site analysis :
asheville nc
the river arts district located just outside of the city of asheville, north carolina is the river arts district, a vibrant and art-infused neighborhood adjacent to the french broad river. the site is defined by it’s unique industrial yet refined palette of buildings and outdoor spaces. the site is bordered by the river to the west, the city of asheville to the east, and the interstate 26 overpass to the north. the rough and artsy vibe present in the area was a poignant inspiration to the design of the proposed arts center design.
creating a village
a village for the arts
rather than creating a large, imposing theatre building, it was decided that the river arts district needed an arts center in which program components were broken apart, which would leave interesting in-between spaces such as courtyards and atriums. the shaping of the main theatre was a later inspiration for the village as a whole.
program division
site plan
floor plans + sections
building planning with a theatre having many connected programs, spaces, and needs, the floor plan of the arts center was meticulously planned to enhance both performer and audience experience. the separated ‘village’ program includes the main theatre complex, which consists of the main auditorium, black box theatre, and supporting shops. across the street is the artist’s residence village, with 10 small studio houses, 2 gallery and studio buildings, and a street vending pavilion. all ada and egress codes were met and exceeded within the design and floor planning.
perspective : riverside street front
structural planning
load bearing systems
load tracing diagrams
perspective : glass rain screen
system planning the hvac system was planned in order to increase the comfort of both performers and the audience while keeping the overall system as efficient as possible. the system is divided into seven zones, allowing different parts of the building to remain cooler or warmer based on the use and occupancy of each space.
hvac systems
the lobby and auditorium have supply ducts underneath the floor to reduce noise and increase system efficiency.
perspective : interior entry hall
the village as an additonal program to the main performing arts center is the artists’ village across riverside drive from the theatre.
the artists’ village
each small village includes either two or four houses which share a common boardwalk entrance and open courtyard space. the 500 square foot studio-style houses are meant to house either a single person, or a couple featuring an open concept living space and bedroom. each house is designed to be low-energy consuming, and responds to the environmental conditions of the site.