How to Save Money on Groceries

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3/17/22, 12:22 PM

How to Save Money on Groceries | Keino Rutherford | Exercise & Fitness


How to Save Money on Groceries by Keino Rutherford | Mar 15, 2022 | Health

The cost of buying groceries for a family can really add up. Those looking to save money while providing their family with food should find ways to cut their grocery bill. Only Buy Certain Food Items in Bulk: It is important for the one interested in buying food in bulk to know what their family will actually eat and what will go bad before it gets eaten. Certain items like rice or pasta might be loved by a family. If so, those items make sense to be purchased in bulk. Don’t Make More Food Than Will be Eaten: When someone cooks a meal, the more food that is made, the more food that will end up wasted. Either family members will eat more than they really want to just to use up the food, or leftovers will be packed up and then left to go bad in the refrigerator. One should be careful when planning out just how much food to cook at once.


3/17/22, 12:22 PM

How to Save Money on Groceries | Keino Rutherford | Exercise & Fitness

Shop Multiple Stores: When shopping for groceries, a person will pay the best price for food items if they are willing to go to multiple stores. Certain items will be cheaper at one store than the next, and sales will be different at the different stores. Pick Up Discounted Food Items to Use in the Future: When someone sees a package of meat that is available at a discounted price, they might ignore that if it is not on their list. If that meat is something that one is willing to feed to their family, though, they can buy it and put it in the freezer to enjoy in the future. Don’t be Ashamed to Serve Cheap Meals Every Now and Then: Some feel that they have to cook a big meal for their family every night. One can save on their grocery bill when they make soup or a meatless meal once or twice a week. There are Ways to Save Money When Shopping for Groceries: Coupons can help one save money when buying groceries, but they are not the only option for cutting a grocery bill. Those who are smart about the food that they purchase and serve can stick to a budget and save money.


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3/17/22, 12:22 PM

How to Save Money on Groceries | Keino Rutherford | Exercise & Fitness

Keino Rutherford © 2022


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