EVS-Newsletter-Issue 1-Aug 2012 [English]

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Newsletter 1

European Voluntary Service August 2012 english version

Youth in Action 2007-13 Youth in Action programme is the programme that the European Union has developed for young people.

In this issue p.1

• Youth in Action 2007-13


• 5 actions of Youth in Action 2007-13


• Action 2: European Voluntary Service • Volunteers activities in KEKPADIEK and other actions • Webpages for volunteers and/or organisations


• The column of the coordinator • The column of the mentor • Other actions of DG ‘Education & Culture’ of the European Commission


Youth in Action aims to promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular, to develop solidarity and to promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union, to foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries, to contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field, and to promote European cooperation in the youth field. The permanent priorities of the programme are: European citizenship Participation of young people Cultural diversity Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities (social-economicgeographical obstacles, disability, educational difficulties, cultural differences, health problems) •

means to promote healthy lifestyles) •

young people's awareness and mobilisation in tackling global environmental challenges and climate change

For 2012, Greek priorities focus on the following: •

youth awareness-raising concerning the prevention of poverty and its consequences face the marginalisation and the various forms of discrimination, especially those on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, disability or national, religious, linguistic origin or social status face youth unemployment

The Youth in Action Programme is a key instrument for nonformal and informal learning in a European dimension.

• Tips for organisations • Tips for volunteers

• •


• The column of the volunteer • National Agency of Youth in Action programmes & Eurodesk • Deadlines for projects’ application to the National Agency • New EVS programmes of KEKPADIEK • Participate in the public consultation until 09.09.2012 !

For 2012, the European priorities of the programme are: •


youth unemployment and unemployed young people's mobility and active participation in society poverty/marginalisation and young people's awareness and commitment for a more inclusive society: young migrants, disabled young people, Roma youth young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship, employability healthy behaviours (outdoor activities and sport, as a

Non-formal learning refers to the learning outside formal educational curriculum and involves people on a voluntary basis aiming to foster the participants' personal, social and professional development. Informal learning refers to the learning by doing in daily life activities, in work, family, leisure, etc. (youth and leisure initiatives, in peer group and voluntary activities, etc.) Non-formal and informal learning activities within the Youth in Action Programme are complementary to the formal education and training system. They have a participative and learner-centred approach, are carried out on a voluntary basis and are therefore closely linked to young people's needs, aspirations and interests. Every person who has taken part in a Youth in Action project

under Action 1.1, Action 1.2, Action 3.1 (Youth Exchanges and Training Courses), Action 2, and Action 4.3 (Training Courses) is entitled to receive a Youthpass Certificate, which describes and validates the non-formal and informal learning experience and outcomes acquired during the project. Anti-discrimination is a core element of the Youth in Action Programme. The Programme should be accessible to all young people without any form of discrimination on grounds of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability or sexual orientation. The Youth in Action Programme promotes multilingualism, helps to create a society that makes the most of linguistic diversity, and encourages citizens to learn foreign languages, brings young people of different nationalities and different languages together and gives them the opportunity to participate in activities abroad. Although Youth in Action is not a linguistic Programme, it is nevertheless a non-formal learning Programme which gives young people the opportunity to become acquainted with other languages and cultures. If you are a young person aged between 13 and 30 years old (or 18-30 for some programmes) or somebody active in youth work or youth organisations legally resident in one of the Programme or Partner Countries, you can be a participant of a Youth in Action project, depending on the Action and sub-Action concerned. (if your project involves non-European Union countries you may need to check visa requirements)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


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