Provider combined

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2017 - 2018



Chapelle Leadership Team Leila Benoit Principal


Susan Chocheles Panzavecchia '90 Assistant Principal Katie Robinson Dean of Students Michelle Lambert Director of Finance Megan Boudreau Caire '03 Director of Campus Ministry Jessica DeCorte Reeg '00 Director of Counseling Dale LaCour Director of Athletics Connie Leggio Dantagnan '88 Director of Advancement Pam Ottesen Kennedy '87 Director of Alumnae Emily Radcliffe '11 Director of Admissions Kelli Gatti George '10 Director of Special Events

Alumnae Board Members Donna Martiny Clement '76 President Tiffany Markey Truxillo '97 Vice President Kay Quigley Dussouy ‘99 Secretary

Principal Message Alumna of the Year Deus Providebit Award

3 4 5

CAMPUS LIFE 6 10 11 12 13

Class of 2017 Graduation Class of 2018 Ring Mass Notable Students Chips in Action Future Chips

ANNUAL REPORT 14 18 19 20 21 22

2016-2017 Annual Report Statement of Financial Activities Endowed Scholarships Chip in for Chapelle Campaign Leadership Society Emerald Gala

ALUMNAE RELATIONS 24 Alumnae Events & Upcoming 26 Legacy Mass 27 In Memorandum 28 Save the Date

Emily Boudreaux '09 Historian/Public Relations


Alumnae Board Members At Large Erin Vezina Caruso ‘81 Angelina Christina ‘81 Danna Spatafora Davis ‘82 Shari Schiro DeVille ‘83 Bonnie Perkins Jones ‘75 Victoria Calamari Lombard ‘87 Becky Gilberti Ruppert ‘86 Judy Golemi Spadafora ‘66 Laurie Romeo White ‘81 Cindy Schule Wooderson ‘80 Gina Schiro Woolley ‘88


The Provider is a publication of Archbishop Chapelle High School. The purpose of the magazine is to strengthen the connection between the school, alumni, parents and constituents: to cultivate community support for assisting Chapelle in its operation and advancement; and to recognize and thank supporters. The Provider Design Kelly Claverie ‘99

To update your contact information or submit content for upcoming editions,

please contact Pam Kennedy ‘87, Director of Alumnae: | 504.467.3105


Message From the Principal Dear Parents, Grandparents, Alumnae, and Friends of Chapelle, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for helping to make Chapelle what it is today. We have made incredible strides and continue to set the bar high in all that we do and when we see the smiles on our girls' faces each and every day we know it is so well worth it. The young women of Chapelle are the new generation and will undoubtedly go on to do great things, and I thank you for your continued support in helping our students to grow in every way that they can. As we face the challenges of an increasingly secular society, it remains our top priority to provide meaningful opportunities for our students to grow in their faith. We strive every day to live out our motto Deus Providebit, God Will Provide, and this is evident in the hallways, classrooms, athletic fields, and everywhere in between. Through our faith based educational program, our young women demonstrate a genuineness that is refreshing and inspiring. Recently as I was speaking with the parent of an incoming 8th grader, I was moved deeply by one of the best compliments that I believe we could ever receive. He said that he and his family had attended almost every admissions event in the past couple years, and every single time he was on campus he noticed that everyone was incredibly genuine and inviting. “You just can't fake that,” he remarked, “especially when we've been here so many times.” This was confirmation of what I already know is true – we are incredibly blessed to be surrounded with such amazing young women and a phenomenal group of professionals who are dedicated to the spiritual, academic, and social development of our students. g

The future is looking bright for Chapelle. Applicants for next year's incoming 8th grade class are up almost 20% from this time last year. New rigorous course offerings are being added to our already challenging academic curriculum. We continue to seek out the most qualified teachers so our students can be academically prepared for the best college programs around. Our STEM program is growing and we are looking at the newest and most innovative ways to incorporate technology into the classrooms. Our students are excelling in incredible ways in and out of the classroom, bringing home numerous accolades including local and statewide awards and championships. Student life is booming in all areas and our students will surely tell you that it's a great time to be a chipmunk!

Through our faith based educational program, our young women demonstrate a genuineness that is refreshing and inspiring.


Our physical plant continues to receive much needed upgrades. We have recently completed the installation of a new HVAC system in our main building, a new roof for our gymnasium, and renovations of the downstairs of the English building. We still have many projects to complete, but are in the process of assessing our greatest needs and prioritizing accordingly. If you haven't been to campus this year, we invite you to come see the difference! As we look toward the future we are embarking upon a strategic planning process and have developed committees consisting of various stakeholder groups that are assessing our needs for the next five years. We are looking at areas of Catholic Identity/Mission, Academics, Student Life, Advancement, Finance, and Facilities. Our stakeholders have many wonderful ideas and we are looking forward to finalizing and implementing the plan. Once again, I thank you for your support of Archbishop Chapelle High School. Whether you give of your time, treasure, or talent, please know that these gifts do not go unnoticed. We could not daily strive to fulfill our mission if not for you. Rest assured that you are in our daily prayers and we ask that you keep us in yours as we embark upon the many wonderful things to come!

Remembering Deus Providebit,






Yve e Vezina LaCour ‘85

Yvette has been married to Gregory LaCour for 22 years and they are the proud parents of five children: Patrick, Teresa, class of 2017, Matthew, Luke and Jude. Yvette has worked as the Director of Development at Notre Dame Seminary since the position was established in 2010. Yvette oversees the Seminary's successful advancement program, which includes several annual fundraising events; volunteer, donor and alumni relations; and grant writing and major gifts. Yvette comments, “I have the very best job in the world! I work with incredible priests, faculty, fellow staff members and volunteers who are all committed to the Seminary's mission of forming the future priests of our Church!” In her capacity as Development Director, Yvette also serves as a member of the Archdiocesan Development Committee. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Her previous work experience includes six years on the Administrative Team at Archbishop Chapelle High School as Campus Minister and then as the Admissions Director. Yvette is a member of Catholic Women in Action, a committee of the Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. She is also a board member for the non-profit Louisiana Youth Seminar (LYS), a high school leadership program that trains over 300 of Louisiana's best and brightest student leaders each summer. She previously served LYS as a volunteer staff member for ten years in various capacities, including Program Director, Assistant Program Director, and as a member of the Gregory LaCour and Yvette Vezina LaCour ‘85 with daughter Teresa LaCour ‘17

Executive Committee. Yvette, Greg and their children are active members of St. Clement of Rome Parish. Yvette served two terms on the School Advisory Board at St. Clement of Rome and a term on the Pastoral Council for the parish. She also served for many years as the morning captain of the St. Clement of Rome Adoration Chapel. As a parent volunteer at Chapelle, Yvette served on the Advisory Board and the Parent's Fund Drive Committee. She is presently serving on Chapelle's Strategic Planning Committee. Yvette has given countless hours in many capacities at all of the schools her children attend or have attended--Archbishop Chapelle High School, Jesuit High School, Christian Brothers, and St. Clement of

Yvette Vezina LaCour, the 2018 Alumna of the Year, is a 1985 graduate and a former Chapelle administrator and parent. Yvette received her B.A. from Loyola University of New Orleans in 1989 and her M.Ed. from the University of Vermont in 1991.

Rome. In recognition of their service to the Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Yvette and Greg received the Order of St. Louis IX Medallion in 2016. Yvette is the sister of Erin Vezina Caruso '81, Maura Vezina Owers '82, sister-in-law of Ronda Estrada Vezina '88, and aunt of Elizabeth Owers '10, and Catherine Owers '12.




I am very honored to be named the 2018 Alumna

of the Year. I loved my time as a both a student

and an administrator at Chapelle and treasure

the memories and f riendships made during

those years. I was thrilled when our only daughter,

Teresa (' 17) chose to continue our family's tradition

and attend Chapelle.”

Erin Vezina Caruso ‘81, Yvette Vezina LaCour ‘85, Nel Vezina and Maura Vezina Owers '82

YVETTE VEZINA LACOUR ‘85 2018 Alumna of the Year


Wayne & Kay Bacino Both natives of New Orleans, Kay and Wayne's 36 years of marriage have been focused on their Catholic faith and giving back to their community. They are parishioners of Divine Mercy Parish, and have been active in the Chapelle community since 1990. Wayne served on the Chapelle school board from 1991-1994, Kay served on the Parents' Club board from 19901994, and Wayne and Kay served as Co-Presidents of the Parents' Club from 1994-1995. Kay and Wayne Bacino have four children. Their three daughters attended Chapelle, Lori '92, Tami 95' and Toni '95. Their son Robby is a graduate of Archbishop Rummel High School, class of 1997. Wayne's son, Wayne Jr. is deceased. Together, they have six grandchildren. Joshua, Justin, Connor, Lynsey, Kimberly, and Madison. Granddaughter Madison Brayton is a

member of the 2018 Class at Chapelle. Wayne Bacino, Kay Bacino, and Principal Leila Beniot

Archbishop Chapelle is not only a school but a family. We

have experienced this notion when our daughters attended

Chapelle, and continue to experience Chapelle's family atmosphere

since our granddaughter began her time here. The students are in

excellent hands with the administration, faculty, and staff.

Academically, morally, and spiritually, Chapelle provides the

groundwork in preparing our girls to become the best they can be. I

have seen first hand how everyone at Chapelle truly cares for one

another and how eager and available they are to help not only the

students, but anyone who is in need. Most importantly, the focus is

on God first, then all other things will fall into place. God Will Provide. We are truly blessed to be a part of Chapelle and we are so proud to call Chapelle “Our school, Our family.”


2018 Deus Providebit Award Recipients

Kay attended Academy of Holy Angels and Nicholls State University. Kay was a Library aide at St. Ann School, and was an active volunteer at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, working in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton library and serving as a Treasurer of the Grandparents Club. Kay continues to serve the Chapelle community as Treasurer of the Grandparents Club. Kay serves on multiple committees for Chapelle, volunteers for the St. Joseph's altar and in the Chapelle Bookstore, and serves as Liaison between the Chapelle Parents Club and Grandparents Boards. Wayne attended Jesuit High School, Loyola University, and the University of New Orleans. Wayne served the United States Army in the Vietnam War. Wayne worked for the Internal Revenue Service and is a CPA, and is a past treasurer of the Internal Revenue Federal Credit Union. Both Kay and Wayne served as Coordinators for the Sacrament of Baptism at the Nativity of Our Lord Parish.




Chapelle Honors the Class of 2017 On May 19, 2017, Archbishop Chapelle High School celebrated its 52nd Commencement Ceremony at the historic Saenger Theatre in New Orleans, awarding diplomas to the graduating seniors and welcoming the Class of 2017 to the family of Chapelle Alumnae. The festivities began the previous day with Baccalaureate Mass held at Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Kenner, Louisiana. During Liturgy, graduating Senior, Teresa Ann LaCour was named the Outstanding Catholic Student of the Year for the Class of 2017.

Cla of 2017 Scholarship Awards


Church's Chicken Community Scholarship, The Church's Partners Foundation

Flagship Scholars Resident Award, Louisiana State University Louisiana Tiger Legacy Excellence Scholarship, Louisiana State University

Presidential Award, Tulane University Tulane Alumni Donors Award, Tulane University Tulane Scholarship, Tulane University Valedictorian Scholarship, Tulane University

BRITTANY MARIE BEDRAN Academic Honor Scholarship, Nicholls State University Room And Board Scholarship, Nicholls State University

CASSIDY MCMAHON BETZ Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

HAILEÉ JULIANE BLOUNT Burger King Scholars Award, Burger King McLamore Foundation and GPS Hospitality New Orleans Elks Scholarship, New Orleans Elks Lodge #30 Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi Jump Scholars Book Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

BEATRIZ FERNANDES COELHO Dean's Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

KELLIE LYNN CONSTANTINE Academic Scholars Resident Award, Louisiana State University Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, Mississippi State University Non- Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University UA Scholarship, The University of Alabama Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

ANDREA MADELAINE CONVIT Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

MACKENZIE CIARA COX Academic Honor Scholarship, Nicholls State University Room and Board Scholarship, Nicholls State University Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University

FRANCESCA ROSE DEVILLE Carolyn Barron Memorial Scholarship, American All-Star Dean's Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Millsaps Presidential Scholarship, Millsaps College Republican Women's Club Essay Scholarship, The Republican Women's Club of Jefferson Parish

ELIZABETH LOUISE CALDWELL Distinguished Freshman Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

IRANNA DOMINIQUE CHARLES Aces Award, University of Louisiana at Monroe



Presidential Scholar Award, Spring Hill College Trustee's Scholarship, Trinity University UA Scholar Scholarship, The University of Alabama Trustee Scholarship, University of Dallas Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

Presidential Scholarship, The University of Tampa


Academically ranking at the top of the Class of 2017 were five Valedictorians. Each were presented with The Judy Golemi Spadafora Valedictorian Award.

Cla of 2017 Valedictorians




AMBER LEIGH DUPUIS Dean's Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

JESSICA LEIGH EPPLING Distinguished Freshman Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

DAISY MERCEDES ESQUIVAL Burger King Scholars Award, Burger King McLamore Foundation and GPS Hospitality

NINA MARIE FERNANDEZ Journalism I- Overall Winner Scholarship, Louisiana High School Rally Association

Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

TERESA ANN FIRMIN Founders Scholarship, Carthage College New Horizons Scholarship, Centre College Freshman Academic Excellence Scholarship, Mississippi State University

Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University Academic Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Partial Housing Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

AINSLEY MARIE FRAZIER Knights of Columbus Scholarship, Grand Knight St. Christopher Council 4508

Presidential Scholarship, The King's College Outstanding Student Scholarship, Louisiana Tech University

DESIREÉ CARRIE GALLIANO President's Honor Scholarship, Northwestern State University Citizenship Award, Spring Hill College Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College



LYNSEY CLAIRE GIARDINA Dean's Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Provost's Scholarship, University of Dallas Provost Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

HALEY ELIZABETH GLAZNER Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University

HANNAH MARIE GLYNN Dean's Scholarship, Centenary College of Louisiana Campus Visit Award, Centenary College of Louisiana Whitehead Scholarship, Centenary College of Louisiana Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Ignatian Leader Award, Spring Hill College Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

EMILY JIOMAR GODOY Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College

EMILY KATHLEEN GRAY Presidential Scholarship, Dean College

BAILEY CAROL ANNE GUIDRY Academic Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Housing Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette President's Scholarship, The University of New Orleans

DESTINEE ONJEL JEANPIERE Women's Track & Field Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Premiere Scholarship Award, AABE Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Chapter



Emerald Awards


During the Ceremony, Principal Leila Benoit presented Emerald Awards to students who have exhibited superior academic achievement in a particular subject area.

Teresa Ann Firmin Art Ashley Marie Livaccari Athletics Kate Montgomery Lorio English Francesca Rose DeVille Foreign Language Sarah Jane Aleman Mathematics Rachel Abigail Mata Music Madison Elizabeth Villa Religion Teresa Ann LaCour Science Kate Montgomery Lorio Social Studies

Cla of 2017 Scholarship Awards


Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Deans Scholarship, Ohio Northern University

ALYSSA ONDINA LEAL Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

MICHELLE ELIZABETH LEE Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University

TERESA ANN LACOUR Chancellor Scholarship, Franciscan University of Steubenville St. Michael Scholarship, Franciscan University of Steubenville Presidential Finalist Scholarship, St. Louis University Provost Scholarship, Texas Christian University Presidential Scholarship, The University of Alabama Departmental Scholarship in Music, University of Dallas Trustee Scholarship, University of Dallas University Scholarship, University of Notre Dame Villanova Scholarship, Villanova University

SAMANTHA GABRIELLE LESLIE Provost Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

KATE MONTGOMERY LORIO University Honors Scholarship, The Catholic University of America Founders Scholarship, Centre College Wilkins Scholarship, Sewanee: The University of the South Presidential Scholar Award, Spring Hill College

ASHLEY MARIE LIVACCARI American Italian Renaissance Foundation Scholarship, American Italian Renaissance Foundation

Portier Leader Award, Spring Hill College Distinguished Freshman Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

Academic Recognition Award, University of Louisiana at Monroe Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

NOUR NATALIE MAALOULI Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

KATELYN BROOKE MAGRI Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College

RACHEL ABIGAIL MATA Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

KELLI LYNNE MEJIA Academic Honor Scholarship, Nicholls State University Room and Board Scholarship, Nicholls State University

ALLISON MARGIE MONTERO Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

JESSICA MARIE MORAN Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

SOFIA ALEXANDRA MURILLO Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans

ERIN LORRAINE NASH Tiger Excellence Scholars Resident Award, Louisiana State University Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette President Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

ISLAM NASSAR Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Academic Scholarship, Xavier University of Louisiana

AMBER CLAIR NILLEN Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

MADYSEN LEIGH NORRA NSU Opportunity Award, Northwestern State University

CARLY MARIE PELAEZ Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

ALLI RENE PERILLOUX Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University

VICTORIA JOHANNA PIAZZA Dean's Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

MARY CECILIA POIRIER Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Distinguished Freshman Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette

Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans




In addition, the Archbishop Placide Louis Chapelle Outstanding Graduate Award was presented to Teresa Ann LaCour in recognition of her spiritual, academic, and social leadership accomplishments.

Congratulations Cla of 2017! MARY CECILIA POIRIER Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Distinguished Freshman Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

TY'RAH ALISABETH RAY Academic Scholarship, Belhaven University Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College

SAMANTHA SÁNCHEZ-PADRÓN Gautrelet Award, Spring Hill College Trustee Scholarship, Tiffin University

ISABEL MARY RODGERS Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University

MADISON MICHELLE SEDLOCK Provine Scholarship, Mississippi College NSU Award, Northwestern State University NSU Opportunity Award, Northwestern State University Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

MARGARET GRACE SHEPHERD Academic Scholars Resident Award, Louisiana State University Louisiana Tiger Legacy Excellence Scholarship, Louisiana State University

Presidential Scholarship, Oklahoma City University Academic Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Housing Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi


AYESHA TABASSUM Loyola Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Academic Scholarship, Xavier University of Louisiana Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

PAOLA ANDREA TEJEDA Academic Honor Scholarship, Nicholls State University Room and Board Scholarship, Nicholls State University

LINDSEY ELIZABETH TIZZARD Presidential Scholarship, The King's College Presidential Scholar Award, Spring Hill College Capstone Scholar Scholarship, The University of Alabama Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Mississippi Academic Excellence Non- Resident Scholarship, The University of Mississippi

LAUREN THAO TRA Dean Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Academic Recognition Award, University of Louisiana at Monroe

VICTORIA TUYET VU Academic Scholarship, Xavier University of Louisiana

SARAH ELIZABETH WAGUESPACK Dean's Scholarship, Loyola University New Orleans Provost Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans

ZIWEI WEI Tiger Excellence Resident Award, Louisiana State University University Scholars Award, Michigan State University Premier Scholar Award, Tulane University

Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Southern Mississippi

JAMIE LYNN SILCIO Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Centennial Scholarship, University of Louisiana Lafayette Provost Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans Academic Recognition Award, University of Louisiana at Monroe

KAYLA PATRICIA SMALL Provost Scholar Scholarship, Alcorn State University NSU Award, Northwestern State University NSU Opportunity Award, Northwestern State University

GRACE THERESA YOUNG Freshman Academic Scholarship, Mississippi State University Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship, Mississippi State University Academic Excellence Award, University of Louisiana at Monroe Academic Excellence Scholarship, The University of Mississippi Academic Excellence Non-Resident Scholarship, The University of Mississippi

Holmes Scholarship, The University of Mississippi

PATRICIA BLAKE ZAHN Honors Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Housing Scholarship, Southeastern Louisiana University Provost Scholarship Award, The University of New Orleans




Class of 2018 Continues Tradition Like their fellow alumna, the Class of 2018 embraced tradition by receiving their class rings in August 2017. In the picturesque setting of the St. Louis Cathedral and surrounded by family, the class presented their senior colors and ofďŹ cially joined the Alumnae Unity Candle. Members of the senior class received their class rings or Legacy rings passed down from their mothers, aunts, sisters or relatives who attended Chapelle. The Chapelle Faculty, student body and family in attendance celebrated with Liturgy and prayed for the future success of the Class of 2018.

Cla of 2018 Senior Cla Officers




Students of the Year 2017 - 2018 Congratulations to Senior Allison Southworth and Eighth Grader Madeline Vogt for being named the Archbishop Chapelle High School 2017-2018 Students of the Year. The Student of the Year Awards Program is designed to recognize outstanding elementary, middle, and high school student. Patterned after the Teacher of the Year Awards Program, the awards serve as an excellent opportunity to recognize those students who have demonstrated superb academic achievement, citizenship and leadership ability. Nominated by members of the Chapelle administration and faculty, both - and - exceed expectations in the classroom and community, including active participation in the Catholic Church, academic pursuits and extracurricular activities. ALLISON SOUTHWORTH ‘18





Archbishop Chapelle High School’s Gifted and Talented Program is designed to provide a student with the opportunity to complete a project in an area of interest or talent. Most often this is a project that would be done outside of class exploring areas such as dance, music, original artwork, research or writing a novel.

“The Beauty of Nature” by Lauren Timphony My project is centered around the outdoors and different landscapes you would see in nature. I used my artistic ability and creativity to paint five original works of art. This project led me to find my artistic style, where I brought forth a variety of new, different techniques in my work. I used many different mediums and techniques to make each painting unique works of art. I accomplished this by using a variety of colors for every painting, making each one appealing to the eye in contrasting ways. Nature has such a calming and captivating aura. Truly seeing the beauty of the world calms me in a way in which I cannot explain. I picture all of these beautiful, calming, and vibrant landscapes in my mind, and then transfer these images onto paper.

“Hyperrealism” by Alyssa Schiaffino My project is inspired by the artist Glennray Tutor. He does hyperrealism paintings and they are amazing! My project, is a series of hyperrealism drawings. Each one is based off of a picture. I take all of the pictures myself. I made a light box for the project and use it to take the pictures. I then trace the outline of the objects in pencil to start, as the goal of the project is to make things look realistic. From there, I complete all of the colored pencil work based off of the picture I had taken. What I enjoy about the Gifted and Talented Program is how open ended it is. The project can be anything you want it to be, however long you want it to be, and however big or small you want it to be. Each person's Gifted and Talented project is personal to themselves, catered to her own life. Each project achieves an individual goal.

“Cases that Care” by Robin Torres My project is to make 120 donated pillowcases. I will donate 60 of them to the veterans home and the other 60 to my local nursing home. The pillowcases going to the veterans home are patriotic, and the ones going to the nursing home are general so anyone will enjoy them. I am putting the person's name on the label of their pillowcase so that way the nurses know to whom to return the pillowcases. Everyone needs to sleep, and I am proud to use my love for sewing to put a smile on someone's face. My Gifted and Talented project allowed me to sew, help people, and gave me something to do during the summer that would make a difference in the lives of others. I enjoyed making memories that I will have forever with my family, who supported me through this entire project.








The Future looks BRIGHT With so many wonderful recruitment events to attend, there has never been a better time to be a Future Chip! In addition to the annual school wide Open House, the Admissions Department now hosts Chapelle & S’more, Chapelle’s Eggcelent Adventure, Chips’n’Canvas, Cheer & Dance Clinic, Private School Desert Parties, Raider Band Road Trip, Chapellette Bound and Summer Camp. To register your Future Chip for a campus visit, contact Emily Radcliffe ‘11, Director of Admissions: or 504.467.3105.

When young women make the choice to attend

Chapelle, they set themselves up for a future of success.

Our students are passionate, driven students, focused on bettering themselves through their academics and community involvement. I am so proud to be a Chapelle

alumna, and to see the legacy of Chapelle shine through

each and every one of our students.” EMILY RADCLIFFE ‘11 Director of Admissions

Save the Date OPEN HOUSE


Thursday, November 8, 2018




2016-2017 ANNUAL REPORT of gifts given between July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017.



Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canizaro


We pledge our love to you.. First Bank & Trust


Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Spadafora (Judy ’66)



Balfour Company (Victoria Calamari Lombard ‘87)

Mr. & Mrs. John Theriot

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Caruso (Erin ‘81)

Captain & Mrs. Steven Vogt (Allison '93)

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dempsey



Dr. Cherie Bragg '86 Ms. Kim Boudreau '78 Mrs. Katherine Quigley Dussouy '99

Councilman & Mrs. Dominick Impastato III (Shannon '96) Mr. & Mrs. Greg Southworth (Anne '86) The Calamari Sisters' Fund (Suzanne '84, Katherine '86, Victoria '87)




Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bacino

Mrs. Colleen Keller Cloninger '74

Mrs. Alice Dang Becker '01

Dr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Dantagnan IV (Connie '88)

BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana

Deutsche Bank Americas

Ms. Vicky Hale-Benson

Mrs. Sarah Mann Fedele '96

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Boudreaux (Dayna '78)

Mr. & Mrs. John Ferrell

Ms. Lynne Bourgeois Broussard '74

Mrs. Annette Marino Francingues '67

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Calamari

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grosse





Ms. Joan Seymour Halpern '72

Progressive Casualty Insurance

Ms. Linda Harang '66

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Reynolds (Cynthia '76)

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wyatt

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Schiro

Dr. Tara Lipani Lin '90

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sunseri

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Milano

Ms. Madeline Sue Dickson Thompson '73

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nussbaum

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Tizzard (Laura '83)

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pabst (Donna '79)

Mrs. Mariela Troxclair Twiggs '76

PďŹ zer Foundation Matching Gift Program

Mr. & Mrs. Ed White

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Points

Ms. Gina Schrio Bankson Woolley '88



Ms. Leila Benoit Mrs. Leslie Kennedy Ciolino '69 Ms. Margaret Daley Mr. & Mrs. Rene Diaz Ms. Pamela Folse '66 Mr. & Mrs. Rex Gossett Mrs. Michelle Boue' Heidingsfelder '86 Mrs. Karen Fuselier Impastato '71 Mrs. Susan Gillane Jordan '78


Dr. Michelle Knecht '04 Mr. and Mrs. David Lastrapes Mrs. Lisa Ragas Laurendine '77 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lorio (Catherine '81) Mrs. Julie Foren Nimmo '87 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Renton (Dawn '88) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Reid (Pam '83) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rohli Mrs. Mary Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe


Mrs. Ana Pace Boudreaux '74 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boudreaux Ms. Sharon Boudreaux Mr. and Mrs. David Bourgeois (Barbara '84) Ms. Tracey Willis Campbell '87 Ms. Marilyn Albano Cannon '88 Mrs. Donna Martiny Clement '76 Mr. and Mrs. Barry DeVille (Shari '83) Miss Francesca R. DeVille '17 Mrs. Daisy Guitart DiMaggio '81 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eckert Entergy Corporation Mr. and Mrs. David Firmin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Forsythe (Bridget '90) Mrs. Jean Breaux Gravois '73 Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton (Kathleen '87) Ms. Ann Coogan Henry '66 Ms. Theresa Hotard '68 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jones (Bonnie '75)

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knecht Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lambert Lilly Matching Gift Mr. John F. Lipani Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lissarrague Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lorio Dr. Rebecca Scudari Maloney '78 Mrs. Phyllis Juneau McCabe '77 Ms. Anita McCrossen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Messina Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller Mrs. Cynthia Mathes Molyneux '67 Dr. Theresa Rinderle Murphy '82 Mr. & Mrs. Darren Olivio (Jacqueline '86) Ms. Mary O'Neill '74 Mrs. Dawn Arceneaux Palermo '89 Mrs. Lisa Gambino Plaia '94 Mrs. Cheryl Murphy Quigley '74 Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Reinoso

Mrs. Rebecca Gilberti Ruppert '86 Mr. & Mrs. William Schehr Mrs. Stacey Shane-Schott '84 Shell Oil Company Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Dean Shepherd (Kelly '84) Ms. Lisa Trapani Shumate '77 Ms. Elisa Da Silva '81 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Spampneto Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spizale Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stigler Ms. Susan Golemi Surcouf '71 Mr. Ronald Sylvia Ms. Dianne Swiber Mr. & Mrs. William Swonger Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Thibodeaux (Lisa '93) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Vollenweider (Susie '91) Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Volpi Ms. Virgina Warren Mr. William Western






Mr. Daniel Abadie Ms. Judy Larson Abadin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Donald Adams Mr. Jeffery Argrave Mr. & Mrs. Juan Arriaga AstraZenenca Pharmaceuticals Ms. Amanda Avery '96 Ms. Ellen Ballentine Ms. Kathleen Goertz Bassemier '74 Ms. Kortney Sorensen Bassemier '08 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bellocq (Patricia '89) Ms. Donna Moreci Berggren '70 Mr. Leonard Betzer Ms. Coretta Blount Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Bonura (Judith '79) Ms. Sara Johanna Botsay '04 Ms. Joanie Roppolo Boudreau '78 Ms. Pamela Haro Boulet '77 Ms. Cheryl Larrieu Bourg '72 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bourgeois Ms. Kathleen Brandner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Braud (Kim '90) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braun Ms. Dianne Breaux Ms. Rochelle Estrada Burns '80 Ms. Megan Boudreau Caire '03 Ms. Brenda Capaci Capital One Mrs. Rose Bertucci Boudreau '73 Ms. Loretta Larsen Conques '78 Ms. Donna Campbell Conrad '85 Ms. Jessica Lauren Corb '01 Ms. Lisa Manzella Corcoran '80 Ms. Mariann Crapanzano '79 Ms. Jamie Davidson Crawley '99 Mr. & Mrs. William Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cruz Ms. Kathy Cusack '77 Mrs. Lisa Pregeant Daigle '83 Ms. Laurie Vega Damiens '81 Mrs. Bea Dantagnan Ms. Danna Spatafora Davis '82 Ms. Katherine Elizabeth Davis '72 Ms. Bernice Ruhlman DeCorte '72 Ms. Cristina DeMichiel '87 Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dezendorf Mrs. Elizabeth Doody Ms. Mary Beth Drez Mrs. Jessica Dupuy Dupre' 09 Eaton Corporation Mr. Martin Mancuso Mr. & Mrs. Rene Echelard Mr. & Mrs. Scott Frazier (Susan '90)



Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Garitty (Kathryn '84) Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Geiling Mrs. Mindy Gibson Mrs. Stefanie DiMaggio Gilheany '84 Mr. & Mrs. David Gilmore Ms. Theresa Williams Gregory '89 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hebert Mr. Mark Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Hudson Mrs. Robin Watermeier Ibos '74 Ms. Betty Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jevic Mrs. Karen Broussard Johnson '76 Mrs. Elizabeth Carter Jones '89 Mrs. Madeleine Jones Mr. & Mrs. Scot Keller Ms. Krystal Lynn Kennedy '97 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kennedy (Pam '87) Ms. Jody Casadaban Kieffer '69 Ms. Leslie Mayer Killian '90 Mr. & Mrs. William Kyle (Julie '79) Ms. Rebecca LaBruzza '87 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Landry Mrs. Kim Olivier Langlois '89 Mrs. Megan Adams Layman '92 Ms. Dayna Leaman '89 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff LeBlanc (Lori '91) Mrs. Lisa Gennusa Ledet '86 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Ledo Mr. & Mrs. John Livaccari (Dina '90) Mr. Nakhle Maalouli Ms. Jean Bosse Madia '74 Ms. Peggy Ruhlman Mang '66 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Marino (Patricia '95) Ms. Karen Mathes '70 Ms. Sheryl Reis Mazerat '75 Mrs. Martha Lacayo McCann '96 Mrs. Ellen Collins Meyers '80 Ms. Ruth Thom Mistretta '72 Ms. Mia Incaprera Monson '03 Mrs. Mildred McNamara Moore '68 Ms. Julie Benoit Moreau '79 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Mule' Ms. Lauren Hopkins Nodier '80 Mr. & Mrs. Omar Ochoa Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ohlmeyer (Cheryl '80) Mrs. Anna-Maria Canzoneri Olivier '78 Mr. & Mrs. Ryan O'Regan (Michelle '89) Mr. & Mrs. John Panzavecchia (Susan '90) Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Pelaez Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pepiton (Kellie '88) Mr. Salvadore Randazzo Jr. Mrs. Rebecca Pauli Reeves '76 Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts Jr. (Kelly '90)

Mrs. Karen Robin Mrs. Katherine Robinson Ms. Anne Roger '75 Ms. Catherine Cleveland Rogers '84 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Romero Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Rubi (Kelly '86) Mrs. Amy Trahan Sale '89 Sanofi Foundation for North America Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Savoie (Melissa '97) SC Johnson Giving, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jake Scardino (Lisa '90) Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Schiaffino Ms. Jill Seward Ms. Karen Schwanner Sheehy '82 Mr. & Mrs. William Shields Ms. Alicia Todaro Silva '84 Mrs. Erin LaBorde Sloan '93 Mr. Allen Smith Ms. Margaret Dean Smith '68 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Sommers Ms. Lynne Estes Sprick '75 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Standridge Ms. Elizabeth Kendrick Stepaniak '67 Ms. Amy Schmitt Swain '85 Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Tillery Mrs. Andrea Trader-McKenna '84 Dr. Melissa Ann Toups '00 Dr. &Mrs. Gerard Toups Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weber Miss Shayla Elizabeth Woodward Mrs. Stacy Capaci Woodward '96 Ms. Cynthia Schule Wooderson '80 Mrs. Judith Hager Wood '68 Mrs. Margaret Frances Williams '98 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wetzel (Charlene '83) Mr. & Mrs. David Vu Ms. Robin Vaughan '77




Mr. & Mrs. Sean Bancroft Mrs. Janet Rumney Bedran '86 Ms. Melissa Bender '81 Mrs. Jeanne Stone Boe '84 Ms. Michelle Marie Bordes '11 Ms. Emily Elizabeth Boudreaux '09 Mrs. Kathleen Boyle Mrs. Ellen Boudreaux Brechtel '79 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Caliguiri Ms. Kristine M. Calongne '90 Ms. Judy Ann Cangiamilla '76 Mrs. Mary Margaret Cavallino '67 Mrs. Dianne Faucheux Cenac '77 Mr. & Mrs. Al Chokr Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cox (Shannon '98) Ms. Elizabeth Landry Crawford '88 Mrs. Kathleen Cline Crosskill '72 Ms. Bernadette Marie Daley '02 Mrs. Linda Green Darnsteadt '66 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeRoche Mr. & Mrs. Julius Dufresne Mrs. Lori Schiro Duke '00 Mr. & Mrs. George Ehmer Ms. Peggy Jordan Fender '66 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Flad Ms. Kim Meany Folse '90 Ms. Shelita Forges Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Franz (Leslie '89) Mrs. Jane Ann Kuckelman Frosch '74 Ms. Jina Gendron Mrs. Jo Ann Bautsch Giarrusso '70 Mrs. Linda Austin Giffin '66 Mr. and Mrs. Hachem Hachem Mrs. Geralyn Riley Hageman

Mrs. Jeanne Hezeau Hansen '90 Ms. Kelsey Elizabeth Hanson '08 Ms. Jan Meyers Hattier '83 Mrs. Judy Homes Ms. Linda Plaeger Howarth '66 Mrs. Julie Spinato Hunter '01 Mr. Gunter Idenhoek Ms. Michelle Pregeant Janasek '76 Ms. Susan Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. David Jones (Jan '86) Mr. Warren Jones Ms. Erin Dearie Kalus '92 Mrs. Wanda Barbara Kelly '79 Mrs. Patricia Stevenson Kennedy '78 Mrs. Jennifer Hezeau Kidder '92 Mr. Scott Kisling Mrs. Catherine Bollinger Lacour '72 Ms. Theresa V. Ladd Ms. Deborah Liberto Landry '72 Ms. Donna C. Lowe '82 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Macaluso (Susan '83) Mrs. Carol Dubos Mancuso '70 Mrs. Chrystan Bordes Mancuso '00 Ms. Brenda Martin '80 Ms. Kathleen McGuinness Beaudion '81 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGuire Mrs. Marilyn Miller Metzger '68 Ms. Sharon Mitchell '75 Mrs. Pamela Moll Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mracich Ms. Robjynn Melan Naquin '88 Miss Janet Lee Nelson '15 Ms. Beth Bonnet Norris '84 Mrs. Kathleen Miceli Nuebel '70

Mrs. Jeanette Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Omes Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Pelle (Cheryl '92) Mrs. Lori Boudreaux Randazza '74 Mr. & Mrs. William Reames (Lisa '94) Mr. & Mrs. William Reed (Amanda '92) Mrs. Jessica DeCorte Reeg '00 Mrs. Sheila Normand Reynaud '83 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Roth Mr. & Mrs. Renee Schmit Mr. & Mrs. William Schule Ms. Elizabeth Ann Hammond Seymour '67 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Simoneaux Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Solano (Rose '92) Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Stall Mrs. Amy Schmitt Swain '85 Mrs. Christina Newton Taix '96 Mrs. Gretchen Stockfleth Thiberville '72 Ms. Christine Thompson Ms. Theresa Toups Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Treadway Ms. Amy "Kit" Troxler Mrs. Michelle Farnet Vanek '72 Mr. & Mrs. Allan Vicknair Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Waguespack Mr. Matthew Westfall Mrs. Lisa Peters Wetzel '80 Mr. & Mrs. Billy Williams Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willis Ms. Kathy Miller Wolf '66 Mr. Kyle Wooderson Mr. Hui Yang

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curcuru Mr. & Mrs. Herb Darda Ms. Katie Davis '96 Mrs. Karen DeJonge Mr. & Mrs. Philip Demma Mr. & Mrs. Shane Dooley Ms. Caitlin Duplantis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dupuis Ms. Rachel Fryer Mrs. Gina Saponara Gagliano '91 Mrs. Jill Mentz Gaunt '91 Mr. & Mrs. Chad Gauthreaux Ms. Elizabeth Marie Gilmore '15 Mr. & Mrs. Gladhart Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gleason Mr. Michael Glory Ms. Gail Gratia-Johnston Ms. Nancy Griffin Ms. Rebecca Guevara

Mrs. Dana Thiele Guillot '91 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Haas (Angela '99) Mrs. Rhonda Simmons Hall '78 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Hedrick Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart Hook '85 Ms. Alexandra F. Johnson Ms. Cathy Elizabeth Juarez '10 Mrs. Kati Boudreau Kelley '06 Mrs. Cindy McNulty Kitchen '83 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Koppeis Mr. Michael Krajcer Mr. & Mrs. Brian LaBruzza Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lacy Miss Ashley Marie Livaccari '17 Mrs. Beth Mares Mr. & Mrs. Joel Martinsen Mrs. Audrey Theriot Mayronne '76 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McGowan Mrs. Shelly Pritchett Melton '95

$50 & UNDER Mr. & Mrs. Don Abadie Mrs. Sarah Bachemin Mr. Sam Barbara Sr. Bette A. Bluhm Ms. Jessica Bonsack Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Booth Ms. Jennifer Ann Boudreaux '11 Mrs. Kaylyn Spinato Bourgeois '08 Mrs. Kelley Howat Broussard '81 Ms. Shelby Lynn-Marie Butera Ms. Brooke Caldwell Ms. Susan Callia '84 Ms. Cassie Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Syd Campbell ( Elizabeth '90) Mrs. Laura Chimento Mr. & Mrs. Charles Christiana Ms. Tamiko Conley Ms. Elizabeth Connor '97 Mrs. Christian Canarte Craven '82




Archbishop Chapelle High School Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended July 2017. TOTAL OPERATING INCOME $ 6,250,000.00




















5,898,000 226,000













Strategic Plan


$ 1,141,000 A rch b i s h o p C h a p e l l e H i g h S ch o o l i s c u rre n t l y fo rm u l a t i n g a Fi ve Ye a r S t ra te g i c P l a n w h i ch should be completed by July of 2018. This operating surplus will be used for physical plant improvements and projects as recommended in the Five Year Strategic Plan.





An endowed scholarship is a major gift to Chapelle used to fund scholarships. It often honors a donor's loved one or the donor herself. The feature that most distinguishes endowed scholarships from other types of donations is that the capital in the endowed scholarship gift is preserved so that the gift can last indefinitely.


The Michael Calamari Family Scholarship The Lori Bourgeois Memorial Scholarship James Macaluso Family Taylor Frilot The Patricia and Nel Vezina Scholarship Fund



Archbishop Chapelle High School Alumnae Scholarship The Boue' Family Scholarship The Darre' Family Scholarship The Erin Crossin Grenon Memorial Scholarship The Fr. Paul Hart Scholarship The Melissa Henry Memorial Scholarship The Amy & Carney Johnson Memorial Scholarship The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word Scholarship The C.J.Leggio Family Scholarship The Loupe Family Scholarship The Murphy Family Scholarship The Samantha Saddemi Family Memorial Scholarship

The Spadafora Family Scholarship The George Troendle Family Scholarhsip (Fitsmorris) The Brenda Bajon Wingate Memorial Scholarship The Keller Family Scholarship The William Johnson Memorial Scholarship The Krystina Frieman Memorial Scholarship The Sara Gallo Memorial Scholarship The Marina Gutierrez Memorial Scholarship The Fay Harthcock Lewis Scholarship The Sister Martha McGuire Memorial Scholarship The Sherry Salathe Scholarship The Darryl MacDonald Scholarship

PLEDGE YOUR LOVE Through the generosity of our donors, current and future Chapelle students can pursue their dreams an optimal learning environment. Partnering with Chapelle allows you to have a direct impact on the high school experience of the young women of Greater New Orleans.

WAYS TO GIVE Several ways to give back are available including the Chapelle Fund, Endowed Scholarship Program, Matching Gift Donations and Planned Giving. To learn more about giving options,


or contact the Advancement Office at 504.467.3105




1st Annual Chip-In for Chapelle a Success In October 2017, Archbishop Chapelle High School held its ďŹ rst Annual Chip-In for Chapelle Day. The day was full of Chapelle themed activities and helped to raise over $50,000 in donations.

Mark Your Calendar..

2018 GIVE CHAPELLE DAY Tuesday, September 18, 2018

2017 -2018 Faculty & Staff




I am deeply privileged to have had the best 5

years at Chapelle and my personal commitment

to giving back ensures an enriched experience for my daughters, nieces, future grandchildren and other girls I will be proud to call fellow alumnae.

I love being loyal to green and white!!! ” KAY QUIGLEY DUSSOUY ‘99 Alumnae Board Secretary & Leadership Society Member

Leadership Society Chapelle annually honors its Leadership Society Members for their unwavering generosity and support. Donors at the $1,000 and higher level automatically become members of the Leadership Society and receive invitations to the annual party. Every dollar donated directly benefits the school, from providing new academic resources to support of campus renovations.

David Dussouy, Principal Leila Beniot, and Kay Quigley Dussouy ‘99

To become a member, contact the Advancement Office at 504.467.3105

Leadership Society Members 2016 -2017 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacino Balfour Company Mrs. Alice Dang Becker '01 BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana Ms. Vicky Hale-Benson Dr. Cherie Bragg '86 Ms. Kim Boudreau '78 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boudreaux (Dayna '78) Ms. Lynne Bourgeois Broussard '74

The Calamari Sisters' Fund (Suzanne '84, Katherine '86, Victoria '87)

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Calamari Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canizaro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caruso (Erin '81) Mrs. Colleen Keller Cloninger '74 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Dantagnan IV (Connie '88) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dempsey Deutsche Bank Americas Mrs. Katherine Quigley Dussouy '99 Councilman and Mrs. Dominick Impastato III (Shannon '96) Mrs. Sarah Mann Fedele '96 Mr. and Mrs. John Ferrell First Bank and Trust Mrs. Annette Marino Francingues '67

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grosse Ms. Joan Seymour Halpern '72 Ms. Linda Harang '66 Dr. Tara Lipani Lin '90 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Milano Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nussbaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pabst (Donna '79) Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert Points Progressive Casualty Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reynolds (Cynthia '76) Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Schiro Mr. and Mrs. Greg Southworth (Anne '86) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spadafora (Judy '66) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sunseri Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tizzard (Laura '83) Mr. and Mrs. John Theriot Ms. Madeline Sue Dickson Thompson '73 Mrs. Mariela Troxclair Twiggs '76 Captain and Mrs. Steven Vogt (Allison '93) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Ed White Ms. Gina Schrio Bankson Woolley '88




Emerald Gala 2017 PRESENTING SPONSOR Ray and Jessica Brandt


Factory Service Agency, Inc.

INCARNATE WORD Dr. Frederick "Ricky" & Mrs. Connie Leggio Dantagnan '88 Gallo Mechanical LLC/Jeanne Pregeant Gallo '77/Michele Montegut Gallo '90

Susan Chocheles Panzavecchia ‘90, Ray and Jessica Brandt, and Allison Labbe’ Vogt ‘93

On March 18, 2017, over 250 alumnae, parents and guests gathered at the Copeland Towers to celebrate the school and ensure its future, at the annual Emerald Gala.

Empire Services/Charlie & Shelley Raby Lusco '82 MacArthur Primary Care Center Marc & Michele Milano Jeff & Pamela Gaulon Reid '83 Kendra Scott HRI Properties/Ray & Judy Golemi Spadafora '66 John & Joanna Theriot Steven & Allison Labbe' Vogt '93

CHIPMUNK Capital One Bank Joseph & Erin Vezina Caruso '81 Financial Consulting Group, Inc. /Darren & Jackie Miller Olivio '86 First Bank &Trust T. A. Held Construction Company Councilman Dominick & Shannon Whitman Impastato '96 O'Keefe Electric Services, Inc. /Mike & Kim Sorensen Tony & Robin Schlosser Sizeler Thompson Brown Whitney Bank Mayor & Mrs. E. "Ben" Zahn, City of Kenner



Co-chaired by Susan Chocheles Panzavecchia ‘90 and Allison Labbe’ Vogt ‘93, accompanied by husbands John Panzavecchia and Capt. Steven Vogt, the Emerald Gala honored Ray and Jessica Brandt as the 2017 Deus Providebit Award for their years of dedication to Chapelle and the local community.


With the generous time and support of parents, alumnae and friends of Chapelle, the Emerald Gala raised over $100,000. Attendees participated in the Parade of Prizes, 50/50, "Anthony Davis Special" (6 feet of tickets), Kendra Scott Jewelry Pull, and "Fly Away Rafe," in which guests could purchase a $30 chance to win a $500 Delta Airlines gift certiďŹ cate and receive a one-of-a-kind hand-painted wine glass made by Chapelle students in honors art classes. A silent auction offered 200 items, including NBC's Today Show Kathie Lee and Hoda VIP behind-the-scenes tour, and the live auction included 10 items, such as a George Rodrigue "Drew Brees" Blue Dog painting, a New Orleans Pelicans suite for a game, and a Maltipoo puppy. Emcee Jim Hanzo was also the auctioneer and DJ for the evening.

ACORN ADS Systems, LLC Alarm Protection Services Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bacino Toni Daspit Bacino '95 R.J. & Rose Bertucci Boudreau '73 Stephen & Dayna McGovern Boudreaux '78 Dr. Cherie Drez Bragg '86 Jeff & Kim Breaux Braud '90 Diane Breaux Christian & Myra Cancienne Mike & Trisha Voltz Carlson '84

Proceeds from the gala will go towards enhancing the school's new STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) lab and continued advancement of campus facilities. Special thanks go out to the Emerald Gala volunteers, students, attendees, and donors who made the evening such a success!

Mark Your Calendar..

2019 EMERALD GALA Saturday, March 16, 2019

Geoff & Donna Martiny Clement '76 Jennifer Collins Dial One Franklynn Pest Control, Inc. Patrick & Julia Donovan Mark & Glenda Dupuis Lenny & Leslie Taormina Franz '89 Arthur & Kathryn Garrity Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company Michael & Cindy Grosse Helm Paint & Decorating Holly & Smith Architects, APAC Phil & Bonnie Perkins Jones '75 Pat & Pam Ottesen Kennedy '87 Ricky & Dottie Loupe Senator Danny Martiny Sidney & Martha Lacayo McCann '96 Metairie Bank Carl & Millie McNamara Moore '68 Martin & Judith Nussbaum John & Susan Chocheles Panzavecchia '90 Robert & Tillie Points Potts & Potts, APLC Lou & Cindi Meyer Reynolds '76 John & Kelly Crawford Roberts '90 Dan & Danielle Rohli Nat & Dawn Rondey '92 Danny & Margie Thompson Russo '82 Schiro's School Time Uniforms Schumacher's Uniforms-Susan Smuck Robelet '78 Southworth Consulting/Greg & Anne Messina Southworth '86 Joseph & Mary Martinez Spinato '75 The Crossing/Jennifer LaBella Tusa '91 Marvic Thompson Verges Rome Architects Rob & Cindy Schule Wooderson '80 James & Gina Bankson Woolley '88 Bruce & Heidi Labourdette-Wyatt




Alumnae Events Create New Memories From the Cocktails in the Courtyard to Breakfast with Santa, Archbishop Chapelle High School held a variety of events to allow all Alumnae to reconnect with their classmates and create new memories with the Chapelle Family. Each year is a new opportunity to come back to campus and get involved with fellow alumnae and the current Chapelle student body. To join a event planning committee, volunteer on campus or contribute to an upcoming event, please contact the Alumnae Office: Pam Kennedy ‘87, Director of Alumnae,

Upcoming Reunions





• Saturday, June 7, 2018 • 7PM - 10PM • The Crossing



• Saturday, September 8, 2018 • 7PM - 9:30PM • Rock’n’Bowl


• Saturday, November 17, 2018 • 7PM - 9:30PM • Rock’n’Bowl



• Saturday, August 4th, 2018 • 8PM - 11PM • The Chicory


• Saturday, June 23, 2018 • 8PM - 11PM • Red Eye



• Saturday November 10, 2018 • 7PM – 10PM • Chapelle Cafeteria


• Saturday, June 16, 2018 • 7PM - 9:30PM • Rock’n’Bowl


• Saturday, July 14, 2018 • 8PM - 11PM • Lucy’s


Loyal to WHITE




If your class year ends in 4 or 9, you are due to have a reunion in 2019. If you are interested in helping organize a celebration, please contact Pam Kennedy ‘87, Director of Alumnae, at 504.467.3105 or via email at



Now is the time to see for yourself just how special these Alumnae events are! No matter how long it's been, when you walk into a room with you f riends f rom your Chapelle years, it feels it was just yesterday!”

Principal Leila Beniot, Donna Martiny Clement ‘76, and Pam Ottesen Kennedy ‘87

DONNA MARTINY CLEMENT ‘76 Alumnae Board President

Save the Date 2018 GIVE

CHAPELLE DAY Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Saturday, September 22, 2018

OPEN HOUSE Thursday, November 8, 2018


IN THE COURTYARD Friday, November 16, 2018


Saturday, December 1, 2018


Friday, February 22, 2019

EMERALD GALA Saturday, March 16, 2019

ST. JOSEPH’S ALTAR Monday, March 18 & Tuesday, March 19, 2019


INDUCTIONS Thursday, May 2, 2019


GRADUATION Friday, May 17, 2019




Liturgy & Legacy: A Colorful Tradition With over 11,000 Alumnae, each school year welcomes a new class of Chapelle Legacy students. To honor these families, the school hosts the annual Legacy Liturgy. This event allows grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and daughters to embrace the undeniable connection that Chapelle will hold in their hearts for a lifetime. Donning their Senior Sweaters, alumnae enjoy mass and breakfast with their current Chipmunk students.

Mark Your Calendar..

2018 LEGACY LITURGY Tuesday, October 16, 2018




In Memoriam

Faculty & Staff Mary Culver Social Studies Faculty 1979-2005

Paulette Gregory Secretary 2001-2014 Mother of Laura Gregory Guillot ’94 and Bridget Gregory ’96

Carmen Guilbeau English Faculty 1965-1971 Mother of Deborah Guilbeau ’69

JoAnn LeCarpentier ‘72 Religion Faculty 2003-2018 Mother of Jeanette LeCarpentier Knight ’91

Dorothy McCloskey Religion Faculty 1981-2000 Mother of Emily McCloskey Lopez ’87, Grandmother of Moira Bourgeois ’13 and Erin Bourgeois ’14

The Chapelle Community asks for continued prayers for the families of our beloved alumnae, faculty and staff that have recently passed.

In Memoriam

Chape e Alumnae

Alice Guillory Briody '76 Nanette Watson Krentel '85 Leslie Ann Miller '85 Michelle Morazan Hobbs '87 Marie Schmitt '96 Kristen Dunn '08 Heather Butler ‘12

Deus Providebit God Wi Provide




! r e m m u S s i h t Keep in touch

Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Metairie, LA Permit #41

Save the Date 2018 GIVE

CHAPELLE DAY Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Saturday, September 22, 2018

OPEN HOUSE Thursday, November 8, 2018


IN THE COURTYARD Friday, November 16, 2018


Saturday, December 1, 2018


Friday, February 22, 2019

EMERALD GALA Saturday, March 16, 2019

ST. JOSEPH’S ALTAR Monday, March 18 & Tuesday, March 19, 2019


To update your contact information or submit content for upcoming editions, please contact Pam Kennedy ‘87, Director of Alumnae: | 504.467.3105

INDUCTIONS Thursday, May 2, 2019


GRADUATION Friday, May 17, 2019

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