) If your employer requires a medical clearance (like a note from a doctor) to return to work after multiple days off, Workplace Wellness can help by providing post influenza screening and return to work clearance. For more information call (360) 414-2332. Additional information for employers is available at www.flunewsswwashington.org/Business.html.
Keeping It Safe at St. John To help protect you and our caregivers at St. John Medical Center during the flu season, PeaceHealth St. John has implemented several important changes for our visitors and patients. • Every patient who comes to St. John with flulike symptoms is required to wear a mask, which prevents the wearer from potentially infecting other patients or caregivers.
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• Visitors under age 19 can only visit a St. John patient if they are in that patient’s immediate family. • Because H1N1 is dangerous for our critically ill patients, no one less than 19 years of age will be allowed in the Intensive Care Unit. • And because the H1N1 virus can be a serious issue for children and pregnant women, visitors
to our Birthing Center must be at least 19, be a member of the mother’s immediate family, or be family support person. During the flu season, these prevention measures will help ensure that you can continue to count on St. John for safe, high quality medical care for you and your family.
For More Information: www.flunewsswwashington.org (877) 510-2772 www.peacehealth.org
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