Latin School Brochure

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T HE B ROTHER J OSEPH C. F OX L ATIN S CHOOL A qualitative Catholic education in the Marianist tradition A Division of


“The community of believers was of one heart and mind…” Acts 4:32 Students in the Brother Joseph C. Fox Latin School, a division of Kellenberg Memorial High School, receive an education of both the Heart and the Mind. Our school lives out a Catholic Identity and encourages students to grow into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Kellenberg Memorial promotes a daily prayer life along with retreats and other spiritual opportunities that will enhance the faith life of our students.


Focusing on the development of the whole person, a strong emphasis is placed on the formation and growth of faith in each and every Kellenberg Memorial student. Through daily prayer, personal reflection, monthly Mass, school-wide prayer services, divisional retreats, Advent and Lenten Missions, as well as a wealth of extracurricular activities centered around spiritual growth, students are invited to experience their faith on a deeper level and incorporate that faith into their daily lives. Through the spiritual dimension of their education, students grow into mature, Christian young men and women, all in an environment that focuses on the core values of Civility, Order, and Respect.



Marianist priests and brothers, along with lay men and women, have a very long and successful tradition of training the minds and hearts of young people throughout the world. The Society of Mary was founded in France in 1817 by Blessed William Joseph Chaminade immediately following the French Revolution. It was because of his commitment to the Church and his devotion to Jesus through Mary that Marianist schools continue to educate students today so that they may become good disciples of Jesus Christ, faithful members of the Church and fine role models.

The middle school program at Kellenberg Memorial is known as a Latin School because of the rich tradition in education that the study of Latin offers. The study of languages, particularly Latin, has long been prized as an especially effective way to train the mind and educate the heart in patterns of civility, order, and respect. The classical education offered at the Bro. Joseph C. Fox Latin School provides a solid foundation for high school studies. As an extension of Kellenberg Memorial High School, the Latin School shares the same foundation of a liberal arts curriculum, supplemented by new and innovative programs that develop strong study and time management skills. In this spirit of innovation, students in the Latin School make use of the iPad for all aspects of their studies and enjoy the versatility, accessibility, and flexibility of this device.

Established in 1988 as a division of Kellenberg Memorial High School, the Bro. Joseph C. Fox Latin School provides an education for students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. The Latin School shares the same campus and facilities as Kellenberg Memorial High School, providing exciting opportunities for middle school students.



In establishing the Bro. Joseph C. Fox Latin School, the Marianists wished to honor the memory of Bro. Joseph C. Fox, and more importantly, to extend the work of the Marianist education to which he devoted his life. The vibrance of his faith and the love of his Marianist vocation left a rich legacy. In addition to his many years of service to the Marianist Community as a teacher, Bro. Joseph taught his fellow Marianists how to grow old gracefully, to make every day count, and to serve rather than be served. Simple love of God, humor, sense of duty, generosity, and single-mindedness are all fruits that flourished on his tree of life. His example was one of faithful imitation of Jesus Christ, Son of God, become Son of Mary for the salvation of all. With the help of God and His Blessed Mother, the students of the Latin School will be a living memorial to Bro. Joseph’s life of faith, devotion, and learning.Brother Joseph C. Fox


Faith is a primary aspect of the the Bro. Joseph C. Fox Latin School. In addition to the academic and extracurricular programs, students also share in a faith experience within the context of a Catholic school community. All activities, both inside and outside of the classroom, are carried out in the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the spiritual dimension of their education, students grow into mature, Christian young men and women. Retreat Programs are held in Emmanuel Retreat House on campus, at Stella Maris Retreat House in Islip, New York, and at Our Lady of the Island Shrine in Eastport. The variety of religious experiences available to Latin School students allows them to explore and grow in a knowledge and love of God and neighbor. This is all developed within the Marianist charism of a devotion “To Jesus through Mary.” The Religion class curriculum in seventh and eighth grades is designed to support and expand upon the knowledge necessary for students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. While each student studies this aspect of their faith in school, the sacrament is conferred in the student’s home parish so that students understand that their faith is not confined within the school walls but that they are called to become “missionary disciples.”

periods •Prayer before

Religion 7 fosters prayerful knowledge of the saints in preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Religion 6 reflects on the Ten Commandments and the Mass as the two anchors in which Catholics can find fulfillment. The Cadet retreat theme is “Be Merciful As Your Heavenly Father is Merciful.”


The following programs contribute to this affective dimension of times daily: Prayer video, the Angelus (at noon), the Three O’Clock Prayer (at dismissal) attend daily morning Midday Prayer lunch each class personal

the Latin•SchoolSchool:prayer three

Religion 8 focuses on the purpose, teachings, and tradition of the Catholic Church by means of understanding the importance of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition in the life of the Church.

prayer •Divisional Prayer Services •Jubilee Choir •Athlete Retreats •Latin School(ChristiansC.R.O.S.S.Reaching Out Spreading Spirituality) •XLT Eucharistic Adoration •Days of Reconciliation WE ARE CATHOLiC. CURRiCULUM AND RETREATS


•The opportunity to


The Squire retreat theme is “Masterpiece of God.”

period •School Chapel available for

Mass •Availability of

The Tyro retreat theme is “Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit.”

RELIGION ENGLISH HISTORY MATH SCIENCE LANGUAGE Religion 6 English 6 History 6 Mathematics 6 Life Science Reading 6 Religion 8 English 8 History 8 Pre-Algebra 8 or Algebra I Earth Science Latin 8 Religion 7 English 7 History 7 Mathematics 7 Physical Science Latin 7

The student schedule also includes the following Enrichment Courses: Art (6th and 8th), Music (7th), Physical Education, and the option of taking Chorus, Band, or Orchestra. Students begin the study of Latin in the seventh grade. This discipline allows them to be exposed to the culture and linguistic foundation that the study of this language provides. The Math and Science curricula of the Latin School serve to meet the needs of an ever-changing world of STEM opportunities. In sixth grade, students study Life Science, in seventh grade, they study Physical Science, and all students in the eighth grade study Earth Science. This allows Latin School students to advance into Biology in their freshman year. Depending upon their Math standing at the end of seventh grade, students have a choice of studying Pre-Algebra 8 or Algebra I in the eighth grade. Students who achieve an overall average of 85% (84.5%) are listed on the Kellenberg Memorial High School Honor Roll. Students who attain an overall average of 85% (84.5%) and participate in two or more extracurricular activities are eligible for induction into the National Junior Honor Society at the conclusion of their first year in the Latin School. Overall, the Latin School provides a solid liberal arts foundation as a basis for further study in high school.

For over 3o years, the Bro. Joseph C. Fox Latin School has been providing students with a qualitative Catholic education in the Marianist Tradition. Students in the sixth (Cadets), seventh (Tyros), and eighth (Squires) grades follow a challenging curriculum that stimulates their intellects and expands their understanding. The curriculum includes:



Kellenberg Memorial High School offers a serious, four-year curriculum that thoroughly prepares students for college.

• Classes indicated by a plus (+) are courses only for Academic Program students. • Classes in bold type are taught at Kellenberg but offer college credit through dual-enrollment. RELIGION ENGLISH HISTORY MATH SCIENCE WORLD LANGUAGE Scripture Introduction to LiteratureGrammar& World HistoryGeometry Biology Latin, Spanish, Christ and His Church CompositionGrammar,Literature,American& European History Algebra I or Algebra II Trigonometry& Chemistry Latin, Spanish, ChristianMorality BritishCompositionGrammar,Literature,& American History I Algebra II Trigonometry,&Pre-CalculusOrCalculusI Physics Latin, Spanish, ExistenceChristian LiteratureWorld American History II Pre-Calculus, Calculus I, Calculus II Statisticsor& Finance Elective Latin or College Writing ACADEMiCSTiME TESTED LiBERAL ARTS EDUCATiON - GRADES 9 - 12

A Placement Test, taken at the end of the eighth grade year, helps to determine a student’s academic program in high school. Students in the Honors Program take four years of a World Language. Students in the Academic Program study a World Language for three years and take a course in College Writing during the fourth year. Furthermore, Kellenberg Memorial offers a robust Science and Mathematics curriculum. Students may have the opportunity to study Environmental Science, Health Science, Engineering, Forensics, Sports Medicine, Geology, or Astronomy. Based on projected college course of study and historical academic performance, Seniors may have the opportunity to study Calculus I, Calculus II, Pre-Calculus, or Statistics & Finance. The high school curriculum also offers dual enrollment courses with college credit from local colleges and universities, additional elective and enrichment courses, business courses, a laboratory assistant program, and an EMT Training Program.



The Tyro STEM Day allows students to explore Science topics outside of the regular classroom setting, and students also have the opportunity to attend programs and films at the Cradle of Aviation Museum as well as other venues.

The Latin School continues to feature a time-tested Marianist education while introducing cutting edge technology. Our students are engaging the iPad as the primary source of textbooks, notebooks, and workbooks, as well as utilizing the device as a means of sharing work collaboratively in class and with their teachers. Harnessing the vast power of this digital resource, students are meeting the traditional demands of a Catholic education with almost limitless resources. STEM STEM activities are continuously made available to Latin School students. Renovation of the Science labs has increased the opportunity for hands-on activities that enrich the curricula of the Science classes. The Latin School has a competitive Science Olympiad team, and students enjoy other activities such as Stemgineering, Lab Squad, and Robotics.



One of the characteristics of Marianist education recognizes the importance of the ability to adapt and change. During the pandemic. teleconferences allowed for structure, routine, and personal accountability for all students in all subject areas. These characteristics have always been, and continue to be, essential for growth in middle school and they are key components of the education provided at the Latin School. Use of the iPad has allowed for the versatility to adapt to an increasingly technological world. Despite the many changes our society has experienced during the past few years, Kellenberg Memorial has remained committed to our mission of educating both the hearts and minds of our students, whether in the classroom or at home.


ACTiViTiES WE ARE COCURRiCULAR/EXTRACURRiCULARiNVOLVED. Latin School students can participate in one or more of the over 80 different clubs and activities offered at Kellenberg Memorial High School, including some of the following: • Academic Quiz Bowl • Art Guild • Auditorium Service • Band • Boy Scouts • Chess Club • Chorus • Drama Club • Educational Television Club (ETV) • G.S.O. (General Student Organization) • Hiking Club • History Club • Intramural Sports • Latin School Jazz Band • Lab Squad • Math Club • Orchestra • Photography Club • Robotics Club • S.A.L.T. (Service, Allegiance, Leadership, Teamwork) • Science Olympiad • Stemgineering (Grades 6 & 7) • Woodworking Club

ATHLETICS WE ARE FiREBiRDS. LATiN SCHOOL ATHLETiCS The Marianist Philosophy as it pertains to Athletics is “Educate the whole student - Heart, Mind, and the Body.” Seventh and eighth grade students may tparticipate in an extensive athletic program, which includes the following Latin School teams: • Baseball • Basketball • Cheerleading • Cross Country • Football • Lacrosse • Soccer • Softball • Track • Wrestling COMPETiTiVE HiGH SCHOOL ATHLETiC LEAGUES On the high school level, Kellenberg Memorial sponsors 65 official interscholastic athletic teams, participating in arguably the most competitive athletic leagues in the country. More than 60% of all high school students participate in at least one sport. Furthermore, a large number of students participate in intramural programs. Kellenberg Memorial hosts recently renovated, state of the art athletic facilities for these teams as well. The additional teams are: Bowling, Crew, Dance, Golf, Hockey, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, and Rugby Club. ATHLETIC CLUBS • Archery Club • Blue and Gold • Equestrian Club • Fitness Club • Volleyball

100% oftoacceptedstudentscollege 97.6% ofattendingstudentscollege 2793 collegeawardedscholarships $37.6M awarded in college scholarships Latin School students who continue on to Kellenberg Memorial High Schoolare often some of our most outstanding graduates.BIGSOMETHINGTOSTARTFRIENDLYA KELLENBERG MEMORiAL HiGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2022 GRADUATiON STATiSTiCS Kellenberg graduates demonstrate the foundational elements of an education imbued with the Marianist charism alongside the grammar, logic, rhetoric trivium as evidenced by their academics, affective behavior, leadership and service, and spirituality. Graduating Class 484 Total Number of Scholarships/Grants 2793 Academic Scholarships 2777 Athletic Scholarships 16 Total Earned in Scholarships $37.6M Number of Students Receiving One or More Scholarships 343 Students attending college 472 (97.6%) Four Year Colleges 460 (95.1%) Two Year Colleges 12 (2.5%) College Preparatory School 1 Employment 3 Enlisted United States Marine Corps 1 Gap Year 7


The Brother Joseph C. Fox Latin School, a division of Kellenberg Memorial High School, admits students of any race, color, sex, national, or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities of the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial policies, activities, athletics, or other school administered programs. Kellenberg Memorial, a Roman Catholic coeducational school, was founded to serve the Catholics of Long Island. Priority of admission is given to young men and women who are baptized and practicing Roman Catholics and, when space is available, practicing non-Catholic Christians.

Tuition for the 2022-2023 school year is $11,900 + $200 annual iPad rental fee. This amount may be paid in full, in two installments, or over a ten month period. If tuition is paid in full by August 7, the family receives a $150 discount.

In order to be considered for admission to the Latin School, students must successfully complete the previous grade by passing all courses and they must present adequate academic credentials. The usual means of application is through presentation of recent year-end report cards and standardized test results. Candidates should also present a letter of intent, in their own handwriting, along with a copy of their baptismal certificate. Applications are received, beginning on October 4th, on a rolling admissions basis, and the deadline for fullest consideration is December 8, 2022. Additional application information is available on the school website at (refer to the “Latin School” or “Admissions” sections) or by contacting the Latin School Office at 516-292-0200, extension 380.

Parents are required to enroll in an automatic direct debit program. The two-payment option asks for one-half of the tuition on August 7th and the second half on January 7th. There is a $425 non-refundable registration fee once a student has been accepted.



KELLENBERG.ORG 1400 Glenn Curtiss Blvd. Uniondale, New York 11553 516-292-0200

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