5 minute read
There’s something magical about holiday cookies. The festive colors, the delightful shapes, and the delicious variety of tastes!
From the moment you set your eyes upon these treats the holiday spirit within you is stirred. And with that first bite, your favorite Christmas carol awakens from the corners of your mind. Before you know it you’re singing.
I asked my friends if they baked their own holiday cookies. I received a resounding ‘Yes!’ I’m with your brother’s girlfriend, David! My mother used to make anise bars before they became a trendy (and pricy) coffee companion. They remind me of a strong apéritif like Pernod but everyone I know loves them.
Lisa Kay Moore’s favorites are lemon rosemary macaroons, followed by peanut butter balls, and matcha palmiers.
I had to look up matcha palmiers. They’re made with matcha tea! In a puff pastry. These are definitely on my ‘try out’ list.
I was surprised by the vast array they shared, from lemon rosemary macaroons to classic cut-outs.
I think I will pass on the lemon rosemary macaroons, Lisa but will definitely look up a peanut butter ball recipe! Yum.
I thought I knew every variety of holiday cookie that was out there. After all, I was raised in an Italian family, where trays of cookies were revered before being devoured!
But when I asked my friends if they knew of any healthy alternatives to the sugar and butter laden cookies, I received hilarious responses.
Here they are. Forbidden recipes may stay forever hidden within the family tree. But most of these recipes can be found online. Add your own magical touch with a hint of lemon or almond or even, dare I say, anise.
Classic Cookies for the Holidays
David Gottfried bakes cut out cookies for the holidays. “I use anise, of course! In the frosting too… Much to the chagrin of my brother’s GF who hates that flavor. LOL” Carolyn Clarke Drotar bakes pumpkin dog cookies (what???), oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodles, and fudge.
It appears that Carolyn bakes tasty treats for her dog! She also bakes cherry pie for her husband. I wonder if she would make you your favorite dessert?
Susie Wells bakes Italian Christmas cookies that are “simple drop cookies made with ricotta cheese, frosted with colored pareils”. She even shared the recipe: www.cookingclassy.com/Italianricotta-cookies.com. Susie also bakes fruit cake minis. BTW, she is an amazing cook! Her curried chicken is scrumptious!
Jane Hart makes star cutouts, fluffy fudgies, and … Italian ricotta cookies. I may have to try these out myself. Elizabeth Ingham’s favorite is “Krumkake (pronounced KROOM-ka-kah), a Norwegian cookie like a lighter pizzelle flavored with cardamom. You can find the recipe at Allrecipes.com.
Mary Wray likes to bake “magic cookie bars, snowball cookies, and her mom‘s chocolate fudge pie” Her magic cookie bars are topped with coconut flakes.
Are you getting in the spirit now? I am!
Geri Billotti-Van Auker also makes cut out cookies and ricotta meatball cookies made with cocoa raisin nuts, and mini chocolate chips. And yes. They look like meatballs! She also makes lemon drops.
Thomas Wiegand likes to bake chocolate oatmeal, oatmeal chocolate chip, Chinese cookies, and spritz cookies plus Congo squares and peanut brittle.
Is that all Tom? I think there’s room for at least five more cookies on your list!
Deborah Pearce makes a lot of cookies for the holidays including “lemon ricotta, cuccidati, thumbprint, cut outs, and Strufoli”. These might be available in your favorite Italian recipe book!
Healthy Alternatives
I myself do my best to avoid processed foods like white sugar and gluten as well as dairy products. Although I’m not allergic to these foods, I am sensitive. It’s called a ‘gluten and dairy intolerance’.
When I eliminate these food products from my diet, I feel better, and have no problem maintaining a healthy weight. Something to consider. Maybe not during the holidays! But throughout the year.
So when I asked my friends what healthy alternatives you had in your pocket for holiday cookies, these are the responses I received. to eat them, just look at them.
Jane Hart says “There are some great vegan cookie recipes online!” keto cookies and keto oreos. “Don’t know if these are any good but you can try them and see.” Both recipes can be found at delish.com.
Thomas Wiegand “They’re all healthy aren’t they?” ….no I guess we’ll have to start looking!
Lynette Siverling says that “cookies are my life and honestly there’s no cookie I don’t like. I’ve never thought about a truly healthy one.“ Patti Goodkind suggested “peanut butter” cookies.
Geri Billotti-Van Acker “Oatmeal raisin?”
Maybe, Geri. I just made a batch and they’re typically loaded with sugar and butter. I substituted the white sugar with agave syrup and it was a delicious alternative!
Marianne Humphrey Schreyer “No.” Haha
Susie Wells “Haha - reindeer grass. Actually, meringue cookies are low calorie and have a small amount of sugar.” Take a look at ‘Best Meringue Cookie RecipeTasting Table. Hmm, maybe Patti. Simply leave out the sugar and butter!
Wendy J Jones suggested “keto maybe”
And Pat Mutolo shared that she no longer bakes but thought that a healthy alternative cookie might be “yes, celery”
Thanks Pat! I’m going to soak celery stalks in a glass of agave and will let you know how they taste!
My favorites? Chocolate Chip cookies hands down, all year round!
I wonder, Susie, if reindeer grass would be sweet to eat? And if it could make you fly! It’s time to think about healthy cookies! If not now in January.
Debbie Federico “Grapes? LOL” Happy holidays everyone! Here’s to experiencing the joyful spirit within and without! Sugar or sugar-free.
Charlene Duryea shared an image of gingerbread cookies, “Framed print. Looks Delicious & Calorie Free!” Have you ever seen the sugar coated grapes? They look like ornaments. Extraordinarily sweet to eat. Alana Cahoon is a mindfulness coach, holistic healer, and author of Mindfulness, Mantras & Meditations and Meditation Made Simple both available on Amazon.