Five years of unfinished and unpolished art Always in motion
Preface Introduction
culture, nature and ecology
private art domain and Collection
2006.2011 an overview The collection
Collages and assemblages Bio and Eco art Contemporary art
Changing exhibitions
Collages and assemblages Bio and eco art Contemporary art
Jef Faes and Martin Uit Den boogaarde
17 33 49 65 81 97 113
Over the hedge#2 David De Buyser Cristian Bors en Marius Ritiu
129 145 161
Polar Exhibition Deus es machina Vison in motion, motion in vision
177 193 209
Exhibitions in the picture
From A to Z Index
Artists and exhibitions
Adam Zaretsky -wunderkammerw
RaphaĂŤl August Opstaler
preface introduction culture, nAture And ecology
Delphine Desuislage
INTRODUCTION Culture, nature and ecology 11
Where do you find a private art domain where culture, nature and ecology go hand in hand? In Kemzeke (yes, it’s in the middle of nowhere) The Verbeke Foundation offers all of this, since 2007, when it first opened its doors. They give chances to young artist while holding an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art. With 12 hectares (29.7 acres) of scenic area and 20,000 m2 (4,9 acres) covered spaces, the Foundation is one of the largest private initiatives for contemporary art throughout Europe. The warehouses of the former Verbeke transport agency were transformed into unique exposition halls. One of the buildings was furnished to exhibit Verbeke’s extraordinary collection of collages and assemblages. Containing works of Dadaists, surrealists, constructivists while mainly
focusing on the Coll Art movement.A part of this collection, which also includes Belgians such as Fabre, Panamarenko and Tuymans, is on permanent display on the domain, simultaneously there are changing exhibitions.All of this is spread over the area, getting maximum potential out of the forest, pool, greenhouses, event hall, two restaurants and the exposition spaces. Therefore the Verbeke Foundation is subject to a continuous growth process. Artists have the ability to stay in residence in a small farmhouse. Comparing the Verbeke Foundation with a living organism is the best comparison, having different looks one day to another. We couldn’t say it better then the founder Geert Verbeke.
Our exhibition space is not designed as an oasis. Our presentation is unfinished, in motion, unpolished, contradictory, untidy, complex, disharmonous, lively and unmonumental. In this manner it resembles the world outside the museum walls.
Tom Ronse
Zbigniew Oksiuta
introduction Culture, nature and ecology 15
Geert and Carla Verbeke-Lens started collecting art in the early 1990’s. Their interest was initially drawn by abstract painting. Later the focus of the collection shifted to collages and assemblages of mainly Belgian artists. In recent years the collection was further expanded to current art and bio art–art with living organisms. For years wa Geert Vereeken an entrepreneur in the transportation industry. Until he sold his company fully focused on the arts. The site next to the E34 expressway in Kemzeke where once stood the vractwagens, was now a different destination. The old buildings were supplemented with large greenhouses and converted into a museum area surrounded by nature in a forest and a pond, a large area where Unst in a live environment is present. The beginning This passion for art by Geert Verbeke and Carla grew during the nineties. As a transport caused Geerd Verbeke for transporting the large scuputeren Herman van Nazareth. It was intrested in the art grow. Visiting museums, exhibitions, galleries and auction on Sunday was most welcome change from the hectic busy week. The step of gathering was clear and came in the early nineties.
collages and assemblages space
introduction Culture, nature and ecology 17
the collection Collages and assemblages A n e xc e p t i o n a l a r r a y o f roughly two thousand, particularly twentieth century, collages and assemblages lies at the heart of the private collection. Parts of this collection are on permanent display in a separate exhibition area.
Bio Art and Eco Art The Ver beke Foundation wishes to be a place where culture, nature and ecology melt into one another. The works of bio-artists and artists working with living materials (plants, animals, smells) link up with this meltingpot seamlessly.
Contemporary Art Since the opening of the Verbeke Foundation in 2007, the collection has been expanded with contemporar y works and installations which were predominantly constructed in situ and integrated inside and outside the exhibition halls.
Deserted lab
Another fascinating part of the foundation ist he LABORA(R)TORIUM. Where, with the support of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics (University of Gent), a special laboratory has been established in where research can be done for the artists in residence. Combining the inspiring fields or physics and art.
Artists in residence
Not enough yet? Next to the collection, the Verbeke Foundation also supports and offers space to artists. This can be a real 24 hours space. Well then we advice you to stay in the camping site. Choosing between the CasAnus, also known as the Joep Van Lieshout’s human bowel, or in Kevin Van Braak’s Campingflats you will have the weekend of your life! The only true experience of living and breathing culture. In early January 2008 an artist-in-residence programme was set up. Artists are given the chance to realize works in situ. The Verbeke Foundation provides in a workshop, meals and sleeping accommodation for the residents to fully set themselves on their artistic activities. In future, the Verbeke Foundation wishes to expand the residence programme to artists-scientists who, as part of their stay, can study parts of the art collection and archives.
introduction Culture, nature and ecology 19
Joep Van Lieshout
Collages and assemblages
Jos Deenen
THE COLLECTION Collages and assemblages 19
Collages en assemblages An exceptional collection of roughly two thousand, particularly twentieth century, collages and assemblages lies at the heart of the private collection. A specific area was equipped to permanently exhibit parts of this collection.
Gilbert Senecau
Marcel-Louis Baugniet
Paul Joostens
E.L.T. Mesens
Louis Scutenaire
Marcel MariĂŤn
THE COLLECTION Collages and assemblages 21
BELGIAN ARTISTS ‘20 The collection, which was developed round the art of mainly Belgian artists, encompasses collages from the Avant-Garde and Dada era by Paul Joostens, Georges herbiet, Henri Van Straten, Michel Seuphor, Marcel-Louis Baugniet and Jean-Jacques Gailliard. Futher collages by surrealists as E.L.T. Mesens, Marcel Mariën, Gilbert Senecaut, Louis Scutenaire, Jane Graverol, Rachel Baes, Robert Willems and Roger Van De Wouwer Many of these collages have before been lent out for exhibitions Museum of Bukarest (Belgian Surrealism), Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (Dada), Musée des Beaux-Arts in Mons (Surréalisme en Belgique 1920-2000), Musée du Louvre ( Jan Fabre, L’Ange de la Métamorphose). Paul Joostens Died 50 years ago, the Antwerp artist Paul Joostens (1889-1960). The collagehal of the Verbeke Foundation, collages, drawings and archival display. Joostens founded together with Paul and the brothers Ostaijen Jespers The union without stamped paper. His style was in this initial year and abstract Cubist Dadaist. In 1922 he published the text Salopes dada ou le quart d’heure de rage au soleil. In 1925 he had enough of the avant-garde Dada. Inspired by Hans Memling he used such a style of painting Madonna laced with religious figures but also with sensual female child from the Antwerp-class neighborhoods. Joostens called them his “Poezeloezen. In the fifties, he harked back to Dadaism through assemblies and dark charcoal drawings. Marcel-Louis Baugniet Belgian painter, designer and writer. He was a pupil of the Symbolist painter Jean Delville but started using geometric forms af ter discovering the work of Frantisek Kupka. In 1923 he began to collaborate on the avant-garde journal 7 Arts together with Pierre-Louis Flouquet (1900-67) and Karel Maes (b 1900). E.L.T. Mesens In the space of the collage Foundation opens on August 21 a new exhibition featuring the largest collection of collages of ELT Mesens (1903-1971). The exhibition presents a unique opportunity to study this Dadaist and surrealist masters, among others supported the career of Rene Magritte, (re) discovery. Besides an extraordinary documentation of the life of the poet-artist-art dealer will be
a forty Verbeke Foundations collages from the collection to see. Marcel Mariën Marcel Marien (Antwerp, 1920 - Brussels, 1993) was a surrealist artist. The Antwerpborn (but French) was a Belgian poet, photographer, essayist, writer of pamphlets and shor t stories, playwright, filmmaker, publisher and maker of collages, assemblages and surreal pictures. Louis Scutenaire The young Scutenaire enters into contact with the Correspondance group in 1927, and here he would come to meet Magritte and form a lasting friendship. Over the subsequent years, the poet would come up with the titles to many of the artist’s canvases. He contributes to a variety of reviews, including L’Invention collective, La Carte d’après nature, etc. For his part, Magritte provides illustrations for several of Scutenaire’s poetry collections: Les haches de la vie in 1937, Frappez au miroir! in 1939. Scutenaire also penned a monograph on Magritte, appearing in 1947. Jane Graverol Graverol Jane is the daughter of painter and engraver Alexander Graverol who frequented the Symbolist poets Verlaine in Paris and known. After studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels where she attended classes at Constant and Jean Delville Montald she moved after a first exhibition in Brussels in 1927, a few years later in Verviers. Separated from her second husband, musician William Dortu she chaired from 1938 Union artistic and literary Verviers and exhibits his works,
Camiel van Breedam
Jean Milo
Marcel-Louis Baugniet
Robert Geenens
Christian Dotremont
Georges Collignon
Sylvia Kristel
Camiel van Breedam
THE COLLECTION Collages and assemblages 23
ARTISTS ‘50-’70 The heyday of the collage art is a large number of artists in the collection: Camiel van Breedam, Georges Collignon, Engelbert Van Anderlecht, Robert Geenens, Max Servais, Annie Debie, Louis Van Lint, Christian Dotremont, de beweging Coll’Art opgericht door Marcel-Louis Baugniet en Jean Milo... A series of works of authors, poets and art critics date back to the same era. Louis Paul Boon, Hugo Claus, Freddy De Vree, Paul De Vree en Patrick Conrad. A large number of artists from the hey-days of collage art (1950’s through 1970’s) has been assimilated into the collection: Camiel van Breedam, Georges Collignon, Engelbert Van Anderlecht, Robert Geenens, Max Servais, Annie Debie, Louis Van Lint, Christian Dotremont, the Coll’Art movement (founded by Marcel-Louis Baugniet and Jean Milo)… Camiel van Breedam Camiel Van Breedam is one of the most important representatives of assemblage art in Belgium. He has been creating his assemblages (environments, collages, boxes, sculptures, objects .. ) for almost 50 years now. From the very beginning he constructs works with the help of miscellaneous discarded materials set against (encrusted into) a background of roughly applied and tainted filler. Georges Collignon The non-figurative period of Georges Collignon begins in 1948, after the Venice Biennale has been introduced to Paul Klee, who points to the almost unlimited possibilities of abstract art. Together with Bury, Franck, Leonard, and Plomteux Silvin Collignon is co-founder of the group REALITE COBRA, an initial attempt to abstract art group to defend and promote. Cobra was formed on November 8, 1948. Copenhagen-Brussels-Amsterdam painters of the three cities (Jorn, Dotremont, Apple and others) to decide a common front of experimental artists to create. Christian Dotremont Christian Benoî t Stanislas Marie Joseph Leandre Dotremont (Tervuren, December 12, 1922 - there, August 20, 1979) was a Belgian painter, writer and poet. Dotremont Joseph Noiret and the two Belgians were involved in the creation of the Cobra movement. Dotremont wrote the pamphlet that the movement was founded. Only a few months later, Pierre Alechinsky there. Dotremont Alechinsky and were the driving
force behind the Cobra movement in Belgium. Dotremont served as general secretary of the movement. Dotremont was also closely involved with Surrealism. Together with Noël Arnaud Edouard Jaguer and he founded the artists Le Surrealism Revolutionary Movement on. From this movement would later emerge Cobra... Marcel-Louis Baugniet Belgian painter, designer and writer. He was a pupil of the Symbolist painter Jean Delville but started using geometric forms after discovering the work of Frantisek Kupka. In 1923 he began to collaborate on the avant-garde journal 7 Arts together with Pierre-Louis Flouquet (1900–67) and Karel Maes (b 1900). Also in 1923 he married the dancer Akarova (b 1904) who inspired his ‘Kaloprosopies’ (1925), an album of nine woodcuts, and for whom he designed costumes and stage sets. At the same time he embarked on the design of functional furniture, first in traditional materials and then in metal tubing (1930) and polychrome, cellulose-based lacquer. He opened his own decorating business in Brussels (1930–70) and showed his ‘Standax’ furniture, which could be assembled and dismantled, at the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937) in Paris. Baugniet was a promoter of the Constructivist movement in Belgium and made a name for himself in painting and commercial art as well as industrial and furniture design. He also published several essays on aesthetics.
2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW THE COLLECTION Bio and Eco Art
THE COLLECTION Bio and Eco art 35
Bio and Eco Art The Verbeke Foundation wishes to be a place where culture, nature and ecology melt into one another. The works of bio-artists and artists working with living materials (plants, animals, smells) link up with this meltingpot seamlessly.
Lieven Standaert
Camiel van Breedam
Ingo Reuze
Peter De Cupere
Peter De Cupere
Koen van Mechelen
Geoffrey de Beer
THE COLLECTION Bio and Eco art 37
BELGIUM Geoffrey de Beer Education sculpture (Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp). Organizing exhibitions include the Royal Society for Visual Artists. He is also a naturalist and took training in environmental design. This inspired him to include installation of bio-art, with maggots and worms that “action”or other forms of animal ar t ‘(animalistic Artfair). Recently, he experiments with (interactive, avant garde) art freezer. Peter De Cupere The Belgian artist Peter Cupere works since years about odors, by which he “multi-sensory ‘systems create. Already in 2002 he outlined the plans for City Garbage Holiday Park, a project that reflects poetically about pollution and its impact on our society. Jef Faes Jef Faes as a sculptor working primarily with forms that relate to the surrounding area. High-tech images of scientific phenomena are the basis of his work. The installations consist of Jef Faes basic geometric shapes, eroded by spherical modules. Piloted by ar tificial manipulation, these hollows by construction activity of honey bees backfilled. Geometrically speaking, the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb is the most appropriate form to fill in a circle. Faes’ sculptures are, simultaneously, for emptiness and matter, as micro-and macrocosm. Lieven Standaert Lieven Standaer t fur ther improves the 9-meter long airship flying model of his design. This model has a remote-controlled air-ship at 1/10th the actual size. It allows the aerodynamic characteristics of the design to investigate and control concept testing. To this end, the ship next month further tested by a rail in the cafeteria, indoor in the hall and, eventually, outside? Aeromodeller2 The
project is a design for a zero-emission, independently operating, nomadic hydrogen airship of wind that never will land. The ship renews its fuel by generating hydrogen from wind and rain on his skin. When this fuel is used up, the rest ship to anchor a cable to his energy in a sustainable way to innovate, like any living creature. Koen van Mechelen Autodidact. Ar tist with a message that unites all disciplines. With the Cosmopolitan Chicken Project “will Vanmechelen blending of all chicken breeds universal super hybrid breed, a metaphor for the global cultural and genetic melting pot. Two cocks crow at some video screens along Generic Chicken. This new installation Vanmechelen is an interpretation of the tension that still inherent in the work of the artist present. This time magnified and crystallized into a symbol, the generic chicken. True or false, real or fake, original or copy ... That is the issue. Ingo Reuze In the greenhouses of the University of Cologne, a biologist and artist Ingo Botho Journey since 2000 developed various techniques for algae to use as a basis for color and form packages on canvas. His passion for algae dates from his childhood when he discovered how the growth of algae at the root of all life on earth because without algae there was no atmosphere and therefore no oxygen to breathe. After having obtained a PhD with a topic about algae, Ingo Journey began his knowledge of hundreds of species .
2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW changing exhibition
Collages en assemblages
Sofie MullER 02.01.08 04.05.08
Collage Exhibition Studying painting, sculpture, graphics (Anwterpen Academy of Fine Arts, Sint-Lucas Ghent). She is fascinated by mutations and metamorphoses of men and women: a process of biological and social transformation, as in the para-scientific alchemy, which leads to a new reality mutated. Her work recalls the ominous figures in a freak show.
c h a ngi ng e x h i bi t ions Collages and assemblages 67
Thierry RENARD 14.06.08 16.10.08
Collage Exhibition The collage work of Thierry Renard is very individual and personal. It moves between dreams, reality and fiction. It is surprisingly fresh, fun and reflects a strong spirit. Thierry Renard lies in a dual personality. First you have the intellectual who effortlessly, very at ease by art history moves and unexpected connections it creates. Secondly, he is an acrobat, a magician in search of the eternal child in him. He is candid about in a game of fantasy. He needs an audience, and that’s us. The absurdity, not always understand the confusion, the unspoken words, the electrically charged voltage do forget everything and let us discover that
the child in us still present. Excited by recognizing and feel in a closed, secret group, which gives us a pleasant sense of conspiracy and of the same chuckle.
c h a ngi ng e x h i bi t ions Collages and assemblages 69
bAugNIET & cO.
16.01.10 15.05.10
Collages from Marcel-Louis Baugniet The Verbeke Foundation presents 25 collages by the Belgian artist Marcel-Louis Baugniet (1896-1995)
The world IS AN AlfhAbET 19.05.09 15.11.09
Collage tentoonstelling Adriaan de Roover, Willy Van Eeckhout, Alechinsky, E.L.T. Mesens, Marcel Mariën, Guy Bleus, Ronald van der Meijs, Vera B.V., Jan Fabre, Wouter Hoeboer, Jean-Jacques Gailliard, Paul De Vree, Jacques Charlier, Xavier Canonne, THéodore Koenig, Christian Dotremont, Mogens Balle, Jacques Duez, Ernst van Leyden, Serge Vandercam, Philippe Noiret, Roger LAcomblez, Rosmond Meys, Jan d’Haese. Naast twee solotentoonstellingen van de dichter-collagist Adriaan de Roover en Willy van Eeckhout wordt een selectie gemaakt in de collageverzameling van werken waarin woorden een prominente plaats innemen.
c h a ngi ng e x h i bi t ions Collages and assemblages 71
Adriaan De Roover Adriaan de Roover, pseudoniem van Felix A. De Rooy. Geboren te Mortsel op 13 februari 1923. Als dichter en essayist medewerker aan verschillende literaire tijdschrif ten. Wordt een belangrijke woordvoerder van de experimentele poëzie en neemt deel aan taalrijke tentoonstellingen van visuele en concrete poëzie. Bekroond met de Dr. Jules Persijnprijs voor zijn studie over de Oostenrijkse poète maudit Georges Trakl (1955). In 1958 ontvangt hij de essay-prijs van de provincie Antwerpen voor zijn studie Paul van Ostaijen en de absolute lyriek. Intussen verschijnen ook verscheidene dichtbundels van zijn hand, ondermeer de ophefmakende bundel woordschur f t. In 1965 volgt een periode van dichterlijk zwijgen en wijdt hij zich steeds meer aan de studie en het fotograferen van de romaanse kunst. Sinds 1984 is hij ook literair weer bedrijvig. In 1998 verschijnenzijn Verzamelde gedichten en in 2004 de bundel De Genese van de Lyriek. De Roover houdt zich de laatste tijd vooral bezig met het visualiseren van woorden of dichtfragmenten onder het motto Mijn wereld is een alfabet. Eind 2008 verscheen een nieuw boek van zijn hand onder de titel Ontmoeting met de Romaanse kunst.
Willy Van Eeckhout Een ensemble van collages (1966) en palimpsesten van Willy Van Eeckhout maakt deel uit van de expo The World is an Alphabet. De auteurs Willem M. Roggeman, Frans Boenders, Rob Goswin en Guy van Hoof integreerden hun handgeschreven poëziefragmenten in de palimpsesten van Van Eeckhout. Willy Van Eeckhout (°1943), maakt acrylcollages en oliever fschilderijen. Die brengen een dubbele geaardheid aan het licht. Een tedere fetisjist overschildert een gelijmde structuur van gebruikt papier, pagina's gescheurd uit oude juridische folianten en pandecten maar ook doodsbrieven van familieleden, eigen liefdesbrieven en vaderlijke partituren. Een nogal woeste olieverfschilder daarentegen gaat op het doek te keer met veel verve en veel verf; rauw borstelwerk slingert zichzelf naar een geïmproviseerde (muzikale?) structuur toe: de kleur echter overwint alles. Deze tweespalt tussen enerzijds subtiel geklonterde acryloverschilderingen en anderziids lyrische kleuruitbarstinqen verraadt een Januskop. Die dekt zowel nostalgisch als liefderijk het verleden toe (en toont het daarmee in glimpen). Maar hetzelfde dubbelhoofd overleeft, wanhopig en soms heroïsch, het heden.
Een zin is ook EEN cOllAgE 12.12.09 15.05.10
Collages van Jos Deenen ‘89-09 Jos on 24 October 1956 Deen was in Baarlo, near Venlo, was born. After the Graphic School have completed a course in Utrecht he was taking a masterpiece, as typographic craftsman ‘ended, he attended the evening high school and then studied one year at the Dutch University of Nijmegen. A devout music lover, however, his interest still more to the ‘fine arts’. He attended the courses include “Klassische Musik Geschichte ‘and’ Modern Art ‘by the WDR in association with the University tubbing care. As a result, he was so gripped by the visual arts, that he many standard works after hit. In particular the book “Das Lachen dadas” fascinated him immensely. The way Dadaist painters like George Grosz, Otto Dix and Max Beckmann, the Expressionist brutality, decadence and the fringes of society mercilessly on the canvas were able to capture, spoke to his imagination. Yet it was notably John Heartfield, whose satirical and socially critical picture collages Hitler ’s fascist clique attacked, the Danes did decide the world today with the same instruments lancets, scissors, and tweezers - under the microscope. Over the years he put a huge archive of photographs from a variety of magazines. After the Graphic School have completed a course in Utrecht he was taking a masterpiece, as typographic craftsman ‘ended, he attended the evening high school.
c h a ngi ng e x h i bi t ions Collages and assemblages 73
2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW changing exhibition
Bio en Eco Art
changing exhibitionS Bio and Eco art 83
Artificial NATURE 23.05.09 15.11.09
Bio art exhibition Artificial Nature’s summer exhibition brings together work by artists that the relationship between human beings and their natural environment in question. The show focus on one of the most important principles of the Verbeke Foundation: creating a place where art and nature come together.
Artificial Nature shows works by thirty artists (groups) that the boundaries of contemporary art by scanning in their creation an experimental way to deal with living organisms. The tension between nature and culture, the works elicit quite a few questions. What is natural, and since when is it artificial? How do arise, evolve and decay organisms? How do we deal with nature? How we experience the sensory and intellectual nature? Is it still necessary to distinguish between natural and artificial beauty? Various art projects with living organisms (such as bees, fish, birds and algae) which are shown at the Verbeke Foundation, were developed in cooperation with among others the university, KU Leuven and Hasselt. Also with the help of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics (Ghent University) Prof.. Paul Coucke, artists set up a special laboratory research to be conducted with
Raphaël Opstaele
Koen Vanmechelen
new media: Artificial Nature The exhibition is the first major bio Art ‘project in Belgium. The Verbeke Foundation at taches great importance to guidance and information for the visitor. With the support of the Antwerp Zoo and the Museum of Morphology of Ghent University was a teaching space designed to change the historical view from art to nature to interpret. Artificial Nature of the exhibition is a reconstructed historic naturaliënkabinet. Until the 18th century naturalia (stuffed animals, dried plants, shells ...) also along with artifacts and archaeological objects stored in so-called curiosities. No eccentricities in the Verbeke Foundation this summer, but a tense dialectic between art and nature that often leads to great work.
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The artists are Art Orienté objet Sjoerd Buisman Geoffrey de Beer Peter De Cupere Marta de Menezes Frederik De Wilde Bart de Zutter Griet Dobbels Jef Faes Idiots Theo Jansen Wout Janssens Reinier Lagendijk Sjef Meijman Zjos Meyvis Desmond Morris NCNP Zbigniew Oksiuta Raphaël Opstaele Ingo Botho Reize Joris Ribbens Tineke Schuurmans Lieven Standaerts STARTEL Martin den Bogaard René Van Corven Ronald van der Meijs Philippe Vandenberg Maarten van Eynde Koen Vanmechelen
Anita Fontaine
Adam Zaretsky
29.05.10 31.10.10
Bio art exhibition A cabinet of curiosities was an Encyclopedic Collection of Renaissance Europe or types or objects Whose Were Categorical boundaries yet to be defined. Modern terminology Would Categorize the objects included as belonging to natural history (Sometimes faked), geology, Ethnography, archeology, religious or historical relics, works of art (paintings Including cabinet) and antiquities. “The Kunstkammer was Regarded as a microcosm or theater of the world, and a memory theater. The Kunstkammer conveyed symbolically the patron’s control of the world through ITS indoor, microscopic reproduction.” Or Charles I of England’s collection, Peter Thomas HAS Stated succinctly, “The Kunstkabinett itself was a form of propaganda. Jef Faes Happy Famous Artists, Idiots, Jeroen Kuster, Linda Molenaar, Gunther Moriau, Ingo Reize, Silvia B. , STARTEL, Albert Szukalski, Wayn Traub, Kevin Van Braak, Camiel Van Breedam, Vadim Vosters, Adam Zaretsky
changing exhibitionS Bio and Eco art 87
29.05.10 31.10.10
Bio art exhibition Besides the famous and best wine cabinets or Documented rulers and aristocrats, members of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in Europe That Were Also collections formed precursors to museums . They Were Also known by names Various Artists Such As Cabinet of Wonder, and in Germantown Kunstkammer or Wunderkammer (wonder-cream). Peter Buggenhout, Danny Devos, Jeroen Kustern, Linda Molenaar, Gunther Moriau, Zbigniew Oksiuta, Marleen Oud, Rich Pell, STARTEL, TINKEBELL, Martien Van Beeck, Adam Zaretsky
Kevin Van Braak
Po Bury
changing exhibitionS Bio and Eco art 89
Green SUMMER 29.05.10 31.10.10
Eco art tentoonstelling The disappearance of plant and animal species, raising the water level, the massive deforestation, the ecological footprint, the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen conference, the list is long. Yes, the earth is in danger: the different media channels repeat it daily! With its 12 hectares of nature reserve and 20,000 sqm of indoor spaces is the Verbeke Foundation one of the largest European private initiatives where culture, nature and ecology meet. All this constitutes the Verbeke Foundation concrete reason for the next summer exhibition devoted to ecology. Gert Aertsen, Guy Baekelmans , Will Beckers, Klaas Bullynck , Heath Bunting, Peter de Cupere, Gilberto Esparza , Patrick Everaert , n55 Denis Oudendijk, Recycle X - Gilberto Esparza, Mieke Smits, Walt van Beek, Ronald van der Meijs, Jason van der Woude, Niko Van Stichel , Jetske Verhoeven, Adam Zaretsky, Henk Zoeteman, 2012Architecten
The exhibition will bring a complete overview of the work of artists from the 1960s to today realized from their confrontation with environmental pollution. The cultural dimensions of climate change and the human capacity to find solutions to survive, this will be illuminated. The usual discourse which consists of the artist as someone who creates images of reflection, discussion and awareness, will be questioned by the work of architects and designers in the exhibition to include. Their creations find indeed practical solutions that can improve human behavior. The first part of the exhibition will be devoted to art projects around the human pollution of the natural environment. Decades-old performances of Moving Mass will be shown to emphasize that the early artists were involved in the environmental debate. In addition, work will be exhibited which are composed of recycled waste material, making the mass production and its use in contemporary society can be raised. In parallel, exhibited works that operate with renewable energy: so let some artists work their installations using energy created by wind or solar energy. In efforts to
Jason van der Woude
develop renewable energy systems with minimal cost and pollution, the emphasis on the ecological designers of the generation projects DIY (Do It Yourself). Finally, there are also ecological architectural projects on display. New construction processes will be addressed and economic methods to deal with heat and materials in the design of a building.
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Their creations find indeed practical solutions that can improve human behavior.
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2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW changing exhibition
Contemoporary art
c h a ngi ng e x h i bi t ions Contemorary art 99
Certified COpy 20.11.10 10.05.11
Group exhibition 1989. The American artist Larry Miller, a member of the Fluxus movement, distributes certificates to allow anyone to decide on the use, or not, of their DNA. The action, which relates the art scene to contemporary biotechnological problems, would precede the birth of Dollie, the first cloned mammal in the world, by a decade.
copywright Is fOR lOsERs
In a world where numerous multinationals multiply data banks destined to the patented reproduction of genetical information, the Verbeke Foundation organises an exhibition on the notions of copying and cloning. Certified Copy, open to the public from November 20, 2010 to April 10, 2011 unites the works of over twenty international contempary artists who are concerned in the question of the reproduction of living and lifeless materials. From delftware from the museum of Leiden over the masterpieces of Hirst, Murakami or Cattelan, to fluorescent
transgenic fishes, all presented work s give us the possibility to draw a parallel between both contemporary artistic and scientific practices. The letters of the Coco Chanel logo on the exhibition poster also evoke daily counterfeited products, and the expressions of Certified Copy, Carbon Copy and Creative Commons. In fact, the exhibition adopts a critical viewpoint on the motivations for reproducing works and living organisms, and on the stipulations of this reproduc tion in our globalised, industrial and capitalistic society.
c h a ngi ng e x h i bi t ions Contemorary art 101
Yanieta Eyre
Art OrientĂŠ objet, Cristian Bors & Marius Ritiu, Stijn Belle, Adam Brandejs, Ondrej Brody & Kristofer Paetau, Leo Copers, Paul Cornelis, Dennis De Bel en JOD, Hugo Draulans, Constant Dullaart, Janieta Eyre, Andrea Fraser, Bram Geers, Ni Haifeng, Mateusz Herczka, Theo Jansen, Ad Lakerveld & Kurt Van Houtte, Natalie Jeremijenko, Eduardo Kac, Ad Lakerveld, Luc Lefebvre, Thomas LommĂŠe, L.A. Raeven, Joachim Rotteveel, Louis Sassoye, Marie-Paule Wilbert, Filippe Langenbick & Cia, Ad Schouten, Lieven Standaert Martin uit den Bogaard, Martien Van Beeck, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Jason van der Woude, Koen Vanmechelen, Jonas Vansteenkiste , Alexandra Verhaest, Adam Zaretsky
Jeff Faes and Martin Uit Den Bogaard
L A BOR A( R )TOR I U M Jef Faes 115
Jef FAES 1972
lives and works in Belgium Jef Faes as a sculptor working primarily with forms that relate to the surrounding area. High-tech images of scientific phenomena are the basis of his work. These images are under Faessler beyond human comprehension: enlargements of matter at the micro level are in fact in emptiness, while at the macro level just matter in this void visible. From these findings he developed his concepts of space filling, and bridging connection.
The installations consist of Jef Faes basic geometric shapes, eroded by spherical modules. Piloted by artificial manipulation, these hollows by construction activity of honey bees backfilled. Geometrically speaking, the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb is the most appropriate form to fill in a circle. Faes’ sculptures are, simultaneously, for emptiness and matter, as micro-and macrocosm. After a first large installation in the greenhouses of the Verbeke Foundation, the artist currently working on his “units”. This small independent labs both inside and outside can be placed in function of further land use, keep bees play an essential role.
L A BOR A( R )TOR I U M Jef Faes 117
9-keto-trans-2 CONCEPT As a sculptor, Jef Faes makes particularly use of forms which relate to their surrounding space . High-technological photographs of scientific phenomenons are the basic principles of his work. These images to Faes exceed human comprehension: enlargements of matter on a microscopic scale after all result in emptiness, while on a macroscopic scale they actually visualize matter. Out of these findings he developped concepts of space stuffing, space connection and space bridging. Jef Faes’ installations are composed of elementary geometric forms, which were hollowed out by spherical modules. Driven by artificial
manipulation these excavations are refilled by the building activities of honeybees. The hexagonal shape of honeycombs from a geometric viewpoint after all is the most effective form to fill up a circle. As a result Faes’ sculptures at the same time stand for emptiness and matter, for both micro- and macrocosmos. Having completed a first large installation in the Verbeke Foundation greenhouses, the artist now develops his ‘units’. In these small autonomous laboratories, which in function of further spatial exploitation can be placed both inside and outside, the contribution of honeybees remains essential.
First there was the form that embraces the emptiness and visible, the concept grew from there. Out of fascination at the sight of honeycombs, I invited the bees out to help me develop my game in shape complex systems. The honeycombs are again voids (cells mathematical in nature) that have different interpretations in the life cycle of the bee. For me, a metaphor of self-organization, life and death.
L A BOR A( R )TOR I U M Martin Uit Den Bogaard
Martin Uit DEN BOGAARD 1944
The philosopher of the materialist Trained in the School of Arts and the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.He looks at nature as a “materialist�: life and death are not separate states. Bodies of dead creatures, heads, bones, brains, etc. get a new job, sometimes in glass tanks, where they are subject to natural change. This is noticeable when viewing internal processes through a computer.
What is the difference between life and death? This question I ask myself for years. I can not get a clear answer, nor biologists or philosophers or scientists. As long as I do not get a satisfactory answer, to me there is no difference. ‘In living humans is the spirit and the dead no longer’ me is not satisfactory, because the mind is not to prove and therefore does not exist for me. That man is an answer to this question, and then all kinds of religions to find an answer thinking is understandable, but this time a bit naive. Why would you make something up? Is the time you consciously wandering the earth is not enough? Matter is constantly evolving, both in ‘live’ as in ‘dead’ creatures. All agents constantly undergo chemical reactions, so they always keep changing. This happens in all organisms, both ‘dead’and ‘living’, so an essential distinction between life and death is impossible. There simply is no difference between life and deathThe main organisms that are working on is survival.
L A BOR A( R )TOR I U M Martin Uit Den Bogaard
Science develops techniques for more details of the organisms in our bodies perceive as electron microscopes to 1 million times larger, endoscopes for viewing operations and scanning devices with magnetic fields (MRI). They make products for our peace of mind to maintain. The mapping of our genes is basically already finished and the gene therapy has been applied in various ways.
Our body is thus more malleable.
Outside our bodies there are different kinds of radiation, vibration and small particulate matter, many of which do not perceive, which affect our bodies.I therefore see myself as a materialist realize that humans have only 400 000 years of existence, which in the overall existence of the earth is only a fraction. A human life is therefore only a fraction compared to the whole. Man as a species will undoubtedly disappear.
“This makes everything so relative that my perspective is thus a strong develop.” I often laugh when you see how everything is so heavy and serious to the existence of humankind. Everything seems to swerve the survival of man. The urge to survive is so great that we have a massive over-compensation of the world are doing. But if the ‘living ‘ organism on earth disappears, the earth simply by running and there is nothing wrong. Maybe the earth will be cleansed. We must not forget that oxygen probably about 2 billion years ago from seaweed through photosynthesis. The ozone layer ensured that life could develop, but it is a coincidence. Just because there is a single-celled organism developed that could multiply, organisms could arise that the degradation by oxygen, which is a very destructive substance, and could stay one step ahead. Man is e.g. capable of some 80 years to maintain. Life as a Man, I just really fun and good wishes for many more process and part of the whole, even after my death. “ By this science I am able to reasonably perspective and plea-
2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW Artists iN rEsiDENCE
Over the hedge#2
Ye Dongsheng
A rt i st s i N r E si DE NC E Over the Hedge#2
Over the HEdgE # 2 From the opening of the exhibition will OVER THE HEDGE 2 # 5 Chinese artists for two weeks in residence working on the Verbeke Foundation. A stack of handmade paper measuring 100 cm x 70 cm in the summer of 2007 was shipped from China to Belgium. 117 emerging and established Belgian artists edited each one sheet of paper. In autumn 2007 the art flew to China for an ambitious exhibition at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. More than one hundred Chinese artists from Beijing and Tianjin were in turn a sheet of handmade paper. They let themselves in their work inspired by the Belgian entries and exchanges in workshops led by the curators. The result is the end of August 2008 in the Verbeke Foundation. At the exhibition, all works, both Belgian and Chinese, with each face.
Ning Tingting
Soffie Muller
Paul Caesar
A rt i st s i N r E si DE NC E Over the Hedge#2
PHILOSOPHY “TBT is an experiment that not only wants to look over the hedge, as a neighbor who wants to keep away. We also want to climb over the fence, the barriers between different cultures bridge and on the spot to speak and work with the artists “- Raf De Smedt, curator “The chaos of a country which was recreated in a massive construction site, find a translation in art.” - Bart Van Dijck, curator “Then at the end of the year 1970 was more openness in China, Chinese ar tists were slowly in contact with what had happened in the past century Western art. Very short time they have mastered the Western art history. The chronological development of art through action and reaction was never experienced as such. “
Xu Huiyuan
HISTORY 117 Belgian artists Since 1957 there is a cultural and educational contacts between the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and a number of Chinese schools. Many Chinese artists have studied at the Antwerp Academy and some of them now hold important positions in education and cultural life of China. Especially with the Tianjin Academy, where Professor Jiang Lu president remains very intense collaboration. ‘Over the Hedge’ is an initiative of Raf De Smedt, former depar tment head of the Academy of Antwerp and art historian and author Paul Ilegems, a former teacher at the same Academy. They asked five young, promising artists to participate as a curator to act. Vaast Colson, Tom Liekens, Pol Matthe, Lieven Segers and Bart Van Dijck selected a total of 117 Belgian artists to work on the project. Most of the selection consists of young artists who in recent years to the fore are. In addition, a large number of artists of a previous generation called, who for many years have acquired an established reputation at home and abroad. Philip Aguirre
1 ARTIST 1 WORK The starting point was chosen for the principle that all artists should work only one exhibit that was created especially for the exhibition. All works were created in the summer of 2007 and were in Tianjin for the first time exhibited. The artists were given carte blanche. There was no subject, theme, style or technique applied. Therefore, there is no link between the works or to thematic, stylistic or conceptual level. The only unifying element is the carrier: a sheet of handmade paper measuring 100 cm x 70 cm. The result is a very diverse range of artistic approaches, styles and techniques, covering a broad picture of what’s going on with the new generation of Belgian artists.
OTH # 1 The exhibition opened on Oc tober 13, 2007 in Tafa Galler y of the Academy of Fine Arts in Tianjin and ran until October 28, 2007. The curators of the exhibition worked for three weeks on the ground and led workshops with students and young Chinese artists. At the same time in Beijing and Tjanjin artists approached to participate in the project. Also, they each had an identical sheet of 100 cm x 70 cm. Among them was respected artists, including Wang Aijun, Yang Bodu, Ye Dong Sheng, Li Gang, Feng Jie, Su Jing, Xu Huiyuan, Feng Jie, Su Jing, Yang Kai, Ning Ting Ting, Fu Shuai, Wang Yiguang, Yu Xiaodong, Ma Xiaoteng ...
OTH # 2 T he B elgian ar t , supplemented by many works of Chinese artists, will return to Belgium for an exhibition at the Verbeke Foundation Stekene near Sint-Niklaas. The artworks will be exhibited from August 2008 in a huge room of 100 mx 12 m. The Chinese entries show a huge variety of styles and subjects. Interestingly, the work is the way the Western techniques and themes are reused, reviewed and sampled in a Chinese interpretation. Then at the end of 70 years was more openness in China, Chinese artists were brusque manner in touch with what had happened in the past century Western art. Very short time they have mastered the Western ar t histor y. The chronological development of art through action and reaction was never experienced as such. Because of this unique position to interpret the Chinese artists contribute to a better understanding of our own art and its history.
A rt i st s i N r E si DE NC E Over the Hedge#2
Academy of Fine Arts Tianjin, China
Chinese-Belgian cross pollination on paper The website provides an overview of all work and contains background information about the exchange, films about the trip to China, both the workshops and exhibitions.
2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW Artists iN rEsiDENCE
Cristian Bors en Marius Ritiu
A rt is t s i N r E si DE NC E Cristian Bors en Marius Ritiu
Cristian Bors ANd MARIus RItIu
Two Romanian artists and Marius Cristian Bors Ritiu arrived in Belgium in February 2010 after she got in trouble when she created a critical work about the president of their country. Since then, they worked on several joint projects. So they placed their double portrait After the Fence (Uninvited Artists) at the gate of the Middelheim Museum during the opening of the exhibition New Monuments (May 2010).Then put them in the Antwerp Gallery Marion Cannière their project How to Become Famous in One Month (September 2010) exhibition. These projects provided a critical but humorous look at the precarious living conditions as immigrants from Eastern Europe. It presents the random processes which denounced the work of certain artists who are part of the western contemporary art world is maintained and promoted.
The choice of works by Damien Hirst, Wim Delvoye, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, Maurizio Cat telan and Cai Guo Giang was determined by the nature of the collection of the Verbeke Foundation, where the organic and the animal center. The distortion of the project work around animals of the most famous contemporary artists, was also the occasion of the exhibition Certified Copy. This one goes out to the one we loved raising questions about the actual copying process. Bors and Ritiu interest mainly in the appearance of the copied works by playing with the illusion effects which have stuck pictures? Or would they rather take the attitude of the artists whose work they copy by promising to organize an auction to sell their counterfeits to the price of the originals?
this oNE goEs out to thE oNEs wE lovED
A rt ist s i N r E si DE NC E Cristian Bors en Marius Ritiu
2006-2011 AN OVERVIEW
Exhibition in thE picturE
Polar Exhibition
P hil Blo om
E x h iobi t ion i n t h E pic t u r E Polar expedition 179
Polar EXPEDITIONS 16.01.11 15.05.11
Winter Exhibition
L on don Fields wor k s
Verbeke Foundation organizes an exhibition on Real and imaginary polar expeditions! Today, the media focused heavily on the vulnerability of both the North and the South Pole because of global warming. Polar Expeditions, however, shows works by artists who have been involved in this global ecological problems. So Raphael went Opstaele (B) in 1974 to the North Pole, artist drew Waldo Bien (NL) in 1982 and went to Iceland Talec Nathalie (F) in 1987 to Greenland. The exhibition includes works by several Belgian and foreign artists over the past five years have polar-oriented work created. Thus the “polar tourism ‘questioned, but the attraction remains urgent and enchanting. The collection of plants that the Verbeke Foundation presents, offers the visitor an original and unprecedented look at the rugged polar regions, where man can survive only with difficulty.
There is also the exhibition ‘Antarctic Matters of explorer Dixie Dansercoer thirteen containers on display at the parking area.
E x h iobi t ion i n t h E pic t u r E Polar expedition 181
P hil Blo om
BElgica 1897 and luc caBEs 1957 Polar Expeditions starts from two key moments in the discovery and study of history Antarctica: first the discovery of the Belgica in 1897 and then the Belgian scientific mission led by Luc Cabes 1957. The archive for this last mission was recently threatened to be destroyed. The Verbeke Foundation presents the pieces now as a whole Kemzeke. Together with the Belgica Society organizes the Verbeke Foundation, an exhibition in which the symbiosis between art and science is examined. Today, the media focused heavily on the vulnerability of both the North and the South Pole because of global warming. Polar Expeditions, however, shows works by artists who have been involved in this global ecological problems. So Raphael went Opstaele (B) in 1974 to the North Pole, artist drew Waldo Bien (NL) in 1982 and went to Iceland Talec Nathalie (F) in 1987 to Greenland. The exhibition includes works by several Belgian and foreign artists over the past five years have created polar-oriented work. Thus the “polar tourism ‘questioned, but the attraction remains urgent and enchanting. The collection of plants that the Verbeke Foundation presents, offers the visitor an original and unprecedented look at the rugged polar
regions, where man can survive only with difficulty. Polar Expeditions is looking into the motives of the artist-explorers. It is their fascination with the unknown or are driven by a desire to seek new artistic horizons? His ecological combatants or are consumed by a romantic spirit of adventure? Besides works that result from true artistic missions towards the poles, Verbeke Foundation also shows a series of creations by artists cold in itself as a starting point. This keeps Geoffrey De Beer (B) the term ‘avantgarde ar t by questioning to be frozen in his laboratory Base Beta. Vanmechelen (B) presents a project where his semen frozen chickens are chickens all generations want to export to the North Pole. Niko Van Stichel (B) was inspired by the Princess Elizabeth-based International Polar Foundation, witnessed the impressive ‘work space’ in the grounds of the foundation. Polar Expeditions The project was a real challenge for the Verbeke Foundation. For the first time in the young history of the foundation was created ample space for photo and video works. Apart from the necessary investments in projection equipment, the Foundation was forced Polar Expeditions
E x h iobi t ion i n t h E pic t u r E Polar expedition 183
to commemorate the exhibition spaces. Instead of more walls to place containers were used for various multimedia installations careful to separate. This portable and reusable boxes also make it possible to create new extra-muros exhibitions put on. Thus the containers in December 2009 already used for the projection of videos on the exhibition Meating in Tilburg . The coming summer will be re-enabled containers for Green Front, a cross Eco art exhibition that the Verbeke Foundation will organize Kemzeke (B), Holly (GB), Watou (B) and Steenvoorde (F).
Die go Fr ans en
Presentation of the archives of Luc Cabe
Die go Fr ans en
“ ArE thE EcologicAl combAtAnts or ArE consumEd by A romAntic dEsirE for AdvEnturE? “
L on don Field wor dk s
E x h iobi t ion i n t h E pic t u r E Polar expedition 187
Bie Michels
Waldo Bien Phil Bloom Caroline Coolen Diego Franssens Valery Grancher Roel Jacobs Tom Liekens Didier Mahieu Mass Moving Andrea Polli Catherine Rannou Nathalie Talec Johan Terryn Laurent Tixador Edwig Van Cauteren Koen Vanmechelen Didier Volckaert Bie Michels Jason van der Woude Geoffrey De Beer Martin uit den Bogaard
Mas s Mov ing
From A to Z Index
Artists And exhibitions
Adam Zaretsky - Wunderkammer
anco Angeloni (It) Art Orienté objet (Fr) Brandon Ballengée (Us) Phil Bloom (Nl) Peter Buggenhout (Be) Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) ank F. Castelyns (Be) Roger Claessens (Be) Leo Copers (Be) Geoffrey de Beer (Be) Berlinde De Bruyckere (Be) Peter De Cupere e) Erki De Vries & Tim Vets (Be) Ronald de Winter (Be) Bart De Zutter (Be) Delphine Deguislage (Be) Moritz Ebinger (Sw) Jan bre (Be) Jef Faes (Be) Zoro Feigl (Nl) Chantal Grard (Be) Happy Famous Artists (Be) Harry Heirmans (Be) Jan Henderikse (Nl) ots (Nl) Maartje Korstanje (Nl) Kultivator Jeroen Kuster (Nl) Chiel Kuyl (Nl) Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) Michael Linares (PR) Kris artin (Be) Sjef Meijman (Nl) NCNP (Be) Zbigniew Oksiuta (Pl) Marleen Oud (Nl) Raphaël August Opstaele (Be) Ingo Reize (De) lf Schuurmans (Nl) Paul Segers (Nl) Seymour Likely (Nl) Kor Smeenge (Nl) Lieven Standaert (Be) STARTEL (Nl) Albert Szukali (Be) Martin uit den Bogaard (Nl) Timm Ulrichs (D) Kevin Van Braak (Be) Camiel van Breedam (Be) René Van Corven (Nl) aarten Vanden Eynde (Be) Ronald van der Meijs (Nl) Bart van Dijck (Be) Kris Vanhemelrijck (Be) Joep van Lieshout (Nl) Koen nmechelen (Be) Herman van Nazareth (Be) Michiel Van Overbeek (Nl) Hannes Van Severen (Be) Eric Verboven (Be) Mark rstockt (Be) Tim Volckaert (Be) Stan Wannet (Nl) Julia Wenners (Nl) Mariken Wessels (Nl) Adam Zaretsky (US) Franco Angeni (It) Art Orienté objet (Fr) Brandon Ballengée (Us) Phil Bloom (Nl) Peter Buggenhout (Be) Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) Frank F. Casyns (Be) Roger Claessens (Be) Leo Copers (Be) Geoffrey de Beer (Be) Berlinde De Bruyckere (Be) Peter De Cupere (Be) Erki De ies & Tim Vets (Be) Ronald de Winter (Be) Bart De Zutter (Be) Delphine Deguislage (Be) Moritz Ebinger (Sw) Jan Fabre (Be) Jef es (Be) Zoro Feigl (Nl) Chantal Grard (Be) Happy Famous Artists (Be) Harry Heirmans (Be) Jan Henderikse (Nl) Idiots (Nl) aartje Korstanje (Nl) Kultivator Jeroen Kuster (Nl) Chiel Kuyl (Nl) Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) Michael Linares (PR) Kris Martin (Be) ef Meijman (Nl) NCNP (Be) Zbigniew Oksiuta (Pl) Marleen Oud (Nl) Raphaël August Opstaele (Be) Ingo Reize (De) Rolf Schuurans (Nl) Paul Segers (Nl) Seymour Likely (Nl) Kor Smeenge (Nl) Lieven Standaert (Be) STARTEL (Nl) Albert Szukalski (Be) artin uit den Bogaard (Nl) Timm Ulrichs (D) Kevin Van Braak (Be) Camiel van Breedam (Be) René Van Corven (Nl) Maarten nden Eynde (Be) Ronald van der Meijs (Nl) Bart van Dijck (Be) Kris Vanhemelrijck (Be) Joep van Lieshout (Nl) Koen Vanmeelen (Be) Herman van Nazareth (Be) Michiel Van Overbeek (Nl) Hannes Van Severen (Be) Eric Verboven (Be) Mark Verstockt e) Tim Volckaert (Be) Stan Wannet (Nl) Julia Wenners (Nl) Mariken Wessels (Nl) Adam Zaretsky (US) Franco Angeloni (It) Art ienté objet (Fr) Brandon Ballengée (Us) Phil Bloom (Nl) Peter Buggenhout (Be) Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) Frank F. Castelyns (Be) ger Claessens (Be) Leo Copers (Be) Geoffrey de Beer (Be) Berlinde De Bruyckere (Be) Peter De Cupere (Be) Erki De Vries & Tim ts (Be) Ronald de Winter (Be) Bart De Zutter (Be) Delphine Deguislage (Be) Moritz Ebinger (Sw) Jan Fabre (Be) Jef Faes (Be) ro Feigl (Nl) Chantal Grard (Be) Happy Famous Artists (Be) Harry Heirmans (Be) Jan Henderikse (Nl) Idiots (Nl) Maartje Koranje (Nl) Kultivator Jeroen Kuster (Nl) Chiel Kuyl (Nl) Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) Michael Linares (PR) Kris Martin (Be) Sjef Meijman l) NCNP (Be) Zbigniew Oksiuta (Pl) Marleen Oud (Nl) Raphaël August Opstaele (Be) Ingo Reize (De) Rolf Schuurmans (Nl) Paul gers (Nl) Seymour Likely (Nl) Kor Smeenge (Nl) Lieven Standaert (Be) STARTEL (Nl) Albert Szukalski (Be) Martin uit den gaard (Nl) Timm Ulrichs (D) Kevin Van Braak (Be) Camiel van Breedam (Be) René Van Corven (Nl) Maarten Vanden Eynde (Be) nald van der Meijs (Nl) Bart van Dijck (Be) Kris Vanhemelrijck (Be) Joep van Lieshout (Nl) Koen Vanmechelen (Be) Herman n Nazareth (Be) Michiel Van Overbeek (Nl) Hannes Van Severen (Be) Eric Verboven (Be) Mark Verstockt (Be) Tim Volckaert e) Stan Wannet (Nl) Julia Wenners (Nl) Mariken Wessels (Nl) Adam Zaretsky (US) Franco Angeloni (It) Art Orienté objet (Fr) andon Ballengée (Us) Phil Bloom (Nl) Peter Buggenhout (Be) Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) Frank F. Castelyns (Be) Roger Claessens (Be) o Copers (Be) Geoffrey de Beer (Be) Berlinde De Bruyckere (Be) Peter De Cupere (Be) Erki De Vries & Tim Vets (Be) Ronald de nter (Be) Bart De Zutter (Be) Delphine Deguislage (Be) Moritz Ebinger (Sw) Jan Fabre (Be) Jef Faes (Be) Zoro Feigl (Nl) Chantal ard (Be) Happy Famous Artists (Be) Harry Heirmans (Be) Jan Henderikse (Nl) Idiots (Nl) Maartje Korstanje (Nl) Kultivator oen Kuster (Nl) Chiel Kuyl (Nl) Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) Michael Linares (PR) Kris Martin (Be) Sjef Meijman (Nl) NCNP (Be) Zbigew Oksiuta (Pl) Marleen Oud (Nl) Raphaël August Opstaele (Be) Ingo Reize (De) Rolf Schuurmans (Nl) Paul Segers (Nl) Seymour kely (Nl) Kor Smeenge (Nl) Lieven Standaert (Be) STARTEL (Nl) Albert Szukalski (Be) Martin uit den Bogaard (Nl) Timm Ulrichs ) Kevin Van Braak (Be) Camiel van Breedam (Be) René Van Corven (Nl) Maarten Vanden Eynde (Be) Ronald van der Meijs (Nl) rt van Dijck (Be) Kris Vanhemelrijck (Be) Joep van Lieshout (Nl) Koen Vanmechelen (Be) Herman van Nazareth (Be) Michiel n Overbeek (Nl) Hannes Van Severen (Be) Eric Verboven (Be) Mark Verstockt (Be) Tim Volckaert (Be) Stan Wannet (Nl) Julia enners (Nl) Mariken Wessels (Nl) Adam Zaretsky (US) Franco Angeloni (It) Art Orienté objet (Fr) Brandon Ballengée (Us) Phil oom (Nl) Peter Buggenhout (Be) Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) Frank F. Castelyns (Be) Roger Claessens (Be) Leo Copers (Be) Geoffrey Beer (Be) Berlinde De Bruyckere (Be) Peter De Cupere (Be) Erki De Vries & Tim Vets (Be) Ronald de Winter (Be) Bart De Zutter e) Delphine Deguislage (Be) Moritz Ebinger (Sw) Jan Fabre (Be) Jef Faes (Be) Zoro Feigl (Nl) Chantal Grard (Be) Happy Famous tists (Be) Harry Heirmans (Be) Jan Henderikse (Nl) Idiots (Nl) Maartje Korstanje (Nl) Kultivator Jeroen Kuster (Nl) Chiel Kuyl l) Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) Michael Linares (PR) Kris Martin (Be) Sjef Meijman (Nl) NCNP (Be) Zbigniew Oksiuta (Pl) Marleen Oud l) Raphaël August Opstaele (Be) Ingo Reize (De) Rolf Schuurmans (Nl) Paul Segers (Nl) Seymour Likely (Nl) Kor Smeenge (Nl) even Standaert (Be) STARTEL (Nl) Albert Szukalski (Be) Martin uit den Bogaard (Nl) Timm Ulrichs (D) Kevin Van Braak (Be) miel van Breedam (Be) René Van Corven (Nl) Maarten Vanden Eynde (Be) Ronald van der Meijs (Nl) Bart van Dijck (Be) Kris nhemelrijck (Be) Joep van Lieshout (Nl) Koen Vanmechelen (Be) Herman van Nazareth (Be) Michiel Van Overbeek (Nl) Hannes n Severen (Be) Eric Verboven (Be) Mark Verstockt (Be) Tim Volckaert (Be) Stan Wannet (Nl) Julia Wenners (Nl) Mariken Wesls (Nl) Adam Zaretsky (US) Franco Angeloni (It) Art Orienté objet (Fr) Brandon Ballengée (Us) Phil Bloom (Nl) Peter Buggenhout e) Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) Frank F. Castelyns (Be) Roger Claessens (Be) Leo Copers (Be) Geoffrey de Beer (Be) Berlinde De Bruyere (Be) Peter De Cupere (Be) Erki De Vries & Tim Vets (Be) Ronald de Winter (Be) Bart De Zutter (Be) Delphine Deguislage (Be) oritz Ebinger (Sw) Jan Fabre (Be) Jef Faes (Be) Zoro Feigl (Nl) Chantal Grard (Be) Happy Famous Artists (Be) Harry Heirmans e) Jan Henderikse (Nl) Idiots (Nl) Maartje Korstanje (Nl) Kultivator Jeroen Kuster (Nl) Chiel Kuyl (Nl) Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) Phil Blo(Nl) o m Raphaël August Opchael Linares (PR) Kris Martin (Be) Sjef Meijman (Nl) NCNP (Be) Zbigniew Oksiuta (Pl) Marleen Oud aele (Be) Ingo Reize (De) Rolf Schuurmans (Nl) Paul Segers (Nl) Seymour Likely (Nl) Kor Smeenge (Nl) Lieven Standaert (Be) ARTEL (Nl) Albert Szukalski (Be) Martin uit den Bogaard (Nl) Timm Ulrichs (D) Kevin Van Braak (Be) Camiel van Breedam (Be)
A rt i s t s A n d e x h i bi t ion s Ad a m Z a ret s k y - Wu ne rk a m me r
Albert Szukalski (Be) pages 17, 65
E.L.T. Mesens (Be) pages 35, 98
Art OrientĂŠ objet (Fr) pages 39, 204
Eric Verboven (Be) page 56
Erki De Vries (Be) page 84
Adam Zaretsky (US) pages 5,64,86, 150
Bart De Zutter (Be) pages 87, 53 Bart Van Dijck (Be) page 199
Egied Simons (Be) page 94
Franco Angeloni (It) page 98
Berlinde De Bruyckere (Be) pages 98, 75
Frank F. Castelyns (Be) page 34
Frans Gentils (Be) page 15
Camiel van Breedam (Be) page 56 Chantal Grard (Be) pages 98, 71
Geoffrey de Beer (Be) page 45
Chiel Kuyl (Nl) pages 12, 24
Gert Aertsen (Be) page 69
Cristian Bors (Fr) page 85
Hannes Van Severen (Be) page 86
David De Buyser (Be) page 45
Happy Famous Artists (Be) page 149
Delphine Deguislage (Be) pages 45, 86
Harry Heirmans (Be) pages 43, 187
Desmond Morris (Fr) pages 98, 74
Henk Zoeteman (Be) pages 48, 184
Didier Mahieu (Be) page 56
Herman van Nazareth (Be) page 185
Ingo Botho Reize (Nl) pages 78, 138
Koen Vanmechelen (Be) page 198
Ingo Reize (De) page 197
Kor Smeenge (Nl) page 29
Idiots (Nl) page 146
Jan Fabre (Be) page 175 Jan Henderikse (Nl) page 123 Jason Van Der Woude (Be) page 186 Jef Faes (Be) pages 48, 189 Jeroen Kuster (Nl) page 93 Joep van Lieshout(Nl) pages 29, 190 Joris Ribbens (Nl) page 205 Jos Deenen (Be) page 197 Julia Wenners (Nl) page 39
Kevin Van Braak (Be) page 84
Kris Martin (Be) page 83 Kris Vanhemelrijck (Be) pages 235, 106 Kultivator (Be) page 39
Leo Copers (Be) page 54 Lieven Standaert (Be) page 97
Maartje Korstanje (Nl) page 39 Marcel-Louis Baugniet (Fr) pages 74, 93 Mariken Wessels (Nl) page 48 Marius Ritiu (Fr) page 105 Mark Verstockt (Be) pages 96, 23 Martin uit den Bogaard (Nl Page 49
A rt i s t s A n d e x h i bi t ion s Ad a m Z a ret s k y - Wu ne rk a m me r 229
Paul Segers (Nl) page 8
Seymour Likely (Nl) pages 92, 128
Peter Buggenhout (Be) page 83
Sofie Muller (Be) page 238
Peter De Cupere (Be) page 62
Stan Wannet (Nl) page 229, 178
Phil Bloom (Nl) pages 93, 178
Startel (Nl) page 229
Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) pages 187, 167
Thierry Renard (Fr) page 98
RenĂŠ Van Corven (Nl) page 197
Timm Ulrichs (D) pages 167, 189
Roger Claessens (Be) pages 186, 218
Tim Vets (Be) page 29
Rolf Schuurmans (Nl) pages 92, 167
Tim Volckaert (Be) pages 178, 123
Rona Glantz (D) page 167
Paul Joostens (Nl) page 72
RaphaĂŤl August Opstaele (Be) page 147
Ronald de Winter (Be) page 238 Ronald van der Meijs (Nl)
Sander Veenhof (Be) page 97
Teun De Lange (Nl) page 138
Walt Van Beek (Be) pages 78, 43
Zbigniew Oksiuta (Pl) pages 89, 29 Zoro Feigl (Nl) pages 29, 109
Phil Blo o m
A rt i s t s A n d e x h i bi t ion s Ad a m Z a ret s k y - Wu ne rk a m me r
Collages and assemblages (Ant)arcticmatters page 156 Backyard Genius (Outsider Art) page 234 Certified Copy page 35 Egied Simons - Liquid Files page 187 G58-G59 MASS-AKKER page 167 Jacobus Kloppenburg - Artchive for the Future page 87 Mark Verstockt page 45 No manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s land page 49 Polar Expeditions page 134 Trou de Ville page 8 Stan Wannet - The Dogcatcher page 98 Vision in motion â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Motion in vision page 36 VIT<A>RTI page 178
Die go Fr an
Bio and eco art Artificial Nature page 37 Green Summer page 45 Wunderkammer.2 page 78 Wunderkammer (?) page 98
A rt i s t s A n d e x h i bi t ion s Ad a m Z a ret s k y - Wu ne rk a m me r 233
Contemporary art Baugniet & Co. Marcel-Louis Baugniet page 223 Collages partagĂŠs page 78 Collectie De Stadshof versus Verbeke Foundation page 199 Desmond Morris page 243 De wolkenbreier(s) organiseren 100 visual artists page 163 Een zin is ook een collage page 98 E.L.T. Mesens - sans dieu, sans maĂŽtre, sans roi, SANS DROITS page 84 G59 Hessenhuis - Fantasmagie page 140 Over the Hedge # 2 page 98 Paul Joostens page 172 Sofie Muller page 188 The World is an Alphabet page 91 Thierry Renard page 18 Wout Hoeboer (1910-1983) page 106
COLOFOn Cover and layout by Kelly Deceuninck Hoge school voor wetenschap en kunst, Beeldende vormgeving Typeface Soho Std and Soho Gothic Std, light, medium, condensed Paper Scheufelen, heaven 42, 150g/m 2 Published by Gestalten, Belgium 2011 ISBN 978-3-89955-253-9 Thanks to An Vandecasteele, Saskia Wierinck and Pahola Montaya
Five years of unfinished and UNPOLISHED ART ALWAYS IN MOTION
In the early 1990 began Geert Verbeke and Carla art collection. After an initial interest in abstract painting, was reoriented to the collection of collages and assemblages mainly Belgian artists. In recent years the collection was expanded to contemporary art and bio art - live art. This book shows an overview of the first five years of Verbeke Foundation. ISBN 978-3-89955-253-9
0 123456 789012