Keino Rutherford on How to Be the Healthiest You During Heart Month

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2/16/22, 1:48 PM

How to Be the Healthiest You During Heart Month | Keino Rutherford | Exercise & Fitness


How to Be the Healthiest You During Heart Month by Keino Rutherford | Feb 16, 2022 | Fitness, Health

With the recent growing health issues in America, learning to eat healthy foods has become an essential component in reducing the risk of heart diseases. This blog post will discuss and provide information on healthy habits and lifestyle changes that can help prevent heart diseases.

Developing a healthy lifestyle includes taking care of one’s mental health and wellbeing, getting enough sleep, managing stress, not smoking, staying active, and eating a healthy diet. The American Heart Association encourages people to reclaim their rhythm this year and regain control of their physical and mental health. They have four suggestions on how to do so:


2/16/22, 1:48 PM

How to Be the Healthiest You During Heart Month | Keino Rutherford | Exercise & Fitness

CALMING DOWN AND RELIEVING STRESS Poor mental health can take a toll on physical health. As a result, holistic health can be improved by having a good outlook. According to some research, people who have a more positive outlook live longer. Overeating, physical inactivity, smoking, and risk factors for heart disease and stroke, such as high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, are often linked to stress. Finding ways to reduce stress and unhealthy coping mechanisms will positively affect your heart health.

INCREASING MOVEMENT Physical activity has been associated with a reduced risk of disease, stronger bones and muscles, better mental health and cognitive performance, and a reduced chance of depression. It enhances one’s overall quality of life and helps them feel, think, sleep, and live better. It is important to see a doctor before one raises their activity level. This way, they can inquire about the amounts and sorts of activities that would be beneficial to them.

MAKING TIME FOR FAMILY MEALS People should make time for family meals to reconnect and decompress. Regular family meals lower stress, enhance self-esteem and bring families closer together. Kids and adults are more likely to consume more fruits and vegetables when they eat with their families, which is good for heart health.

MAINTAINING A HEALTHY BLOOD PRESSURE LEVEL Nearly half of all individuals in the United States have high blood pressure. Around 75% don’t have it under control, and many do not know they have it. High blood pressure is a leading cause and preventable risk factor for heart disease and stroke and can make those who get COVID-19 have worse results. Maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, eating healthily, reducing or eliminating alcohol and cigarette use, and correctly monitoring blood pressure will aid in blood pressure regulation.


2/16/22, 1:48 PM

How to Be the Healthiest You During Heart Month | Keino Rutherford | Exercise & Fitness


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