Achieving Modern Sophistication For Your Living Room - Lucite Tables _____________________________________________________________________________________
By Mars -
In these times, many people live in apartments and as such they are restricted when it comes to floor area thus they want their space appear bigger than it really is and what better way to do that than buying a Lucite coffee table? Many people are of the notion that the use of this material as a table is something new and sort of futuristic but the thing is Lucite, known by other names such as Plexi glass, Acrylex, Acrylic, Limacryl, and many more names has been in use for decades in creating furniture pieces such as the Lucite coffee table. Learn More About Lucite Tables Lucite the material used for this type of table was introduced in 1933 by the Rohm and Hass Company and the rest they say is history. Today we see this material not only in furniture but also in the fashion industry such as heels for women's shoe. There is a movement in interior design that lean toward using contrasting pieces of furniture that capture the eye of the beholder in a bold but refreshing way. As such this type of table will stand out but appear neutral when it's around brightly hued furniture.
Many interior decorators also recommend using anything made of Lucite sparingly, "a little goes a long way" as the saying goes. For instance if you're the type who loves art that serves other purposes other than what it was intended for, then you will go a long way with a wood and glass table top with Lucite legs vintage table from the 70s era.
Lucite is versatile with respect to the shape that you can turn it into. A Lucite table can be round, oval, rectangular, square, and can even have bevelled edges just like the glass table. The lily pad Lucite coffee table is an example of an irregular shaped table called by that name because of the table top's lily pad shape that has vines and flowers engraved on the surface.
Lucite can be made to look opulent as well. If you want this kind of look on your cocktail table, go for that table which stands on legs that look like gems on top of each other.For a touch of functionality, you can also go with a three-piece see through nesting waterfall Lucite cocktail tables; place the two biggest beside each other and nest the smallest piece into the biggest table; then place some vintage or modern day magazines on the underside table. You'll love sipping your Java beans on this table because it gives the illusion that the magazine is part of the table's design. Mixed media, with the combination of modern and old pieces are great eye candy for your room too. An example is that Lucite Java beans table that encases a Louis Vuitton chest.
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