Dear PENS Partner, The planning for our PENS 2017 National Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota from April 26-29, 2017 is underway! We are making special plans to celebrate PENS 30th Anniversary. We had great feedback from the 2016 National Conference in Denver thanks to the support of our many partners and we anticipate next year will be even better. We are pleased to have this pediatric endocrinology nursing conference available for not only novice, but experienced pediatric endocrine and diabetes nurses. We are requesting your support for this year to continue to make this conference a success. Please review the enclosed materials and main sponsorship opportunities available for the 2017 National Conference. We value your support of the PENS conference as it is a key factor to help us meet our mission of providing members with resources to advance pediatric endocrinology nursing, in order to meet the needs of the patient. If there are other sponsorship ideas for the PENS 2017 National Conference or opportunities throughout the year that you would like to discuss, please contact us directly so we can explore this further. If you have any questions or needs, please contact us at 913-2228657 or by email at I am looking forward to working with you this coming year and having our members hear more about you throughout the upcoming conference in Minneapolis.
Please make note of these important deadlines! Feb. 19, 2017
Early Bird Exhibitor Cutoff ($100 Discount)
March 3, 2017
Deadline to submit meeting support and
advertising application All applications, descriptions and logos due to be guaranteed in final conference materials Deadline to submit company logo for website advertising Deadline to submit print- or press-quality artwork for advertising
March 27, 2017
Late Exhibitor Deadline (all applications received after this date incur late fee)
Sincerely, Maryann Johnson, BSN, RN PENS President
April 3, 2017 Booth Representative Forms Due Hotel Room Reservation Cutoff It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to adhere to these deadlines.
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
CONFERENCE SUPPORT, EXHIBITING & ADVERTISING PENS offers several ways to increase your organization’s visibility to conference attendees. PENS National Conference support, advertising and exhibiting continue to be the best value for marketing opportunities in the industry. These opportunities are outlined here for your review. Using any or all of them will help better connect your company’s products or services to our meeting attendees.
Conference Support of a PENS Event
Advertising in the Final Program Book
Supporting a PENS event is the most effective way to show your potential/current customers that you support PENS. See Page 4-5 for more information.
The PENS Final Program Book is distributed to all individuals registered for the conference. This book includes meeting timetables, exhibit descriptions and other essential information.
Exhibiting at the PENS National Conference The exhibit area will be located near the general and breakout sessions for high visibility. We attempt to locate refreshment breaks in or near the exhibit area to promote traffic, depending on space.
Exhibit Booth Each 10' × 10' booth receives two complimentary booth representatives. Each 10' × 20' booth receives three. Booth representatives are invited to participate in all food and beverage events held in the exhibit hall. Any exhibitor wishing to register for and attend the conference educational sessions will register through the registration process used by conference participants. Exhibitors paying conference registration fees will be awarded contact hours for educational sessions attended. Each booth is eligible for the PENS discounted sleeping room rate (based on availability at the time of booking) and security during the hours the exhibit hall is not open. The exhibit space is a 10' × 10' area for you to display and/or demonstrate your company’s products and services. Pipe and drape will be provided.
The Final Program Book is 5.5" x 8.5" in size with a full color cover and non-glossy text pages. Ads must be provided in a color, press-quality PDF file to by March 3, 2017. Companies may include up to three items in conference tote bags to be distributed to all conference attendees. Materials must arrive in our offices no later than April 7, 2017, to be included at the conference. See Page 5 for more information on advertising prices.
PRE-AND POST-CONFERENCE MAILING LISTS One-time use Electronic Mailing List – $150 each Photo Courtesy Evan Semon.
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
Below is a detailed list of the conference support opportunities for the 2017 National Conference. Support is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. PENS will attempt to meet your request, however, we cannot guarantee availability. If you are interested in partial support of one of these options or have a different idea in mind, please contact us at We appreciate your support of the 2017 National Conference and PENS! All underwriters will receive the following benefits in addition to the benefits provided by the specific underwritten items: Acknowledgement in the
Final Program Acknowledgement in the General Sessions Signage in the conference center
A pre- or post-show
registrant mailing list
Ribbons for your company representatives identifying support
Diamond Level Sponsors: $75,000 and up
Sponsorship includes: Choice of evening themed event: Thursday, Friday, or Saturday (event is planned by the PENS Conference Planning Committee), 20’ 20’ booth, logo link on PENS website, hallway meter board signage (2), fifteen (15) booth representative passes, ten (10) event entrance tickets to the evening event sponsored, attendee bag insert, full page color advertisement in the program book, access to mailing list for one pre-show and one post-show mailer. Selection of evening event day will be determined on a first-come, first served basis.
Ruby Level Sponsors: $60,000-$74,999
Sponsorship includes: Friday Poster Session sponsorship, 10’ 20’ booth, logo link on PENS website, hallway meter board signage (1), five (5) booth representative passes, attendee bag insert, full page advertisement in the program book, access to mailing list for one pre-show and one post-show mailer.
Emerald Level Sponsors: $50,000-$59,999
Combine any of the options on page 5 – first come, first served
Sapphire Level Sponsors: $30,000-$49,999
Combine any of the options on page 5 – first come, first served
Topaz Level Sponsors: $29,000 and under
Combine any of the options on page 5 – first come, first served
Please submit your company logo in both an EPS for signage as well as a 300 dpi JPG or TIF file for final conference materials to by March 3, 2017.
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
Journal/Padfolio: ($25,000) (exclusive)
Award Breakfast: ($7,000) (exclusive)
All registrants will receive a journal that can be used for taking valuable notes during the educational sessions. In return for support, your company’s logo will be printed on the front cover of the journal. Other benefits of support include a promotional piece included in the tote bag.
Your sponsorship of this breakfast will be recognized throughout the session. PENS award winners are recognized.
Welcome Reception: ($15,000) (exclusive)
Your sponsorship of this lunch will be recognized throughout the session. PENS leaders share their successes with the attendees.
Gain broad visibility with your support of the Welcome Reception of the PENS conference. In addition to the standard support benefits, your company’s name will be included on all news items and signs announcing the Welcome Reception.
Tote Bags: ($10,000) (exclusive) Every registrant will receive an official PENS Conference tote bag. Your company’s logo will be printed on one side of the bag. Other benefits of support include a promotional piece included in the tote bag.
Final Program Book Sponsorship: ($10,000) (exclusive) Includes a full page color ad on the inside front cover and recognition throughout the conference materials.
Hotel Key Card Sponsorship: ($10,000) (exclusive) Sponsorship provides your company logo and/or message on the front of each attendee’s hotel key card.
Pocket Program: ($10,000) (exclusive) Your logo on our handy pocket program.
Leadership Breakfast: ($7,000) (exclusive)
New Member & Past Presidents’ Reception: ($7,000) (exclusive) Sponsorship provides the opportunity to thank all of the Past Presidents of PENS for their contributions to the Society – a Company representative is invited to make a brief welcome statement at the beginning of the reception.
Refreshment Breaks: ($6,000) (3 available) Includes coffee/tea and snack at one break during the conference.
Lanyards: ($5,000) (exclusive) Your logo on each attendee lanyard.
Registration Software: ($5,000) (exclusive) Your logo will be included on the online registration website that attendees use to register for the conference.
Conference Attendee Prizes: ($3,500) (exclusive) Company will be recognized verbally when prizes are distributed to attendees.
Reusable Coffee Tumbler: ($10,000) (exclusive) Every registrant will receive an official PENS reusable coffee tumbler. Your company’s logo will be printed on one side of the tumbler. Other benefits of support include a promotional piece included in the tote bag.
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
CONFERENCE SUPPORT AGREEMENT Contact Information Please print legibly and complete all information below. Information will be included in materials distributed to registrants on-site. Company Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________ Website Address:_________________________________________________ Accounts Payable Contact Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________Phone: __________________________________________________________
Level of Support: Diamond
Signature Date
Ruby Emerald Sapphire Topaz
Name of the activity/item(s) you wish to support: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
By signing this agreement my company agrees to support the PENS National Conference in the amount shown and pay in full no later than January 27, 2017.
Amount: $__________
In order to purchase an exhibit space you must complete the Exhibit Application Form on Page 8 and submit the appropriate fees.
Fax completed form to 913-222-8606.
Mail: Mail completed form and appropriate fees to:
PENS Executive Office P.O. Box 14516 Lenexa, KS 66285 Email: Email your completed form to Please DO NOT mail AND fax your forms.
IMPORTANT DATE TO REMEMBER MARCH 3, 2017: Deadline to submit meeting support & advertising application
Deadline to submit print- or pressquality artwork and logos for advertising
Sponsorship Questions: Contact us at or 913-222-8657.
Early Bird (Feb. 9)
Late (Mar. 27) Add’l Late Fee (Mar. 28 – Show)
Late Rate +$100
Late Rate +$100
10' × 20' BOOTH COST
Feb. 9, 2017
March 3, 2017
March 27, 2017
March 28, 2017 – Show $100 late fee in addition to late-rate
Each 10' × 10' booth includes pipe, drape and a one-line identification sign. All other materials including electricity, booth furnishings and freight handling must be ordered through Viper Tradeshow Services, the official service contractor company for the national conference. All locations will be carpeted. Please note that booth assignments will not be made until after the late deadline, with conference sponsors receiving first priority – then on a first-paid, first-served basis. Those organizations applying for not-for-profit booth space are required to submit an IRS verification letter of their not-for-profit status.
Exhibit Booth Representatives Each 10’ × 10’ booth receives two complimentary booth representatives. Each 10’ × 20’ booth receives three. Additional Booth Representative Badges may be purchased for an additional $100 per badge. Booth representatives are invited to participate in all food and beverage events held in the exhibit hall. Any exhibitor wishing to register for and attend the conference educational sessions will register through the registration process used by conference participants. Exhibitors paying conference registration fees will be awarded contact hours for educational sessions attended. Booth Representative Forms will be distributed March 1, 2017 and are due to the Executive Office no later than April 3, 2017.
PLEASE NOTE Without exception, exhibitors must follow the set-up and teardown times indicated in PENS plans and correspondence. Exhibitors must have their booths set and ready by the times indicated in booth confirmation letters. If exhibitors have not checked in 30 minutes prior to close of set-up and begun to set up their booth, set-up labor fees will be forced at prevailing labor rates. Exhibitors may not dismantle their booths earlier than the close of the show. Exhibitors who make earlier flight plans must arrange for another party to dismantle their booth. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy. There will be a $250 penalty for early dismantling.
Exhibit Application Due Date The early bird due date to reserve exhibit booth space is Feb. 19, 2017, which includes a $100 discount. Late booth registration deadline is Mar. 27, 2017. After this date, exhibit applications will be accepted based on space availability. There will also be a late fee of $100 charged in addition to the late-rate booth price. All applications, descriptions and logos submitted after Monday, March 3, 2017 are NOT guaranteed to be included in the final conference materials.
Official Service Contractor Viper Tradeshow Services is the official service contractor for the 2017 PENS National Conference. Once you receive your booth application confirmation, the information will be forwarded to Viper Tradeshow Services and an exhibitor packet will be sent to you. All shipments are to be sent through Viper Tradeshows. ABSOLUTELY NO SHIPMENTS SHOULD BE SENT DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL. IF YOU SEND YOUR MATERIALS DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL, THIS COST WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR BILLING BY VIPER TRADESHOW SERVICES. Contact Belinda Schlueter, Show Coordinator at Viper Tradeshow Services, at 816-506-4229 or
PLEASE NOTE: The ceilings in the Exhibit Hall at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis are extremely low; 10’7” high. Please plan accordingly with your booth displays.
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
F&B POSTER BOARDS Reserved for Diamond Sponsor
Reserved for Diamond Sponsor
Reserved for Diamond Sponsor
EXHIBIT HALL HOURS Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Friday, April 28, 2017
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Exhibitor Load-In
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall
Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Break in Exhibit Hall 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lunch with Exhibitors 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Dismantling and Load-Out
PLEASE NOTE: The ceilings in the Exhibit Hall at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis are extremely low; 10’7” high. Please plan accordingly with your booth displays.
Poster Reception in Exhibit Hall (No load out or empties return on Thursday)
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
PENS EXHIBIT APPLICATION STEP ONE: Contact Information Please print legibly and complete all information below for use in the publications distributed on-site. Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General Phone:__________________________________________________________________ Website Address:_______________________________________________________ Contact Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Direct Phone:_____________________________________________________________ Contact Direct Email:___________________________________________________ Please note: Company contact will receive all conference notifications including hotel room reservation links, deadline reminders and Viper service kit.
STEP TWO: Exhibit Space Selection PENS will make its best effort to accommodate your request. ____# 10' × 10' preferred (P) booth(s) @ $1,600 early bird, $1,700 late ____# 10' × 20' booth(s) @ $3,200 early bird, $3,400 late ____# 10' × 10' not-for-profit booth(s) @ $500 each ____# $100 Late Registration Fee for applications received after March 27, 2017 1st Choice: __________________________ 2nd Choice: _________________________ 3rd Choice:___________________________ 4th Choice:___________________________ List any exhibitors you DO NOT wish to be near:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STEP THREE: Advertising in Exhibit Guide
STEP FIVE: Total Fees
All ads must be submitted in color no later than March 7, 2016, to be included in the Final Program Book. Artwork must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi), CMYK. Preferred file types are .pdf, .tif, .jpg, or .eps.
Total Exhibit Space Selection (step 3)
Total Advertising (step 4)
Inside Front, Inside Back or Back Cover (5.5”w × 8.5”h)*.......$2,500
STEP SIX: Method of Payment
Full page (5.5”w × 8.5”h)*.....................................................$2,000
All funds MUST be submitted on a U.S. bank in U.S. funds. PENS does not accept purchase orders or invoice for services. PENS Tax ID 38-2757646
*Safe area: 4.25” x 8.25”; trim size: 5.5” x 8.5”; bleed size: 5.75” x 8.75”.
Half-page (4.625”w × 3.875”h)..............................................$1,750 Tote Bag Stuffer.......................................................................$1,500 Limit of three per company. Price is for one (1) insert.
Additional One-time Use Mailing List........................................$150 Pre- or Post-Conference AMOUNT: $__________
Check made payable to PENS – check #____________ Charge payment to the following credit card:
American Express VISA MasterCard Discover Credit Card Number Expiration Date Name as it appears on Card:
STEP FOUR: Policies and Procedures Please read the policies and procedures on Page 9. I have read and understand and my company agrees to adhere to the policies and procedures listed in this document and will share this information with the company representative that will be on-site. Signature_______________________________________________________________
Signature Date
STEP SEVEN: Send in Your Application
Fax: Fax completed form with credit card payment information to: 913-222-8606.
Mail: Mail completed application form and appropriate fees to: PENS Executive Office, P.O. Box 14516, Lenexa, KS 66285
Please DO NOT mail AND fax your application. Exhibitor Questions: Contact Caitlin Arnold at or 913-222-8622.
RESERVATION DUE DATE: Feb. 19, 2017 – Early Bird March 3, 2017 – Deadline to submit applications, logos and descriptions to be guaranteed in the final conference materials. After March 27, 2017 Late Deadline: Late rate plus $100 additional fee.
APRIL 26-29, 2017 | HYATT REGENCY MINNEAPOLIS | MINNEAPOLIS, MN By applying for exhibit space, your company agrees to comply with all rules and regulations outlined below and further agrees to abide by the decision of PENS exhibit management with respect to interpretation of these rules. Please be sure that the company representatives attending the meeting are aware of and adhere to these rules. 1. Exhibit Representatives. Each 10' × 10' booth receives two complimentary booth representatives. Each 10' × 20' booth receives three. Additional Booth Representative Badges may be purchased for an additional $100 per badge. Booth representatives are invited to participate in all food and beverage events held in the exhibit hall. Any exhibitor wishing to register for and attend the conference educational sessions will register through the normal registration process used by conference participants. Exhibitors paying conference registration fees will be awarded contact hours for educational sessions attended. 2. Assignment of Space. Space assignments will be made based on the following criteria: Sponsorship level, booth size and payment date. Every effort will be made to respect the exhibitors’ space choices whenever possible, but PENS’ (hereafter known as “exhibit management”) decision shall be final. Exhibit management reserves the right to transfer assignments and/or rearrange the floorplan when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the total exhibit effort. 3. Payment. Full payment of exhibit fees or sponsorship is required with this contract. Please make checks payable to: PENS, P.O. Box 14516, Lenexa, KS 66285-4516, USA. All telephone inquiries: 913-222-8657; FAX 913-222-8606. International funds must be submitted on a U.S. bank in U.S. equivalents. 4. Refund for Cancellation. Should the exhibitor be unable to occupy and use the exhibit space contracted for, he or she shall promptly notify exhibit management in writing before March 27, 2017. If these requirements are met, 50 percent of the exhibit fee will be refunded. No refunds will be made after March 27, 2017. 5. Eligible Exhibits. Exhibit management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the exhibition. 6. Booth Equipment and Services. The prices for exhibit space are as follows: $1,600 for each 10' × 10' booth and $3,200 for each 10' × 20' booth space. These prices include booth pipe and drape, an identification sign, and a listing in the Final Conference Materials. Any other items must be purchased through the official decorating company. 7. Contractor Service Information. In the best interest of the exhibitors, exhibit management has selected Viper Tradeshow Services, to serve as official contractors to provide various services to the exhibitors. It is agreed that the exhibitor will abide by and comply with the rules and regulations concerning local unions having agreement with the exhibition facility or with authorized contractors employed by exhibit management. Complete information, instructions and electrical work, and cleaning, etc. will be included in the Exhibitor’s Service Kit, to be forwarded by the designated service company after space has been confirmed. An Exhibitors’ Service Center will be maintained on the exhibit floor until the opening of the exhibit hall to facilitate service requests from exhibitors. Absolutely no shipments should be sent to the hotel. The hotel will not accept them. The Exhibitor’s Service Kit will provide you with shipping instructions. 8. Security. Security will be provided during the hours that the exhibit hall is not open by exhibit management, beginning on the day of setup until tear down. However, each exhibitor should make provisions to safeguard his/her goods from the time they are placed in the booth until the time they are removed. Exhibit management will not be responsible for loss or damage due to any cause. All Exhibitors must wear the official exhibitor’s name badge for admission to and while in the exhibit hall. 9. Booth Construction and Arrangement. Exhibits shall be arranged as to not obstruct the general view, nor hide the exhibits of others. Viper Tradeshow Services will provide all booth materials and furnishings, including custom banners. It is expressly agreed by the exhibitor that in the event he or she fails to install his or her products in his or her exhibit space or fails to pay the space rental by the time specified, exhibit management shall have the right to take possession of said space and lease some or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem appropriate. 10. Set-up and tear-down times strictly enforced. It is expressly agreed by the exhibitor that in the event he or she fails to install his or her products in his or her exhibit space, or fails to pay the space rental at the time specified, exhibit management shall have the right to take possession of said space and lease same or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper. Exhibitors must check-in and have booth set up by time-lines given. Booth set-up will be forced at prevailing labor rates if exhibitor has not checked in at least 30 minutes prior to the set-up deadline. No exhibitor shall have the right prior to closing of exposition to pack or remove articles in exhibit. There are NO exceptions to this policy. There will be a $250 penalty for early dismantling. 11. Use of Exhibit Space. Exhibitors agree not to assign or sublet any space allotted to them without written consent of exhibit management, nor to display or advertise goods other than those manufactured or carried by them in the regular course of business. No persons, firm or organization not having contracted with exhibit
management for the occupancy of space in the exhibit will be permitted to display or demonstrate its products, processes or services, distribute advertising materials in the halls or corridors, or in any other way occupy or use the facilities for purposes inconsistent with these regulations. 12. Exhibitor Representative. Each exhibitor must name at least one person to be his or her representative in connection with the installation, operation and removal of the exhibit. Such representative shall be authorized to enter into such service contracts as may be necessary, and for which the exhibitor shall be responsible. 13. Restrictions. Exhibit management reserves the right to restrict exhibits which are objectionable because of noise, glaring or flashing lights, method of operation, or any other reason, and also to prohibit or evict any exhibit which, in the opinion of exhibit management, may detract from the general character of the exhibit. This reservation includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter or anything exhibit management judges to be objectionable. In the event of such restriction or eviction, exhibit management is not liable for any refund of any amount paid hereunder. No display material exposing an unfinished surface to neighboring booths will be permitted. Flammable decorations and latex are not permitted in the exhibit hall. Demonstrations must be so located that crowds collected will be within the exhibitor’s space, and not blocking aisles or neighboring exhibits. Contests of any kind must first be approved in writing by exhibit management. Photographing and video taping within the exhibit hall is prohibited except by the official PENS photographer unless requested in writing to exhibit management for approval. 14. Exhibitor Activities. Exhibitor agrees not to schedule or conduct any outside activity, including, but not limited to, receptions, seminars, symposia and hospitality suites that are in conflict with the official program of PENS, whether such activities are held at or away from the hotel, except with written approval of exhibit management. Exhibitor will submit an affiliate group events form with payment to exhibit management by February 24, 2017, any program exhibitor intends to hold at, or in conjunction with, its exhibit, for written approval as to time and place. Form found on Page 10 of this Prospectus. 15. Responsibility. If the exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with the terms of this agreement, exhibit management shall have the right, without notice to the exhibitor, to offer said space to another exhibitor, or to use said space in any other manner. This shall not be construed as affecting the responsibility of the exhibitor to pay the full amount specified by the contract. 16. Compliance. The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations and codes of duly authorized local, state and federal governing bodies concerning fire, safety, health; together with the rules and regulations of the operators and/or owners of the property wherein the exhibit is held. Cloth decorations must be flameproof. Wiring must comply with fire department and underwriters’ rules. 17. Liability. PENS, Viper Tradeshow Services, the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, and Kellen, their agents or employees shall not be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to the property of the exhibitor, his or her employees or representatives. Further, exhibit management will not be liable for damage or injury to persons or property during the term of this agreement from any cause whatsoever by reason of the use or occupancy of the exhibit space by the exhibitor or his assigns, and the exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless exhibit management from all liability, which might ensue from any cause whatsoever. If the exhibitor’s materials fail to arrive, the exhibitor is nevertheless responsible for all amounts due hereunder. Exhibitors are advised to carry special insurance to cover exhibit material against damage and loss, and public liability insurance against injury to the person or property of others. 18. Cancellation or Termination of Exhibition. In the event that the premises where the exhibition is to be held shall, in the sole determination of exhibit management, become unfit or unavailable for occupancy, or shall be substantially interfered with, by reason of picketing, strike, embargo, injunction, act of war, act of God, fire or state of emergency declared by any government agency or by reason of any municipal, state or federal law or regulation or by reason of any other occurrence beyond the control of exhibit management, exhibit management may cancel or terminate the exhibition. In the event of such cancellation or termination, the exhibitor waives any and all claims the exhibitor might have against exhibit management for damages or expenses and agrees to accept in complete settlement and discharge of all claims against exhibit management the exhibitor’s prorated share of the total amount paid by all exhibitors less all costs and expenses incurred by exhibit management in connection with the exhibition, including a reserve for future claims and expenses in connection therewith. In case exhibit management shall for any reason determine to cancel or terminate the exhibition, the exhibitor waives all claims the exhibitor might have against exhibit management for damages or expenses and agrees to accept in complete satisfaction and discharge of all claims against exhibit management a refund of all amounts paid by the exhibitor to exhibit management in accordance with this agreement. 19. Management. Exhibit management reserves the right to interpret, amend and enforce these regulations as it deems appropriate to ensure the success of the exhibition.
PENS AFFILIATE GROUP EVENTS Please complete one form for each function requested, due no later than February 24, 2017. Please Note: Affiliate Group Events are not permitted to be scheduled during educational sessions. Company Name: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Contact Name: ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address: ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� City, State, Zip: ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Telephone:____________________________________ Email:______________________________________________________________________________ Type of Event: Meeting Hospitality Suite Other Preferred Date of Event: ___________________________ Preferred Time of Event: (Begin & End) _____________________________ Number of Attendees: ____________ Type of Setup: Classroom Rounds Theater Conference Hollow Square U-Shape Name of Event: ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Purpose of Function:______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Function Fee Schedule The following fees apply to affiliate group meetings held in conjunction with the PENS 2017 National Conference at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hospitality suite prices vary according to hotel availability. Pricing Non-Exhibiting Company
2,500 square feet or more
1,500 – 2,500 square feet
750 – 1,500 square feet
Less than 750 square feet
Payment information will be sent with a room availability email from Meeting Planner after this form has been received. Please email this form to the PENS Meeting Manager at Space is limited and available on a first-come first-served basis. When your event is approved and space availability is confirmed, you will be sent an email including payment information.
HOTEL INFORMATION April 26-29, 2017 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis 1300 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-370-1234 Instructions for reserving your hotel room will be emailed to the company contact provided when conference registration opens in February.
Rate: $189 including guest room internet and complimentary fitness center access.
Deadline: Book by April 3, 2017, to receive the group rate. The recently redesigned hotel pays tribute to the unique culture of Minnesota, with sleek mid-century Scandinavian décor highlighted by a spacious lobby featuring an expansive stone fireplace framed by rustic wooden logs. Our hotel’s premiere location provides convenient access to an incredible array of Twin Cities’ attractions, from shopping to sports, the arts and the great outdoors.
TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION The Hyatt Regency Minneapolis is located approximately 13 miles from Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.
Taxi Taxis are approximately $32 one-way.
Metro Bus/Light Rail Transit The Light Rail Transit is available from the both terminals at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport that will drop you off in Downtown Minneapolis. Light rail fares for adults are $2.25 during rush hours (Monday through Friday, 6 to 9 am and 3 to 6:30 pm) and $1.75 at other times, one-way. For more information and directions please visit
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –
PREVIOUS EXHIBITORS Abbott AbbVie Accredo Air Force Recruiting Services Alexion American Thyroid Foundation ANIMAS Corporation Axium Heathcare Pharmacy, Inc. BD Briova Rx Comprecare Specialty Pharmacy CVS Health DexCom Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy EMD Serono, Inc. Endo Pharmaceuticals
Fight ALD - Fighting Illness Through Education Galen US Inc. Gannon University Genentech Human Growth Foundation Insulet Corporation IPSEN Biopharmaceuticals Inc. JDRF JS Genetics Lilly USA, Inc. Magic Foundation Maxor Specialty MDR Pharmaceutical Care Medfusion Rx/ An SXC Company Medtronic Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Otto Trading Perspective Enterprise Pfizer, Inc. Pharmaceutical Specialties Inc. (PSI) Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (U.S.A.) Premier Kids Care Pharmacy Roche Sandoz, Inc. Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals St. Peters College Sun Pharma Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Teva Select Brands Turner Syndrome Foundation Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals Versartis, Inc.
Photo Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis. Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Gift of Frederick R. Weisman in honor of his parents, William and Mary Weisman, 1988 Art © Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen
PENS Exhibitor Hotline 877-936-7367 –