Who Who Diversity in Color

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Foreword For Who’s Who Diversity in Color…


ever has there been a more important time for a book such as this to be released…to celebrate our progress in diversity, and in so doing, promote our efforts, as we strive for unity, equality, peace and harmony throughout our country and our city. Who’s Who Diversity in Color showcases a spirited mix of those who are dedicated to fostering a new St. Louis…a better place for all to live, work, learn and invest in. This beautiful book provides a platform for discussion, for as we recognize individual achievement, we can emerge as a more powerful collective. Simply, we can learn from each other and support each other to help pave the way for new opportunities for all. My company is in the business of technology, but it is the people behind the technology who make innovation happen as well as positive change. In our industry, we are all about making connections, these connections are happening across the globe and at sometimes fractions of a second. More connections create more communication. More communication requires sensitivity and greater understanding. It is in all of our best interest to encourage diversity at every level, as we continue to connect globally, and as the world’s challenges and opportunities remain only a computer click away. Most recently, at my company, we have expanded our own definition of diversity. Our definition includes that every individual is unique, and while we not only recognize our differences we embrace them and it involves not only tolerance of these differences, but acceptance and respect. In addition, we not only include race and gender when we talk about diversity, but also ethnicity and, age, physical abilities/ disabilities, religious and political beliefs, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status. It is the charge for all of us to help create an environment to support our dynamic differences and the many powerful dimensions that diversity affords. In my work, I have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life who are dedicated to education, civic progress, volunteerism, charitable giving, workplace equality and new business development; working to achieve a better quality of life for all. I believe that it is diversity, which literally colors our world, changes the day-to-day ordinary happenings into something extraordinary for the future. Who’s Who Diversity in Color is emblematic of all those who have taken a leadership position, championing diversity, working for unity and equal opportunity… helping to create the extraordinary. As some of you know, I am a native of Guatemala, a Hispanic woman who has found tremendous opportunity in this country. The support and encouragement I have experienced throughout these years in business has had a tremendous positive effect on my professional life. It is in this spirit that I work to pass on that legacy of giving all people a chance…a chance to grow both personally and professionally in order to pursue their dreams in such a country as ours. For this experience and for the many people just like those profiled in this creative and important publication, I am truly grateful. I am very excited and proud to be a part of these efforts and applaud all those who support diversity in our workplace, in our neighborhoods, in business and our community. Carmen Jacob

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PEOPLE BEING CURIOUS IS HOW THINGS GET DONE. IT'S THE SAME FOR BANKERS. Anything that ever got accomplished began with people asking: “What if?” Challenging themselves. Challenging the system. At Fifth Third Bank, “What if?” is one of our favorite phrases. As a proud supporter of Who's Who Diversity In Color, we support those who aren’t afraid to reach, try and ask.

TABLE of CONTENTS Foreword by Carmen Jacob ............................................................. ....................................... 3 Criteria for Inclusion ................................................................................................................ 6 Meet The Team .......................................................................................................................... 7 Letters of Greeting ................................................................................................................... 8 Introduction by Michael McMillan ...................................................................................... 15 A Word From The Publisher ................................................................................................. 17 The Host Committee .............................................................................................................. 23 “Organizational Highlight: Casa De Salud” ........................................................................ 34 “Organizational Highlight: International Institute” ........................................................... 36 “Most Intriguing People” ....................................................................................................... 41 “Edward Jones Corporate Highlight” .................................................................................. 86 “Greensfelder Corporate Highlight” .................................................................................... 96 “Children’s Hospital Corporate Highlight” ....................................................................... 110 “Washington University Corporate Highlight” ................................................................ 130 St. Louis’ Best Bold & Brightest ......................................................................................... 149 Biographical Index ............................................................................................................... 184 Advertisers Index ................................................................................................................ 186

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Fifth Third Bank. Member FDIC.


Criteria For Inclusion


ho’s Who Diversity in Color® is an opportunity for us to afford a measure of recognition to men and women of color who have made their mark in their specific occupations, professions, or in service to others in the Greater St. Louis region

Meet The team

A sincere effort was made to include those whose positions or accomplishments in their chosen fields are significant and whose contributions to community affairs, whether citywide or on the neighborhood level, have improved the quality of life for all of us. The names of those brief biographies included in this edition were compiled from customary sources of information. Lists of a wide variety were consulted and every effort was made to reach all whose stature or civic activities merited their inclusion. In today’s mobile society, no such publication could ever claim to be complete; some who should be included could not be reached or chose not to respond, and for that we offer our apologies. Constraints of time, space and awareness are thus responsible for other omissions, and not a lack of good intentions on the part of the publisher. Our goal was to document the accomplishments of many woman of color from various occupational disciplines.

Publisher Ericca Willis

Executive Editor Leneia Weston O’Hara

Senior Graphic Designer Keith Griffin II

Writer Cecilia Velazquez

Writer Shontae Duncan

Photographer Joe Bommarito

Sales/Marketing Intern Kasey Grififn

An invitation to participate in this event was extended at the discretion of the Publisher and a committee of Human Resource professionals. Biographies were invited to contribute personal and professional data, with only the information freely submitted to be included. The editors have made a sincere effort to present an accurate distillation of the data, and to catch errors whenever possible. However, Who’s Who Diversity in Color® cannot assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information submitted. There was no charge for consideration of this recognition, also inclusion was not guaranteed; this will be an annual publication. Comments and other concerns should be addressed to:

Inquires for bulk book orders for schools or commemorative plaques should be directed to:

Ericca Willis, Publisher Who’s Who Diversity in Color® 4818 Washington Blvd, Suite 103 Saint Louis, Missouri 63108 Phone: (314) 473-5257

Who’s Who Diversity in Color, LLC 4818 Washington Blvd, Suite 103 Saint Louis, Missouri 63108

Senior VP of Sales & Marketing

Keith A. Willis Sr.

(O) 314.473.5272 or 888.675.7424 www.whoswhodiversityincolor.com Sales/Marketing Intern Kortney Carr

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All books are $29.95 Each


Letters of...


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Letters of...


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Letters of...


Greetings! Congratulations to all of those honored and noted in this inaugural edition of Who’s Who Diversity in Color. The St. Louis CVC has a diverse team working to attract visitors to our community, making sure they have an enjoyable experience during their stay. Our team is reflective of the community that we serve, which includes St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and the greater metropolitan region. When we tell St. Louis’ story to potential visitors, it reflects the numerous cultures and histories of our citizens and our attractions. Visitors can explore our region's African American history through visits to such sites as the Scott Joplin House, Old Courthouse, Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing, the Missouri Botanical Garden’s George Washington Carver Garden and the St. Louis Black Repertory Company. Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site celebrates the story of prehistoric native civilization with the largest archeological remnants north of Mexico. When it comes to exploring St. Louis, guests can shop or eat authentic Mexican cuisine in the Cherokee Street business district. In the South Grand neighborhood, there are 11 countries represented by diverse restaurants offering Persian, Mediterranean and Ethiopian cuisine.

As we welcome visitors from around the world to our community, we honor all of the influential persons of all cultures that continue to contribute to the greatness of our region. Sincerely,

Celebrating 125 years

Behind our success are talented and diverse men and women in St. Louis and around the world. Just like you. Kathleen M. Ratcliffe President

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The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark of Emerson Electric Co. © 2015 Emerson Electric Co.



Who’s Who Diversity in Color Introduction


oo often, we hear negativity, leaving out so many positive success stories about minorities who have held leadership roles in education, government, and business. It is for this reason that I am proud to introduce the 1st edition of WHO’S WHO Diversity in Color: A Spectrum of Success, an annual publication focused on recognizing and celebrating the great achievements of diverse St. Louisans.


This publication is filled with motivating stories of diverse individuals of achievement who inspire us to continue or begin our successful journey towards influencing the community. It’s a useful tool for educating our children about talented men and women of diverse backgrounds who have accomplished their aspirations through hard work, guidance and perseverance. Once the term diversity moves beyond its status quo, we will truly begin to understand the value of various backgrounds collaborating and embrace our differences, realizing that every one brings something to the table. It is at this point that we can move forward as a unified city that promotes community growth.

enterprise.com Enterprise and the ‘e’ logo are registered trademarks of Enterprise Rent-A-Car. ©2014 Enterprise Rent-A-Car. F00393 08/14

WHO’s WHO doesn’t focus on titles, but on how those in various leadership roles have served the community through their platforms in outstanding ways. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve…You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”

Every Child. Every Family. Every Community. Grace Hill sees the potential in people. That’s why we’re committed to providing comprehensive services that are critical in helping St. Louisans become more self-reliant. After all, tomorrow’s “Who’s Who” might be right there in front of you.

On behalf of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, an organization dedicated to empowering African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance, social equality and civil rights, I congratulate our community’s diverse leaders for helping to move our city forward. Their achievements inspire each generation to become better, to strive for significance and leave a lasting mark on society. Let’s continually pass on the torch of greatness. Sincerely, Michael P. McMillan President & CEO Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc.

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he inaugural edition of Who’s Who Diversity in Color is coming out at a very crucial time in our City’s history. The death of young Michael Brown opened a very ugly wound, along with weeks of unrest that served as a catalyst for the transformation of our city. While the events of Ferguson shed light on major changes that needed to be made, this isn’t the entire story of the great City of St. Louis. After moving back to St. Louis in 1998 from Los Angeles, California, I have met some wonderful people of all shades of the color spectrum and I am proud to call St. Louis home. There are always other perspectives to a story and I am optimistic that the people of St. Louis have begun the healing process that will be necessary for us to progress. For the past 10 years I have watched this City embrace various ethnicities from around the world and I am elated some of them have agreed to share a little bit of themselves.



Ericca Willis, Publisher

Inspiring change.

Harris-Stowe State University is committed to being an intellectual think tank to critically analyze pertinent issues and draft workable solutions that can positively impact our communities. Located in midtown St. Louis, Harris-Stowe is a fully accredited four-year institution that offers 16 degree programs in the areas of teacher education, business and arts & sciences. A leader in STEM education, HSSU ranked No. 1 in the state in 2013 in degree production of African-Americans in mathematics and ranked 4th of 13 public institutions in the degree production of African-Americans (Missouri Department of Higher Education). To learn more visit us at www.hssu.edu.

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Harris-Stowe State University 3026 Laclede Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63103 (314) 340-3300 hssu.edu

St. Louis is a very diverse City, which enhances the lives of those that are finding their way in this complex time in our history. We are committed to illuminating this side of our story. I am honored to celebrate the 18 individuals featured in this inaugural edition. They, along with the others featured represent some of the best and brightest in our fair City. I want to personally thank our Foreword and Introduction writers’, Carmen Jacob and Michael McMillan for stepping up to plate without hesitation to join in this special endeavor. It is leaders like these two, who will keep St. Louis on the map as a continually progressive and evolving city. I congratulate ALL who believed in this project, we could not have made it happen without you! Loving St. Louis,



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live their life as a

model for others. Rosa Parks

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Over the City’s 154-­‐year history, many Champions have called East St. Louis home: • Jackie Joyner Kersee, Greatest • Katherine Dunham, Dancer, th Female Athlete of the 20 Century Choreographer, and Philanthropist • Dawn Harper, Olympic Champion • Ike & Tina Turner, Musicians • Al Joyner, Olympic Champion • Many educators and business professionals • Miles Davis, World Renowned Jazz Musician

Access to four major highways, railways, two airports, and the Mighty Mississippi River makes our available land primed for development, housing, and expansion of existing businesses throughout the City’s Downtown, Riverfront and Port of East St. Louis.

We are seeking housing developers, retail operators, businesses to occupy office spaces and family oriented entertainment to help with the re-­‐birth of the City’s downtown area.

We have two colleges and two universities in our city, including our newest partnership with Western Illinois University.

We are Who’s Who for economic growth and development opportunities!

Contact our Economic Development Department for information on how you can have the opportunity to be a part of the City of East St. Louis’ rebirth at (618) 482-­‐6665.

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Host Committee

Her current responsibilities are to lead her staff of seven in managing all of the human resource processes for 1700 employees for a very busy academic medical and trauma center. Prior to this, she served as Director of HR for Barnes-Jewish Hospital where she was responsible for over 9000 employees, managed a staff of 20, and served as HR Operations Chair for 13 hospitals. Vera has over 26 years of experience in the field of Human Resources and has been recognized for her expertise in this area by the Disney Institute and The Center for Effective Leadership (CCL). She has also previously served as a Board Member for Metro Homeless Shelter, is an active member of SHRM, is Immediate Past SVP of the STL Chapter of NAAAHR, was selected to be a delegate for the HR Summit, as well as, a prior Honoree for Who’s Who in STL Phenomenal Women Publication. Daniel received her undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and her Master’s degree in Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma.

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laurna godwin


For nearly 35 years, Laurna Godwin has been using her communications skills to inform and educate people about issues affecting how they live, work and play. She is a three-time Emmy award winning broadcast journalist who today is a partner and co-founder of Vector Communications Corporation, a public engagement and communications consulting firm based in St. Louis, Missouri. Vector strengthens corporations, organizations, communities and individuals through public involvement, stakeholder engagement, strategic planning, communications planning, event planning, media relations, and video production. The firm has won several international, national and local awards including the national “Entrepreneur Excellence Award” from Wells Fargo Bank and the National Black MBA Association for “innovation, performance, growth and community service.”

Betsy Cohen is Executive Director for the regional Immigration & Innovation Initiative, the St. Louis Mosaic Project. This initiative is a joint collaboration of the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, the Regional Chamber and leaders of 22 organizations on the Steering Committee. The goal is that by 2020 our region will have the fastest growth rate of foreign-born people, reversing our current declines on our regional population of 2.8 million. We will involve business, government, education, faith, safety, health, culture, diverse local chambers and agencies plus the people of our region.

In addition to co-owning Vector, Laurna has served on several boards. Currently, she serves on the boards of St. Luke’s Hospital, Arch Grants, the St. Louis Zoo Association and the St. Louis Police Foundation. Laurna is Chair Emeritus of the Greater St. Louis Community Foundation, where she was Board Chair for three years.

Betsy is on the board of the St. Louis United Way, the Advisory Board of the St. Louis University Cook School of Business, the St. Louis Crisis Nursery Advisory Board and the Washington University Council for Sustainability. She has been recognized by the St. Louis Business Journal and the YWCA. Betsy received her BA from Wellesley College and MBA from the Harvard Business School. She worked with international colleagues in her previous role as a vice president at Nestle Purina. At Purina, she also launched and led a St. Louis regional coalition.

JOHNNY WANG Johnny Wang is an attorney with the firm Stinson Leonard Street, working in the firm’s Employment & Labor Law Practice group, whose clients have included companies, nonprofit organizations and public entities. His forward thinking personality, combined with his relaxed nature helps clients focus on the important issues and is able to execute the best strategy for the given situation. Johnny handles numerous employment needs for clients across diverse industries. His background as a litigator allows him to identify problems before they occur. On behalf of a variety of employers, Johnny has defended against all types of discrimination and wage/hour claims. He has counseled clients daily on handling unique employment situations as they arise. He has experience representing providers and employers in employee benefits law, including ERISA litigation and union issues. He is versed in all phases of litigation, including first chair jury and bench trial experience as well as appellate work before the Missouri Supreme Court and the Missouri Court of Appeals.

Host Committee

Vera Daniel

During Law school, Johnny clerked for two years in the Labor Division of the Missouri Attorney General’s Office. Johnny has received numerous awards and recognitions in his career.


Host Committee



Melissa, leads a global team responsible for attracting talent and managing risk in people practices, for nearly 70 countries over 500 worldwide locations. She’s held various roles of increasing responsibility in the Human Resources, Talent Acquisition and Executive Search consulting fields.

Cecilia Velazquez is the definition of a strong working Hispanic woman. The media mogul was born in Mexico City, Mexico where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and received her Master’s degree in Mass Communications and Journalism.

Karlos Ramirez is the Executive Director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The Hispanic Chamber seeks to promote the economic development of Hispanic firms and improve business opportunities for all in the St. Louis Region. In his role, Ramirez is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Hispanic Chamber’s operations; including donor cultivation, member relations, event management and solidifying partnerships with outside organizations. Under his leadership, the Hispanic Chamber has grown its membership by 56% and increased corporate sponsorships by 346%.

Melissa began her career with Spencer Stuart Executive Search, and has consulted to multinational companies in the areas of talent management. She has held other global leadership roles with Whirlpool Corporation, and Wachovia, prior to joining Monsanto in 2009. In her current role, she leads strategies for ensuring a competitive advantage and ability to deliver against talent needs that align to strategic business goals, and preparedness for the workforce. Global scope of responsibilities includes Recruiting, Operations, Diversity & Inclusion, University Relations, Employment Branding, Talent Pipeline/Sourcing, HR Compliance, Contingent Workforce and Onboarding. Melissa received her BA in Psychology from Roosevelt University, and her MBA from the Keller Graduate School of Management. She is on the Board of the St. Louis YMCA & Diversity Awareness Partnership; member of the International Association of Corporate and Professional Recruiters & St. Louis Mosaic Steering Committee. In 2012, she was recognized as a Diverse Business Leader by the St. Louis Business Journal.

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“I noticed the lack of informational paperwork in our language” Velazquez said and decided to launch Red Latina in July 2000. Latin Network has many informational articles, from local businesses as well as job opportunities for Hispanics in the region. Fresh Bilingual news daily online & The biweekly print newspaper; its distribution extends all the way from Jefferson City into Illinois. She has ventured into other media sources, as co-host of “Ahora St. Louis” and Radio Cucui (WEW-AM 770). In 2009, she received The Hispanic Business Person of the year by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Furthermore, Velazquez has been part of a music promotions team, which was recognized with a star on Las Vegas strip in 2010. In 2013, St. Louis Business Journal recognized Velazquez as a Diverse Business Leader. Her most recent project is in progress as Red Latina will be affiliated locally with Mundo Fox and Estrella TV.

Prior to joining the Hispanic Chamber, Ramirez was the Director of University Center and Conference Services at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. Ramirez received his Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Illinois State University and his Bachelor’s degree in Education from Northern Illinois University. He is joined here in St. Louis by his wife (Alejandra), son (Cristian 20) and daughter (Karina 5).

JUDGE JUDY DRAPER Judge Draper was appointed Associate Circuit Judge on April 13, 2004 by Governor Bob Holden. Judge Draper attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, receiving a Bachelor degree in Labor Relations in 1977. She received her Juris Doctorate degree from Howard University Law School in 1980 with Law Journal honors. Judge Draper clerked for the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges in Washington, D.C. after graduating from Law school. She was a former Prosecutor for the City of St. Louis; she was the first woman of color attorney to the Monsanto Company World Headquarters Law Department: International/ Corporate section; and was an Adjunct Professor of pre-trial practice and procedure at Washington University School of Law.

Host Committee


Judge Draper is a founding member of the Missouri Asian American Bar Association (MAABA) and served as president from 20012003 and now serves as Historian. Judge Draper is the recipient of many awards and honors. Judge Draper is married to Judge, George W. Draper III, appointed to the Missouri Supreme Court in 2011. They have one daughter, a Lawyer, graduate of Amherst College and Washington School of Law. WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR | 27

Host Committee

BETH DAVIS Beth Davis graduated with honors from Texas Women’s University. Ms. Davis’ philosophy regarding running a successful business is grounded in the necessity of building a foundation with core values that enhance the lives and environment of the employees and community. Beth is recognized as a community leader as she’s held board positions on the Regional Business Council, Ninth District Police Association, St. Louis Cancer Foundation, and Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club. Currently she serves on boards for Siteman Cancer Center, Heat-Up St. Louis, Winning Women, St. Louis Surge, St. Louis Civic Pride Foundation, Leukemia Lymphoma Society, and March of Dimes. Beth has been recognized for the following: • YWCA Leader of Distinction 2003 • One of St. Louis Business Journal’s Most Influential Business Women in 2003 • Most Influential Women in Radio 2002-2005 • Sister Salute honoring Women of Color, May 2012 • One of 50 Great Radio Managers by Radio Ink, October 2012; • Corporate Leadership Award by the St. Louis Community Empowerment Foundation, May 2013 • Diverse Business Leader, St. Louis Business Journal, July 2013 • Honored at High Tea with High Heels, a special tribute within the Annual Trumpet Awards Celebration, January 2014

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SOCIAL CHANGE FOR CHILDREN LED BY AFFECTED COMMUNITIES Board with more than 50% trustees of color Led by diverse management and staff Learning from Advisory Board of youth and providers










n the spring of 2009, two clinics which served the Hispanic immigrant and refugee population of St. Louis unfortunately closed their doors. Those clinics historically served over 10-12,000 people annually. Bob Fox, founder and chairman of Casa de Salud, sought the wisdom and counsel of Father Lawrence Biondi, S.J., then-President of Saint Louis University. Father Biondi designated use of a building on the SLU medical campus rent-free as part of the University’s inclusive approach to serving the community. Included in the generous support of Casa de Salud are utilities and maintenance. Opening their doors in 2010, Casa de Salud, or House of Health, serves the St. Louis community with a mission to facilitate and deliver clinical and mental health care for the uninsured. Now over 40,000 patient services have been delivered, and the mission continues strong. This year, Casa de Salud is celebrating five years of being the premiere resource for affordable and quality care for the uninsured. Casa de Salud is a nonprofit organization providing low-cost, episodic care for patients with little or no health insurance. Patients from over 28 counties representing over 30 nationalities seek affordable care. A nominal fee of $25 is paid per physician visit, while mental health care carries a fee of just $10 for the patient. Specializing in help for those who suffer from non-acute injuries or illnesses on-site, the fee structure indicates a hand-up, not a handout; delivering care with integrity. Volunteers and community partnerships are key to the continuing success at Casa de Salud. The all-volunteer staff of physicians, a total of 54 medical providers, serve over 425 patients each month. There are doctors available seven days a week. There are also over 150 non-medical volunteers, more than half of whom serve as interpreters. Partnerships and the generosity of other community organizations make a huge impact on Casa’s ability to be of service to the community. Thanks to their mission of philanthropic synergy, they can keep costs minimal, and service high.

Casa also provides a myriad of resources for education and prevention. More than 600 people participated in the fitness, exercise, cooking, and financial literacy programs last year. Obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are the most diagnosed diseases, and early detection is key to better treatment or prevention. Working to focus on preventative care, as well as overall wellness, is a primary focus for Casa de Salud.

Legal help for their customers is also available. Partnering with the Jewish Community Relations Council, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, and SLU Legal Clinics, they can offer pro bono legal services for those who cannot otherwise afford it in their underserved communities. Again, Casa de Salud’s holistic approach to service resonates. With typical pro bono legal assistance, the client often receives a meeting with the attorney who reviews the case quickly, provides advice, and leaves. It’s a onetime shot in the dark for help. At Casa de Salud, when the attorneys come on as volunteers, the attorney agrees to see the case to the end – even if it includes litigation. It’s a comprehensive solution through the generosity of their partners. Friends of Casa, an affiliate group of Casa de Salud, was recently launched. Friends of Casa supports and promotes Casa de Salud’s work to create access to health care for the uninsured. The group will be ambassadors for Casa, to help with fundraising efforts and advise Casa management on issues facing the organization.



negotiate fees and gain reduced or free rates. This assistance with navigating the often labyrinthine maze of the healthcare system is critical to patient success. Advocacy services are free of charge. The latest addition at Casa de Salud for more access and care is the addition of home health visits. They go in as a team of two: an RN and a community healthcare worker. Home health visits are for use in conjunction with services already in action for patients of Casa. They also brought on a care coordinator who follows up and follows through on patient care. The coordinator communicates with everyone involved in the patient care process to ensure the disparate pieces work together – especially for patients referred out with complicated cases. One of the things they often see with referred patients as the treatment goes on that it is hard to keep in touch. In losing contact, they find out too late the medicine didn’t work, or there were complications with the treatment. Now, the RN care coordinator follows up with the patient to make sure the treatment had efficacy and impact. Care coordination is yet another piece of the holistic approach Casa de Salud employs to truly being of service to their patients.

The importance of serving the uninsured and vulnerable is crucial to the health of our entire community. As the premier regional resource for health care for immigrants and the uninsured, Casa de Salud can see first-hand that this is an issue for everyone. We all have a stake in it. We all need to help those who do not have access to care to receive care to reach the ultimate goal of a well community.

Casa de Salud also assists patients in connecting with external health care providers when Casa is unable to care for a patient. They also advocate for the patients in their ongoing care. Advocacy services – which go far beyond basic care – find a clinic or hospital for services, and accompanies the patient to act as a patient advocate throughout the process at the initial appointment and at subsequent appointments as needed If the patient desires it, the advocate will help 34 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com




elocation is hectic. Many of us consider relocating to another city or perhaps another state within the US, but rarely consider moving outside the country. Imagine the dislocated feeling of being uprooted from your home, and being immersed in another country. No one speaks your language, and you are unsure of your rights or if there is help for you and your loved ones. The International Institute reaches out to help people in this very place and makes them feel welcomed and adjusted. Refugees, immigrants, and people seeking a better life find their way to the United States, and they find friends at the International Institute. International Institute assists immigrants and refugees during their transition to life in St. Louis. They help immigrants and their families become productive Americans and champion ethnic diversity as a cultural and economic strength. Primarily, they find that people come for assistance with English classes and citizenship preparation. Other types of support available includes help finding their first job and home, obtaining mental health care, and integration into the community. They assist with all touch points within the immigrant and refugee community. Wherever they are in their process, the International Institute can help. The International Institute served 7,596 people in 2014 - about 300 people per day - in a variety of ways. The International Institute is an agency of the USCRI - U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. The USCRI provides refugees and immigrants with support services and opportunities needed to rebuild their lives and enrich their communities. They provide refugees and immigrants with an array of essential services. From their first disorienting moments upon arrival to the exciting opportunity of beginning a new job; to the delight of opening a business or buying a first home. They make sure

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Established in 1919, the International Institute is a pioneer in the field of diversity and inclusion. With nationally and locally acclaimed programs and services, St. Louis is well-served with their assistance to the growing immigrant population. Their highly-acclaimed programs boast three solid pillars: Immersion, Investment, and Inclusion. They are also very appreciative of the aid from other agencies that assist them with their mission. They show more than 300 active partners listed on the website. Many other social and human services agencies supplement their work and help provide a holistic approach to client services. The International Institute also knows how to throw a great party! The Festival of Nations is an annual event held the last weekend of August in Tower Grove Park. With free admission to the general public, the average attendance is more than 100,000, and often up to 140,000 depending on the weather. People enjoy trying food from all over the world, and the vendors truly enjoy sharing their culture with their community. The myriad of food and gift booths represent 75 overall ethnicities.

Demonstrations, calligraphy, art, fashion, and culinary expression are just a few ways the attendees can come and experience the culture in new ways. Visiting the Festival of Nations is also a great way for people to be adventurous on a budget. If you’re unable to travel to another country, enjoy the opportunity to visit with people who can bring the culture to you! Festival of Nations allows the immigrants to share their culture with the St. Louis community and fosters an immersive integration for the participants. They will feel more immersed in our culture when they can share their culture with appreciation and passion. The Festival of Nations is truly a cultural destination and a not-to-bemissed part of St. Louis summer. The Institute is a bridge for hundreds of cultural groups, linking newcomers with the mainstream community. They overcome barriers of cultural and language disparities, linguistic isolation, generational distinctions, and the impact of acculturation with the help of the International Institute and their offering of a variety services for the new Americans. They help immigrants and their families become productive Americans and champion ethnic diversity as a cultural and economic strength. With the help of the Institute, many newcomers can achieve independence and make valuable contributions to the St. Louis community.


International Institute

their clients move towards the next steps in their successful integration into the US. These measures can include refugee resettlement, job placement, English classes, citizenship, legal services, small business development, housing, health, mental health support, and cultural activities.


Home State Health is a leader in health care services in the State of Missouri. We focus on excellence in operation, excellence in how health care is delivered, and bringing value to the communities we serve. Our workforce is dedicated to making our region a better place to live and work. We are proud to make a difference by actively supporting key community events and organizations. At Home State, and our parent company, Centene Corporation, we bring ideas, communities and experience together. 38 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com

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Jackie Joyner-Kersee, 6-time Olympic medalist

HERE’S TO THOSE WHO SET THE BAR HIGH. Congratulations to all the leaders recognized in the Who’s Who Diversity in Color. St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission | explorestlouis.com

food for thought We know that diversity makes us stronger. We count on that strength to help us serve you and the community. Whether you work with us, or shop with us, you’ll find diversity is essential to our success!

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Chris Pickett Joining the law firm in 2012 as an Officer of the Litigation Practice Group, Chris Pickett has risen up the ranks to become Co- Leader of the firm’s Securities and Financial Services Group, Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, a Member of the Litigation Department Recruiting Committee. As the first African-American elected to shareholder holder status in Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale’s 100 plus year history, Pickett is one to watch. Pickett is a passionate lawyer with a newsworthy career beginning in rural Missouri as a public defender. During his time as a public defender, he first-chaired over forty jury trials and successfully briefed and argued matters before the appellate courts. “During my time in rural MO working as a public defender, I learned the importance of building relationships,” shared Pickett. Currently, Pickett focuses his practice on complex commercial litigation, securities litigation and arbitration, and employment disputes. He represents both plaintiffs and defendants in a wide array of business litigation matters. His particular areas of expertise are employment disputes, unfair competition, and education law and securities litigation. He regularly defends employers in discrimination claims, covenants not to compete, trade secret disputes, and claims of breach of fiduciary duty and unfair competition. Chris has a network of local counsel that have allowed him to seek, and obtain hundreds of injunctions in approximately forty states. His securities practice also includes representing brokerage firms in recruiting and raiding cases, as well as investor actions before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). He has first-chaired dozens of matters before FINRA arbitration panels. In addition, he also represents colleges, universities, and secondary schools by providing general legal advice and representation on various higher and secondary education litigation matters.

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Christopher Pickett Officer Greensfelder Attorneys At Law By Shante Duncan Chris also regularly advises and defends individuals implicated or charged with federal criminal offenses, including conspiracy, insider trading, mail and wire fraud, and money laundering. “Being a lawyer, we try to solve problems,” states Pickett. “We try to help people.” Helping people is what Christopher Pickett is truly about. He serves on the board of directors for the ArchCity Defenders. An organization striving to prevent and end homelessness among the indigent and working poor in the St. Louis Region, The ArchCity Defenders provides holistic criminal and civil legal services. He serves on the board of Discovery School; a child development center in O’Fallon, IL. He also works closely with Habitat for Neighborhood Business; an organization focused on helping minority entrepreneurs realize their dream to own and operate a business in economically challenged neighborhoods. “My desire is to make sure opportunities are presented to all people equally,” explains Pickett. A St. Louis native, Pickett attended John F. Kennedy High School and graduated from Saint Louis University with his Bachelors of Art in History. He later returned to obtain his Juris Doctor. “My greatest fear is stagnation,” says Pickett. “I don’t like standing still.” An active father of three girls, Pickett wants to be remembered as someone who worked hard so that everyone had the same opportunities. He desires to be a resource for younger lawyers and encourages everyone with a dream to stay focused. “It takes hard work and consistency,” says Pickett. “No one knows everything. We all need help, and it’s okay to ask.”


Cillah Hall With a background as a former model, TV news producer, and successful PR entrepreneur, Cillah Hall is all about showcasing ordinary women with extraordinary stories. She is the publisher of Gazelle Media, a glossy bimonthly women’s magazine franchise founded in January, 2014. “Gazelle caters to the sassy, sophisticated, savvy woman,” says Cillah. ” We want women to have the option of picking up a glossy, high-quality magazine that covers a plethora of topics that you would see in a national publication, but with a local focus. We also want to share stories about women who inspire who are in our own communities.” In only one year, her team has grown the franchise from one quarterly publication to bi-monthly. In February, she added Gazelle West, a print and digital version of the magazine for women who live in St. Charles County. Gazelle has expanded distribution to the major grocery stores Schnucks, Dierbergs, and Straubs. Cillah’s success story includes launching her PR firm, Xanadu Public Relations, where she represented world-renowned music artists, as well as nonprofits like the Pujols Family Foundation, corporate CEOs, and professional athletes. Her resume also includes her roles as Co-Founder and event producer of Missouri Style Week. But her proudest accomplishment thus far is Gazelle Media. The name draws inspiration from the way she lives her life and her African roots. “The name comes from the African fable, ‘The Lion and the Gazelle.’ Every morning in Africa, the gazelle wakes. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion, or it will be killed,” she explained. “Every morning the lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death. It

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Magazine Publisher/ PR Maven

doesn’t matter whether you’re a lion or a gazelle; when the sun comes up, you better be running.” Success is something Cillah has worked at her whole life. Born in Zambia, Africa, she has paved her own way. When she was 18, she was runner-up in the Miss Zambia pageant. With a newfound confidence, Cillah flew by herself half way around the world and came to the United States with her suitcase and $136 to her name. She worked as a runway model for three years, then, “I fell in love and gave up my modeling career for marriage,” she says. “We moved to St. Louis to be closer to my then husband’s family and I made a decision to further my education.” Cillah graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri – St. Louis and worked her way up in the media business for several years. She was a morning news producer at KSDK-NewsChannel 5 where she produced a top-rated newscast on Today in St. Louis with Art Holliday and Jennifer Blome. She also honed her media skills at KPLR-TV, where she served as associate producer and assignment editor. After ten years of marriage, Cillah and her husband went their separate ways. “Divorce is hard, and being a single mother is the hardest job of all. All of my experiences, however, have helped me grow and become the woman I am today. I want other women to know that they can overcoming adversity and find their way to true success in all parts of their life!” Email, chall@gazellestl.com www.gazellestl.com.


Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack With a reputation for greatness and an appetite to match, it is no wonder Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack holds the position of President of Harris -Stowe State University. As the 19th President of the University and the youngest college president in the country, Dr. Warmack brings his innovation and keen insight to St.Louis’ historically black college. “I want Harris-Stowe State University to be a premier regional institution in the country that just happens to be a historically black college,” explains Warmack. “We want to create a platform where we compete with any small public institution in the country.” Since his appointment less than a year ago, Dr. Warmack and his staff have made some significant strides towards improvement. They have raised over $1 million for scholarships. They developed three new academic programs, received approval to offer online degree programs, and established a partnership with China, allowing students to study in China for a semester. The experience is funded by the Chinese government and counts toward their degree at Harris-Stowe State University. He has also developed relationships and partnerships with St. Louis University, Washington University and St. Louis College of Pharmacy. Dr. Warmack exclaims, “We hope to serve as the intellectual think tank that transforms St. Louis and the region! We want to be the change agents!” Warmack brings over 16 years of experience in higher education to his position. He has served as senior vice president, administration and student services at Bethune-Cookman University overseeing a staff of 170. His successes include the oversight of a multi-million dollar renovation of the institution’s residence halls. Prior to his tenure at Bethune-Cookman, he was the associate dean of students at Rhodes College in Memphis. There, he provided leadership for student affairs areas including judicial affairs, student activities, Greek life, new student and parent orientation and multicultural affairs. Warmack also held positions at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, N.C., and Delta State University.

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Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack President Harris-Stowe State University

Throughout his career, he has championed inclusion, academic excellence and retention of underrepresented students. As a first generation college graduate, he knows all too well the challenges that students face and uses his personal story to fuel his passion. Dr. Warmack is the recipient of several awards for his work in higher education and the community. He received the Delta State University Young Alumni Award and recently inducted into the institution’s Hall of Fame. He served as a Board member of the Southern Association for College Student Affairs (SACSA) Foundation and the Alumni Board of Directors for Delta State University. He currently serves on the boards of the St. Louis Regional Chamber, Grand Center, and the United Way of Greater St. Louis. Warmack earned a bachelor’s degree in education and master’s degree in sociology from Delta State University. He received his doctorate in educational leadership with a specialization in higher education from Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. He is a peer reviewer with the Higher Learning Commission, the largest regional accreditation body in the United States. When asked his sentiments regarding his current position, he humbly replied, “I love my position as President. I could not have accepted a better first presidency.” When your passion, compassion and calling are all operating together, it’s supernatural.”


DR. Ghazala Hayat

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Dr. Ghazala Hayat Professor of Neurology St. Louis University

Dr. Ghazala Hayat is a humble woman with a big heart and a mission to help as many people as possible. Starting her day in the early morning and working well into the night, she puts her all into educating her students, taking care of her patients, and researching a cure for ALS. She also offers guidance and support to her children and family.

“My mother was a progressive woman,” explains Hayat. “She was a selfeducated woman, and she became a columnist and author who addressed personal and social issues affecting the people of Pakistan.” Her mother’s spirit ignited an unyielding desire for Hayat to learn and move forward in her medical career.

A professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at Saint Louis University, Hayat was appointed to the faculty in 1986 when she accepted the position of Director of Neuromuscular Service and the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory. Under her leadership, the Clinical/ Neurophysiology Laboratory and Neuromuscular Services have expanded. She has ensured much-needed emphasis on clinical services, research, and training of residents and fellows. As a result of her directorship and passion, the Clinical/ Neuromuscular Laboratory is one of the best in the area. It provides the highest quality studies, such as Special Electrodiagnostic studies, for example, single fiber EMG, autonomic testing, and muscle/nerve biopsies. Dr. Hayat is also the Director of the Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship, and she is director of the ALS Clinic, which is the only ALSA certified center in the area. “My goals are to keep teaching, to take care of my patients and research. I would like to find a cure for ALS disease,” states Hayat. Hayat is no stranger to doing the seemingly impossible. She attributes her courage and career success to her mother. “If I had a different mother, I would not be here,” expresses Hayat. Hayat acknowledges that her mother was the person who encouraged her to become a doctor. Growing up in Pakistan, Hayat’s mother was unable to study to become a doctor because she was required to marry.

Hayat is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine and has Clinical Neurophysiology Certification by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Dr. Hayat’s interests include peripheral neuropathies, compressive neuropathies, neuromuscular junction disorders and electrodiagnostic studies. She has published articles on various topics in her area of expertise. Dr. Hayat served on the Workshop and Education Committees of the American Association of Neuromuscular Disorders & Electrodiagnostic Medicine. She has been an examiner for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Hayat is a fellow of the American Academy of Neurologists, American Association of Neuromuscular Disorders & Electrodiagnostic Medicine. She has been nominated each year for America’s Best Doctors since 2007 and was awarded the honor in 2013. Although Dr. Hayat has accomplished much in her medical journey, her ultimate focus is to make other people’s lives better in small or significant ways. She also plans to ensure that she makes her family feel and know that they are the most important people in her life.


Gilbert Bailon Gilbert Bailon is a highly visible Hispanic personality in the city of St. Louis as the Editor-in-Chief of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He started working as a page editor in November of 2007. His phenomenal work performance catapulted him to achieve the Editor-in-Chief role of the leading newspaper in St. Louis. He graduated from the University of Arizona, where he studied journalism. He was chosen for their Arizona Daily Wildcat Hall of Fame and the DFW Network of Hispanic Communicators Hall of Fame. He then received his Master´s Degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in American History. Later, he was pronounced the executive editor, and in January 1998, he was named the vice president and executive editor. He began his reporting career at the Dallas Morning News in 1986 and held positions such as the assistant metro editor and assistant managing editor. He was elected as deputy managing editor for the metro, state, and business coverage. In 2003, he became the founding president and editor for Al Día, a Spanish daily in North Texas. He won the national Edward R. Murrow Award from the Radio-Television News Directors Association for AlDiaTXx.com. The site also won the 2004 Non-Broadcast Website category. Later that year, Bailon was awarded the prestigious Leadership Award by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Bailon’s regular day is all about news, which includes staying up-to-date with local and global news. He stays up throughout the nights and weekends to monitor his website, Twitter feed, Facebook page, and the daily news to see what is happening. “That’s what I like to do,” he mentioned. “I’m consumed by the news.” He defines his values by what he does and by his passions. Being an editor and a journalist is “not simply a job.” He believes in being a role model and understanding his community, being aware of and educated about current issues, and getting opinions from others to reflect on what is occurring in the broader community. Bailon describes himself as a very quiet, calm and driven person who is very passionate and honest in what he does, not only in his professional life but his personal life as well. 50 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com

Editor St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Bailon recently received the Benjamin C. Bradlee Editor of the Year Award. Awarded for his leadership on the coverage of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson and the tumultuous aftermath, which was announced by the National Press Foundation. He is also an active member of the Alfred Friendly Press Partners Board, which offers scholarships and training for international journalists. He is also a member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis area and participates in numerous Hispanic civic organizations in the St. Louis region. Furthermore, Bailon has been a part of the Robert Bosch-Stiftung Exchange program, which is an exchange program between the United States and Germany that trains and provides scholarships for publishers. His other accomplishments include serving as the president of the American Society of Newspaper Editions (ASNE) from 2007-2008, becoming the second Hispanic editor to serve as ASNE president. He attended various professional development seminars taught by the most prestigious institutions in the field of journalism and media. The American Press Institute, the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, the Advanced Executive Program at the Newspaper Management Center at Northwestern University, the Multicultural Management Program at the University of MissouriColumbia are just a few. He also attended advertising and financial seminars at Southern Methodist University. Bailon has proudly been named twice as “One of the Top 100 Most Influential Hispanics,” by Hispanic Business magazine. Bailon is a proud former member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists for his active participation as a fundamental part of the board of this prestigious association. He has served on the board of directors of the Maynard Institute for Journalism for Journalism Education. He was nominated by the ASNE Writing Award Committees, and for Pulitzer Prizes on numerous occasions.


Herta Shikapwashya A multi-lingual woman with a passion for education and youth empowerment, Herta Shikapwashya serves the youth of St Louis with great pride and gratitude. In her role as the Vice President of Workforce Development, Shikapwashya fundraises, manages a multi-million dollar budget, attends meetings, oversees implementation of the programs and access programs for improvements and additions. She also ensures the staff are adequately trained. Her greatest accomplishment to-date is being able to serve the youth. By partnering with local school districts and corporations, she can identify students who are at risk of dropping out of school. She assists them by encouraging them to stay in school and complete their education. “Being able to help that student graduate from high school knowing they probably could have dropped out by the time they turned 17 was one of my greatest accomplishments,” expresses Shikapwashya. “When you see kids who come from destitute backgrounds, and you can take that young person and get them through college, it’s an amazing feeling.” While Shikapwashya is committed to ensuring that youth value education and aspire to careers in fields other than sports and music, she is just as committed to ensuring that parents get involved in the education of their children. “Parental involvement can go a long way,” exclaims Shikapwashya. “Home training is very important.” Shikapwashya also encourages parents to take advantage of the services being offered by organizations such as the Urban League. “My desire is to impact as many people who come through the door as possible,” states Shikapwashya. “I want to educate the community about the Urban League. Shikapwashya is working with and leading the Urban League’s newest 52 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com

program, Save Our Sons Workforce Development Initiative, which is personal and dear to her. This initiative will provide job training to 500 unemployed or underemployed men in the North County community. “We are trying to transform the image that black men have in St. Louis,” expresses Shikapwashya. The location for this initiative is the infamous Quik Trip in Ferguson, MO, which burned during protests as a result of the shooting death of unarmed teenager Mike Brown. Several corporations fund the program, and Provident will provide counseling services. Despite being very busy with her work, Shikapwashya still finds time to support organizations that are dear to her. She is very active with the Net Rushers Tennis Association, Just Us Tennis Foundation, the World Council on Foreign Affairs, and the Missouri Valley Tennis for the 40 days of nonviolence in East St. Louis. As a United States Tennis Association (USTA) certified tennis umpire, she officiates junior and college matches. An active proponent of cultural diversity, Shikapwashya has enjoyed traveling to other countries, learning about their culture and customs. She has lived in and visited many countries including India, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, England, Germany, France, Ethiopia, South Africa, China, and Japan. In all she does, she hopes that her father will live long enough to be proud and live to see the fruits of his hard labor. She also desires to impart an important message to her family. “As a family we should give children positive words of wisdom,” states Shikapwashya. “My legacy will be that my nine nieces and nephews will value education, and go on to do greater things than me.”


Jasmine Huda Jasmine Huda co-anchors News 4 at 5 weekdays. A St. Louis native, she has served as an anchor and reporter for the KMOV-TV news team since 2010. Jasmine was born and raised in St. Louis, and is very proud of her Indian ethnic background. She credits her parents as being the influence for her positive ways. Jasmine attributes most of her success to her early education and values, which are respect, understanding, and honesty. Jasmine’s interest in news originated at Ladue Horton Watkins High School, where she competed in speech and debate, as well as radio news contests. As a student studying at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, she got her first “hands on” experience interning for National Public Radio member station WUOM-FM. After she had been named Missouri State Champion in Radio News Speaking, she was committed to landing a job in radio news. Huda previously held positions with NPR and Fox News Channel in Washington D.C. She worked as an intern for, All Things Considered, the network’s flagship news program based in Washington, D.C. Juan Williams, a correspondent for NPR and analyst for Fox News Channel at the time, convinced her to give the television network a shot. Although she was a booker and not an on-air personality, she discovered an exciting brand of journalism. Major stories were breaking: the Iraq War, election primaries, the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, so she became very busy. Her notable assignments with FNC included work as a field producer at the New Hampshire Republican Primary, the Democratic National Convention, and the G8 Summit.

News 4 Anchor

her home state. She worked as a reporter for KSPR-TV in Springfield, MO, and later as a reporter and weekend anchor for KSDK-TV in St. Louis, MO. Jasmine was named in the St. Louis Business Journal’s 2014 “40 Under 40” list. She is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Edward R. Murrow Award and a regional Emmy Award winner for a News Special. Additional honors include “Best Female TV Personality,” by ALIVE Magazine, and “Best TV Newsperson,” by St. Louis Magazine. She also received an Outstanding Media Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness-NAMI St. Louis. Jasmine has been featured in The 9s, a St. Louis men’s lifestyle magazine, as well as The New York Times and on Forbes.com. Huda is also a member of the Executive Leadership Team for The American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” campaign in St. Louis. The organization presented her with the 2013 Mission Impact Award for her communications work as an AHA volunteer. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the St. Louis Public Library Foundation, as well as the boards of CHARACTER Plus and The Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis. She participates in a variety of events supporting local organizations, including Forest Park Forever and The National Council of Jewish Women’s Back 2 School Store.

The experience was valuable and memorable, but Jasmine decided she would give local reporting a try. After spending two years with Fox News Channel’s Washington, D.C. Bureau, she put together a reel and accepted a position in

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Jomo J. Castro Impacting his world, leaving it a better place and inspiring greatness in others is the incomparable mission of Jomo Castro. Though his mission is not an easy one, he is committed. Mr. Castro is no stranger to turning obstacles into opportunity. “There are so many good things that can happen when you can impact people you don’t know,” says Castro. “It is empowering and rewarding.” Jomo Castro leads strategic initiatives as part of the leadership team in AT&T’s Global Project Management organization, a 900 person organization that coordinates network implementations for Fortune 500 companies, midsize businesses, governments and healthcare institutions. Jomo leads strategic initiatives that improve organizational efficiency, accountability and enables teams to serve customers better. His efforts include developing goals for project managers to include in their performance plan for annual evaluation, transformation planning to align project management practices with the changing marketplace, creating the tools and process to identify acceleration opportunities within the project portfolio to realize revenue uplift, improved cycle time and customer satisfaction, and creating an interface to manage customer expectations better through incremental and consistent tracking and communication. Jomo chose a career in the telecom industry because of its high potential and has worked very hard to obtain the level of success he has achieved. As a 2nd level manager with 15 years with AT&T, Castro knows a great deal about overcoming obstacles and climbing the corporate ladder. His journey began with a modest upbringing in University City, Missouri. Both his parents were hardworking writers who instilled in him the value of education and hard work. As a result, his completion of high school was met with a scholarship to Indiana University. Upon graduation from Indiana University, he went to work for MCI in both the Chicago and Houston

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Jomo Castro Senior - Client Services Project Management AT&T

markets for a few years. He then transitioned to a job with Savings and Loans where he worked in both the Houston and St. Louis markets. After a few years, he returned to the telecom industry and enrolled at the University of Missouri - St. Louis where he received his Masters in Management Information Systems. When he is not busy breaking barriers and improving processes, Jomo is very active in the community. He serves as an ambassador to the community through his role with HACEMOS. HACEMOS is AT&T’s 8,500-member-strong Hispanic / Latino employee association with 39 chapters nationwide. The agency mission is to foster an environment where people support and encourage each other to succeed professionally, personally, and in the community. Through his work with HACEMOS, Jomo has raised money for scholarships and helped implement strategies to disburse the funding effectively. He has also nurtured relationships with organizations and companies to offer events such as High Technology Day; an annual event connecting over 2000 students from across the country in a unique career day showcasing technology and education. Jomo has received many awards for his service to the community. He was recognized by the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) as a Young Hispanic Corporate Achiever and by AT&T with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. He was also selected to be a Diversity Ambassador for AT&T. Though he has accomplished a tremendous amount of professional success, his greatest joy comes from being a father of two incredible daughters that motivate and inspire him. He believes communication and keeping his mind sharp through physical activity are the keys to balancing his many roles.


Keith & Carri Griffin Genuine. The key character trait of being a genuine person is seemingly missing from so many who reach the levels of success that Keith and Carri Griffin have accomplished. Yet, “genuine” is the discernible trait of the Griffins, which defines their “couple” character. When a sharp media innovator (Keith) and sweet-hearted daycare and Montessori school owner (Carri) are in the same room, their genuine warmth radiates and shines. Two internally beautiful people who genuinely love each other and truly care about their family and friends are naturally destined to continue rising to even greater levels of success. Keith and Carri are two entrepreneurs who embody what many aspire to accomplish.

Mr. Griffin is the publisher of Delux Magazine. Founded in 2008, Delux Magazine is a print and digital publication and a St. Louis institution reaching over a million views digitally each month. Fashion at the forefront, Delux is the ultimate urban lifestyle guide to new music, fashion, living, culture, trends, and art. Delux Magazine is your exclusive passport to what’s hot around the world without leaving your home. And Keith brings it to your fingertips. Keith also owns G5 Media Group, offering business development services for small businesses. His specialized website development, online publishing, graphic design, and marketing services get his “Delux” touch for each client.

Carri is the owner of Carebear’s Kids Daycare. She offers an in-home, holistic approach to infant and toddler care. Carri and her team put parents at ease and welcome the children into the atmosphere with a kind, welcoming energy. While most parents are apprehensive when leaving their little ones for the day, Carri’s clients are at ease and comfortable; as though they are with family and close friends. The opportunity to work with Carri as a childcare provider is unparalleled. She and her staff are just magnificent.

Clearly, the Griffins are busy with their family and entrepreneurial pursuits. They find time to give back to the community, and also founded a philanthropic arm of their companies, “Delux Cares.” Spearheaded by Keith and Carri, “Delux Cares” supports youth in the St. Louis area. They collected supplies and fed thousands of people during the Ferguson protests. They also took over 100 kids to see “Selma” at the MX Theatre. Keith and Carri are still building on the foundation and plan to offer scholarship opportunities as well.

Carebear’s Kids was such a smashing success that she and Keith decided to care for the growing kids in the best way possible: they opened a Montessori School. The joint venture of St. Louis Montessori has been a fantastic success in its début year – with all available spots filled. With a dedicated and engaging staff, the children enjoy the fully immersive nature of the Montessori program. The diverse and inclusive family makeup of the children attending the school offers a unique and welcomed cultural experience as the children engage and develop emotional intelligence. They are learning more than an average school can provide, and Keith and Carri are at the epicenter of creating the kind, warm, inclusive culture and helping the little ones develop a genuine character.

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Keith and Carri met in 2001 at University Meadows at UMSL. Keith’s brother’s roommate introduced them! They married in 2005 and became parents to three stunning children; Keith, Karys, and Kameron. They are two movers and shakers truly in love, and this power couple built a life filled with love, laughter, and success on their own terms.


Margarita Flores Margarita Flores is a no-nonsense woman with a big task. As the Vice President of Community Affairs, Flores is responsible for overseeing the community outreach and philanthropic efforts of Anheuser-Busch in the United States. She is also responsible for managing the Anheuser-Busch Foundation. As a result of her leadership, more than 6,961 employees volunteered their time and talent in 2014. They participated in philanthropic programs that protect and preserve the environment, promote alcohol responsibility, and make a positive difference in communities. “Challenges incentivize me,” states Flores. “The opposite of a challenge is a great opportunity.” Since joining the AB team in 1996, Flores has been instrumental in turning challenges into opportunity. With her input, Anheuser-Busch, and its Foundation have invested more than $557 million in local communities. These donations have significantly impacted the service delivery of several charitable organizations including the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, United Way, United Negro College Fund, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, Teach for America, Saint Louis University, and American Indian College Fund. “I love seeing first hand the impact our outreach does to affect people’s lives,” expresses Flores. “I am someone who has very high standards and want to influence change.” Starting her tenure with Anheuser-Busch as Corporate Relations Manager for the Southwest region, she was promoted to Director of Community Relations. In this position, she developed national outreach plans and led a team of field managers in executing local outreach plans. In 2003, she was promoted to Senior Director of Community Relations and was responsible for developing department strategy and managing the department’s communication plan. Prior to joining Anheuser-Busch, Flores was Senior Account Executive at MB&A Communications, an international public 60 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com

Margarita Flores Vice President of Community Affairs Anheuser- Busch relations firm, where she managed the public, media, corporate and community relationships for clients such as Anheuser-Busch, MCI, and NAD Bank. She gained valuable experience in the world of global corporate communications, issues management, and event marketing. A native of Mexico, Flores used the challenge of being away from her family and culture as an opportunity to grow, and she takes pride in having the ability to maneuver the multicultural arena. She has received numerous awards as a distinguished Latina professional and her commitment to the Hispanic culture. Her accolades include the Mujeres Project “Mujer a Mujer” award, the St. Louis Hispanic Chamber of Commerce “Corporate Citizen of the Year” award, La Prensa Foundation “Salute to Latina Women in Action” award, and the St. Louis Business Journal’s “Most Influential Minority” award. She was also selected as one of the 2008 Latin Chamber of Commerce of USA’s “Successful Hispanic Women of the Year.” “I would like to inspire other women to take risks and challenges.” expresses Flores “I would like my legacy to inspire other women to take leadership roles and find balance in their lives.” She is a corporate advisory board member of the American GI Forum, United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, League of United Latin American Citizens, and the National Hispanic Corporate Council. She serves as a board member of the Notre Dame Task Force on Latino Education, and Museo Alameda Smithsonian. “I had incredible mentors, identified and unidentified throughout my career.” “My greatest lessons have been to be open to learning, to take responsibility, and to be flexible,” states Flores. “My greatest lessons and successes come from failing and getting back up.” WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR | 61

Michael Zambrana Mike Zambrana, founder, and President of Pangea Group is making eminent strides in the Saint Louis community. With a twinkle in his blue eyes and his amiable smile, Zambrana discusses Pangea´s history and his hope for the company´s future. Founded in 1994, Pangea Group has spearheaded thousands of projects and developed quality solutions for its clients. Headquartered in St Louis, Pangea is dedicated to engineering, construction, industrial, and environmental projects across the nation, working with local companies such as Ameren and American Water. Some of Pangea´s more unique projects focus on radioactive waste and chemical demilitarization. For the latter project, the company is constructing facilities in Kentucky designed to neutralize nerve gas bombs. Furthermore, Pangea is one of the three groups currently involved in supervising the renovation of the Arch grounds in downtown St Louis. “If it´s complicated and there´s a lot of paperwork, we like it,” Zambrana said of the projects Pangea Group undertakes. Pangea Group endured commercial difficulties with the onset of the economic recession like many other companies. As businesses shut down and downsized, Pangea Group was no exception, assertively downsizing while trying to keep the company in business. Despite the hard times, Zambrana attests that these times offered an invaluable experience. “Because of that, we learned. We are smarter now because of what happened, and we are a better company now because of what happened. That was a very difficult time, and you have to learn to make changes quickly when those things happen.” Zambrana´s commitment to Pangea stems from the many years he has dedicated to the company. As the founder, he initially struggled to separate his business decisions from his personal life. “For a long time, Pangea was personal to me. It´s your blood and your sweat and your tears. And then you get attached to it,” he ardently declares. “I grew up in an engineering family, but actually my major is in business,” Zambrana said. He learned the value of a dollar at a young age by working after school during his high school years. College was no exception. Balancing his time between studying and working to pay for his classes, he completed his education. He began his studies at the community college before transferring to the University of Kansas and graduating from National Louis 62 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com

PRESIDENT & CEO Pangea Group

University. His father, a Bolivian native and civil engineer, worked on the Bolivian railroad in addition to the Missouri Highway Department and the St Louis County government. His parents met at Washington University, and together founded the Bolivian Society. Though Zambrana did not study engineering, it can be said he followed in his father´s footsteps. ¨He was the original entrepreneur of our family. He went from St Louis County government, retired, and started the engineering business,” Zambrana said. Zambrana Engineering, his father´s legacy, now called Pangea Engineering, is a subsidiary of Pangea Group. “Being an entrepreneur…you´re always working.” Zambrana, the father of four, praises many values, most importantly, hard work, good relationships, and communication. “You have to use every advantage…There are some programs out there to help minorities and Hispanics move forward. Well, I´ll tell you what, I use all of them.” Among those programs are lending programs, bonding programs, education programs, and mentor-protégé programs. Zambrana and the Pangea Group first participated in a mentor-protégé program as the pupil. Now, the roles have reversed. Pangea Group is mentoring another Hispanic firm, equipping the business with years of indispensable information; particularly the knowledge of working within the federal government´s regulations. “Pangea Group is the result of those programs.” With numerous projects currently on board and several additional pending projects, Pangea Group continues to grow. With 65 employees and hiring, Pangea is not only flourishing, but also adopting the changing facets of technology. Currently, Zambrana looks to build; “…a team that can take Pangea into the future,” and realize the company´s ability to grow exponentially in the years to come. He hopes after he has put together this team he´ll embark on other adventures and fill his passport book with stories of his international travels. “I just want to give Pangea´s management a lot of credit. No one does this by themselves. [There are] very good people that I work with that work hard every day here.” WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR | 63

Munsok So A South Korean native who moved to the United States from Seoul at the age of 6, Munsok So is now the President and CEO of six Drunken Fish restaurants. Drunken Fish, voted the Best Sushi in St. Louis, is the perfect place to enjoy a dining experience while having the opportunity to enjoy some unique signature cocktails. The story behind the name “Drunken Fish” is very interesting. When he graduated from college, he decided to open up a bar along with a colleague called “Club KaBoom” in the Metro East of Illinois. Taking over an existing bar at the age of 21 that was very successful for four years gave him the drive to further his passion in the business field. “I learned a lot about business; opening my own at a very young age,” said So. “We were at the right place at the right time.” Gaining the managing, promotions, and marketing experience at a young age and running a business that sustained itself was an “overall fun experience” for So. Then, the idea came to him to come up with a concept that was food friendly and incorporated the bar experience he had gained in his business projects.

President & CEO, Drunken Fish

So also explains how heritage is crucial and plays a significant role in his success. He describes himself as being a very passionate and loyal person. Among the awards Drunken Fish has received include People’s Choice Award at Taste of St. Louis (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014), Open Table Diners’ Choice (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), Best Girls Night Out in Sauce Magazine (2008), Favorite Business Lunch in the RFT Reader’s Choice (2011), among many more. So’s latest project, 612North Event Space and Catering, will be launched in early 2015. It will be the only private event space on the historic Laclede’s Landing. His goal is to expand Drunken Fish to a total of 50 restaurants. “I have a very loyal team working with me,” he beams.

So was the middle child of two parents who worked for Clayton school district as janitors. Raised with a strong work ethic and integrity, Munsok was taught he had to work a lot harder to be treated equally. What he is most passionate about is problem-solving in a business atmosphere and trying to get to the next level and helping the business in a positive way. “It encompasses people that are around you and the overall physical aspect of problem-solving to get to the next level. I enjoy the growing aspect of growing a business. It is what keeps me up at night and wakes me up in the morning.”

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Peter Tao & Helen Lee Peter Tao and Helen Lee, partners in life and design, are the founders and principals of TAO + LEE Associates. For the past 20 years, they have worked collectively in their business, which speaks directly to their love of design. “I am inspired by good design,” said Lee. “I would like people to appreciate good design,” exclaimed Tao. Their firm has provided architectural, planning, interiors, and creative design services for a diverse group of project types, sizes & applications. Their experience with planning, design and execution has positioned them to take on projects ranging from the St. Louis Art Museum Education Center and Auditorium renovation, which provides spaces for art education, research and meeting, to new developments such as United Provisions, which is an international grocery store and cafe located in the Delmar Loop. Their portfolio also includes commercial developments, cultural and educational institutions, restaurants and retail projects, residential projects, recreational projects and creative design projects. To their credit, the company has received numerous awards including the St. Louis At HOME Magazine Awards in 2015, 2014, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008. They also won the St. Louis AIA Design Awards in 2012, 2008, 2003, 2002 and 1998. Though their love for design is apparent in the beauty and quality emerging from their work, it is not their only passion. “I’m passionate about design and its impact on our environment, society and culture,” said Lee.

American Institute of Architects. He is currently serving on the steering committee of the St. Louis Mosaic Project. “Right now, I’m on the St. Louis Mosaic Project, which is the project that is trying to grow our community through immigrants,” states Tao. “We get involved with various diversity efforts.” Helen serves as a board member for Laumeier Sculpture Park and has also worked with the Organization of Chinese Americans Center of Contemporary Art and the Metro Theatre Company. Peter and Helen’s love for design and community is sealed by their love for each other. With 28 years of marriage and parenting bonding them together, this pair has learned to balance their work and home life. “It was hard not to bring work home,” explains Lee. “We’ve always tried to find that balance between work and home life.” Tao attributes their successful marriage having shared interests as well as other interests independent of each other. Lee acknowledges the perfect role models they have in Tao’s parents, who also work together and have been married for over 70 years. The couple has two adult children and a strong family bond which keeps them grounded, yet striving for more. In spite of their many accolades, Tao and Lee simply want to be well known for their design, commitment to their profession, and community.

Their interest in the world comes through in their partnerships with various non-profit organizations. They share a tremendous passion for art-based and minority-focused organizations. Peter has served on the board of the International Institute, MICDS, Worldways Children’s Museum, and

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Rhonda Broussard

Rhonda Broussard Founder St. Louis Language Immersion Schools

Mother, education advocate, visionary, and dancer are some of the many hats Rhonda Broussard loves to wear. But her role as Founder of the St. Louis Language Immersion School puts her in a league of her own.

prestigious teaching credential in the United States: National Board Certification. “Education is my social justice work,” exclaims Broussard. Her work with St. Louis Language Immersion Schools confirms her position.

Rhonda Broussard is a French-speaking native from Lafayette, Louisiana, who founded the St. Louis Language Immersion Schools in 2007. Her passion for spearheading the institution stemmed from her childhood in Louisiana with her grandparents.

The first two schools (The French School and The Spanish School) opened in 2009 with 165 students enrolled in kindergarten and first grade. The school has since developed to include The Chinese School and The International School, with 900 students enrolled in kindergarten through sixth grade.

“My grandparents’ generation grew up speaking French and Creole in their homes and learned to speak English in school.” states Broussard.

The road to realizing the schools was not an easy one. Broussard put a great deal of time and effort into identifying people who shared her vision. She began her interactions with the community by passing out leaflets about language immersion, offering Saturday family classes and Sunday playdates.

Due to the esteem associated with speaking English, her grandparents’ generation decided not to pass down their language of French to their families. However, in the mid-sixties, it was understood that with the loss of the language, the culture was at stake. As a result of this realization, organizations were formed and began teaching language to the students, igniting Broussard’s unparalleled love for language. Her passion for education and language led her on a remarkable journey. She has studied and conducted research in France, Cameroon, and Martinique. She completed her undergraduate degree in French and Secondary Education at Washington University in St. Louis and obtained a Master of Arts degree in French Studies from New York University’s Institute of French Studies.

Championed for her vision, Broussard genuinely desires to create a space for children who are bilingual and bi-literate. She has so elegantly done this by enrolling her very own children in the schools that she has founded. The school caters to the leader in every child, giving them skills needed to position them for success in local and global economies. “Motherhood inspired me to move forward with the school,” expressed Broussard. “I lead from a place of love and understanding!”

Broussard has taught French in public schools in New York City, Connecticut, California and St. Louis. She has also earned the most

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Royce Sutton Royce Sutton is a fearless man of great faith. He has a genuine passion for developing and positively impacting communities. In his position as Senior Vice President and Community Development Director of Fifth Third Bank, he lives his passion every day. “I came into banking by virtue of leadership and involvement in my community,” explains Sutton. Though banking was supposed to be a short-term career for Sutton, he has now enjoyed 21 years in the field. In his current position, Sutton leads the Fifth Third Bank Community Reinvestment Act and Fair Lending compliance efforts in St. Louis. He directs the bank’s community empowerment, engaged partnerships, community sustainability and foundation giving. Revered for innovation, he is truly on the cutting edge of his field. The model partnerships he develops are exemplary bank/ community collaborations with maximum impact. With only five years in the St. Louis area, Sutton has been instrumental in the forward motion of the city. He was a key player in the realization of Better Family Life’s $13 million Cultural, Education, and Business Center. He is the voice that informs thousands of listeners weekly on Hallelujah 1600 AM show “Money Classroom,” where he teaches financial family empowerment and discusses how to overcome financial challenges. Sutton has also played a crucial role in ensuring that traditional banking services were made available to underserved communities. “I’m inspired by creativity. I’m inspired by the opportunity to see a family do better by work I’m a part of,” expresses Sutton. His leadership includes projects that have created micro business financing, affordable housing and wealth building strategies for low-to moderate-income families. Sutton established the Initiative Based Assistance program providing

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Royce Sutton Senior Vice President and Community Development Director Fifth Third Bank over $5 million in safety net supports for families needing child care and transportation assistance. He successfully led an effort that created an affordable dental clinic for hundreds of uninsured and underinsured families. Sutton’s most prized accomplishment is his role in opening the Joshua Academy Charter School, which is a 17-year-old school with the mission to provide an accelerated, superior education for at-risk children. His many accolades include being recognized as the “Private Sector Executive of the Year” by MOKAN. The American Banker’s Association recognized him for his Superior Contributions to Consumer Education, and the Indiana Bankers Association awarded him the Community Service Award of Merit. He actively serves on the boards of local organizations such as Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, United Way of Greater St. Louis, St Louis Regional Unbanked Taskforce, and Bank on Save Up. He also serves with the United Negro College Fund. When he is not positively impacting the community, he is quietly communing with Earth in his garden. “I’ve created a system to create urban farming in my own backyard,” states Sutton. “I also make a mean salsa.” Though his gardening skills are just as impressive as his work, Sutton simply wants to be remembered as a man of faith, a good father, a good husband and one who is committed to seeing others do well.


Roberto Garcia LISTO “Movies in Your Language.” Crossing language barriers through the new mobile phone application Roberto García, 31, is the CEO and founding partner of the LISTO company, which developed an application for smartphones that simultaneously plays back movie audio in 25 different languages. LISTO hailed from the belief that everyone should be able to watch his or her favorite movies and TV shows in his or her preferred language, no matter where they are in the world. This technology is easily applied to television series as well, so the capabilities are quite broad. In 2010 while watching the movie, “Iron Man 2,” Roberto García realized that along with him, both a man and his son in the audience were dismissed from the film in Austin, Texas. They were ousted from seeing the film because the child was translating from English to Spanish for his father; despite talking softly in the senior’s ear. The murmur caught the attention of a person who complained and was able to get them kicked out for making noise. With this unfortunate experience in the theater, he had an idea to develop the application. García got to work. After four years as an executive at Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis, he decided to leave and plunge headfirst into following his dream to develop LISTO. In that movie experience, “I saw an injustice, and I saw an opportunity,” he said. “I have family and friends who speak Spanish and do not go to the movies because of the language barrier,¨ García said. García shares with us the values of his company, which he calls ICE, Integrity – keep your word; Community - consider your community, and Excellence - be and do the best you can. He hopes that LISTO reflects that Latinos can and do achieve excellent business. LISTO is currently preparing for the grand launch of the application that will be available in the summer of 2015 in the both the App Store and the Google 72 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com

Play store. The app is poised for great success and global reach. Originally from Monterrey, Mexico, Roberto currently lives in St. Louis, Missouri. Roberto moved to the United States in 2003 to study Economics with a full scholarship for his excellent performance as a runner. He earned his degree from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. García is a simple, friendly, enthusiastic and very disciplined person. He once traveled to Jamaica to participate in a World Championship competition as a runner, where he was the proud bearer of the Mexican team flag. That’s one of his most pleasant memories in his younger days. His father always said, “Train like a lion, and you will become a lion.” His grandparents Vicente and Alfonso inspired him because of their impeccable professional ethics and becoming important business executives in Mexican companies. His mother Guadalupe Villarreal, a chemistry drug biologist and also a person of great encouragement, founded the first company to sell seafood in Monterrey. She always told Roberto, “You Can Memorize That,” emphasizing that he could achieve any goal that he proposed. Before founding LISTO, Roberto worked as a Brand Manager with Anheuser-Busch. He generated millions in profits for the company thanks to international marketing campaigns for the world’s most iconic brands such as Budweiser, Bud Light and Beck’s. Roberto has also worked with Fortune 100 companies such as MARS (M & M’s, Snickers, Twix), ESPN, The History Channel and Hyundai. In his spare time, Robert enjoys spending time with his family—his wife Dana and their children Clara Victoria and Victor Sorin. He is an avid reader, runs daily in the mornings, and attends Mass before getting ready to go to his office.


Starsky Wilson Reverend Starsky D. Wilson is the President & CEO of Deaconess Foundation. Deaconess is a faith-based grant-making organization devoted to making the well-being of children a civic priority in the St. Louis region. They work with organizations that help children. His primary responsibility is to guide the strategy. He also provides leadership to the staff and acts as a representative and advocate for young people in the community. Rev. Starsky grew up in Dallas, Texas. Hailing from a very diverse city among four siblings, his mother was very engaged in the community. She stayed connected with the parent teacher association, Victims Outreach, AIDS life walk and volunteering in different programs. “I picked that up from her; that’s kind of what it meant to be to be in our household,” he mentioned.

a just society and required to reach equitable outcomes in health and life circumstances. Love, he says, “As Dr. Cornell West suggests, love is what justice sounds like when it speaks in public.” In five years, he hopes to build the kind of energy and systems for the development of a regional cradle to career initiative. He plans to care for the life course of young people developing from children to adolescents to young adults. With the work he is contributing to the Ferguson commission, he hopes to become a new region that is stronger, fairer, and more inclusive of all voices.

Wilson earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Xavier University of Louisiana and a Master of Divinity from Eden Theological Seminary. He is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and Eta Boule of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. Wilson also serves on national boards for the United Church of Christ Cornerstone Fund and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference. He is a member of the regional board for the YMCA of the Greater St. Louis, FOCUS - St. Louis, Teach for America, and the Mayor’s Commission on Children, Youth and Families. He also co-chaired the Regional Youth Violence Prevention Task Force. In 2014, Governor Jay Nixon appointed Rev. Wilson as co-chair of the Ferguson Commission. The Commission is assigned to work towards the underlying conditions and make policy recommendations to help the region progress through the issues exposed by the tragic death of Michael Brown Jr. His two most important values are justice and love. Justice, also the first value of the Deaconess Foundation, because he believes that God calls for

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Nicole Colbert-Botchway Appointment by the Governor of Missouri to serve as the Commissioner with the Missouri Administrative Hearing Commission is no small feat, and Nicole Colbert-Botchway proves to be the right woman for the job. Hailing from the Northside of St. Louis, Colbert- Botchway grew up in a working-class family. She was taught early in life the value of education, hard work, positive community involvement, and a close walk with God. Her father worked for McDonnell Douglas, and her mother was a stay at home mom who volunteered at her school. Colbert-Botchway, who earned her Bachelor’s and Juris Doctorate degrees from Saint Louis University, has a career in law spanning 17 years. She started out at a small general practice in Clayton where she litigated family law, personal injury, and consumer law cases for three years. She then accepted a position with the Circuit Attorney’s Office prosecuting criminal non-support, civil paternity, and contempt actions. She argued before the Missouri Supreme Court regarding the use of DNA testing and its effects on determinations of non-paternity. While an Assistant Circuit Attorney, Commissioner Colbert-Botchway earned her Master’s Degree in Business Administration in 2002 from the University of Missouri - St. Louis.

to having a wonderful supportive family and maintaining a work life balance. “Success for us was being of service,” explains Colbert- Botchway. Committed to her life of service, she has served on several community service boards including the Mound City Bar Association, The Missouri Bar, the Supreme Court of Missouri’s Child Support Guidelines Review Subcommittee and the Joint Committee on Gender and Justice. She also holds the esteemed honor of being the first African-American President of the Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater St. Louis, among other honors. The community has not failed to recognize her substantial contributions. She received the 2014 Salute to Women in Leadership Award from the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, 2014 Presidential Call to Service Award from the Corporation for National and Community Service and the 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. A wife and mother, Colbert-Botchway acknowledges from whom her blessings flow. “My faith in God contributes to 100% of my success,” says Colbert-Botchway. “I always give the honor and glory to God. When I am recognized, it is recognition of what God has done in my life and what he can do for others.”

In 2004, Colbert-Botchway joined the Missouri Attorney General’s Office as Unit Chief in the Financial Services Division. There, she served as a manager and litigated on behalf of the Department of Social Services, Family Support Division in thirty-two counties in the Eastern and Southern Districts of Missouri. As Commissioner, she hears evidence and arguments from the state agency and the other party and decides the case. Proud of her ability to serve, Colbert- Botchway attributes her success

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Many Faces; One Goal At Edward Jones, we continuously work to create an inclusive work environment. By welcoming different perspectives, we can better understand our clients’ needs and consistently deliver an ideal client experience.


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willie epps Willie J. Epps, Jr. is Associate General Counsel and Head of Litigation at Edward Jones. Prior to joining Edward Jones, Willie served as a trial lawyer representing corporations and individuals in white-collar criminal matters and complex civil cases. Willie is listed in The Best Lawyers in America® and has been selected annually to Missouri & Kansas Super Lawyers since 2009. He has an AV Preeminent Peer Review Rating from Martindale Hubbell® which the highest is rating given. Willie is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and serves on the Teaching Faculty for Harvard Law School’s Trial Advocacy Workshop. Willie and his wife, Mischa Buford Epps, established The Epps Scholarship Fund which awards scholarships to college-bound high school seniors. Most recently, Missouri Lawyers Weekly (2014) recognized Willie and his wife for their outstanding mentoring efforts. Willie is also the author of How to Get into Harvard Law School (McGraw Hill). Willie is a graduate of St. Louis Country Day School, Amherst College, and Harvard Law School where he was elected Student Body President at all three schools. Willie speaks regularly at conferences on professional ethics and trial practice.

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christopher lewis Chris Lewis is a principal and deputy general counsel in the Legal division at Edward Jones. As deputy general counsel he leads attorneys and associates in the Legal division responsible for the provision of legal support to all divisions of the firm. A graduate of Columbia University School of Law as a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, Lewis is a member of the Executive Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Compliance and Legal Society. Lewis serves as a member of the board of directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, St. Louis Children’s Hospital Foundation, and is a member of the Board of Directors at Manhattanville College.

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emily pitts Emily Pitts heads the Edward Jones’ comprehensive inclusion and diversity initiative, which creates and sustains a work environment that attracts, welcomes, supports and develops a diverse team of outstanding associates and energizes members to achieve their full potential. Pitts serves on the boards of multiple community organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club of Greater St. Louis, Diversity Awareness Partnership, Urban League of Greater St. Louis, the advisory committee for the American Red Cross’ Charles Drew Blood Campaign and the Metropolitan Board of Directors for the YMCA of Greater St. Louis. Also, she is a member of the national Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association diversity committee and the Executive Leadership Council. Savoy Magazine named Pitts as one of the 2014 Top Influential Women in Corporate America. Diversity Woman’s Magazine named Pitts one of 50 Diversity Champions in 2013, and the St. Louis Business Journal named her to its 25 Most Influential Business Women for 2012. She also received the St. Louis Community Empowerment Foundation’s 2009 Women’s Leadership Award for Corporate Excellence. Pitts holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Clark Atlanta University and an executive MBA from Washington University.

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larry thomas After completing his bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1977 from Washington University in St. Louis, Thomas joined the Corporate Bond Trading department at Edward Jones. Since becoming a partner in 1983, he has developed, led and coordinated many areas of the firm. Today, he leads the university channel for Financial Advisor Talent Acquisition. In addition to his undergraduate degree, he earned MBAs from Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Mo., and Northwestern University’s J.L. Kellogg School of Management. He also is a graduate of the Securities Industry Institute at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. Thomas serves on the Executive Committee of Washington University’s Board of Trustees and is a member of the Alumni Board of Governors. He sits on the National Advisory Council of the John M. Olin School of Business at Washington University and is a member of its Steering Committee. Thomas serves on the Executive Committees of the United Way of Greater St. Louis, the St. Louis Zoo and Forest Park Forever (St. Louis). He also sits on the boards of the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation, Provident, Inc., and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Foundation.

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Jasmine McCormick - Associate Litigation

11. Camille Toney - Associate Labor & Employment


Danielle DuRousseau - Associate Corporate

12. Vanessa Keith - Officer Litigation


Chris Pickett - Officer Litigation



Julie Rodriguez - Associate Litigation



Patricia Wharton - Associate Corporate


Don McBride - Associate Litigation

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Jessica Courtway - Associate Construction

10. David Simmons - Associate Litigation

Not Pictured: Danielle Carr - Director Professional Development & Inclusion

Offices in St. Louis, MO • Chicago, IL • Belleville, IL The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.

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danielle carr Danielle Carr is the Director of Professional Development & Inclusion for the law firm of Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale. Danielle is a member of the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion, Associate Compensation, Recruiting, and Women Attorney Initiatives committees. Danielle’s professional and community service includes serving on the Mound City Bar Association Executive Committee; National Bar Association Region VIII Treasurer; Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission Hearing Board; Jack & Jill of St Louis Treasurer; St. Louis Diversity Job Fair Steering Committee; and the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Mentor Program. Danielle is also a member of numerous local and national organizations and is a frequent lecturer on diversity & inclusion and professionalism. Danielle’s community service work has been recognized through the award of several honors including the 2013 St. Louis Business Journal, Diverse Business Leaders Award. Danielle is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School where she served as President of the Law School Student Senate (1989) and earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Northern Iowa. Danielle is a native of Waterloo, Iowa and the mother of one teen daughter. Danielle moved to St. Louis in 2007.

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jessica courtway Jessica Courtway is an Associate in the Construction department at the law firm of Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale. She represents clients on a variety of construction matters including construction litigation, mechanic’s liens, and contract negotiation. Her professional memberships include the National Association of Women in Construction, American Bar Association, Forum on Construction Law and the Missouri Asian American Bar Association (MAABA). Jessica serves as Secretary for MAABA and was awarded the Diane Yu Scholarship and Service Award in 2014; the annual award is bestowed upon a law student who has made significant contributions to his or her community, and to MAABA. Jessica’s community involvement efforts include being a “Big Sister” with Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri and acting as a site liaison for Girls on the Run of Greater St. Louis. Jessica received her J.D. cum laude from Washington University School of Law in 2014. While in law school, she served as a Primary Editor for the Washington University Global Studies Law Review and interned with the Honorable George W. Draper III of the Missouri Supreme Court. Jessica received her B.A. magna cum laude from Saint Louis University.

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danielle du rousseau Danielle DuRousseau is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but she has made St. Louis her home since 2005 in order to attend Washington University in St. Louis, where she received her undergraduate and law degrees. Since graduating law school in 2012, she has practiced corporate law in St. Louis, most recently with the law firm, Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C. Danielle is a first generation college student, and she appreciates giving back to her community in a number of ways. She enjoys interviewing and recruiting prospective students through Washington University in St. Louis’ Alumni & Parents Admission Program. She also volunteers her time with various local nonprofit organizations as a member of the Junior League of St. Louis. Danielle also serves the business and legal communities as a member of the Emerging Leaders of the Association for Corporation Growth and serves as Treasurer of the Young Lawyers Division of the Mound City Bar Association. In her spare time, she enjoys taking fitness classes with friends and trying new restaurants around town.

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shontaia riley Shontaia Riley is a Health Law Attorney at Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, where she assists health providers in meeting their operational goals and missions, while remaining compliant with the many laws affecting the healthcare industry. Riley serves as a member of Greensfelder’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and was recently selected to serve as the 2015 Fellow for the Legal Council on Legal Diversity, a program which trains, nurtures, and empowers diverse attorneys to take on positions of leadership. Riley is a St. Louis native and received her undergraduate degree from Washington University and her law degree from Saint Louis University. Prior to law school, she served on active duty in the United States Air Force as a medic and subsequently, in the civilian sector, worked in the health care field. Riley is passionate about social justice and civil rights and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees and Vice-President for the ACLU of Missouri. She lives in the Tower Grove Park neighborhood with her partner, Mary, enjoys spending time at the park and farmer’s market, and loves to travel.

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david simmons David Simmons is an attorney in the Litigation Practice Group at Greensfelder, Hemker, & Gale, P.C. where he represents clients in general civil and complex litigation involving several areas of law, including enforcement of restrictive covenants, antitrust, class actions, securities, franchise, real estate, probate, and premises liability/personal injury matters. David has extensive experience representing clients in arbitrations before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and in state and federal courts in Missouri, Illinois, and Kansas. David grew up in Kansas City, Missouri, received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Missouri in Columbia, and received his law degree from Washington University in St. Louis. He is involved in various professional and community organizations, including serving as Committee Chairman for his son’s Boy Scout pack, and serving on the Bar Association of Metropolitan St Louis’ Motion for Kids committee through which he organizes an annual holiday party to benefit children with a parent in the Missouri prison system. David is married to Angela Alvarez Simmons, and is the proud father of two children, Carlos and Maria Isabel, who he and his wife adopted from Colombia, South America in 2011.

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david ybarra David Ybarra is a trial attorney at the law firm of Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale. His law practice focuses on product liability, mass tort, construction and general commercial litigation matters that arise in Illinois, Missouri and numerous other states. David’s practice also includes appellate work where he has successfully briefed appeals before the Illinois Supreme Court and several District Courts of Appeals. His representation of clients at the trial and appellate courts allows him to understand the importance of every aspect of trial work and work towards the best possible results for his clients. David serves as a member of Greensfelder’s Associate Compensation Committee and the law firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. David was selected as a Fellow for the Legal Council on Legal Diversity. During his Fellow year, David participated in an in depth learning program that included training in the fine points of legal practice and relationship building. David is a member of the American Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association, St. Clair County Bar Association, Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel, Defense Research Institute, Hispanic National Bar Association, and the Hispanic Bar Association of St Louis.

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Thuy Cannon Thuy Cannon, Office Manager for Child Health Advocacy and Outreach at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, has strong customer service skills secondary to background in the hospitality industry. After her 14-year career working with elegant hotels such as RitzCarlton, Renaissance, and Hilton, Thuy decided to ride out a wave of change by joining BJC HealthCare. Ultimately, her hospitality industry experience came in handy with many aspects of previous held positions: Administrative Assistant, Interim Support Services Manager, and now Office Manager. Thuy holds a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management from Hung Vuong University in Vietnam and is currently working on her second bachelor’s degree in organizational studies at St. Louis University. A native of Vietnam, Thuy is multilingual and fluent in Vietnamese, English, and Japanese. Thuy is a deadline-driven individual who approaches every task with a sense of urgency, commitment, and most of all, a pleasant and positive attitude.

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La Toya Daugherity With over fifteen years of experience in the nursing field, LaToya Daughrity is nurse manager in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. To compliment her success, in 2011, LaToya was awarded the St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s President Award, and in 2012 she was awarded Nurse of the Year by the March of Dimes. Daughrity attended Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville where she received her bachelor’s degree in sociology. Committed to furthering her academics, LaToya continued her education at Rush University in her hometown of Chicago, Illinois where she received a second bachelor’s degree in nursing. Currently, she is enrolled at Webster University in the health care administration master’s program. Fired up with energy, LaToya has used her time to minister in her local church and community in Glen Carbon, Illinois, while remaining a lively member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Driven by her will to succeed, she lives by the statement made famous by late Florence Nightingale, “Live life when you have it. Life is a splendid gift- there is nothing small about it.”

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shvetal doshi Shvetal Doshi is Performance Improvement Manager at St. Louis Children‘s Hospital. In this position, he supports the deployment of process improvement projects focused on improving the patient experience. Shvetal’s team also works with BJC and Washington University leadership to develop measurement strategies for monitoring clinical and operational effectiveness. Shvetal started his healthcare career in physician practice management and then transitioned to Quality Improvement in 2003. Shvetal has a bachelor of arts in biology from Saint Louis University, master’s in health administration from Washington University and master’s in health informatics from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville. Shvetal is also certified as a process improvement expert, having attained a certification as Lean/Six Sigma Black Belt.

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Maria fernandez Maria Fernandez, RN, BSN, has been with St. Louis Children’s Hospital for 23 years, working 10 years at the bedside of patients and the last 13 years as a manager. Her entire Children’s career has been in the Pediatric ICU and she has loved every minute of the unit and SLCH. Prior to coming to St. Louis Children’s, she earned her BSN at St. Louis University and began her nursing career at SLU Hospital. She worked in the adult world for seven years, mostly in the ICU setting. Outside of the hospital, she enjoys coaching the YMCA swim team in Belleville which she has been involved with for many years.

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dr. erika hayes Dr. Erika Hayes’ clinical and research interests include implementation of successful universal HIV testing programs for adolescents and young adults, STI testing in youth, and acute HIV in youth. In 2008, Dr. Hayes led a team that implemented a universal testing program for youth age 15 years and up in the Saint Louis Children’s Hospital Emergency Department, the first such program at a children’s hospital in the United States. Dr. Hayes’s other passion is medical education, and she is co-coursemaster of the second year pediatrics course at the School of Medicine and directs the didactic portion of Infectious Diseases education for new fellows. Dr. Hayes received her bachelor of science from Washington University and her medical degree from Washington University School of Medicine. She received the following training: Residency, University of California, San Francisco, 1998 – 2001; Fellow, Washington University School of Medicine, 2001 – 2004; Postdoctoral Fellow, Washington University School of Medicine, 2004 – 2005; Society for Healthcare Epidemiology Training Course in Healthcare Epidemiology, 2011 – 2011.

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dr. dee hodge Dee Hodge is Professor, Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine and Associate Director, Clinical Affairs for Emergency Services at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. He concentrated on the impact of natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, and the treats of mass casualty incidents on children and the health care system, and the need for a pediatric focused coordinated response between EMS, hospitals and health care agencies. Dr. Hodge serves as the pediatric medical representative between the Department of Pediatrics, the Hospital and BJC for the Emergency Preparedness Committee, the St. Louis region MetroComm Council and the State of Missouri. He is an attending in the Pediatric Emergency Department providing direct patient care and supervision over the care provided by pediatric residents, emergency medicine residents, pediatric emergency medicine fellows and medical students. His research interests involve asthma management, management guidelines and disaster preparedness. Dr. Hodge received his bachelor of arts in biology from Occidental College, Los Angeles, California, and his medical degree from University of California, San Francisco, California.

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dr. alison nash Community pediatrician Alison Nash, MD, serves as medical director for St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s Healthy Kids Express mobile health program. Dr. Nash offers clinical expertise for screening and dental outreach programs in medically underserved areas of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. She also has been instrumental in helping to identify the most urgent and important community health needs that the hospital needs to address in future outreach efforts. Dr. Nash’s leadership and awards at the hospital include: • Member, BJC’s board of trustees • Medical Staff president and president-elect • Preceptor offering primary care education for pediatric residents through the Community Outpatient Practice Experience (COPE) program • Community Advocate of the Year Award, which recognizes individuals whose work exemplifies the hospital’s mission Dr. Nash previously served as president of the St. Louis Pediatric Society. In addition, she helped create the Coalition for Children’s Health to examine health services gaps for children. The coalition has addressed issues like lead poisoning, teen pregnancy and education for new mothers.

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angie woods Angie Woods is currently the Manager of Patient Access at St Louis Children’s Hospital. She manages the patient access aspect of the EU, Admitting, SDS and Outpatient Lab. She has been employed with St. Louis Children’s Hospital for 19 years. Angie is dedicated to every family having a Superior Patient Experience and “doing what is right for kids.” Angie earned her Certification in Healthcare Management from Sanford Brown Business College. Angie has since completed her CHAM (Certified Healthcare Access Managers Certification). Angie is an active member of NAHAM (National Association of Healthcare Access Management) where she has been a guest speaker at local and national levels. Angie is also an active member of AAHAM (American Association of Healthcare Management). In addition, Angie is involved in the SLCH Diversity and Inclusion Committee, SLCH Employee Recognition Committee, BJC Patient Access Leadership Committee and has been an active committee member on converting the BJC Hospitals to the SOARIAN application.

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dr. feliciano yu Dr. Feliciano “Pele” Yu Jr. is a pediatrician focusing on health informatics and services research. Dr. Yu is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Chief Medical Information Officer at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and Director of the Washington University Pediatric Computing Facility. As a general pediatrician with a background in health informatics and services research, his primary focus lies in the intersection of health informatics, outcomes research and quality of care. Dr. Yu’s work relates to helping clinicians make better decisions, provide quality care and improve health care processes through the use of health information and communications technology. He envisions outcomes with cost-effectiveness research studies performed on information derived from clinical information systems. He is interested in pursuing formal mechanisms to increase the reuse of health-care information systems data for clinical and translational research. Prior to SLCH, Dr. Yu served as chief medical informaticist at the Children’s Hospital of Alabama, Birmingham. His training includes National Research Service Award postdoctoral fellowship in health services research at the University of AlabamaBirmingham Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education. He holds masters of science degrees in both health informatics and public health from UAB.

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kel ward Kel is Manager of Community Relations for St. Louis Children’s Hospital where he promotes the presence and visibility of the hospital along with building community partnerships across Missouri and Illinois. He oversees the Community and Faith Advisory Boards and has assumed additional responsibilities as a Steering Committee member for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, providing guidance and making recommendations for effective interventions to reduce health disparities, increase patient and employee satisfaction, and improve recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. Kel is also the Manager of Community Engagement for BJC HealthCare where he helped create a new program, Raising St. Louis, working with families beginning in pregnancy and continuing until third grade. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice and a certificate in Conflict Mediations/Resolution from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He worships at Pleasant Green and Trinity Mt. Carmel Churches and is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Kel and his wife have three children.

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la tanya buck LaTanya N. Buck serves as the inaugural director of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at Washington University in St. Louis, a department that works to enhance and strengthen Washington University’s commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community. Aligned with the mission of the Center, LaTanya supports and advocates for students from traditionally underrepresented and marginalized populations. She spends much time fostering collaborative relationships with campus and community partners to promote dialogue, social change and future engagement opportunities for students. LaTanya is working to develop a strategic framework model for the growth and sustainability of the department. Her professional interests include college access, student identity development, cultural competence and transition and persistence initiatives for underrepresented students in higher education. LaTanya has received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Central Missouri and a PhD in Higher Education Administration from Saint Louis University. She is a member of several organizations including, the Consortium of Higher Education Professionals for Inclusion and Equity (CHEPIE) and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. A native St. Louisan, LaTanya is married with one son.

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virginia brax Virginia Braxs, originally from Argentina, is a founding board member of the nonprofit organization The Hispanic Arts Council of St. Louis (HAC) and its current President, where she has been promoting the excellence of the Hispanic culture through arts and education since 1996. In 2012 she developed HAC’s higher education initiative College NOW!/Universidad YA!— to empower undeserved Hispanic youth to gain access to college regardless their immigration status. Currently HAC offers annual Hispanic College Fairs and a College Readiness & Access Program to public and private schools in the St. Louis Region. Ms. Braxs organizes annual concerts staging international artists with The Sheldon and other local organizations. She has been a panelist with the Regional Arts Commission and the Missouri Arts Council. Ms. Braxs is a faculty of Washington University. For her tireless effort serving the St. Louis Hispanic community, Ms. Braxs has received numerous awards, including: 2008 Washington University’s Gerry and Bob Virgil Ethic of Service Award, 2014 St. Louis Women of Achievement, the NFL 2014 Hispanic Heritage Award by the St. Louis Rams, and in 2015 named St. Louis Cardinals’ Ambassador to the Community.

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dedric carter Dedric A. Carter, PhD, MBA is associate provost and associate vice chancellor for innovation and entrepreneurship at Washington University in St. Louis. In this role, Dedric serves as the executive officer for innovation and entrepreneurship has oversight for the Office of Technology Management, the Center for Research Innovation, and the Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies in addition to responsibility for the campus interactions and programming with the Cortex innovation district. As a professor of engineering practice, Dedric teaches courses in systems applications to technical, business, and policy issues. Having started a venture-backed company, Dedric enjoys working with students, researchers, and entrepreneurs on ideation and new venture creation. Dedric has an undergraduate and graduate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, and a PhD in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University. Additionally, he studied as a senior executive fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Dedric and his wife Ebony B. Carter, a physician and maternal fetal medicine fellow, live in St. Louis and have one daughter, Zari. They will be faculty fellows in Waymond Crow Residential College.

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denise decou Denise DeCou, director of diversity and inclusion at Washington University School of Medicine, has been a leading figure in diversity awareness and anti-bias efforts in St. Louis’ non-profit sector for over 25 years. Since joining Washington University 17 months ago, she has conducted highly popular diversity training sessions with more than 7,500 employees and supports efforts to improve the school’s workforce diversity. Originally from New York, DeCou was drawn to the paradox of St. Louis’ warm and friendly yet culturally divided environment; she has dedicated her professional life to healing these divides as an effective administrator and anti-bias educator. She was executive director of the National Conference for Community and Justice of Metropolitan St. Louis, ran the largest training program of the Anti-Defamation League—St. Louis for 10 years, and held positions with the United Way and East-West Gateway Coordinating Council. She founded and still runs the consulting firm Loretta’s Work, aimed at developing young leaders. She has served on numerous boards including stl250, Diversity Awareness Partnership and Redevelopment Opportunities for Women. She graduated from Fordham University and is tri-lingual.

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andwele jolly Andwele Jolly is a Manager of Business Operations for the Divisions of Allergy & Immunology and Rheumatology at Washington University School of Medicine. Jolly has been with the School of Medicine since 2012, when he became the school’s first executive management fellow. As a fellow, he participated in executive-level projects involving faculty, leadership forums and clinical operations. His previous experiences include serving as an adjunct professor of physical therapy and a clinic director of physical therapy, sports medicine, and ergonomic practice. Jolly earned his bachelor’s degree and his clinical doctorate in physical therapy from Washington University. He earned master’s degrees of business administration and of health administration from Georgia State University. Jolly is a board certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Jolly remains active in the American Physical Therapy Association, Regional Business Council’s Young Professional Network, American College of Healthcare Executives and the National Association of Health Services Executives, where he serves as president of the St. Louis chapter. He is on the Board of Directors for Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive Health Centers and the Missouri Foundation for Health.

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leah anne merrifield Leah Merrifield is Washington University’s assistant vice chancellor for community engagement and the founding director of the Washington University College Prep Program. Launched in 2014, the College Prep Program is a multi-year initiative designed to help talented but underserved St. Louis area high school students prepare for and complete a college education at a selective four-year college or university. Previous Washington University positions held by Merrifield include serving as special assistant to the chancellor for diversity initiatives, director of community relations, and director of MBA student services at the John M. Olin School of Business. Leah Merrifield is a member of Barnes Jewish Hospital’s Nominations and Governance Board committee, has served on the board of the St. Louis Minority Supplier Development Council, and is a founding member and past president of the board of College Bound Saint Louis. Merrifield received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Illinois Wesleyan University and her Master’s degree in higher education administration from The University of Texas at Austin.

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dr. jose pineda Dr. Jose Pineda is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology and Director of the Pediatric Neurocritical Care Program. Following residency in Pediatrics at the University of South Florida, he completed training in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Duke University, which included research training at Duke University’s Multidisciplinary Neuroprotection Laboratory. After fellowship training, Dr. Pineda joined the faculty of the Department of Pediatrics and the McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida, where he conducted laboratory and clinical research studies of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dr. Pineda was recruited to Washington University due to his expertise as a Pediatric Intensivist and his clinical experience and interest in children with brain injury. In parallel to the development of robust clinical expertise, he has successfully conducted research investigating the mechanisms of TBI and potential new treatments for brain injury. Dr. Pineda received his bachelor of arts from Universidad Francisco Marroquin School of Medicine, Guatemala, (Biology) and his medical degree from Universidad Francisco Marroquin School of Medicine, Guatemala.

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jason purnell St. Louis native Jason Q. Purnell is an assistant professor and faculty director for community engagement in the Center for Social Development at the Brown School and a faculty scholar in the Institute for Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis. His research explores the social, economic, and educational factors that influence health behaviors and health disparities. Purnell is currently leading a Missouri Foundation for Health-funded project called For the Sake of All. The project, which has taken on increased visibility since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, is focused on community engagement and implementation of recommendations in the areas of economic opportunity for low-to-moderate income households, high-quality early childhood development, coordinated school health, mental health, healthy neighborhoods, and chronic and infectious disease prevention and management. Purnell is a licensed psychologist, having completed doctoral training at the Ohio State University. He holds a Master in Public Health degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry and a degree in Government and Philosophy from Harvard University.

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Carmen Jacob

Akif Cogo, founder and president of the St. Louis Bosnians, Inc., a St. Louis based non profit that fosters relationship between Bosnian and other communities in St. Louis. In addition, he is a community adviser to the Bosnia Memory Project at Fontbonne University, and works as an Assistant Director of Facility Services at Saint Louis University. A native of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Akif immigrated to the U.S. in 2001. He completed his high school, bachelor, and master studies in St. Louis.

Carmen Jacob is the CEO and Owner of NextGen, Information Services, Inc., a national staffing, recruiting and consulting firm headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri with satellite offices throughout the US.

For over a decade, he has worked extensively with the Bosnian refugee populations in St. Louis and other parts of the U.S. In addition to founding St. Louis Bosnians Inc., he co-founded Sehara, a magazine for Muslim Bosnians living in the U.S. He has also served on the Citizen’s Advisory Committee to the St. Louis Treasurer’s Office, as a presiding officer of general assembly at the St. Louis Islamic Center, and as an ambassador for St. Louis Mosaic Project, which promotes increasing immigration to St. Louis.

NextGen is a Certified Minority-Owned Enterprise and Certified Woman-Owned Enterprise and has been awarded by DiversityInc. com and DiversityBusiness.com, the City of St. Louis and the St. Louis Minority Business Council. NextGen was named Hispanic Company of the Year 2013 and Carmen was named Hispanic Businessperson of the Year 2014 by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. Carmen was named one of Enterprising Women Magazine’s Women of the Year 2014, and an Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist in 2014. NextGen was most recently awarded by Governor Nixon as the Minority Business of the Year. A community activist, Carmen is involved in numerous professional groups and organizations.


Cedric Cobb

Arthur A-Plus Willis has been involved in the community since his arrival in the city of St. Louis. With the station he consistently participates in a variety of community orientated events, promotes community awareness, and actively portrays himself as the voice of the younger community. He attends a variety of community awareness events and will host/promote wherever the opportunity is available. A-plus love for music has encouraged him to promote growth through music and showing that there are a variety of opportunities in the industry to the younger generation. He has helped the 100 Black Men host events such as WTH is Cool forum, spoke at schools about his career, and participated in a variety of other events to reach out to youth often forgotten about. One of his goals is to make sure that he is looked at as a “big brother” figure in the community and maintains his identity as a role model. He has worked with a variety of foundations such as Crohns & Colitis Foundation, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, and the Demetrius Johnson Charitable Foundation. He is always looking for opportunities to use his celebrity to promote community awareness and togetherness in the African American Community.

Cedric Cobb is the President of EDGE Business Solutions and the inventor of the Best Pocket Square Holder. This innovative product HOLDS THE FOLD of a man’s pocket square securely in his suit jacket pocket. It solves a wardrobe epidemic that has plagued men for decades of pocket squares that don’t stay in place. It has gained national attention from media, celebrities & professional athletes. The Best Pocket Square Holder is currently in the pockets of Steve Harvey, Deion Sanders, Ray Lewis, Roland Williams, Creflo Dollar and Brian White to name a few. Cedric has publicly received awards from the St. Louis American newspaper during the Salute to Excellence in Young Leaders event. Cedric is most proud of graduating the Consortium for Leadership Development Program and being a member of the National Sales Network. Cedric attended Pittsburg State University on full athletic scholarship. Cobb earned his Bachelors of Arts Degree in Business Management from the Gladys A. Kelce School of Business. He is married to Salise and father of Avery, Celeste, Malanea and Cedric Jr.




cynthia wilson

debbie fleming

Cynthia Wilson is a 22-year employee of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. in the following positions: Secretary for Community Programs; Administrative Assistant for Community Organization and Special Events; Housing Counselor; Director of Housing; Division Operating Officer for the St. Louis County; Retention Specialist for Workforce Investment Act {WIA}; Project Manager for Jobs for Missouri Graduates and is currently the Division Operating Officer for Youth Services in St. Louis County. Cynthia received the Marie W. Williams staff award in 1999, Client’s First Award in May, 2007, Received Awards from JAG National for Performance/Outcomes for years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2013, Completed the Urban League’s Legacy Leaders Leadership Development Program in May, 2014. Cynthia received her formal education in the St. Louis Public School System and holds a degree in Early Childhood Education from Harris Stowe State University. Cynthia is a member of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church, a mother of three children and grandmother of 3 lovely girls.

Founding member of the St. Louis Chapter of National Sales Network, Debbie Fleming has been instrumental in the chapter’s growth to more than 200 members since its inception in 2007. Currently serving as its president, the chapter has maintained NSN’s strong commitment to engaging in the community, with highly innovative approaches to marketing. Its use of social media to promote the organization is setting an example for the national organization. With 13 years of pharmaceutical sales experience, Debbie is a Professional Healthcare Representative at Pfizer Inc., where she has received numerous awards for her sales achievements and professionalism. She is also a member of the Healthcare Business Women Association, and she has been a volunteer with the St. Louis Gateway Classic Foundation since 2003. Debbie has been the recipient of National Sales Network’s 2009 David Richardson Individual Commitment Award, and her chapter has been National Sales Network Chapter of the Year in 2009 and 2010. Debbie Fleming earned her BS Degree in Business Administration from Creighton University. She is loving mother to James

barbara bowman

gary gunter

Barbara Bowman currently serves as the Vice President of Development for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. In this role, Ms. Bowman is responsible for all aspects of fund raising including special events, individual giving, major gifts and foundation and corporate funding.

On March 17, 2014 Gary Gunter became Vice President and General Manager of Radio One St. Louis Properties Hot 104.1FM and Old School 95.5FM. In this role Mr. Gunter is responsible for developing and growing the stations’ brand, revenue and audience share by creating and implementing strategic and tactical direction. His responsibilities include overseeing all departments within the radio station including but not limited to Sales, Programming and Marketing/Promotions.

Bowman serves as Vice Chairperson of the Board of CHIPS Health and Wellness Center and Chairs the Board of East Central Missouri Area Health Education Center. She also serves on the boards of Provident Inc, the Emerson YMCA Advisory Board, the St. Louis Children’s Hospital Community Advisory Board and the United Way Charmaine Chapman Leadership Society Cabinet. She is a member of the St. Louis Chapter (MO) Links, Inc. and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Bowman is a graduate of Saint Louis University and the Leadership St. Louis Class of 2001/2002. Ms. Bowman has presented at regional and national conferences on topics to include: Outcomes Based Funding, Creating a Legislative Strategy and Fundraising on a Shoe String Budget. She has received the Monsanto YMCA Community Zealot Award and the Unsung Heroine Award from the St. Louis Chapter of the Top Ladies of Distinction.

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Prior to Radio One St. Louis, Mr. Gunter held the position of General Sales Manager of Radio One Baltimore’s four media outlets WWIN-FM/AM, WERQ-FM and WOLB-AM. In this role Mr. Gunter was responsible for maintaining and growing the Company’s revenue and revenue share within the marketplace. These revenue goals were achieved across multiple platforms including Radio, Internet and Event marketing through the direction and leadership of a Sales staff comprised of 14 Account Executives generating over 16 million dollars annually. Gary is a 26 year veteran of Radio sales/marketing with successful stints in various markets including Chicago, Detroit, Orlando, Baltimore and Pittsburgh. He has received numerous awards and accolades for his accomplishments in the media industry.




lt. col (ret) jaime torres

jorge riopedre

Lt. Col (Ret) Jaime Torres was born in Playa-Ponce, Puerto Rico and graduated from the College of Agriculture and Mechanics Arts, University of Puerto Rico with a Bachelor’s Degree in Science. After 26 years of active duty, he retired. A year later, was employed by Harris-Stowe State University to manage and implement a new US Department of Education program, Educational Talent Search. He also coordinated the REACH Program with Missouri’s Division of Youth Services and later was appointed Harris-Stowe’s first Director of International Programs. After eight years, he was appointed by St. Louis Community College, as Director of International Education. Col. Torres is active in the community and has led or served on many boards; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Leaders Group, Hispanic Scholarship Alliance, World Affairs Council, Sister Cities, Association of the US Army, National Kidney Foundation and the Puerto Rican Society. Awards he has received from his civic endeavors; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award, Anthony B. Ramirez Premio Esperanza from the Hispanic Leaders Group, Hispanic Chamber’s Civic Person of the Year and National Hispanic of the Year 2011 from the Rams Organization.

Jorge is the executive director of Casa de Salud, a clinic providing high-quality, low-cost clinical and mental healthcare to the uninsured, focusing on the new immigrant community. He is the former executive director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis, for which he also served as Chairman and President from 2008-2010. After earning a degree in Broadcast Communications from Loyola University in New Orleans, Jorge launched a media production company in 1994 specializing in the Hispanic market with clients as diverse as Anheuser-Busch, Campbell Soup Co., Catholic Charities, and the Federal Aviation Administration. Jorge has been named a 2015 USA Eisenhower Fellow. He is a member of the St. Louis City Board of Health and the board of the Central Institute for the Deaf. Jorge serves on the University of Missouri-St. Louis Arts & Sciences Leadership Council and the Brown School of Social Work Advisory Committee. He was appointed by former Missouri Governor Matt Blunt to the Hispanic Business, Culture & Trade Commission, and by current Governor Jay Nixon to the Missouri Complete Count Commission. Jorge was previously named a Minority Business Leader by the St. Louis Business Journal.

james robinson

kathy “kb” brown

James Robinson is the General Sales Manager for iHeartMedia St. Louis’ 100.3 The Beat/KMJM-FM and Hallelujah AM 1600/KATZ-AM. He is an accomplished sales and strategic marketing professional specializing in leadership, consistent high performance, solid track record of success in radio management from New Orleans, Atlanta, Memphis, Columbus OH and St. Louis. A solution-based sales manager specializing in creative ideas, firm client relationships and marketing programs designed to engage the customer and meet clients ROI goals.

Kathy “KB” Brown started her radio career in her hometown of Chicago as an on-air personality at WLNR-FM. She quickly elevated to a morning show personality and Program Director.

James is married with two daughters.

As Program Director and On-Air Personality in St. Louis, KB has been involved in the story of the Mike Brown case in Ferguson Missouri. From the protests to the interviews, again community involvement resonates as her purpose in radio.

In Baltimore, KB was Operations Manager for WWIN AM & FM, WERQ and WOLB. She elevated her knowledge from Operation Manager to Regional Program Director expanding her knowledge to Washington DC, Richmond, VA, and Baltimore, and assisting other Urban AC markets.

KB holds an undergraduate degree in Mass Communications from Illinois State University and working on her Master’s Degree in Marketing at the University of Maryland University College.

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kira van niel

linda harris

Kira Van Niel is a self-starting project engineer with a diverse technical background in engineering, infrastructure design, and construction. Kira currently works for The Boeing Company, and her current responsibilities include defining requirements and writing design specifications, working collaboratively with international customers, and managing the health and progress of each project. In addition, Kira serves as the Operations Leader to the Division Director. Kira attended Elon University and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, earning a dual degree in Engineering Physics and Civil Engineering. Kira served as President of the Urban League Young Professionals from 2010-2012. She is the recipient of the St Louis Business Journal’s 30 Under 30, National Urban League Young Professionals Young Professional’s Central Region Young Professional of the Year, St Louis American Foundations Salute to Young Leaders Award, and many more. Her board experience includes the National Urban League Young Professionals Executive Board, Urban League of Metropolitan St Louis Board of Directors, Regional Business Council Young Professional Network Steering Committee, Women’s Society of Washington University and The Sophia Project. Born and raised in the Washington DC area, Kira now lives in St Louis, Missouri. Kira enjoys music, travel and yoga.

Linda F. Harris is senior vice president of administration and compliance for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. An accomplished senior executive, she provides management and leadership for the administrative and compliance functions for the Urban League. With a strong record of performance in organization development, she ensures that the management of the agency and senior executives are in compliance with the rules and regulations for over 25 programs and services.

larry h. blue jr

terrence rogers

Larry H. Blue Jr. has been a force to be reckoned with in the Sales Industry locally and nationally. Larry is most notably recognized as a founder and visionary for the St, Louis Chapter of National Sales Network. Established in 2007, the St. Louis Chapter has twice been named national Chapter of the Year. National Sales Network (NSN) is a not-for-profit organization whose objective is to meet the professional and developmental needs of sales professionals. Larry Blue is the recipient of various awards including the Janssen Pharmaceutical President’s Circle award, David M. Richardson Founder’s Award for Individual Commitment to NSN, the Gateway Classic Sports Foundation Citizen of the Year award, and Larry has been highlighted by Delux Magazine in their inaugural “Individual” issue. Larry currently serves as a District Sales Manager for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. Larry is responsible for delivering over 11 million dollars in annual sales. Larry is co-owner of Troy’s Jazz Gallery in the Central West End.

Linda has over 20 years of experience in social service and has been a key figure at the Urban League. Linda holds a Master of Social Work degree from Saint Louis University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Social Welfare from Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., a certified technical trainer, a career development facilitator for Workforce Development and a graduate of Focus St. Louis - Leadership St. Louis (LSL).

Terrence Rogers is a St. Louis born and based banking professional. Over the past eighteen years, he has worked in a wide variety of financial capacites with both consumers and businesses. He earned his degree in 1996 from the University of Missouri St. Louis. Terrence is a partner at Carrollton Bank, a $1.2 billion privately held bank, employee owned bank that has been led by the same family for five generations. His role is Vice President of Mortgage Lending which includes leading the origination of consumer home loan programs including Conventional, FHA, VA, and Jumbo Loans. Prior to joining Carrollton Bank in 2012 Terrence worked at Wells Fargo for thirteen years as a Sales Manager in St. Louis and Illinois, and District Manager in Colorado. In addtion, he worked at Regions bank in Chesterfield as Vice President and Samll Business Banker from 2010 to 2012. Terrence is a member of National Sales Network and along with their Backpacks to Breifcase Programs sponsors an annual internship program. He is also a board member for Little Urban Smiles, LLC as well as member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Larry and his wife of 19 years Becky have four children, Taylor, Caleb, Rebekah, and Christian.

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Autumn Anthony

angela bills

A native from Chicago, Autumn Anthony has made St. Louis her home. She recently began her career with Radio-One St. Louis as an Integrated Marketing Specialist in 2014. At the age of 24 she has exceled in her career in developing customized campaigns for a variety of businesses that target the St. Louis Community. She sits on Radio-One’s Millennial Board of Directors as the chairperson for the St. Louis Market. She graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale with a (M.A) Sport Marketing (2014) and (B.S) Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications (2012). At SIU she was an stand out student earning a variety of scholarships and awardees including being one of the few minority women to win Homecoming Queen (2011). She served in a variety of leadership roles including President of the Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Chairperson of the Minority Business Conference, President of Blacks Interested in Business, Marketing Director of Student Programming Council, and more. She plans on bringing her marketing and volunteer experience to the St. Louis market and is active in the Urban League Young Professionals, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc, and Regional Business Councils Young Professionals

Angelia D. Bills is Vice President of Communications of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. Since 2003, she has been responsible for all marketing, advertising and communications for the Urban League. She previously served as Senior Public Information Specialist at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. During her career, she has received the Phenomenal Woman Award from Center for Racial Harmony, St. Louis Sentinel’s Yes I Can Award, the St. Louis Mayor’s Certificate of Appreciation and an Excellence in Communications Award from the Greater St. Louis Association of Black Journalists. Mrs. Bills is a member of the IHeartMedia Community Advisory Board, St. Louis County Board of Zoning Adjustment, United Way Charmaine Chapman Society, Top Ladies of Distinction, Urban League Guild, and the St. Louis Press Club. She received a B.A. in Communications from Howard University and a Master of Social Work Degree from Washington University-in-St. Louis. She also earned a Leadership Certificate from the Consortium for Leadership Development at Harris-Stowe State University. Angelia is married to Rev. Bryan C. Bills, pastor of New Life Ministries, and is a proud mother of two daughters: Brittany and Kristyn.

joe bommarito

michael butler

Joseph J. Bommarito (Joe) married his Puerto Rican sweetheart in 1960 and has two daughters. Joe retired in 2001 and around that time, he started Bommarito Videos and Photography, as a way to express his interest and passion for capturing life as it unfolds. He has had a long-time interest in photography. Since the mid ‘60’s Joe has documented events in the St. Louis Hispanic community in both video and photographs. He credits the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanic Leaders Group, as well as other St. Louis Hispanic organizations for allowing him to document their events thereby giving him the opportunity to contribute to the Hispanic community’s history. In addition to the Hispanic community he participated in the Knight of Columbus as a Grand Knight. Volunteer work in both communities continues to be very rewarding. He runs a client-friendly, service-oriented business dedicated to weddings, quinceañeras and other special events. Joe carries his cameras with humor and courtesy.

Rep. Michael Butler, a Democrat, represents part of St. Louis City (District 79) in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2012. Prior to his legislative duties, Rep. Butler gained experience in the legislature while serving as the Legislative Aide in the office of State Senator Robin Wright-Jones, and as the Legislative Assistant to State Rep. Mary Wynne Still. During his 2012 campaign, he served as a permanent substitute teacher in the St. Louis Public School System. In addition, Rep. Butler has valuable private sector experience while employed as a manager at the home office of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in Bentonville, Arkansas. Rep. Butler holds a bachelor’s degree in Business from Alabama A&M University, where he also served as Student Government President and as a Board of Trustee member. While working with the legislature, he also obtained a master’s degree in Public Affairs from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Since being elected to the Missouri House of Representatives he has started a Youth Work Corps that employs youth, began a Poverty initiative that informs low-income residents of needed services, and built youth sports teams in his legislative district.

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lori willis

Malissa shaw

Lori Willis is director of Communications for St. Louis-based Schnuck Markets, Inc. The family-owned supermarket company employs 14,500 teammates in 99 stores across the Midwest.

Malissa Shaw is a highly talented and accomplished management professional with more than 5+ plus years of experience in Operations Management. With a passion for producing operation efficiency and profitability in business plans, Malissa started her career managing 20 million plus in sales and profitability with Walmart Inc. back in 2008. Through her years of serving on multiple teams, she learned the finesse of operating profitable business models, received innovative system industry trainings, and managed over 100 employees; before accepting a new role in Office Depot Inc. Prior entering into the workforce, she attended the University of Missouri St. Louis with studies in Business Administrations, and engaged in various community engagement initiatives. Currently Malissa serves as the President of the Urban League Young Professionals of Metropolitan St. Louis, where she leverages her knowledge and skill sets to help develop future generations and communities at large. Though she has serviced on previous leadership teams within organizations, this role has helped her find her true passion for serving where it is most essential. When not working in the community, Malissa enjoys spending time with her devoted husband and so

After building a strong reputation in communications and public engagement, she joined Schnucks in 2001 and established a communications department. As company spokesperson, Lori is responsible for helping to formulate and communicate the company’s position on every aspect of the industry including consumer trends and services, food trends, nutrition and education, food sciences, safety, retailing, new products and more. In 2006, with support from company leaders, Lori embarked upon on a journey to grow her food expertise which led her to Les Dames d ’Escoffier International (LDEI). LDEI is a premier organization of 1,900 women leaders in the food, beverage and hospitality industries in 30 chapters across the U.S., U.K. and Canada. All are engaged in providing education opportunities and improving the quality of life for women and families. Lori is a native of Jefferson City, Missouri and a graduate of Lincoln University of Missouri. She and her husband, Mick, have three children.

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mary e. nelson


A St. Louis native and Missouri attorney, Mary E. Nelson received her B.A. from Princeton University and J.D. from University of Missouri School of Law. With extensive experience in real estate, construction, and business law, Nelson has enjoyed a number of private and public sector positions. Before joining St. Louis Community College in 2014 as its General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer, Nelson was the first African American woman to serve on the state’s Administrative Hearing Commission. She served two mayoral administrations, most recently as General Counsel for St. Louis Development Corporation; as General Counsel and Legislative Director to Speaker of the Missouri House Steve Gaw; as Governor Bob Holden’s appointee to the Missouri House Reapportionment Commission; and as Governor Jay Nixon’s Director of Boards and Commissions. A past president of the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners, Nelson has been recognized by Missouri Lawyer’s Weekly with a 2010 Women’s Justice Award, named an Honorary Initiate of the Order of the Coif by her law school, and was listed among St. Louis Business Journal’s Twenty-five Most Influential Business Women.

100. 3 Beat listeners can hear Mishelae Monday through Saturday 10am to 3pm. Mishelae began her radio career while studying Communications at the University of Missouri -St. Louis in 2006. Mishelae ended up becoming one of the first on-air talents of the newly reformed U which opened its broadcasting doors in Jan 2007. Mishelae made her start in 2007 at IHeartMedia’s KATZ FM Hip Hop station 100.3 The Beat as a weekend personality. In January 2008 she began to work weekends for sister station KMJM -FM, Majic 100.3. Mishelae has also worked for STL TV as a Video Production Specialist. Mishelae earned a B.A in Communication from the University of Missouri St. Louis and Master’s degree In Supply Chain Management from Fontbonne University. Mishelae is a married with two children, Byron, 13 and Milton, 4.




pamela williams

shante duncan

Pamela Williams is an Assistant Director of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis’ Head Start Program. She received her Master of Management degree from Phoenix University. Mrs. Williams’ responsibilities include direct line supervision of the program’s social service staff. She also serves as the Community Engagement liaison. Mrs. Williams has extensive knowledge of program planning, supervisory techniques and practices. Over the past 10 years, she developed sound working relationships with various social service agencies to connect clients served with meaningful resources in the community. With over 20 years of Head Start and supervisory experience, Ms. Williams has lead program teams in improving and maintaining high quality program services through: system data analysis, development and implementation of targeted program improvement plans, staff professional development and parent trainings.

Shante Duncan is a transformational personality and dynamic speaker. She is a passionate social justice advocate who has written articles and/ or edited for several local newspapers, and magazines. She is a free lance journalist/activist (B.A. in Communication from UMSL) and successful grant writer. She is founder/chief executive of S.H.E.R.A.H. (Sisters Helping Each Other Reach A Higher Height), a community women’s organization created to empower women to assist in the rebuilding of our communities.

Her personal motto is: “We are here for our children and families… no task is too small and no task should be too big.”

She is currently working on a memoir that shares her insights and revelations concerning “growing up in the “Hood”, her journey “home to Africa” and her aspirations, thoughts and intentions as a mother and wife.

She speaks on a variety of topics including: -Womanhood -Community Organizing -Balancing Family and Career -Natural Family Living -Personal Empowerment

Shante lives in St. Louis, MO with her husband and children.

rebeccah bennett

tammie holland

Rebeccah Bennett is Founder and Principal of Emerging Wisdom LLC – an innovative social enterprise that helps individuals, groups and organizations manifest the best within themselves and create communities that sustain the best in us all. At Emerging Wisdom, Rebeccah designs and facilitates personal and professional growth programs, organizational improvement efforts and social transformation initiatives. Her principal offerings include consulting, training, facilitation and planning, coaching and professional speaking.

Tammie Holland is a local media veteran. Her comedic banter can be heard weekdays on iHeartMedia on 100.3 The Beat, 6am-10am. Tammie brings solid experience to iHeartMedia . She’s worked for St. Louis television stations KSDK-TV and UPN-46. Tammie has also held successful positions in public relations and Community Affairs for radio stations, KATZ-AM and KSLZ-FM.

Rebeccah’s competencies are born from nearly 20 years of research and practice discerning what it takes to help her clients advance large and small-scale systems change while achieving high levels of function and impact. She supports her clients in aligning their decision-making and resources with their purpose, vision and values. Among Rebeccah’s clients are Anheuser-Busch InBev, Wells Fargo Advisors, MasterCard Worldwide, the St. Louis Regional Chamber, the MO Department of Mental Health, the Deaconess Foundation, Focus St. Louis, the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, the Ferguson Commission, and Hazelwood School District.

Tammie has also produced and hosted her own public affairs television program and has served as a producer of the Emmy Award winning, nationally syndicated, Christian television show, “On Main Street.” Tammie has studied education and communications at Harris Stowe State University and Fontbonne University. She is an alumna of The Broadcast Center in St. Louis and the proud mother of one daughter, Meadow Grace.

In addition to her professional activities, Rebeccah sits on the boards of the St. Louis Maternal Child & Family Health Coalition and Jamaa Learning Center.

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Rhonda is the Executive Director for the Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (MSDC) serving the Central IL/Eastern MO area. She manages corporate member relationships and the recruitment of businesses to become certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs).

Charles Brown is a founder/partner of Atelier3 Design, a firm specializing in architectural planning and design for urban design, educational, healthcare, and mixed-use projects. Since 2010, Brown has also been an adjunct professor in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University (Brown is also the first long-standing African American faculty in the Architecture School in its 105 years of existence). Brown is committed to service and civic leadership serving on several boards including the St. Louis Crisis Nursery – Young Professional Board, Vincent Greenway Inc. (Vice President), the St. Louis Regional Business Council – Young Professional Leadership 100, the Black Leadership Roundtable of St. Louis, the National Organization of Minority Architects – St. Louis Chapter (Vice President). Last but not least, Charles has been appointed by the Mayor of St. Louis as one of eight commissioners for the Civil Rights Enforcement Agency. Charles Brown acquired his B.A. and M.A. Architectural degrees from the Washington University. In 2012, he was among the first cohort of young executives to participate in the Consortium For Leadership Development under direction of several top Fortune 500 executives in our region.

Previously, she has led the supplier diversity initiatives at both Caterpillar Inc. and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. In 2014, she was appointed by Governor Jay Nixon to serve on the State of Missouri’s Disparity Study Oversight Review Committee. She is an active community volunteer and advocate for urban youth, women and minority businesses in the region, serving on the board of directors of several organizations that include: the Charles Drew Advisory Board, SouthSide Early Childhood Center, the Women’s Society at Washington University, the Center of Creative Arts (COCA) and United Way’s de Tocqueville Society. She is a member of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater St. Louis Women’s Leadership Circle and the Women’s Group on Race Relations. She is also a proud member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. In 2011, Rhonda relocated to St. Louis with her husband, Carlton, and daughter, Riley.


Gloria Carter-Hicks

Quenesha Catron is the Division Operating Officer at the Urban League’s St. Louis County division. In this position, she manages a staff of 8 and many volunteers. She oversees the programs that are offered at her location which are assisting the community with their basic needs, gaining employment and furthering their education to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights. She has worked in several positions at the Urban League and has worked herself up to the position of being a director, of which she has been for over the last two years. She started working with the Urban League as a volunteer teaching the homebuying classes to first time home buyers. She has been with the Urban League for 6 years and plans to be there for many more. Quenesha attended Tennessee State University majoring in Business Management. Quenesha is the wife of Terrance and the mother of two girls Terran and Tristan.

Gloria Carter-Hicks is the founder, owner and CEO of HicksCarter-Hicks, LLC, an award-winning and full-service performance improvement company established in 1999. She is recognized as a driving force in the areas of Human Resources, Consulting, Coaching, Diversity & Inclusion, Training, and Organization Development. Carter-Hicks is active in her community and serves on several boards (United Way of Greater St. Louis, St. Louis County Workforce Investment Board and the St. Louis Minority Business Council). In 2010, Carter-Hicks was appointed to the St. Louis County Public Transportation Commission. From 2010 to 2014, Hicks-Carter-Hicks was recognized as one of the region’s Top 25 African-American businesses by the St. Louis American (Salute to Excellence in Business Award). The St. Louis Small Business Monthly recognized Carter-Hicks as one of the region’s 2012 Diversity Heroes. In 2012, the SBA recognized HicksCarter-Hicks as a Business Consultant Extraordinaire. In 2014, Carter-Hicks was recognized by the St. Louis Business Journal as one of the region’s Diverse Business Leaders. Carter-Hicks graduated from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, where she served as a part-time instructor of diversity, leadership development and HR courses in the School of Continuing Education and Outreach.

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Marquita C. Chapman is first and foremost a loving wife of 8 years to Darius Chapman, “Tee-Tee” to a host of nieces and nephews, and loving daughter to Mr and Mrs. Clinton Jones. She is a recent 2014 honors graduate of Webster University with a M.A. in Management & Leadership. She’s also a proud honors graduate from Harris-Stowe State University where she earned her B.S. in Business Administration in 2005.

Being a pioneer of the St. Louis Surge Women’s Professional Basketball Team, Khalia Collier, Surge Owner and General Manager, has taken on the challenge of building the first sustainable women’s professional franchise. Through this journey, she has maximized corporate and organizational relationships, developed supporter and donor programs, as well as positioned the organization for eminent growth.

Marquita began her career with the Department of Defense in 2004 as a Contracts intern and is now a Lead Program Manager over software. She has been responsible for a variety of projects totaling $50 million annually.

A St. Louis native with a deep commitment to the city, Collier is an entrepreneur dedicated to her new franchise. She is a strong believer that St. Louis can support a women’s franchise, and is working hard to see her vision through. Delving into sports management, she has taken on the task of re-branding the face of women’s athletics through the St. Louis Surge. Collier has developed a strategic business model that focuses on marketing strategy, diversity awareness and inclusion, sports research and performance measures.

Marquita is the CEO of Intended Images, which brings out the very best in people in regards to image and self-presentation. Marquita is also an Independent Distributer for a leading global health and wellness company, the social media manager for DeMay Furs, Ltd., and a freelance columnist for the Sparkman Magazine. Marquita is a worship leader and Education Coordinator at the Mind of Christ Church. Marquita aspires to be an author and return to her alma mater to teach entrepreneurship courses.

Collier values leadership, hard work, education, excellence and sportsmanship, all reasons she believes the Surge will succeed as both an organization and a professional team.



Francella Jackson is director of community programs for the ESL Police Department. She has made significant contributions to her community through her commitment to education, public safety and the criminal justice system. Her organizational affiliations are extensive. She is chairman of the board of United Way Illinois Division, VP of Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center, member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, member of the Urban League’s Community Organization Committee, just to name a few. Her awards and recognitions include, President Barack Obama’s Volunteer Service Award, United Way’s Freeman-Kortkamp Award, Urban League’s Merit Award, Alpha Phi Alpha’s Distinguished Service Award, TLOD’s Unsung Heroines and Orchards to Role Models Awards, Omega Psi Phi’s Citizen of the Year Award, Outstanding Young Woman in America, SIUE’s Outstanding Staff Member, School District 189’s Excellence in Teaching, and Pan Hell’s Distinguish Service Award.

Kendra R. Howard works as an Administrative Judge for U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) where she hears and decides employment discrimination cases involving federal employment. Prior to her employment with EEOC, she was an associate at the law firm of Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C. Before joining Greensfelder, Kendra clerked for Judge Carol E. Jackson, United States District Court for theEastern District of Missouri. Kendra is a native of Memphis, Tennessee.

A proud product of ESL School District 189, Jackson is a graduate of SIU Edwardsville, graduate of UMSL Nonprofit Executive Management Program and CORO Midwestern Center Neighborhood Leaders Program.

She received her Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Memphis and both her J.D. and Intellectual Property LL.M. from Washington University School of Law. Kendra is most active with the Mound City Bar Association where she is currently serving as the President for 2014-2015 bar year. She has also been active in several organizations including being a big sister twice with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri, volunteering as a panel member for the United Way of Greater St. Louis, and teaching adults to read through the YMCA Literacy Council.

Jackson was raised in Centreville, Illinois. She is a member of the St. John MB Church.

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Deletra Hudson serves at the first woman City Manager appointed by the City of East St. Louis. As City Manager, she manages the dayto-day operations of the City, which includes approximately a $50 million budget, 10 city departments, and four (4) elected official offices,

After being with Centene Corporation since 2011, Gwendolyn Jackson became the Manager of Claims for the company’s Ferguson, Missouri Service Center in November 2014. With over 30 years of experience in health care administration, Jackson believed that it was her obligation to use her gifts and talents to help build and establish Centene’s Ferguson Service Center. Gwendolyn and her husband are also treatment foster parents with Missouri Baptist Children’s Home, and she was the executive producer of an inspirational stage play entitled “A House Divided” which played at the Fox Theater in St. Louis and other markets throughout the Midwest and Eastern United States, this project is based on Gwendolyn’s personal testimony. Gwendolyn received her Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration from the University of Phoenix and currently is enrolled pursing her Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration. A native of St. Louis, Missouri and a graduate of O’Fallon Technical High School. Gwendolyn is the wife of Keith Jackson and the proud mother of two sons, Cornell and Charles.

During her 20-year professional career, Deletra has acquired a diverse professional background in Finance, Budgeting, Accounting, Public Administration, and Economic Development. She has received several awards and honors, which include a Proclamation from the East St. Louis City Council for her work as City Manager. Mrs. Hudson was also the first woman certified by the American Academy of Financial Management. Deletra also supports local businesses, organizations, and citizenry of the community in which she serves. Deletra is a board member of the Katherine Dunham Center for Arts and Humanity in East St. Louis, IL, a lifetime member of the East St. Louis Chapter of the NAACP, and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In addition to her professional career, Deletra is also a wife and a mother of three children.



Nelson Williams is a member of Thompson Coburn’s Human Resources practice area, where he represents employers in various aspects of employment law and litigation. Nelson has developed a special focus on defending class actions and conditional certification lawsuits under the Fair Labor Standards Act. In multiple jurisdictions, Nelson has handled class litigation for both large and small companies. His work has resulted in the dismissal of class claims as well as the denial and decertification of wage and hour class and collective actions, including claims filed in California courts. In 2013, Nelson contributed to a major victory for a global computer software company when it obtained decertification of a collective action under the FLSA, and concurrently defeated the plaintiffs’ motion for Rule 23 class certification. Nelson has participated in a number of diversity initiatives and frequently mentors diverse law students. He is a member of Thompson Coburn’s Diversity Committee, and constantly strives to positively impact the lives of students in the community. Nelson received a Bachelor of Arts from Duke University in 2007, and a J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis in 2010.

Ed Gallegos has worked in the healthcare industry for over 25 years, with 15 of those years leading and managing large scale claims and call center operations. He joined Centene Corporations in 2010 and currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Business Operations, leading the operational functions in Farmington, MO, Tyler, TX, Great Falls, MT and the new claims center in Ferguson, MO. Ed has held various key executive positions that include Vice President National Accounts, Vice President of Human Resources and Vice President of Diversity and Cultural Competence at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida (BCBSF). His efforts lead to BCBSF being ranked nationally among the top 50 companies leveraging diversity as a business strategy. His experience in leading national accounts such as General Motors, Ford, Federal Employee Program (FEP) and others resulted in strong rankings in operational performance. He successfully led BCBSF to national recognition in customer service as measured by J.D. Powers for three consecutive years and has made significant improvement in driving results at Centene. Ed holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of North Florida.

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Nathan Dixon currently serves as the Director of Sales of Radio One, Incorporated (WHHL/Hot 104.1 FM and WFUN/Old School 95.5), for the last nine years in the St. Louis market. As Director of Sales, he has been instrumental in molding the St. Louis cluster into the #1 pacing cluster in Radio One, Incorporated outpacing 14 other markets which have 51 stations under the Radio One umbrella. In addition his guidance and experience has also helped craft Hot 104.1 and Old School 95.5 into two of the top radio stations in the St. Louis market. Nathan’s specialization is in building strong client relationships and developing account executives. Over the last 18 years of serving in the radio sales industry, Nathan has live by the motto, “don’t be afraid to go out on a limb because that’s where the fruit is.” This moniker has been incremental in his success in the radio sales industry. The St. Louis native and Ladue High School graduate worked in radio sale for 9 years at Sinclair Broadcasting and Clear Channel before accepting the position at Radio One.

Shante Duncan is a transformational personality and dynamic speaker. She is a passionate social justice advocate who has written articles and/ or edited for several local newspapers, and magazines. She is a free lance journalist/activist (B.A. in Communication from UMSL) and successful grant writer. She is founder/chief executive of S.H.E.R.A.H. (Sisters Helping Each Other Reach A Higher Height), a community women’s organization created to empower women to assist in the rebuilding of our communities. She speaks on a variety of topics including: -Womanhood -Community Organizing -Balancing Family and Career -Natural Family Living -Personal Empowerment She is currently working on a memoir that shares her insights and revelations concerning “growing up in the “Hood”, her journey “home to Africa” and her aspirations, thoughts and intentions as a mother and wife. Shante lives in St. Louis, MO with her husband and children.

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Jami M. Dolby is a native of Saint Louis, MO and wears many hats in the city she is proud to call home. Dolby is a columnist with the award winning St. Louis American newspaper, where her article, The STL Suite features everything and everyone in St. Louis in the top social and professional circles. Dolby is owner of Suite Ballentine, a public relations firm whose clients have ranged from entertainers, athletes to small business owners. Suite Ballentine continues to provide a unique service to its clients, where each PR campaign or creative production is connected with giving back to the community in which they serve. Dolby is currently a member of Urban League Young Professionals, a lifetime member and of Girl Scouts USA. Dolby also holds memberships with the NAACP and National Association with Black Journalist and a dedicated volunteer to various organizations. Jami Dolby also serves as Executive Director of Daddy.FM, and organization her husband Jowcol Dolby and she started to celebrate dads and provide the same resources to them that are available to moms everyone. Jami Dolby resides in St. Louis County with her husband and son, Cole.

Naretha Hopson is the Founder and Executive Director of EverAppropriate Etiquette Institute, which offers Leadership, Dining/ Business Etiquette, and Impression Management programming for youth and professionals. Since 2011, Ms. Hopson has helped thousands with professional soft skills refinement. She is the author of, “Ever-Appropriate Etiquette: 5 Steps to the Professional Presence that Pays”. Ms. Hopson’s dynamic client track-record includes K-12 schools, universities, non-profit organizations, and corporate executives. Ms. Hopson remains active in civic and business leadership development programs. Naretha is a proud 2010 graduate of the Focus St. Louis-Leadership St. Louis program. In 2012, she was selected for the inaugural cohort of the Consortium for Leadership Development, led by former Fortune 500 CEO’s, high-profile corporate executives. Naretha’s board involvement includes the United Way, Urban League – St. Louis, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, St. Louis Regional Business Council Young Professional Network, the St. Louis Crisis Nursery Young Professional Board, and Mayor Slay’s Vanguard Cabinet. Her most recent appointments are to the Board of Directors of Vernare Learning (schools incorporating STEM curriculum and sustainability, slated to open in 2016) Special Friends Mentoring, and the Missouri Ethics Commission.



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Vickie M. Denson, as president and CEO of St. Louis Black Pages Business Directory and The Transformational Agenda Magazine leads all aspects of its operations. This year she will unveil a new state-of-the-art interactive website and a new multi-platform mobile edition. She is president of the deaconess board of Washington Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Zion church, leads her church COPE ministry which aids ex-offenders returning to society, and is president of the Blackberry Hill Neighborhood Association. She has received the North American Council on Adoptable Children National Child Advocate Award, the Salute to Excellence in Education Stellar Performer award of the St. Louis American Foundation Award, and many others. Denson is a graduate of Herbert h. Lehman College in Bronx, New York. She and her husband are the proud parents of three IvyLeague educated daughters and six grandchildren.

Arica Evans is the Director of Compliance for Home State Health, Managed Care Provider for Missouri Families enrolled in MO HealthNet. In this position, Evans oversees the compliance function of the health plan, including auditing and monitoring to ensure Home State is meeting its contractual obligations while providing its members with quality healthcare.



Howard D. Denson is the publisher and editor of St. Louis Black Pages Business Directory and its “flip side publication” The Transformational Agenda Magazine. The Print Edition of 100,000 copies is available at over 500 distribution locations, the Internet Edition at www.Black-pages.com, and there are both iPhone and Android App Editions. This honors graduate of Harvard Business School and Hampton University has devoted an estimated 40,000 hours to grasping the African American experience with intellectual honesty. Two articles which summarize his findings, Listen to the Ancestors: They Deserve to be Heard and The Transformational Agenda, can be found at www.TheTransformationalAgenda.org. His 8-hour Transformational Agenda Retreat provides a transformational perspective on the African American experience and presents a viable blueprint for the African American community healing itself in but 20 years. He also presents the continuing education workshop Understand Cultural Intergenerational Trauma: A Case Study of African Americans.

Hazel Mallory is the Vice President of Head Start for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. In this position she is responsible for the management and compliance of all programmatic functions of the Head Start program serving 726 children and families in the City of St. Louis. Hazel received a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Fontbonne University and a master’s degree in education from Washington University. A native of St. Louis, MO, Hazel is a member of the Missouri Head Start Association, National Head Start Association, and is a life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She also currently serves as Vice President of the Consistory for St. Peter’s United Church of Christ and is a board member of the Ferguson-Dellwood Community Resource Center.

Prior to joining Home State in December 2014, Evans was Manager, Ethics and Compliance at Home State’s parent company, Centene Corporation (Centene). In this role, Evans supported the compliance function of several of Centene’s health plans across the United States. Evans started her career at Centene as Senior Internal Auditor. Evans obtained her Bachelors of Science Degree in Health Care Management from Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida and her Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Illinois at Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Evans serves on the Board of the Lupus Foundation of America – Heartland Chapter and is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA).




ANGELA R. LEWIS Angela R. Lewis is passionate about building successful teams by inspiring others to reach their highest potential. She is currently the City Director for the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship whose goal is to provide programs that inspire young people from low-income areas to have the entrepreneurial mindset. She has worked in public education for the past six years advocating for students with Rockwood School District and University City School District. Angela sports consulting firm, Athletes as Educators LLC’s mission is to educate, empower and excel student athletes for life and leadership. She has spoken to thousands of students on topics from her book The Game Changing Assist: Six Simple Ways to Choose Success. After a stellar college career at St. Louis University, she played professional basketball in Germany. She also was a championship winning coach at the high school, college and professional levels.

VIN KO Vin Ko, joined the St. Louis Mosaic Project, as the program manager at the beginning of 2015. Prior to this, Ko worked at Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School (MICDS) in their Alumni and Development office where he helped secure their $7 million dollar lead gift for renovations to the school’s pool. He also served as the Director of Operations for State Treasurer Clint Zweifel’s successful reelection campaign. Born in St. Louis, Ko took part in the desegregation program where he was bussed into the St. Louis Public Schools until his sophomore year, in which he transferred and graduated from Ladue High School. He then went on to college in California, graduating from the University of California Santa Barbara with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. In his spare Ko has started and grown a local pick up soccer organization known as St. Louis Pick Up Soccer, growing the group from an e-mail list of about 40 people to over 3,000 members playing all over the region. Ko also serves on the Ladue Education Foundation Board, TEDxGatewayArch Leadership Board, and the St. Louis Roadies Advisory Board.

With a focus on community, she serves as President of St. Louis University’s Black Alumni Association. Angela has been recognized by the Urban League, Top Ladies of Distinction, Metro Theatre Company and others. Lewis holds a B.A. and M.A. in Communication from Saint Louis University.



Adella D. Jones is the Director of Marketing and Community Outreach for Home State Health, the Missouri subsidiary of Centene Corporation based in Clayton, Missouri. Home State is a managed care provider serving Missouri families enrolled in MO HealthNet Managed Care. Jones is responsible for increasing brand awareness and knowledge of the health plan among medical providers, plan members and healthcare advocates throughout the state of Missouri.

Victoria Reaves currently serves as the Vice President of the St. Louis City Division for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. She has participated in housing-related committees within the community including the Alliance for Foreclosure Prevention and the St. Louis Metro Foreclosure Prevention Task Force. Reaves is committed to serving those in need in the region and serves on the Federal Emergency Food and Shelter boards for St. Louis City, St. Louis County. She is a member of the St. Louis City/County COAD, a member of the Project Clear Stakeholders Committee, St. Louis City CoC and previously served on the Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Community Advisory Council. Ms Reaves also has program oversight of the NULITES (National Urban League Incentive to Excel and Succeed), the leadership program for youth ages 14 -18 and the Federation of Block Units. Through her commitment, the NULITES have attended their national youth conferences in Orlando, Florida; Chicago, Illinois; Washington, DC. and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Since Home State began operations on July 1, 2012, Jones launched a number of successful community partnerships and initiatives. Prior to joining Home State, Jones served as the Vice President of Government & Community Affairs for Metro, the agency that operates public transit in the St. Louis region. She was responsible for oversight of the agency’s internal and external communications program, as well as directing the agency’s legislative agenda. Jones is a graduate of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. She previously served as St. Louis press secretary for Missouri’s Third District Congressman Richard Gephardt. She has also served as director of communications and chief spokesperson for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

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Cecilia Nadal has spent most of her life building cross-cultural bridges in St. Louis, Missouri. After 23 years as president of Productive Futures Inc., a successful human resources firm that specialized in training employers and low-income job seekers how to transcend class divisions, she founded Gitana Productions, Inc., the first arts organization (1996) with the central mission of cross-cultural engagement through drama, dance, and music performances. In 2007, she was asked to use her expertise in the area of Roma culture to speak to a group of Roma youth about a subject she studied for over 20 years – their culture. So moved by this experience, she started Global Education through the Arts, a program that brings African-American and immigrant youth together to nurture cultural acceptance. These youth conduct an annual nonviolence tour that has reached over 6,500 St. Louisans. Cecilia’s community work ranges from sponsoring Peace Festivals in North St. Louis to address violence to developing professional theatrical and music programming between the African-American and international communities of our region. Her latest project is BLACK AND BLUE, an original play inspired by Ferguson events. www.gitana-inc.org

A Social Entrepreneur, Leadership Development Coach, Trainer and Presenter specialized in Emotional Intelligence. Ciléia has embraced multiple leadership roles in the workplace and in the artistic, cultural and educational segments with keen professionalism, visionary spirit, and charisma. Previously, she had a 20-plusyear domestic and international professional experience covering a wide range of business sectors. An accomplished finance and marketing executive recognized in the local and national levels for her leadership and business acumen. Ciléia is the recipient of the following accolades: US Congress Proclamation; STL County Proclamation; STL Business Journal’s 2006 Most Influential Minority Business Leader Award; YWCA Woman in Business Award; Nestle Best Spirit Award; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce STL 2006 New Business Award and 2012 Member of the Year Award; Sister Salute Award; and “Torch-Bearer Award” given to those who have inspired communities through their own lives and deeds. Referred by the White House and US Department of Justice, Ciléia hosted then Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Secretary Attorney-General Thomas Perez. A FOCUS Leadership STL and CORO WIL graduate, Ciléia serves on various non-profit boards and executive committees. She lives in Saint Louis with her husband Andrew.



Felicia Williams is an associate at Thompson Coburn and practices in the business litigation group. Her practice focuses on complex civil litigation, including class actions, contract disputes, business torts and loan-related disputes. Felicia represents a wide range of clients, including financial institutions, telecommunications service providers, Internet service providers, metropolitan areas, transit agencies, agricultural cooperatives and exporters, and private business owners.

Randall D. White is employed with Monsanto Corporation through Strategic Staffing Solutions. Prior to joining Monsanto, he served as a field technician with CBCS Custom Network Inc, NDI Network Dynamics in Chicago and a computer technician with Unisys in Dallas.

Felicia represents clients through all phases of litigation, including discovery, motion practice, trial and appeals. She has obtained numerous favorable outcomes for her clients, including assisting in the defense of a long-standing financial services client’s victory on appeal to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. Felicia recently argued constitutional protection issues before the Eighth Circuit. Felicia also has experience advising clients in advertising and marketing matters, particularly those involving sweepstakes, contests and promotions. As the sole associate in the firm’s Advertising, Marketing and Promotions group, Felicia has drafted rules and dealt with compliance issues for dozens of domestic and international promotions. She is a regular contributor to Thompson Coburn’s Sweepstakes Law Blog.

Mr. White’s passion for technology and creation has been an accelerating factor for his life. He is a highly experienced and knowledgeable Information Technology Professional. He has acquired valuable experience in all facets of troubleshooting, installations, and maintenance for various computer equipment, hardware, and software. Randall possesses a unique talent for delivering highly complex technical information into terms and concepts that the end users can readily grasp. He has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of numerous operating systems, and is skilled in providing customer and end-user Help Desk support. Randall is a graduate of East St. Louis Senior High School. He also attended New Horizons Computer Learning Center where he completed course work in Comp TIA+, Network+ and Security+. He is the proud father of two beautiful daughters and one handsome son, Krystall Trice, Tiffany Brown and Kendall White.

A native of Birmingham, Alabama, Felicia received both her B.A. and J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis. 176 | WHO’S WHO DIVERSITY IN COLOR - whoswhodiversityincolor.com



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Adewale Soluade is the Corporate Inclusion and Diversity Manager for Commerce Bank, currently the 32nd largest bank in the country and recently ranked ninth on Forbes’ 2015 Best Banks in America list. He attended the University of Central Missouri, where he earned a bachelor’s in Business Administration. He then obtained his M.B.A from Fontbonne University. Soluade is an alumnus of the St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative Fellows and the FOCUS Emerging Leaders Program. He is a member of the Urban League Young Professionals of Metropolitan St. Louis and the Regional Business Council’s Young Professionals Network – Leadership 100 cohort, among numerous additional affiliations. Upon graduation, he worked briefly for Wells Fargo Financial before moving on to serve as Assistant Vice President - Branch Manager at PNC Bank. After spending five years with PNC Bank, he took on the role of Corporate Inclusion and Diversity Manager at Commerce Bank. His responsibilities include providing leadership, coordination and strategic planning for inclusion and diversity with an emphasis on alignment between employee engagement, business drivers and competitive position as well as managing strategic partnerships in the inclusion and diversity community

Lathon C. Ferguson, Regional Director-Midwest INROADS, Inc., promotes diversity in the workforce by preparing qualified candidates through a training and development program. INROADS’ mission is to develop and place talented underserved youth in business and industry, and prepare them for corporate and community leadership. Lathon is a sales professional with over a decade of experience in business development, revenue growth, and relationship-building who oversees and develops INROADS’ relationships with existing and prospective corporate partners, while leading the program operations in his region.



Lattissua Tyler became the Chief of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Records Management Center Liaison Office (VALO) in January 2011. As Chief, Mrs. Tyler leads one of the most diverse records management programs in the Department of Veterans Affairs – she supports a nationwide benefits delivery network which provides in excess of $40 billion in annual compensation and pension benefits. Prior to her current position, Mrs. Tyler served as Chief of Customer Service for the Department of Veterans Affairs. From 1995 to 2004 she successfully served in the Public Affairs Office for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Mrs. Tyler received her bachelor’s degree in public administration from Harris-Stowe State College, and a master’s degree in public relations from Webster University. She has received numerous awards during her career, including the USACE district commanders Medals in 2000 and 2002, the 2004 Department of the Army Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, and the 2005 Federal Executive Board Hero Award for community service. She is a graduate of a number of governmental executive level leadership programs, has authored or co-authored over 50 publications.

Leon Williamson, recognized for his expertise in marketing and advertising furthered his education at Miami Dade College where he received an A.S. Degree in TV & Radio Production as well as an A.A. Degree in Mass Communications. He completed his studies at Florida Atlantic University with a B.A. Degree in Communications and a minor in Sociology. At the age of 24, Leon was hired as the youngest Account Executive at WHHL 99JAMZ in Miami, Florida. In 2012, Leon was hired at Radio One St. Louis as a Local Sales Manager where he currently overseas nine account executives responsible for the success of local business in the St. Louis region through solving key marketing challenges with integrated marketing solutions. In the two years since Leon has resided in St. Louis, he sits on the leadership committee of the 100 Black Men of St. Louis’s Emerging 100 young professionals chapter and co-chair of the semiannual “What’s Cool?” youth summit. He is also on the education committee of The Black Leadership Roundtable.

Ferguson’s civic involvement has included: Regional Business Council’s Leadership 100, National Association of Health Services Executives-Senior Advisory Council; and the United Way of Greater St. Louis. Lathon has coached middle school girls’ basketball for over six years at MICDS and with the St. Louis Eagles and its affiliate. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Cohort 8 of St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative Fellows. Lathon received the St. Louis American Foundation’s Salute to Young Leaders Award in 2013. Ferguson holds a Masters degree in Business Management and Leadership from Webster University and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from University of Missouri-St. Louis.



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Anthony Bailon Bennett Bills Blue Bommarito Botchway Bowman Brax Broussard Brown Brown Buck Butler Cannon Carr Carter Carter Adams Carter Hicks Castro Catron Chapman Cobb Cogo Cohen Collier Courtway Daniel Daugherity Davis DeCou Denson Denson Dixon Dolby Dolby

Autumn Gilbert Rebeccah Angelia Larry Joe Nicole Colbert Barbara Virginia Rhonda Charles Kathy LaTanya Michael Thuy Danielle Dedric Rhonda Gloria Jomo J. Quenesha Marquita Cedric Akif Betsy Khalia Jessica Vera W. LaToya Beth Denise Howard Vickie Nathan Jami Jowcol

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158 50 162 159 156 158 76 152 134 68 165 155 132 159 110 96 136 164 165 56 164 166 151 150 25 167 98 24 112 28 138 172 172 170 170 171

Doshi Draper Duncan DuRousseau Epps Evans Ferguson Fernandez Fleeming Flores Gallegos Garcia Godwin Griffin Griffin Gunter Hall Harper Harris Hayat Hayes Hodge Holland Hopson Howard Huda Hudson Jackson Jackson Jacob Jolly Jones Ko Lee Lewis Lewis

Shvetal Judge Judy Shante Danielle Willie Arica Lathon Maria Debbie Margarita Ed Roberto Laurna Cari Keith Gary Cilliah Melissa Linda Dr. Ghazala Dr. Erika Dr. Dee Tammy Naretha Kendra R. Jasmine Deletra Francella D. Gwendolyn Carmen Andwele Adella Vin Helen Angela Christopher

114 27 163 100 86 173 179 116 153 60 169 72 24 58 58 153 44 26 157 48 118 120 163 171 167 54 168 166 169 151 140 174 175 66 174 88

Mallory Merrifield Mishale Nadal Nash Nelson Pickett Pineda Pitts Purnell Ramirez Reaves Riley Riopedre Robinson Rogers Shaw Shikapwashya Simmons So Soluade Sutton Tao Thomas Torres Tyler Van Neil Velazquez Wang Ward Warmack White Williams Williams Williams Williamson

Hazel Leah Anne Cecilia Dr. Alison Mary E. Chris Dr. Jose Emily Jason Karlos Victoria Shontaia Jorge James Terrence Melissa Herta David Munsok Adewale Royce Peter Larry Jaime Lattissua Kira Cecilia Johnny Kel Dr. Dwaun J. Randall Felicia R. Nelson Pamela Leon

173 142 161 176 122 160 42 144 90 146 27 175 102 155 154 157 161 52 104 64 178 70 66 92 154 178 156 26 25 128 46 177 176 168 162 179

Willis Willis Wilson Wilson Woods Ybarra Yu Yuen Zambrana

Arthur ‘A’ Plus Lori Cynthia Starsky Angie David Dr. Feliciano “Pele” Cileia Miranda Michael

150 160 152 74 124 106 126 177 62





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