Langue 2012 proceedings libre

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Language at the University of Essex (LangUE) 2012 Proceedings (2013), 1-8

A problem with wh-questions in Modern Standard Arabic Mansour Alotaibi Essex University, UK

Abstract Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) shows two main word orders; VSO and SVO. However, whmovement in these languages applies only to VSO word order, and not to SVO. A problem arises when the non-subject wh-phrases move over the SV order. Therefore, we assume that the preverbal NP in SVO is base generated as a topic in Spec-TopP. Under this respect, the preverbal NP must be analysed under base-generation account. 1 1.


This paper deals with the derivation of wh-questions in MSA within the minimalist framework (Chomsky 1998, 2000, 2008). In order to account the impossibility of SV word order in wh-questions I will assume that the preverbal NP in SVO is base generated as a topic, and not a subject. The moved wh-non-subject moves to Spec-FocP and wh-subject is base generated in Spec-TopP. I will assume that, further, the rich agreement on the verb in T is a result of the agreement between T and pro. This paper is organised as follows. The second section discusses word order in whquestions in MSA. Sections three and four describe and discuss wh-questions in MSA in relation to VSO and SVO word orders respectively. The conclusion will be drawn in section five. 2. The preverbal NP position The most common word orders in MSA in verbal sentences are VSO and SVO. Subject verb agreement is only full, i.e. in person, number and gender with the SVO order, otherwise the partial agreement occurs. The VSO word order is derived by raising the verb from VP to T (Fassi Fehri 1993, Aoun et al 1994 and Benmaoun 2000) as in the example (1a) which will have the simplified structure (1b) 1a.

‘akala Ahmad-u



ate.3sm Ahmad-NOM the-apple-ACC ‘Ahmad ate the apple’

* I am grateful to may supervisor, Bob Borsley, for his valuable comments and discussions. I would like also to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments.


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