PENS 2022 Reporter

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VOL 34

President’s Report What a week! I am so thankful that we were able to come together in person in Bonita Springs, Florida for an abundance of education and fun! There are a lot of people to thank for this amazing event!

In This Issue 1 President’s Report 2 C onference Planning Committee Report 3 N ew Faces of PENS Leadership 4 PENS Award Winners 5 Conference Highlights 6 R esearch Committee Report 7 E ducation Committee Report 8 Nominations Committee Report 9 Membership Task Force Report 10 C alling all ENDO and DIABETES Nurse Experts

4400 College Blvd., Suite 220, Overland Park, KS 66211 913.222.8657 877.936.7367

Thank you to the PENS Board, and all the volunteers on our committees: Nominations, Education , Research and the Membership Taskforce. I appreciate all of you for your commitment to PENS and commitment to educating current and future endocrine nurses and nurse practitioners! Thank you to our committed Conference Planning Committee (CPC)! They met monthly for almost a year to bring together a great slate of speakers and topics! I am lucky to get to sit on the committee as the liaison to the PENS Board of Directors, and watch the magic happen as a blank schedule is filled in with Keynote speakers, general and breakout session speakers and social events. Thank you, CPC, for volunteering your time to make the PENS conference so educational and fun! Thank you to our exhibitors and sponsors! We could not sustain our organization without them! I hope you were able to get to each exhibitor and learn about products and services to help your patients. The product theatres are a newer addition to our PENS conference. I know that there were many exciting events going on at the same time, so thank you to those that were able to attend the product theatres! The exhibitors and sponsors appreciate you and your time! Thank you to our amazing management company, Kellen! As some of you may know, PENS started with a few interested nurses, over 30 years ago. In the beginning, they did it all on their own--chose the location, invited speakers, secured sponsors and marketed the event (before social media was really a thing)! As PENS grew, a management company came on board and allows us to continue our day-to-day work caring for patients, and also have this amazing conference! I do not know if PENS would be PENS without our management company—from choosing the venue and food, to organizing themed evening events, and maintaining our financial stability, our management company is integral to our organization. Thank you to our speakers! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise! Thank you for taking your own time to develop engaging presentations and helping us to better care for our patients. I hope that everyone learned something new! Thank you to our members! Thank you to current members who brought new members and first-time attendees to PENS! Thank you to the new members who came on your own, continued on page 11

An annual publication of the Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society

PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

2022-2023 President Rebecca Crespi, BA, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC, CDCES President-Elect Linda J. Steinkrauss, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC Treasurer Jan M. Foote, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-PC Secretary Courtney Reints, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-PC Director Mandi Cafasso, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC Director Maryann G. Johnson, BSN, RN, M. Ed., PEN Director Leigh Pughe, RN, MS, CPNP-PC Executive Director JerrieLynn Kind, Executive Director/Ex-Officio Board The PENS Reporter is published annually by the Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society (PENS). Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of PENS. Copyright © 2022 Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society Editor Kelly DeGrote, BSN, RN, PED-BC PENS Executive Office 4400 College Blvd. Suite 220 Overland Park, KS 66211 Direct: 913.222.8657 Toll Free: 877.936.7367 Fax: 913.222.8606 Website:

The 2022 PENS National Conference was our first in-person conference in two years! It was so wonderful to get to spend time together in sunny Florida! We hope that those of you who attended were able to experience valuable connections and enjoyed the variety of speakers and topics presented. As a reminder for those who registered, evaluations and CE credits will be available for 90 days from the conference. Event information will remain available in the Whova app for 3 months, and any personal information such as contacts, notes, messages, or scanned cards will not be removed. This year we were able to have our New Member reception and our annual networking Welcome reception on Wednesday evening. I personally enjoyed speaking with and meeting PENS current and new members I have not had the opportunity to interact with face to face yet! We also hope everyone enjoyed our Thursday and Friday evening social events! This past year the Conference Planning Committee worked to compile a complete program with a variety of relevant topics for our conference attendees. The evaluations provided following the previous conference were instrumental in providing the committee valuable information for planning this year’s event. This year there were 17.25 CE credits offered across our sessions that included a variety of endocrine and diabetes related subjects. We had 176 registered attendees, 127 exhibitor booth representatives with 25 exhibitors. Our sponsors held seven product theater sessions this year. We have been fortunate to have continued support from many sponsors, with eight for this year’s conference. Our planning committee for the 2022 Conference included myself as Chair, and Jennifer Anisko as co-chair, along with Sheri Luke, Sarah Bottomley, Leigh Pughe, & Melissa Rearson. I’d like to offer a special thanks to Rebecca Crespi, who has been our board liaison. We are also grateful for assistance from JerrieLynn Kind, PENS Executive Director and Candice Miller, PENS Associate Executive Director. Now that the 2022 Conference is completed, the Conference Planning Committee is ready to begin plans for the 2023 conference. Please don’t forget to complete your 2022 Conference Evaluations. The feedback you provide is always thoroughly reviewed and will help our conference planning committee put together future conference events with content and formats that are beneficial to you. Your evaluation will also provide your CE credits. Mark your calendars for our 2023 National Conference, scheduled for April 19-22 at the Hyatt Regency Hill Country, San Antonio, TX! Be sure to share with your Endocrine & Diabetes colleagues! Can’t wait to see you all there! Wishing you all the best! Christin Morell, RN, BSN 2021-2022 Conference Planning Committee Chair

Copy Submissions Please submit all future articles or items by e-mail to Subject: PENS Reporter Item


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

New Faces of PENS Leadership The following members were elected in our 2022 Election, Terms began in May 2022:

Board of Directors: President-Elect : Linda Steinkrauss, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Secretary: Courtney Reints, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-PC

Director: Leigh Pughe, RN, MS, CPNP-PC

Nominating Committee: Michelle Marowitz, RN, CPN, CRNP

Kristine Welsh, CPNP-PC

Thank you for taking the time to select your PENS leaders! Current Board Members (2022-2023) President Rebecca Crespi, BA, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC, CDCES

Treasurer Jan M. Foote, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-PC

President-Elect : Linda Steinkrauss, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC

Secretary Courtney Reints, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-PC

Director Mandi Cafasso, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC

Director Maryann G. Johnson, BSN, RN, M. Ed., PEN

Director: Leigh Pughe, RN, MS, CPNP-PC

Executive Director/ Ex-Officio Board Member JerrieLynn Kind


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Award Winners Congratulations to all the PENS Award Winners honored at this year’s conference!

Excellence in Education Award: Kate Davies, RN (Child), Dip. H.E., BSc (Hons), MSc, NMP, PGCert, PGDip

Best Poster Award:

Jamie Faedke, Nemours Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young Type 2 (MODY2) In Siblings

Best First-Time Posters:

Caitlin Schaefer, Nemours Addressing the Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic in the Pediatric Population: A Nurse Championed Intervention A Oretha Johnson, Children’s National Hospital Neuropsychological Assessments Aid in Planning for Transition to Adult Care in Turner Syndrome

Outgoing Board Members:

Cathy Flynn RN, MSN, APRN, CDCES – Immediate Past President Kelly DeGrote, BSN, RN-BC – Secretary Linda Steinkrauss, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC is staying on as our President-elect

Committee Chair Thanks:

Andrew Dwyer, PhD, FNP-BC, FNAP – Research Committee Christin Morell, RN, BSN – Conference Planning Committee Maureen Dever, MSN, RN, CRNP, CDCES - Education Committee Cathy Flynn, RN, MSN, APRN, CDCES - Nominating Committee Lisa Richards, CPNP-PC, CDCES - Membership Task Force

Outgoing Nominating Committee Members: Michelle Marowitz, RN, CPN, CRNP – re-elected Barb Lightner, CPNP-PC


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Conference Highlights


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Research Committee Report 2021-2022 Report Chair: Andrew A. Dwyer, PhD, FNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN Board Liaison: Linda Steinkrauss, MSN, RN, CPNP

Committee Members: Sharron M. Close, PhD, CPNP-PC (Grant Director); Linda Burkett, MSN, RN, CDE; Carol J. Howe, PhD, RN; Shari K. Liesch, APNP, MSN; Terri Lipman, PhD, CRNP; Erika McCann, RN; Jennifer Morone, MA-ATR, BSN-RN; Krista Schroeder, RN; Cynthia Snyder, MSN, RN; Linda Steinkrauss, MSN, RN, CPNP (Board Liaison) Purpose of Committee: To plan and oversee committee activities including: reviewing abstracts for PENS conference, reviewing grant applications, presenting research at the PENS conference, mentoring members to develop and present abstracts. Summary of Projects: 1. Abstracts, PENS 2022 (Bonita Springs Florida) We received 9 Abstracts in response to the call (Case report: n = 4, Informational: n=2, Research: n= 1, Product: n=2). The Research Committee reviewed submitted abstracts (Zoom meeting 1/07/2022) and selected one oral presentation (case study) and remainder as posters. Members mentored authors on revising abstracts. Andrew worked with JerrieLynn to submit the abstracts for publication in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. Currently the proofs are pending. 2. PENS Annual Meeting 2022 The Research program will include presentations by Sharron Close (new Grant description), Susan Davis (Selected abstract: “Precocious Puberty in the Setting of Turners Syndrome - Expect the Unexpected”), and a talk by Terri Lipman reporting findings from a previously funded PENS grant. Meg Kiel and her team are invited to present the findings of a preciously funded PENS grant at the 2023 meeting. The concurrent session will include a workshop style session by Andrew Dwyer & Sharron Close ““Bringing Evidence into Practice for Improving Transitional Care: Demystifying Implementation”. 3. Grant Submissions No grant proposals were received for the 2022 deadline. Sharron Close has proposed changes to the description of the Grant to encourage more diverse proposals. The “PENS Clinical •

Practice Grant” includes the description “In clinical practice, there are many opportunities to evaluate

quality and patient outcomes using medications, teaching approaches, and other ways in which we seek to improve evidence-based practice. This funding would be appropriate for a small project that evaluates quality assurance or patient outcomes in your own clinical setting. As well, it is appropriate for conducting literature reviews including those that appraise the quality of scientific evidence for use in everyday clinical practice”. We hope that this more inclusive view of the grant may remove some of the perceived barriers to submitting a grant. 4. Updated PENS Position Statements Two PENS Position Statements have been updated to the structured format: 1) PENS Position Statement on Bullying Prevention, 2) PENS Position Statement on Transgender Youth. Two additional position statements are being revised (“Linear Growth Measurement of Children” and “PENS Position Statement on Stimulation Testing”). Updates were delayed due to the many competing demands imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. We anticipate all position statements will be finalized by the end of 2022. 5. Position Statement Endorsement The board voted to endorse the “Endocrine Nurses Society Position Statement on Transgender and Gender Diverse Care” (published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society, 5(8):bvab105. doi: 10.1210/jendso/bvab105). The position statement was also endorsed by the European Society of Endocrinology Nurse Committee, European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology Nurses, Endocrine Nurses’ Society of Australasia, and the Federation of International Nurses in Endocrinology. 6. Leadership Succession Candidates for the next Research Cahir were solicited from the Committee. Cynthia Snyder expressed interest in assuming the post following the Annual Meeting in Bonita Springs in May 2022. The Committee was unanimously in favor of her becoming Chair and this was communicated to the Board. Andrew will continue to work with Cynthia to ensure a smooth leadership transition. The Research Committee has a stable membership and continues to explore avenues to expand interest among the broader PENS membership. Respectfully submitted, Andrew A. Dwyer, PhD, FNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Education Committee Report May 2022 Chair: Maureen Dever

Hyperlipidemia by Leslie Pitts

Board Liaison: Jan Foote

Congenital Hypothyroidism by Leslie Pitts

Committee Members: Barb Lightner, Isabel Couto, Mary Burr, Amy Gilliland, Leslie Pitts, Dana Greer, Shelley Nichols, Rosemary O’Dell New members 5/2022: Mary McFeters, Christina Bond Purpose of Committee: Under the direction of the Board of PENS, the Education Committee is responsible for developing educational projects/materials to meet the educational needs of the members and the patients and families they serve. Summary of Projects: Our education committee members continue to update prior patient and clinical educational handouts and update clinical resources on our PENS website to serve as a PENS nurses, clinicians, patients and families, as well as create educational webinars on topics of interest to PENS membership. PENS Education Survey: Our committee conducted a survey of PENS Membership after PENS meeting April 2021 to explore topics of interest and are using the results to target educational topics. We plan to continue to re-survey membership after the PENS conference 2022. Educational Handouts and Online Resources: Our members have been busy updating our on line patient handouts to a consistent template and are available on the PENS website.

Pediatric Obesity by Maureen Dever Type 2 Diabetes in Pediatrics and Adolescents by Maureen Dever Acquired Hypothyroidism by Maureen Dever Adrenal Insufficiency Action Plan by Leslie Pitts Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia by Leslie Pitts Turner Syndrome by Rosemary O’Dell Diabetes Insipidus by Rosemary O’Dell Webinars: 1.) A webinar was completed in August 2021 by Leslie Pitts, MSN, CRNP, CDCES, entitled Hormotional: Female Reproductive Health and Hormone Replacement and is available on the PENS Website for continuing education credit, in addition to the past webinars posted on the website. 2.) F uture Webinar presenters and topics are currently being explored with a goal of 2 to 3 new Webinars each year. We are looking for speakers for our webinar series! Please reach out if you are interested in joining our group or presenting a webinar! Respectfully submitted, Maureen Dever

Updated handouts include: Precocious Puberty by Barbara Lightner Bisphosphonates by Leslie Pitts and Sarah Sparks X Linked Hypophosphatemia by Isabel Couto Hypophosphatemic Rickets by Isabel Couto Prader Willi Syndrome by Mary Burr Gender Identity and Gender Dysphoria by Leslie Pitts


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Nominations Committee Chair: Cathy Flynn RN, APRN, CDCES Board Liaison: JerrieLynn Kind, Executive Director Committee Members: 2021-2022 Meg Keil, Barb Lightner, Michele Marowitz, Melissa Rearson. 2022-2023 Meg Keil, Michele Marowitz, Melissa Rearson, Kristine Welch Purpose of Committee: The PENS Nominating Committee is responsible for recruiting candidates and slating of the ballot for the PENS annual election. Summary of Projects: The annual election was held in February 2022 and the following members were elected:

We welcome Kristine Welsh to the committee and welcome back Michelle Marowitz. We say good-bye and thank you to Barb Lightner for her hard work the past 2 years on the nominations committee. Our next election will be in February 2023. We are looking for PENS members to run for Treasurer, 2 Director positions, and 2 positions for the Nominations Committee. If you are interested in running yourself or would like to nominate a candidate for any of the positions please send an email to the PENS office at or to me at Please consider sharing your talents with PENS and run for a leadership position. Cathy Flynn Nominations Chair

President-Elect: Linda Steinkrauss Director: Leigh Pughe Secretary: Courtney Reints Nominating Committee: Kristine Welsh and Michelle Marowitz


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Membership Task Force Report The members of the membership task for will continue to support the board and other committees by helping to ensure that members see the worth and value of belonging to PENS. •

We are launching a content calendar for social media. We hope to be able to add a Linked In account for PENS and connect with more members.

We would like to make announcements for things other committees are doing such as articles that are published and webinars that are available to our membership.

We will continue to support the board of PENS by contacting any members who do not initially renew their memberships in January.

We also want to help ensure that there are members who are nominated for all of the awards that PENS would like to present to its members.

If you are interested in joining the membership task force please contact Lisa Richards at We look forward to seeing you all in San Antonio and feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend our conference in Bonita Springs in May 2022. Kind regards, Lisa M. Richards MSN, RN, CPNP-PC

Accessing PENS PALS Instructions: Have a question you’d like to bounce off a peer? Want to see how your PENS friends are doing? Join us in PENS Pals – an informal space to chat with one another, share resources, and ask questions. Getting started chatting with PENS PALS is easy! Just click this link, Gq9PgVe6U7Td and sign up!


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

Calling all ENDO and DIABETES Nurse Experts!!

Have you researched a topic, given a presentation or are eager to present a lecture to your PENS colleagues? Are you looking to share your expertise and impact your professional development and growth by sharing your knowledge with fellow PENS members? Please present a PENS Webinar that will be recorded and published on the PENS website and offer an educational opportunity and continuing education credits for our members. We are looking to present topics on: Diabetes-management, pharmacology, coping, clinical pearls Growth Hormone Deficiency Turner Syndrome Noonan Syndrome Bone and Rickets Hypopituitarism Precocious puberty Delayed Puberty And were open to any topic that impacts your Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes practice!

PENS Webinar Guidelines: • Need topic Related to Pediatric Endocrinology • Main Presenter must be PENS Member (Can have expert C- presenter) • Presentation should be 50-55 minutes in length if prerecorded • If recording live session-time can be 45 minutes with 10 minutes for questions Plan for 3 Webinars per year updated on PENS Website Please reach out to our Education committee members for more information or to Committee Chair, Maureen Dever at


PENS Reporter

Summer Edition 2022

We Are PENS and We Are Noteworthy! SO STAND UP AND BE RECOGNIZED AND SHARE YOUR NEWS! WE ARE BRINGING BACK AN OLD COLUMN CALLED “MEMBERS IN THE NEWS” in our monthly Insider Newsletter • Have you recently changed positions or received a promotion? • Have you recently received an award related to your professional responsibilities or an academic honor? • Have you recently been published? • Have you recently made a presentation at a professional conference or a meeting? • Are you serving in an elected or an appointed position in a professional or governmental organization? • Have you recently traveled to another country to teach or learn more about our specialty? IF YOU CAN ANSWER “YES” TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS ... PLEASE TELL US ABOUT IT! SEND YOUR NEWS FOR THE NEXT INSIDER NEWSLETTER TO

President’s Report (continued from page 1) without knowing anyone! I hope that you made at least one new friend or made a connection with another member to help you care for your patients. It was great to meet so many new, excited, eager, committed nurses and nurse practitioners! To those that could not attend this year, I hope that you are able to attend next year in Texas! It’s the PENS membership and the supportive, caring people that I meet at conference that makes me want to come back year after year. I hope that you feel the same way and will encourage your friends and colleagues to join PENS and join us at our next national conference in April 2023. Wishing you safety, health, and happiness Rebecca Crespi MSN, CPNP-PC, CDCES PENS President


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