Buy ear candle

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The Value of Beeswax Ear Candles - Buy Ear Candle _____________________________________________________________________________________

By John -

Simply put, beeswax ear candles are the best ear wax candles money can buy. Instead of the poisonous chemicals that most paraffin candles are made of, beeswax candles are made of 100% pure natural beeswax, fresh from the hive. The wax is carefully filtered to remove any bee parts, dirt, or impurities, then each candle formed using unbleached cotton muslin for the wick to insure a chemical-free burn. In fact, beeswax produces the hottest, brightest, and cleanest flame of any candle wax manufactured anywhere. Learn More About Buy Ear Candle

Paraffin ear wax candles, on the other hand, are actually made from petroleum industry waste which is bleached and texturized. Even candles which are scented generally contain any number of toxic chemicals which, although they may sound healthy, are in fact as toxic to breathe as second-hand smoke. In fact, the American Lung Assocation has issued a warning not to breathe the smoke from candles that are scented or have "additives." And although some candles are now being made with vegetable oils and the like, no other wax even comes close to the quality of beeswax ear candles in terms of either temperature or length of burn time.

Beeswax candles are also healthy, producing negative ions that clean the air of dust, dust mites, viruses, and even allergens. Beeswax candles are a natural air cleaner and freshener. Studies that have shown the effects of increased negative ions include better sleep, hay fever and asthma relief, and a natural detox.

Imagine how much better beeswax ear candles are for you, then, when using them to remove ear wax! If they're made the right way, beeswax candles should not drip or smoke, also eliminating the danger of candle wax somehow entering the ear canal. And although beeswax candles are often priced higher than paraffin wax candles, they are actually a better deal. How is that so? Beeswax candles burn extremely efficiently, producing a candle that lasts longer than any other (as measured by burn time) even longer than boutique paraffin. But beware: because of labeling inconsistencies, a company can claim its candles are "beeswax" even if as little as 10% of the wax is truly beeswax. If it doesn't clearly say "100% beeswax" on the label, chances are it probably isn't.

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