Mentor program as of 2017

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 Have the Team Leader suggest 2 mentors to you. interview mentors.

Schedule your appointments to

 Within your first 3 days, meet face to face with your Mentor for a half hour meeting.  At your first appointment: Complete and copy the “Mentor Program Expectations and Agreement” (Exhibit A), the “Skills / Knowledge Inventory” (Exhibit B), and “New Agent 8 Week Plan”. Bring your originals and your copies to your first appointment with your Mentor.  Bring your entire packet to every face to face and telephone meeting with your Mentor. And to all classes and workshops At your first appointment: 1. Sign the Mentor Program Expectations Agreement ~ Exhibit A. 2. Discuss your completed “Skills/Knowledge Inventory” with your Mentor ~Exhibit B. Create a plan to address your skill levels. 3. Review your homework. For Session 2, you will start completing tasks in the “New Agent 8 Week Plan”. Your Mentor can point you to the materials you need. 4. Schedule time for second and third appointments.

Note: Your Mentor will deliver a Monthly Report to the Market Center Team Leader.

Mentor Program Expectations and Agreement Exhibit A WHO IS YOUR MENTOR? Your mentor is an agent partner in our market center. All our agents in the Mentor Program have been approved by the team leader and are knowledgeable on all the resources referred to in the mentor program packet. Note: The mentor is a person who is there to provide support during your first 3 transactions of the business. This is a service with a commission split disbursed to your Mentor to help you get started fast!

WHAT ARE MENTORS AND WHAT DO THEY DO? The mentor is an active, producing agent partner with Keller Williams Realty, has been in real estate sales for at least 2 years and has at least 15 total sales and 10 total listings. The mentor is your guide, supporting you as you do your “New Agent 8 Week Plan”.

Your Team Leader will: Read your Mentors Monthly Reports. If the Team Leader does not receive a report, he / she will check with you and your mentor to find out what the challenge is and solve it.

Your Mentor will:

[ ] Meet with you each week face to face in your first 2 weeks to assure you are completing your Start-Up commitment (Exhibit C) Session 1: Sign Exhibit A (Program Expectations), Complete Exhibit B (Skills Inventory and Resources), Walk you through the “New Agent 8 Week Plan”.

[ ] Meet with you by telephone or face to face once per week. [ ] Show you the resources available in the market center, our KW intranet, and KWU [ ] Support your productivity-based focus in starting your business. What your Mentor will NOT do for you:

[ ] Generate business for you. [ ] Teach you the knowledge and skills that are in the classes and resources provided by our market center, our intranet and KWU – you must use the resources and systems already in place for you.

[ ] Redo a meeting if you have not completed the tasks you promised to complete. [ ] Offer answers, advice, or resources if you have not done your agreed-upon work. Why the accountability? The Mentor is a service to you. Our experience shows us, though, that no amount of attention, resources, or advice works – if you don’t get into action. Don’t mistake movement for achievement. “The pain of discipline weighs ounces and the pain of regrets weighs tons.” – Jim Rohn If we expect our agent partners who volunteer as mentors to dedicate their time and interest to you, it’s reasonable to expect mutual actions from you. That way, you know it’s really important to get a particular action done---it’s critical to your success. It’s a win-win, because you start your career fast and the Mentor feels he/ she benefited you. The fee for coaching you through your first 3 transactions will be 50% of your commission, per transaction. This does not include any referrals you have sent out, only transactions in which you have participated. If a referral is sent out from you to another agent, you will receive 100% minus your split and fees. After the third transaction is closed, each Mentor/Mentee relationship can decide whether to continue the relationship moving forward. I agree to do the work in the “New Agent 8 Week Plan”. I agree to find and use the provided resources. I agree to take the courses available to start my career fast. I want to be the best Real Estate Professional I can be! _________________________________________________________________________________ Agent Print Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor Print Name

___________________ Start Date / End Date ___________________ Date of Agreement

Skills / Knowledge Inventory Exhibit B

Name __________________________________________________ Date ________________ Please rate yourself on the skills and knowledge you bring to real estate sales. Your resources for gaining these skills are listed on the second page. Rate yourself for each skill level with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

To start your career and be successful fast, you need: 1. Sales skills Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Time Management (self-management) Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Business start-up plan/planning Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Attaining goals independently Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. Technical (Examples: writing Purchase and Sale, Comparative Market Analysis, Researching Property, Agency Law, Fair Housing Law) Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Presentation skills and packages / systems Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. Computer Skills Rate yourself 1-10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Your plan of action to gain these skills/knowledge: (Resources listed below*)

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ *Resources: Sales Skills: Watch all of the Sales Skills videos on Agent Mountain (, Hover your mouse over Home and choose Agent Mountain then choose the Agent tab.) Time Management: “4-1-1”, “Goal Setting for Success” Business Planning: “60 minute Business Plan handout”, Career Momentum Attending Goals: Peer Partnering, Team Leader, Keller Williams Realty Sponsor Technical:, hover you mouse over Technology and choose Agent Mountain click the Agent tab then watch all to the Technology Training videos, do the Code of Ethics training on NAR, take CAR, MLS, local Board classes, and Agent Education classes in the Market Center. Presentation skills and packages / systems: Keller Williams University - Skills on Demand – Embedded Commands for FSBO, Buyer and Seller Scripts, Intranet / KWU Free Materials, 4-4-3 Computer Skills: MLS Classes, Community colleges, CompUSA

Mentors Monthly Report to Team Leader This report shows the progress of the new agent. A copy is to be given to the Team Leader Monthly during Agent’s Mentor Agreement period to assure the new agent is getting the support needed, and is on track with his / her agreed-upon success activities. Mentors: Please give a copy of this report to your new agent too. Thanks!

This report is for the Month of: Mentor: Agent Partner: Has agent completed all items in the “New Agent 8 Week Plan” for current Month? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If not, why not? ______________________________________________________ Regularly scheduled (phone or face to face) meetings held? Yes [ ]

No [ ]

If not, why not? ______________________________________________________ Special needs of new agent: ____________________________________________ Recommendations made: ______________________________________________ New agent on track? If not, why not? _____________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________________________ I (Mentor) need the Team Leader to meet with the new agent to discuss: 1._________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Mentor Date

__________________________________ Agent Partner Date



Week One

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Orientation [ ] Receive access to wireless for your laptop & printer access code [ ] Set up KW email account [ ] Local Board/Association of Realtors [ ] Attend orientation [ ] Purchase lockbox if needed and SUPRA key/pad [ ] Sign Up/Enroll in local MLS Training @ MLSListings [ ] Order business cards and name tag [ ] Order signs and riders when needed [ ] Order announcements [ ] Personal brochure and / or resume [ ] Attend Team meetings/Training Events this week [ ] Business plan and 4-1-1 meeting with Mentor [ ] Mailbox assignment-MCA [ ] Office Keys - MCA [ ] Forms/supplies location [ ] Office policies and procedures [ ] Ten open house visits this week or Preview 10 vacant homes [ ] Time block schedule for week 2 [ ] Create contact database [ ] Sphere of influence list – begin building, aim for 200 names in database [ ] Get KW profile to 100% [ ] Begin to read MREA [ ] Other necessary activities:

Team Leader’s / Mentor’s Initials __________________

Week Two

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings/Training Events this week [ ] Attend Broker’s Opens [ ] Familiarize yourself with the office [ ] Opening and closing office procedures (alarm codes) [ ] Photocopier use [ ] Fax use [ ] Join a KWSV Committee and contact committee member about next meeting/event [ ] Send out announcement to database [ ] Add 50 names to database of sphere of influence, aim for 200 totals!! [ ] Opening and closing office procedures (alarm codes) [ ] Photocopier use [ ] Fax use [ ] Visit two new home communities and obtain info [ ] Preview three Keller Williams office listings [ ] Review possible database campaigns (mail, email, social media, etc.) [ ] Other necessary activities: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Week Three

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings/Training Events this week [ ] Attend Broker’s Opens [ ] Set up your KW website [ ] Finalize database campaigns, implement and begin using. [ ] Send at least 50 announcements [ ] Start building Preferred Vendors List, i.e. Title, Lender [ ] Drive prospective area/s of specialization [ ] Make list of agents who hold most listings in your area; go look at some of their listings, and look at their marketing materials!! [ ] Pull Market STATS from MLS and review with mentor [ ] Talk to 10 new people about real estate [ ] Add them to your sphere of influence database [ ] Research your local school system- [ ] Pull tax records on your own property [ ] County Tax Records [ ] Realist Info [ ] Review and Research RPR/FIND [ ] Preview 3 Keller Williams office listings [ ] Make appointment with in-house Loan Officer, Escrow/Title, insurance co. [ ] Understand services [ ] Understand rate sheets [ ] Start reviewing listing and sales contracts [ ] Start assembling buyers and listing presentations [ ] Time block schedule for week 4 [ ] Other necessary activities: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Week Four Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings and Training Events this week [ ] Brokers Opens if available [ ] Preview 3 Keller Williams office listings [ ] Compile complete CMA’s on one prospective community within area of specialization [ ] Buyer consultation and buyer’s contract with Mentor [ ] Explain the Agency Disclosure and agreement-Role Play [ ] Write a practice offer on one of the listings; Practice presentation to mentor. [ ] Drive prospective areas of specialization; look for FSBO’s. [ ] Review FSBO and expired scripts. [ ] Call on or visit 5 FSBO’s or expired. [ ] Visit 2 new home subdivisions and get information. [ ] Send out at least 50 more announcements [ ] Explain listing forms and purchase offer forms [ ] Equip your car, bag, or office with a crate to hold file folders. Always have buyer and listing packages in your car at all times. Prospects are everywhere. [ ] Review Office Checklists for Contracts/Closings and review TRpoint to familiarize yourself with docs needed. [ ] Other necessary activities: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Week Five

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings and Training Events this week [ ] Broker’s Opens [ ] Go to office daily, Participate in office events. [ ] Begin planning for holding 3 Open Houses [ ] 4-1-1 with Mentor [ ] Update or amend as needed [ ] Begin scheduling meetings with key sphere of influence contacts [ ] Write a practice offer on office listing, including all necessary forms/disclosures in checklist [ ] Follow-up calls/personal notes required to contacts made last week [ ] Talk to 10 new people about real estate [ ] Add them to your sphere of influence database [ ] Schedule open house [ ] Preview other active listings in the neighborhood. [ ] Write an ad for Craigslist, Facebook, etc. [ ] Make Flyers [ ] Send invitations [ ] Call 5 FSBO’s and expireds; record results. [ ] First follow-up on week 4 FSBO and expired calls [ ] Observe a listing/buyer presentation with your mentor [ ] Continue assembling your buyers and listing presentations [ ] Drive unfamiliar areas [ ] Set up schedule for week 6 [ ] Other necessary activities: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Week Six

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings and Training Events this week [ ] Go to office daily, participate in office events. [ ] 50 follow-up calls on announcements sent week 4. [ ] Hold an open house. [ ] Continue announcement follow-up calls; make appointments where possible. If you get referrals: call, set up appointments and add to database. [ ] Talk to 10 new people about real estate [ ] Add them to sphere of influence [ ] Follow-up calls for week FSBO and Expired Calls. [ ] Make any additional follow-up calls [ ] Call 5 expireds and FSBOs. [ ] Complete buyers’ and listing presentations. [ ] Take sphere of influence contact to breakfast/lunch/dinner/coffee. [ ] Write personal or thank you notes to anyone who has helped you thus far or to potential prospects to whom you’ve spoken: [ ] Other agents [ ] Sphere of influence [ ] Loan officers [ ] FSBO’s [ ] Expired listings [ ] Other [ ] Time block schedule for week 7 [ ] Other necessary activities: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Week Seven

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings and Training Events this week [ ] Schedule open house [ ] Preview other active listings in the neighborhood. [ ] Write an ad for Craigslist, Facebook, etc. [ ] Send invitations and make flyers. [ ] Hold the open house [ ] Make any additional follow-up calls [ ] Call 5 expireds or FSBOs [ ] Follow-up calls to contacts made last week [ ] Take sphere of influence contact to breakfast/lunch/dinner/coffee [ ] Research current rate sheets from lender. [ ] Preview new listing inventory in you area(s) of specialization [ ] Talk to 10 new people about real estate [ ] Add them to Sphere of influence database [ ] Send follow-up thank you notes [ ] Take some personal time [ ] Hopefully take first listing [ ] Work with first buyer [ ] Review database campaign and results. [ ] Set up schedule for week 8 [ ] Other necessary activities: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Week Eight

Check when completed: [ ] Attend Team meetings and Training Events this week [ ] Go to office daily. Participate in office events. [ ] Attend 3 listing presentations, if possible. (Different agents are encouraged.) [ ] Attend 3 buyer consultation presentations, if possible. [ ] Attend 3 purchase offer presentations, if possible. [ ] Schedule open house [ ] Preview other active listings in the neighborhood. [ ] Write an ad for Craigslist, Facebook, etc. [ ] Send invitations and make flyers. [ ] Hold the open house [ ] Call 5 expireds FSBOs. [ ] Follow-up with all potential prospects, send personal notes, make appointments when possible. [ ] Take sphere of influence contact to breakfast/lunch/dinner/coffee [ ] Talk to 10 new people about real estate and add them to Sphere of influence database [ ] Consider joining a community or industry related organization, volunteer, start a “Leads Group,” be visible [ ] Take some personal time [ ] Review the prospecting activities that are working best. [ ] Set up a prospecting schedule day-by-day for the next month. [ ] Review database campaign and results. [ ] Meet with your Team Leader to review your activities and future business plans [ ] Other necessary activities: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Broker’s / Mentor’s Initials ______________

Record Your Results

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

# Calls # Listing appointments # Buyer appointments # Listings obtained # Sales # Listings sold # Open houses # Buyer referrals # Seller referrals Door Knocking # Notes Written # Contacts Added to Dabatase Other activities

# Calls # Listing appointments # Buyer appointments # Listings obtained # Sales # Listings sold # Open houses # Buyer referrals # Seller referrals Door Knocking # Notes Written # Contacts Added to Database Other activities

Completed Classes and Activities *= Mandatory



____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

CLASS Contract * Disclosures * MLS Training * Lock Box Key MLS Win with Sellers – Seller Listing Package * Win with Buyers - Buyer Consultation Package* Committee Participant * Previewing Homes * Hosting an Effective Open House * Business Planning * ALC Meeting* Buyers and the Buyer Broker Agreement Read MREA (The Red Book) * Lawsuit Avoidance Prospecting (Geographic, SOI, etc.) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) E-Edge 4-1-1 1-3-5 4-4-3 Daily 10/4 Grow Your Profit Share Tree Time Blocking Ignite (all sessions) 36:12:3 (all sessions) BOLD Luxury Read The One Thing Read Shift Family Reunion Mega Camp Attend Regular Accountability Group

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