Grow Your Profit Share Tree They say that money doesn’t grow on trees ‌ it does on this one.
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
How the Tree Grows
The Profit Share system goes back seven levels.
Your Sponsor
Your Sponsor’s Sponsor
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
How the Tree Grows Your 2nd Level Your 2nd Level
Your 2nd Level
Your 2nd Level
Your 2nd Level
Your 2nd Level
Your Level
Your 2nd Level
Your 1st Level Your 1st Level
Your 1st Level
Your 2nd Level
If an associate names someone in your first level as a sponsor, they go into your “second level.� Page
Your Sponsor
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
The tree can grow seven levels.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
Four Steps to Profit Share Is Profit Share Real Money?
Yes, it is.
Every month, Market Centers split their profits. Roughly 52% goes to the owners who took the risk, and 48% goes to the associates who helped the company grow. continued ‌
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
Four Steps to Profit Share Take a Closer Look Step 1: The Market Center Calculates Profit Step 2: The Market Center Splits the Profit Step 3: The Profit Share Factor Is Calculated Step 4: The Profit Share Is Dispersed
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
Step 1: The Market Center Calculates Profit
Market Center Gross Closed Commission
$ 756,280.34
Less Keller Williams Realty Royalty Fee
$ 28,516.38
Equals Net Gross Commission
Less Associate Commission
Equals Company Dollar
Less KW Approved Expenses
Equals KW Profit (or Loss)
continued ‌ Page
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
Step 2: The Market Center Splits the Profit Or ‌ roughly 52% 1of profit goes Level to First the $2,990 owners who of profit took 2the risk, and Level Nextgoes $8,250toofthe profit 48% Level 3 associates who Any profit over $11,240 helped the company grow. Totals
Profit Share Pool
Owner Profit
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
Step 3: The Profit Share Factor Is Calculated The Market Center’s Profit Share Factor is determined by dividing the Market Center’s total Profit Share Pool by its Company Dollar amount. $30,015.63 Profit Share Pool $120,942.37 Company Dollar = Profit Share Factor of .2482.
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
Step 4: The Profit Share Is Dispersed What each associate paid in Company Dollar is multiplied by the Profit Share Factor to find the amount of Profit Share that will be distributed to that associate’s branch in the Profit Share Tree. If an associate paid $1,800 in Company Dollar ‌ $1,800 x .2482 = $446.76 of Profit Share to be dispersed. Page
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.
Grow Your Profit Share Tree
How Money Grows on This Tree Profit Share Distribution of $446.76
To Your 1st Level
To Your 2nd Level
To Your 3rd Level
To Your 4th Level
To Your 5th Level
To Your 6th Level
To Your 7th Level
The Keller William Profit Share Program is not an earnings claim or a guarantee of earnings. Calculations to determine Profit Share contain many variables and your results may vary.