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Dear Camille… Lately, after going through the pandemic and all that has transpired in our world, I difficult to function, and find myself wanting to just give up on my dreams and am in fear of having a mental health break down. I have found that my new motivation is to set my expectations lower and then surprise myself if we are able to achieve some thing better and higher. I am looking to find out if you have any other advice that could help everyone else going through this pandemic. I have found myself wanting to give up like so many others during these trying times and am hoping you have some words of wisdom for all of us.

It’s nice that we’re able to get out of the house more, however, now we’ve all grown accustomed to working out of our home and don’t want to go back to offices. I’ve always wanted to build my own business and find a husband and now it seems further away than ever before! What suggestions do you have for living a better life?

Feeling hopeless, dreaming of better days from New York

Dear Dreaming of better days in New York, Our world has always been in a pandemic. It just looked different before and it had different characteristics to it. Now that the things that were going on behind the scenes have come to the forefront, all of us need to deal with the issues and problem solve as a nation and as a world! They say that we are always in a crisis, or coming out of a crisis, or going into a crisis in life. The first crisis starts when we are born and having to be fed and held, and taken care of by someone else. Then next, is that we have to be able to learn how to walk and talk and to feed ourselves as a toddlerand then to learn how to get on a school bus and go to school. These crisis affect both the parents and children. The next one goes to having to deal with all of the different personalities in the school building and having to figure out how to graduate and what you’re going to do next for either school or a job. Then we must decide how to

have our own housing and pay our own bills, all while still feeding ourselves. And another one is to figure out who to be properly dating that is right for you. The list goes on and on as we grow. It’s a continual journey of one crisis to the next crisis.

Now we could also list a huge amount of crisis’s in the last century globally as far as political and human rights and people being harmed by dictators and unjust policies that hurt the underdog. There are so many crimes against humanity to be aware of.

With the internet and social media, they have become circumstances that is open to everyone. Previously, we all had our head in the sand about a lot of things that were going on that we did not know about in the world, or care to find out about sadly. This is the “awareness age” for us to all to become consciously aware and self-aware, plus also be able to be function in the world in which we live. So with that said, to choose to knowingly set your expectations low is absolutely ridiculous and will get us nowhere in life except to create more problems, more crimes and horrible devastation! That’s basically like trying to live for the worst case scenario and us living for that is a recipe for disaster.

Let it be well noted that if we are focused on the “worst case scenario”, and are busy setting our expectations low, we will always live our “worst case scenario lives!” Instead, why don’t you set your expectations high, expect the best, and reset expectations as needed. Then expect the very best again and repeat this process if needed. You have the ability and chance to live your best life! It is not helpful in pursuit of empowering yourself or others to set the bar low and hope for the best. Instead, set the bar high and expect the best and repeat as often as necessary on your sacred and holy journey of co-creating your life’s miracles with the Divine. Then you can create and live multiple miracles and successes in your life!! There is a reason why some

“Let it be well noted that if we are focused on the “worst case scenario”, and are busy setting our expectations low, we will always live our “worst case scenario lives!”

“Let it be well noted that if we are focused on the “worst case scenario”, and are busy setting our expectations low, we will always live our “worst case scenario lives!”

“Miracles happen everyday and we must reach for and expect a miracle in order to receive and create one.”

people are constantly winning! You can set yourself up for success or failure, which do you choose? Be okay that timing might be off and you need to reset your goals. Don’t be a sore loser and need to set low expectations so you never feel failure. Use each perceived failure as a stepping stone to your success like everyone else that’s succeeding at achievingtheir goals!

Miracles happen everyday and we must reach for and expect a miracle in order to receive and create one. Either get busy winning, or get busy failing. I know which one I choose! And if you are busy failing and you don’t want to anymore, then stop the madness and start focusing on all the positives. Miracle’s are achieved for those who are willing to allow themselves’s to 100% believe and expect them in divine order and timing. Command and demand your timing and let God support you in the timing that is best for you and all parties involved. Have faith and trust in the process of success.

DO NOT judge yourself or your worthiness and deserving factor if something doesn’t happen when you request, command, claim or demand it. However, know that “Divine Timing” is the best timing and you do not always know when that is. You can certainly command and demand your attaining and expect the best and start over again if need be until it all falls into place for you. Allow it to fall into place instead of creating obstacles by having a mindset of not letting yourself down because you set your expectations too high. box, and sabotage your success in life by setting worst case scenario or (low) expectations! Only focus on your best case scenario and then work both hard and smart to co-create and achieve them. We are all born winners! Now, get busy and execute your “Divine Power” and mainfest the gifts and abilities within you of pure faith and belief, which cocreates your miracles in life.

Please send me an email if you have any questions on this, or if you would like to write to Camille to camille@camilleconti.com.

In Divine Success, Love & Joy Camille Conti www.CamilleConti.com

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