5 minute read
Stress. We all have it. We’ve all talked about it and I’m sure you have read plenty about it. And yet, it’s not a subject we are comfortable dealing with, is it?
In light of what has happened to us, is happening to us or is about to happen, maybe we should? You might have automatically assumed you know what I am talking about.
Don’t. That is the first thing we need to throw to the side. We should not assume what each other is going through. It is different, just as we are different, for each of us.
Let’s start with the basics. Our jobs. For some, staying home with the children is a dream come true! For others, a nightmare. It’s no different from a 9 to 5 job.
You may have picked a career you love. Good for you! And yet, your co-worker may have a sense of dread every day, going to the same job.
Stress applies to a relationship, too. There are relationships out there every one envies and yet I guarantee you, there is still stress about something, somewhere, along the line!
And again, try not to assume I am only talking about a couple’s relationship. Relationships also envelopes a relationship with your parents. Your children, perhaps grandchildren. Neighbors and co-workers. Even your best friend.
All relationships can be envied, especially if they look like there is no stress in those relationships. A couple enjoying a date
or vacation. Parents enjoying children’s or grandchildren’s events. Neighbors holding parties. Co-workers getting promotions. Best friends enjoying time together.
You could be the happiest go lucky person out there, but in one way or another, at one point in time, you will have to deal with stress. It’s inevitable.
How we deal with stress is essential to how we deal with life. I’m no doctor. I have no quick cures for stress. Then why am I writing about it?
Being aware of your stress may make you aware of the stress others are going through. As I said, we all deal with stress differently.
Your friends or family may be dealing with stress you are not even aware of. Whether it be over money, career choices, or illness, who knows? They do.
I’m not saying we need to delve into other’s personal life to know about the stress they are going through. Maybe they are a private person who doesn’t want anyone to know about their stress. And that is fine. That may be a way they deal with it.
There is nothing wrong with that. But how can you help if they are not asking for it? Or, it’s possible, you are so wrapped up in your own stress, there is no way for you to help. When in fact, you are the one that needs help!
A vicious cycle, to say the least. Are there really any answers? I find one that comes quickly to mind. Kindness. When I am dealing with stress, I try to think about something that took my stress away. Even if it was for a brief second.
Every time I tried to pinpoint it, I started to realize it was through an act of kindness. And not just from concerned family or friends. Co-workers or neighbors. Which don’t get me wrong, they help immensely!
Simple kind jesters from complete strangers also helped release my stress briefly. Did it solve my problems? Of course not. But maybe, just maybe, that act of kindness gave me enough of a push - to continue to deal with my stress instead of giving up!
My point is, while even during my most stressful time, maybe some random kind act I did for another, may have helped them too? I really hope so. Is kindness too simple of a concept?
You would think, but I’m not so sure. I’ve seen situations where others simply have no kindness for their fellow man. Too wrapped up in their problems, they become bitter or even resentful of others.
Granted, maybe they are in a career that stresses them out. Maybe they have children or grandchildren that are at home they are worried about. Money or relationships are not going to plan.
Does those very real, painful, often intense situations let you off the hook for not being kind to another who may be dealing with the same or perhaps worse?
times when we do an act of kindness in return, it makes us feel good!

Not too many things in life are free. But listening to someone or noticing someone may benefit from our help, still is! If someone is kind enough to ask you how you are, should you not do the same in return? And actually, listen to what they have to say?
Of course, we are focused on our own problems. But remember, so are they. Whatever their problems are, even though they may be different from yours, are still their problems. Do not minimize them by trying to compete with who has the most stress to deal with.
That does neither one of you any good. Stress is not something we want to compete for, it’s something we want to relieve! Even if for a brief moment.
Stress can be physical as well as emotional. And this is where acts of kindness kicks in. Don’t assume others may be stronger or healthier than you. Appearances can be deceiving.
Try to keep in mind, two helping is always better than one. Open that door for someone, whether you are a man or woman. Help someone load something in the car. Take a cart inside someone just finished using. Saving them time, putting it away while giving you a cart you may need on the way in. Simple jesters of kindness can go a long way.
Even a simple smile, which may seem impossible on those harder stressful days, can help others as well as yourself. We craved those smiles for so long, now that we can see them - show them!
Kindness may not be the cure all, but it certainly helps. How? By letting others know, no matter who they are, they matter. They are not alone.