Retail Footwear Interior Design

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Retail Footwear

Interior Design Jada Keister

Retail Footwear Interior Design

First American Edition, 2021

Published in the United States by ISSUU Inc 131 Lytton Ave Palo Alto, CA 94301 United States Copyright © 2021 Jada Keister, ISSU KDDI Ventures and Sunstone Capital

All rights reserved.

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(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Published in the United States by ISSU Inc.

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of congress. ISBN 123-4-5678-9101-1

Printed and bound in the United States

Dedicated to the love of my life Marquees and to those in my graphic design 3 class, this is for our struggle.

Table of Contents 01

The History of Footwear



The Beginning of The Shoe Business



Interior Design and Layout






Introduction Welcome to the future of footwear, this book is set for the year 2134 and is to be used for those who want to move towards a fun and interactive retail experience. Our plans with this new look for purchasing footwear is to provide a space that is filled with state of the art technology to allow for an easy and carefree experience giving customers the opportunity to find everything they need from the perfect shoe size to having hardly any wait time. We are also bringing nature back to our life by having it within our furniture and using both recyclable and Eco friendly materials to ensure we no longer harm the planet. What sets us a part and will make our retail layout one of the best is our brand new form of energy saving. Using our advanced technology we have created windows that have solar panels built within them which will give us a strong power source since around 85% of our building is covered in windows.


Catbydesign, “line drawing of Nike”

The History of Footwear




“Child’s summer boots”

During the time period of 2-5 million BC - 1250BC, the world of footwear was much different than that of today. The craftsmanship of shoes was a skill many had in the prehistoric era, many communities were beginning to create items that could protect them from the harsh elements of the earth. Around the world different forms of footwear began to appear representing different regions, such as those in the north and south.

The North created heavy thick and warm footwear made from animals and hay for low temperatures.

The South created light sandals made from leaves and papyrus fibers for the high temperatures.



Unknown stock photo

Grand Egyptian Museum

The creation of footwear soon went from just being a protection from the environment to being a visual representation of social status and wealth. The earliest stages of social classes began in Egypt with the identification of sandals having different colors to differentiate the social classes. Other forms of social class came from the amount of materials used on each piece of footwear, like that of the Greek and romans who classed each other by who was wearing shoes and who wasn’t.

Unknown, LACMA photo

Queensland Museum

Unknown stock photo

As the idea social classes rose in the coming eras so did beauty. Around the 10th and 11th centuries China had begun to refer to women with tiny feet as the standard of beauty. This brought on the wave of breaking womens feet to keep them looking tiny and beautiful. It wasn’t just small footwear that rose beauty standards but also the length of shoes. The longer the tip of the shoe was the more important you became. As the era changed so did the length of footwear, when it came to showing the world your importance to society men and women would wear heeled shoes.




Unknown, ©Vector stock

Muddy Mudwerks, “See through Nike Jordan’s”

Getting into a more modern period, footwear become less about everyone knowing how to make shoes and instead has become more about setting a trend for the world. Footwear may still represent wealth but it gained something more in style and since technology has allowed for faster production the trends are always changing.

Carota design, “Self tyeing shoe”

“Blue shoe with multiple charging ports”

Netha Goldberg

Pet Liger, Footwear of the future

As of today footwear is made even faster, with the newest state of the art technology. We have gone from using only harsh materials and polluting production to having a more environment friendly high tech footwear, allowing us to get back to our roots. Almost 100 years into the future we are still protecting ourselves from our environment just in a much cooler way.


Stock photo, “line drawing of city skyscrapers © OneLineStock

The Beginning of The Shoe Business



Unknown, “Old shoe making shop”

As the world began to form growing economies the creation of footwear changed dramatically. Instead of everyone making their own shoes or having them made for you, civilizations started creating shoe making factories. These production factories began to pop up around the world during the 1700 and 1800 hundreds, to allow for mass production all around the world. Starting as a trade between groups during migration, civilizations started settling down in certain areas creating roots for communities to grow.


Unknown photographer, “Trickers Store”

As the economy has grown over the past hundreds of years so has the footwear industry. Around the late 1800 hundreds and the early 1900 hundreds the footwear industry started to break into different groups and brands to cater towards certain people. Since each company required different things for their customers the types of materials needed changed drastically going from hard rubbers, plastics, and synthetic materials to all new environmentally friendly biodegradable materials. With the global shoe market making all these changes they have allowed for their revenue to skyrocket because they know footwear will always be needed no matter what year it is.


Unknown photographer, “Colburn shoe store”

Royalty free stock photo, © derplan Ngupa karti, “Plant continuous line drawing”

Interior Design and Layout



Unknown stock photo

Our Store will be one for any brand, we have created the ultimate structure to accommodate anyones needs. Our store features two floors designated for a high tech and down to earth feeling. Everything is up to date with the newest state of the art technology allowing for a fast and easy experience for everyone. Following the next few pages you will see how we have decided to lay everything out, our furniture, building structure and even our one of kind technology that sets us apart from the rest. This will revolutionize they way we build stores and redesign the way we get consumers to experience retail.


Here you will find our layout plans for our first floor. We have decided to keep our layout very open to allow for the natural light to come in. When entering the building you will automatically be given access to our shoe walls to allow for shoe selections (once you leave this access will be taken away). Once you have entered to will see three different walls showcasing the hottest brands in Mens, Womens, and Kids footwear. As you walk around the room you will notice the white flooring to allow for the natural light coming from the windows to brighten the room along with long couches to provide seating for any number of guests to sit and try on shoes or wait for members of their party. You can find two cylinder elevators located in the left and right corners of the store that open when guests stand in front of them. In these corners you will also notice the floor length mirrors to allow for everyone to see themselves in their footwear of choice. In the center of the room you will also notice a registers counter which will have you set your shoes on the counter to allow for scanning and then require a wrist scan to take payment. Once a payment has been made the counter will then wrap your shoes in a box to allow for easy carrying.


Coming up from the first floor you will find the second floor of the building is built for those who love to test everything before buying. Once you step off the stairs you will see a large footwear wall for those who don’t want to carry everything from downstairs up stairs. There are also two other footwear stations located in the far right and left corners to provide more than one area for people to get their shoes. Located throughout the second floor are tracks (long treadmills) that can be adjusted to any terrain that is required to test out whichever footwear you desire. Around the glass balcony you will find long curved sofas to allow for comfort seating for guests that may be waiting for people using the tracks.

Also located in the opening will be a large hologram of the most popular shoe or the brand of choices logo.



On the left you will see what the kids corner shoe walls will look like on the first floor. If you look to the side of this image you will see foot marking points where customers will stand in order to interact with the shoes by having their hand in the air they will be able to select which ever shoe they like. This system will also take the customers shoe size and recommend width and supports needed to be comfortable in whichever shoe they choose. If you look at the image below you will find one of the tracks that are placed on the second floor to allow for those who need to see the performance before they buy it. This high tech track can change its terrain to allow for any desired testing environment, all that the customer will have to do is step on the foot marking on the floor next to the track. Once they have done this a hologram screen will appear to allow them to select their desired course for testing.


Nicholas baker, “Greenhouse chair”

Having such a high tech building with touch screens and holograms we decided that the furniture being placed within the building should have more of an earthly touch. Our furniture is made with recycled steel for the frame so that we aren’t polluting the earth even further. The cushions are made with biodegradable cotton which is naturally sourced, and what sets our pieces apart is the plant life within the chair sheltered by Borosilicate glass just like our windows. With this plant life there is an opening at the top of the couch that allows for water to be placed inside to keep plants alive.

Recycled Steel

Cotton Cushion

Borosilicate Glass

Plants of choice



Portfolio Retail Building Image





Farfan, Barbara. 2020. “Shoe Store Company Mission Statements”. The Balance Small Business, January 27, 2020. Carpenter, Murray.2019. “Nike, other brands hurt independent shoe stores”. The Bulletin, Updated January 31, 2020. 2021. “Global Footwear Market Report 2021”. Business wire, May 2021. https://www. Mosher, Dave. 2019. “What Earth might look like in 80 years if we’re lucky – and if were not”. Insider, October 17, 2019. 2007. “Plant and animal fibers”. Fibre2Fashion, December, 2007. https://www. Shahbandeh, M. 2021. “U.S. Footwear market – statistics and facts”. Statista, June 8, 2021.


Shoes, Dolita. 2021. “The History And Evolution Of Shoes”.Dolita 1993, March 10, 2021. Townsend, Dr. John. 2019. “The Oldest Shoe Store in America and What We Can Learn From It”. Townsend Relation Nutrients, September 4, 2019. https://drtownsend. com/the-oldest-shoe-store-in-america-and-what-we-can-learn-from-it-john-townsendph-d/ Tirone, Jonathan. 2021. “Study: Global warming will kill 83 million people in next 80 years”. Chicago Tribune, July 30, 2021. https://www.chicagotribune. com/weather/weather-news/sns-bb-global-warming-will-kill-millions-20210730in3sxj57djdclkxudzcivlydgm-story.html?outputType=amp Zaczkiewicz, Arthur. 2021. “Research Shows More Shoppers Expect to Buy Footwear Online, and Make Returns”. WWD, September 30, 2021. InDesign Procreate Photoshop


Baker, Nicholas. Greenhouse chair. 2018. Yanko Design 2021. Catbydesign. Nike shoe continuous line drawing. Society6 Design, Carota. Self lacing sneaker. Yanko Design 2021 © Goldberg, Netha. The blue shoe features various electrical charging ports. 2020. Dezeen Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College. Karti, Ngupa. Vector “Phase of growing plant continuous one line drawing”. August 30, 2019 Liger, Pet. Event 201 Slipper Concept. April 27, 2020. Instagram Mudwerks, Muddy. Unknown. April 30, 2020. Tumblr Queensland Museum. Chinese ladies foot binding shoe Renewable energy, ecology. Copyright by derplan. Smillie, Dana. Restoration by Yousri, Mohamed. Grand Egyptian Museum Stock photo, continues line drawing of urban skyscrapers, ©OneLineStock Unknown, concept kicks Vector. One continuous drawn single art line doodle sketch solar panel battery, clean ecological renewable energy, ecology. Copyright by derplan. Portfolio Retail Building Image1 Jpg 765 430 House Styles



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