5 minute read
with unstoppable passion.
You have the power to live from limitless possibilities. You can channel the power you need to attract abundance. This woman in chains was one of the lessons that built my SuperCORE Program for Leadership. was being psychically attacked by her neighbor, an evil man with very dark energy. She felt energetically violated and unsafe. She felt controlled, frozen in her pain, and trapped in the darkness. A space that I could relate to.
It will require activating the energy of your feminine power. She found me somehow. I believe someone, somewhere had told her I could help her.
She entered my office fully wrapped
In order to get the full scope of this unstoppable message, rewind with me to the year 2001 and my business operations…...
I was a new mom, a new doctor, delivering a new age healing technique in a very conservative town.
I relied on referrals, word of mouth, and occasionally an advertisement in the local paper.
In order to grow my business I had to network, make immediate connections. I learned quickly that in order to make money I needed to be open, caring, and non-judgemental. I truly believed in naturally attracting the clients that would help me grow a transformational business. I opened myself to the power of the universe and learned to receive higher source guidance. I became a very spiritually driven business leader.
With my open attitude, the universe would usher in new lessons, experiences that have contributed to the programs I use to guide women to expand business, increase money making power, and lead from her shoulders to her ankles in industrial sized chains connected with padlocks, and no keys. Her pelvic area was the most protected area.
I quickly ushered her into a private room and with a deep breath we were on our way into discussing her dilemma.
I asked “why the chains?”
She informed me that the intense fear of a dark energetic attacker had caused her to protect herself with heavy metal chains. She shared with me that she As with many of the women I have worked with over the years, the woman in chains had limited resources and felt that she could not move away from him.
She believed that she had no way to protect herself.
Many thoughts raced through my mind. “Had she been chained by this man in her past lives?” “Was the torture a real representation of the trauma she had once felt as a child?”
In this clinical moment, as with many, I had to learn quickly how to hold sacred space and look for a solution to the restriction of feminine power.
The woman in chains represents many of the energetic and physical cases I have worked with over the years. I realized many years later that a fast way out of the darkness of fear and control is through channeling a higher energy.
Women have been through alot of historical pain, domination, and control. We have fears that hold us captive. The unstoppable woman can break this cycle through a higher vibrational energy channeled in the body through breath, intuition, and movement.

generated through your core wants to break you free you from your limitations. It is what I like to call expansionary energy and this energy will break you free from pain and suffering once you learn how to build your Core Intelligence (CQ).
Releasing the pain and torment can set you free forever! And it will open doorways of possibility.
The woman in chains came to me because I believed I could help her. I knew that she could shift her perspective and begin to manifest a new life, free from the darkness of torment and pain.
I was the light. I held the light that the woman in chains needed to protect herself. I now know women need to channel the higher vibrational light.
The protection she wanted was something we now teach in SuperCORE classes. The classes and sessions are designed to guide women to build transformative energy that releases the negative and generates positive energy.
SuperCORE will re-ignite that spark of vital life force energy within you and will help you begin to channel the light, open to new intuitive guidance, empower your actions, and download higher self information. Every SuperCORE technique is scientifically designed to reboot your nervous system, stimulate your metabolic fire, and strengthen and condition your body and mind from the inside out. The techniques build on each other to create an overall strategy that stacks results when practiced regularly. As you build the core transformer you will begin to break free from the heaviness of your past, break free from fear, and step courageously into your future success and prosperity.
In order to break free, the darkness and low vibration needs to be transmuted. Your beliefs need to be changed. Your vision can become expansionary and you can begin to see, feel and use your higher self guidance for your advantage. And, you must be willing to use the keys, unlock your chains, and set yourself free!
The moral of this real story: You own the keys to your freedom. You can set yourself free from the chains holding you back. To get there, to move into expansion, you will need to begin to move the stagnant and stuck energy, shift into a new vibration and embrace your inner power to transform and break free!
Ask yourself, what will it take for you to break free?
Dr. Pam Denton leads regular classes in SuperCORE to help women build core intelligence. Her visionary energy medicine has guided thousands of women to cross over from fear into empowered action. For more on Dr. Pam visit www.drpamdenton.com and www.supercorefit.com