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Recently, I was target on social media “Dr. Benson Reid needs to be asked about teaching Critical Race Theory within our K-12 schools. She is very much into equity within the schools and training projects. I’m all for diversity but not teaching children that the color of their skin makes them immoral, indoctrination.”


As we grapple with how to respond, we must first understand now is the time to design our new normal and if hearing diversity, equity and inclusion causes you to think in terms of Black vs White perhaps you are the real problem.

When it comes to designing workspaces, let’s be intentional about cultivating organizations that are diverse and all inclusive, for those who are less informed, this is not Critical Race Theory. Creating environments that embrace people from diverse backgrounds and situations is a complicated process that requires broad thinking and deliberate actions; at minimum, these environments need to foster an understanding of local, regional, national and global cultural and social conditions (ageism, ableism, sexism, racism, etc.).


The S.E.L.E.C.T. Diversity and Inclusion Method was designed to address these needs. The S.E.L.E.C.T. Method identifies strategies for creating environments that promote connection, compassion and community. These S.E.L.E.C.T. institutions prioritize the well-being


of members of the organization. Furthermore, environments that promote connection, compassion and community are able to confront crises with innovative solutions and diverse perspectives. Settings that adopt this method adjust to changes in the economy and the environment and are able to recover from unforeseen situations. When organizations are motivated by connection, compassion and community, the outcomes benefit everyone. This leads to solving problems constructively and collectively. The S.E.L.E.C.T. Method (Social Awareness, Equity Advancement, Leadership Development, Employee Retention, Cultural Receptiveness and Team Dynamics) emphasizes the importance of relationship building, authentic communication, skill acquisition and collective inclusion.


Social Awareness allows people to view and comprehend the perspectives of others, despite differences. Being socially aware encourages and empathetic view of people who represent diverse backgrounds and situations. Professional, it promotes understanding and compassion among members of the organization. Understanding the social conditions of others fosters inclusiveness, responsibility and emotional intelligence. This allows members of the organization to constructively communicate as they pay attention to body language and listen with intent. In this manner, socially aware people become advocates for one another, thus enhancing collaboration and compassion.


Equity is the assurance of being treated fairly, access to opportunities, and advancement for all people, while working to recognize and get rid of obstacles that prevent people from diverse backgrounds and situations to fully participate in any organizations. Equitable learning and advancement is one way of making sure that people form various backgrounds are included and supported in the organization. Equity advancement encourages connection, compassion and community in the organization by applying the full capability of human creativity, talent, and innovation needed to drive education, research, and service, which sustain the institution.

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership Development, now more than ever, must be teamdriven rather than individual driven. Leadership development focuses on creating leaders who emphasize collaboration, adjust to situations, share decision-making and appreciate the knowledge and abilities of their coworkers. Leadership development reinforces bonds between workers by acknowledging the value and perspective of each team member, which leads to understanding and inclusiveness. With this dynamics, leaders motivate and inspire team members and thus promote the growth of other leaders in the organization. This ultimately

“, I would also like to say, if hearing diversity, equity and inclusion causes you to think in terms of black vs white perhaps you are the real problem.”

y increases employee retention and promotes an organizational culture where communication, innovation and creativity are key. Leadership development ensures that leaders of a team are equipped with the entrepreneurial, social and cultural tools necessary for self-efficacy and increased productivity in an ever-changing and diverse business environment.


Employee retention is when employees choose to continue working with their current company and do not intentionally look for other employment opportunities.

Benefits to employee retention include decreased spending on new-hire training / development and increased productivity. Employee retention promotes connections and collaboration by minimizing high turnover rates and encouraging work place relationships, which allows the organization to be more attentive to product and service delivery. Creating an organizational climate that values employees improves retention and therefore advances the organization.


Relationship building, whether with employees, customer and or community; is key to the success of an organization. As the world becomes more diverse, building relationships has become more challenging, but more vital. Cultural receptiveness provides the base for accepting and understanding people from diverse backgrounds and situations. It promotes empathetic and active listening, acceptance and respect for cultural differences through

perception. Culturally receptive companies create policies that promote diversity and inclusion, and train their employees to develop cultural competency skills. When employees are culturally competent, they form better relationships within the organization, which leads to increased efficiency and employee retention. Cultural receptiveness promotes collaboration, creativity and innovation, which ultimately offers the company a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.


Team Dynamics is the unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction of a team’s behavior and performance.

Teams bring people with diverse skills, perspectives and experiences together to create ideas, innovations and strategies.

The dynamics in teams are created by personalities and interactions, which grow and evolve over time. Teams with positive group dynamics tends to have team members who trust each other and are accountable to one another; they tend to operate as a single unit. Effective team dynamics are vital to the growth and development of the organization.


For the person who questions my work and my motives, I hope this offers a greater understanding.

Furthermore, I would also like to say, if hearing diversity, equity and inclusion causes you to think in terms of black vs white perhaps you are the real problem.

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