Contact Jennifer Wethington Executive Director The Community Foundation of South Central Kentucky 270-904-2079
Shannon Vitale Advisory Board Chairman 270-781-1691
Women making a positive impact on the lives of women and children in SCKY area.
Jennifer Wethington Shannon Vitale Cara Benningfield Shantana Johnson Stacey Sims Kendra Sutton Teresa Faulkner Mary Bryant Regina Webb Lindsey Houchin
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Women’s Fund Advisory Council
Who are we? The Women’s fund of South Central KY is an initiative began by a core group of women in the Bowling Green area to bring women together for the purpose of improving the quality of life for women and children in the South Central Kentucky area, now and forever, by collectively funding significant grants to charitable initiatives with the same purpose.
What is a fund? The Women’s fund is both a permanent endowment fund and a nonpermanent fund established to benefit women and children; it is housed with The Community Foundation of South Central Kentucky. The permanent fund is building a legacy that will impact the lives of women and children in our area forever! The nonpermanent fund provides a significant grant to make a difference in the community THIS YEAR! All gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Unless otherwise requested, contributions will be credited equally to the permanent and nonpermanent funds in order to make a difference TODAY and FOREVER!
How are funds granted? At the end of each grant cycle, an annual luncheon of the membership is held, where four grantee finalists are invited to make a presentation about their funding request. Each member will cast their vote either in person or by proxy at the luncheon. The recipient of the grant will be determined by majority vote of the fund members, announced and awarded that day.
How to become a voting member?
A woman who contributes $1,000 or more, paid in full by June 30th each year receives (1) vote per year. Women may also form a group of (4) or less to make the minimum donation of $1,000 collectively and will decide as a group how their single (1) vote is cast for that year. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and all who donate will be invited to the annual Presentation of Funds luncheon.
How does it work? The advisory board assumes the responsibility for organizing and overseeing the solicitation of contributions to the fund, membership activity, annual meeting and grant making activities. The board serves in an advisory capacity to the board of trustees of The Community Foundation of South Central Kentucky with regard to all grants awarded from the permanent and nonpermanent funds.
How can I become more than a member? Each year the advisory board appoints a grant committee, membership committee, and annual meeting planning committee. All committee members must be fund members and are asked to commit to serve for a minimum of 2 years. The grant committee reviews all of the applications and invites eight (8) semi-finalists to submit additional significant documentation. After research, site visits and other necessary due diligence, the grant committee selects the (4) most deserving projects as finalists, who are invited to present as the annual meeting of the membership.
Yes, I want to make a difference in the lives of women and children in South Central KY!
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