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Small business owners at times wear many hats or in some cases, they feel as though they do. It can be hard giving up control or having others do things that you’re capable of doing. Sometimes small business owners may feel as though they’re the only ones that can get the job done. Running a business requires taking on many tasks and responsibilities. In many cases, it can be overwhelming, and you may need support daily. As a business grows, it may require greater efforts to help support this growth. This means that you may need to acquire new resources to avoid overloading yourself and to help keep your business on track. Of course, delegation can come at a cost, especially if you don’t have a big team to rely on. But affordable delegation is a real thing. Let’s take a look at how to make it work.

Before you delegate review your tasks and make a list. What do you love doing? What do you need help with? What do you hate doing? Then categorize your list into two, what you should be doing and what you take off your plate. Now that you have an idea of what your tasks are, don’t overthink and get stuck on the idea of not having enough work to delegate. Focus on the small things. Start by breaking down tasks into smaller steps. A great example would be if you’re responsible for sales you can have someone do lead generation. They don’t have to do the sales presentation.

Another thing to consider before delegating and handing off your responsibilities, is to check to see if your current process is documented? That’s right, block out time to write out your tasks and break them down by each step. Make sure they are easy to understand and follow. This will make delegating a smooth transition when building a team. Now that you have a clear understanding of your tasks, you will be able to know what to delegate and who to delegate to.

A good rule of thumb would be to focus on your strengths and outsource your weaknesses. After combing through the task list find someone either within your business to hand off some of those responsibilities or find a company to outsource to. If you are like me, time is something you never seem to have enough of. It rules my calendar and my day whether it’s a workday or a weekend. When you own a business it’s no different.

For each thing you cross off your list there are at least ten more behind it that needs to be done. That is one of the reasons delegating is good for your business. Delegating allows you to finish more jobs in a shorter period of time. Therefore, it saves time to be used on other work projects or on more enjoyable activities, such as spending it with your family or friends.

Remember to be flexible. Delegation is an ongoing process. You can’t simply choose a task, find a person to do it and then let it go. That’s a recipe for chaos rather than healthy business growth. As you hand off responsibilities, you’ll want to plan for any necessary follow-ups with your employees and stay open to coaching or making changes that are needed. It’s important to create clear channels of communication so you can see how people are adapting to their new tasks. This allows you to assess their work, provide constructive feedback, and set them up for a successful transition.

Whenever I assign a task to an employee, I schedule regular checkins and use email, direct messaging, in-person, and other communication methods. We touch base on progress toward project milestones and work together to determine whether they need any additional resources or insight from me. Another good tool to communicate and to stay on track is to use a project management tool, like Asana, Monday.com, or Trello.

It’s true that business owners have many different hats to wear as they manage their businesses. However, in order to be the most effective and make the best profits, they should consider delegating tasks that don’t need their personal attention.

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“However, in order to be the most effective and make the best profits, they should consider delegating tasks that don’t need their personal attention.”

your team for one-time projects or long-term engagements, we bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. We hope these tips were helpful. Get in touch with us today at 585484-0038 or visit us online at www. conversance.biz to find out more about the ways in which our team can help you.






Ask a simple question, and you may expect a simple answer. But when I asked my Facebook community, “What does Love Mean to You?” the answers that rolled in spanned from a single word to a commentary.

It was a beautiful revelation of the meaning of love, and how it relates to each of us differently. I imagine this may depend on our life stories, past and present relationships, how we were raised. come up with a word, words, or phrase to describe it. When you’re ready, open your eyes, trusting that regardless of any given situation, you can always access this peaceful feeling. You can even use the description that came to you to bring it forth. This is what my beautiful friends had to say.

Holly Delgaudio It is everything

Andy Willoughby Hard to explain how it feels when my children and my grandchildren hug me

There’s a beautiful meditation that opens your heart to the essence of love. You can try it now, if you’d like.


Typically when I engage in this exercise, an image of my adorable dog appears with his big brown eyes smiling at me with such love and playfulness. I can’t

Begin by focusing on your heart chakra located in the center of your chest. This is the seat of compassion and loving kindness.

Take several deep breaths into this space, imagining a glowing light or star within. This begins the process of warming up the love within you!

Now think of a person, place, or thing that makes you smile. Something that truly warms your heart, and makes you happy.

Continue breathing into your heart chakra, now with the image of your inspiration, and allow the energy of love to expand throughout your being. Let it bring a smile to your face. help but smile and feel loved.

For me, the meaning of love is being connected. Knowing when your loved one is hungry, and making the time to feed them. And having this sense of knowing reciprocated. When I’m tired or feeling down, my dog knows. He jumps up next to me and snuggles. He licks my face and stays by my side. Josie Estill It means feeling completely safe with and cherished by my husband. And also feeling compassion and caring towards others …. This covers SO much ….

Janine Muehleisen LOVE is an opening of hearts to the Universe and everyone and everything in it, regardless of whether it is good or bad, because it can bring more love and light into existence for all of us to share in and benefit from.

To close our hearts for any reason diminishes our capacity to change the world for better. If we can raise the energy of even the darkest of people or situations just by being the light and the love that we are meant to be, we become our greatest of purposes for existing upon the Earth.

If we close ourselves off to those things that make us cringe, we are denying our blessing to the world, and selfishly protecting ourselves by ignoring what we don’t care to face and stepping back from the harder task of raising up the beings and situations most in need of uplifting and healing.

““What does Love Mean to You?” the answers that rolled in spanned from a single word to a commentary.”

Love and Light bearers are here to heal the world, not to ignore what we find distasteful. We are warriors for the salvation of All. Let US be LOVE!!!!!!!!

Nancy Houck It’s funny you asked….. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. One aspect of love that I recognize that keep the days rolling by is commitment. For feelings to stick I need commitment to someone and from someone.

Linda Fulleda Wow, what a question.

It’s a feeling of warmth security and confidence that I’d like to give to my close people and to have it reciprocated. The knowledge that there is nothing that can’t be said or shared, appreciation of each other and of the beauty around us, to not take any of it for granted.

It’s almost a warm and energetic, internal feeling that you hope radiates outwardly to the people you care about and maybe radiates so much so that others pick it up, and it spreads.

Lori Ventura Gordon You don’t say love, you feel love Chris Cook Never having to say you’re sorry? (I never understood that, did you?)

Charla Kucko Unconditional, hopeful, compassionate, genuine, eternal

Andrea LiquidArt Caring and loyalty

Dave Kaspersin speciallady.net

Candy Bernhard Love is like your best fitting jeans

Timothy Morris Listening else’s well being.. Wanting the best for them… Without an expectation..

Timothy Corbett It means I’ll always have a reason to smile and never feel alone

Sherri Longyear Staying connected

Lisa Calabresi Never ending forgiveness. Lifetime endurance and trying to understand and learn. Always giving your best, even when falling short, everyday is new.

Velvet Spicer Trust, above all else

Paul J Green Caring deeply

Ask yourself what love means to you, and bring it into every aspect of your life.

Alana Cahoon is a Mindfulness Coach, Founder of Grow 2 B U, and author of Mindfulness, Mantras & Meditations: 55 Inspirational Practices to Soothe the Mind, Body & Soul


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