Heart & Mind - Winter 2018

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p r es i d e n t ’s w e l com e

FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK Dear Friends of Kellenberg Memorial, I am beginning this letter to you on the celebration of All Souls on November 2, 2017. The temperature outside is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Here we are in November with eight weeks of classes where the weather has been in the 70s almost every day, often with accompanying humidity. In my experience, it is one of the longest “Indian Summers” that I have ever experienced. We still have many plants blooming their hearts out. We have not even come close to a frost. Of course, this benign weather has been a Godsend for our outdoor sports. More on that later.

that demands more knowledge than most of us originally had. I am concerned that our students know all the natural processes that are involved. Not being close to any farming experience, the majority of our students have very little knowledge of how things grow, what makes power, how do we improve growing quality, etc., what is oxygen, what is carbon dioxide? They are all around us; we live in them; and we can’t live without them! How do we react with all these different processes which we take for granted? The environmentalist movement has a great deal to teach us, especially in the area of scientific processes and the world’s resources. I do not think we are really coming to terms with that yet. We are trying very hard in our Science program to acquaint our students not only with

Speaking about the weather brings up a question that all school administrators face today in the “You play to win with all your realms of Science, particularly mind, your heart, your strength, Earth Science, which, I consider, to be one of the most important and your commitment, but we areas of study today. The question realize that you can win a game of climate change is not only a real and play poorly, and you can lose one, but a very controversial one. a game, but play superbly.” It has been politicized almost to the extreme. There are reputable people on both sides. The fact, however, is that the technology of Science, but also with the there has always been certain change in climate consequences that flow from human interaction over the years. We know that there has been with nature. climate change from over the past two hundred and fifty million years, even though none of us This leads us to another question which were there to personally experience it. The impacts education. Consumerism is a term further question which is hotly debated is, that has been used to define a significant part “What is the cause of this climate change?” Is it of western (and even global) civilization. We a natural phenomenon that has occurred many make use of things in spite of some negative times in the history of planet earth or is it caused effects on our environment. We do not save or by human activity, particularly the release of repair things. I have heard so many times, when carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? That someone was asked why they got this new question begets many other related questions, object, they reply because the other one was such as fossil fuels, use of energy in a creative old, as if old meant that it was no longer useful way, production of electricity, solar power, etc. or working. Industry over the past century has On the latter question, as you know, Kellenberg promoted “Programmed Obsolescence." ManMemorial has installed extensive solar hot water made objects have built-in qualities which lead panels and solar electrical panels to reduce our to a hasty breakdown and discarding it on the use of fossil fuels and electricity. junk pile. How do we educate students about this exaggerated use of consumer goods? As an educator, I find this question of climate Further, any type of saving or repair or change to be not only a fascinating one, but one frugality in the use of material objects, is met

with another challenge, namely, that our economy is based upon production of material goods - to reduce that productivity means that there are many jobs and even industries which would go out of business. It is a double-edge sword for us: our desire for more products and the response of society to produce more products. Any interruption of that cycle has very significant economic and social consequences. In my Novitiate, Brother Joseph Fox, after whom our Latin School is named, was our Prefect. He taught us to observe the following: “Wear it out; make it do; do without!” Sports is another area that impacts on the high school experience. For Americans, competitive sports are quite ingrained in the secondary school experience, and even now in elementary schools, and, of course, on the college level. Sports take up a great deal of time and resources and personnel. For us at Kellenberg Memorial they are an integral part of our educational process, about which I will speak later. What is impacting us right now is the question of CTS – Cerebral Trauma Syndrome. There has been a great deal of discussion on that in magazines, papers, etc. Just recently Newsday has promoted a very large study on the declining numbers in football on Long Island, mostly because of this fear. I have sent out to our faculty and to our parents many of these articles to keep them informed about the progress of dealing with this phenomenon of brain injury because of concussion, among other things. The recent investigation in this field of brain injury has brought to our attention the real problems that exist in repeated injury to the head. What to do about it? Can we make it safer? The anomaly here is that giving a football athlete more body protection just makes him continued on page 30




c o n t e n ts

0 4 C E L E B R AT I O N S O F FA I T H 0 6 M E E T T H E B OA R D 0 7 E Y E O N T H E L AT I N S C H O O L 08 SCHOOL NEWS 1 0 C OV E R S T O R Y: 3 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y 1 6 S T. M A R T I N D E P O R R E S N E W S 1 7 K A PA


Heart & Mind, the magazine of Kellenberg Memorial High School, is published twice a year and distributed to all alumni, parents, alumni parents, faculty, administration, and friends of KMHS.

Marianist Mission of Mercy to Lourdes

Letters of Intent Signings

Class of 1992 - 25th Anniversary


05 19 21

A D M I N I S T R AT I O N President Rev. Philip Eichner, S.M. Principal Bro. Kenneth Hoagland, S.M. A DVA N C E M E N T Director of Advancement Mrs. Denise Miles Director of Alumni Mr. Thomas Huggard A L U M N I B OA R D President Hilary (Cunningham) McDevitt ’93 Vice President Andrea (Licari) Petrosky ’91 Vice President John Muenzen ’97 Vice President Christine (Carroll) Krisch ’02 Vice President Jerard Roggio ’06 Vice President James Scahill ’08 EDITORIAL Editor in Chief Mrs. Erin (Byrne) Cicalese ’98 Editorial Advisor Mr. Thomas Huggard Editorial Assistant Mrs. Beth Campbell Creative Director Mrs. Trista Harnisch PHOTOGRAPHY Jordan Bernhardi ’17 Nicholas Boffardi ’14 Nicolas Castelli ’17 Mrs. Erin (Toscano) Citrano ’03 Mr. Eric Harnisch Mr. Jeff Harris ’03 Harrison Keller ’18 Mr. Brendan Narell Brother Roger Poletti, S.M.



C e l e b r at i o n s o f Fa i t h

TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS FRESHMAN GRANDPARENTS DAY On September 14th, the entire Kellenberg Memorial community came together to celebrate the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross Prayer Service. Madison Callinan ’18 reflects of the importance of the day, saying, “Students from St. Martin de Porres Marianist School also attend, adding to the Marianist family atmosphere. Students were involved in every aspect of the day’s celebration. Juniors proclaim the reading and the Litany. High school students sing in the Gregorian Consortium, while others set up and clean up for S.A.L.T. The wooden cross we receive in homeroom will not only serve as a reminder to keep Christ at the center of our lives, but also as a fond memory of an event only at Kellenberg Memorial.” Above: Imani Lipscomb ’19, Tiffany Kirkland ’19, Gabriela Gonzalez ’19, Kaitlin Long ’19, and Kayla Lissade ’19 enjoy breakfast outside after the Prayer Service.

On October 11th, Kellenberg Memorial hosted the inaugural Freshman Grandparents Day Mass and Brunch. Campus was bustling with activity as Marianist Mentors greeted the freshman grandparents, escorted them through check-in and into the gymnasium to be seated for Mass. Father Philip Eichner, S.M. celebrated a moving Mass for the over 400 grandparents gathered, as well as the entire freshman class. The sanctity of the celebration was further enhanced by the artful musical accompaniment of Kellenberg Memorial’s Freshman Jubilee Choir. Following Mass, members of the freshman class joined their grandparents for a light brunch in the cafeteria. Grandparents Gerry and Charlie Peknic thoroughly enjoyed the day, saying, “We just wanted to share our heartfelt thanks for the wonderfully beautiful morning we had at the Mass and Brunch for Freshman Grandparents. It was pure delight from beginning to end to have shared this blessing with our grandchildren, Grace and C.J., along with all their peers and grandparents! God bless them all, especially Father Philip for his awesome homily!” Above Left: Jared Severe ’21 with his grandparents, Linda and David Gatling. Above Right: Isabella Gillam ’21 with her grandfather, John Zullo.


Members of the freshman class had a blast participating in F.A.I.T.H. (Freshmen Ascending In Their Homerooms) Day on October 18th. More than one month into the school year, this day of spirit and spirituality offered the perfect opportunity for students to bond while participating in a homeroom competition, in addition to watching a film, praying, and participating in a faith talk. Top: An aerial view of all the freshman homerooms on FAITH Day. Left: Erik Aho ’21 and Yoshuah Argueta-Mancia ’21 have their eyes on winning Gaga against their opponents. Right: Anthony Mineo ’21, Edward McCann ’21, and Liam McNicholas ’21 successfully win at Tug-of-War. 4


On November 9th, members of the sophomore class took part in A.N.O.I.N.T. (Afternoon and Night of Offering Intercessions, New Evangelization and Teamwork), a day of friendly competition, teamwork, and prayerful reflection, followed by a dance. Various highlights from the day included an inspirational presentation by Jay Asparro ’97 regarding his faith-life and a healthcare session which taught the sophomores how to administer CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. Before ending the day with a dance, students took part in Eucharistic Adoration featuring a reflection given by Father Philip. Above: Ashley Doht ’20, Brianna Diele ’20, and Olivia Donnelly ’20 enjoy the day’s outside activities. A K E L L E N B E RG M E M O R I A L FA M I LY P U B L I CAT I O N


C e l e b r at i o ns o f Fa i t h







St. Bernadette’s simplicity, humility, and example are at the heart of Kellenberg Memorial’s annual Mission of Mercy to Lourdes, France. For the third straight year, Kellenberg Memorial has sent students to serve as missionaries in Lourdes. This summer, two groups of students served from July 5 to 18 and from July 26 to August 8. Both trips followed the same itinerary, stopping for the first leg of their journey in Bordeaux, where students toured the city and visited the La Madeleine Chapel and the residence of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade. While in Lourdes, the students assisted with a variety of service assignments. Each day there was a need for assistance in the daily Eucharistic Processions and Rosary Processions. Students also served at the train station, where they greeted and assisted the elderly and infirmed as they arrived on their own journeys. F.



A. Group A meets with the Marianists at Blessed William Joseph Chaminade's room in Bordeaux. B. Group B enjoys their first evening in Lourdes at the Candlelight Procession. C. Group A celebrates the end of the Candlelight Procession by singing Salve Regina. D. At the end of the Candlelight Procession, Group A poses with our banner. E. Madison Keller ’18, Michael Devereaux ’18, Anita Mikowski ’18, Anthony Ricciardi ’18, Chris Beyers ’18, and Brian O'Regan ’18 assist at Mass by bringing up the gifts. F. Catherine Clark ’18, John Cascio ’18, Thomas Cava ’18, Aria Marino ’18, and Emma Dougherty ’18 show pilgrims which way to go. G. Group B had the unexpected opportunity to meet Dr. Alessandro de Franciscis, the President of the the Lourdes Office of Medical Observations and Cures. H. Group B prays a rosary with the Chaplain of Lourdes for the EWTN weekly broadcast. I. Robert Egan ’18, Ashley Boccio ’18, Teresa Blangiforti ’18, Faith Agolia ’18, and Kerry Schiller ’18 assist at Mass as Communion ushers. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

H E AR T & M I N D


MEET THE ALUMNI BOARD M e et t h e B oa r d

In 2014, Kellenberg Memorial established its first official Alumni Association Board, the mission of which is to provide opportunities for Firebird alumni to maintain contact with each other and the school. The officers of the first board served for two years, with new board officers having been named this fall. The new board officers, as well as past officers who have agreed to continue to serve in an advisory role, are below. We thank them all for their continued support of Kellenberg Memorial.

Hilary (Cunningham) McDevitt ’93 President Speech pathologist at Malverne Center for Play and Development Loyola University Maryland, Bachelor of Science in Speech Language Pathology. CW Post, Master of Arts in Speech Language Pathology. “I agreed to serve as an alumni board member because I was a student at Kellenberg in the early years of the school and have had the pleasure of watching KMHS evolve over the last 25 years. I think it's important to participate as an alum to help secure the future for the next generation of students.”

James Scahill ’08 Assistant District Attorney, Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office Marist College, Bachelor of Arts in History. St. John’s University School of Law, Juris Doctor “Kellenberg provided me and my three sisters (Kathleen ’06, Claire ’09, and Eileen ’12) with a great education that helped me throughout college and law school. It is my privilege to serve as an alumni board member and help provide opportunities for alumni to maintain a long-term relationship with Kellenberg Memorial.” 6


John Muenzen ’97 Manager of Facility Projects, LaGuardia Airport - The Port Authority of NY & NJ Manhattan College, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with Mathematics Minor. “I'm thrilled to give back to the school which set me upon the solid path to the life I lead today.”

James McBrien, MD ’89 Past President Advisor Site Medical Director at CityMD Manhattan College (cum laude), Bachelor of Science in Biology. SUNY Downstate, Doctor of Medicine. St. Vincent’s Hospital, Residency in combined Medicine and Pediatrics. “When asked to serve as the first president of the Alumni Association, I was honored to meet and work with fellow alumni from different years who shared a common appreciation for their Kellenberg experience. Now that my term as president has ended, I am excited to serve as an advisor as we seek to expand our activities to benefit fellow graduates of all class years.”

Andrea (Licari) Petrosky ’91 Professional background in marketing, currently a homemaker Villanova University, Bachelor of Science in Marketing. “Aside from being my home away from home, Kellenberg was the springboard to where I am today. When I see the advancements that Kellenberg has made some 25+ years after I graduated, and the beaming smiles on the students' faces at events throughout the year, I am so unbelievably proud to still call Kellenberg home. Our alumni family - while still growing - is becoming quite a force! I can't wait to see where it leads.”

John Scatamacchia ’00 Advisor Senior Industrial Engineer for Stratasys Ltd. University of Michigan, Bachelor of Science and Engineering. St. John’s University, Master of Business Administration. “KMHS is family to both me and my wife, Maureen ’00. It fortified the faith our parents gave us and provided a foundation for success in life. I serve on the Alumni Board with the hopes of it becoming a driving force in helping alumni reconnect with the school and their former classmates, as well as a means of providing support to current students.”

Jerard Roggio ’06 Sports Agent, Sportstars Inc. University of Miami, Bachelor of Science in Sports Business. Touro College Law Center, Juris Doctor. “I feel it is important to give back to an institution that has helped mold me into the person I am today.”

Kelly Agostinacchio Forquignon ’99 Advisor CPA/Assistant Chief Financial Officer of a law firm Boston College, Bachelor of Science in Accounting and English. “Serving on the board has been very rewarding for me as I have reconnected with so many faculty, administrators, and fellow alumni who share similar experiences and goals. I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside them to strengthen our alumni community, promote the advancement of the school, and be able to give back in some small way.”

Christine (Carroll) Krisch ’02 Critical Care Nurse at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center The College of the Holy Cross, Bachelor of Arts in English and Premedical Studies. Stony Brook University, Bachelor of Nursing. “I am so grateful for the unique education I received at Kellenberg, where I had the chance to grow in faith, commitment to service, and pursuit of higher knowledge. Many of the best opportunities in my life have come from the foundation I built in high school. I am very excited for the chance to finally give something back to Kellenberg by joining the alumni board. I'm looking forward to working towards a more tight-knit alumni community.”

Patricia Kearney ’97 Advisor Manager of Rehabilitation Services at Glen Cove Hospital University of Scranton, Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. Hofstra University, Master of Business Administration in Health Services Management. “I serve on the Alumni Board to give back to the school that I owe so much to. I appreciate still having a connection to the Kellenberg family.”


Eye on the Latin School



On October 27 , students in the Latin School gathered for a Halloween Party. Cadets, Tyros, and Squires had a ghoulish good time dancing, playing pin the nose on the pumpkin, trying to break a piñata, and participating in a costume contest. th

Above Left: Squires Gabriella Zuniga ’22, Victoria Millisys ’22, and Emma Lincks ’22 channeling Alvin and the Chipmunks. Above Right: Cadet "Agent" James Campbell ’24 is on the job.

COLLECTED IN FOOD DRIVE This year over 4,500 items were donated by the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders and their families during the annual Latin School Thanksgiving Food Drive. The items were then delivered by the members of Latin School C.R.O.S.S. to the St. Brigid’s and St. Martha’s Parish Outreach programs. Kudos to all the homerooms, most of which brought in over 100 items. The homeroom with the most items was 7F, which donated a total of 1,354 non-perishables! Above: Squires proudly display their donations! Left to right: Mia Devino ’22, Max Alter ’22, Brian A'Hearn ’22, Gwin Burke ’22, Michael Alfieri ’22, and Michael Callinan ’22.

SPIRIT DAY On September 15th, Latin School students took part in Spirit Day. Cadet and Tyro homerooms competed against each other in various games and activities outside, while Squires spent time making sandwiches for the hungry at The INN and listened to a speech about the importance of service by Brother Patrick Cahill, n.S.M. Above Left: Tyro Robert Atkins ’23 focuses on his footwork. Above Right: Tyros Valentina Verga ’23, Grace Toler ’23, Michaela Zaccardi ’23, Julie Anna Serio ’23, Marybeth Zimos ’23, and Chaewon Vitale ’23 take a break on the sidelines.



On December 12 , Squire homerooms received surprise visits from Brother Kenneth Hoagland, S.M., the Firebird (Kellenberg Memorial’s official mascot), and Tobit (the school’s “unofficial” mascot, not pictured). The trio came bearing breakfast for the students and stayed for photos.. th

The students of Ms. Victoria Pisciotta ’08’s Homeroom 8B pose with the Firebird (Robert Egan ’18). Front Row: Jimmy Fitzpatrick ’22, Connor Gale ’22, Maeve Doherty ’22, Mia Devino ’22, and Caroline Franco ’22. Back Row: Jonathan Duggin ’22, Kasaan Green ’22, and Nick Franco ’22. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG


On November 3rd, eighth graders took part in the annual Squire Field Trip to Philadelphia. They kicked off the day with a tour of the Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial in Camden, New Jersey to learn about the United States’ most decorated battleship. Upon arriving in Philadelphia proper, the first activity was a walking tour of revolutionary sites in the city, such as the Liberty Bell and the National Constitution Center, as well as Benjamin Franklin’s printing press and house. They also saw a play called Freedom Rising, a 360-degree live theatrical production that tells the story of the U.S. Constitution and the American quest for freedom. Above Top: Squires tour the deck of the Battleship New Jersey. Above Bottom: Squires are intent on learning about the Liberty Bell. H E AR T & M I N D






29 October 3:00PM

The weather couldn't dampen the spirits of the Senior Ushers as they made their annual retreat to Founders Hollow.


23 October 10:15AM

Ryan Gerhart ’22 won the annual Latin School Spelling Bee, and the runner-up was Isabel Connolly ’23. Ryan will represent Kellenberg Memorial in the local county spelling competition at Hofstra University in February 2018.


9 November 7:00PM

Every year the History Club honors the Veterans of the KMHS family with a tribute dinner. Claudia Restivo ’19 and Tara Brennan ’21 attend with their grandfather, Albert DiCanni.


29 September 3:00PM

300 Freshmen and Sophomores attend the first @Kellenberg C.R.O.S.S. Meeting of the year in the Millennium Room.


4 October 5:30PM

Out of over two hundred of the best high school mock trial students, @Kellenberg was among the top ten teams, and Samantha Gentile ’18 was awarded with the Outstanding Attorney Award.


17 November 8:00PM

The Fall Musical Production, Bye Bye Birdie, starts its weekend run. Christelle Pascal ’18 plays Rosie Alvarez and Jason Kopp ’17 plays Albert Peterson.


24 October 3:00PM

Another week, another delicacy from the @Kellenberg Culinary Club. This week's meeting: Puff pastries.


11 September 7:30AM


17 August 9:45AM

Our Great American Solar Eclipse and STEM Field Trip takes 20 students to Clemson, South Carolina to view the #SolarEclipse2017!



The Town of Hempstead thanks @Kellenberg Gregorian Consortium for providing moving musical selections for the @HempsteadTown 9/11 Service.


30 October 9:00AM

Junior members of the STEM Cluster visited the Cradle of Aviation Museum for a STEM Career Expo, where students got the chance to explore various jobs and opportunities that science, technology, engineering, and math have to offer.



29 October 10:15AM


30 November 12:30PM

Students collected donations for the Little Sisters of the Poor and the elderly at Queen of Peace Residence. The donations supplied the elderly with the needed health care items for one full year.

The @Kellenberg Communications Club field trip took them on a tour of the NBC Today Show studios.


9 November 7:00PM

The @Kellenberg Robotics Club is growing by bits and bytes.


7 November 10:00AM


29 October 7:00PM

Congratulations to four @Kellenberg teams who all finished with winning records at the Lehigh Valley tournament.


5 December 8:10AM

Congratulations to (Left photo) Michelle Lee ’18, National Merit Scholarship Program semifinalist, and to (Right photo, left to right) Faith O’Connor ’18, Bridget Lapham ’18, Gerasimos Copoulos ’18, and Thomas McKenna ’18 on their commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Program.

Sophomore and Senior Retreats were in full swing this trimester, totalling 21 retreats and over 750 students.


27 October 3:15PM



More than 40 students from all grade levels participated in the 2017 Day of Prayer at the Queen of Peace residence, joining in praying the rosary with the residents.

Our Dance Team made an impact in the community by volunteering @StJude Walk cheering on the runners.

2 October 4:00PM


29 September 9:30AM

One Friday per month, the Latin School History Club hosts Freedom Fridays, where students FaceTime or Skype with an active member of the United States military. This month, Staff Sergeant Christopher Darling of the United States Air Force joined in on the experience!

H E AR T & M I N D



Years of

Marianist Education By: Erin (Byrne) Cicalese ’98

There is a popular story about the beginning days of Kellenberg Memorial High School as remembered by Mr. James Jones, who has worked at 1400 Glenn Curtiss Boulevard since the spring of 1966. When the Marianist Priests and Brothers arrived in 1987 to launch “Project Phoenix,” the resurrection of a coeducational, comprehensive Catholic high school, Mr. Jones witnessed the arrival of much carpentry equipment and many canine companions. He remembers thinking to himself, “I’ve seen them come and I’ve seen them go, but I’ve never seen anyone come quite like this.”

Beautification of the Maria Regina Terrace

(1989) 10


This testimonial speaks volumes about the unique characteristics of a Marianist education, and, more specifically, about the foundation and subsequent growth of Kellenberg Memorial High School. The arrival of “much carpentry equipment and canine companions” is a concrete example which illustrates a more transcendent belief of the Marianists credited to their founder, Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, which is that atmosphere educates. The vision of the Marianists was not only to create a vibrant Catholic high school within a physical plant that had seen the unfortunate closing of two

Looking east towards RXR Plaza (formerly known as EAB Plaza)

(early 1990s)

schools previously, but to expand upon and improve the existing campus and facilities, creating a home away from home where students would grow in heart and mind. They set to work beautifying 1400 Glenn Curtiss Blvd with the addition of hand-crafted woodwork, artwork, and statues throughout. Existing courtyards that had little more than grass and concrete were painstakingly renovated over the years to become outdoor oases with koi ponds, goldfish ponds, lush vegetation, footbridges, and even a stained glass bell tower.

Greenhouse construction in the Madonna Pavillion



c ov e r st o ry

Father Philip Eichner doing masonry work in the Madonna Pavilion (1997)

Construction of the Holy Family Shrine


Construction of the Holy Family Shrine


Installation of Artificial Turf



In addition to their tools, the Marianists brought along their canine companions, which certainly helped to further solidify the “home away from home” atmosphere that students have thrived in for the past 30 years. It is often said by many familiar with the Kellenberg community that with students constantly petting, walking, and playing with them, “no one has it better than a Marianist dog.” The campus is also home to peacocks, saltwater and freshwater fish, tortoises, and birds, all of which enhance the “atmosphere which educates” at Kellenberg Memorial. Small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, chinchillas, and a number of reptiles, can be found in the Kellenberg Zoo, where Latin School students serve as their caregivers in a club called Lab Squad. The unique atmosphere which has been carefully crafted by the Marianists helps to cultivate students’ intellectual pursuits as well as their faith lives. The intertwining of the education of the heart and the mind appeals to many seeking a Catholic education on Long Island, putting Kellenberg’s student body at full enrollment. The school’s healthy enrollment is not a mere coincidence, nor is it to be taken for granted. The 30-year history of Kellenberg Memorial has proven there is great truth in the adage, “growth begets growth.” The Marianists envisioned building a school which would grow and evangelize the Catholic youth for generations to come. Just one year into its existence, Kellenberg’s growth was underway with the establishment of a middle school program, the Brother Joseph C. Fox Latin School. Later, by adding playing fields and artificial turf, reconfiguring the driveway to allow for more parking, and creating the Emmanuel Retreat House and the Millennium Room, the school’s leadership paved the way for the expansion of the

Current Madonna Pavillion


school’s academic, apostolic, and athletic programs. The ever-evolving liberal arts curriculum has been carefully crafted to strike a healthy balance among disciplines, with a mastery of writing being paramount. During the 20142015 academic year, iPads were introduced to the class of 2018 with a new grade level receiving iPads each subsequent year. With every student and every faculty member possessing an iPad, the liberal arts curriculum comes alive with unlimited access to information, organizational tools, and content area applications. For the past 30 years, Kellenberg has far surpassed local secondary schools by requiring each student to successfully complete four full years of science and math. With the recent widespread increased academic emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) curricula, Kellenberg has added a greater variety of clubs and activities for those wishing to deepen their knowledge within the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. As the leadership of Kellenberg Memorial plans for continued advancement in the next 30 years (and beyond!), it continues to weigh future priorities using an a posteriori approach. In other words, Kellenberg’s administration judges the overall effectiveness of its academic, apostolic, and athletic programs by the results that are obtained. One question echoed often when alumni return to campus is, “Were you prepared for college?” The answer, satisfyingly, is always a resounding, “Yes!”

Visit kellenberg.org/360

for virtual tours of the present-day campus!

Current Madonna Pavillion


H E AR T & M I N D


FIREBIRD ALUMNI ANSWER 30 QUESTIONS FOR 30 YEARS! In honor of the 30th Anniversary of Kellenberg Memorial, one alum from each class year from 1988 through 2017 was asked to reflect on different aspects of their experiences as Firebirds: 30 questions for 30 years!

S a r a h (O a k d e n ) A r m st ro ng 19 C l a i r e (M o r ro ) G a lo fa ro You were a student here when the Marianists arrived… what memory stands out most to you from that time?

Definitely the removal of the soda machine (just kidding...although that really did happen)! I think what I remember standing out the most initially was the uncertainty - the Brothers were learning to acclimate to a co-ed school, as this was obviously a change for most of them coming from an all-boys prep school. The process of us all getting used to each other, as I look back on it, was intriguing, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately enjoyable. I loved that they honored many standing traditions while also adding new ones. I also remember the day the dogs showed up with Father Albert – I was so excited!!

Peter Shields You attended your 25th reunion last year and supported the class of 1991’s Class Gift… why do you give back to Kellenberg Memorial?

Like many others, I like to think I give to support an idea. Kellenberg isn’t just a building or a school to me. It’s the idea that the people there have a method of raising young men and women with the ability to meet their own individual potential. I am who I am and have been able to achieve what I have because of people like Brother Kenneth, Clark Blanton, and Kevin and Rosemary Dugal, topping the list among others. I support their shared idea.

88 19 89

Your daughter is now a sophomore at Kellenberg, and you said in a recent class note that even though the school has changed quite a bit since you graduated in 1988, it still feels like "home." What is one of the biggest changes you've noticed, and what makes Kellenberg still feel like "home"?

One of the biggest changes I have noticed (besides beautifying the courtyards and making a home for many animals) is the amount of students Kellenberg is able to educate. The class sizes have grown but this does not affect the students’ ability to learn or the teachers’ ability to teach. When you walked the hallways 30 years ago, you were greeted by a Brother (and a dog) with a warm smile and a friendly hello, someone who was eager to get to know your name and know a little about you. When you walk in the doors today you are greeted the same way. It is a warm, welcoming feeling that is spread throughout the whole school; a feeling of comfort; a feeling which makes each student proud to be a part of the Kellenberg family. I feel blessed that my daughter is able to experience it.

E ileen (M oriarty ) S ilecchia

19 90

You and your husband, Jerome ’88, are two of the many Firebird alums who have now transitioned to the role of current parents...why did you choose to send your children to the Latin School and high school?

We felt that sending our kids to Kellenberg would be one of the best things that we could do as parents. It is really difficult to raise children in today’s world. We feel very good knowing that the school we send our children to has the same views, traditions and values that we try to attain in our household. Kellenberg has been very good to my husband and me in terms of making solid friendships. Also, when I got to college I could not believe how much Kellenberg prepared me. It prepared me to succeed in college, graduate school, and now in my career as a Special Educator. The rigorous curriculum has helped me to handle my life after high school. I will always owe that to Kellenberg!

19 S a noj S t e p h e n 91 J o nat h a n H a r r i s You were Valedictorian of the Class of 1993. In your speech at graduation, you urged your fellow classmates to “seize their victories rather than burn with their respective ships.” You now have a successful career serving as Senior VP and General Counsel of Sotheby's International Realty. What role did Kellenberg play in shaping your work ethic and intellectual pursuits?

Thinking back very fondly of my time at Kellenberg, I owe a great deal to the school – and it is a debt of gratitude that I may never fully repay. It provided a great atmosphere to learn, but also to grow as a person, learning not only from the teachers in the classroom but also from my fellow students. The point of that story at graduation was to say that we now had to look forward because – much like the soldiers in that story about Alexander the Great – we couldn’t go back. If we accepted that and committed to the course of action in front of us, I believed we would succeed. After all, we had the good fortune of being well prepared by Kellenberg for the challenges that lay ahead. 12


19 92 19 93

You played Varsity Basketball and Varsity Football during your time at Kellenberg Memorial. After playing football for the University of Virginia, you were a first round pick in the NFL draft. How did balancing your studies and athletics during high school help you thrive in college and in your career?

It started at home with having strict parents who were great role models. There was no football or basketball if my grades weren’t up to par. That mindset carried over to college, where the NCAA says if you don’t stay above a certain GPA, you can’t play. Balancing football and keeping up with my studies was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but thankfully Kellenberg provided me with a strong base which prepared me for this challenge. Kellenberg and UVA both stood for very strong principles and demanded that every student who was part of the family represented those core values whether you were on school grounds or not. This has stayed with me through life, that I not only represent myself and family in everything I do, but also Kellenberg, UVA, every NFL Team that I’ve played for or company or organization that I’ve been a part of. Now I try to instill these values I’ve learned into my kids. A K E L L E N B E RG M E M O R I A L FA M I LY P U B L I CAT I O N

S t e p h a n i e (T r e n tac o st e )

19 M c N a l ly , MD J o l i e S i lva , MD 94

You return to Kellenberg Memorial annually to speak at Junior Career Night about your professional path as a psychologist. How did your time as a student here influence your decision to enter the field of Psychology?

Kellenberg influenced my decision to become a psychologist by instilling the value of compassion. Compassion is an integral part of being an effective psychologist and was a message that was clearly given to me throughout my time as a student at Kellenberg. Additionally, I believe that the challenging academic environment at Kellenberg prepared me to succeed in college and complete my rigorous doctorate program.

19 95

In medicine, particularly in the field of Obstetrics, the clinical course can change in seconds - with a blink and a push, a new life can enter the world! Throughout my career, I have been challenged to juggle not only the demands of my job but also those of my family and friends. The ability to multi-task and balance all that life brings, and to do it with kindness and ease, was knowledge acquired from high school. Kellenberg is a unique place that exposes its students to many things and encourages them to participate. In this diverse and fast-paced environment, the tools for my success in medicine hatched!

19 C at h e r i n e F e m i n e l l a 96

Omar Syed,


In addition to your role of Assistant Dean for Student Development and Engagement at Widener University, you volunteer your time as a Commissioner for the Chester Housing Authority, the largest affordable housing provider in your community. How did your time at Kellenberg Memorial instill in you a desire to serve your community in such a way?

You are an accomplished neurosurgeon, yet you still find the time to attend Junior Career Night to discuss medicine with students at Junior Career Night. Why do you feel it is important to give back in this way to today’s Firebirds?

The well-rounded education I received at Kellenberg provided me with what I needed to succeed, both professionally and socially, in college, medical school, and during my neurosurgical career. It is important for today’s Firebirds to know that they have the tools needed to succeed in an increasingly competitive environment. The foundation they receive in KMHS is truly an excellent one. I have always looked back fondly of my years at KMHS.

S t e p h a n i e L a ro s i l i e r e

Who was your favorite teacher at Kellenberg and why?

My favorite teacher at Kellenberg was Mr. Huggard! His classes were always enjoyable and he made learning fun! He is part of the reason I chose to major in English when I went to Binghamton University. I learned so much from him that I was able to carry on with me after I left Kellenberg and for that I will be forever grateful to him.

19 97

As an educator at Kellenberg, I am looking at my vocation through a new set of eyes. As a student, I hardly realized the sacrifice and commitment my teachers made when I was a student. I didn't fully appreciate the countless hours my teachers put in not just as subject teachers, but as spiritual retreat leaders, guidance counselors, coaches, and activity moderators. Now having the great guidance of former teachers who also are my closest colleagues, I go into the classroom each day with a great spirit and professionalism knowing the work we are doing to mold young minds and hearts has produced the greatest fruits of our labor.

My experience at Kellenberg instilled in me a desire to help others using any skills and talents available to me. As a high school student, these opportunities helped me to gain experience serving different constituents and, therefore, encouraged me to carry it forward in college and then in life after college. From National Honor Society events like serving at a pancake breakfast to teaching young children in the Parish Religious Education Program, I had numerous opportunities to serve the community and to learn much more about others, social issues and living in a global world, which ignited an interest in me that I now continue, serving the Chester community in hopes of supporting affordable housing options for local families.

19 B r i a n L o e s c h 98

You are the founder/owner of Bee in Motion, an organization whose mission is to guide young children, teenagers, and adults towards an active and healthy lifestyle through individual and group coaching and training in a variety of sports and activities. How did Kellenberg play a role in developing in you not only the skills necessary to grow a successful business, but also the desire to set a healthy example for today’s youth?

19 99

R o b e rt Y o r k 20

Now a faculty member for over a decade at your alma mater, can you identify how your time as a student at Kellenberg inspired you to dedicate your career to shaping the minds and hearts of future Firebirds?


During your time at Kellenberg, you were a successful student-athlete who also participated in many extracurricular activities, including Speech and Debate, The Phoenix, Blue & Gold, Communications Club, Drama Club, and Retreat Staff. You were also named a Most Outstanding Graduate for the Class of 1994. How do you draw from these experiences as you enjoy a successful career in medicine?

00 20 01

Kellenberg Memorial's academic curriculum and environment instilled in me the necessary discipline, guidance, and educational tools to pursue a degree in education and play a collegiate sport at Bucknell University. Now, I wholeheartedly believe that the foundational experience that I received at Kellenberg has truly helped me achieve my goals.

R ox a n n R e m e k i e As the owner of Shine Thyme Entertainment, you are committed to creating and producing relevant and engaging content that authentically reflects the lives of Caribbean-Americans. How did your time at Kellenberg, especially your involvement with Chorus, Drama Club, Cheerleading, and Communications Club, help create a foundation for your success?

Kellenberg's strong roots in Christianity and faith in Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit has honestly kept me and this company going strong. Faith and knowing everything has its time (aka God's time) is what keeps me moving forward. I joined so many organizations in Kellenberg to keep myself busy from a not-so-pretty home life. And thankfully so. All of those clubs and teams, that energy and bond amongst us members and teammates, is the echelon in which I model most of my decisions upon today. HEART & MIND


K i mb e r ly (S c u d i e ro ) S h e a

You have been teaching in the Diocese of Rockville Centre for nearly a decade. How did Kellenberg instill in you the desire to be a part of educating the next generation of Catholics on Long Island?

My experience at Kellenberg played a prominent role in my desire to teach in a Catholic school. When I think back to the time I spent there, I will always have fond memories of how Kellenberg created such a welcoming, faith-filled atmosphere. Emphasis was also placed on being a community. Establishing this type of environment is one that I have aimed for in my own classroom.

20 R e v . M at t h e w M c D o na l d 02

In 2014, you were ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of New York and are currently serving as Parochial Vicar of the Church of St. Kateri Tekakwitha in LaGrangeville, New York. How did your time at Kellenberg help you discern your calling to the priesthood?

S o n n y S m i t h 20

You hold Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Electrical Engineering. How did the well-rounded, liberal arts education that you received at Kellenberg prepare you to excel in challenging, STEM-focused advanced degree programs?

Squeeze a lemon, you get lemon juice; squeeze an orange, you get orange juice; and, if you squeeze a person, you get his or her character. Kellenberg did a fair amount of squeezing during our years - pressed upon our hearts, marrow deep values…to keep one grounded in difficult times; and drilled into our minds, an insatiable thirst for the pursuit of knowledge... and truth. In the end, Kellenberg taught us to keep squeezing forward and maintaining the strategic competitive advantage.

M a ry

03 20 04 20 05

H a ng l e y You are a successful professional musician who is serving as a second-year Resident Artist with the Minnesota Opera. How did Kellenberg shape your work ethic to succeed in such a competitive, discipline-driven profession?

In the spring of my junior year I was sitting in Mr. Lemieux’s Morality class worrying about what I was supposed to choose for my major in college. Another student asked Mr. Lemieux for advice when it came to choosing a college major and he answered, “You owe it to yourself to try what you love.” In that moment I decided to go to school for music. It is easy to have the work ethic being an opera singer (or any other career) demands when you absolutely love what you do.

I think it’s important to keep in touch with my Firebird alumni family because of the experiences that we share with one another at these events. Kellenberg has been the foundation for many, and with any foundation, it can be built upon. By getting together with fellow alumni, we build upon the common foundation that was laid for each of us. The structure of our lives (who we are friends with, how we perform in the workplace, how we parent our children) becomes supported by those we share our successes and failures with. It is important to keep in touch with my Firebird alumni family so that we can learn how others with common foundations dealt with varying situations which in turn will help us in our continuing life long spiritual journey. 14


M at t h e w K i r k

Now the Dean of Boys in the Brother Joseph C. Fox Latin School, as well as a faculty member, head coach of the Girls Varsity Basketball team, and Assistant Coach of the Varsity Baseball team, can you identify how your time as a student athlete at Kellenberg helped develop all the skills necessary to educate and coach today's Firebirds?

Whenever I am in the classroom, on the court, or on the field, I find myself always trying to create a memorable experience for my students and athletes. I know that students may not remember every detail about the American Revolution and that student athletes will not remember the score of a particular game. I do hope, however, that they remember the wonderful opportunity of being a part of something special. My teachers, coaches, and teammates left such a lasting impression on me that I try to return the favor to every Kellenberg class that I work with. It is that family atmosphere that makes my personal experience as a teacher and coach worth every minute.

20 06 M a r i e l l e Segarra

J a m e s B oy l a n

Despite your busy career in Wealth & Asset Management Assurance at EY, you find time to keep in touch with Kellenberg by attending various functions, including the Christmas Alumni Social and the Juniper NYC Alumni Social annually. Why do you think it is important to keep in touch with your Firebird alumni family?

My time at Kellenberg Memorial helped me discern my priestly vocation in many ways. I received a solid Catholic education rooted in the mind of the Church and through participating in the Sacramental life of the Church, offered through school masses, retreats, and by the presence of the Marianist priest and brothers, as well as through friendships and mentoring relationships that I made. During the Catholic League Student Chapter trip to Rome for Holy Week 2001, I saw Pope St. John Paul II for the first time in my life. We also prayed at the tombs of the Apostles, Saints, and Martyrs, as well as sites where the Blessed Mother appeared to people. During this trip, I understood what it meant to live for and offer one’s life totally for Christ in loving service to Him and His Church. It helped me understand and see that integration of the heart and the mind in Christ through Mary for the sake of loving service to the Church that is at the heart of priestly ministry, and which Jesus, the Apostles, the Martyrs, and the Saints, such as Pope St. John Paul II embodied in their own lives and vocations. Seeing this up close drew me more deeply to hear the voice of Christ in my own life and offer my own life in service to Him and His Church as a priest.

20 07 20 08

As a reporter for American Public Media's Marketplace, you must be able to untangle and explain complex issues while vigilantly adhering to strict ethical standards. How did Kellenberg prepare you for both the intellectual as well as moral demands of your job?

Every day at Marketplace, I have to quickly become an expert on the latest economic and financial news and explain why it matters. My time at Kellenberg, especially in my English classes, taught me how to do that - to read a piece of writing, figure out what it means, and then translate it into plain language. One of the ethical obligations of being a reporter is, simply, to tell the truth. Get the facts right. That means relying on primary sources and always fact checking, even under the tightest deadlines. Those practices were drilled into us at Kellenberg. In fact, I remember a history teacher (I think Mr. Solosky) constantly reminding us that Wikipedia is not a primary source! A K E L L E N B E RG M E M O R I A L FA M I LY P U B L I CAT I O N

S r . R e g i na A n n , 20 O.P. (M T ) M a rc e l a (F e r na n d e z ) F i o r e 09 agg i e

You and your husband, Joe Fiore ’09, entered the Brother Joseph C. Fox Latin School in sixth grade and stayed on at Kellenberg Memorial through twelfth grade. You both are now faculty members here and recently welcomed your first child, John Joseph, a Future Firebird (Class of 2035)! What are some of the unique aspects of the Kellenberg community that make it truly one big "Firebird Family"?

The faculty and staff have become an extension of our family since we began going to school at Kellenberg. The school always welcomed us and made us feel cared for. They always wanted the best for us, and, as students, you felt it. It was a second home, which gave us a reason to want to come back after graduating to coach and teach. I think the most unique aspect is to see how many alumni are now faculty members. This speaks volumes about the experience we had as students. So many of us want to give our current students that same experience that we had and make them love coming to school as much as we once did.

A n n e m a r i e S h aw

You recently earned an International Master of Business Administration degree from St. Mary’s College in London and were the recipient of the Director General’s Award for Academic Excellence. The program allowed you to spend time in 13 different countries and numerous cities, both in Europe and Asia. You are now back in the United States acting as a financial consultant with QAD Inc. How did your time at Kellenberg help to prepare you to adapt to and thrive in different cultures successfully?

The motto of Kellenberg “one heart, one mind” has always stuck with me. During my time at Kellenberg, I saw this motto lived out each and every day in extremely inspiring ways. Post-Kellenberg, I have continued to keep this very close to my heart, remembering we are all in this world together and it has proven to be advantageous in my career.

C a p r i A n na P a p pa l a r d o In addition to currently pursuing your Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy at Columbia University, you also have an extensive volunteer resume, including volunteering with Shooting Stars, a special needs athletic program, and the Viscardi Center, a school for handicapped children. How did Kellenberg play a strong role not only in your education of the mind, but of the heart?

Kellenberg sparked my passion for helping others through getting involved in opportunities such as volunteering my time at The Bristal and The Sunrise, participating with SALT, mentoring freshman as a Marianist Mentor and Junior Retreat Staff leader, tutoring children at St. Martin’s, and leading as president of the Catholic League! Kellenberg blessed me with irreplaceable friends who made an impact on me to chase after kindness, laughter, silliness, radiance, and love. I searched for a career that would fill my heart in a similar way, and occupational therapy does just the trick! K E L L E N B E RG .O RG


You professed your vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia in July 2015. What was the biggest influence of your faith-life while here at Kellenberg which helped you to listen to and trust in God's plan for you?

20 10

I am extremely grateful for the many ways in which Kellenberg helped me to develop my faith-life. The school’s prayer services, rosaries, talks, days of recollection, retreats, XLT events, religious artwork, and formal theology classes all helped me learn to pray and discern God’s will in my life. The biggest influence, however, was Kellenberg’s dedication to the sacraments, particularly by providing all-school Masses and opportunities for the Sacrament of Confession. It was in those experiences that I really developed a personal and lasting relationship with the Lord.

N icholas A damo

20 11

You graduated Magna Cum Laude from Manhattan College's Civil Engineering program last year and began a job with STV, Inc. as a Civil Engineer. You also began to work towards your Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering at Columbia University. How did Kellenberg help prepare you for such a challenging career in the STEM field?

To build upon my young professional career as a Civil Engineer with STV, I will be visiting Bangkok this upcoming January with colleagues from Columbia's prestigious Global Leaders in Construction Management program. The program aims to learn about the construction industries outside of the United States; mainly to see how the industry uses technology currently, how willing they are to accept new methods in construction, and, ultimately, how young professionals are helping to shape the structure of the field from overseas. I'd have to stay still to this day that I attribute most if not all of my scholarly qualities to Kellenberg. The amount of clubs, after-school activities, challenging curriculum, sports, personal relationships with teachers, etc. is truly something that I do not think can be replicated in just any high school. Kellenberg truly provided me with the building blocks that I needed to excel throughout my undergraduate experience in the STEM field, and now my early professional career and graduate school experiences.

20 12 R o s e

H a s l bau e r

20 13 20 14

Currently a senior at St. John's University, you were recently inducted as one of seven members into the prestigious Skull and Circle Society for St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for exemplifying academic excellence, as well as extensive involvement on and off campus. You have participated in a service trip to the Give Kids the World Village in Florida, as well as volunteered with a program called LeaderworX, where you helped middle and high school students learn about social justice and engaged in service projects with them. How did Kellenberg prepare you for both academic success in higher education as well as the desire to give back to those who are less fortunate?

I would say that Kellenberg helped prepare me for my academic success because it instilled in me a strong work ethic to care about my grades and how to better myself and my education. The teachers at Kellenberg prepared me in a way that I didn't even understand until I was already at St. John's. As a Theology major with a double minor in English and Psychology, I have to write numerous essays; my Religion and English classes at Kellenberg gave me a solid foundation to being able to prepare an adequate essay for my professors. Kellenberg also instilled in me the value of giving back to those who are in need. continued on page 28



S t. m a r t i n d e p o r r es









H. J.

A. In September, Junior High summer volunteer workers were recognized for their hard work over the summer months. Combined, the student volunteers put in over 1800 service hours! B. St. Martin, Pray for Us! On Friday, November 3rd, we celebrated the feast day of our school's patron saint, St. Martin de Porres, with a school Mass, parade, and day of fun. C. On September 14th, the students of St. Martin's traveled to Kellenberg Memorial High School to celebrate the Triumph of the Cross. 5th Grade students Sophia Chong, Erin O'Connor, and Gemma Posillico are all smiles! D. 7th Grader Amely Nunez helps decorate her homeroom's patron saint banner, in honor of St. Timothy. E. 8th Grader Sebastian Arreaga-Cacao shares how important our Catholic faith is in serving our school community at our Junior Honor Society induction ceremony. F. 8th Grader Andy Alvarado helps 3rd Grader Zachary Fingall in our 8th Grade G.O.L.D. Mentoring Program. G. Life is sweet! 2nd Grader Averi Salazar enjoys some cotton candy at our Family Back to School Mass & BBQ. H. 7th Grade students Zaire Patterson, Dominic Franco, Noah Blanchard, and William Holian worked on their knife skills, preparing vegetable crudites, during Culinary Club. I. 1st Grader Ariel Beauharnis holds her cross proudly at Triumph of the Cross. J. God Bless the U.S.A.! To celebrate Veteran's Day, our entire school family gathered to honor our Veterans and our country with a patriotic sing-a-long. 16





On September 30th, over 1,300 people were treated to a multitude of culinary delights at the 6th Annual Food & Wine Expo celebrating Kellenberg Memorial’s 30th Anniversary! Sponsored by the Kellenberg Alumni Parents Association (KAPA) and the Kellenberg Memorial High School Parents Club, the evening offered something special for everyone, including small plates from Long Island’s best restaurants, as well as a variety of fine wine and craft beer tastings. A.




All are encouraged to patronize the fine establishments listed below. The Kellenberg Memorial community is extremely grateful to all of the businesses who helped make the event such a success: Ace's Wine and Spirits (owned by Joseph Pascual, KAPA) Amia Deli Bare Naked Bakery Black Label Burger Capo Ristorante (owned by Paul Capoziello ’91) Cara Cara Mexican Grill City Cellar Wine Bar & Grill Front Street Bakery (owned by the Acerno family, KAPA) Heneghan's Tavern and Restaurant (owned by the Heneghan family, KAPA and current parents) International Cheeses (owned by the Henneborn family, current parents) Iavarone Brothers La Piazza La Strada Italian Restaurant Lithology Brewing Co. Manhattan Beer (courtesy of Tom Frem ’94) New York Ravioli & Pasta Co, Inc (owned by the Moncada family, current parents) Phil's Pizzeria and Restaurant Rialto Restaurant (owned by Mario and Tara (Fitzgerald) Fuentes ’89, current parents)

River Mill Tavern and Tables (owned by Mike and Hilary (Cunningham) McDevitt ’93, current parents) Seasons 52 Seawane Country Club (managed by Don Mollitor, KAPA) The Garden City Hotel - The Polo Steakhouse (courtesy of Chef Ari Nieminen, current parent) Uncle Tony's Pizzeria Ristorante Vespa Italian Bar & Kitchen

A. Laurie and Michael Henneborn of International Cheeses pose with their son, Aidan ’20, who volunteered for the evening as a member of S.A.L.T. (Service, Allegiance, Leadership, and Teamwork). B. Father Tom and Goretti smile for the camera with James and Elaine Cook, former KAPA board members. C. Alumni parent Robert Doud spends time with Brother Kenneth. D. Current and alumni parents Rich and Rosemary DeMarco.


Katie Hayes ’16, who is currently a second-year student in a five-year Bachelor of Architecture program at the University of Southern California, took part in the highly competitive 2017 Fulbright Scotland Summer Institute on Technology, Innovation and Creativity. Katie spent three weeks participating in the unique academic and cultural program which is hosted by the Glasgow School of Art and the University of Strathclyde. She had the opportunity to meet with leaders of various academic fields, including Sir Harry Burns, the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland, and Sir Tom Devine, one of Scotland’s leading historians, as well as Ms. Susan Wilson, the United States Consulate. The group also visited the BBC and the Scottish Parliament Building. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG

types of extracurricular and religious activities, Kellenberg is not only creating scholars but also creating well-rounded people. During my time at Kellenberg, I was a member of the Lacrosse team, Art Club, Technical Crew, Catholic League, and various service clubs. The ability to explore my interests in all of these very different fields and meet a variety of wonderful people helped me to become a more knowledgeable person.” Katie reflects on how Kellenberg prepared her for this challenging experience, saying, “Kellenberg served as a safe place not only to grow academically, but also, and even more importantly, to grow socially and faithfully. By encouraging students to participate in different

Upon graduating, Katie hopes to explore the psychological effects of spaces. She says, “I hope to one day design places that are not just beautiful pieces of architecture, but more importantly, create settings which improve the way people live and feel.” H E AR T & M I N D



Varsity Football took home its first league title since 1999 with a 54-19 win in the AA Finals Championship game over Fordham Prep on November 19th at Mitchel Athletic Complex. The undefeated Firebirds (11-0) were led this season by Matt Sluka ’19, who who totaled 2,603 all-purpose yards and was named to Newsday's All-Long Island Football First Team 2017. Matt was also named AA Offensive Player of the Year, while teammate Dan Wilson ’19 was named AA Defensive Player of the Year at the NYCHSFL Communion Breakfast on December 3rd. Additional power this season came from guards Brendan Whitehead ’18 and Kris LaFroscia ’19, tackles Thomas Cipolla ’19 and Brendan Higgins ’18, center Patrick Harinski ’18, and halfbacks Frankie Roder ’19 and Jordan DeLucia ’20. Congratulations are certainly in order for Coach Kevin Hanifan, who was recently named News12 Varsity’s 2017 All-Long Island Football Coach of the Year. In his 27th season, Hanifan expertly helped guide the Firebirds to their first league title since capturing CHSFL ‘A’ crown in 1999. A true leader of men, Hanifan orchestrated a stunning turnaround from a 1-8 season in 2016 to a perfect 11-0 mark this fall.


GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY Lady Firebirds fly at States! Front row, left to right: Grace Browne ’18, Bridget Lapham ’18, Emma Dougherty ’18, Nora Bennett ’18, Ashley Minns ’21, Maya Richardson ’19, Maureen Lewin ’19, Brianna Lausev ’19. Back row, left to right: Clare Posillico ’18, Claire Burns ’18, Maggie Cannatella ’18, Anita Mikowski ’18, Olivia D’Amico ’18, and Julia Bryant ’18.

The Lady Firebird Cross Country team finished their stellar season not only qualifying for the New York State Championship but finishing as Long Island’s top performing team. The NSCHSGAA champions and CHSAA third-place finishing team ran to Kellenberg Girl’s all-time five man and seven average at the Bowdoin Park Annual State Meet site. The seven girls competing all ran to personal bests. The team was led by Maureen Lewin ’19’s 19:58, a 30 second improvement from last year’s race. Brianna Lausev ’19 ran a minute faster than 2016’s Championship Race, running 20:10. Nora Bennett ’18 with 20:48, and Maya Richardson ’19 with 20:58, also broke 21:00 on the very challenging 5K course. Anita Mikowski ’18 ran a fierce personal best of 21:45 and Ashley Minns ’21 and Claire Burns ’18 also ran to personal bests.

The Girls Volleyball team took home their third consecutive league title with a 25-23, 25-19, 22-25, 25-20 win over top-seeded Sacred Heart at St. Dominic on November 7th. Madison Gale ’18, who had 48 assists in the championship game, was named CHSAA Player of the Year and First Team All Long Island by Newsday. Grace Cullen ’18, Trinity Manning ’18, Tara Hagerman ’18, Molly Perrotta ’18, Colleen Moulder ’19, and Katie Sweeney ’18 all played integral parts of the team’s successful season. The team was led by Coach Cathy von Schoenermarck, who was named Nassau County Girls Varsity Volleyball Coach of the Year. Photo courtesy of James Escher for Newsday.






Girls Varsity Swimming

On November 4th and 5th, the Girls Varsity Swim Team had their Championship meet at Eisenhower Park. The girls swam some of their best races, all qualifying in the top 24 for finals.

Boys Varsity Soccer

On October 21st, eleven years going strong for the Boys Varsity Soccer team as they enjoy a beautiful day with the New Hyde TOP Soccer program.

On November 21st, 11 members of the class of 2018 took the next step in their educational growth as they committed to the colleges they wish to attend and agreed to participate in collegiate athletics at the highest level. Congratulations to these exceptional student-athletes who serve as inspiring examples of the benefits of a Marianist education of the heart and mind. Alexandra Bigilin Mercy College – Womens Lacrosse

Marisa Martinez Monmouth University – Womens Swimming

Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, Catholic League, Sodality, S.M.A.R.T., Freshman and Sophomore GSO, Hiking Club, JV and Varsity Soccer, Varsity Winter Track

Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, S.M.A.R.T., Sodality, Science Club Health Services, Freshman Winter Track

Emmah Federman Hofstra University – Womens Golf Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, Sodality, C.R.O.S.S., Firebird Orchestra, JV Soccer, JV Lacrosse, Varsity Winter Track

Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, Sodality, S.M.A.R.T., Freshman, JV and Varsity Basketball

Arielle Ramirez University of Hartford – Womens Lacrosse Additional Kellenberg Activities: Sodality, Sophomore GSO, Freshman Cross Country, Freshman and Varsity Winter Track

Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, S.A.L.T., C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, Science Club Health Services, Varsity Soccer

Justin Renner Molloy College – Baseball

Additional Kellenberg Activities: Sodality, S.M.A.R.T., JV and Varsity Soccer

Basketball Summer Camp

On July 12th, Bishop John Barres paid a visit to Kellenberg’s Summer Camps program, reflecting on his experience as a point guard at Princeton to explain the importance of teamwork and leadership when it comes to the faith.

Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, Sodality, S.M.A.R.T., Freshman and JV Football, Freshman Basketball

Matthew Riveira LIU Post – Mens Lacrosse

Maggie Ledwith Lafayette College – Womens Lacrosse

Additional Kellenberg Activities: Sodality, Freshman, JV and Varsity Football

Additional Kellenberg Activities: National Honor Society, C.R.O.S.S., Sodality, P.R.E.P, Junior Retreat Staff, Sophomore GSO, Library Service, Science Weather Club, JV and Varsity Soccer, JV and Varsity Basketball

Dylan Willis St. John’s University – Mens Lacrosse


On October 15th, the cheerleading teams participated in Making Strides breast cancer awareness walk at Jones Beach Field 5.

Terrence Murray Fordham University – Baseball

Delaney Friel Marquette University – Womens Lacrosse

Nicollette Lavista Fairfield University – Womens Lacrosse


Additional Kellenberg Activities: Sodality, Freshman and Varsity Football, Freshman and Varsity Basketball

Girls Varsity Tennis

On October 1st, both of the Kellenberg Girls Varsity Tennis Teams were at Jones Beach to participate in the Autism Speaks Walk, fundraising and bringing awareness to Autism. H E AR T & M I N D




On Saturday, June 24th, Firebird alums from the classes of 1997, 2002, and 2012 returned to campus to celebrate their 20, 15, and 5-year reunions, respectively. The evening began with Mass at 6PM, which was concelebrated by Father Philip Eichner, S.M., Father Albert Bertoni, S.M., Father Matthew MacDonald ’02 and Father James Heft, S.M. Following Mass, the alumni joined their classmates for private cocktail parties, with the class of 1997 in the Millennium Room, the class of 2002 in the Emmanuel Retreat House, and the class of 2012 in the Queen of the Apostles Courtyard. A.













A. Omar Syed ’97, James Boyd ’97, Margaret (McGoldrick) Merson ’97, and Brian Flores ’97. B. Shaun Cullen ’97, Adam Rossol ’97, and John Muenzen ’97. C. Nancy (Nieves) Dicristo ’97 and Tanya (Santiago) Jennings ’97. D. Chukwuka Iregbulem ’97, Revan Sheriffe ’97, and Martine Faustin ’97. E. Katie (Coffey) Cantelmo ’97, Doug Cioffi ’97, and April Hobert ’97. F. Kelly (Byrne) Croghan ’02, flanked by the Firebird and her husband, Matt. G. Father Matthew MacDonald ’02 with concelebrants Father Philip Eichner, S.M. (foreground) and Father James Heft, S.M. (background). H. Front row, left to right: Christine (Carroll) Krisch ’02, Anne (Staudt) Masiulis ’02, Christina (Bono) Crocitto ’02, and Jermaine Lee ’02. Back row, left to right: Mike Lerner ’02, Matthew Kralj ’02, Bridgette (Wiley) Keller ’02, Danielle (Kovolisky) Sforza ’02, Patricia (Russell) Umhafer ’02, Latonja Lee ’02, Kerri (Kranz) Schiffer ’02, and David Rodriquez ’02. I. Brother Daniel Griffin, S.M. ’02 and Mr. John Benintendi. J. Richard Piano ’12, Nicole LaPetri ’12, Brother Kenneth Hoagland, S.M., and Ryan Pfingst ’12. K. Sarah Melley ’12, Akram Habibi ’12, and Tina Kassangana ’12. L. Bridget Murray ’12, William Moulder ’12, and Mary Brennan ’12. M. Nicholas Bernardini ’12, Matthew Iorio ’12, and Eric Dittmeier ’12. 20





On Saturday, September 9th, the members of the classes of 1992 and 2007 gathered for their 25 and 10-year anniversaries, respectively. The evening began with Mass at 6PM, which was concelebrated by Father Thomas Cardone, S.M., Father Albert Bertoni, S.M., and Father Michael Plona ’07. After Mass, alumni enjoyed private cocktail receptions in the Millennium Room and the Queen of the Apostles Courtyard. A.










A. The members of the class of 1992 gather for a group photo with Kellenberg Memorial administrative members. B. Mr. Kevin Dugal, Pasquale Rizzi ’92, Anne Marie (McBrien) Raneri ’92, and Mrs. Rosemary Dugal. C. Joseph Beyrouty ’92, Jonathan Harris ’92, Stephen Higgins ’92, James Mulroy ’92, Devon Bandison ’92, Faruk Bowens ’92, and James McDermott ’92 with Tobit. D. Anthony Cogswell ’92 and Michael King ’92. E. Jane (Carlton) Reilly ’92, Doreen (Dunne) Grontkowski ’92, Meghan (Gaven) Beyrouty ’92, Lynn (Diffendale) Collins ’92, and Patricia (Sharkey) Conroy ’92. F. Sean Lucey ’07 and Mr. Thomas Huggard. G. James Harding ’07, Mr. Kenneth Conrade, and Johanna Milord ’07. H. Father Michael Plona ’07 concelebrated the reunion Mass. I. Caitlin Liguori ’07, Meaghan Leahy ’07, and Emily Miller ’07. J. Brother Kenneth Hoagland, S.M., Brittany Soto ’07, Michelle (Sperandio) Howland ’07, Sean Howland, and Katherine (Rissetto) Stalford ’07. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG




ALUM AND CURRENT PARENT PRESENT STEM TALK On October 18th, Kellenberg Memorial students were invited to attend a STEM Talk about Cosmetic Chemistry. The second offering of this year’s STEM Talk series, the Cosmetic Chemistry presentation was given by Maryann Alfieri, a current Latin School parent who serves as Vice President of Research and Development at Estée Lauder Companies Inc., and Donald Kronenberg ’11, who is a chemist at Estée Lauder. In his role as a chemist at Estée Lauder, Donald is part of the Global Formula Value Creation Group. The three main aspects of his job include working closely with engineers and production facilities to correct and prevent any manufacturing issues; working with the raw material group to ensure they can continue to produce their products when issues arise with the availability or quality of incoming materials; and working with regulatory affairs

to keep product formulas compliant with all the various regulations around the world. Donald, who received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Stony Brook University, reflects on how his time at Kellenberg Memorial prepared him for the challenges of succeeding in such a demanding major in college saying, “Kellenberg taught me the importance of time management and helped me develop a great work ethic, which became invaluable when I started getting into my more demanding courses in college and, eventually, my personal career. It was pretty funny listening to people complain about a three page paper or a three hour exam in college and explaining to them the concepts of comps and trimesters that we all took in every subject.”

ALUMNI RETURN FOR THANKSGIVING MASS On Wednesday, November 22nd around 400 alumni returned to campus to celebrate Thanksgiving Mass with the Kellenberg Memorial community. Mass was concelebrated by Father Albert Bertoni, S.M. and Father Michael Plona ’07, who was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Rockville Centre on June 24, 2017. Following Mass, alumni were invited to a light brunch in the gymnasium. Alumni enjoyed catching up with each other, faculty members, and coaches. A. Richard Farrell ’14 and Andrew Waibel ’14. B. Bobby Baillie ’17 and Maggie Westerman ’17. C. Chazz Rahynes ’17 with the Firebird (Liz Collins ’19). D. Front, left to right: Trevor Sheridan ’16, the Firebird (Liz Collins ’19) and Alyssa Boll ’17. Back, left to right: Tim Betz ’17, Owen Brown ’17, Morgan Staab ’17, Caleigh Bennett ’17, and Jessie Brower ’17.



Current Latin School parent Maryann Alfieri and Donald Kronenberg ’11






A lu m n i N ews

ALUMNI SPIRIT DAY Kellenberg Memorial's annual Alumni Spirit Day once again provided Firebird families with a day of faith and fun. The day kicked off with a special Mass at 11AM, which was concelebrated by Father Philip and Father Albert. The Gregorian Consortium provided a harmonious backdrop for the celebration, while members of the Varsity Football team were present to bestow crosses upon the children in attendance. After Mass, the crowd headed out to John Field, where alumni and Future Firebirds enjoyed bounce houses, face painting, water slides, a scavenger hunt, and special balloon creations, as well as a variety of arts and crafts projects. Attendees enjoyed a barbeque lunch and also had the opportunity to visit the Kellenberg Zoo. The festivities continued at 3PM at Mitchel Field, where the Firebirds took on Holy Trinity for a Homecoming game win of 45-0. The Kellenberg Memorial community was honored by the presence of Bishop John O. Barres, who gave the invocation and opening prayer. During the game, Bishop Barres spent time visiting with the fans in attendance. Gina and Vinny both went to the Latin School and were in the same homeroom, but it wasn’t until junior year that they began talking and became instant friends. They sat next to each other in Mr. Huggard’s class, and their friendship grew from there. It was at the Junior Ring Banquet that they officially began dating. Although they went to different colleges (Gina attended Northeastern University, while Vinny went to Stonehill College), they remained close. Upon graduation, they both came back home to be together and attend graduate school. On December 28, 2013, Vinny surprised Gina by proposing at Rockefeller Center under the lights of the Christmas tree. All of their friends and family were there to celebrate with them. The couple was married on July 19, 2015 and celebrated at Giorgio’s in Baiting Hollow. Fellow Firebirds Megan Byrne ’07, Kelly Cardiff ’07, and Tom DeJoseph ’07 were all in the wedding party, with many other Firebirds in attendance as well. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG





A. Future Firebird Patrick Croghan ’30 having a blast on the inflatable slides. B. Future Firebird Kira Petrosky ’26 says hello to Tobit. C. Future Firebird Charlie Koester ’26 shows off his unique blue and gold hat. D. Bishop John O. Barres prays the invocation before the game.


Gina (Baglivi) ’07 & Vincent Carucci ’07 Gina reflects on their life together so far, saying, “From the start of our relationship, we knew we had something very real and very special even though we were so young. We are both different in many ways, but our core values are very much the same and that

is so important for a strong foundation in a marriage. Those core values were instilled in Kellenberg. The values of commitment, respect, and honesty are evident both in and out of the classroom and became a strong base for our relationship.” HEART & MIND



c lass notes

F I r e b i r d F a m i ly

The DeMarino family is proud to have four children who are proud graduates of Kellenberg Memorial. After a combined 25 years of attending the Latin and High School, the Firebird alumni each went on to Catholic universities. Nicole ’07, Vincent ’09, and Mike ’12 now serve in the NYPD, while the the youngest, Morgan ’13, is working towards a Master of Arts degree in Homeland Security. The DeMarino children

all credit Kellenberg Memorial with providing them with the combined academic excellence and Christian values that have laid the foundation for success in their professional lives. Their work ethic, which intertwines protection and service to others while making a positive contribution to the community, is all attributed to the Marianist education they received during their formative years.



Michele Lacchini-Betz serves as Assistant Vice President of Accounting at Voxx International Her older son graduated from Kellenberg in May 2017 and is a freshman at Sacred Heart University. Her younger son is a sophomore in high school and excels in soccer. His club team participated in the National Cup this past summer, where they made it through to the semi-final round. He was selected to be a member of the US Youth Soccer ODP Interregional team. Michele was very involved in the PTA while her two sons were in elementary and middle schools. In 2012, Michele was honored with the Founders’ Day Award for her dedication and commitment to the PTA. Michele and her husband, Eric, reside in Plainview.

Christine (Scott) Doud holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hofstra University and a Master of Arts degree from Adelphi University. She is very happily married to her husband, Keith, who is from upstate New York. They recently purchased a house in Merrick, and Christine works in healthcare.

Kevin McLaughlin is currently in his 18th year working for Southwest Airlines as an in-ground operator. He loves to come back as an alum and see how far Kellenberg has grown. He especially enjoys parent events like the KAPA Dinner Theater which is held before the fall drama production. His daughter, Anna ’20, is a member of the stage crew at Kellenberg.

Kathleen (Story) Wren has been teaching early childhood education for 20 years. She serves as a NYC Department of Education PreK For All teacher and has been nominated for a NYC Big Apple Teacher Award for 2017-2018 school year. Kathy has three teenagers and enjoys gardening, reading, and traveling.


Regina (Quinn) Coppola is an RT(N), CNMT (Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist) at The Valley Hospital in New Jersey. In June 2018 she will be with Valley for 25 years. She lives in Rockland County with her husband of 22 years and their two sons, ages 18 and 16. 24


Beth (Sabatelli) Myers is busy with her two sons. Samuel (18) is a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh and Alexander (14) is a freshman in high school. Four years ago, Beth was diagnosed with end stage renal failure and, since then, has been on dialysis. She is waiting for a living donor or to be called from the list for a deceased donor transplant.


Carl Curatola founded Labor Control Associates (www.laborcontrols.com), a fullservice construction staffing partner with a local office that serves the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut areas. Glenn O’Kane has worked as a retail pharmacist for 22 years. He is working towards his Masters of Business

degree in Finance at St. John’s University and will graduate in May 2018. Glenn and his wife, Syndee, have two children and live in North Bellmore. Their daughter, Jordynn, is a current Kellenberg senior and their son, Thomas, is a seventh grader at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Glenn has run in the New York City Marathon for the past 9 years and he dedicates each one to a friend or family member who has passed away in the prior year.


Barbara (Beaubrun) Baynes currently serves as Resident Officer for the National Labor Relations Board in Region 28’s Las Vegas Resident Office. She resides in Nevada with her husband of 14 years, John, and their two daughters, Maya Angela (12) and Alexis Marie (9). Lygia Day Peñaflor will have a new novel published this May by HarperTeen US and Bloomsbury UK. All of This Is True follows four Long Island teens whose lives seem charmed when they befriend their favorite author, until her interest in them takes a manipulative turn and leads to a tragedy. The book has already been sold to publishers in nine countries and will be translated into eight languages. Catch up with Day at www.lygiadaypenaflor.com and on Twitter @lygiaday. Morrisa (Marshall) Rice recently earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Health Services: Public Health Policy from Walden University on July 15, 2017. She also was successful in

competing in the 2017 United States Public Health Service promotion cycle and will assume the rank of Captain on April 1, 2018. She currently serves as a Team Lead at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Bureau of Primary Health Care, Office of Southern Health Services. Her main responsibility is to ensure program oversight and assess compliance with program requirements for primary health care service delivery programs, including those focused on special populations that are funded by HRSA. Rodnell Workman was hired as the Chief Marketing Officer for the Health Monitor Network company in July 2017. He has two young boys (ages 10 and 8) and resides in Hillsborough, New Jersey. Rodnell is also proud to say he recently beat colon cancer!


Stephanie (Eschenauer) Makar recently accepted a position as northeast Project Manager for Mitchell Planning Inc., a division of Ross & Baruzzini. Mitchell is a medical equipment planning company based out of Chicago that oversees many projects, including hospital and healthcare facility renovations and new construction. Although now traveling a lot, Steph is enjoying seeing the country, interacting with clients, and seeing projects come to completion after many years of design and building. Steph and her husband, Joe, and dog, Nova, still live in the Hartford, CT area.



Talitha Vickers ’98 Stephanie Williams is currently a special education teacher in the Roosevelt School District. She has been married to her wonderful husband, Clarence Neely, since 2014.


Christina (Savarese) Forino has moved between New York and Wyoming five times since graduating college. She earned her Master of Science degree in Science Education and has been teaching for 20 years. She currently does consulting work while raising her three preschool girls in Alpine, Wyoming. Toi Robinson-Trice and her husband have four children: Jalen (15), Angel (9), Caleb (6), and Cyndi (1). After living in Atlanta, Georgia for one year, they relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina, where Toi teaches sixth grade math.


Kathryn Furlong Silverio is currently a Clinical Professor at Hunter College teaching in the Special Education Department, Learning Disabilities program. Kathy and her husband, Alain, reside in Fort Lee, NJ and are expecting their first baby in April 2018.


Tom Nicol serves as Executive Director of Information Technology at The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, where he has worked for over 18 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science


Dan Curley & Christine Cook ’01 from St. John’s University. Tom married his wife, Jackie, in 2006, and the couple lives in Massapequa. They have three children: Ryan (10), John (7) and Julianna (4).


Jennifer (Brush) Douglas, and her husband James, relocated to Clermont, Florida in September 2017. She is currently working as a tutor for special needs children and he is in management for a high-end home furnishing and decor retail company. They're enjoying their new adventure living the Disney life in Central Florida!


Tanya (Santiago) Jennings entered the NYS Court Officers Academy in September 2017 and will graduate in December 2017.


Elizabeth (Grosser) Finn was inducted into SUNY Oneonta’s Athletic Hall of Fame in September 2017. Liz was a four-year player for Oneonta’s women's soccer team. During her final three seasons, she was a starting player and was team co-captain as a senior. She was a member of three SUNYAC Championship teams and was on four teams that played in the postseason including three NCAA tournaments. During her career, Grosser was selected to the All-SUNYAC team twice, the NYSWCAA All-State team twice, and the NSCAA All-Region team once. She was also selected as the Defensive MVP of the 2000 Oneonta Mayor's Cup Tournament.

Christopher Sperandio ’02

She also had the fortune of playing for the United States on a collegiate All-Star team that competed in the Arafura Games in Australia in 2001 and won a gold medal. Liz is a faculty member and guidance counselor at Kellenberg Memorial. Vickers and her husband, Dave, welcomed their twins, Kyla and Bohdan, on June 23, 2017. Talitha is currently a news anchor for WXII NBC-12 in the Piedmont region of North Carolina.  Talitha


Chevron Brooks holds a Juris Doctorate from George Washington University Law School. He currently serves as Managing Partner of the New York and Georgia offices of Quintairos, Prieto, Wood, & Boyer, P.A. Paul Delle graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Columbia University in May 2016. He matriculated to Wayne State University School of Medicine’s class of 2021.


Brian Hinestroza is part of the Educational Department of United Way’s YouthBuild Long Island. He teaches students ages 1724 grammar and writing, helping them to prepare for their TASC diploma. He is also a Community Outreach Coordinator for YouthBuild. He goes into surrounding communities looking for young people to join this program, therefore, helping them to prepare to earn their diploma, and subsequently

start the process toward a meaningful career of their choice. John Kruk is a Civil/Construction Engineer with WSP USA and is currently working on a project which involves rehabilitating the NYCT Coney Island Train Yard after damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. He and his wife, Kristie, welcomed their first daughter, Hailey, on May 16, 2017. The family resides in Lynbrook, NY.


Cook, who is a faculty member at Kellenberg Memorial, and Dan Curley became engaged on June 25, 2017. The couple reconnected at their 15-year reunion last year, and will celebrate their wedding on February 10, 2018.  Christine

Lauren Jones Watkins, Esq. and her husband, Marley, welcomed their first child, Zoë, on June 22, 2017.


 Christopher Sperandio and his wife, Christina, renewed their marriage vows in front of beloved friends and family at the Massapequa Park Church of the Nazarene on May 13, 2017. A reception followed at The Riviera on the Waterfront in Massapequa. The couple had initially wed quietly on December 21, 2012 upon news of Christopher’s deployment to Afghanistan with the New York Army National Guard. Christopher’s heroic service to the United States has earned him four Army Commendation Medals.




John & Carlina (Campagnola) Towers ’02

Heather McEneany Suter ’03

Patrick Miles ’05

Marialaina (Lavrigata) Sheehan ’08

John Fiore, son of Marcela (Fernandez) and Joseph Fiore ’09

Rudner DeVera ’03

and Carlina (Campagnola) Towers were blessed to have Father Tom celebrate the baptism of their son, John Matthew Towers V, at St. James Church in Seaford on Saturday, October 7, 2017. Michael Towers ’06 and his fiancée, Theresa, are John Matthew’s godparents. Also present for the special day were John Matthew’s uncle, Marc Campagnola ’07, and his aunt, Dianna Towers ’08.  John


McEneany Suter owns Greenport Fire and Northfork Fire, two shops dedicated to everything hot, including (but not limited to!) the hottest hot sauce, candles, handrolled cigars, and more. Heather had a very special customer stop by the Greenport location in June 2017. . . the Piano Man himself, Billy Joel!  Heather

DeVera married his wife, Raquel, in a traditional Filipino wedding ceremony on March 25, 2017 in Andorra, Pennsylvania at Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church. All of their family and friends were present. Rudner and his wife met at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine while pursuing Master of Science degrees in Counseling and and Clinical Health Psychology. The couple currently resides in Philadelphia where they are both pursuing Doctor of Psychology degrees.  Rudner

Jami (Cantwell) Hurn currently lives in Baltimore, MD with her husband of six years, Mitch, their son, Landon (3), and their golden retriever, Shelby. Jami has served as an Epic Analyst for The Johns Hopkins Health System for the past five years. Christine (Chiodo) Kenworthy married her husband, David, on May 6, 2017. The couple bought a home and reside in Goochland, VA.


Bridget Sullivan accepted a new job at VMCLI (Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island) as an emergency veterinary assistant. She will begin the Veterinary Science degree program at Suffolk Community College in the fall to gain a licensed veterinary technician certification. She hopes to obtain a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in the future.



Isaac Dilbert, Jr. graduated from the NYC Correction Academy in May 2017. Isaac’s uncle presented him his shield at the ceremony. He is proud to be following in the footsteps of his late father, Isaac Dilbert, Sr., by serving as an NYC Department of Correction Officer. Lauren (Ventimiglia) Laurore and her husband welcomed their second child, Eva, in August. Eva joins big brother, Ethan (3). Lauren currently serves as a social worker at the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.


 Patrick Miles married his wife, Lisa, on July 22, 2017 in Galway, Ireland. Many Firebird alumni made the trip overseas to celebrate at the wedding with the happy couple!


Jessica Kenney married her husband, Matthew Biggin, in May 2017. Jessica is working as a Registered Nurse for Northwell Health, and she is also pursuing her Master of Science degree. The couple recently purchased their first home on Long Island.


Matthew Cascarella married his wife, Caitlin, in October 2016. They bought their first home in North Bellmore, where they now reside. Kerry O’Connor is currently a special education teacher in the Valley Stream School District. On November 13, 2016, Kerry got engaged to Robert Mecabe, a FDNY firefighter in Queens. They will be married on November 9, 2018. Rev. Michael Plona was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Rockville Centre on June 24, 2017.


 Marialaina

(Lavrigata) Sheehan celebrated her wedding on January 14, 2017.


Walter Bishop was recently promoted to Senior Policy Advisor for Federal Affairs in the Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Emilie Classi became engaged to her fiancé, Cole Penny, in July 2017. The couple now lives in northern New Jersey and plan to marry next summer. (Fernandez) and Joseph Fiore welcomed their first child, John Joseph, on September 13, 2017. “JJ” is proud to be a Future Firebird of the class of 2035! Marcy and Joe both continue to teach and coach at Kellenberg Memorial.  Marcela

Carl Jean-Louise and his wife, Kimalee, celebrated the birth of their second child, a daughter named Giselle, in June 2016. Carl also made a career change, resigning from 10 years of work in the mental health field as a Case Worker and Residential Program Director. He was accepted into the New York City Teaching Fellows program and has been teaching Special Education to moderately and severely disabled elementary and middle school children at a public school in Queens. Carl is also attending a graduate program in Special Education at Pace University and expects to graduate in June 2018.


Michael Brodnansky is currently a second-year medical student at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, as well as an EMS Captain. He is also a United States Navy Officer (O-1) in the IRR (Inactive Ready Reserve).


Julia Lay & James Nelson ’11

Thomas Boylan ’14

Kathleen Ackert ’12

McCarthy, who made his MLB debut last fall with the Kansas City Royals, caught up with old classmates and former coaches from Kellenberg when the Royals faced off against the Yankees in the Bronx on September 25, 2017. Pictured with Kevin (center) are: (left to right, front) Kelsey Frawley ’10, Grace Herrera ’11, and Colleen Meenan ’10; (back) Brenna O’Donohue ’10 and Mike Cotty ’10; Mr. Kevin A’Hearn ’83 and Mr. Chris Alfalla ’94.  Kevin

Daniel McQuillan recently took a new job teaching theology at La Salle Academy in Providence, Rhode Island.


 Julia Lay and James Nelson were joyfully married on July 8, 2017. James serves as a first lieutenant in the United States Army, and Julia teaches first grade. They are currently stationed in El Paso, Texas.

Kylie Pearse recently ran one of the all-time best marathon performances by a Long Island-born female. She debuted in 2:50:22 for the 26.2 mile race at the famed Wineglass Marathon in Corning, New York on October 1, 2017. Kylie, who is a successful insurance agent for The Chubb Company, finished second female overall, garnering that place's $600 prize. Currently running for the Philadelphia Running Club, Kylie has been a wonderful role model for the current "Lady Firebirds," as she continues to balance a successful career with a healthy lifestyle and successful athletic career. K E L L E N B E RG .O RG


 Kathleen Ackert was recently named “Most Promising Medical Student” by the Philadelphia Business Journal. Kathleen, a second year student at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, has been recognized for developing the pilot program, TISSUE (“Teaching Introductory Study Skills Utilizing Experience”). The program allows incoming medical students to get early exposure to working with cadavers in the anatomy lab prior to the start of classes.


Michael Cassidy will serve as a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionary for the next two years. For the first year, he will serve at the University of Maryland calling students to be missionary disciples. Melissa Lee graduated from Syracuse University in May 2017 and started working at Essence Digital, a digital advertising agency, in July 2017. Amanda Moncada recently served in General Cepeda, Mexico while training to become a foreign missionary with Family Missions Company. Amanda will be serving her first year in Haiti. While preparing for her upcoming service in Haiti, she wrote, “Being a student at Kellenberg inspired me to live out my faith and make it my own. Kellenberg encouraged me to seek out ways in which I could serve others.”

Paul Samson ’15 & LeeAnna Matarazzo ’11

CapriAnna Pappalardo graduated from Hofstra in May 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Speech-LanguageHearing Sciences, and a minor in Global Studies. She is now attending Columbia University for a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering for children with special needs and baking for her personal cupcake service, Cappy’s Cupcakes.



Kevin McCarthy ’10

graduated from the United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School on August 12, 2017. Fellow Firebird alum USMC Captain Michael Sweeney ’07, as well as siblings Lizzie ’11 and James ’08, were present at the ceremony in Quantico, VA.  Thomas Boylan

Erin Croutier will be working at KPMG in the fall of 2018 after she graduates from Loyola University Maryland.


Christopher McGorty is currently a junior at Mount Saint Mary College and is completing an education internship at Newburgh Free Academy this semester. Andrew McPherson, who is currently a junior at Rochester Institute of Technology, recently received an internship offer with BAE Systems and is working with them for the fall semester.

Samson is currently interning at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a conservative public policy think tank in Washington D.C. Paul writes, “A week into my internship, I met with LeeAnna Matarazzo ’11 who works in Human Resources here at AEI. We connected as Kellenberg alumni, and I have been able to learn more about career options and the institute as a whole by meeting with her on several occasions. When we first met, we agreed that Kellenberg's service and giving-oriented mission played an integral part in motivating us to pursue careers geared toward the greater good.”  Paul


Will Golder threw the shot put 12.01 meters as a freshman on the College of Saint Rose Track & Field team, which is fifth in alltime program history. Elizabeth Killian is a sophomore at Marquette University and started a student organization last year called CAMPus Impact. As an organization, their goal is to get students more involved within the community that surrounds Marquette. She, along with the Executive Board of CAMPus Impact, put together a Fall Break Immersion Experience, in which they had a total of 10 students stay in Milwaukee over fall break and work with nonprofit organizations in the area. They are continuously trying to find more ways to stay connected with the residents.




Continued from "30 Questions for 30 Years" on page 15: 20 15

Joe Ciorra, Jordan Bernhardi, & Nick Castelli ’17

Skylar Fasano ’15, Kelly Kenny ’17, & Emily Parkhurst ’17 Christian Pettinato recently completed basic training and infantry school at Fort Benning, GA and will serve in the New York National Guard while working toward a college degree and a commission as an active duty Infantry Officer.


Cole Bennett earned the rank of Eagle Scout in June. For his project, he worked with MOMMAS House in Jericho, a mother-child residence for young mothers aged 18 to 23 years and their children. Cole worked on a gardening project to beautify the grounds which included planting a vegetable garden and moving and replanting flowers, shrubs, and plants. Bernhardi, Nick Castelli, and Joe Ciorra recently teamed up to form Media Solutions LI, a production group specializing in photo, audio, and video.

H av e

20 16

Kenny, currently attending American University, and Emily Parkhurst, currently attending Salve Regina University, stopped by a local swim meet while home for Columbus Day weekend and caught up with Coach Erin Ronan and Coach Skylar Fasano ’15, who attends Molloy College.  Kelly

Mahon completed the intense period of indoctrination at the United States Merchant Marine Academy on July 17, 2017. James began academic studies on July 19, 2017 and is currently taking courses in physics, calculus, navigation history, and marine science, among other requirements.  James

 Jordan

You are attending Fairfield University and serve as an editor of the school's newspaper. You also serve as a Communications and Media Relations Intern at Make-A-Wish Connecticut. How did your time at Kellenberg teach you to prioritize and juggle multiple responsibilities?

My seven years at Kellenberg taught me everything I know about juggling multiple responsibilities and prioritizing. From my first day, I knew that I both wanted to be an honor roll student and to take advantage of all of the amazing opportunities that Kellenberg offered. I knew that this was going to be tough and, after a few weeks of struggling, I found a balance. Kellenberg taught me to do my work first instead of procrastinating and to take any opportunity to complete assignments ahead of time - or risk missing club meetings to get the assignments done! I made this philosophy into a rule for myself and followed it throughout my time at Kellenberg. As a result, I made Honor Roll every semester and was the president of both the History and Crafts club, the Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook, a member of SPICE, a Marianist Mentor, a contributing writer to the school newspaper, a flautist in the Phoenix band, and held two out of school jobs – all during my senior year. It was an insane schedule but was a lot of fun, and prepared me more than anything else could have for balancing my multiple responsibilities at Fairfield. This is one of the things I am most grateful to Kellenberg for teaching me because I use the work ethic I developed in 6th grade every day and I don’t see that ever stopping!

James Mahon ’17 Ryan Dempsey earned the rank of Eagle Scout in June. For his project, he worked with MOMMAS House in Hempstead, which is a mother-child residence for young mothers aged 18 to 23 years and their children. Ryan cleared and organized an extremely cluttered garage, as well as painted and restored three rooms in the house.

Cara Lee

C h r i st e l -R e m y K u c k

You are a Pre-Veterinary student at Cornell University and you find time to serve as a Eucharistic Minister in the Cornell Catholic community. How did Kellenberg prepare you for the transition from a Catholic high school to a secular college while continuing to maintain and strengthen your faith?

After leaving Kellenberg, the obvious struggle was trying to incorporate prayer into my hectic life. At Kellenberg, prayer was built into every class period along with opportunities to go to Mass and Adoration. I'm very lucky to be at Cornell because the Catholic community reaches out to all interested freshmen so it has been easy to stay involved with my faith serving as a weekly Eucharistic Minister. However, I am most grateful that Kellenberg has given me such a sense of community that I feel comfortable enough to explain what it means to be Catholic to my friends and even successfully get them to come to Mass with me! 20 17

J o r da n B e r n h a r d i

You are currently a freshman in Hofstra University's Lawrence Herbert School of Communication and a staff member of the university's radio station, WRHU 88.7 FM. How did your time at Kellenberg help you shape your goals and set you on the right path for achieving them?

My experience at Kellenberg helped me discover my passion for broadcasting through the ETV program. The Marianist education I received taught me that the key to achieving my goals is keeping the faith through it all.

y o u r e c e n t ly c e l e b r a t e d

a m i l e s t o n e i n yo u r l i f e ,

s u c h a s c o l l e g e g r a d uat i o n , a n e n g ag e m e n t , a m a r r i ag e , a new job,

t h e e x pa n s i o n o f y o u r f a m i ly , or a promotion?

S u b m i t a C l a ss N o t e !


at t h e i r h i g h e s t r e s o lu t i o n

should be submitted to

A lu m n i @ K e l l e n b e r g .o r g . 28



Fac u lt y I n t e rv i ew

A FEW MINUTES WITH MRS. DENISE (PISAPIA) PROSCEO deciding what goals you want to pursue and then working hard and using your resources to achieve them. If you want to be good at foul shots in basketball, you practice. If you want to improve your math skills, you practice!

When and how did you end up teaching at Kellenberg? I started teaching at Kellenberg in 1990. I was in grad school full-time and working as a bookkeeper part-time. It was my first job out of college, and I’ve been here for 27 years! What do you remember about the early years at Kellenberg? I started teaching here a few years after the transition from St. Agnes to Kellenberg. The things I remember the most from my early years here are the original details of the campus, which were so different from the campus as it is today. The center courtyard was just grass with a big tree. We actually used to have cheerleading practice out there. I am always amazed by how the Marianists can take something and improve upon it so greatly; and just when you think everything looks great, they somehow find a way to make it even better. It’s really amazing. The Marianists never stop improving.

Do you have any advice for students or alumni who are facing obstacles in their lives? It might sound overly simple, but here it is: “Do what you’ve got to do.” Figure out what’s going on and then make a step-by-step plan to attack the problem. Go back to basics. And that’s a major part in the skills Kellenberg develops in students. You learn how to solve problems in many ways - academically, spiritually, and physically.

What have you taught and moderated during your time here? I’ve taught pretty much every math class here, except for calculus. I coached gymnastics and cheerleading, and have moderated Blue & Gold, Junior G.S.O., and Sodality. I moderated the USA Study Tour in 1999 and 2001. We drove cross country, and we stopped in campgrounds along the way to set up tents and sleep for the night. The trip was seven weeks long, and we stopped at national parks, presidential libraries... we went everywhere. It would be easier to tell you where we didn't go, rather than all the places we went.

introduce C.O.R. (Civility, Order, and Respect) values immediately so students know what is expected of them. Then, of course, the younger students follow the example of the older students. If they see that a door in the hallway gets held for them, they will most likely hold it for the next person. It makes it a pleasant place to work. The fact that the discipline is so strong here means that you actually get to teach during class without constantly dealing with discipline issues. It’s funny...I went into teaching thinking, “I’m going to be the nice teacher.” Then I realized that I had to be tougher and stay on my toes to anticipate issues that might come up. Of course, all of the administration is always there to help you and support you, so that makes everything easier.

What has been the best part about teaching at Kellenberg? I think that the students here are so unique. They are focused and respectful. You can’t walk down a hallway here without like twenty kids saying “hello” to you. Even students who I have never taught stop by to chat. I really love my homeroom. We just have a great time together. Kids that come here know that we are serious about academics and discipline. So we attract students who excel in this kind of environment. The freshman teachers

What do you hope to instill in your students? Well hopefully I’m teaching them to be good people and to work hard. I teach them to not give up. I always tell them, “You may not be the best math student, but you can become a better math student if you try harder.” Nothing makes me happier than if a student is having a tough time in the beginning of a trimester, and then by the end of the trimester, they are excelling. That sort of progress is important for students to experience because it really helps them grow as people. It’s all about


What does the phrase, “Kellenberg Family,” mean to you? If there is anything bad going on in your life, your colleagues here have your back in a second. That, to me, is what family is all about. And it is an extended family! You can’t go anywhere without running into someone with ties to Kellenberg. For example, when we were in Pennsylvania for the USA Study Tour, we pulled into a gas station. The attendant came out to pump the gas and saw all our Kellenberg gear and said, “Oh wow! I went to Kellenberg!!” He was attending college nearby and worked at the gas station parttime for extra money. One more story from the USA Study Tour...every year we stopped by the United States Naval Academy and did a tour. The day we usually went was the last day of “Plebe Summer” training camp. At that point the plebes haven’t seen or spoken to friends and family in seven or eight weeks. It’s a very intense day. In 2001, the plebe who gave us the tour was Firebird alum John Naughton ’01. He had been with us during the 1999 USA Trip and had toured the Naval Academy with us at that time. I always am so impressed, too, with the amount of alumni that come back to Kellenberg to work. People really love it here and then they come full circle by returning to teach. That is a very unique thing and certainly adds to the feeling of the family atmosphere here at Kellenberg. HEART & MIND


P r e s i d e n t ' s w e l com e

Continued from "The President's Desk" on page 2:

a bigger weapon to another player. Better “redshirting,” a process whereby parents hold helmets and better padding is not the answer. back a child in the fifth or sixth grade, repeating Flag football is seen as an alternative, especially the year, so that they can be better, stronger, for younger players. Many medical experts say and a year older than their competitors. Many that children below twelve years of age should consider this a form of child abuse. not play contact football at all. What do we do about our Latin School football program? Kellenberg Memorial certainly does recruit students as do all the other Catholic High It is a valid observation to say that all sports Schools in the Diocese, but we do not recruit have become more physically orientated and athletes. That has been our policy from the less finesse oriented. Basketball has become a very first day in July 1987. And in the course contact sport. Lacrosse has increasingly more of that time, we have had many winning teams, injuries and is played much more aggressively. successful teams, and happy teams without Bouncing of the ball off the head in a soccer recourse to selective athletic recruiting. You match (or practice) is now a no-no. Are our play to win with all your mind, your heart, your sports really a fun time for our young people strength, and your commitment, but we realize or have they become part of an obsessive/ that you can win a game and play poorly, and you compulsive drive for celebrity and superiority? can lose a game, but play superbly. The ultimate There has been a great deal written about the welfare of the student athlete must always be changing nature of sports, especially with travel the prime consideration of any athletic high teams and parental push for a very demanding school athletic program. Otherwise, we are sports program for young people. The sports using our students as pawns in an ego game. Our experience of their children oftentimes Cross Country Team had their traditional Mass becomes the dominant family experience. and competition at Sunken Meadow State Park cancelled because of very extreme weather. There is another problem that we face, They raced the following Wednesday, All Saints particularly in high school, about football, Day and were the champions for the league. All in particular, and other sports in different our track programs are magnets for students proportions. This is the question of athletic who really want to develop their athletic skills in recruiting. This latter phenomenon is, of a way that emphasizes individual discipline and course, outlawed in theory, but extensively training. A few years ago, we instituted a Rugby practiced in our leagues. I, as Chairman of the club, a sport that has now gained popularity on Metropolitan Catholic High School Football Long Island. A short rundown of our fall athletic League (including Archdiocese of New York, progress is as follows: Diocese of Brooklyn, and Diocese of Rockville Centre), face this question every year. Currently, l Girls Varsity & JV Cross Country: 4th we are in a great crisis where some of the Consecutive League Championship Catholic Schools are blatantly and aggressively going way out of their zones to recruit “ringer” l Girls Varsity Volleyball: 3rd Consecutive athletes. The justification is that we want to League Championship give this young person, often a non-Catholic, a chance at a good education. However, the real l Girls JV Volleyball: League Champions motive is that this student is a superior athlete. The problem of this athletic recruitment by our high school coaches, athletic directors, and l Varsity Football: Regular Season AA administrators, reminds me of our problem Champions, 10 wins, 0 losses, playing in AA with immigration. Everybody knows it is a Championship on Saturday, November 18, 2017. problematic concern, but nobody knows what (Update since original writing: The Firebirds to do about it or is willing to do something are undefeated champs!) about it. The experience of the sport as a playful activity for young people under the direction of mature personnel, is being transformed into a world of competition with the hope of celebrity and financial reward at the end of the day. There has been a resurgence of what is called 30


As I mentioned in my last newsletter, this summer saw an increase in our computer instruction on all levels of the school. All students now are taught from the iPad. The teachers in each department worked together to create a full textbook for each subject in each year. The iPad constitutes the textbook and the notebook for our students. I am in admiration of the work and the adaptability that our teachers have shown in making this big transition not only possible, but successful. I, myself, have gone from a thick textbook that I created thirty years ago to having everything on the iPad. My students know more about the iPad than I do, but I know more Latin than they do – so we make a compromise! These additional desks in the Library meant the elimination of many books. It is sad to see, but the printing world has changed radically into the digital world. There is hardly a thing that you cannot find today on the Internet. What would take days of research, can be done in a matter of seconds. There is so much at our fingertips. And yet, there is always that question looming in the background: “Is there a black shadow of this technology hovering over our society?” Many educators say yes. They feel that this addiction to iPhones, to Internet communication, is changing our society radically, especially our young people. There are many articles describing this phenomenon. How do we get our young people to use this technology properly and for their own good human development? I admire our staff in the ways that they have tried to come to terms with increased technology and increased Science instruction. There is even a movement to have “Interns” on a high school level to give young people a taste of what all this intellectual knowledge does. For many of them, it is a great motivation. We spend a great deal of time having our students exposed to different technical fields in the real world. Kellenberg Memorial is trying to answer in creative ways all the challenges that face modern high schools today. A Blessed Christmas season to all!

l Girls Tennis A & B Teams: Both finalists in their respective leagues for the first time in program history.


In Memoriam

The souls of the faithful departed in the Kellenberg community remain in our prayers. Below are the names of those members who passed away from May 2017 until December 2017. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. Amen. Edward Brown, father of Marty Brown, KMHS faculty Alberto Castaneda, grandfather of Sean ’12, Caitlin ’13, and Jacqueline ’16 McKeon-Castaneda Anthony Chiofolo, father of Caitlyn ’05 and Christopher ’07 Chiofolo Christopher Cunningham, husband of Donna (Douglas) Cunningham ’92 Charles French, father of Allison ’19 William Hendrick, father of Billy ’00 and John ’01 Hendrick Frank Lavrigata, father of Frank ’05 and Christie ’08 Lavrigata Steve Pulaski, former KMHS staff member James Quinn, father of Olivia Quinn ’20 Carmen Rojas, grandmother of Matthew ’09, Martin (Latin School) ’11, Andrea ’13, and Victoria ’13 Rouse Joan Schmitt, mother of Deborah Carman, KMHS faculty, and grandmother of Michael ’16, Christopher ’18, and Jennifer ’21 Carman Joseph Sgro, father of Patrick ’06, Paul ’08, Joseph ’10, Maggie ’14, and John ’20 Sgro Nicholas Tochelli II, husband of Anna (Stiglic) Tochelli ’98, KMHS faculty





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